Henri Lefebvre Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Post-foundational thinking claims that – within the realm of the social – absolute reasons are not possible. This assumption further entails that no ultimate foundation really exists, on which social and historical entities are built: no... more

Post-foundational thinking claims that – within the realm of the social – absolute reasons are not possible. This assumption further entails that no ultimate foundation really exists, on which social and historical entities are built: no God, no biological law or genetic code, no market, no anthropological essence, no relations of production. Nothing, this is the post-foundational credo, determines the final course of history with certainty or necessity. In addition, post-foundational theory states that precisely this impossibility constitutes the (absent) ground for all social, political and historical events.
The aim of this introduction and this volume is to bring together post-foundational thinking and the field of knowledge and practice that constitutes and is constituted by spatial and urban matters, such as human geography, urban studies, urban planning, or architecture.

Abstract: This paper presents an argument for considering issues of class in analyses of communicative planning projects. In these projects, class interests tend to be obscured by the contemporary preoccupation with the class-ambiguous... more

Abstract: This paper presents an argument for considering issues of class in analyses of communicative planning projects. In these projects, class interests tend to be obscured by the contemporary preoccupation with the class-ambiguous category of “community”. Through a case study of a project of urban redevelopment at King's Cross in London, we conceptualize and map class interests in an urban redevelopment project. Three aspects of the planning process that contain clear class effects are looked at: the amount of office space, the flexibility of plans, and the appropriation of the urban environment as exchange or use value. These aspects structure the urban redevelopment but are external to the communicative planning process. The opposition to the redevelopment has in the planning discourse been articulated as “community”-based rather than in class-sensitive terms. We finally present three strategies for reinserting issues of class into planning theory and practice.

Lefebvre, yaşadığı dönemdeki sorunları ele alarak onlara eleştirel yaklaşmıştır. Bu dönemde kentleşme sürecinde devletlerin benimsediği kent tipleri olmuştur. Getto tipi kentleşme de bunlardan biridir. Bu kentleşme tipi de gelişiyle... more

Lefebvre, yaşadığı dönemdeki sorunları ele alarak onlara eleştirel yaklaşmıştır. Bu dönemde kentleşme sürecinde devletlerin benimsediği kent tipleri olmuştur. Getto tipi kentleşme de bunlardan biridir. Bu kentleşme tipi de gelişiyle birlikte birçok sorunu da beraberinde getirmiştir. Marx’ın dikkat çekmeye çalıştığı işçilerin ürettikleri ürünlere yabancılaşması, Lefebvre’nin bahsettiği olaylara ve şeylere yabancılaşma, getto tipi kentleşmede gördüğümüz belirgin tabakalaşma modelleri, yeniden üretimin yapılmıyor oluşu ya da göz ardı ediliyor olması, mekanların topluma yansımasında ve algılanmasında yarattığı sorunlar yalnızca birkaçıdır. Lefebvre, bu sorunları görüp çözümlemeler yapmıştır. Bununla birlikte alan araştırmalarıyla elde ettiği bulgularla analizler yaparak uygulamaya dökmeye çalışmıştır. Sıradan ve monoton metropol yaşantısının sorunlarını inceleyerek bu sorunlara anları çoğaltmak gibi çözümler sunmuştur. Hall gibi çözümlemelerini teorilerde bırakmamış sahaya dökmüş, çözümler üretmiş ve uygulamıştır. Aynı zamanda yaşadığı döneme eleştirel yaklaşarak dönemin sorunlarına eğilmiş ve bu sorunların giderilmesi için katkıda bulunmaya çalışmıştır. Hem hayatın içinde olup hem de hayattan bahsedebilmek, sorunlara dikkat çekebilmek, bu sorunlar için çözümler üretmeye çalışmak dünyaya bırakılabilecek en güzel miraslardandır. Hall gibi Lefebvre’de bunu başarmış sosyologlardandır. Bu başarılar da Lefebvre’in hayatından, eserlerinden ve kavramlarından (2. Henri Lefebvre başlığı altında) bahsetmek için büyük sebeplerdir.
Hall, Birmingham Üniversitesi Çağdaş Kültürel Çalışmalar Merkezi ile birlikte kültürel çalışmaların disiplinler arası incelenmesiyle ve gelişmesine olanak sağlamasıyla İngiltere’nin akademik sürecine önemli ve büyük katkılar sağlamıştır. Hall’un hegemonya kavramını incelediği dönem İngiltere’de refah devletinden neoliberal devlete dönüşüm yaşandığı dönemdir. Hall, bu dönüşümde toplum yerine bireye dikkat çekilmesini ve bunların altında nelerin yattığını; hegemonyanın nasıl kurulabildiğini ya da kurulamadığını incelemesiyle bir sosyoloğun dönemsel sorunlarla ve süreçlerle nasıl ilgilenmesi gerektiğini bizlere göstermesiyle büyük önem arz etmektedir. Aynı zamanda Jamaica’dan Londra’ya gelmesiyle birlikte kendi kimliğiyle de özdeşleştirdiği organik aydın kavramını benimsemesiyle de aslında ırk, din farklılıklarını gözetmeksizin herkesin aydın olabileceğini ve aydın kalarak nasıl toplumla etkileşim halinde kalınabileceğini bizlere göstermiştir.
Bahsettiğim sebeplerden ve Stuart Hall’un yaptığı çalışmalarında, bu çalışmaları neden yaptığında önemli noktalar olduğunu düşündüğümden ‘’3. Stuart Hall’’ başlığı altında onun hayatından, eserlerinden ve temel kavramlarından bahsedeceğim.

This paper demonstrates how Henri Lefebvre's influential theory of the "production of space" can help generate a more critical understanding of transformations in digital music, and in particular, the emergence of... more

This paper demonstrates how Henri Lefebvre's influential theory of the "production of space" can help generate a more critical understanding of transformations in digital music, and in particular, the emergence of data-driven and cloud-based music streaming services. Lefebvre distinguished between "social space" and what he calls "abstract space" - the space of capitalism. Music streaming services such as Spotify, Deezer, and Pandora, can be understood as the latest stage in the ongoing struggle to transform the "social space" of P2P file-sharing into "abstract space." By giving careful consideration to perceived, conceived and lived processes in the production of space - what Lefebvre called the "trialectics of space" - this paper illuminates the different ways music streaming services and their listeners produce new spaces of music consumption, helping us in turn to develop a more robust critique of abstract space in ...

Von gewachsenen Räumen hin zur fragmentierenden Stadtplanung - der urbane Raum hat sich fortlaufend der Funktionslogik einer kapitalistischen Moderne angepasst. Doch der Wandel vom Wohn- zum Lebensraum ist nicht zwangsläufig endgültig:... more

Von gewachsenen Räumen hin zur fragmentierenden Stadtplanung - der urbane Raum hat sich fortlaufend der Funktionslogik einer kapitalistischen Moderne angepasst. Doch der Wandel vom Wohn- zum Lebensraum ist nicht zwangsläufig endgültig: Gegenwärtige Mobilitätspraktiken wie das Skaten stellen sich gegen den Wandel und fordern städtischen Raum zurück.

This paper aims to apply the concepts of geography to the study of the counter-tenor, to delineate the spaces that counter-tenors produce and the ineluctable points at which listeners encounter them. Drawing particularly upon Henri... more

This paper aims to apply the concepts of geography to the study of the counter-tenor, to delineate the spaces that counter-tenors produce and the ineluctable points at which listeners encounter them. Drawing particularly upon Henri Lefebvre’s treatise, The Production of Space (1974), this paper endeavors to show the interconnections of the counter-tenor as voice, sound, and body and contrast this image with the dialectical and unidimensional perspective that many uninformed listeners adopt and perpetuate. A definition and introduction to the study of the counter-tenor will help to initiate this discussion.

In this article, we utilize the social theories of Antonio Gramsci and Henri Lefebvre to explore the role that leisure activities such as football play within contemporary China in relation to issues of class. We argue that the recent... more

In this article, we utilize the social theories of Antonio Gramsci and Henri Lefebvre to explore the role that leisure activities such as football play within contemporary China in relation to issues of class. We argue that the recent promotion of football in China can be viewed as a continuation of broader top-down processes of ‘modernization from above’ that serves as a microcosm of the wider class contradictions inherent in Chinese approaches to development since the 1980s. The issue of class has been strangely absent from the literature dealing with the development of football in China. We explore the major role of the middle classes as the target for the promotion of leisure activities and consumerist lifestyles patterns as part of the Party- State’s effort to integrate them into a transformed historical bloc.

As cidades estão longe de oferecer melhores condições de vida e oportunidades iguais para seus habitantes. A população urbana está crescendo, em 2050 a população mundial estará vivendo em áreas urbanas. A grande maioria dessas cidades... more

As cidades estão longe de oferecer melhores condições de vida e oportunidades iguais para seus habitantes. A população urbana está crescendo, em 2050 a população mundial estará vivendo em áreas urbanas. A grande maioria dessas cidades está localizada em países em desenvolvimento, entre os quais o Brasil, onde as cidades têm um histórico notável de violência urbana, falta de acesso a saneamento, conflito de terras urbanas, falta de serviços públicos adequados etc., nem estados nem mercados fornecem terra para todos os usuários, especialmente famílias de baixa renda. Existem duas cidades na mesma área: informal e formal. Em 1968, Henri Lefèbvre imaginou uma revolução urbana baseada na comuna de Paris. As cidades devem ser traduzidas em uma vida urbana renovada, na qual os cidadãos teriam a capacidade de se desenvolver sob o princípio da liberdade. Ele chamou esse utópico urbano de "le droit à la ville". Os distúrbios em Maio de 68 foram os primeiros passos em direção à utopia urbana. O direito à cidade é um conceito aberto, portanto, a ideia original foi interpretada, incompreendida e banalizada. Esta tese examina as disputas narrativas em torno do conceito de direito à cidade e oferece um arcabouço teórico para analisar como a literatura jurídica brasileira lida com o direito à cidade. Sob a hipótese de que haveria uniformidade do conceito jurídico do direito à cidade na literatura jurídica brasileira. A Revisão Sistemática da Literatura foi a técnica metodológica utilizada para a construção do desenho da pesquisa, na qual selecionamos a amostra através de um protocolo predefinido para pesquisar artigos que continham palavras-chave em seu título ou resumo. A categoria de análise foi definida para a interpretação dos dados e a análise de conteúdo dos artigos. A análise dos dados demonstrou que inexiste uniformidade quanto à interpretação do direito à cidade, sendo, portanto, um conceito em disputa. A revisão sistemática da literatura possibilitou uma melhor definição do conceito e suas divergências, a fim de desvendar as lacunas discursivas sobre o tema. O debate teórico sobre o direito à cidade permanece aberto, o que indica que a abordagem de sua dimensão jurídica está aberta à discussão.


This article is based on Public Sphere ideology of JÜrgen Habermas reflecting communicative rationality that can make a selfhood in both individual and social level. In the Public Sphere, people can freely meet and share their attitude.... more

This article is based on Public Sphere ideology of JÜrgen Habermas reflecting communicative rationality that can make a selfhood in both individual and social level. In the Public Sphere, people can freely meet and share their attitude. The communication in this kind of space contributes the informal sphere that letting everyone be into inter-subjectivity and mutual understanding so that can last with the consensus eventually. Moreover, Production of Space ideology of Henri
Lefebvre considers the space relationship as dynamic as physical and imaginative space which mutual transfer as three cycling components as Representations of space, Representational space and Spatial practice. This eventually leads to reproduction concept of social relationship as new set of meaning. Both idea potential describe diversity of social phenomena focusing on contribution citizens’ role in driven society participation.

Objetivo. Desarrollar una reflexión sobre cómo incorporar la dimensión espacial en el análisis que todo diseño de intervenciones sociales requiere. Metodología. A partir de la vinculación de la obra de Henri Lefebvre, con el campo de... more

Objetivo. Desarrollar una reflexión sobre cómo incorporar la dimensión espacial en el análisis que todo diseño de intervenciones sociales requiere. Metodología. A partir de la vinculación de la obra de Henri Lefebvre, con el campo de trabajo social y la experiencia docente en una escuela de trabajo social chilena, se elabora una propuesta teórico-metodológica propia. Resultado. Se plantea una forma de análisis general que considera lo espacial como consustancial a lo social, desde una perspectiva trialéctica. Esta integra las dimensiones material, subjetiva y social en escalas macro, meso y micro. Conclusiones. Se estima que la propuesta desarrollada permite superar miradas ingenuas o conservadoras y aquella perspectiva que concibe lo territorial como un mero nivel de intervención. Adicionalmente, se indican un conjunto de desafíos que surgen a partir de esta propuesta. Palabras clave: espacio, análisis, teoría, metodología, intervención social, trabajo social. Abstract Objective. To develop a reflection on how to incorporate the spatial dimension in the analysis that all design of social interventions requires. Methodology. Based on the connection between the work of Henri Lefebvre and the field of Social Work, and the teaching experience in a Chilean school of social work, an own theorical-methodological proposal is elaborated. Results. A general form of analysis is proposed that considers the spatial as consubstantial to the social, from a trialectics perspective. This proposal integrates material, subjective and social dimensions, on macro, meso and micro scales. Conclusions. It is considered that this proposal allows overcoming naive or conservative views, and perspectives that conceive the territorial area as a mere level of intervention. Additionally, a set of challenges that arise from this proposal are indicated.

مجموعه مقالاتی درباره‌ی آنری لوفور فیلسوف فرانسوی

ماتریالیسم دیالکتیکی استفان کیپفِر برگردان: آیدین ترکمه پس از گذشتِ دو سال، ترجمه‌ی کتاب ماتریالیسم دیالکتیکی نوشته‌ی آنری لوفور به چاپ دوم رسید. به همین بهانه، این متن، که پیشگفتاری است که استفان کیپفر بر ترجمه‌ی انگلیسی کتاب ماتریالیسم... more

ماتریالیسم دیالکتیکی
استفان کیپفِر
برگردان: آیدین ترکمه
پس از گذشتِ دو سال، ترجمه‌ی کتاب ماتریالیسم دیالکتیکی نوشته‌ی آنری لوفور به چاپ دوم رسید. به همین بهانه، این متن، که پیشگفتاری است که استفان کیپفر بر ترجمه‌ی انگلیسی کتاب ماتریالیسم دیالکتیکی نوشته است برای معرفیِ بیشترِ کتاب منتشر می‌شود.
«لوفور می‌گويد ماركس در اين زمان هنوز برداشتی منفی از علم منطق هگل دارد. ماركس در فقر فلسفه (1847) و مانيفست كمونيست (1848) منطق ديالكتيكی هگل را بسان منطقی يكسره انتزاعی، صرفاً صوری، و كاملاً ناسازگار با برداشتی ماترياليستی از انسان بی‌اهميت جلوه می‌دهد. همانطور كه خود مارکس در سال ۱۸۵۸ در نامه‌ای به انگلس اعلان می‌كند، او فقط هنگامی به منطق ديالكتيكی هگل برمی‌گردد كه روی مقدمه‌ای برکوششی در نقد اقتصاد سياسی (1859) و سرمايه(1867) كار می‌كند. تنها آن‌جا بود كه بنا به گفته‌ی لوفور، ماركس به طور شایسته از منطق هگل فراروی می‌كند. در اين كارهای متاخرتر، «ايده‌آليسم و ماترياليسم نه تنها از نو به هم می‌پيوندند، بلكه دگرگون می‌شوند و از آن‌ها فراروی می‌شود». اين به ماترياليسمی ديالكتيكی می‌انجامد كه آن طور كه در صورت‌بندی استالين فرض می‌شد ضدِ بيرونیِ ايده‌آليسم باقی نمی‌ماند.»

This article explores two stories told during the production of the transmedia documentary project <em>Big Stories, Small Towns: Bongkud-Namaus</em> in the Dusun villages of Bongkud and Namaus in Sabah, Malaysia. Both stories... more

This article explores two stories told during the production of the transmedia documentary project <em>Big Stories, Small Towns: Bongkud-Namaus</em> in the Dusun villages of Bongkud and Namaus in Sabah, Malaysia. Both stories relate to hungry and sacred entities – an atomised, monstrous moon-eating spirit called the Tarob, and a sacred oath bound in blood, which eats anyone who breaks it. The article will introduce the<em> Big Stories, Small Towns</em> project, the process that underpins this project and the site of production in Sabah of one iteration of the <em>Big Stories, Small </em><em>Towns</em>, before analysing heterotopic conceptions associated with aspects of folklore in the Southeast Asian region. Providing a theoretical framework that reflects upon a key text by Evans (1953) – an early translator of Dusun folklore for Western audiences – aspects of Dusun culture will be explored that illuminate details of the two case study...

My undergraduate dissertation, written at the University of Sheffield. This dissertation aims to incorporate Henri Lefebvre's 'Production of Space' into a reading of 'Piers Plowman', which assesses the breakdown of feudalism, the incresed... more

My undergraduate dissertation, written at the University of Sheffield. This dissertation aims to incorporate Henri Lefebvre's 'Production of Space' into a reading of 'Piers Plowman', which assesses the breakdown of feudalism, the incresed use of material culture by the church and the portrayal of the body.

This paper seeks three principal things: to reveal something of the enigma that was Henri Lefebvre, to problematise some of the popular claims regarding the utility of his work for empirical research and to provide insights into his... more

This paper seeks three principal things: to reveal something of the enigma that was Henri Lefebvre, to problematise some of the popular claims regarding the utility of his work for empirical research and to provide insights into his research philosophy and methodology. While light is shed on some of the enigmas, others remain mysterious and that is considered appropriate. The importance of Lefebvre's metaphorical and actual journey from the rural to the urban is emphasised. A crucial aspect of the paper is the engagement with Lefebvre's attempts to make sense of this journey by elaborating his approach to theoretical and empirical issues. The paper explores how key concept of transduction is related intimately to the production of space, right to the city, planetary urbanisation and the urban society. In closing the paper highlights the challenge of the possible-impossible in the midst of capitalist neoliberal abstract space.

In his latest book Andy Merrifield does what he is the master at: briefly observing the urban world and reflecting on it through the lenses of urban history and theory. He draws primarily on the urban theory of the usual suspects:... more

In his latest book Andy Merrifield does what he is the master at: briefly observing the urban world and reflecting on it through the lenses of urban history and theory. He draws primarily on the urban theory of the usual suspects: Lefebvre, Harvey, Debord, Castells, Berman and Benjamin, along with some Althusser, Eric Hazan and Ray Pahl. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that Paris is the book’s major point of geographical
reference (albeit augmented with a few exceptional examples drawn from the UK and the US).

La discusión sobre la implementación de modelos de ciudad basados en su representación visual, debe sustituirse por una discusión sobre las estrategias de cambio que subordinen la forma al contenido. La tendencia de los procesos de... more

La discusión sobre la implementación de modelos de ciudad basados en su representación visual, debe sustituirse por una discusión sobre las estrategias de cambio que subordinen la forma al contenido. La tendencia de los procesos de redensificación y regeneración urbana es hacia el aumento de las rentas del suelo y el incremento del costo de las viviendas. El mecanismo que presupone la existencia de mercados donde la oferta de bienes disponibles a un precio dado es igual a la demanda a ese mismo precio, supone también que no es necesaria la injerencia del Estado en el ajuste de este mecanismo, esto a pesar de los cambios en las condiciones en que se desenvuelve el mercado. Con la pandemia se acentúan y se hacen más evidentes las contradicciones de este postulado. La imposibilidad de pagar un alquiler o hipoteca aumenta el riesgo de contagio para los sectores ya vulnerables. Las medidas de contención, como la suspensión de desalojos, se vuelven imprescindibles para garantizar el derecho a una vida digna en la ciudad.

Apresentado no III Seminário de Estética e Crítica de Arte

This paper identifies Open Jazdów in Warsaw as a model for an alternative production of social space in contemporary urban environments. The attempt will be made to present co-management as a type of governance that enables city dwellers... more

This paper identifies Open Jazdów in Warsaw as a model for an alternative production of social space in contemporary urban environments. The attempt will be made to present co-management as a type of governance that enables city dwellers to actively participate in the decision-making processes that affect the common space.

Chapter 3 presents empirically informed analyses of a number of new public space projects initiated first as counter-projects and counter-spaces by a variety of community and historic preservation society interests. It demonstrates... more

Chapter 3 presents empirically informed analyses of a number of new public
space projects initiated first as counter-projects and counter-spaces
by a variety of community and historic preservation society interests.
It demonstrates further that, Vancouver City Council (VCC) proved
receptive to the counter-projects and provided an overarching strategic
spatial framework within which the projects on the ground were
devised and implemented. This chapter also introduces the importance
of the social animation of public space, whether through politicised
collective action or ludic enjoyment. Changing representations of space
through time are shown to have implications for spatial practice on the ground, based on differences in the way social behaviour in public
space is understood and interpreted.

20 years after the first democratic elections in South Africa the urban society in Johannesburg is still marked by the legacy of apartheid which makes it difficult for residents of former township areas and members of suburban middle... more

20 years after the first democratic elections in South Africa the urban society in Johannesburg is still marked by the legacy of apartheid which makes it difficult for residents of former township areas and members of suburban middle classes to encounter each other in everyday life. Nevertheless there are spaces created or used by urban dwellers with the intention of living up to the ideal of the non-racist post-apartheid society. This case study of a charismatic church in Linbro Park, north-east of Johannesburg, analyses how the white, middle class church leadership conceives of the church as a public space of the Christian rainbow nation. The analysis of the experiences of township dwellers, though, shows subtle processes of exclusion at work. The article argues that this post-apartheid space of encounter is fraud by many contradictions, tensions and ambivalence; an urban space where urban dwellers transgress, but also reproduce racial and class-based boundaries.

Even with only a passing familiarity with the field it becomes apparent quickly that the terms regeneration and renewal tend to dominate the debate around the world. In general renewal tends to mean physical approaches and regeneration... more

Even with only a passing familiarity with the field it becomes apparent quickly that the terms regeneration and renewal tend to dominate the debate around the world. In general renewal tends to mean physical approaches and regeneration more holistic responses. Unfortunately, the
discourse is complicated, since renewal in North America and elsewhere in the Global North and South often means holistic approaches and in the 1980s in Britain regeneration meant physical interventions; the two terms are also sometimes used interchangeably. We hope that in the chapters that follow the meanings are clear from the context. In the Introduction to Section Two we explore the idea of a reconceptualization from renewal to regeneration. Surprisingly for such a globally ubiquitous and fast evolving arena of government and professional activity, books in the field have not attempted to a construct a comprehensive global overview of recent experience in an era of globalized neo-liberalism. This provides an opportunity for a book that can serve as a state of the art rallying point for the diversity of regeneration issues and approaches in different national and supra-national contexts.
With this rationale in mind our ambitious aims for the book are as follows:
1. to provide a succinct definition of regeneration and explore through the contributions of the authors the various meaning of ‘urban regeneration’ in differing national contexts, asking questions and providing informed discussion and analyses to illuminate how an apparently disparate field of research, policy and practice can
be rendered more coherent, by drawing out common themes and significant differences.
2. to provide an internationally orientated, cutting-edge critical review and synthesis of recent conceptual, policy and practical developments in the field by drawing together in one volume a diversity of approaches and insights.
3. to facilitate international dialogue and provide an international forum for the exchange of regeneration strategies, policies and practices in different national and continental contexts with a view to highlighting future prospects, directions, challenges and possibilities.

La mitología clásica y el orden ritual griegos recogen de manera recurrente el episodio en que Dionisos, como dios viajero o exiliado, regresa a la ciudad para inocular en ella la fuerza creativa de la vida desatada. Eurípides recoge ese... more

La mitología clásica y el orden ritual griegos recogen de manera recurrente el episodio en que Dionisos, como dios viajero o exiliado, regresa a la ciudad para inocular en ella la fuerza creativa de la vida desatada. Eurípides recoge ese tema en Las bacantes, la tragedia en que la divinidad del delirio y la embriaguez vuelve a Tebas para demostrar la fragilidad del orden que parece reinar en la polis. Esta imagen de Dionisos como dios venidero reaparece en el primer Romanticismo como encarnación divina de la promesa de superación de la racionalidad ilustrada, entendida entonces como asesina de dioses y mitos. De ahí surge parte la vindicación que Nietzsche hace de Baco para su desenmascaramiento del logos moderno y su papel en la nueva organización urbana, contemplada como desastre y promesa. Es esa misma vindicación de Dionisos la que vemos reaparecer en el siglo XX de la mano de Henri Lefebvre y su crítica a la reapropiación capitalista de las ciudades, al describir lo urbano como...

La pregunta lanzada por el centro de investigación y comunicación Alba-Sud en torno a la celebración del Taller sobre Economía y Ecología Política del Turismo de octubre de 2019, "¿Qué nos aportan David Harvey y Henri Lefebvre en un... more

La pregunta lanzada por el centro de investigación y comunicación Alba-Sud en torno a la celebración del Taller sobre Economía y Ecología Política del Turismo de octubre de 2019, "¿Qué nos aportan David Harvey y Henri Lefebvre en un análisis crítico del turismo?" puede suponer la excusa ideal para reflexionar sobre la obra de estas dos grandes figuras del pensamiento urbano del siglo XX y XXI.

Henri Lefebvre ist heute primär für eine bestimmte Periode seines Schaffens bekannt, als Theoretiker des Raums und der Urbanisierung. Weite Teile seines Werkes außerhalb dieser Periode bleiben hingegen unbeachtet. Der vorliegende Beitrag... more

Henri Lefebvre ist heute primär für eine bestimmte Periode seines Schaffens bekannt, als Theoretiker des Raums und der Urbanisierung. Weite Teile seines Werkes außerhalb dieser Periode bleiben hingegen unbeachtet. Der vorliegende Beitrag argumentiert, dass Lefebvres Schriften zu Stadt und Raum nur im Kontext seiner lebenslangen, an Marx angelehnten Beschäftigung mit Entfremdung und den Potenzialen menschlicher Praxis richtig zu erfassen sind. Der von Lefebvre diagnostizierte abstrakte Raum ist eine sozio-räumliche Ausformung des Entfremdungsphänomens in kapitalistischen Gesellschaften. Explizit in diesem Kontext konzipiert Lefebvre sein Recht auf die Stadt: als kollektives demokratisches Recht. Erst durch eine praktische Ausübung dieses Rechts können sich Potenziale des menschlichen Gemeinwesens demokratisch entfalten.

Crise e crítica são formas distintas de expressar um mesmo processo, quando se refere à modernização. Para Marx, a relação entre termos contraditórios e identitários desta sociabilidade, efetividade de uma razão irracional, assim posta,... more

Crise e crítica são formas distintas de expressar um mesmo processo, quando se refere à modernização. Para Marx, a relação entre termos contraditórios e identitários desta sociabilidade, efetividade de uma razão irracional, assim posta, detém a necessidade de se mostrar oposta a sua forma de ser. Resultado disto está o delinear de uma relação entre sujeito e objeto em que a subjetividade é a consciência objetiva e objetivada de uma i-razão que se mostra, nesta forma de consciência, como estrita racionalidade. Tal coisificação, fetichismo, é a forma de consciência necessária que possibilita a efetividade da contradição porque aparece como não-contradição. A crítica à economia política levada a cabo por Marx, entretanto, é uma distinção entre o ser e o aparecer ser do capital, sendo ambos determinações contraditórias de sua efetividade. Se se acentua a contradição identitária do capital entre acumulação e crise, tal contradição deve aparecer como mera reprodução ampliada, não revelando a sua identidade negativa posta pela crise que, entretanto, se põe como imanência e não como vazia contingência do conceito. Nesta medida, a crítica ao moderno coincide com a exposição da crise do capital, esta não somente como acaso histórico de sua efetividade, mas como êmbolo lógico de seu ser e de seu aparecer.