Expropriation Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

In the middle of the twentieth century, China's transnational connections flowed through the interaction of two ideologies that throughout the postwar era were at times in direct competition: consumerism and communism. In industrializing... more

In the middle of the twentieth century, China's transnational connections flowed through the interaction of two ideologies that throughout the postwar era were at times in direct competition: consumerism and communism. In industrializing countries and their colonies, consumerism had actually begun to take hold during the first third of the twentieth century, as the spread of thousands of new consumer goods, the proliferation of discussions about them and the reorientation of social life around them had contributed to the formation of distinctive consumer cultures in urban settings around the world. But this new culture created tensions with other ideologies. Over the course of the century, ideas of nationalism, anti-imperialism, and ultimately communism were often directly opposed to new consumer lifestyles and individual consumer choices, leading governments to seek to impose limits on choice, a central pillar of consumerism, in the name of a purported higher ideology. In the early twentieth century, for instance, as the new notions of national belonging were applied to commodities, products were labelled 'national' and 'foreign,' and a nationalistic consumer culture developed around commodities themselves. Across the globe, through mass campaigns urging consumers to buy domestic products, consumption became a politicized act that brought suspicion upon-and even sanctioned attacks against-'unpatriotic' consumers who knowingly or even unwittingly bought imports. In ‘Compromising with Consumerism in Socialist China,’ Gerth addresses the question: What happened to Chinese consumer culture after the Communist victories in the Soviet Union, eastern Europe, and China?

En el presente trabajo se aborda el estudio de la constitucionalidad, desde una perspectiva competencial, de las medidas normativas adoptadas por las comunidades autónomas para hacer efectivo el derecho a la vivienda en cumplimiento del... more

En el presente trabajo se aborda el estudio de la constitucionalidad, desde una perspectiva competencial, de las medidas normativas adoptadas por las comunidades autónomas para hacer efectivo el derecho a la vivienda en cumplimiento del mandato contenido en el artículo 47 de la Constitución. Este estudio ha exigido una valoración crítica de los recientes pronunciamientos realizados por el Tribunal Constitucional sobre la incidencia de determinados títulos competenciales estatales de carácter transversal sobre una materia, vivienda, reservada por los respectivos estatutos de autonomía a la exclusiva competencias de las comunidades autónomas.
This study approaches the issue of the constitutionality, from a jurisdictional perspective, of the normative measures adopted by Autonomous Communities to enforce the right to housing in compliance with article 47 of the Constitution. This study has required the critical appraisal of the recent pronouncements made by the Constitutional Court on the incidence of certain State competences of transversal nature on housing, an area which had been reserved by the Autonomy Statutes as exclusive competence of Autonomous Communities.

The literature on multinational corporations argues that a foreign firm can legitimize its activities, improve its reputation ina host country, and reduce the risk of hostile actions by thehost government (including expropriation) by... more

The literature on multinational corporations argues that a foreign firm can legitimize its activities, improve its reputation ina host country, and reduce the risk of hostile actions by thehost government (including expropriation) by approachingand incorporating influential members of the domestic elite in its business. By using the concept of obsolescing political legitimacy, we argue that this legitimating strategy can lead to aloss of reputation and eventual illegitimacy when the hostcountry undergoes significant social and institutional changes. When these changes take place, the domestic society can per-ceive that the multinational benefited from a previous social and institutional order increasingly considered as illegitimate. Under these circumstances, the new order will question the legitimacy of the multinational's operations, increasing the riskof expropriation. We illustrate our hypothesis with the caseof the political strategies of the International Telephone and Telegraph Company (ITT) in Chile in the twentieth century.

SUMA RIO: I. La expropiación de la propiedad privada de nacionales y extranjeros en México: marco legal interno e internacional. II. ¿Con templa el derecho mexicano un concepto de expropiación indirecta? III. Concep to de expropiación... more

SUMA RIO: I. La expropiación de la propiedad privada de nacionales y extranjeros en México: marco legal interno e internacional. II. ¿Con templa el derecho mexicano un concepto de expropiación indirecta? III. Concep to de expropiación indirecta y la causa de utilidad pública: ¿límites a la capacidad de regulación del Estado mexicano? IV. Los casos del capítulo XI del TLCAN presentados en contra de México y el desarrollo de un nuevo concepto de expropiación. V. Lecciones para una posible armonización de los criterios internacionales e internos.

Land Reform and Expropriation from Female Owners (1962-1972); Western Iran Case Study Goal: the general aim of the present paper is to outline the evolution of female landlords during Land reform revisions. We want to show why and how... more

Land Reform and Expropriation from Female Owners (1962-1972); Western Iran Case Study
Goal: the general aim of the present paper is to outline the evolution of female landlords during Land reform revisions. We want to show why and how expropriation of possession from women happened and its consequences.
Methodology: The present study uses a qualitative approach. Data were gathered based on library documents and resources and in accordance with targeted sampling. For data analysis, grounded theory method was used.
Findings: Findings reveal that over the process of Land reform women were denied ownership in a large scale. The major reasons for expropriation from women were: the Law of Land reform, absence of female owners, quota and quota-setting which was considered a masculine right by convention in rural communities, and finally the collapse of the lord-servant system. Expropriation from women had various implications. For example, submission and subjection of rural women, inequality of rural-urban women, self-burning of rural women and expansion of legal possession were all among the consequences of removing women from land ownership in rural

The land availability for the achievement of the works of national interest often requires the expropriation of buildings because the State and its communities do not arrange land reserves. It is the case of the fishing road Project that... more

The land availability for the achievement of the works of national interest often requires the expropriation of buildings because the State and its communities do not arrange land reserves. It is the case of the fishing road Project that joins in the strategy of the Beninese government to value the service sector and more particularly the tourism. This project encounters for several years the obstacles of the fact not only of the implemented procedure for the land expropriation but also its size and its orientation which varied in time. The adopted approach allowed to make an inventory of fixtures of the situation and to analyze the different options to be undertaken to have a land tax secured to set up for the project. This study proposes a procedure which, while correcting the previous actions, contributes to an expropriation based on the provision of the right of the urban planning and the law 2013-01 carrying Land and State Code in the Republic of Benin in order to avoid possible conflicts which would question at first the expropriations and indirectly, the achievement of the project. Résumé La disponibilité foncière pour la réalisation des travaux d'intérêt national nécessite souvent l'expropriation des immeubles car l'Etat et ses collectivités ne disposent pas de réserves foncières. C'est le cas du Projet la route des pêches qui s'inscrit dans la stratégie du gouvernement béninois visant à valoriser le secteur des services et plus particulièrement le tourisme. Ce projet rencontre depuis plusieurs années des obstacles du fait non

Since the end of the Georgian-Abkhaz war, the often-precarious status of the Georgians displaced from Abkhazia has received significant academic attention. In contrast, the consequences of displacement from the reverse perspective—how it... more

Since the end of the Georgian-Abkhaz war, the often-precarious status of the Georgians displaced from Abkhazia has received significant academic attention. In contrast, the consequences of displacement from the reverse perspective—how it has affected the people who stayed behind—remains underanalyzed. Drawing on narratives collected during several months of ethnographic fieldwork, this article argues that although ethnic Abkhazians see themselves as victims of ethnic violence rather than perpetrators, the re-distribution of Georgian property nevertheless caused significant distress. Many condemned the practice of appropriation, suggesting that taking what is not one’s own is not only a violation of the property of the original owner, but also of the Abkhaz moral code and therefore shameful. To them, the trophy houses were a curse, both literally—as spaces haunted by former occupants—and metaphorically, as a source and reminder of a certain “moral corruption” within Abkhazian society. However, while the stories around the trophy houses reflect substantial intra-communal divisions, I suggest that they are also an expression of a shared postwar experience. Like the horror stories of Georgian violence, and the tales of Abkhaz heroism, they have become part of an intimate national repertoire constitutive of Abkhazia’s postwar community.

This article intends to think the relationship between neoliberal capitalism and the common(s). First, it ties to define the common both in ontological and political terms, stressing the similarities and differences between the common,... more

This article intends to think the relationship between neoliberal capitalism and the common(s). First, it ties to define the common both in ontological and political terms, stressing the similarities and differences between the common, commons and common goods. Then, it characterizes their relationship with neoliberal capitalism in terms of dispossession, expropriation and configuration. Finally, it discusses if the common can be thought as an alternative form of cooperation and self-government with regards to neoliberalism and to what extent it can be posed as a complete alternative to the state.

In recent years, the landlocked former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan has substantially improved its oil and gas prospects. Being a rich supplier of oil and gas serves to attract foreign direct investments, but the prospect of such... more

In recent years, the landlocked former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan has substantially improved its oil and gas prospects. Being a rich supplier of oil and gas serves to attract foreign direct investments, but the prospect of such investments is diminished by the government’s policy of confiscating the property of foreign direct investors to “protect its subsoil sector.” As a result of such expropriation, to date Kazakhstan has faced thirteen known investment arbitrations. Five proceedings are still pending, one has been discontinued pursuant to Rule 43, para.1 of the ICSID Arbitration Rules, three awards are confidential and not available to the public, and four awards are publicly available. These numbers demonstrate Kazakhstan’s efforts to maintain its economic and political integrity by avoiding transparency in its investment policies.
This article will analyze the investment laws of Kazakhstan, as well as give an overview of the awards that are publicly available. Finally, the article will outline the problems that foreign investors face in investment arbitrations against the Republic of Kazakhstan.

La jurisprudencia se ha servido de distintos criterios para delimitar las expropiaciones urbanísticas desde que la Ley de Expropiación Forzosa de 1954 las delimitara como un procedimiento expropiatorio especial y la Ley de Suelo de 1956... more

La jurisprudencia se ha servido de distintos criterios para delimitar las expropiaciones urbanísticas desde que la Ley de Expropiación Forzosa de 1954 las delimitara como un procedimiento expropiatorio especial y la Ley de Suelo de 1956 estableciera un régimen de valoración de suelo que solo se aplicaba a estas.
Este trabajo analiza la evolución que ha seguido esta jurisprudencia y su relación con la tensión entre el valor de mercado del suelo, el valor urbanístico y el principio de igualdad.

Целта на овој труд е поимно определување на недвижните ствари и видовите на недвижни ствари, како ствари кои се предмет на институтот експропријација како и правната уреденост на експропријацијата како институт во македонското... more

Целта на овој труд е поимно определување на недвижните ствари и видовите на недвижни ствари, како ствари кои се предмет на институтот експропријација како и правната уреденост на експропријацијата како институт во македонското законодавство. Излагањата во трудот се однесуваат најпрво на недвижните ствари и нивното определување во сопственичките и катастарските закони кои биле во важност во Република Македонија, како и нивно определување во важечките закони, а со цел да се направи анализа на разликите во поглед на нивното дефинирање и видови. Во поглед на институт експропријација опфатени се повеќе аспекти и тоа:компарација на поранешните Закони за експропријација со важечкиот закон-Законот за експропријација од 2012 година, правната природа на овој институт пред и по носењето на Законот за сопственост и други стварни права, одземањето и ограничувањето на правото на сопственост и имотните права согласно Законот за експропријација од 2012 година, вклучително и утврдувањето на јавниот интерес, постапката и надоместокот за експропријација, како и компаративна анализа помеѓу законодавството на Република Македонија со законодавството во Република Србија, Република Хрватска и Република Црна Гора.

Abstract. The Amhara National Regional State similar to other regional states of the country has faced enormous economic and social problems. The question of housing and other real estate construction for high population pressure, the... more

Abstract. The Amhara National Regional State similar to other regional states of the country has faced enormous economic and social problems. The question of housing and other real estate construction for high population pressure, the development and investment questions, poor public utility facilities and other public interests are some of the problems that need the intervention of the Regional government. In order to facilitate these needs of the society, the city municipalities have been using “expropriation ” as a meaningful and useful management tool. However, different compensation standards among government institutions, inadequate compensation standards for loss of land use rights, shortage of professional and qualified valuers, lack of reliable data and poor expropriation, valuation and compensation procedures are some of the problems that impede the implementation of expropriation, valuation and compensation in the region in general and in the two big cities of the region ...

Tras la expropiación en Argentina de las acciones que la compañía española REPSOL tenía de la sociedad argentina YPF, REPSOL demandó en España a YPF y a la empresa norteamericana Chevron, presunta beneficiaria de la expropiación. La... more

Tras la expropiación en Argentina de las acciones que la compañía española REPSOL tenía de la sociedad argentina YPF, REPSOL demandó en España a YPF y a la empresa norteamericana Chevron, presunta beneficiaria de la expropiación. La competencia de los tribunales españoles para conocer de la demanda, basada en la vulneración de las normas sobre competencia leal no es clara; pero los tribunales españoles acabaron declarándose competentes. Aquí se analiza la decisión adoptada por el Juzgado de lo Mercantil nº 1 de Madrid en relación a su competencia para conocer de la demanda planteada por REPSOL

In the first decade of the 20th century, the company Georg Schicht Works based in Aussig – currently known as Ústí nad Labem in the northern part of the Czech Republic – producing soap and related products, flourished as one of the... more

This thesis examines the practice of confiscation in the Ottoman Empire during the long-eighteenth century. It investigates what enabled, guided and motivated the sovereign to confiscate the property of elites, and how and to what extent... more

This thesis examines the practice of confiscation in the Ottoman Empire during the long-eighteenth century. It investigates what enabled, guided and motivated the sovereign to confiscate the property of elites, and how and to what extent this occurred. The contribution of this thesis is twofold. First, it provides the first systematic analysis of the practice of confiscation in the Ottoman Empire, highlighting the basis of selectivity in its application. Second, it contributes to a broader line of literature by analysing the drivers, informal constraints and persistence of historical state predation. One of the strengths of the thesis is its combination of theory and a rich variety of archival evidence, using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The thesis finds that müsadere was a selective institution targeting mainly office-holders and private tax contractors. However, some were less likely to face or more capable of avoiding confiscation than others mainly due to factors related to time and location of confiscation, the bargaining position of the wealth-holder and the attributes of their wealth. Although confiscation was costly and time-consuming to enforce, the sultans were continuously interested in it because of its political and redistributive functions such as monitoring the behaviour of their agents and protecting their share in the fiscal revenue from fiscal intermediaries. They had power to do so primarily because of many disincentives of collective action among the targets of confiscation. Through the study of this practice, this thesis shows how an early modern monarch, who was not formally constrained, could and did confiscate the elite property in a time of crisis.

Expropriation Hull formula

This article presents defectiveness, but also feasibilities with regard to improve every particular aspect of expropriational administrative procedure in purpose of efficiency, transparency, timeliness, and individual's protection against... more

This article presents defectiveness, but also feasibilities with regard to improve every particular
aspect of expropriational administrative procedure in purpose of efficiency, transparency,
timeliness, and individual's protection against arbitrariness of public authorities. Beside each
caught sight defectiveness concrete (potential) solution is proposed. For some problems, solution
is possible to achieve by changing positive legislature, but for others by changing legal practice.
Accordingly to Bosnia and Herzegovina's obligations to harmonize it’s legislation with acquis
communautaire, relavant legal opinions of European Court for Human Rights are given.
Expropriation act closely correspond with one of the fundamental rights – ownership right.
Therefore, a balance between public and private interest must be expressed by adequate and
precisely determined compensation for expropriated property.

India’s BIT program is the largest among the developing countries and its integration into the global economy has also increased its exposure to BIT claims. Several foreign corporations presented ITA notices against various Indian... more

India’s BIT program is the largest among the developing countries and its integration into the global economy has also increased its exposure to BIT claims. Several foreign corporations presented ITA notices against various Indian regulatory measures prompting India to suspend all trading of BITs in progress that led to a change in its position in the International investment law regime with repercussions in the International business community eager to participate in its business. These recent developments have then determined the need to review India’s BIT program in a global vision. The paper ‘International Investment Agreements Between India and Others Countries’ (2011), showed the importance of ensuring a balance between investor rights
and national policy which India has not been able to make guarantor pushing in different circumstances to revise their existing BITs and defining new perspectives for future negotiations. The paper reflects on experiences of BITs in a global vision.

Premio extraordinario de Doctorado de la Universitat de Lleida (2020). El objeto de esta tesis doctoral consiste en analizar el régimen jurídico del arrendamiento forzoso de vivienda como expresión de la intervención administrativa en el... more

Premio extraordinario de Doctorado de la Universitat de Lleida (2020). El objeto de esta tesis doctoral consiste en analizar el régimen jurídico del arrendamiento forzoso de vivienda como expresión de la intervención administrativa en el Derecho Civil. Este arrendamiento se encuentra previsto en tres conjuntos normativos: la constitución forzosa, la prórroga forzosa, y la expropiación temporal del uso de viviendas, una actualización de las dos medidas anteriores. A estos efectos, se atenderá al estudio crítico del objeto, los sujetos y el contenido contractual, y la formación y ejecución de las diferentes modalidades de arrendamiento forzoso, analizando los efectos de su aplicación. Finalmente, se realizará un pronunciamiento sobre su ajuste constitucional y se plantearan unas alternativas al arrendamiento forzoso para evitar acudir a este instrumento.

El ejercicio de la potestad expropiatoria en beneficio de sujetos privados plantea varios problemas jurídicos característicos a los que el Derecho público debe ofrecer una respuesta adecuada. Ello exige reconsiderar ciertos extremos de la... more

El ejercicio de la potestad expropiatoria en beneficio de sujetos privados plantea varios problemas jurídicos característicos a los que el Derecho público debe ofrecer una respuesta adecuada. Ello exige reconsiderar ciertos extremos de la configuración normativa de la expropiación forzosa como institución de Derecho público, en la cual el beneficiario ocupa un lugar central en tanto que sujeto que encarna al interés público a que la expropiación, como instrumento, viene a servir. La concepción del beneficiario como sujeto favorecido por la producción de un daño legítimo o autorizado por el ordenamiento, así como la integración sistemática de la potestad expropiatoria en el marco que proporcionan el Derecho constitucional, el Derecho europeo y el Derecho administrativo general y sectorial, permiten ofrecer un modelo dogmático parcialmente renovado de la expropiación forzosa y de la figura subjetiva de su beneficiario. Modelo éste que resulta acorde con las dos funciones principales que al Derecho administrativo corresponde desempeñar: proteger los derechos individuales frente al poder, y procurar la actuación eficaz de la Administración en la tutela y promoción de los intereses generales.

This article is an interdisciplinary critical analysis of personalization systems and the gatekeeping role of current mainstream social media. The first section presents a literature review of data-driven personalization and its... more

This article is an interdisciplinary critical analysis of personalization systems and the gatekeeping role of current mainstream social media. The first section presents a literature review of data-driven personalization and its challenges in social media. The second section sheds light on increasing concerns regarding algorithms’ ability to overtly persuade—and covertly manipulate—users for the sake of engagement, introducing the emergence of the exclusive ownership of behavioral modification through hyper-nudging techniques. The third section empirically analyzes users’ expectations and behaviors regarding such data-driven personalization to frame a conceptualization of users’ agency. The fourth section introduces the concept of “algorithmic sovereignty.” Current projects that aim to grant this algorithmic sovereignty highlight some potential applications. Together this novel theoretical framework and empirical applications suggest that, to preserve trust, social media should open their personalization algorithms to a social negotiation as the first step toward a more sustainable social media landscape. To decentralize the immense power of mainstream social media, guarantee a democratic oversight, and mitigate the unintended undesirable consequences of their algorithmic curation, public institutions and civil society could help in developing and researching public algorithms, fostering a collective awareness so as to eventually ensure a fair and accountable “algorithmic sovereignty.”

¿Cuál es la relación entre ciencia e ideología?. ¿Son dos cosas incompatibles, complementarias o son la misma cosa?. ¿Debe evitar la ciencia dejarse “contaminar” por la ideología?. ¿Hay una única manera de hacer ciencia?. ¿Todas conducen... more

¿Cuál es la relación entre ciencia e ideología?. ¿Son dos cosas incompatibles, complementarias o son la misma cosa?. ¿Debe evitar la ciencia dejarse “contaminar” por la ideología?. ¿Hay una única manera de hacer ciencia?. ¿Todas conducen a los mismos resultados y nos dan la misma visión del mundo?. Nos centraremos en la figura de Alexander Bogdanov, médico y filósofo ruso, para debatir sobre estos y otros temas de relevancia actual. Sus teorías dieron origen a lo que después se denominó la “teoría de las dos ciencias”, que da título a este trabajo.

The South African Constitution protects property but at the same time provides for its expropriation on the condition, amongst others, that “just and equitable” compensation is paid. Market value, the foremost determinant of compensation... more

The South African Constitution protects property but at the same time provides for its expropriation on the condition, amongst others, that “just and equitable” compensation is paid. Market value, the foremost determinant of compensation in pre-constitutional expropriation law, has now become but one of several factors in determining “just and equitable” compensation. The acquisition, at market-value, of land for land reform is not always feasible and the candidate shows that the full transformative effects of the property clause in the Constitution and land reform measures, can therefore only be unleashed if the guidelines for just and equitable compensation are rethought and reformulated.

Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı’nın 1 Mart 2022 tarihli Resmi Gazete’de yayınladığı “Maden Yönetmeliğinde Değişiklik Yapılmasina Dair Yönetmelik”te, elektrik üretmek için yürütülen madencilik faaliyetlerinde tapuda zeytinlik olarak... more

Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı’nın 1 Mart 2022 tarihli Resmi Gazete’de yayınladığı “Maden Yönetmeliğinde Değişiklik Yapılmasina Dair Yönetmelik”te, elektrik üretmek için yürütülen madencilik faaliyetlerinde tapuda zeytinlik olarak kayıtlı alanlardaki zeytin ağaçlarının taşınması (veya kesilmesine) Bakanlıkça “kamu yararı dikkate alınarak” izin verilebilir denmektedir. Bu yönetmelik açık bir şekilde kâr peşindeki sermayenin önünü açmak için hazırlanmıştır.

What is the relation between science and ideology? Are they incompatible, complementary or the same thing? Should science avoid “contamination” from ideology? Is there an only way to do science? Does anyone of them lead to the same... more

What is the relation between science and ideology? Are they incompatible, complementary or the same thing? Should science avoid “contamination” from ideology? Is there an only way to do science? Does anyone of them lead to the same results and give us the same worldview? We will focus on the figure of Alexander Bogdanov, Russian physician and philosopher, in order to discuss these and other relevant topics. His theories gave birth to what may be called later “the theory of two sciences”, which entitles this work.

In the course of state-led rural urbanisation over the past few decades, millions of Chinese peasants have been expropriated and relocated. After establishing a definition of these “landless peasants” as a heterogeneous social group... more

In the course of state-led rural urbanisation over the past few decades, millions of Chinese peasants have been expropriated and relocated. After establishing a definition of these “landless peasants” as a heterogeneous social group connected mainly by the fact that its members had to give up their land-use rights, this article sets out to examine subsequent processes of identity formation – a topic that has been largely neglected in existing research. Drawing on Beck’s individualisation thesis, I suggest that structural and institutional changes in the process of rural modernisation have initiated a further thrust of individualisation in people’s lives which manifests not only in the objective domain of life situations but also in the subjective domain of identity. This hypothesis is substantiated through an ethnographic case study based on seven months of fieldwork (2016–2018) in Huaming Model Town in the Dongli District of Tianjin. As a first step towards conceptualising what landless peasants are becoming, I will propose to start focusing on recombinant identities and class differentiations evolving among the people.

The key question in this article is the extent to which current real property expropriation practices in Kigali city promote spatial justice. Current studies focus on the ambiguous manner in which real property valuation had been... more

The key question in this article is the extent to which current real property expropriation practices in Kigali city promote spatial justice. Current studies focus on the ambiguous manner in which real property valuation had been regulated by the expropriation law of 2007, leading to unfair compensation and various conflicts between expropriating agencies and expropriated people. Following its amendment in 2015, the law currently provides clearer procedures for valuation and fair compensation, based on the market prices. Using indicators that measure spatial justice, this study evaluates if the current expropriation processes result in spatial justice, consisting of procedural, recognitional and redistributive justice. These indicators are described using three dimensions of spatial justice: rules, processes and outcomes. Data were collected through household surveys, focus group discussions, stakeholders' interviews and observations in four urban neighbourhoods where expropriation has taken place in Kigali city. Interpretative and statistical analysis of the data reveals some patterns of procedural, recognitional and redistributive justice in the rules dimension. There is no indication of any pattern for other dimensions. This relates to limited budgets of expropriating agencies which insufficiently follow the law. The consequence is the decreased redistributive justice in the compensation and the increase in the displacement effect of expropriation. Although, counter-valuations result in fair compensation, there is limited evidence for good trends of spatial justice in the whole process of expropriation.

The 'expropriation of the expropriators' is a delicious turn of phrase, one that Marx even compares to Hegel's infamous 'negation of the negation'. But what does it mean, and is it still relevant today? Before I analyse the content of... more

The 'expropriation of the expropriators' is a delicious turn of phrase, one that Marx even compares to Hegel's infamous 'negation of the negation'. But what does it mean, and is it still relevant today? Before I analyse the content of Marx's expression, I briefly consider contemporary legal understandings of expropriation, as well as some examples of it. In the remainder of the essay, I spell out different kinds of expropriation in Marx and focus on an ambiguity at the core of the notion of 'expropriating the expropriators', namely, whether it describes an immanent and objective tendency within the development of the capitalist mode of production or else actively prescribes a form of revolutionary political praxis for the working class. My answer is that it does both, though not without tension. Finally, I develop some implications of these reflections by showing how the concept of expropriation can be put to use today, in struggles around housing, climate and work.

This paper discusses the archaeological data of the archaic rural landscape in the modern suburb of Rome, as possible evidence of land expropriation in the 5th and 4th centuries BC as known from the problematic literary tradition... more

This paper discusses the archaeological data of the archaic rural landscape in the modern suburb of Rome, as possible evidence of land expropriation in the 5th and 4th centuries BC as known from the problematic literary tradition concerning the history of early Republican Rome. The first key-study is the ager of the Latin city of Fidenae; in this area the archaeological surveys found a strong discontinuity at the beginning of the 5th century BC, which could be linked to the literary data regarding land expropriations of 498 BC and the institution of the Clustumina tribus in 495 BC. The second key-study is the ager Veientanus, where the archaeological data shows a clear drastic reduction of rural sites in the first half of the 4th century BC, in parallel to the rise of new rural sites. This could be evidence of the Roman conquest of Veii in 396 and subsequent land expropriation in favor of Roman citizens, as known from the literary tradition.

This essay engages with the question of how to construct modern economic relations as an object of political theorizing by placing Hannah Arendt and Karl Marx’s writings in critical conversation. I contend that the political aspect of... more

This essay engages with the question of how to construct modern economic relations as an object of political theorizing by placing Hannah Arendt and Karl Marx’s writings in critical conversation. I contend that the political aspect of capitalism comes into sharpest relief less in relations of economic exploitation than in moments of expropriation that produce and reproduce the conditions of capitalist accumulation. To develop a theoretical handle on expropriation, and thereby on the politics of capitalism, I syncretically draw upon Marxian and Arendtian concepts by, first, examining expropriation through the Marxian analytic of “primitive accumulation of capital” and, second, delineating the political agency behind primitive accumulation through the Arendtian notion of “power.” I substantiate these connections around colonial histories of primitive accumulation wherein expropriation emerges as a terrain of political contestation. From this perspective, I conclude, such putatively “economic” questions as dispossession, exploitation, and accumulation appear as irreducibly political questions.

There are various constructions of the ‘Fair and Equitable Treatment’ (FET) clauses in investment treaties. Many of them have combined the FET standard with other investment protection standards in the same clause. A simplistic... more

There are various constructions of the ‘Fair and Equitable Treatment’ (FET) clauses in investment treaties. Many of them have combined the FET standard with other investment protection standards in the same clause. A simplistic interpretation of these clauses might lead to an understanding that the FET standard are synonymous with other standards prescribed by the particular investment treaties largely due to the flexibility and generality of the standard. This article will closely scrutinize this interrelation between the FET standard with some other investment protection standards. The demarcation line between and among these interaction is so thin that it becomes difficult to distinguish one standard from another. This article will discuss that the FET is indeed an overarching principle and despite some conceptual similarities with other investment protection standards the FET standard is unique and distinct in its own free standing in the international investment law regime and combining the standard with other investment protection standards is simply a stylistic matter and not a matter of substance to its content.

This is a chapter on a book on expropriation, and looks at how the courts confuse the requirement that expropriation must be for a public purpose, with the factor that the courts can take into account when determining compensation for... more

This is a chapter on a book on expropriation, and looks at how the courts confuse the requirement that expropriation must be for a public purpose, with the factor that the courts can take into account when determining compensation for expropriation in South Africa.