Anthropology of space Research Papers (original) (raw)

The book offers a fresh look on man, cultures, and societies built on the current advances in the fields of quantum mechanics, quantum philosophy, and quantum consciousness. The authors have developed an inspiring theoretical framework... more

This volume presents the papers of an international colloquium on the archaeology of houses and households in ancient Crete held in Ierapetra in May 2005. The 38 papers presented here range from a discussion of household activities at... more

This volume presents the papers of an international colloquium on the archaeology of houses and households in ancient Crete held in Ierapetra in May 2005. The 38 papers presented here range from a discussion of household activities at Final Neolithic Phaistos to the domestic correlates of "globalization" during the early Roman Empire. These studies demonstrate a variety of methodological approaches currently employed for understanding houses and household activities. Key themes include understanding the built environment in all of its manifestations, the variability of domestic organization, the role of houses and households in mediating social (and perhaps even ethnic) identity within a community or region, household composition, and of course, household activities of all types, ranging from basic subsistence needs to production and consumption at a supra-household level.

This article examines the conception of the everyday city as presented in the work of architect Christopher Alexander and architectural theorist Bill Hillier: Both thinkers suggest that, in the past, lively urban places arose... more

This article examines the conception of the everyday city as presented in the work of architect Christopher Alexander and architectural theorist Bill Hillier: Both thinkers suggest that, in the past, lively urban places arose unself-consciousty through the routine daily behaviors of many individual users coming together in supportive space and place. In different ways. both thinkers ask whether, today, a similar manner of vital urban district can be made to happen self-conscioustv through explicit understanding transformed into design and policy principles. The aim for both Alexander and Hillier is place-based urban communities marked by lively streets, serendipitous public encounters, and informal sociability. The article begins by examining commonalities and differences in Alexander and Hillier's conceptions of environmental wholeness and urban place. Next. the article considers implications for urban design and, last, indicates the considerable value that the two thinkers' ideas offer environmental philosophy, particularly for understanding environmental wholes.

Recenti studi affermano che le attività a reale valore aggiunto in ufficio non superano oggi il 5% delle ore lavorative e che, mediamente, un impiegato subisce più di 70 interruzioni al giorno. L'autore affronta le problematiche... more

Recenti studi affermano che le attività a reale valore aggiunto in ufficio non superano oggi il 5% delle ore lavorative e che, mediamente, un impiegato subisce più di 70 interruzioni al giorno. L'autore affronta le problematiche dell'efficienza nel mondo dell'ufficio partendo dalle fondamenta esistenziali dell'uomo ed analizzando tutte le molteplici perturbative che ne affliggono il compito lavorativo attraverso un percorso di rilettura dello spazio esistenziale che, nel mondo dei white collars, vuole restituire alla persona una nuova dignità intellettuale, più umanizzata e meno approssimativa. Lo spazio di relazione viene affrontato, dal micro al macrocosmo, analizzando tutti i livelli di interazione tra l'uomo ed il suo ambiente di lavoro. Partendo radialmente dal mondo degli oggetti, del corpo, della dimora lavorativa, del contesto urbano, fino ad arrivare al paesaggio-azienda. La relazione tra i vari livelli viene ricostruita da zero in una logica contestuale che tocca aspetti storici, psicologici, ergonomici, prossemici ed ambientali generando le fondamenta di una nuova disciplina che l'autore definisce, parafrasando i concetti di "Lean" dell'era efficientista della prima modernità: Lean Workspace Activities. Il fine è definire le regole per il recupero dell'efficienza, attraverso la generazione di benessere psicofisico.
Il presente studio si rivolge dunque a progettisti, managers, imprenditori ed in generale a tutti coloro che operano nel mondo dell'ufficio, nel tentativo di diffondere nell'era della Knowledge Society, una coscienza di "efficienza sostenibile" legata a principi etici, spaziali e di benessere ambientale.

Salt domes are geological features that occur when areas of salt deposits are pressured into layers above them, causing dome shaped distortions in horizontal strata. In some instances, the distortions protrude above flat areas of land or... more

Salt domes are geological features that occur when areas of salt deposits are pressured into layers above them, causing dome shaped distortions in horizontal strata. In some instances, the distortions protrude above flat areas of land or else appear underwater as seamounts. In the case of the five Louisiana salt dome hills considered in this article, their distinct elevation above the swampy bayous and flatlands surrounding them has led to their characterisation as islands by indigenous Atakapa-Ishak peoples and by subsequent Francophone and Anglophone settlers. The article considers the ways in which the five salt domes' islandness has been perceived, enhanced and/or undermined by various local inhabitants and/or the commercial operations that have operated on them. Discussion of these aspects involves consideration of the manner in which the salt dome islands' islandness is mutable and complex, particularly with regard to human impacts. This mutability is discussed with regard to both individual island placenames and the islands' overall designations.

Ce texte presente une ethnographie realisee au Bresil, avec trois familles portugaises dont le parcours de vie transnationale est passe par le Portugal, le Mozambique puis le Bresil. Dans leurs parcours, les membres des familles etudiees... more

Ce texte presente une ethnographie realisee au Bresil, avec trois familles portugaises dont le parcours de vie transnationale est passe par le Portugal, le Mozambique puis le Bresil. Dans leurs parcours, les membres des familles etudiees ont vecu des ruptures et des conflits et ils ont fait diverses transactions sociales. Ils ont negocie, mais ils ont aussi subi des impositions, pour s’ajuster aux situations successives. Dans leurs constructions identitaires, les membres de ces familles convoquent, de facon plus ou moins explicite, l’idee de « diaspora portugaise », comme construction culturelle d’un compromis qui permet de depasser quelques-unes des ruptures spatiales, sociales, culturelles et emotionnelles presentes dans leurs vies.

Im Frühsommer 1941 besuchte der Reichsführer-SS, Heinrich Himmler, das nahe Linz gelegene KZ Mauthausen und dessen Steinbrüche. Im Anschluss befahl er, dort und im Außenlager Gusen jeweils ein Bordell für Häftlinge einzurichten. Ihm war... more

Im Frühsommer 1941 besuchte der Reichsführer-SS, Heinrich Himmler, das nahe Linz gelegene KZ Mauthausen und dessen Steinbrüche. Im Anschluss befahl er, dort und im Außenlager Gusen jeweils ein Bordell für Häftlinge einzurichten. Ihm war die Idee gekommen, dass die totale Ausbeutung der männlichen Häftlinge durch die Genehmigung eines Bordellbesuchs als Prämie und Anreiz noch weiter forciert werden könnte.
Für das KZ-Bordell gab es in der Topographie des KZ zunächst keinen Ort. Seinem Charakter als Ort der Gratifikation entsprechend wurde es anfänglich nahe des Appellplatzes eingerichtet und sollten so einen optischen Anreiz für die männlichen Häftlinge bieten. Diese Verortung widersprach der idealtypischen KZ-Raumordnung, wonach das Lager in funktional getrennte Bereiche gegliedert war und spezielle Einrichtungen, die Aufsehen erregen konnten (Mordanlagen und Krematorien) außerhalb des Sichtfeldes der Häftlinge errichtet wurden.
Die innere Aufteilung der Baracke erfolgte gemäß der beiden Grundprämissen der Raumordnung im KZ: die klare Trennung der Geschlechter und einzelner funktionaler Sphären. Es setzte sich ein variabler Barackentyp als Standardausführung der Bordellbaracken durch, die Lazarettbaracke vom Typ Wehoba. Mit ihm konnte neben der klaren Funktions- und Geschlechtertrennung auch eine maximale Kontrolle aller Abläufe garantiert werden. Ein besonderes Merkmal dieser Bordellbaracken war der markante Mittelgang, mit dem die SS ihren nach Absolutheit strebende Kontrollanspruch umsetzen konnte. Er ermöglichte ein perfektes Monitoring der Häftlinge in allen Bereichen des Bordells. Dadurch war der ›Sonderbau‹ Teil des »Systems der rigorosen Überwachung« (Sofsky) der SS. Das KZ-Bordell wurde als sexualpolitisches Panoptikum organisiert. Damit wurde die Ausführung eines Sexualaktes überwacht, der von der SS als ausbeuterisch und erniedrigend definiert wurde. Dem Mann wurde der Besuch des Bordells als Privileg gestattet, die Frau gezwungen sich zu fügen. Darüber hinaus sollte jegliche Formen von Kommunikation unterbunden werden.
Neben der totalen Überwachung, war die gruppenhafte Unterbringung in Warte-, Tagesräumen und Schlafräumen, eine weitere Methode der Dehumanisierung, wie sie allgemein durch die Organisation von Raum und Zeit im KZ erprobt war. Durch die Verdichtung in Massen, die Segmentierung von Abläufen und Zuweisung dieser an festgelegte Orte wurden Lebens- und Handlungsmöglichkeiten der Häftlinge im Lager auf ein Minimum reduziert. Damit sollte das Wechselverhältnis von Mensch und Raum radikal zu Ungunsten der Häftlinge verändert werden. Häftlinge waren nur noch Objekte in einem von der SS konstruierten und kontrollierten Raum. Dies galt gleichermaßen für das KZ-Bordell. Die Strategien der Entmenschlichtung wurden dort durch die Ordnung des Raumes umgesetzt und machten es damit zu einer weiteren Institution des Terrors.

This article explores the class politics of inclusion. Drawing from ethnographic fieldwork, I examine a community campaign organized to oppose the closure of a pub to make way for urban redevelopment and the local Council's and property... more

This article explores the class politics of inclusion. Drawing from ethnographic fieldwork, I examine a community campaign organized to oppose the closure of a pub to make way for urban redevelopment and the local Council's and property developers' proposal to be 'inclusive' by planning a 'replacement LGBT venue' on its former site. Through this case study, the article shows the struggle surrounding the 'norms of intelligibility' imposed onto working-class and 'queer' expressions of sexuality in the attempt to gentrify a disadvantaged urban space. The article contributes to extant critical discussions of inclusion by unveiling the struggle surrounding the classed normative conditions attached to it. It further adds to queer perspectives on organization by showing how inclusion is predicated on 'straightening up' the 'wonkiness' of 'queer(ness)' in the pursuit of profit. K E Y W O R D S class, gentrification, inclusion, queer theory, sexuality 'What did you like about The Joiners?' asks Danny. 'I don't know', she responds. 'It was wonky … and there's nowhere wonky left to go.'

In a compelling mix of literary narrative and ethnography, anthropologist Alma Gottlieb and writer Philip Graham continue the long journey of cultural engagement with the Beng people of Cote d'Ivoire that they first recounted in their... more

In a compelling mix of literary narrative and ethnography, anthropologist Alma Gottlieb and writer Philip Graham continue the long journey of cultural engagement with the Beng people of Cote d'Ivoire that they first recounted in their award-winning memoir Parallel Worlds. Their commitment over the span of several decades has lent them a rare insight. Braiding their own stories with those of the villagers of Asagbe and Kosangbe, Gottlieb and Graham take turns recounting a host of unexpected dramas with these West African villages, prompting serious questions about the fraught nature of cultural contact. Through events such as a religious leader's declaration that the authors' six-year-old son, Nathaniel, is the reincarnation of a revered ancestor, or Graham's late father being accepted into the Beng afterlife, or the increasing, sometimes dangerous madness of a villager, the authors are forced to reconcile their anthropological and literary gaze with the deepest parts of their personal lives. Along with these intimate dramas, they follow the Beng from times of peace through the times of tragedy that led to Cote d'Ivoire's recent civil conflicts. From these and many other interweaving narratives - and with the combined strengths of an anthropologist and a literary writer - "Braided Worlds" examines the impact of postcolonialism, race, and global inequity at the same time that it chronicles a living, breathing village community where two very different worlds meet.

Taksim 360, located in the Tarlabaşı neighborhood of Istanbul, is one of the first state-led urban transformation projects in Turkey. Originally scheduled to be finished in 2014, the project is still under construction. Concordant with... more

Taksim 360, located in the Tarlabaşı neighborhood of Istanbul, is one of the first state-led urban transformation projects in Turkey. Originally scheduled to be finished in 2014, the project is still under construction. Concordant with broader discussions, Tarlabaşı's urban transformation has been largely studied through spatial lenses centered on accumulation by dispossession and displacement. These works assume that urban transformation projects necessarily follow a linear trajectory from inception to completion. Building on and diverging from this body of research, I examine the relationships between construction companies, subcontractors, and politicians involved in Taksim 360 through ethnographic fieldwork and media analysis with a critical emphasis on temporality. I argue that urban transformation in fact works through manipulations of time, which necessitates a temporal analytical lens that does not take teleologies of buildings projects for granted. It is specifically through delays that economic and political power is exerted, navigated, and negotiated within Taksim 360 using legal contracts, work stoppages, and stand-offs; conjuring of continued investment; and improvisations with labor and political capital. And so, delays emerge as modus operandi of urban transformation rather than measures of its failures.

Num contexto de desequilíbrio entre a oferta e a procura de habitação, de sobrecarga do território e de diminuição do arrojo económico, a reutilização de fogos existentes surge como um caminho inevitável. A compreensão dos mecanismos... more

Num contexto de desequilíbrio entre a oferta e a procura de habitação, de sobrecarga do território e de diminuição do arrojo económico, a reutilização de fogos existentes surge como um caminho inevitável. A compreensão dos mecanismos individuais e colectivos que levam às escolhas, particularmente dos sistemas de hierarquização de valores face à nova-velha-casa contribui para uma leitura mais aprofundada da relação do espaço com a sua ocupação e valores reconhecidos. O objecto de estudo é o Bairro das Colónias, em Lisboa (1930), caracterizado por uma arquitectura doméstica considerada anónima e com baixa intervenção de arquitectos. Durante a última década, neste bairro tem registado uma mudança significativa do seu tecido social, na qual a fixação de jovens famílias é um dos elementos evidentes. A leitura das opções e hierarquizações encontráveis na decisão de viver num dos fogos do bairro – unidades de análise – é o objecto específico da investigação.

Resumo: Num Estado de Direito, a luta política entre os vários grupos, que defendem ou atacam interesses de classe, económicos, profissionais, geracionais, de género, ou outros, embora regulada, é uma constante. Governos, empresas e... more

Resumo: Num Estado de Direito, a luta política entre os vários grupos, que defendem ou atacam interesses de classe, económicos, profissionais, geracionais, de género, ou outros, embora regulada, é uma constante. Governos, empresas e cidadãos, individulamente ou em grupo, lutam pelos seus objectivos estabelecendo relações de poder. Os media sempre tiveram um papel instrumental neste contexto e o novo media do séc. XXI – o ciberespaço – não é excepção. As características estruturais e funcionais deste instrumento criaram novas condições para a mobi-lização e participação políticas, reavivando a crença na acção libertadora da téc-nica. Por outro lado, nenhuma outra tecnologia promoveu tanta concentração de poder nas grandes empresas da indústria digital, ou criou semelhantes condições para a vigilância activa dos cidadãos por parte dos Estados. Este artigo reune algumas reflexões sobre a importância do ciberespaço como dimensão de poder. Abstract: The political struggle among groups defending or attacking class, economic, professional, generational, gender or any other interests, although regulated, is a constant. Governments, businesses and citizens, individually or as a group, fight for their porpuses by establishing relations of power between them, the media had always played an instrumental role with this regard and the new media of the 21st century – the cyberspace – is no exception. The structural and 1 Entregue: 2.3.2015; aprovado: 30.5.2015.

This papers examines Arab migrants' paths in Milan, the way they settled in and dwell in the oldest migration area in Milan, via Padova, space habits that allow them to live in a network of relationships, focussing on women's experience... more

This papers examines Arab migrants' paths in Milan, the way they settled in and dwell in the oldest migration area in Milan, via Padova, space habits that allow them to live in a network of relationships, focussing on women's experience and their displacement troubles.

Welche Beziehung besteht zwischen unserem Körper und dem Raum, der ihn umgibt? Reagiert unser Körper auf die verschiedenen architektonischen Formen, mit denen wir in Kontakt kommen? Falls ja, wie? Wie reagiert unser Körper auf Signale der... more

Welche Beziehung besteht zwischen unserem Körper und dem Raum, der ihn umgibt? Reagiert unser Körper auf die verschiedenen architektonischen Formen, mit denen wir in Kontakt kommen? Falls ja, wie? Wie reagiert unser Körper auf Signale der bildenden Kunst?

This paper explores the emergence of coworking spaces in Slovenia in the 2010s as a response to economic pressures and youth culture fads and explores the distinction between self-generated and top-down developed coworking spaces. While... more

This paper explores the emergence of coworking spaces in Slovenia in the 2010s as a response to economic pressures and youth culture fads and explores the distinction between self-generated and top-down developed coworking spaces. While the former were created by young activists, whose endeavours were rooted in identifying with particular modes of sociality, work, and local belonging, the latter point to a new systemic interest in youth. This interest - alongside other shifts in spatialization by young people and of them - indicates a historical change in social value ascribed to the youth. This value is founded on an ascribed entrepreneurial ability.

Hospitals are designed as spaces of improvement. Yet an accumulation of infrastructural projects can lead over time to the emergence of a layered landscape made up of multiple incongruous planned spaces. This article focuses on Madang... more

Hospitals are designed as spaces of improvement. Yet an accumulation of infrastructural projects can lead over time to the emergence of a layered landscape made up of multiple incongruous planned spaces. This article focuses on Madang General Hospital in Papua New Guinea as one example of such a landscape. Here, deteriorating colonial buildings jostle against new gleaming constructions built with donor funds. The layered effect of the postcolonial landscape draws attention to enduring racial and class inequalities; the colonial past is rendered present in the buildings of the future. Drawing on recent work on affect in anthropology and cultural geography I argue that this landscape impresses affects of hope and disappointment on the people who inhabit it and shapes ambivalent attachments to national and state futures. This double movement of improvement and decay is analysed as a process of ruination that is intrinsic to modern spaces of improvement.

Resumo Como funciona um mercado no qual os compradores provêm de outro país e onde muitos dos comerciantes e trabalhadores moram do outro lado da fronteira? O artigo analisa a dinâmica comercial de Ciudad del Este, importante centro... more

Resumo Como funciona um mercado no qual os compradores provêm de outro país e onde muitos dos comerciantes e trabalhadores moram do outro lado da fronteira? O artigo analisa a dinâmica comercial de Ciudad del Este, importante centro comercial de artigos importados localizado no Paraguai na fronteira com o Brasil. A partir das relações entre mobilidade, territorialidade e temporalidade, a descrição etnográfica acompanha os múltiplos atores envolvidos no comércio de fronteira em seus deslocamentos ao longo de um dia trabalho e aborda outras configurações temporais e espaciais relevantes. Considerando que o mercado pressupõe um espaço e um tempo nos quais sucedem suas transações, os mercados de fronteira apresentam uma complexidade especial, pois tanto revelam quanto relativizam as configurações espaço-temporais do Estado.

In Spain, the birth of interest in the nation's industrial heritage dates from the 1980s and occurred alongside the process of deindustrialization. Policies concerning derelict industrial sites have shifted gradually from destruction to... more

In Spain, the birth of interest in the nation's industrial heritage dates from the 1980s and occurred alongside the process of deindustrialization. Policies concerning derelict industrial sites have shifted gradually from destruction to preservation, rehabilitation, and enhancement, and industrial heritage enhancement projects are now widespread in the country. However, a clear mismatching has arisen between institutional and academic initiatives and local communities, which exhibit widespread disinterest in or even rejection of industrial remains. This problematic situation can be related to the utilization of industrial heritage as an economic resource without paying much attention to its connections with memory and identity. Also, the mismatching is due to a positivist approach to industrial heritage whereby the monument and the museum are prioritized. We argue that projects which consider industrial remains as part of cultural landscapes might shorten the gap between the institutional and economic side of industrial heritage and its identity-building and popular facets.

Convocatória para inscrições no Grupo de Trabalho: Abordagens etnográficas contemporâneas sobre paisagem: naturezas e culturas na América Latina. XIII Reunião de Antropologia do Mercosul – 22-25 de Julho – UFRGS – Porto Alegre. –––––––... more

Convocatória para inscrições no Grupo de Trabalho: Abordagens etnográficas contemporâneas sobre paisagem: naturezas e culturas na América Latina. XIII Reunião de Antropologia do Mercosul – 22-25 de Julho – UFRGS – Porto Alegre. ––––––– Resumo: Nas últimas décadas, o conceito de paisagem tornou-se objeto de problematização no que concerne à especificidade – e não universalidade – das representações sobre meio ambiente e sociedade que fundamentam sua origem no ocidente moderno. Diversos autores concordam que a paisagem imaginada como um domínio externo em relação a seres humanos, como “objeto” suscetível a contemplação ou conhecimento, não condiz com a pluralidade e complexidade de sentidos que esta noção envolve ao ser elaborada em contextos socioculturais outros e diversos. Ao trazer luz para diferentes modos de conceber a relação entre seres (humanos e não humanos) e ambientes, ou ainda “naturezas” e “culturas”, o olhar etnográfico permite explorar a partir de novos ângulos a dimensão construída das “paisagens”, suscitando questões sobre gramáticas nativas, epistemologias locais e seu lugar em dinâmicas referentes a processos capitalistas globais. Por este caminho, o presente Grupo de Trabalho visa reunir e colocar em debate olhares e aportes teórico-metodológicos que abordem a noção de paisagem desde uma perspectiva etnográfica, de modo que se torne possível explorar e aprofundar dilemas, tensões e conflitos, assim como saberes, técnicas, experiências, memórias, narrativas e afetos em torno deste conceito. ––– Coordenação: Stella Rodríguez (PPCIS/UERJ), Celeste Rosso (IDAES UNSAM/CONICET), Rachel Paterman (LAARES/PPGSA/UFRJ). ––– Inscrições e mais informações em:

Concebido como um guia para um possível percurso de leitura, este pequeno livro foi organizado de forma a tentar responder a três objectivos: primeiro, transmitir aos leitores a informação teórica e etnográfica que constitui o património... more

Concebido como um guia para um possível percurso de leitura, este pequeno livro foi organizado de forma a tentar responder a três objectivos: primeiro, transmitir aos leitores a informação teórica e etnográfica que constitui o património mais clássico da Antropologia do Espaço, segundo, pô-los em contacto com obras que foram fundamentais para a afirmação académica do referido campo disciplinar e, terceiro, enunciar algumas das propostas que se mostraram mais eficazes na abordagem do espaços contemporâneos.
No primeiro bloco, os textos “clássicos” são colocados nas suas genealogias conceptuais e, ao mesmo tempo, apresentados na sua especificidade de textos que contribuíram para a criação de um pensamento antropológico sobre o espaço. Nesta categoria entram os textos da escola Durkheimiana (Durkheim, Mauss e Halbwachs), de Evans-Pritchard e de Lévi-Strauss, e também os textos de Simmel, de Park e de Wirth. O entendimento dos autores contemporâneos só é possível a partir de uma reflexão em torno do pensamento destes autores, porque é neles que encontramos não só o início da autonomização conceptual e metodológica do objecto espaço, como a origem das diferentes linhas de abordagem que depois se vão delinear de forma mais clara. Segue-se a apresentação de autores mais recentes que, em contexto francófono, e em ligação estreita com a revista Espaces et Sociétés, contribuíram para a construção de um pensamento em que o espaço se autonomizou enquanto objecto de estudo das Ciências Sociais: Lefebvre, Ledrut, Remy e Voyé.
No segundo bloco apresentam-se três obras que, em tempos e em contextos diferentes, preconizaram a criação do campo disciplinar da Antropologia do Espaço: The Hidden Dimension, de Edward Hall (EUA, 1966), Anthropologie de l’Espace, de Paul-Lévy e Segaud (França, 1983) e The anthropology of space and place, locating culture, editado por Low e Lawrence-Zúñiga (EUA, Reino Unido, Austrália, Alemanha, 2003).
O terceiro bloco pretende aproximar os leitores de problemáticas contemporâneas a partir da discussão de quatro propostas de modalidades de espaço que se tornaram referências inspiradoras e incontornáveis: as Heterotopias de Foucault, os Não-Lugares de Augé, as multilocalidades de Rodman e as Ethnoscapes de Appadurai. A incorporação destas propostas no pensamento antropológico foi feita em articulação com um movimento crítico que, a partir do fim da década de 1980, levou a cabo uma progressiva e minuciosa desmontagem dos contextos de produção do pensamento antropológico. Nesse contexto de discussão intelectual, a ideia de “lugar” (ou, mais exactamente, a desconstrução da ideia de lugar) tornou-se central e, ao mesmo tempo, o espaço foi reconhecido como uma componente essencial da teoria antropológica.

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social sciences, and this volume gives readers for the first time a set of studies exemplifying what applied phronesis looks like in practice. The reflexive analysis of values and power gives new meaning to the impact of research on policy and practice. Real Social Science is a major step forward in a novel and thriving field of research. This book will benefit scholars, researchers, and students who want to make a difference in practice, not just in the academy. Its message will make it essential reading for students and academics across the social sciences.

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social sciences, and this volume gives readers for the first time a set of studies exemplifying what applied phronesis looks like in practice. The reflexive analysis of values and power gives new meaning to the impact of research on policy and practice. Real Social Science is a major step forward in a novel and thriving field of research. This book will benefit scholars, researchers, and students who want to make a difference in practice, not just in the academy. Its message will make it essential reading for students and academics across the social sciences.

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social sciences, and this volume gives readers for the first time a set of studies exemplifying what applied phronesis looks like in practice. The reflexive analysis of values and power gives new meaning to the impact of research on policy and practice. Real Social Science is a major step forward in a novel and thriving field of research. This book will benefit scholars, researchers, and students who want to make a difference in practice, not just in the academy. Its message will make it essential reading for students and academics across the social sciences.

The Ortiz Basualdo palace was built in Buenos Aires about 1912, by Paul Pater, a French architect which studied at the Ecole of Beaux Arts in Paris. The present paper tries to explain the antecedents and the architectural composition of... more

The Ortiz Basualdo palace was built in Buenos Aires about 1912, by Paul Pater, a French architect which studied at the Ecole of Beaux Arts in Paris. The present paper tries to explain the antecedents and the architectural composition of the typical French XVII century palace, but adapted to a corner. Also it shows the high appreciation of the Argentine High Society to the French culture of those times. The Palace was sold to the French state in 1938 and since then is a highlight in the architectural heritage of Buenos Aires.

Documento que reúne as considerações tecidas a propósito dos quatro capítulos em análise, apresentadas em regime de seminário no âmbito da disciplina em epígrafe.