Dog Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The “Monumental Complex” located on the plateau of the Civita at Tarquinia (VT, Italy), is an important Etruscan site dated between the 10th and the 2nd centuries BC. Excavations (1989-2011 years) were carried directed by M. Bonghi Jovino... more

The “Monumental Complex” located on the plateau of the Civita at Tarquinia (VT, Italy), is an important Etruscan site dated between the 10th and the 2nd centuries BC. Excavations (1989-2011 years) were carried directed by M. Bonghi Jovino and G. Bagnasco Gianni who teach Etruscology at the University of Milan. The aim of this study is to analyse some cut marks recorded that were identified on the dog bones found in areas G, H, HM, L, M, O. These are added to the results of the animal remain study carried out by C. Sorrentino in 1986 and by E. Bedini in 1997, in order to better understand the role of dog in Etruscan ritual practices, as food source, and as raw material for the production of bone tools. The results are also compared with those from other Etruscan sites in which dog in present in burials or in ritual contexts.

Analysis of the physiological and biochemical parameters was performed on 12 dogs that underwent surgical repair of diaphyseal femoral fracture using either advanced locking plate system II or locking compression plate. Fracture healing... more

Analysis of the physiological and biochemical parameters was performed on 12 dogs that underwent surgical repair of diaphyseal femoral fracture using either advanced locking plate system II or locking compression plate. Fracture healing characteristics were studied based on physiological and biochemical parameters. Physiological parameters viz., respiratory rate, heart rate and rectal temperature were analysed on 0th , 15th , 30th and 60th post-operative days. Biochemical parameters viz., serum alkaline phosphatase, serum calcium and serum phosphorous were analysed on pre-operative and 0th , 15th , 30th and 60th post-operative days. Fluctuations with respect to the physiological parameters were observed in both the groups in all post-operative days. Serum alkaline phosphatase showed a decreasing trend up to 30th post-operative day after which, there was an increase on 60th post-operative day. Serum calcium levels peaked on the 15th post-operative day followed by a steady decrease on 30th and 60th post-operative days. Serum phosphorous levels displayed an increase up to 30th post-operative day followed by a decrease on 60th post-operative day. All the observed values of the physiological and biochemical parameters during the period of study were within the acceptable physiological limits.

Milbemycin oxime tablets were evaluated for efficacy against sarcoptic mange mites in naturally infested dogs. Sixty-five dogs were allocated to two groups and were housed individually. Fifty of the dogs were treated orally with... more

Milbemycin oxime tablets were evaluated for efficacy against sarcoptic mange mites in naturally infested dogs. Sixty-five dogs were allocated
to two groups and were housed individually. Fifty of the dogs were treated orally with milbemycin oxime at the proposed dose. The other
fifteen were treated orally with vehicle. Study day 0 was defined as the first day of treatment administration. Dogs were treated on days 0, 7
and 14, and efficacy was assessed by counting viable mites recovered from skin scrapings. To enumerate Sarcoptes scabiei mites, skin scrapings were taken on each of Days-1, 14, 28, 42 and 56. Clinical signs of mange and the extent of sarcoptic lesions were evaluated on each dog when scrapings were made. Evaluation of the efficacy of the treatment was based on the absence of mites supported by the absence of clinical signs associated with canine sarcoptic mange. Treatment with milbemycin oxime at weekly intervals resulted in a rapid reduction of mites and improved clinical signs. Percentage reductions in geometric mean mite counts for milbemycin oxime, compared with vehicle, on days 14, 28, 42, and 56 were 90, 96, 100, and 100%, respectively. The overall cure rates at Day 56, based on zero mite counts and resolution of clinical signs were 100% of dogs. Weekly treatment with maximum dose (2.0g/kg) rate of milbemycin oxime for continually three weeks, was effective against naturally acquired infestations of sarcoptes scabiei in dogs, reducing mites counts by 100%.

Indian Mastiff Dog also known as Beast from East are very intelligent, noble and pure working dog breed. They are dominant and trainable dog; loyal and protective of their owner and property; good with kids, very loving and playful. They... more

A review of the ability of dogs to sniff out cancer

Resumo: Uma cadela boxer, de seis anos de idade, foi atendida com sinais clínico-neurológicos crônicos, progressivos e multifocais. Imagens de ressonância magnética foram sugestivas de um grande nódulo intra-axial no hemisfério... more

Resumo: Uma cadela boxer, de seis anos de idade, foi atendida com sinais clínico-neurológicos crônicos, progressivos e multifocais. Imagens de ressonância magnética foram sugestivas de um grande nódulo intra-axial no hemisfério prosencefálico esquerdo. Após nove meses de remissão clínica com lomustina, fenobarbital e prednisona, foi realizada eutanásia, devido a piora clínica considerável. Ao exame macroscópico foi identificado nódulo macio de 3x2 cm de diâmetro, submeníngeo substituindo o parênquima na região prosencefálica esquerda. A avaliação histopatológica foi compatível com astrocitoma anaplásico. Objetiva-se relatar o caso de uma cadela boxer de seis anos de idade com astrocitoma anaplásico que apresentou remissão dos sinais clínico-neurológicos multifocais após tratamento conservativo.
Abstract A 6-year-old, entire female boxer dog was presented for evaluation of chronic, progressive multi-focal neurological signs. Magnetic resonance imaging suggested a large intra-axial mass in the left forebrain. After 9 months of treatment with lomustine, phenobarbital and prednisone, euthanasia was performed because of substantial clinical worsening. Grossly, there was identified a woolen mass with 3 cm in diameter, replacing the parenchyma in the left forebrain. Histopathology was consistent with anaplastic astrocytoma. It aims to report a case of a 6 year-old, entire female boxer dog who had remission of clinical neurological signs due to multifocal brain anaplastic astrocytoma after conservative treatment.

In this study, the effect of two fluoroquinolones employed in small and companion animal medicine were evaluated. The haemogram of eight healthy dogs administered with oral ciprofloxacin (25mg/kg) or levofloxacin (25mg/kg) 12hourly for... more

In this study, the effect of two fluoroquinolones employed in small and companion animal medicine were evaluated. The haemogram of eight healthy dogs administered with oral ciprofloxacin (25mg/kg) or levofloxacin (25mg/kg) 12hourly for 14days was assessed using the packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell counts, haemoglobin concentration, total white blood cells and the differential counts and platelet count. Blood samples were collected before commencement of treatment on day 0 and subsequently on days 2, 5, 7, 10 and 14. Dogs administered with ciprofloxacin exhibited a gradual decline in the PCV between days 0 (34.0±4.0%) and 10 (28.7±1.5%), followed by a return to pre-treatment value by day 14 (34.0±1.0%). Red cell indices showed a similar pattern of decline with the lowest level recorded on day 10 (4.5±0.3X10 6 /μL) from 5.3±0.8X10 6 /μL on day 0. White cell indices on the other hand were within the same range throughout the study. Levofloxacin reduced the mean PCV between days...

Introduction: We did this study because there were a few studies about aorto-branch junction. Methods: Four light microscope and electron microscope study, the abdominal aorta, renal artery, and the adjoining right and left renal arteries... more

Introduction: We did this study because there were a few studies about aorto-branch junction.
Methods: Four light microscope and electron microscope study, the abdominal aorta, renal artery, and the adjoining right and left renal arteries were dissected out from 4 neonate dogs.
Results: Based on the results, there is only one cell type in the tunica intima of endothelium in both arteries. In abdominal aorta, there were open connective tissue spaces, containing elastic fibers between the internal elastic membrane and endothelium. In renal artery, endothelial cells were attached directly to the internal elastic membrane. In the abdominal aorta tunica media, layers of smooth muscle cells alternating with elastic lamellae were observed, but in renal artery, the smooth muscle cells were close to each other and a small quantity of collagen and elastic fibers were found between them. There were more dense bodies in the renal artery smooth muscle cells compared to the abdominal aorta. The adventitia of the both arteries consisted of scattered fibroblasts and elastic fibers in tunica adventitia of renal artery were more than those in abdominal aorta. There were 2 orientations of smooth muscle cells at the junction of renal artery; circular form in tunica media and longitudinal form in the outer part of tunica media and tunica adventitia and it was similar to the structure of muscular veins.
Conclusion: aorta and renal artery in neonate dogs show some differences. These differences presumably reflect adaptation to the function of these 2 arteries.

Daniel Naudé's exhibition of photographic artworks, “African Scenery & Animals”, is discussed in this article, to consider the ways in which images of animal beings are mostly received as figurative vehicles for anthropocentric... more

Daniel Naudé's exhibition of photographic artworks, “African Scenery & Animals”, is discussed in this article, to consider the ways in which images of animal beings are mostly received as figurative vehicles for anthropocentric narratives. Naudé's particularised portraits of AfriCanis dogs and other domestic creatures are considered in relation to figurative anthropocentric analysis of the artworks that the artist's gallery and other reviewers have undertaken. I argue that Naudé's oeuvre is more in line with J.M. Coetzee's fictional character Elizabeth Costello's notion of imaginative empathy, proposing the capacity of human beings to imagine what it might be like to be an(other) (Coetzee 2004: 79), and that Naudé's portraits of animal beings provoke imaginative empathetic (Coetzee 2004: 79) transposition in the viewer. I recount my imaginative empathetic encounters (Coetzee 2004: 79) with particular artworks from the “African Scenery & Animals” series, and consider the imperial legacy of the landscape genre and the photographic medium employed by Naudé in relation to the artist's use of destabilising formal and contextual devices.

Canine anaplasmosis is a tick-transmitted rickettsial disease caused by Anaplasma platys, usually detected as basophilic inclusions in the platelets of thrombocytopenic dogs. Here we describe a clinical case of A. platys infection in a... more

Canine anaplasmosis is a tick-transmitted rickettsial disease caused by Anaplasma platys, usually detected as basophilic inclusions in the platelets of thrombocytopenic dogs. Here we describe a clinical case of A. platys infection in a dog evident from blood smear and haematological examination. The case was successfully treated with imidocarb and doxycycline, along with other supportive therapy.

This paper explores the Nazi view of nature as violent but orderly, contrasted with what the Nazis took to be the chaos and confusion of human society. In imposing strict authoritarian controls, the Nazis strove to emulate what they... more

This paper explores the Nazi view of nature as violent but orderly, contrasted with what the Nazis took to be the chaos and confusion of human society. In imposing strict authoritarian controls, the Nazis strove to emulate what they viewed as the natural discipline of instinct. They saw this as embodied in wild animals, especially large predators such as wolves, while the opposite were domesticated mongrels whose instincts, like those of overly civilized peoples, had been ruined through careless breeding. Those who anticipated this view included Nietzsche and Kipling. The author finds the Nazi perspective best articulated by Nobel-laureate Konrad Lorenz, a member of the Nazi party and its Office for Race Policy, who believed that traits indicating genetic decline crossed species lines. He advocated correcting the alleged damage done to animals and people by civilization through eugenic controls.

Clostridium difficile field isolates and Clostridium difficile ATCC 43255 (positive control) toxinotyping in agarose gel. a A1 fragment, 3.1 kb: lane 1 E6 isolate, lanes 2–5 field isolates, lane 6 ATTC strain, lane 7 negative control. b... more

Clostridium difficile field isolates and Clostridium difficile ATCC 43255 (positive control) toxinotyping in agarose gel. a A1 fragment, 3.1 kb: lane 1 E6 isolate, lanes 2–5 field isolates, lane 6 ATTC strain, lane 7 negative control. b A3 fragment, 3.1 kb: lane 1 ATCC strain, lane 2 E6 strain, lane 3 negative control. c B1 fragment, 3.1 kb: lanes 1 and 3 field isolates, lane 2 E6 strain, lane 4 ATCC strain, lane 5 negative control. M: 1 kb molecular mass (upper arrows point to 3 kb fragment and lower arrows point to 1 kb fragment) (JPEG 1765 kb)

A 7 year-old female German shepherd dog was presented to small animal ophthalmology