Charity Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The Venerable Cheng-yen is an unassuming Taiwanese Buddhist nun who leads a worldwide social welfare movement with five million devotees in over thirty countries—with its largest branch in the United States. Tzu-Chi (Compassion Relief)... more

ÖSSZEFOGLALÓ: A futás napjaink egyik legnépszerűbb szabadidősport tevékenysége. Hazánkban is számtalan utcai futóversenyt rendeznek, melyek résztvevői létszáma folyamatosan emelkedik. Ezeken az eseményeken egyre gyakrabban találkozhatunk... more

ÖSSZEFOGLALÓ: A futás napjaink egyik legnépszerűbb szabadidősport tevékenysége. Hazánkban is számtalan utcai futóversenyt rendeznek, melyek résztvevői létszáma folyamatosan emelkedik. Ezeken az eseményeken egyre gyakrabban találkozhatunk „jótékony” futókkal, akik a mozgást összekapcsolják a jótékonysággal. A tanulmány bepillantást nyújt néhány kezdeményezésbe.
Kulcsszavak: futás, jótékonyság, társadalmi felelősségvállalás
ABSTRACT: Running is one of the most popular recreational activities nowadays. Numerous street running competitions are held also in Hungary, and the number of participants is growing steadily. In these events we can more and more often meet charity runners who not only run but run for charity. This short study provides insights into some of the best practices of running-related charities.
Keywords: running, charity, social responsibility

This volume examines the role of charity in empire formations from a diachronic and transregional perspective. It focuses upon the beliefs, discourses, and practices of charity that developed within Christianity and the roles they played... more

This volume examines the role of charity in empire formations from a diachronic and transregional perspective. It focuses upon the beliefs, discourses, and practices of charity that developed within Christianity and the roles they played in the West’s imperial projects, from the first global empires that emerged from the Iberian Peninsula in the sixteenth century to projects of philanthro-imperialism in modern China. This volume exposes the complex religious, economic, political, and cultural roles that charity has played in imperial projects and increases our consciousness of the ways it continues to shape global politics. It shines light on the way in which governing bodies, institutions, and individuals have instrumentalised charity to achieve a range of strategic functions whilst shaping the narrative and image of their power. Viewing empire through the lens of charity also provides the opportunity to bring not only the rich but also the poor into focus and to explore the ways they have been active subjects negotiating for a range of material and immaterial resources in imperial contexts.

Food charity in the United States has grown into a critical appendage of agro-food supply chains. In 2016, 4.5 billion pounds of food waste was diverted through a network of 200 regional food banks, a fivefold increase in just 20 years.... more

Food charity in the United States has grown into a critical appendage of agro-food supply chains. In 2016, 4.5 billion pounds of food waste was diverted through a network of 200 regional food banks, a fivefold increase in just 20 years. Recent global trade disruptions and the COVID-19 pandemic have further reinforced this trend. Economic geographers studying charitable food networks argue that its infrastructure and moral substructure serve to revalue food waste and surplus labor in the capitalist food system. The political-legal framework undergirding this revaluation process however is still poorly understood. Drawing on a 6-year institutional ethnography of the food banking economy in West Virginia, this paper takes a supply-side approach to examine the material and moral values driving the expansion of food waste recovery as hunger relief. Empirically, it focuses on the laws, contracts and fiscal incentives regulating charitable food procurement at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Feeding America. The assemblage of government agencies, private businesses and non-profit organizations enrolled into this gift economy at different scales I argue, serves to enclose food waste into a public-private governance structure that regulates food surpluses and ensures these will not disrupt the scarcity logics driving profitability along primary food circuits.

... Public opinion of violence is dependent on its contextual advertising as a mode of resistance or inherently negative phenomena. Advertisers can preach anti-violence when broaching issues of gender-based or cultural violence, promote... more

... Public opinion of violence is dependent on its contextual advertising as a mode of resistance or inherently negative phenomena. Advertisers can preach anti-violence when broaching issues of gender-based or cultural violence, promote violence as a means of ideological preservation, refuse to create any progressive discourse surrounding violence, or mobilize spending power as support against violence. Regardless, it is of the utmost importance that we are able to identify the moralistic basis of marketing violence, discern the nuances within this understanding, and implicate ourselves in both processes: that of advertising, and that of violence.

Philanthropy is an important and highly rewarding way to make a difference in a rapidly changing world Like the world around us, philanthropy is changing and transforming, and philanthropic families are seeking out new ways to ensure that... more

This article provides evidence of the prevalence of wills and the principles underpinning the intended distribution of estates in Australia. Intentions around wealth transfers and the social norms that underpin them occur in the context... more

This article provides evidence of the prevalence of wills and the principles underpinning the intended distribution of estates in Australia. Intentions around wealth transfers and the social norms that underpin them occur in the context of predicted extensive intergenerational transfers from the ageing baby boomer generation, policies of self provision and user pays for care in old age, broader views on what constitutes ‘family’, the increased importance of the not-for-profit sector in the delivery of services, and the related need for philanthropy. A national telephone survey conducted in 2012 with 2,405 respondents aged 18 and over shows that wills are predominantly used to distribute assets to partners and/or equally to immediate descendants. There is little evidence that will makers are recognising a wider group of relationships, obligations and entitlements outside the traditional nuclear family, or that wills are being replaced by other mechanisms of wealth transfer. Only a minority consider bequests to charities as important. These findings reflect current social norms about entitlements to ‘family’ money, a narrow view of what and who constitutes ‘family’, limited obligation for testators to recompense individuals or organisations for care and support provided, and limited commitment to charitable organisations and civil society.

U radu se nastoji utvrditi točan broj društava koja su se bavila dobrotvornim radom u Zagrebu za vrijeme Prvoga svjetskoga rata, te koliko se njihova ratna djelatnost razlikovala od one mirnodopske. S obzirom da je rad nastao na temelju... more

U radu se nastoji utvrditi točan broj društava koja su se bavila dobrotvornim radom u Zagrebu za vrijeme Prvoga svjetskoga rata, te koliko se njihova ratna djelatnost razlikovala od one mirnodopske. S obzirom da je rad nastao na temelju izvorne arhivske i novinske građe, u njemu se iznosi niz novih spoznaja o druš-tvenome životu ratnoga Zagreba. Ključne riječi: Prvi svjetski rat, Zagreb, društva, dobrotvorni rad

Although the quest for God’s Wisdom is something very personal for Augustine, the paper sets the ecclesiological context of his doctrine. Augustine’s way to the wisdom is not a way accessible to intellectuals only: it is open to anybody... more

Although the quest for God’s Wisdom is something very personal for Augustine, the paper sets the ecclesiological context of his doctrine. Augustine’s way to the wisdom is not a way accessible to intellectuals only: it is open to anybody who does not remain closed to other man and is willing to love with charity, laid to his heart by God to whose image and likeness he was created. The paper lays the ecclesiological background of Augustine’s search for wisdom and his spirituality. The Bishop of Hippo Regius teaches that it is only through the mediation of the Church, where man can find God’s Wisdom: and the way is Christ himself that allows his believers, parts of his Body, to accept God’s Wisdom as a gift and grow in it through charity. This anti-individualistic way of charity remains a credible way for today where “only love remains credible”.

L'IRIS a effectué un sondage auprès de plus de 700 groupes du mouvement communautaire autonomes cet automne pour en savoir plus sur leur situation pendant la première vague de COVID-19. Pendant la première vague, les groupes ont surtout... more

L'IRIS a effectué un sondage auprès de plus de 700 groupes du mouvement communautaire autonomes cet automne pour en savoir plus sur leur situation pendant la première vague de COVID-19.
Pendant la première vague, les groupes ont surtout augmenté le travail d’accueil et de référence et de dépannage alimentaire, donc la réponse aux besoins de base pressant, alors que les activités fortement ralentis ou arrêtés, ont été la mobilisation, l’action collective et la représentation politique.
Un peu plus de la moitié des activités ont été faites à distance en moyenne. Cela a posé des enjeux pour plusieurs en raison du manque d’espace physique ou mental, mais aussi d’accès à la technologie et à des connexions internets rapides et stables.
Bien que 20% des groupes sont encore dans une situation précaire en raison du sous-financement chronique, les groupes communautaires du Québec s’en sortent généralement mieux qu’ailleurs au Canada grâce à leur modèle de financement basé sur le financement à la mission.
Cette résilience a toutefois un coût humain : pour les deux tiers des groupes interrogés, la charge de travail était immense et difficile à prévoir ce qui a eu des conséquences sur l’équilibre vie personnelle-travail et sur le sentiment d’accomplissement des travailleuses.
Près d’un groupe sur cinq est dans une situation précaire en raison du sous-financement et de la pandémie, et le quart de ceux-ci sont dans une situation qui met en danger leur existence.

Purpose This paper aims to explore how volunteers choose one nonprofit organisation (NPO) rather than another. It identifies the drivers of choice, and the relationship between them, to enable NPOs to strengthen their volunteer... more

Purpose This paper aims to explore how volunteers choose one nonprofit organisation (NPO) rather than another. It identifies the drivers of choice, and the relationship between them, to enable NPOs to strengthen their volunteer recruitment. Design/methodology/approach A total of 51 service-delivery volunteers were interviewed, drawn from 5 leading NPOs. A laddering technique was used to understand the context in which the choice of organisation was made and the underlying personal needs and goals. The data was analysed using means-end chain (MEC) methodology to uncover the relationships between, and hierarchy of, the decision drivers. Findings Brand, cause, and role were found to be important in meeting personal needs and goals through volunteering. The paper makes three contributions. Firstly, it presents a clearer understanding of NPO choice through adopting an integrated theoretical perspective. Secondly, it identifies the decision-making process and key relationships between the...

Despite significant government efforts to bolster individual philanthropy, giving by individuals (as a percentage of household income) has remained remarkably static and participation in many western countries is declining. This article... more

Despite significant government efforts to
bolster individual philanthropy, giving by
individuals (as a percentage of household
income) has remained remarkably static and
participation in many western countries is
declining. This article explores the role that
governments might play in facilitating
growth, from a social marketing perspective.
Drawing on research from multiple domains
this article proposes an easily accessible and
actionable framework (1) to inform public
policy and (2) to guide further impactful
academic research, with the objective of
increasing both participation in, and the
monetary value of, individual giving.

Traditionally developed and developing world non-profit organisations do not share their learning across the sectors. However, as technology provides an improving platform to share learning more easily, we explore how learning can be... more

Traditionally developed and developing world non-profit organisations do not share their learning across the sectors. However, as technology provides an improving platform to share learning more easily, we explore how learning can be shared to improve practice in both fields. As practitioners we are currently researching our own practice respectively, one author as a development economist currently living and working in Albania and the other author as a leader of a charity in the UK. This paper explores the strengths and weaknesses of using new technologies, critiquing the Living Theory Research group we both attend against Rheingold's (2010) Social Media literacies. The five literacies of 'attention, participation, collaboration, network Awareness and critical Consumption' p.16 are considered in relation to the research group. The findings are presented from us as participants and highlight that the research group transcends the Skype group as we live our learning through our practice and develops our resilience and self-care as we both seek to sustain ourselves and our work.

Lors de la dernière campagne électorale fédérale, le Parti libéral du Canada a pris un engagement d'envergure, celui de permettre « aux organismes caritatifs de faire leur travail au nom des Canadiens, libre de l'influence politique ».... more

Lors de la dernière campagne électorale fédérale, le Parti libéral du Canada a pris un engagement d'envergure, celui de permettre « aux organismes caritatifs de faire leur travail au nom des Canadiens, libre de l'influence politique ». Dans son communiqué du 15 août 2018, le gouvernement mentionnait que « (…) les organismes de bienfaisance offrent de précieux services aux Canadiens et jouent un rôle primordial dans la société canadienne. Nous reconnaissons la valeur et l'expérience que les organismes de bienfaisance apportent au débat public et à l'élaboration des politiques publiques. Comme il a été clairement indiqué dans nos lettres de mandat, notre gouvernement est déterminé à clarifier les règles qui régissent la participation des organismes de bienfaisance aux activités politiques et nous prenons les mesures nécessaires pour aller de l'avant avec cet engagement ». Ces modifications apportées à la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu (LIR) viennent ébranler les fondements sur lesquels repose le cadre juridique régissant les activités politiques des Organismes de bienfaisance enregistrés (OBE). En effet, cette reconnaissance de leur droit à l'engagement politique provoque une redéfinition de ce qu'il est entendu par action charitable. Cela nous amène nécessairement à questionner le rôle que ce secteur est appelé à jouer dans la vie démocratique de la société canadienne. Afin de jeter un éclairage sur la réforme de la LIR et mieux comprendre les implications pour le secteur de la bienfaisance, nous proposons, dans le cadre de cet article, d'aborder trois dimensions. Dans un premier temps, par souci de contextualisation, nous rétablirons brièvement la suite des évènements ayant conduit à cette décision du gouvernement Trudeau. Dans un deuxième temps, nous expliquerons en quoi ce changement de la loi participe à une transformation du système canadien de régulation de la bienfaisance. Enfin, nous terminerons en explorant des pistes de réflexion pour identifier d'éventuelles répercussions que pourrait avoir cette reconnaissance du rôle politique des OBE.

“'Even a Horse, Even a Slave'?: The Provision of Personal Needs versus the Application of Uniform Standards in Rabbinic Almsgiving.” Pages 369-399 in Pursuing Justice: Society and Economy in Jewish Sources. Edited by Hanoch Dagan and... more

“'Even a Horse, Even a Slave'?: The Provision of Personal Needs versus the Application of Uniform Standards in Rabbinic Almsgiving.” Pages 369-399 in Pursuing Justice: Society and Economy in Jewish Sources. Edited by Hanoch Dagan and Benjamin Porat. Jerusalem: The Israel Democracy Institute, 2016. [Hebrew]

Histoire sociale de l'association Aurore depuis 1871.

This article discusses the genre of 'benevolence literature' (liefdadigheidsliteratuur), which was highly popular in the Netherlands during the first part of the nineteenth century. In these texts, the early nineteenth century dogma of... more

This article discusses the genre of 'benevolence literature' (liefdadigheidsliteratuur), which was highly popular in the Netherlands during the first part of the nineteenth century. In these texts, the early nineteenth century dogma of national 'brotherhood' was confirmed by way of the 'reading agreement' between the bourgeois writer and his readers. However, a flood in 1861 caused some critical responses to benevolence literature and this reading agreement, some of which are investigated here.

Anthropological analyses of charity are often based on Maussian theories of gift exchange and inequalities between donor and recipient, sometimes compounded by spectacular displays of giving or by aid, both humanitarian and faith-based,... more

Anthropological analyses of charity are often based on Maussian theories of gift exchange and inequalities between donor and recipient, sometimes compounded by spectacular displays of giving or by aid, both humanitarian and faith-based, from the global north to the south. Other accounts complicate this understanding, variously showing the charitable gift as the recipient's right or considering charitable work as a technology of self care. The context and nature of the donation also affect both donor and recipient; money and blood have very different connotations and effects as charitable gifts. Ethnographies of charitable action suggest it is a total social fact, entangling economic, politics, religion and notions of relatedness. 108 words

In this essay, I offer a twofold defense of homelessness. First, I argue that specifiable socio-economic forms of organization that are common among the homeless and that operate at least partially independently of state and philanthropic... more

In this essay, I offer a twofold defense of homelessness. First, I argue that specifiable socio-economic forms of organization that are common among the homeless and that operate at least partially independently of state and philanthropic institutions embody valuable and worthwhile ways to live and to make a living. Second, the norms underlying the current institutional response to homelessness facilitate psychological distress and social fragmentation not just among the homeless but among the housed as well. As a result, the ways in which the homeless seek to live and to make a living may be conducive to the well-being of the housed as well.

A brief explanatory article on how can charities and NGOs use blockchain.

Članek obravnava dobrodelno pomoč žrtvam potresa v Ljubljani leta 1895. Potres, ki je povzročil veliko materialno škodo v glavnem mestu dežele Kranjske in bližnji okolici, je sprožil velik odziv po celotni Avstro-Ogrski. Pomoč je poslal... more

Članek obravnava dobrodelno pomoč žrtvam potresa v Ljubljani leta 1895. Potres, ki je povzročil veliko materialno škodo v glavnem mestu dežele Kranjske in bližnji okolici, je sprožil velik odziv po celotni Avstro-Ogrski. Pomoč je poslal širok spekter darovalcev, ki je zajemal tako državne, cesarske in cerkvene institucije kot tudi društva ter številne posameznike, ki so poskušali olajšati razmere na prizadetem območju. V članku je podrobneje predstavljeno, kako so se klicu na pomoč odzvale oblasti in prebivalstvo Goriške in Gradiške dežele, dodana je tudi analiza denarnih darov, ki jih je zbralo lokalno prebivalstvo.
Th is article discusses charitable aid to victims of the Ljubljana earthquake of 1895. Th e earthquake, which had caused great property damage in the capital of Carniola and in its vicinity, triggered a massive response throughout Austria-Hungary. Aid was received from a broad range of donors, including governmental, imperial and ecclesiastical institutions, as well as societies and many individuals who wanted to mitigate the conditions in the aff ected area. Th e article presents in detail the reaction of the authorities and the population of the Princely County of Gorizia and Gradisca to the request for the aid, and analyses the cash donations collected by the local population.

A presente obra pretende aprofundar, a partir de São Tomás de Aquino (1224/25-1274), o que se entende por amor de Deus. A obra de São Tomás de Aquino escolhida é o Comentário ao Evangelho de São João, uma das obras da maturidade do Doutor... more

A presente obra pretende aprofundar, a partir de São Tomás de Aquino (1224/25-1274), o que se entende por amor de Deus. A obra de São Tomás de Aquino escolhida é o Comentário ao Evangelho de São João, uma das obras da maturidade do Doutor de Aquino e que oferece, no estilo próprio de comentário bíblico medieval, muitos elementos doutrinais. Depois de se compreender o que são os comentários bíblicos medievais e o seu enquadramento na produção teológica da Idade Média (I capítulo), oferece-se ao leitor o contacto com o próprio texto de São Tomás, a partir de algumas temáticas que ajudam a aprofundar o que se entende pela caridade divina (II capítulo). Finalmente, ensaia-se uma síntese a partir de alguns temas mais relevantes, assim como se coloca a doutrina de São Tomás em diálogo com a reflexão contemporânea (III capítulo).

Yael Wilfand, “‘No one can avoid this measure’: Explaining Poverty among Individuals according to the Babylonian and Palestinian Talmuds.” Pages 215-240 in Between Babylonia and the Land of Israel: Studies in Honor of Isaiah M. Gafni.... more

Yael Wilfand, “‘No one can avoid this measure’: Explaining Poverty among Individuals according to the Babylonian and Palestinian Talmuds.” Pages 215-240 in Between Babylonia and the Land of Israel: Studies in Honor of Isaiah M. Gafni. Edited by Geoffrey Herman, Meir Ben Shahar and Aharon Oppenheimer. Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, 2016. [in Hebrew]

Individuals and Nations alike are usually faced with the dearth of resources to attend to their obligations. Nations, whether developed or just developing, need all the resources that they can garner to run their developmental programs.... more

Individuals and Nations alike are usually faced with the dearth of resources to attend to their obligations. Nations, whether developed or just developing, need all the resources that they can garner to run their developmental programs. Charity is one medium through which private funds may be injected into the communities. Regrettably, the developing Nations, Nigeria inclusive, are yet to fully appreciate this important and available source. This paper considers the general concept of charity as well as its legal signification. It discusses the law and practice governing the establishment and running of charities in Nigeria and makes appropriate recommendations on how to improve the operation and running of charities. This study is undertaken against the backdrop of what obtains in some foreign jurisdictions in relation to the operation of charities and the need to harness the potentials of Nigerians to achieve societal equilibrium through an efficient legal regime for charities.

In Pakistan, one of the most significant celebrations on the Muslim calendar, Eid al-Azha (Feast of the Sacrifice), is marked by two major rituals. At the center of the festival is the animal slaughter remembering the prophet Abraham’s... more

In Pakistan, one of the most significant celebrations on the Muslim calendar, Eid al-Azha (Feast of the Sacrifice), is marked by two major rituals. At the center of the festival is the animal slaughter remembering the prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son. The second, dating to Pakistan’s earliest days as a nation, is the collection of animal hides from the sacrifice. NGOs, political parties, and madrasas annually compete to collect and auction the sacrificial skins. This paper examines how Alkhidmat Foundation–the social welfare branch of the Islamist party Jama’at-e-Islami–invests in a risky fundraising ritual that animates the value of sacrifice in their humanitarian work. While historically the auction of animal hides has been lucrative, over the last decade, the income has come under threat due to the rise of synthetic leathers on the global market, inflation, and climate change, which have left Pakistan’s leather commodity in peril and, with it, the fate of a major source of income for the country’s social services. Pakistan’s skins collection offers insight into a fundraising practice that instantiates sacrifice writ large: of time, safety, and resources, and sometimes, of intimate relations. Sacrifice is the motivating value that underpins dedication to the annual hide collection and articulates Alkhidmat’s humanitarianism through the human capability of sacrifice.

This report was produced as part of the dissemination of my PhD research. It may be circulated freely, with due acknowledgement of authorship.

Jak pokazuje przykład akcji charytatywnych organizowanych przez Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM, mogą one stawnowić formę kształcenia studentów z zakresu soft skills. Jak pokazują badania są one najbardziej pożądanymi... more

Jak pokazuje przykład akcji charytatywnych organizowanych przez Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM, mogą one stawnowić formę kształcenia studentów z zakresu soft skills. Jak pokazują badania są one najbardziej pożądanymi kompetencjami przez pracodawców. W jaki sposób to zrobić? Autor odpowiada na to pytanie poprzez analizę przypadku akcji "UAM Charytatywnie"