City Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Chapter 3 from The City of Reason vol 1 Cities and Citizenship by Dr Peter Critchley The purpose of this study is to recover politics as a creative and rational arena of discourse capable of uniting disparate individuals within a... more

This review offers a perspective on the role landscape and gardening play in urban settings from a socio-cultural, and ecological dimension. The practice of cultivating in gardens, parks and vacant lots, creates community spaces, and are... more

This review offers a perspective on the role landscape and gardening play in urban settings from a socio-cultural, and ecological dimension. The practice of cultivating in gardens, parks and vacant lots, creates community spaces, and are increasingly becoming important to peoples’ experience of social and cultural wellbeing. In recent times, this has become a major focus of research in ecology, agriculture, urban design, landscape architecture, human geography, and sociology. Community gardening is one of the avenues toward revitalizing urban environments, and it provides a way of addressing multi-faceted urban problems ranging from limited food access to safety and community cohesion. That being said, it is necessary to continually evaluate the roles which society, ecology, and culture play in cities and landscape planning due to the dynamic nature of culture. This article aims to bring to the fore, the various factors of landscape and gardening practices in cities and the dynamics...

This paper aims to study the imagination of Tehran through 1340s and 1350s Iranian cinema and the main question is that what kind of representation on city was fueled by cinema. This study was conducted based on analysis of four... more

This paper aims to study the imagination of Tehran through 1340s and 1350s Iranian cinema and the main question is that what kind of representation on city was fueled by cinema. This study was conducted based on analysis of four impressive films in these two decades. Two of them are popular movies (Ganje Gharoon and Khater Khah) and the two other (Khesht-o Ayeni and Ragbar) are related to avantgarde cinema. Although they are different in presenting the city in some aspects, the results reveal that both approaches emphasise on the negative aspects of the city and expose latent contradictions in the extreme way.

El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar cómo se despliega la relación entre la configuración territorial municipal y la representación política en tres ciudades — Londres, Medellín y Río de Janeiro —. Se tiene como propósito explorar... more

El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar cómo se despliega la relación entre la configuración territorial municipal y la representación política en tres ciudades — Londres, Medellín y Río de Janeiro —. Se tiene como propósito explorar cuáles han sido las condiciones y procesos histórico-territoriales que han posibilitado o inhibido la descentralización político-administrativa y la participación ciudadana, tanto en el gobierno municipal como en sus respectivas unidades territoriales submunicipales, llámense estas comunas, boroughs o regiones administrativas. Se parte de problematizar las nociones de descentralización político-administrativa y participación ciudadana bajo la perspectiva de comunidad política territorial (polity), categoría donde se integran aportes y discusiones de autores tales como Dahl, Castoriadis, Raffestin, Habermas, Lefebvre y Harvey. Luego de ello, se muestra la disposición actual de la división político-administrativa de cada ciudad y se compara cómo estas configuran o no ámbitos de participación y representación política ciudadana. Dadas las grandes diferencias observadas, el trabajo avanza en una indagación histórica y territorial de los contextos político-normativos nacionales y los procesos territoriales en la constitución del espacio político urbano y municipal de cada ciudad, a la vez que se examina la existencia o no de matrices históricas de construcción territorial y participación política que ayuden a explicar tales diferencias.
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This essay looks at the cinema of Rituparno Ghosh from the vantage point of urban cultural studies. Ghosh was at a forefront of a new cinema in the mid-1990s that purportedly ‘brought the Bengali middle classes back to the theatre’. Under... more

This essay looks at the cinema of Rituparno Ghosh from the vantage point of urban cultural studies. Ghosh was at a forefront of a new cinema in the mid-1990s that purportedly ‘brought the Bengali middle classes back to the theatre’. Under the rubric of this claim which is verifiably true, lies the understated idea: who or what was the nature of this new middle class and how in the initial years of globalization did they relate to the imperatives of cultural and global capital. One obvious critical paradigm in the early cinema of Ghosh is its internality, a parcelling out of larger conceptions of space and place into metonymic, drawing-room dramaturgy, a chambering of orchestrated relationships away from the politically volatile, lived, identifiable vestiges of the city of Calcutta, where the films are apparently based. This article hopes to add to contemporary debates about the de-politicization of the middle classes by looking at Ghosh’s cinema as a major contributor to middle class’s conscious, cultural self-fashioning under globalization and the construction of their spatial and locational aesthetics. It concludes by looking into how Ghosh’s films severely challenge notions of space around the idea of the ‘cinematic city’, and how that ultimately relates to his assumed position as a feminist filmmaker.

Home is one of the oldest themes in the texts of our culture; it is central, for example, to the Jewish Bible and the Homeric epics. It is a prominent theme in the philosophical and political writing of Ancient Greece. Subsequently,... more

Home is one of the oldest themes in the texts of our culture; it is central, for example, to the Jewish Bible and the Homeric epics. It is a prominent theme in the philosophical and political writing of Ancient Greece. Subsequently, medieval Christian writers and philosophical writers of the modern world – notably John Locke and Karl Marx – brought substantial depth to the conception of home. In the contemporary world, it is the phenomenological philosopher Martin Heidegger who has most advanced the study of home.

Provide a critique of existing development or an existing proposal for a site within Hulme or Moss Side, Manchester. Based on these critiques outline your alternative proposal for promoting a better masterplan/design and with this a more... more

Provide a critique of existing development or an existing proposal for a site within Hulme or Moss Side, Manchester. Based on these critiques outline your alternative proposal for promoting a better masterplan/design and with this a more sustainable community.

Η παιδική χαρά αποτελεί μια ακόμη μορφή του αστικού χώρου, η συζήτηση και ο προβληματισμός γύρω από την οποία αντικατοπτρίζει όσο και συνδιαμορφώνει τις αντιλήψεις της κοινωνίας για το παιδικό παιχνίδι και κατ’ επέκταση τα ίδια τα παιδιά,... more

Η παιδική χαρά αποτελεί μια ακόμη μορφή του αστικού χώρου, η συζήτηση και ο προβληματισμός γύρω από την οποία αντικατοπτρίζει όσο και συνδιαμορφώνει τις αντιλήψεις της κοινωνίας για το παιδικό παιχνίδι και κατ’ επέκταση τα ίδια τα παιδιά, αλλά και τις αξιώσεις και τις προσδοκίες που διατηρεί η κοινωνία από αυτές τις αντίστοιχες περιόδους της ζωής των ανθρώπων. Η εργασία αυτή εξετάζει την ιστορική προέλευση της παιδικής χαράς, ως ενός κατεξοχήν αστικού φαινομένου και επιχειρεί να να εντοπίσει το ρόλο αλλά και τα όριά -υλικά και νοητά- της παιδικής χαράς.

Ballester, P., (2021), 15 march, The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and the simulacre city. La Furia Umana, 40, Track the cities, Tracer les villes, 33.... more

Reminiscences et vies citadines. « Time is always memorialized not as flow, but as memories of experienced places », partant de cette citation de David Harvey (1990, p. 218), je souhaite proposer une reflexion sur les rapports des villes... more

Reminiscences et vies citadines. « Time is always memorialized not as flow, but as memories of experienced places », partant de cette citation de David Harvey (1990, p. 218), je souhaite proposer une reflexion sur les rapports des villes et des citadins au [...]

Pour les intellectuels et lexicographes officiant sous l'Ancien Regime, le peuple de France n'est alors pas un mais multiple. Au cœur de l'espace urbain, exclusion faite de la population mendiante et vagabonde, la partie tout... more

Pour les intellectuels et lexicographes officiant sous l'Ancien Regime, le peuple de France n'est alors pas un mais multiple. Au cœur de l'espace urbain, exclusion faite de la population mendiante et vagabonde, la partie tout a la fois la plus nombreuse et la moins bien consideree de ce peuple regroupe les travailleurs journaliers et sans qualification, ceux de la terre ou plus ou moins qualifies mais non dependants d'un cadre corporatif, la domesticite au sens large, les ouvriers de manufactures, les compagnons et garcons de metiers jures ainsi que l'ensemble des chambrelans besognant en contravention aux statuts des jurandes. Cette population que nous identifions sous l'appellation " second peuple " se caracterise par une existence de ses membres majoritairement vecue dans la precarite quotidienne, une insertion plus ou moins bien definie et solide au sein de la societe urbaine et une inscription en dehors de toute forme officielle d'organisat...

House music has had a considerable influence in shaping the sound of pop music from the late 1980s onwards. From underground dance events to the pop charts, traces of this aesthetic can be found in many guises. This book is a comparative... more

House music has had a considerable influence in shaping the sound of pop music from the late 1980s onwards. From underground dance events to the pop charts, traces of this aesthetic can be found in many guises. This book is a comparative study which traces a genealogy of house music across England, the Netherlands and US cities, such as Chicago, from the early 1980s to the first half of the '90s. In doing so, it maps some of the power structures that are at play in the uses of its specific technologies of production and consumption. The author, Hillegonda Rietveld, was already steeped in dance club culture before she decided to write this loving piece of academic prose about house. Taking critical cultural studies as a vehicle and house music as its aesthetic fuel, she ram raids boundaries of academic disciplines, fusing ideas like a meticulous DJing curator.

This article assesses some potential approaches to museums and cities propelled by a theoretical preoccupation with modernity as a condition of speed. Here, one can extrapolate two variants in the writings and interventions of Marinetti,... more

This article assesses some potential approaches to museums and cities propelled by a theoretical preoccupation with modernity as a condition of speed. Here, one can extrapolate two variants in the writings and interventions of Marinetti, Simmel, Virilio, and writers in the postmodern tradition: (a) the museum is slow, it is a brake on modernity, it is modernity’s sedentary other and (b) the museum is fast, it is as quick as the city, reflecting modernity’s impulse toward acceleration. To finesse these approaches, the article will move toward the method of rhythmanalysis and an emphasis on time—space considerations. It is Lefebvre’s teasing last snippets on the concept of rhythm, the article will argue, presaged by Benjamin’s approach to the variant tempos of modernity in The Arcades Project, that point to a fuller and more advanced approach to urban—museological relations and the multiple rhythms that feature in both.