Cosmic Rays Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The results of an analysis of velocity fluctuations in the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetotail measured onboard INTERBALL Tail Probe satellite are presented. The hodographs of the velocity in directions (Y, Z) and correlation... more

The results of an analysis of velocity fluctuations in the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetotail measured onboard INTERBALL Tail Probe satellite are presented. The hodographs of the velocity in directions (Y, Z) and correlation functions are presented for a number of passages when the satellite was in the plasma sheet for a long time. The turbulent diffusion coefficients are calculated. A comparison of the obtained diffusion coefficients with those predicted theoretically in [1] is carried out. It is shown that the results of observations confirm theoretical predictions.

The results of an analysis of velocity fluctuations in the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetotail measured onboard INTERBALL Tail Probe satellite are presented. The hodographs of the velocity in directions (Y, Z) and correlation... more

The results of an analysis of velocity fluctuations in the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetotail measured onboard INTERBALL Tail Probe satellite are presented. The hodographs of the velocity in directions (Y, Z) and correlation functions are presented for a number of passages when the satellite was in the plasma sheet for a long time. The turbulent diffusion coefficients are calculated. A comparison of the obtained diffusion coefficients with those predicted theoretically in [1] is carried out. It is shown that the results of observations confirm theoretical predictions.

Climatic changes can´t reduce to an only factor. Solar activity and solar and terrestrial magnetism, vulcanism, CO2 natural and human production and sinks, cosmic radiation, are all factor in our terrestrial climate. We try to give the... more

Climatic changes can´t reduce to an only factor. Solar activity and solar and terrestrial magnetism, vulcanism, CO2 natural and human production and sinks, cosmic radiation, are all factor in our terrestrial climate. We try to give the most complete panorama. The paper is written in the Spanish language

In an effort to derive temperature-based criteria of habitability for multicellular life, we investigated the thermal limits of terrestrial poikilotherms, i.e. organisms whose body temperature and the functioning of all vital processes is... more

In an effort to derive temperature-based criteria of habitability for multicellular life, we investigated the thermal limits of terrestrial poikilotherms, i.e. organisms whose body temperature and the functioning of all vital processes is directly affected by the ambient temperature. Multicellular poikilotherms are the most common and evolutionarily ancient form of complex life on earth. The thermal limits for the active metabolism and reproduction of multicellular poikilotherms on earth are approximately bracketed by the temperature interval 0°C ≤ T ≤ 50°C. The same interval applies to the photosynthetic production of oxygen, an essential ingredient of complex life, and for the generation of atmospheric biosignatures observable in exoplanets. Analysis of the main mechanisms responsible for the thermal thresholds of terrestrial life suggests that the same mechanisms would apply to other forms of chemical life. We therefore propose a habitability index for complex life, h 050, repres...

Dark Space and Universe Energy Dark dominates the universe. The source of light is also darkness. Accordingly, "dark light" is the central concept of the universe. Because of darkness, galaxies are held together, and that's how gravity is... more

Dark Space and Universe Energy Dark dominates the universe. The source of light is also darkness. Accordingly, "dark light" is the central concept of the universe. Because of darkness, galaxies are held together, and that's how gravity is provided. Darkness is found throughout the universe. There is also space in every dimension of the universe. This gap allows communication between objects. Thus, in the dark space, there's an electrical current, which is a magnetic attraction area. This magnetic field moves mass. The magnetic field created by the dark space is the magnetic field in which the movement and flow of objects in the nucleus of the mass in the universe occurs. Thus, galaxies, planets, and objects in the universe don't all rotate in the same direction. Some stars have very little or little light because of the magnetic field they have. But not all parts of the universe have the same levels of a magnetic field. The same is true for the human body. Just like the Earth, planets have the magnetic field of space. Where there is magnetic field, there is life. This is because the magnetic field, the planet, has an atmosphere in its own right and in accordance with its conditions. The magnetic field in space is not the same everywhere. Thus, the effect of this magnetic field is different. Scott Kelly was on the International Space Station for about a year. When he returned to Earth in 2016, he was noted to have grown five centimeters. Kelly says it's easier to get used to living in space than to living in the world. Accordingly, human body cells can adjust to any environment. The fact that even telomers have this feature demonstrates that all cells and organs in the human body have a quantum size. Thus, the human body is three-dimensional with all of its cells and organs. The formation of the universe and the human magnetic field takes place in the space environment. The magnetic field generates energy. The

Fast reconnection of magnetic field in turbulent fluids allows the field to change its topology and connec- tions. As a result, the traditional concept of magnetic fields being frozen into the plasma is no longer applicable. Plasma... more

Fast reconnection of magnetic field in turbulent fluids allows the field to change its topology and connec- tions. As a result, the traditional concept of magnetic fields being frozen into the plasma is no longer applicable. Plasma associated with a given magnetic field line at one instant is distributed along a different set of magnetic field lines at the next instant. This diffusion of plasmas and magnetic field is enabled by reconnection and therefore is termed ”reconnec- tion diffusion”. The astrophysical implications of this con- cept include heat transfer in plasmas, advection of heavy el- ements in interstellar medium, magnetic field generation etc. However, the most dramatic implications of the concept are related to the star formation process. The reason is that mag- netic fields are dynamically important for most of the stages of star formation. The existing theory of star formation has been developed ignoring the possibility of reconnection dif- fusion. Instead, it appeals to the decoupling of mass and magnetic field arising from neutrals drifting in respect to ions entrained on magnetic field lines, i.e. through the pro- cess that is termed ”ambipolar diffusion”. The predictions of ambipolar diffusion and reconnection diffusion are very different. For instance, if the ionization of media is high, am- bipolar diffusion predicts that the coupling of mass and mag- netic field is nearly perfect. At the same time, reconnection diffusion is independent of the ionization but depends on the scale of the turbulent eddies and on the turbulent velocities. In the paper we explain the physics of reconnection diffusion both from macroscopic and microscopic points of view, i.e. appealing to the reconnection of flux tubes and to the dif-
the dynamics of many key processes, including magnetic re- connection. Fast reconnection of magnetic field in turbulent fluids allows the field to change its topology and connec- tions. As a result, the traditional concept of magnetic fields being frozen into the plasma is no longer applicable. Plasma associated with a given magnetic field line at one instant is distributed along a different set of magnetic field lines at the next instant. This diffusion of plasmas and magnetic field is enabled by reconnection and therefore is termed ”reconnec- tion diffusion”. The astrophysical implications of this con- cept include heat transfer in plasmas, advection of heavy el- ements in interstellar medium, magnetic field generation etc. However, the most dramatic implications of the concept are related to the star formation process. The reason is that mag- netic fields are dynamically important for most of the stages of star formation. The existing theory of star formation has been developed ignoring the possibility of reconnection dif- fusion. Instead, it appeals to the decoupling of mass and magnetic field arising from neutrals drifting in respect to ions entrained on magnetic field lines, i.e. through the pro- cess that is termed ”ambipolar diffusion”. The predictions of ambipolar diffusion and reconnection diffusion are very different. For instance, if the ionization of media is high, am- bipolar diffusion predicts that the coupling of mass and mag- netic field is nearly perfect. At the same time, reconnection diffusion is independent of the ionization but depends on the scale of the turbulent eddies and on the turbulent velocities. In the paper we explain the physics of reconnection diffusion both from macroscopic and microscopic points of view. We make use of the Lazarian & Vishniac 1999 theory of magnetic reconnection and show that this theory is applicable to the partially ionized gas. We quantify the reconnection diffusion rate both for weak and strong MHD turbulence and address the problem of recon- nection diffusion acting together with ambipolar diffusion. In addition, we provide a criterion for correctly representing the magnetic diffusivity in simulations of star formation. We discuss the intimate relation between the processes of recon- nection diffusion, field wandering and turbulent mixing of a magnetized media and show that the role of the plasma ef- fects is limited to ”breaking up lines” on small scales and does not affect the rate of reconnection diffusion. We ad- dress the existing observational results and demonstrate how reconnection diffusion can explain the puzzles presented by observations, in particular, the observed higher magnetiza- tion of cloud cores in comparison with the magnetization of envelopes. We also outline a possible set of observational tests of the reconnection diffusion concept and discuss how the application of the new concept changes our understand- ing of star formation and its numerical modeling. Finally, we outline the differences of the process of reconnection diffusion and the process of accumulation of matter along magnetic field lines that is frequently invoked to explain the results of numerical simulations

Owing to our dependance on spaceborne technology, an awareness of disturbances in the near-Earth space environment is proving to be increasingly crucial. Earth-directed Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) emanating from the Sun are the primary... more

Questo primo volume della collana GREAL Reports è dedicato ad alcuni studi e attività sviluppati intorno alla spedizione artica di ricerca e comunicazione scientifica Polarquest2018, effettuata da un gruppo di lavoro internazionale a... more

Questo primo volume della collana GREAL Reports è dedicato ad alcuni studi e attività sviluppati intorno alla spedizione artica di ricerca e comunicazione scientifica Polarquest2018, effettuata da un gruppo di lavoro internazionale a bordo del natante ecosostenibile NANUQ. L'operazione, condotta fra il 21 luglio e il 4 settembre 2018, ha inteso sviluppare nuovi approcci e nuove tecniche per lo studio scientifico e per lo story-telling di ambienti artici nella fase in cui quell'area si avvia ad una sempre più ampia territorializzazione. Gli scritti qui raccolti sono esiti di studi preparatori o relazioni consuntive di alcuni lavori portati a termine nel quadro dell'esperienza e costituiscono testimonianze diverse, per background, intenti e argomenti, sulla natura composita di una spedizione multidisciplinare e per molti aspetti innovativa.

The origin of the main part of the cosmic rays observed near the earth is discussed. This includes first of all the choice between galactic and metagalactic models and the source problem. Some remarks about other related topics also are... more

The origin of the main part of the cosmic rays observed near the earth is discussed. This includes first of all the choice between galactic and metagalactic models and the source problem. Some remarks about other related topics also are made especially in connexion with the prospects for the future research.

Studies of the composition of the highest energy cosmic rays with the Pierre Auger Observatory, including examination of hadronic physics effects on the structure of extensive air showers. Submissions to the 31st ICRC, Lodz, Poland (July... more

Studies of the composition of the highest energy cosmic rays with the Pierre Auger Observatory, including examination of hadronic physics effects on the structure of extensive air showers. Submissions to the 31st ICRC, Lodz, Poland (July 2009).

In an effort to derive temperature based criteria of habitability for multicellular life, we investigated the thermal limits of terrestrial poikilotherms, i.e. organisms whose body temperature and the functioning of all vital processes is... more

In an effort to derive temperature based criteria of habitability for multicellular life, we investigated the thermal limits of terrestrial poikilotherms, i.e. organisms whose body temperature and the functioning of all vital processes is directly affected by the ambient temperature. Multicellular poikilotherms are the most common and evolutionarily ancient form of complex life on earth. The thermal limits for the active metabolism and reproduction of multicellular poikilotherms on earth are approximately bracketed by the temperature interval 0 o C  T  50 o C. The same interval applies to the photosynthetic production of oxygen, an essential ingredient of complex life, and for the generation of atmospheric biosignatures observable in exoplanets. Analysis of the main mechanisms responsible for the thermal thresholds of terrestrial life suggests that the same mechanisms would apply to other forms of chemical life. We therefore propose a habitability index for complex life, h 050 , representing the mean orbital fraction of planetary surface that satisfies the temperature limits 0 o C  T  50 o C. With the aid of a climate model tailored for the calculation of the surface temperature of Earth-like planets (ESTM), we calculated h 050 as a function of planet insolation, S, and atmospheric columnar mass, N atm , for a few earth-like atmospheric compositions with trace levels of CO 2. By displaying h 050 as a function of S and N atm , we built up an atmospheric mass habitable zone (AMHZ) for complex life. At variance with the classic habitable zone, the inner edge of the complex life habitable zone is not affected by the uncertainties inherent to the calculation of the runaway greenhouse limit. The complex life habitable zone is significantly narrower than the habitable zone of dry planets. Our calculations illustrate how changes in ambient conditions dependent on S and N atm , such as temperature excursions and surface dose of secondary particles of cosmic rays, may influence the type of life potentially present at different epochs of planetary evolution inside the AMHZ.

What in the World is Cosmic Rays gives the reader a comprehensive understanding of the ins and outs of cosmic rays. This book discusses topics from the discovery of cosmic rays, to the effects on our world. There has been an extensive... more

What in the World is Cosmic Rays gives the reader a comprehensive understanding of the ins and outs of cosmic rays. This book discusses topics from the discovery of cosmic rays, to the effects on our world. There has been an extensive amount of research about the history, present, and future of cosmic rays are to create this full scope book. It also explores opposing viewpoints as well as its presence in technology. While covering all of the scientific details about cosmic rays, this book presents it in a way that any reader would be able to understand.

Soil moisture is an important state variable in the terrestrial system because it controls the exchange of water and energy between the land surface and the atmosphere. In this study, we review recent advances in noninvasive techniques... more

Soil moisture is an important state variable in the terrestrial system because it controls the exchange of water and energy between the land surface and the atmosphere. In this study, we review recent advances in noninvasive techniques that allow continuous noninvasive and contactless measurements of soil moisture dynamics at the field to basin scale. In particular, we report on (1) cosmic-ray neutron probes, (2)GlobalNavigation Satellite System reflectometry, (3) ground-based microwave radiometry, (4) gamma-ray monitoring, (5) terrestrial gravimetry, and (6) low-frequency electromagnetic surface waves. Each method is described in terms of its basic principle, measurement scales, calibration issues, measurement accuracy, and applications. We hope that this review will further stimulate the community to invest in the continued development of novel soil moisture sensing methods that address the need for large-scale soil water content measurements with sufficiently high temporal resolution.

Any Geiger counter is itself a good cosmic ray detector, indeed is it known that even without the presence of radioactive elements the instrument has the movement of the needle that therefore measures a certain activity called background... more

Any Geiger counter is itself a good cosmic ray detector, indeed is it known that even without the presence of radioactive elements the instrument has the movement of the needle that therefore measures a certain activity called background radiation: more then 11% of this background activity is due to the cosmic radiation, however the rest of the radiation comes from the ground or from the air. To exclude the latter, is needed the so called coincident circuit invented by Bothe and Rossi in the early '30. AMD5 stands for Astroparticle Muon Detector and is a reliable cosmic ray detector built with GMT tubes and a very simple electronic circuit.

We present a measurement of the cosmic ray e+ + e- flux in the range 0.5 GeV to 1 TeV based on the analysis of 10.6 million e+ + e- events collected by AMS. The statistics and the resolution of AMS provide a precision measurement of the... more

We present a measurement of the cosmic ray e+ + e- flux in the range 0.5 GeV to 1 TeV based on the analysis of 10.6 million e+ + e- events collected by AMS. The statistics and the resolution of AMS provide a precision measurement of the flux. The flux is smooth and reveals new and distinct information. Above 30.2 GeV, the flux can be described by a single power law with a spectral index
γ = −3.170 +- 0.008 (stat þ syst) +- 0.008 (energy scale).

ADA (Astroparticle Detector Array) is an educational project finalized to detect high energy cosmic rays named UHE (Ultra High Energy). Its working process is the same as that used in professional cosmic ray observatories and indeed it... more

ADA (Astroparticle Detector Array) is an educational project finalized to detect high energy cosmic rays named UHE (Ultra High Energy).
Its working process is the same as that used in professional cosmic ray observatories and indeed it consists of simple detectors spread over the whole national territory and beyond. The detectors are hosted among high schools, associations and private astronomical observatories. ADA was brought about with the intention of promoting astroparticle physics to any given level of divulgation. Furthermore, ADA is becoming an interesting tool not only for teachers but also for independent and keen scientists.

The AMS-02 experiment has reported a new measurement of the antiproton/proton ratio in Galactic cosmic rays (CRs). In the energy range E ∼ 60–450 GeV, this ratio is found to be remarkably constant. Using recent data on CR proton, helium,... more

The AMS-02 experiment has reported a new measurement of the antiproton/proton ratio in Galactic cosmic rays (CRs). In the energy range E ∼ 60–450 GeV, this ratio is found to be remarkably constant. Using recent data on CR proton, helium, and carbon fluxes, 10 Be= 9 Be and B/C ratios, we have performed a global Bayesian analysis based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm under a " two halo model " of CR propagation. In this model, CRs are allowed to experience a different type of diffusion when they propagate in the region close to the Galactic disk. We found that the vertical extent of this region is about 900 pc above and below the disk, and the corresponding diffusion coefficient scales with energy as D ∝ E 0.15 , describing well the observations on primary CR spectra, secondary/primary ratios, and anisotropy. Under this model, we have carried out improved calculations of antiparticle spectra arising from secondary CR production and their corresponding uncertainties. We made use of Monte Carlo generators and accelerator data to assess the antiproton production cross sections and their uncertainties. While the positron excess requires the contribution of additional unknown sources, we found that the new AMS-02 antiproton data are consistent, within the estimated uncertainties, with our calculations based on secondary production.

High Energy Neutrino Astronomy has been revealed by a sudden change in the flavor composition around maximal energies since three years of recording in ice km detector. However these discover didn' t led to any clear promised Neutrino... more

High Energy Neutrino Astronomy has been revealed by a sudden change in the flavor composition around maximal energies since three years of recording in ice km detector. However these discover didn' t led to any clear promised Neutrino Astronomy land yet. No correlation with hard gamma sources was found. Moreover the astrophysical spectra expected at Fermi value, seem to converge to a softer value, also required to avoid any Glashow resonant neutrino signal. We suggest a main solution within a composite flux ruled by prompt atmospheric neutrinos. Nevertheless the recent discover of twentyone crossing muons at hundreds TeVs had shown a first narrow overlapped doublet and a correlated track with a peculiar hard UHECR event clustering pointing to a well known microjet in bynary precession; these first connections hint for a non negligible astrophysical component making neutrino astronomy anyway already more than a hope.

Illustrazione delle differenze tra le trasformazioni di Galileo e quelle di Lorentz, esplicazione della nuova idea di spazio-tempo e il legame tra massa ed energia. Studio dell’espressione dell’energia cinetica relativistica di un... more

Illustrazione delle differenze tra le trasformazioni di Galileo e quelle di Lorentz, esplicazione della nuova idea di spazio-tempo e il legame tra massa ed energia. Studio dell’espressione dell’energia cinetica relativistica di un elettrone in funzione della velocità e la sua integrabilità in senso improprio. Verifiche sperimentali della relatività e fotografie di rilevazioni tramite camera a nebbia realizzata in autonomia.