ESRI Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Que tal adicionar uma camada de fundo do oceano para ilustrar seus projetos de mapeamento? Basemaps São camadas de imagem utilizadas em serviços da ESRI como ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Server e ArcGIS Desktop. A utilização dessas camadas base... more

Que tal adicionar uma camada de fundo do oceano para ilustrar seus projetos de mapeamento? Basemaps São camadas de imagem utilizadas em serviços da ESRI como ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Server e ArcGIS Desktop. A utilização dessas camadas base é semelhante ao serviço OpenLayers.

Evolution of open-source web GIS technology in integration with contemporary commercial solutions not only provides an immediate solution at every level of small and medium-sized industry but also attracted students/scholars from a... more

Evolution of open-source web GIS technology in integration with contemporary commercial solutions not only provides an immediate solution at every level of small and medium-sized industry but also attracted students/scholars from a diverse background (Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics, Civil Engineering, Geography, Geomatics, Earth Sciences, Hydrology etc) who are interested in making their carrier in different government (ISRO, DRDO, NIC, State Disaster Mitigation Centers, State Remote Sensing Centers etc) and private organisations (ESRI, Hexagon, Wipro, TCS etc). Proposed publication “Concepts and Application of Web GIS” emphasises both the basic principles and practical application of Web GIS technology for estimating the developments and advances about the use of both the commercial and open source Web GIS technology. It starts with describing the evolution of Web GIS technology, depicts its important uses/application in integration with Remote Sensing & GIS, discuss the role of Web GIS technology in current Smart City Services and E-Governance solutions and guide new developer to establish a complete Web GIS solution for their desired problem. Overall the book is a comprehensive solution for academia, commercial and planning community, which fills a long felt gap in the field of Geoinformatics and Web GIS community. Chapters written by active researchers presented in a way accessible to a public beyond those who are specialists in the topic dealt. Beside these, it will prove as a valuable reference book for graduation as well as post-graduation students to cover the syllabi related to technologies for GIS and Web GIS.

What is shapefile and about shapefile

El presente trabajo es una recopilación de textos y documentos extraídos principalmente desde la ayuda del software ArcGIS 9.2 de ESRI®. En muchos casos, las traducciones al español omiten ciertos aspectos por consideraciones de... more

Land cover data is a valuable and often necessary product when performing studies and analysis in a number of fields. For classification multispectral satellite images are used. Image classification can be supervised and unsupervised. The... more

Land cover data is a valuable and often necessary product when performing studies and analysis in a number of fields.
For classification multispectral satellite images are used. Image classification can be supervised and unsupervised.
The performance of these classifiers is judged on the basis of kappa coefficient and overall accuracy. Image classification
is a complex process that may be affected by many factors. The emphasis is placed on the summarization of major
advanced classification approaches and the techniques used for improving classification accuracy. In this paper, we
have compared the accuracy of two datasets (Global and local) with the help of confusion matrix involving the calculation
of user’s accuracy, producer’s accuracy, kappa coefficient and the overall accuracy in general.

Il progetto è nato nell'ambito del Master di II livello “Archeologia per l’Architettura”, dalla collaborazione tra ANAS S.p.A., ESRI Italia e l’ Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, con l’obiettivo di creare un modello in ArcMap... more

Il progetto è nato nell'ambito del Master di II livello “Archeologia per l’Architettura”, dalla collaborazione tra ANAS S.p.A., ESRI Italia e l’ Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, con l’obiettivo di creare un modello in ArcMap per l’elaborazione di una carta del potenziale archeologico che interagisse con il progetto infrastrutturale generando una carta del rischio.
L’area campione adottata è la zona della Sibaritide interessata dalla costruzione del Mega-Lotto 3 della nuova SS 106 Jonica.
Partendo da uno studio storico-archeologico del territorio e dai dati forniti dalla Soprintendenza Archeologica della Calabria, è stato sviluppato un modello predittivo insediamentale dell'intero territorio dei comuni situati nell’area di progetto.
Il modello si basa su indicatori di natura geografica ed antropica interpolati attraverso “strumento di pesatura”. Il modello è attualmente testato sulle fasi insediamentali dell'Età del Bronzo e del Ferro, per le quali è stata data importanza al fattore ambientale ed all’intervisibilità tra i siti antichi.
Sovrapponendo il progetto della nuova SS 106 Jonica con la Carta del Potenziale Archeologico così ottenuta, infine, si è potuto verificare l’impatto dell’opera sul territorio indagato in una fase antecedente all’approvazione del progetto.

Desde su creación en 1978, el Instituto de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad del Zulia, en Maracaibo, Venezuela, ha abordado el uso de herramientas informáticas para el estudio de sistemas... more

Desde su creación en 1978, el Instituto de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad del Zulia, en Maracaibo, Venezuela, ha abordado el uso de herramientas informáticas para el estudio de sistemas ambientales en los procesos de tomas de decisiones en planificación urbana y territorial. En la ultima década, ESRI de Venezuela C.A. se ha constituido en aliado indispensable en el desarrollo de proyectos académicos, de docencia, investigación y extensión, tanto en el ámbito del pregrado como del postgrado, y al servicio del sector público como del privado. La ponencia retrata esta colaboración, explicando los distintos ámbitos de trabajo entre ambas organizaciones, inventariando experiencias, analizando logros y escollos, y planteando nuevas estrategias de vinculación en un contexto nacional e internacional que plantea nuevos retos tecnológicos, políticos y económicos para las dos instituciones.

Depuis 2008, l’Institut national de recherches en archéologie préventive (Inrap) premier acteur de l’archéologie en France, mène les opérations d’explorations archéologiques en préalable à la construction du canal Seine-Nord Europe. Ce... more

Depuis 2008, l’Institut national de recherches en archéologie préventive (Inrap) premier acteur de l’archéologie en France, mène les opérations d’explorations archéologiques en préalable à la construction du canal Seine-Nord Europe. Ce sont ainsi près de 2 500 ha qui, à terme, seront parcourus par les chercheurs de l’institut.
L’ampleur de l’aire d’investigation archéologique prévue pour le projet d’aménagement du canal Seine-Nord Europe induit une accumulation très importante de données scientifiques. Afin d’optimiser l’utilisation de ces données, la décision de mettre en place un système d’information géographique (SIG) est vite apparue comme une évidence. Cette décision était d’autant plus applicable que les opérations archéologiques du futur canal bénéficiaient de la mise en place d’un plateau technique. Il constitue une véritable plate-forme qui relie les archéologues à la production des rapports scientifiques, et permet une harmonisation des méthodes d’acquisition et de l’exploitation des données ainsi qu’un archivage centralisé. Celui-ci intègre des topographes, des infographistes et des personnes fortement sensibilisées à l’utilisation des SIG et des bases de données relationnelles.
Cette équipe a, dès le début des opérations, proposé une réflexion sur les processus scientifiques et techniques d’acquisition et d’exploitation des données.
La chaîne opératoire ainsi mise en place permet d’optimiser l’intégration des données archéologiques dans le SIG, de valoriser les compétences de chaque acteur du projet et d’assurer une véritable collaboration entre les archéologues et le plateau technique. Celui-ci, répond aux demandes techniques de l'archéologue pour lui permettre une exploitation de ses données en accord avec sa problématique scientifique.
Ce système permet de garantir la cohérence et l’intégrité des données et de fournir la documentation cartographique à la demande. Des études spécifiques à certaines problématiques scientifiques ont pu également être menées en s’appuyant sur ce socle organisationnel.
Dans cette communication nous vous présenterons notre réflexion sur l’intégration du SIG en archéologie préventive à travers une grande opération d’aménagement. Nous aborderons les différentes étapes de notre réflexion, les avantages et les inconvénients qui ressortent de ces cinq années d’expérimentation. Nous vous proposerons également d’aborder quelques exemples d’exploitation scientifique selon différentes problématiques scientifiques (cartographie générale, cas particulier d’exploitation spatiale des sites du paléolithique – statistique spatiale, géostatistique – et des vestiges de la Première Guerre mondiale).

The aim of the present work is to introduce an innovative framework for employing 3D-GIS as an exploratory platform to perform visual analysis. Such a methodology is aimed at detecting patterns of visibility to simulate the past human... more

The aim of the present work is to introduce an innovative framework for employing 3D-GIS as an exploratory platform to perform visual analysis. Such a methodology is aimed at detecting patterns of visibility to simulate the past human perception of specific categories of artifacts placed inside a virtually reconstructed three-dimensional space. As a case study, the house of Caecilius Iucundus in Pompeii (regio V, insula 1, entrances 23 and 26) was chosen and two media of visual communication, a painting and a graffito were tested to make an assessment of their visual impact on hypothetical observers. The approach consists of a vector-based line-of-sight (LOS) analysis, now available as an integral component of the 3D-analyst toolkit of the ESRI ArcGIS 10.x software package. This toolkit allowed us to perform the entire process inside a GIS environment, without splitting the tasks among different software platforms. It was thus possible to detect a significant difference in terms of ...

INSPIRE Conference 2018, Antwerp, Belgium 18-21 September Thought very complex in technical requirements, the INSPIRE Directive made a huge progress in building an European Union (EU) Spatial Data Infrastructure. The further challenges... more

Parole chiave: consumo di suolo, analisi spaziale, piscine, impianti fotovoltaici, paesaggio mediterraneo. ABSTRACT Il consumo del suolo rappresenta una delle maggiori sfide per la gestione e la pianificazione territoriale. Nell'ultimo... more

Parole chiave: consumo di suolo, analisi spaziale, piscine, impianti fotovoltaici, paesaggio mediterraneo. ABSTRACT Il consumo del suolo rappresenta una delle maggiori sfide per la gestione e la pianificazione territoriale. Nell'ultimo mezzo secolo, una notevole quantità di suolo è stata destinata a usi antropici, a discapito principalmente delle zone rurali. L'esistenza di opportuni strumenti di analisi spaziale consente di attuare una serie di politiche e azioni per prevenire situazioni critiche, offrendo scenari per un maggiore sviluppo sostenibile e benessere collettivo. Il presente lavoro mira a esaminare le recenti dinamiche che hanno portato a un eccessivo consumo di suolo nel sud Europa. Utilizzando la tecnologia GIS, la ricerca si è concentrata sul paesaggio mediterraneo data la sua storia millenaria, in particolare sul contesto italiano, indagandolo attraverso due landmarks spaziali: le piscine e gli impianti fotovoltaici. Entrambi si sono diffusi recentemente nel paesaggio mediteranno, implicando numerose conseguenze e facendo emergere una serie di riflessioni. Le piscine si possono definire come un landmark conseguente ai processi di dispersione urbana, che coinvolge fattori socio-economici e ambientali. Mentre gli impianti fotovoltaici si sono diffusi nelle aree agricole mediterranee, modificandone i paesaggi e portando a una serie sia di benefici che di perdite. Attraverso un approccio di analisi spaziale, le piscine e gli impianti fotovoltaici consentono di identificare gli attuali paesaggi mediterranei, sollevando rilevanti questioni per i policy-decision makers.

This paper presents an excavation recording system in which 3D models are produced and used by archaeologists in the field to perform on-site interpretation and 3D Graphic documentation of each context retrieved during the field... more

This paper presents an excavation recording system in which 3D models are produced and used by archaeologists in the field to perform on-site interpretation and 3D Graphic documentation of each context retrieved during the field investigation activity before item removal. Moreover, by using a 3D GIS platform customized for field investigation and made available for the excavators on tablet PCs, this paper discusses the limits and potentials of using a 3D environment capable of simulating different archaeological scenarios “on the fly” by providing on site access to all of the 3D materials and contexts previously collected and integrated into the 3D GIS.

The aim of the present work is to introduce an innovative framework for employing 3D-GIS as an exploratory platform to perform visual analysis. Such a methodology is aimed at detecting patterns of visibility to simulate the past human... more

The aim of the present work is to introduce an innovative framework for employing 3D-GIS as an exploratory platform to perform visual analysis. Such a methodology is aimed at detecting patterns of visibility to simulate the past human perception of specific categories of artifacts placed inside a virtually reconstructed three-dimensional space. As a case study, the house of Caecilius Iucundus in Pompeii (regio V, insula 1, entrances 23 and 26) was chosen and two media of visual communication, a painting and a graffito were tested to make an assessment of their visual impact on hypothetical observers. The approach consists of a vector-based line-of-sight (LOS) analysis, now available as an integral component of the 3D-analyst toolkit of the ESRI ArcGIS 10.x software package. This toolkit allowed us to perform the entire process inside a GIS environment, without splitting the tasks among different software platforms.
It was thus possible to detect a significant difference in terms of visibility among the observed objects.

Bagi kalian yang sudah cukup lama dan sering mengerjakan project pemetaan menggunakan Produk ESRI (ArcGIS Desktop atau ArcGIS Pro), pernah nggak sih bertanya-tanya apakah format file keluaran produk ESRI seperti *.mxd, *.lyr, atau *.style... more

StoryMapJS adalah salah satu dari beberapa project Knight Lab Northwestern University. Singkatnya, Knight Lab Northwestern University adalah komunitas perancang, pengembang, siswa, dan pendidik yang mengerjakan eksperimen untuk mendorong... more