Food Policy Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The welfare state continues to be eroded in the Global North. In Canada and the U.S., food banks are now one of the only systems of relief available. But in both countries, critics have accused food banks of being apolitical and thus... more

The welfare state continues to be eroded in the Global North. In Canada and the U.S., food banks are now one of the only systems of relief available. But in both countries, critics have accused food banks of being apolitical and thus taking away government responsibility to address inequality. The rise of food banks has been linked to the decline of the welfare state, leading to an assumption that an increase in public assistance can end the need for food banks. Yet little research exists that examines how other institutions such as the food industry drove food bank growth, or how food banks are politically active. The history of food banks in Canada presents an informative case study because the state was not directly involved in establishing food banks, thus allowing greater insight into the role of industry in the institutionalization of food banks and their political activity. Using environmental institutions and political ecology frameworks we conducted a literature review and interviews of experts, as well as a case study of one food bank. Our findings suggest that the factors leading to the existence of food banks cannot only be linked to cuts in welfare; rather, the influence of industrial decline and centralization of the food industry must also be taken into account, as well as social movements and the policy gap around food waste. Food banks can be political, using available resources as ‘fuel’ to challenge government failure. The case of Canadian food banks indicates that, to address inequality and food insecurity in the Global North, researchers and policy-makers should not only focus on welfare but need to tackle the cost-shifting practices of the food industry and work toward joined-up and nested food policy institutions. Further, food banks, or organizations that look like them, can help address rising food insecurity if they are provided with sufficient legal, political, and financial support.

Telecommunication and more specially mobile phones have the potential to provide solution to the existing information asymmetry in various lagging sectors like Agriculture. India’s agricultural sector suffers from low growth rates and low... more

Telecommunication and more specially mobile phones have the potential to provide solution to the existing information asymmetry in various lagging sectors like Agriculture. India’s agricultural sector suffers from low growth rates and low productivity. Issues in access to information is a week point at every stage of the agrisupply chain. For small farmers base economy like India, access to information can possible enable better incomes and productivity to the farmers. This paper through focus group discussions and in-depth interview with farmers in villages of India, has tried to find answers to the use and impact of mobile and mobile enabled services on agricultural productivity. The answers to these questions are of relevance to develop better policy environment conducive for the small and medium farmers and has implications for mobile operators, for information service providers, and for policy-makers. The results show that although, mobiles can act as catalyst to improving prod...

Article based on Food Secure Canada's policy action plan for food system transformation in the context of COVID-19, the Food Policy for Canada and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Co-authored with Anna Paskal and Susan... more

Article based on Food Secure Canada's policy action plan for food system transformation in the context of COVID-19, the Food Policy for Canada and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Co-authored with Anna Paskal and Susan Alexander.

In line with the social objectives of the PNPB (Brazilian Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel) and its “Social Seal” Framework, PETROBRAS has set up a 57 million liter/year biodiesel plant in the semi‐arid region of North of Minas... more

In line with the social objectives of the PNPB (Brazilian Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel) and its “Social Seal” Framework, PETROBRAS has set up a 57 million liter/year biodiesel plant in the semi‐arid region of North of Minas Gerais State, where the socioeconomics indicators are very unfavorable. Despite the potential to boost the agricultural and agro‐industrial sector, the

A solução dos problemas na Amazônia não são independentes, mas conectada com outras partes do País e do mundo. A redução dos desmatamentos e queimadas na Amazônia depende do desenvolvimento de atividades agrícolas adequadas nas áreas já... more

A solução dos problemas na Amazônia não são independentes, mas conectada com outras partes do País e do mundo. A redução dos desmatamentos e queimadas na Amazônia depende do desenvolvimento de atividades agrícolas adequadas nas áreas já desmatadas e que tenham mercado, em vez do uso “sustentável” da floresta e de direitos difusos. Nesse sentido, uma política agrícola teria efeitos mais positivos do que uma política ambiental, que não pode ser efetuada de maneira isolada das demais regiões do País, sob risco de transferir contingentes populacionais de outras localidades. Há necessidade de elevar a produtividade das atividades agrícolas na Amazônia, reduzirem a pressão sobre os recursos naturais com risco de esgotamento, incentivar plantios racionais de recursos extrativos potenciais, substituir as importações de produtos tropicais (seringueira, dendê, cacau, etc.), melhorarem as relações de troca dos produtos amazônicos versus produtos importados da Zona Franca de Manaus, efetuar a r...

So begins a typical process of appreciative inquiry, a way of thinking and working with groups, organizations and commu-nities that assumes all human systems have at least some posi-tive features, ie something is working well. By... more

So begins a typical process of appreciative inquiry, a way of thinking and working with groups, organizations and commu-nities that assumes all human systems have at least some posi-tive features, ie something is working well. By fostering reflection on the system's ...

Intensification of agricultural practices is occurring in Canterbury. Dairy farm conversions continue with land use for dairying increasing 132% since 1995. Current concerns emanate predominantly from issues of water quantity and quality,... more

Intensification of agricultural practices is occurring in Canterbury. Dairy farm conversions continue with land use for dairying increasing 132% since 1995. Current concerns emanate predominantly from issues of water quantity and quality, in particular the degradation of lowland streams. These and other costs are not transmitted through markets for dairy products, these negative externalities represent allocation and equity concerns for regional policy makers. This study canvassed regional policy administrators, assembled available valuation studies and performed rudimentary calculations based on New Zealand research to form an estimate of the external costs of dairy farming in Canterbury. External costs are estimated at 28.7to28.7 to 28.7to45 million annually. Using 146,000 hectares of dairy in Canterbury, external costs per hectare is calculated at 196.59to196.59 to 196.59to308.23. Damage to air resources from CO 2 equivalent emissions is the largest category and is estimated to be 24.2to24.2 to 24.2to40.4 million...

Food charity in the United States has grown into a critical appendage of agro-food supply chains. In 2016, 4.5 billion pounds of food waste was diverted through a network of 200 regional food banks, a fivefold increase in just 20 years.... more

Food charity in the United States has grown into a critical appendage of agro-food supply chains. In 2016, 4.5 billion pounds of food waste was diverted through a network of 200 regional food banks, a fivefold increase in just 20 years. Recent global trade disruptions and the COVID-19 pandemic have further reinforced this trend. Economic geographers studying charitable food networks argue that its infrastructure and moral substructure serve to revalue food waste and surplus labor in the capitalist food system. The political-legal framework undergirding this revaluation process however is still poorly understood. Drawing on a 6-year institutional ethnography of the food banking economy in West Virginia, this paper takes a supply-side approach to examine the material and moral values driving the expansion of food waste recovery as hunger relief. Empirically, it focuses on the laws, contracts and fiscal incentives regulating charitable food procurement at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Feeding America. The assemblage of government agencies, private businesses and non-profit organizations enrolled into this gift economy at different scales I argue, serves to enclose food waste into a public-private governance structure that regulates food surpluses and ensures these will not disrupt the scarcity logics driving profitability along primary food circuits.

Pearl millet is a major cereal crop in northwestern India. The crop is grown in very harsh, arid, dry climatic areas having high temperature and low and erratic rainfall. It’s use as food is declining but its use as cattle feed, poultry... more

Pearl millet is a major cereal crop in northwestern India. The crop is grown in very harsh, arid, dry climatic areas having high temperature and low and erratic rainfall. It’s use as food is declining but its use as cattle feed, poultry feed and source of starch in the alcohol industry
is increasing. Its fodder is an important source of animal feed particularly in dry months when alternative sources of feed are not available. In the last decade, pearl millet was also grown
under irrigation in the summer months. Gujarat state has the highest area under summer pearl millet not only among the northwestern states but also at the all-India level. In this paper, we have analyzed the productive potential of both kharif (rainy season) and summer
pearl millet particularly in Gujarat state. Kharif pearl millet still contributes to the bulk of the pearl millet production in western India although its yields are relatively low. To compete with crops like guar, green gram, cotton, etc, both grain and fodder yields of the kharif crop need to be increased. With the adoption of improved cultivars and low-cost improved technology, yields can be increased by 20-30% from the existing levels. Yields of summer pearl millet are much higher since it is grown under irrigation and its grain quality is also superior. It is
grown as a commercial crop with the bulk of the crop sold domestically, and also exported to neighboring countries. There is a need to explore opportunities to expand the area under summer pearl millet particularly in areas where irrigation is available and the fields are vacant
during the summer season.

Over the past few years, there has been growing global interest in the link between food and health. This paper provides a review of some of the recent literature describing these linkages. The first section provides an overview of... more

Over the past few years, there has been growing global interest in the link between food and health. This paper provides a review of some of the recent literature describing these linkages. The first section provides an overview of findings that link the consumption of fruits and vegetables, meat, eggs, whole-grains, alcohol, sugar, dairy, fish, pulses, soy, and nuts to coronary heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. The authors then summarize various international and domestic non-government organizations' views about these issues. The third section centres on the food industry and its responses to growing health concerns. The fourth section is an overview of public policy relating to food and health, including the use of food policy to change consumption behaviour and address obesity. This section also includes a discussion of the relevance of policies designed to discourage smoking to the current debate on obesity. The Conclusion highlights ways in which Canadian food p...

Sposoby produkcji jedzenia oraz jego związek z tożsamością mieszkańców Europy stały się u progu XXI wieku przedmiotem licznych dyskusji. Ich skutki dostrzec można w powstających rozwiązaniach prawnych – najlepszy przykład stanowi tu... more

Sposoby produkcji jedzenia oraz jego związek z tożsamością mieszkańców Europy stały się u progu XXI wieku przedmiotem licznych dyskusji. Ich skutki dostrzec można w powstających rozwiązaniach prawnych – najlepszy przykład stanowi tu Wspólna Polityka Rolna Unii Europejskiej. Unijne miliony przeznacza się na dofinansowanie europejskiego rolnictwa, które w Polsce wciąż jest jednym z największych i najważniejszych sektorów gospodarki. Oprócz pieniędzy z Brukseli przyszły do nas także systemy jakości żywności. Unijni i krajowi eksperci jasno określili granice „regionalności” i „tradycyjności” produktów. Jednak czy to oni decydują o ich autentyczności?

Agriculture provides the main support for Zambia’s rural economy, and because of this, growth in the agricultural sector is the clearest avenue through which poverty reduction can be achieved in Zambia. Yet despite widespread recognition... more

Agriculture provides the main support for Zambia’s rural economy, and because of this, growth in the agricultural sector is the clearest avenue through which poverty reduction can be achieved in Zambia. Yet despite widespread recognition of the strong connection between agricultural development and poverty reduction, there is continuing under-provision of public goods investments for over a decade. Zambia’s primary policy objective of achieving accelerated growth and competitiveness in the agricultural sector cannot be achieved unless adequate public resources are committed towards catalyzing the desired growth. Strong evidence from southern Africa as well as throughout the world indicates that long–term public investment in research and development, extension services, rural infrastructure, and food safety and quality systems have high pay-offs and are among the most important drivers of agricultural growth and competitiveness. Agricultural-led development has been identified by Af...

Watershed programme is an important intervention in dryland areas to improve livestock productivity through increased feed and fodder supply. The present study has focused on the impact of watershed interventions on crop-livestock... more

Watershed programme is an important intervention in dryland areas to improve livestock productivity through increased feed and fodder supply. The present study has focused on the impact of watershed interventions on crop-livestock linkages with particular emphasis on how the interventions have affected the quantity of stovers/straws as livestock feeding materials in bridging the demand-supply gap. The study has been carried out in three typical Shivalik foothill watersheds (two treated and one untreated) in the Panchkula district of Haryana state. The impact of watershed development programme has been estimated by adopting both with and without approach and before and after approach. The untreated watershed has derived 65 per cent of its total income from animal husbandry. On the contrary, this sector has contributed 42 per cent and 20 per cent in two treated watersheds. The availability of supplemental irrigation enabled the villagers to step up cropping intensity. The number of go...

Rising healthcare costs, intensive energy use, economic instability, and climate change are a few of the many pressing issues that cannot be successfully addressed without recognizing problems within the existing industrialized food... more

Rising healthcare costs, intensive energy use, economic instability, and climate change are a few of the many pressing issues that cannot be successfully addressed without recognizing problems within the existing industrialized food system. Such industrial food systems are defined by monoculture and consolidation of the seed industry; genetically engineered crops and the repeated use and application of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. This articles assesses the proliferation of industrialized food systems in Canada and focuses on its consequent environmental impacts surrounding biodiversity loss with respect to crop varieties, soil structure and seed sovereignty. Simultaneously, this research summarizes the existing narrow set of regulations and policy in Canada and turns to both successful and unsuccessful international examples of federal policy regarding food corporations to best develop a strategy for Canada. Inevitably, with the structure of agriculture in Canada is shifting to fewer but larger incorporated farms, we therefore argue that standards must be set in place to prevent the plethora of environmental and greater social injustices caused by the monopolization and consolidated control of food. This research explores the potential for Canada’s national food strategy to focus on biodiversity preservation and promotion as a main determinant of a sustainable and viable agricultural system for present and future generations.

China opened its pork import market to Spain in 2007. With this background, we introduce the concept of the Spanish-Chinese Export-Import pork chain. An explorative study based on the interview of 22 Spanish meat companies and two experts... more

China opened its pork import market to Spain in 2007. With this background, we introduce the concept of the Spanish-Chinese Export-Import pork chain. An explorative study based on the interview of 22 Spanish meat companies and two experts from meat exporting promotion institutions is conducted. The study gives an example and evidence to international chain management studies. It identifies the main problems of the chain and generates conclusions accordingly, as a first step for the Spanish pork industries to develop market strategies.

Cardinia Shire is experiencing a range of social and health challenges, many of which could be addressed by a healthier food system. This research documents the conception, design and implementation of a participatory food policy making... more

Cardinia Shire is experiencing a range of social and health challenges, many of which could be addressed by a healthier food system. This research documents the conception, design and implementation of a participatory food policy making process used by Cardinia Shire Council in the development of its first food strategy. Ethnographic research involving participant observation in Kitchen Table Conversations, as well as interviews with key informants, documents the development of this policy from a variety of perspectives. Using a case study approach, this paper explores how a participatory food policy making process can contribute to a healthier food system.

Development of manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is a key engine to promote development of rural economy in developing countries. A common industrial organization among manufacturing SMEs, especially in rural areas, in... more

Development of manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is a key engine to promote development of rural economy in developing countries. A common industrial organization among manufacturing SMEs, especially in rural areas, in Indonesia as in many other developing countries is clustering, where firms producing similar products concentrate in a certain area. This has led the Indonesian government to adopt