Constantine Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Traduction introduite et annotée d’Ibn Taymiyya, « al-Jawāb al-ṣaḥīḥ li-man baddala dīn al-Masīḥ », édition BIN NĀṢIR, AL-‘ASKAR, & AL-ḤAMDĀN, t. I, p. 340-383. Réfutation de la thèse de la non-universalité de la mission du Prophète... more

Traduction introduite et annotée d’Ibn Taymiyya, « al-Jawāb al-ṣaḥīḥ li-man baddala dīn al-Masīḥ », édition BIN NĀṢIR, AL-‘ASKAR, & AL-ḤAMDĀN, t. I, p. 340-383. Réfutation de la thèse de la non-universalité de la mission du Prophète avancée par l’évêque de Sidon Paul d’Antioche (XIIe s.) dans sa « Lettre à un ami musulman ».

The message of peace and nonviolence was believed in the early church until the claim of Constantine's vision was endorsed by Eusebius and Lactantius. Scriptures and quotes from early church writers are reviewed, and thought questions... more

The message of peace and nonviolence was believed in the early church until the claim of Constantine's vision was endorsed by Eusebius and Lactantius. Scriptures and quotes from early church writers are reviewed, and thought questions challenge the reader.

Taken from my recent book “The De-Judaization of the Image of Jesus of Nazareth (the Virgin Mary) at the Time of the Holocaust: Ensoulment and the Human Ovum” (Thomas Blüger, Xlibris 2021). This paper follows the image of the Virgin Mary... more

Taken from my recent book “The De-Judaization of the Image of Jesus of Nazareth (the Virgin Mary) at the Time of the Holocaust: Ensoulment and the Human Ovum” (Thomas Blüger, Xlibris 2021). This paper follows the image of the Virgin Mary in relationship to the Jewish people from the early beginnings of Christianity till just before the papal encyclical on Mary Ineffabilis Deus in 1854.

This course examines the interconnected medieval worlds of Europe, Africa, and Eurasia from the death of Muhammad to the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople. Content extends from the emergence of Islam to the Ottoman conquest of... more

This course examines the interconnected medieval worlds of Europe, Africa, and Eurasia from the death of Muhammad to the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople. Content extends from the emergence of Islam to the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453. After a survey of late antiquity, Unit One of the semester, “The Shattering of Mediterranean Unity?” (632-1031), concentrates on the rise of Islam and the development of three distinct civilizations in the Mediterranean Basin: the Latin West, Byzantium, and the Caliphates. Unit Two, “Recovery and Revival” (1031-1227), examines the struggle between church and state, crusading and holy violence, the rise of towns and states, and trends in late medieval religion. Particular attention is given to women, religious minorities, and other marginalized groups. Unit Three (1215-1453) explores the close of the Middle Ages as signaled by the rise of the Ottoman Empire in the 1400s.

Quali istituzioni politiche hanno accompagnato - e in parte determinato - la straordinaria vicenda storica di Roma antica? Cosa conosciamo del loro funzionamento e della loro evoluzione? Quali sono stati i principali interrogativi della... more

Quali istituzioni politiche hanno accompagnato - e in parte determinato - la straordinaria vicenda storica di Roma antica? Cosa conosciamo del loro funzionamento e della loro evoluzione? Quali sono stati i principali interrogativi della lunghissima tradizione esegetica della quale siamo debitori? In base a quali suggestioni, invece, per secoli si è reinterpretato, attualizzato e, non da ultimo, strumentalizzato il vincente – e avvincente – “modello romano” nelle sue varie declinazioni? Per quali ragioni la comprensione di concetti politici d’indubbia attualità non può prescindere dallo studio di Roma antica? Tenendo presenti questi interrogativi di fondo, l’autore propone una guida sintetica al complesso sistema politico-istituzionale romano: un sistema che, sebbene lontano, offre ancora molti spunti di riflessione

Dans le cadre de l’année de "Constantine capitale de la culture arabe", 6 ème colloque annuel d' "Anthropologie et de musique", du Centre National de Recherches Préhistoriques, Anthropologiques et Historiques (CNRPAH) intitulé : «... more

Dans le cadre de l’année de "Constantine capitale de la culture arabe", 6 ème colloque annuel d' "Anthropologie et de musique", du Centre National de Recherches Préhistoriques, Anthropologiques et Historiques (CNRPAH) intitulé : « Savoir-faire et transmission des musiques de tradition orale ».

This papers examines three early Christian memorial sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem (church of the Nativity, Eleona church on the Mount of Olives, and Church of the Resurrection) erected in the 330s in the time of Constantine the Great... more

This papers examines three early Christian memorial sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem (church of the Nativity, Eleona church on the Mount of Olives, and Church of the Resurrection) erected in the 330s in the time of Constantine the Great and his mother Helena. All three churches included rock caves as memorial sites. The paper shows that the three differing variants of architectural staging of these caves within the memorial buildings weren‘t merely architectural attempts found within the framework of a process of architectural innovation, when it was a matter of finding adequate settings for a successful and rapidly expanding religious community and its places of remembrance.
The architectural analyses of the three building concepts provide specific insights into the ideas of the appropriate spatial and medial staging of a 'sacred place'. I suggest that the architectural presentation of the cave spaces within the new buildings was linked to the semantics of pre-Christian places of worship, in order to create an associative context to the commemorated events easily recognizable by a contemporary visitor.

The paper examines the final years of the Roman sun god Sol invictus in imperial representation, c. 310 to 325 AD. The cessation of explicit references to Sol marks a decisive step in the Christianisation of the Roman monarchy. A close... more

The paper examines the final years of the Roman sun god Sol invictus in imperial representation, c. 310 to 325 AD. The cessation of explicit references to Sol marks a decisive step in the Christianisation of the Roman monarchy. A close analysis of Sol imagery in the Constantinian coinage allows for a reassessment of this process. The minting patterns make it necessary to differentiate between billon and gold coinage: In the billon coinage, references to Sol invictus were ended abruptly in the course of a currency reform in the year 318 AD (no new Sol coins were minted, and the reform drove out from circulation the existing Sol billon coinage quickly). On the gold coinage, however, Sol survived up until 325 AD. The different patterns imply an awareness on the part of the central administration of the diverging functions of billon and gold coinage as media of imperial representation. The paper shows how the termination of Sol invictus was operated with care and counterbalanced by innovations in other fields of imperial representation, such as the ruler portrait.

Istoriografia a receptat domnia lui Constantin cel Mare de pe poziții ireconciliabile, abordând fie un discurs care a negat în bloc importanța domniei primului monarh creștin, fie exaltând meritele și contribuția sa la revigorarea... more

Istoriografia a receptat domnia lui Constantin cel Mare de pe poziții ireconciliabile, abordând fie un discurs care a negat în bloc importanța domniei primului monarh creștin, fie exaltând meritele și contribuția sa la revigorarea imperiului și la triumful religiei creștine. Dacă în spaţiul istoriografic autohton se remarcă predominanţa unei abordări teologizante-pe alocuri cu accente hagiografice a subiectului Constantin cel Mare pendinte tradiţiei ortodoxe, în istoriografia europeană, ca să ne limităm doar la aceasta, constatăm că primul împărat creştin a stimulat o adevărată efervescenţă în rândul istoricilor, tradusă printr-un număr impresionant de cărţi şi studii care au în centrul preocupărilor analiza domniei acestuia. Mai mult, Constantin este considerat ctitorul unei noi epoci în istoria imperiului, astfel că numeroşi specialişti şi-au orientat cercetările spre investigarea exhaustivă a epocii constantiniene. În egală măsură posteritatea istoriografică a fiului lui Constantius Chlorus în tradiţia istorică de factură eusebiană, subiectul care ne interesează în prezentul studiu, nu a fost nici ea neglijată, aşa cum arată o serie de contribuţii, precum cele ale lui Michael Whitby, Jorg Ernesti, Enrico Livrea, Guy Sabbah1.

""Two related types of silver medallions appear to have been struck for the dedication of Constantinople on 11 May 330 A.D. The first, whose reverse depicts a seated figure of Constantinopolis, has been widely catalogued in numismatic... more

""Two related types of silver medallions appear to have been struck for the dedication of Constantinople on
11 May 330 A.D. The first, whose reverse depicts a seated figure of Constantinopolis, has been widely catalogued in numismatic literature.1 The second, whose reverse depicts the Dea Roma, has not. This article presents a catalogue of the known exemplars of both types: 15 of the first and 3 of the second. It proposes that these were struck to imitate the tetradrachms of Hellenistic rulers. This conclusion is based on six factors: 1) the average weight and module match those of Hellenistic tetradrachms; 2) the medallion is struck in silver; 3) the thickness and high relief mirror those of tetradrachms; 4) the obverse is anepigraphic with the head cropped high on the neck; 5) the format of the reverse legend is typical of tetradrachms, and the image of Tyche was common on them; 6) Constantine wears a diadem, a revival of a royal accoutrement typical of Hellenistic monarchs. In addition, the argument will be made that these issues constitute something of a
brief return to the tradition of civic coinage.
This is argued first because civic coinages, including the coins of Roman imperial Byzantium, regularly represent city Tychai, and secondly, because this type appears to have been issued only from the mint of a single city,
a highly unusual restriction in the fourth century AD. The medallion can be viewed as valuable iconographic evidence for the cult of Constantinople’s Tyche established by Constantine and of his interest in maintaining Hellenic religious traditions and promoting his new capital as a second Rome.""

The Donatist controversy was the earliest instance of the secular powers becoming engaged in religious disputes between Christians. On the advent of Constantine the Donatist schism in Africa became a matter of public interest. The Roman... more

The Donatist controversy was the earliest instance of the secular powers becoming engaged in religious disputes between Christians. On the advent of Constantine the Donatist schism in Africa became a matter of public interest. The Roman authorities were involved almost from the beginning, not least because, in 313, the Donatists themselves appealed for adjudication to the emperors. In support to the Catholic Church numerous edicts appeared during the years from 316 to 414. In fact, the Theodosian code addresses to the supporters of Majorinus not only several decrees of the Book XVI, relating specifically to the religious sphere (see Cod. Theod. XVI,5,37-41.43-; XVI,6,1-5), but also various decrees of the Books VII and IX, relating generically to the public order, such as the rubric De metatis (see Cod. Theod. VII,8) or the rubric De famosis libellis (see Cod. Theod. IX,34).
In view of all this, our research analyses the different ways in which the Roman Empire punished the Donatist movement, and it attempts to quantify the real impact that such coercive activity had on the population. According to the studies of Monceaux, Frend, Brown, De Giovanni and Spagnuolo Vigorita, it considers all civil documents which were published against the schismatic Church and relates these documents to the evidences of Catholic literature.

F. Cenerini - I. G. Mastrorosa (ed.), Donne, istituzioni e società fra tardo antico e alto medioevo, Lecce-Brescia, Pensa Multimedia, 2016 - Collection of papers focusing on some aspects and historical events in order to ascertain the... more

F. Cenerini - I. G. Mastrorosa (ed.), Donne, istituzioni e società fra tardo antico e alto medioevo, Lecce-Brescia, Pensa Multimedia, 2016 - Collection of papers focusing on some aspects and historical events in order to ascertain the evolution of women’s attitudes and possibility of intervention in Late Antiquity as well as to demonstrate that through various methodological approaches, gender history can offer a pluralistic interpretation of society of such an important period of transition.

Sommario: Definizioni generali. Pagano, paganesimo, paganitas – Religione tradizionale romana – La religione degli imperatori – Res publica e persecuzione dell’alterità religiosa ▭ Costantino e le ambiguità del potere. Il paganesimo... more

Sommario: Definizioni generali. Pagano, paganesimo, paganitas – Religione tradizionale romana – La religione degli imperatori – Res publica e persecuzione dell’alterità religiosa ▭ Costantino e le ambiguità del potere. Il paganesimo come religione dopo il 313 – Imperatore, pontefice massimo, convertito – Costantino ‘religioso’ fra paganesimo e cristianesimo – Costantino persecutore del paganesimo ▭ La reazione pagana. Legislazione antipagana dopo Costantino – Giuliano imperatore – I sacrifici – I maestri cristiani ▭ Il paganesimo perseguitato. L’altare della Vittoria – Teodosio – Apostasia e limite della religione – Sopravvivenze

The traditional interpretation of Constantine’s dealings with Donatists considers that the emperor persecuted them between 317 and 321. This view rests upon the Passio Donati (BHL 2303b), which depicts soldiers violently seizing a... more

The traditional interpretation of Constantine’s dealings with Donatists considers that the emperor persecuted them between 317 and 321. This view rests upon the Passio Donati (BHL 2303b), which depicts soldiers violently seizing a basilica from Donatists and even causing the death of Donatus. The latter text, the only one attesting this putative persecution, was in fact written later to commemorate the martyr’s anniversary, and describes mainly the resistance of Donatists against state intervention. The article argues that this view sits uneasily with what we otherwise know of Constantine’s religious policy of tolerance, starting with the so-called Edict of Milan. Rather, Constantine’s aim was to restore control of ecclesiastical properties confiscated during the persecution of Diocletian to the “Catholic” faith, which Donatists challenged. Once the councils of Rome and Arles, and an audience with the emperor in person, validated the claims of the Caecilianist faction to represent the Catholic faith in Africa, Constantine imposed the transfer of properties by ordering his men to seize the basilica, exiling Donatists who resisted. But this does not justify the view that Constantine persecuted Donatists.