Bidding Research Papers - (original) (raw)

İnşaat Mühendisliğinde yapılan tüm tasarım, hesaplama ve projelendirme faaliyetlerinin nihai hedefi projenin somut bir şekilde hayata geçirilmesi olduğu gerçeğinden hareketle mesleğin değeri her geçen gün daha da artan en önemli konusu,... more

İnşaat Mühendisliğinde yapılan tüm tasarım, hesaplama ve projelendirme faaliyetlerinin nihai hedefi projenin somut bir şekilde hayata geçirilmesi olduğu gerçeğinden hareketle mesleğin değeri her geçen gün daha da artan en önemli konusu, yapının temelden çatıya yönetimi (management),yürütülmesi (execution), kontrolü (control and testing), denetimi (auditing, inspection), ekonomisi (economics), güvenliği (security), yani kısaca Yapı İşletmeciliği(Construction Engineering & Management)dir. Ne vaki öğrencilik yıllarında kıymeti bilinmeyen bu konunun öğrenim tamamlandıktan sonra ve özellikle çalışma hayatına geçiş ve başlangıç döneminde önemi anlaşılmakta, ne denli geniş bir alana yayıldığı, karmaşıklığı, disiplinler arası (multi-disipliner)çalışmayı gerektiren çok boyutlu bir konu olduğu fark edilmektedir. Belli bir iş tecrübesi ve bilgi birikimi gerektiren “YAPIİŞLETMESİ” mevzuatının, mesleğe ilk adım atanlar için büyük ölçüde ilginç vebilinmeyenlerinin de çok olması doğaldır.
Bu alanda yazılmış ve yayınlanmış pek çok kitap, ders notu, doküman ve eser bulunmasına rağmen işin henüz başında olanlar için kaynaklara erişim, yardımcı doküman temini, danışmanlık gibi hususlara duyulan yoğun gereksinim inşaat faaliyetlerinin her aşamasında karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu ders notları İnşaat Mühendisliği eğitimi esnasında ve sonrasında mühendis adaylarına/meslekte yeni mühendislere belli bir ölçüde katkı sağlayacağı inancıyla hazırlanmıştır.
Her kitap ya da ders notu ile olduğu gibi bu doküman ile de bu engin konunun tam anlamıyla kapsanmasının ve her konuda destek ve yol göstericilik yapmanın mümkün olamayacağını, bilgi birikiminin birçok yerli ve yabancı kaynakla birlikte sağlanabileceğini ve tek başına bu notların her şeyi yansıtamayacağını, eksiklerin daima bulunduğunu genç adaylara/meslektaşlarımıza hatırlatmak yararlı olacaktır.
2015 yılında ilk kez bir kitap haline getirilen bu ders notları bundan sonra da mevzuattaki değişiklikler açısından yasal mevzuat ve bilimsel gelişimler sürekli takip edilerek belirli periyotlarda güncellenmeli ve geliştirilmelidir. Yararlanmak isteyen herkese faydalı olması dileklerimle….

Negotiation, an important facet of business, is an iterative and complex process. Depending on the nature of business and the type of transaction, negotiation criteria, duration and complexity vary widely. An intelligent software agent... more

Negotiation, an important facet of business, is an iterative and complex process. Depending on the nature of business and the type of transaction, negotiation criteria, duration and complexity vary widely. An intelligent software agent can help the consumers and enterprises in business negotiation. It can negotiate with humans or with other software agents to arrive at mutually agreeable terms and

Negotiation is essential in settings where computational agents have conflicting interests and a desire to cooperate. Mechanisms in which agents exchange potential agreements according to various rules of interaction have become very... more

Negotiation is essential in settings where computational agents have conflicting interests and a desire to cooperate. Mechanisms in which agents exchange potential agreements according to various rules of interaction have become very popular in recent years as evident, for example, in the auction and mechanism design community. These can be seen as models of negotiation in which participants focus on their positions. It is argued, however, that if agents focus instead on the interests behind their positions, they may increase the likelihood and quality of an agreement. In order to achieve that, agents need to argue over each others’ goals and beliefs during the process of negotiation. In this paper, we identify concepts that seem essential for supporting this type of dialogue. In particular we investigate the types of arguments agents may exchange about each others’ interests, and we begin an analysis of dialogue moves involving goals.

The term Design and Construct (D&C) is a well-established description of a procurement method in which the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders are clearly defined. The advent of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) bring... more

The term Design and Construct (D&C) is a well-established description of a procurement method in which the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders are clearly defined. The advent of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) bring a new opportunity for D&C contractors with the concomitant challenge associated with bidding as a member of a private sector consortium with numerous stakeholders. The work described in this paper is based on an ongoing research project that is investigating the costs and the allocation of risks during the bidding process for PPPs. The implications for D&C contractors bidding for social infrastructure PPP projects are explored. The conventional wisdom has been to assume that there is little difference between bidding for a conventional D&C contract as compared with submitting a D&C bid as part of a wider PPP bid. However, the results of our research indicate that there are both subtle and significant differences.

Online auctions have become one of the most popular and convenient buying and selling media in e-commerce. However, the amount of auction fraud increases with the popu- larity of online auctions. This thesis examines one of the most... more

Online auctions have become one of the most popular and convenient buying and selling media in e-commerce. However, the amount of auction fraud increases with the popu- larity of online auctions. This thesis examines one of the most severe types of auction fraud, referred to as shill bidding, where fake bids are used to arti cially in ate an item's nal price. Shill bidding is strictly prohibited in online auctions because it forces honest bidders to pay more for their products. Researchers have proposed several mechanisms to detect shill bidding once an auction has nished. However, if shill bidding is not detected during an auction, an innocent bidder (i.e., the winner of the auction) can potentially be cheated by the end of the auction. Therefore, it is necessary to detect and verify potential shill bidding in real-time (i.e., while an auction is in progress). This thesis proposes and implements several novel techniques for combating shill bidding in real-time. The e ectiveness...

The prelims comprise: IntroductionThe supplier's bid strategyThe decision to bidDetermining the bid submission (price)Research agendaIntroductionThe supplier's bid strategyThe decision to bidDetermining the bid submission (price)Research... more

The prelims comprise: IntroductionThe supplier's bid strategyThe decision to bidDetermining the bid submission (price)Research agendaIntroductionThe supplier's bid strategyThe decision to bidDetermining the bid submission (price)Research agenda

The objective of this report is to present practical measures that can be implemented to help countries minimize the economic and social consequences when confronted with power shortages. By reviewing the causes of and responses to power... more

The objective of this report is to present practical measures that can be implemented to help countries minimize the economic and social consequences when confronted with power shortages. By reviewing the causes of and responses to power shortages in Chile, China, California, the Dominican Republic, Japan, and particularly Brazil, this report analyzes ways in which governments, utilities, consumers, and other stakeholders can deal with the multifaceted aspects of power rationing. This report highlights the case of Brazil as one of the best international practices. Chapter two lays the groundwork for dealing with rationing and distinguishes between three types of power shortages as a basis for formulating effective solutions. Chapters three and four examine case studies in which power shortages have led to different rationing responses. Chapter five details technological, financial, social, and other factors distinguishing each rationing episode. Chapter six compares quotas based on ...

Currently, multi-attribute auctions are becoming widespread awarding mechanisms for contracts in construction, and in these auctions, criteria other than price are taken into account for ranking bidder proposals. Therefore, being the... more

Currently, multi-attribute auctions are becoming widespread awarding mechanisms for contracts in construction, and in these auctions, criteria other than price are taken into account for ranking bidder proposals. Therefore, being the lowest-price bidder is no longer a guarantee of being awarded, thus increasing the importance of measuring any bidder’s performance when not only the first position (lowest price) matters.
Modeling position performance allows a tender manager to calculate the probability curves related to the more likely positions to be occupied by any bidder who enters a competitive auction irrespective of the actual number of future participating bidders.
This paper details a practical methodology based on simple statistical calculations for modeling the performance of a single bidder or a group of bidders, constituting a useful resource for analyzing one’s own success while benchmarking potential bidding competitors.

The E-auction, one of the most common e-commerce events, allows bidders to bid directly on the Internet. As with the sealed deal, additional transaction costs are needed with intermediaries, as the third party plays an essential role... more

The E-auction, one of the most common e-commerce events, allows bidders to bid directly on the Internet. As with the sealed deal, additional transaction costs are needed with intermediaries, as the third party plays an essential role between buyers and sellers in helping to negotiate both during the auction. In fact, it never confirms that a third party is trustworthy. To solve the problems, we propose the low transaction cost blockchain technology which is used to build the public bid and sealed bid smart contract. The smart contract consists of the Auctioneer address, the start time for the auction, the deadline, the current winner's address, and the current highest price. The project demonstrates the bidding framework with blockchain technology. This bidding application prepared by using Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) Algorithm. This algorithm contains AES cipher specifiers the number of repetitions of transformation rounds, that converts the input called the plain text, then into the final output called cipher text.

Objective: The Objective of this study is to know the price range and condition class of the auction unit that allows for an agreement to take place when analyzed using ZOPA in open ascending and sealed highest bid auctions. Method:Based... more

Objective: The Objective of this study is to know the price range and condition class of the auction unit that allows for an agreement to take place when analyzed using ZOPA in open ascending and sealed highest bid auctions.
Method:Based on the type, this is a descriptive qualitative research involving longitudinal observations. The data was collected through interviews with the representatives of Astra Credit Companies and the bidders, observations of the auction processes, and analyses of the auction result’s documentations study.
Findings: The results reveal that open auction generates higher sales than the closed one, but the biggest margin between the minimum price and the selling price takes place in closed auction. The amount of the minimum price depends on the condition class and the frequency of the auction events of each unit
Conclusion and Suggestion The ACC should provide information on an ongoing basis for the prospective bidders or partnering dealers to increase their participations. The maximum payment is resulted from the sales of ISUZU NKR71HD WOODEN TRUCK (Sealed Highest Bid Auction) and NKR71 HDDUMPTRK (Open Ascending Auction).

The World Bank's Integrity Vice-Presidency (INT) investigates misconduct in Bank-funded projects and advises World Bank staff and borrowing country personnel on corruption prevention measures. When INT finds misconduct in a World... more

The World Bank's Integrity Vice-Presidency (INT) investigates misconduct in Bank-funded projects and advises World Bank staff and borrowing country personnel on corruption prevention measures. When INT finds misconduct in a World Bank-funded project, the Bank can bar the firms or individuals involved from bidding on future World Bank-financed contracts. It can also provide information to national law enforcement authorities in the country or countries where the misconduct occurred or where the companies or individuals reside for possible criminal prosecution. Its preventive unit distills investigative findings into thematic reports like this and other documents that it shares with World Bank staff and borrowing country personnel to help them reduce misconduct in future projects. One of the challenges in preventing fraud, corruption, and collusion in the roads sector is that there are so many ways they can seep into the process of designing, tendering, and managing construction c...

Non-competitive bids have recently become a major concern in both Public and Private sector construction contract auctions. Consequently, several models have been developed to help identify bidders potentially involved in collusive... more

Non-competitive bids have recently become a major concern in both Public and Private sector construction contract auctions. Consequently, several models have been developed to help identify bidders potentially involved in collusive practices. However, most of these models require complex calculations and extensive information that is difficult to obtain.
The aim of this paper is to utilize recent developments for detecting abnormal bids in capped auctions (auctions with an upper bid limit set by the auctioner) and extend them to the more conventional uncapped auctions (where no such limits are set). To accomplish this, a new method is developed for estimating the values of bid distribution supports by using the solution to what has become known as the German tank problem. The model is then demonstrated and tested on a sample of real construction bid data and shown to detect cover bids with high accuracy.
This work contributes to an improved understanding of abnormal bid behavior as an aid to detecting and monitoring potential collusive bid practices.

This paper examines the effects of different factors on the success or failure of bids for infrastructure projects in Australia. Logistic regression analysis was used to empirically determine which factors have the largest effect on... more

This paper examines the effects of different factors on the success or failure of bids for infrastructure projects in Australia. Logistic regression analysis was used to empirically determine which factors have the largest effect on bidding success. Data was collected from 123 bids submitted by several infrastructure companies with subsidiaries in Australia. The analysis found that having a competitive advantage and a local partner, and also not competing against a local company were the most important factors; as they significantly increase the chances of success. However, four other factors, having relevant expertise, resource availability, a previous relationship with the client, and a previous relationship with consortium members, are ‘essential’ to be able to compete; as the absence of any of these four factors results in bid failure, although having them is not a guarantee of success. Results of this paper provide valuable information for any company considering the opportunity of entering into Australia’s infrastructure market as well as for companies that are already present in that country and are considering whether to bid for a specific project.

The statistical distribution representing bid values constitutes an essential part of many auction models and has involved a wide range of assumptions, including the Uniform, Normal, Lognormal and Weibull densities. From a modelling point... more

The statistical distribution representing bid values constitutes an essential part of many auction models and has involved a wide range of assumptions, including the Uniform, Normal, Lognormal and Weibull densities. From a modelling point of view, its goodness is defined by how well it enables the probability of a particular bid value to be estimated – a past bid for ex-post analysis and a future bid for ex-ante (forecasting) analysis. However, there is no agreement to date of what is the most appropriate form and empirical work is sparse.
Twelve extant construction datasets from four continents over different time periods are analysed in this paper for their fit to a variety of candidate statistical distributions assuming homogeneity of bidders (ID not known). The results show there is no one single fit-all distribution, but that the 3p Log-Normal, Fréchet/2p Log-Normal, Normal, Gamma and Gumbel generally rank the best ex-post, and the 2p Log-Normal, Normal, Gamma and Gumbel the best ex-ante – with ex-ante having around three to four times worse fit than ex-post. Final comments focus on the results relating to the third and fourth standardised moments of the bids and a post-hoc rationalisation of the empirical outcome of the analysis.

Research in Bid Tender Forecasting Models (BTFM) has been in progress since the 1950s. None of the developed models were easy-to-use tools for effective use by bidding practitioners because the advanced mathematical apparatus and massive... more

Research in Bid Tender Forecasting Models (BTFM) has been in progress since the 1950s. None of the developed models were easy-to-use tools for effective use by bidding practitioners because the advanced mathematical apparatus and massive data inputs required. This scenario began to change in 2012 with the development of the Smartbid BTFM, a quite simple model that presents a series of graphs that enables any project manager to study competitors using a relatively short historical tender dataset. However, despite the advantages of this new model, so far, it is still necessary to study all the auction participants as an indivisible group; that is, the original BTFM was not devised for analyzing the behavior of a single bidding competitor or a subgroup of them. The present paper tries to solve that flaw and presents a stand-alone methodology useful for estimating future competitors’ bidding behaviors separately

Iso-Score Curves Graph (iSCG) and mathematical relationships between Scoring Parameters (SP) and Forecasting Parameters (FP) can be used in Economic Scoring Formulas (ESF) used in tendering to distribute the score among bidders in the... more

Iso-Score Curves Graph (iSCG) and mathematical relationships between Scoring Parameters (SP) and Forecasting Parameters (FP) can be used in Economic Scoring Formulas (ESF) used in tendering to distribute the score among bidders in the economic part of a proposal.
Each contracting authority must set an ESF when publishing tender specifications and the strategy of each bidder will differ depending on the ESF selected and the weight of the overall proposal scoring.
The various mathematical relationships and density distributions that describe the main SPs and FPs, and the representation of tendering data by means of iSCGs, enable the generation of two new types of graphs that can be very useful for bidders who want to be more competitive: the Scoring and Position Probability Graphs.

Main object of construction projects is to create a high quality work in a certain time and with an optimum cost. To achieve this, first of all, the needs of the project and how to be fulfilled should be clearly defined, the capacities of... more

Main object of construction projects is to create a high quality work in a certain time and with an optimum cost. To achieve this, first of all, the needs of the project and how to be fulfilled should be clearly defined, the capacities of the parties that forms the project participants should be determined well and it should be ensured they meet on an appropriate contract ground. Especially in recent years, it has been seen this ground could not be constituted and qualifications of contractors and subcontractors could not be detected well. In parallel with this, Turkish government has make arrangement such as law no: 4734 Public Procurement Law on effect of European Union studies.
In this study, project delivery methods and tenders that differs with the qualifications of the participants, contractor selection stages and the difficulties encountered in this process in Turkey’s construction projects will be mentioned, in this context the concept of bid management will be briefly discussed.