Third Sector Studies Research Papers (original) (raw)

El libro se propone identificar las características de la exclusión en el nuevo escenario social. En una primera sección se desarrolla teóricamente la relación entre los conceptos de inclusión social y ciudadanía. Sigue una panorámica de... more

El libro se propone identificar las características de la exclusión en el nuevo escenario social. En una primera sección se desarrolla teóricamente la relación entre los conceptos de inclusión social y ciudadanía. Sigue una panorámica de las tendencias de respuesta que generan las políticas públicas y el papel que se asigna a las organizaciones sociales. En la segunda parte de la obra se analizan cinco experiencias locales de inclusión, diversas y sugerentes, promovidas desde el tercer sector en España.
(obra disponible també en català:

Esquema, en forma de paradigma (libre de polvo y paja, en blanco y negro), del quehacer trianual para un presidente de Comisariado Ejidal o para un presidente de Consejo de Vigilancia, en un Ejido de la república mexicana, a la luz de la... more

Esquema, en forma de paradigma (libre de polvo y paja, en blanco y negro), del quehacer trianual para un presidente de Comisariado Ejidal o para un presidente de Consejo de Vigilancia, en un Ejido de la república mexicana, a la luz de la conversión deseable del ejido en la palanca del desarrollo integral de medio rural, de México y del planeta tierra en su conjunto.

This paper evaluates critically the third-sector approach that encourages involvement in groups in order to foster community participation in deprived neighbourhoods. Analysing recent government surveys of community participation in the... more

This paper evaluates critically the third-sector approach that encourages involvement in groups in order to foster community participation in deprived neighbourhoods. Analysing recent government surveys of community participation in the UK, it reveals that a culture of engagement in groups is relatively alien to most people in deprived areas, unlike one-to-one aid that is extensively used.

The increasing professionalization of civil society is a global trend that stems largely from the growing role of third sector organizations in policy making and service delivery. Such a trend can also be identified in Finland, providing... more

The increasing professionalization of civil society is a global trend that stems largely from the growing role of third sector organizations in policy making and service delivery. Such a trend can also be identified in Finland, providing a timely moment to take stock of the current provision of tertiary level civil society management education in the Finnish higher education system. In this article, I identify two ways of conceptualizing the role of civil society whereby civil society organizations are seen as a function of either service delivery or democratization. In Finnish civil society education, the latter view tends to be emphasized, leaving a gap between the needs of professionalizing civil society organizations and the current provision of higher education courses on civil society management.

Данное исследование посвящено обзору состояния Некоммерческих Организаций (и гражданского общества - включая активистов и носителей ВИЧ) в контексте обеспечения профилактики ВИЧ в Российской Федерации (Санкт-Петербурге) по состоянию на... more

Данное исследование посвящено обзору состояния Некоммерческих Организаций (и гражданского общества - включая активистов и носителей ВИЧ) в контексте обеспечения профилактики ВИЧ в Российской Федерации (Санкт-Петербурге) по состоянию на 2020 год.

I Laboratori Tematici di Ricerca sono spazi di costruzione della conoscenza, che attraverso un dispositivo riflessivo, ispirato alle comunità di ricerca e di pratiche, attivano processi di innovazione e trasformazione professionale e... more

I Laboratori Tematici di Ricerca sono spazi di costruzione della conoscenza, che attraverso un dispositivo riflessivo, ispirato alle comunità di ricerca e di pratiche, attivano processi di innovazione e trasformazione professionale e organizzativa, teorie locali e saperi situati sul lavoro socioeducativo, apprendimenti condivisi.
Riflettere su questa esperienza ideata e realizzata negli ultimi anni dalla Cooperativa sociale «La Grande Casa» di Sesto San Giovanni è un’opportunità unica di osservare dall’interno un esempio concreto di valorizzazione dei professionisti (gli educatori e le educatrici), che non sono meri esecutori di teorie apprese in formazione, ma, in linea con gli studi di Schon, Wenger, Mezirow, sono dei veri costruttori di teorie locali e di conoscenze pratiche insostituibili, che possono dare un contributo significativo anche alla ricerca, in questo caso, nel settore del Child and Family Welfare.
La pratica professionale dell’educatore, quando raggiunge livelli di qualità elevati, è certamente connessa alla capacità di fare ricerca, di tentare di comprendere la storia e la visione del mondo dell’utente che accompagna, bambino o adulto che sia; di individuare le migliori strategie per risolvere le problematiche e le difficoltà con cui questi si trova a convivere; di valutare la situazione, facendo scelte e assumendone il rischio, che potremmo definire “educativo” o “pedagogico”; di interrogarsi continuamente sulle proprie azioni, sulle modalità dei suoi interventi e sulle conseguenze delle sue decisioni; di verificare i risultati di quanto ha fatto e sta facendo; di esplorare l’ecosistema e tessere connessioni e relazioni.
Emergono così le voci e i percorsi plurali e situati di professionisti competenti che spesso non vengono ascoltati e che, invece, in questo contesto vengono assunti come contributi preziosi nell’arricchire e rinnovare una cultura socioeducativa e pedagogica che è il vero patrimonio di un’organizzazione del terzo settore come La Grande Casa.

L'IRIS a effectué un sondage auprès de plus de 700 groupes du mouvement communautaire autonomes cet automne pour en savoir plus sur leur situation pendant la première vague de COVID-19. Pendant la première vague, les groupes ont surtout... more

L'IRIS a effectué un sondage auprès de plus de 700 groupes du mouvement communautaire autonomes cet automne pour en savoir plus sur leur situation pendant la première vague de COVID-19.
Pendant la première vague, les groupes ont surtout augmenté le travail d’accueil et de référence et de dépannage alimentaire, donc la réponse aux besoins de base pressant, alors que les activités fortement ralentis ou arrêtés, ont été la mobilisation, l’action collective et la représentation politique.
Un peu plus de la moitié des activités ont été faites à distance en moyenne. Cela a posé des enjeux pour plusieurs en raison du manque d’espace physique ou mental, mais aussi d’accès à la technologie et à des connexions internets rapides et stables.
Bien que 20% des groupes sont encore dans une situation précaire en raison du sous-financement chronique, les groupes communautaires du Québec s’en sortent généralement mieux qu’ailleurs au Canada grâce à leur modèle de financement basé sur le financement à la mission.
Cette résilience a toutefois un coût humain : pour les deux tiers des groupes interrogés, la charge de travail était immense et difficile à prévoir ce qui a eu des conséquences sur l’équilibre vie personnelle-travail et sur le sentiment d’accomplissement des travailleuses.
Près d’un groupe sur cinq est dans une situation précaire en raison du sous-financement et de la pandémie, et le quart de ceux-ci sont dans une situation qui met en danger leur existence.

Th is paper focuses on relationship between volunteer work and cultural participation. Volunteering is introduced as an important practice of cultural commitment. On the one hand, it has all the major features of contemporary cultural... more

Th is paper focuses on relationship between volunteer work and cultural participation.
Volunteering is introduced as an important practice of cultural commitment. On the one
hand, it has all the major features of contemporary cultural practices. It can be described
in terms of culture-making, productivity, continuity, and glamour. On the other hand,
because of its subjectivity, relationship supporting mechanism, and lifestyle infl uence, it is
perceived as diff erent from other practices. Th is situation makes volunteering an important
aspect of cultural studies researches. Data analyzed in this paper are the results of the research
project entitled, „Involving volunteers into organization of big events – weaknesses
and strengths”.

La recente riforma del Terzo settore (L. n. 106 del 6 giugno 2016) costituisce un punto di arrivo di un mutamento del mondo associativo avvenuto negli ultimi decenni ma anche il punto di partenza di un processo attuativo che si produrrà... more

La recente riforma del Terzo settore (L. n. 106 del 6 giugno 2016) costituisce un punto di arrivo di un mutamento del mondo associativo avvenuto negli ultimi decenni ma anche il punto di partenza di un processo attuativo che si produrrà nel corso dei prossimi anni. Il presente articolo presenta le caratteristiche salienti della riforma, ne indica alcune delle principali sfide aperte e opportunità e ne mette in luce alcuni possibili rischi, in particolare riguardo al rapporto con il welfare pubblico, al centralismo della governance del nuovo sistema e delle forme di rappresentanza. L'esito di questa sfida dipenderà da quanto gli attori istituzionali chiamati ad attuarla, in particolare governo centrale ed enti locali e quelli dello stesso Terzo settore, sapranno bilanciare il processo di ibridazione col mercato con il mantenimento del radicamento territoriale e culturale del Terzo settore.

The changing nature of organisations in the public sector means that collaboration has become an imperative for many. Notwithstanding considerable scholarly agreement about factors contributing to successful collaboration, a broadly... more

The changing nature of organisations in the public sector means that collaboration has become an imperative for many. Notwithstanding considerable scholarly agreement about factors contributing to successful collaboration, a broadly accepted model of collaborative practice has not coalesced. In this paper, we put forward an augmented collaboration assessment tool. Building on existing research, we argue that systems thinking can help us better account for the dynamic and multidimensional nature of collaboration a process in which partner organisations are interconnected and organised in a way that seeks to achieve a common purpose that they could not have achieved alone. We tested the validity of our tool using a three-stage, iterative mixed-methods approach. Our research confirms the value of a diagnostic tool to assist collaboration partners navigate an often uncertain terrain. It further establishes the value of our tool in illuminating a collaboration's dynamic interactions as a means to evaluate 'collaboration health'.

This article illustrates the development of government-nonprofit collaboration in The Netherlands. It first gives an overview of scope and structure of the non-profit sector and voluntary work and then explains the crucial steps in the... more

This article illustrates the development of government-nonprofit collaboration in The Netherlands. It first gives an overview of scope and structure of the non-profit sector and voluntary work and then explains the crucial steps in the evolution of partnership arrangement between the public sector and nonprofit institutions. The article describes the past significance of so-called pillarization on the development of the nonprofit sector and its collaboration with the state. In accommodating a broad diversity of nonprofit organizations with different religious and societal background, The Netherlands created an elaborate mechanism for government-nonprofit collaboration in which nonprofit organizations fulfil functions in service delivery and policy formation. However, the sector is now fundamentally fragmented and now has little shared identity left. Paradoxically, its past success also makes it less likely that the Dutch nonprofit sector will be regarded as a solution to current social problems.

Συνοπτική παρουσίαση βασικών θέσεων της εισήγησης στο 1ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Κοινωνιολογίας της Εκπαίδευσης, ΠΤΝ - Ιωάννινα, 16-10-2014. Περισσότερα βλέπε στο εκεί θα είναι διαθέσιμα τα ηλεκτρονικά πρακτικά του συνεδρίου... more

Συνοπτική παρουσίαση βασικών θέσεων της εισήγησης στο 1ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Κοινωνιολογίας της Εκπαίδευσης, ΠΤΝ - Ιωάννινα, 16-10-2014.
Περισσότερα βλέπε στο εκεί θα είναι διαθέσιμα τα ηλεκτρονικά πρακτικά του συνεδρίου τον από τον Φεβρουάριο του 2015

This article concerns the proposal to reform the Correctional System in Greece through the integration of work within prisons and the exploration of the potential for the development of social enterprises inside and outside detention... more

This article concerns the proposal to reform the Correctional System in Greece through the integration of work within prisons and the exploration of the potential for the development of social enterprises inside and outside detention facilities through the use of Social Impact Bonds. Initially, there is a brief historical review of the right to work for people living in detention facilities and a critical assessment of the current institutional framework in the country in relation to the employment opportunities it offers. The prospects for the development of Social Enterprises both inside and outside the detention facilities are evaluated, while a model of cooperation is proposed between Third, Private and Public sector bodies.
The reasons why Social Enterprises and third sector entities in general can successfully engage in the field of social and employment integration or reintegration of inmates or prisoners are being developed, while examples of partnerships from abroad are presented. Argumentation is made of the necessity of partnerships both in terms of economy and performance, as well as the need to develop programs whose effectiveness will be assessed on the basis of the development of indicators. In the light of the above good practices, we develop a model of partnership between Third, Private and Public Sector, which is structured and analyzed in its individual features in our proposal and concerns the implementation of a pilot program in rural prisons in the country.

This paper contributes to critical discussions of austerity by examining the constructions of scarcity that underpin it. Specifically, it shows how notions of scarcity (re)emergent in a period of austerity have shaped materially... more

This paper contributes to critical discussions of austerity by examining the constructions of scarcity that underpin it. Specifically, it shows how notions of scarcity (re)emergent in a period of austerity have shaped materially insufficient and stigmatising welfare systems. We do this through the example of UK food banks. We suggest that under austerity a particular moral economy of scarcity has become embedded at the level of common-sense, including in the common-sense of many of those distributing food aid. In UK food banks this moral economy is shaped by images of the 'empty cupboard' and discourses of absolute hunger which normalise practices of (self)rationing and exacerbate food insecurity. Tracing attempts by some food bank managers and volunteers to challenge this moral economy we conclude with a critical agenda for academics and practitioners to rethink relationships between welfare, austerity, and scarcity.

Corporations dominate our societies. They employ us, sell to us, and influence how we think and who we vote for, while their economic interests dictate local, national, and global agendas. Written in clear and accessible terms, this... more

Corporations dominate our societies. They employ us, sell to us, and influence how we think and who we vote for, while their economic interests dictate local, national, and global agendas. Written in clear and accessible terms, this much-needed textbook provides critical perspectives on all aspects of the relationship between business and society: from an historical analysis of the spread of capitalism as the foundation of the 'corporate' revolution in the late nineteenth-century to the regulation, ethics, and exclusionary implications of business in contemporary society. Furthermore, it examines how corporate power and capitalism might be resisted, outlining a range of alternatives, from the social economy through to new forms of open access or commons ownership.

Neste artigo observa-se o terceiro sector na sua relação com as transformações do Estado-Providência e, em particular, procura-se perceber as características específicas desta relação no contexto do Estado-Providência português.... more

Neste artigo observa-se o terceiro sector na sua relação com as transformações do Estado-Providência e, em particular, procura-se perceber as características específicas desta relação no contexto do Estado-Providência português. Resenham-se estudos que associaram as características dos diferentes Estados-Providência ao terceiro sector, muito em especial tomando os modelos de bem-estar associados a diferentes regimes de terceiro sector. Com a caracterização dos diferentes tipos de regimes de bem-estar e terceiro sector evidencia-se a articulação entre os aspectos sociais, económicos e políticos destas relações. Num segundo momento discute-se esta relação à luz dos contributos que os estudos e debates sobre o capital social trazem, procurando-se ultrapassar a dificuldade que a utilização de quadros analíticos – e normativos – desenvolvidos para sociedades muito diferentes coloca à compreensão da sociedade portuguesa. Articula-se uma análise comparativa das atitudes e valores em relação ao Estado-Providência com outros dados que procuram contextualizar o terceiro sector português na Europa, reflectindo-se sobre as suas características a partir de uma compreensão do seu papel e posição no Estado-Providência. O uso das tipologias de Estado-Providência e de terceiro sector prende-se com o seu valor heurístico, realçando-se para uma melhor compreensão das realidades específicas não só os aspectos de congruência em relação a tipos-ideais, mas também os desvios. Colocam-se, assim, o Estado-Providência e o terceiro sector portugueses em perspectiva e em diálogo com os estudos internacionais para uma compreensão desta relação no contexto da sociedade portuguesa.

The main objective of this work consisted of an analysis of the learnings and challenges of an actual process of change for a work team of a nonprofit organization (NPO), and of the proposal of a systematized work scheme to manage the... more

The main objective of this work consisted of an analysis of the learnings and challenges of an actual process of change for a work team of a nonprofit organization (NPO), and of the proposal of a systematized work scheme to manage the change, suitable to the nature of these type of organizations, taking into account their cultural characteristics and financial limitations. Based on this goal, theories and conceptualizations were described on three main axes: the NPO’s culture, the change process (particularly the unfreeze-change-refreeze model), and the work teams. Theoretical concepts of talent, leadership, home office, organizational learning; as well as tools, methodologies and relevant competencies for change in the third sector were also developed. These concepts were complemented and related to the analysis of an actual case of a change process: the professionalization of a work team at the local headquarters of an international NPO in the education sector. Errors and achievements were shown in a timeline of the past, present and future of the case. The work managed to show the human element and the communicational dynamics as foundations of the transformation process, and the focus on the individual as the basis for achieving a sustainable change in group behavior. In turn, one of the main challenges encountered was the critical importance of the soft skills of the change agent. In addition, tools, practices and methodologies suitable for change processes in third sector organizations were surveyed and proposed. Finally, the work was proposed as a contribution to the bibliographic content regarding management issues in NPOs.
Keywords: nonprofit organizations, civil society, change management, work teams

This paper consists of two parts, a theoretical overview and analysis and an empirical one through real-world research results. For the first part, a systematic literature review of secondary and primary sources was conducted to... more

This paper consists of two parts, a theoretical overview and analysis and an empirical one through real-world research results. For the first part, a systematic literature review of secondary and primary sources was conducted to investigate the impact of the global capitalist crisis on health, health and quality of life expenditure of residents of Greece and especially those who are considered as vulnerable population. Also, the Third Sector and the role of NGOs as well as the policies adopted for intervention in the crisis areas are presented and analyzed. Trying to pass the analysis from general to specialist, a study by NGOs "Doctors of the World" (DoW) and in particular the Athens DoW Polyclinic, where research of the population took place. For the completion and presentation of the second part, a questionnaire with closed-ended questions was prepared to conduct a random sampling survey in a targeted target group to obtain and collect primary measurable data for conducting quality-of-life conclusions. Demographic questions have been created to work in conjunction with the scientific investigative tool. The EQ-5D-5L Life Quality Scientific Measurement Tool was used with the supplemental EQ VAS. The surveyed population was (N = 80) eighty subjects, served by the DoW Polyclinic, of different nationalities, sexes and 12 years of age or older. The survey consists of three parts: a) demographics, b) EQ-5D-5L, EQ VAS questionnaire, and c) the ”recall” part where the subjects were asked to recall a previous health condition at one year's depth and filled-in the research questionnaire of the second part. Although, statistically significant results were not produced, the outputs of this analysis confirmed the expected trends. To the best of our knowledge this is the first EQ-5D dataset produced for this segment of individuals which can be the basis of further analyses and research.

A reforma administrativa de 1995 trouxe a figura das organizações sociais, espécie de entidade sem fins lucrativos, que podem prestar serviços públicos mediante a celebração de contrato de gestão com o Poder Público. Embora a Lei n.... more

A reforma administrativa de 1995 trouxe a figura das organizações sociais, espécie de entidade sem fins lucrativos, que podem prestar serviços públicos mediante a celebração de contrato de gestão com o Poder Público. Embora a Lei n. 9.637/98, que a criou, tenha sido declarada constitucional pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, remanescem dúvidas acerca de sua adoção na prestação do ensino básico pela administração pública. Para tanto, realizou-se análise do conjunto normativo da educação nacional pública, a fim de verificar se existem impasses jurídicos para sua adoção por determinado ente federativo. Após exame dos princípios da educação pública, do modelo de financiamento predominante, das políticas de valorização dos profissionais da educação e da maneira como as entidades do terceiro setor são tratadas pelas regras educacionais, concluiu-se que há reduzido espaço para as organizações sociais prestarem a educação básica, na mesma extensão que o modelo de prestação direta, por impactar diretamente no desenho jurídico que orienta as políticas públicas educacionais vigentes.

بلعباس، عبدالرزاق (2017م). مفهوم القطاع الثالث والإشكالات المعرفيّة التي تعتريه في ضوء التجربتين الأنجلوساكسونية والأوروبية، ورقة مقدمة لورشة عمل "اقتصاديات العمل الخيري"، التي نظمها المركز الدولي للأبحاث والدراسات (مداد) بالشراكة مع معهد... more

بلعباس، عبدالرزاق (2017م). مفهوم القطاع الثالث والإشكالات المعرفيّة التي تعتريه في ضوء التجربتين الأنجلوساكسونية والأوروبية، ورقة مقدمة لورشة عمل "اقتصاديات العمل الخيري"، التي نظمها المركز الدولي للأبحاث والدراسات (مداد) بالشراكة مع معهد الاقتصاد الإسلامي بجامعة الملك عبد العزيز، 2 مايو.

I diritti sociali “costano”, ovvero presuppongono organizzazioni e strutture che dipendono da investimenti selettivi di risorse scarse. In che modo è possibile assicurare una rinnovata base materiale alla società del benessere? Giovandosi... more

I diritti sociali “costano”, ovvero presuppongono organizzazioni
e strutture che dipendono da investimenti selettivi di risorse scarse.
In che modo è possibile assicurare una rinnovata base materiale
alla società del benessere? Giovandosi del contributo di studiosi
e accademici di diverse sensibilità e orientamenti culturali, quest’opera, autenticamente interdisciplinare, mira a fornire un’analisi “per problemi” della sostenibilità del welfare, con sguardo attento alle dinamiche generative di valore – ad un tempo umano
e finanziario – che stanno emergendo nella terra di mezzo tra scambio e comunione di scopo, pubblico e privato, solidarietà e mercato.
I vari capitoli non si esauriscono in un commento alle singole discipline di settore, ma aggiungono tasselli ad un «ecosistema normativo» capace di valorizzare le nuove frontiere della finanza sociale, recependo gli aspetti piú innovativi delle esperienze straniere senza smarrire le nostre radici giuridiche e culturali.

The Keppres (Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia) Number 2 of 2022 recognised the 1 March date (with reference to the Serangan Umum of 1 March 1949) as the Day of the Upholding of National Sovereignty (Hari Penegakan Kedaulatan Negara).... more

In linguistics and language education (as elsewhere), involvement with third sector organisations (TSOs) can enhance teaching, research and the practical value of university work. But for both parties, it often takes special extra... more

In linguistics and language education (as elsewhere), involvement with third sector organisations (TSOs) can enhance teaching, research and the practical value of university work. But for both parties, it often takes special extra initiative to establish and maintain these links. What form do these efforts take? What are the benefits and challenges, opportunities and risks? And what could or should be done to optimise these collaborations?

Authors (M Fazal Noor and Shadab Fariduddin) trace the factors contributing to evolution of social economy, where welfare organizations (WOs) transformed into non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the 80’s and to non-profit... more

Authors (M Fazal Noor and Shadab Fariduddin) trace the factors contributing to evolution of social economy, where welfare organizations (WOs) transformed into non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the 80’s and to non-profit organizations (NPOs) in the 90s, then into civil society organizations (CSOs) in early 2000’s and, most recently, into Social Enterprises (SEs) since the last decade. They explain the context of Pakistan’s ‘social economy’ and recommend to NGOs and CSOs on how to use market forces, become demand driven, and earn profits while serving a social need as successful social enterprise in Pakistan

The threats to democracy from populist political projects are more and more often commented on and analyzed around the world. The Polish case is not an exception as there are numerous scholarly papers on the changes in public discourse,... more

The threats to democracy from populist political projects are more and more often commented on and analyzed around the world. The Polish case is not an exception as there are numerous scholarly papers on the changes in public discourse, politics, democratic institutions and the like. The case of civil society is, however, sometimes overlooked and downplayed in this stream of thought. This article looks at the recent reconfigurations within the sphere of civil society in Poland as well as in the ways this sector of activities is conceptualized and analyzed by scholars and commentators alike. This approach stems from understanding civil society in Poland as a political project, a process begun around the transition of 1989, but that also had political meaning during the years of consolidation of democracy. Only the recent reconfiguration and accumulation of power and consequent shift in politics and public discourse to the right has resulted – among other things – in higher levels of activism among citizens and politicization of numerous topics. The observed higher levels of citizen engagement have pushed some observers and scholars to re-define the concept of civil society in Poland and to include within it forms of activism previously excluded. With the numerous and often politicized collective actions of Poles – such as nationalist activism, urban activism, and participation in street protests – not only is the concept of civil society being stretched but also some previously used distinctions, such as the notion of ‘uncivil society’, are no longer in use.