Law of Unfair Competition Research Papers (original) (raw)

Trainingsdaten für Künstliche Intelligenz sind gegenwärtig auf internationaler Ebene Gegenstand von Regulierungsvorhaben, stellen jedoch hinsichtlich ihrer immaterialgüterrechtlichen Komponente noch weitestgehend unerforschtes Terrain... more

Trainingsdaten für Künstliche Intelligenz sind gegenwärtig auf internationaler Ebene Gegenstand von Regulierungsvorhaben, stellen jedoch hinsichtlich ihrer immaterialgüterrechtlichen Komponente noch weitestgehend unerforschtes Terrain dar. Der Beitrag untersucht daher zunächst die technischen und ökonomischen Grundlagen für einen Markt für Trainingsdaten. Auf dieser Basis wird der Schutz von Trainingsdaten nach geltendem Urheber-, Datenbank-, Lauterkeits- und Geschäftsgeheimnisrecht behandelt. Der Artikel schließt mit Empfehlungen, wie Anreize für die Entwicklung qualitativ hochwertiger Trainingsdaten mit einem innovationsförderlichen Zugang zu denselben in schonenden Ausgleich gebracht werden können.

Ce texte analyse la qualification de concurrence déloyale retenue contre Uber dans le cadre d'une action collective et propose de lui substituer la qualification de "concurrence interdite", plus fidèle à la réalité de la faute délictuelle... more

Ce texte analyse la qualification de concurrence déloyale retenue contre Uber dans le cadre d'une action collective et propose de lui substituer la qualification de "concurrence interdite", plus fidèle à la réalité de la faute délictuelle reprochée à Uber.

Presentación de la conferencia sobre Uber en la que se analiza si comete un acto de competencia desleal por infracción de normas

Tras la expropiación en Argentina de las acciones que la compañía española REPSOL tenía de la sociedad argentina YPF, REPSOL demandó en España a YPF y a la empresa norteamericana Chevron, presunta beneficiaria de la expropiación. La... more

Tras la expropiación en Argentina de las acciones que la compañía española REPSOL tenía de la sociedad argentina YPF, REPSOL demandó en España a YPF y a la empresa norteamericana Chevron, presunta beneficiaria de la expropiación. La competencia de los tribunales españoles para conocer de la demanda, basada en la vulneración de las normas sobre competencia leal no es clara; pero los tribunales españoles acabaron declarándose competentes. Aquí se analiza la decisión adoptada por el Juzgado de lo Mercantil nº 1 de Madrid en relación a su competencia para conocer de la demanda planteada por REPSOL

En: Anuario Investigación CICAJ - PUCP, 2013-2014

El uso no autorizado de marcas ajenas como palabras clave en sistemas de publicidad por enlaces patrocinados y un caso especial, el uso de marcas notorias (a propósito del fallo del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea en Interflora... more

El uso no autorizado de marcas ajenas como palabras clave en sistemas de publicidad por enlaces patrocinados y un caso especial, el uso de marcas notorias (a propósito del fallo del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea en Interflora Inc. vs. Marks & Spencer plc).

Ghana is a country with immense talents across the Intellectual Property (IP) spectrum. In music, theatre, technology and agriculture among others. Global best practice examples show that these talents can become a source of significant... more

Ghana is a country with immense talents across the Intellectual Property (IP) spectrum. In music, theatre, technology and agriculture among others. Global best practice examples show that these talents can become a source of significant economic value provided that, there is an enabling environment to develop the appropriate culture and orientation. Ghana is arguably regarded as one of the transitional economies in the Africa. This paper explores the opportunities available for creators in Ghana as well as gauge some gaps on account of existing legislations and structures for Intellectual property rights and enforcement.

Nos complace poner a su disposición la publicación de la tesis doctoral de nuestro asociado y Presidente del Comité de Derecho del Entretenimiento Aldo Fabrizio Modica (Paraguay), presentada en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad... more

Nos complace poner a su disposición la publicación de la tesis doctoral de nuestro asociado y Presidente del Comité de Derecho del Entretenimiento Aldo Fabrizio Modica (Paraguay), presentada en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Austral para optar al título de Doctor en Derecho, y que lleva por nombre "Protección Jurídica de las Ideas".
Debido a la excelencia de este trabajo y al interés que despierta el tema de la protección de las ideas y las situaciones en las que se han tutelado a pesar de que en principio no gozan de protección, es que decidimos publicarlo y ponerlo a disposición de nuestra membresía y demás profesionales de la PI.

In the digital economy a well known problem takes a new shape: planned obsolescence increasingly impacts our everyday life, undermining the performances of our smart devices, from mobile phones, to personal computers, connected cars and... more

In the digital economy a well known problem takes a new shape: planned obsolescence increasingly impacts our everyday life, undermining the performances of our smart devices, from mobile phones, to personal computers, connected cars and smart homes. This shatters the very basis of consumer law, challenges its effectiveness, and raises some crucial issues, requiring innovative solutions. Addressing the legal implications of such phenomenon has thus become a necessity. 1 Current sanctions and the approach of the EU legislator on this point so far show a lack of effectiveness, leaving open some fundamental questions. Is actual consumer law fit enough to tackle planned obsolescence? Can unfair trading law contribute to improving the effectiveness of consumer contract law in solving the issue of planned obsolescence? Other major issues concern the growing tension with the goal of achieving sustainable development 2 and a circular economy; 3 ensuring longer durability of consumer goods is indeed crucial for achieving more sustainable consumption behaviour , waste reduction and environmental protection. European unfair commercial practices' rules play a crucial role in tackling the phenomenon of planned obsolescence, as they cover traders' behaviour before, during and after a commercial transaction in relation to a product. On 25 September 2018, the Italian Competition Authority (hereinafter: ICA) fined, under two separate decisions, both Apple 4 and Samsung 5 for unfair commercial practices concerning software updates which seriously impaired the functioning of certain models of mobile phones. The two big firms were fined 10 m and 5 m Euros respectively. Such decisions immediately gained worldwide resonance. This paper addresses the most challenging issues on this topic and proposes possible responses in way of interpretation and legislation.

Türk Ticaret Kanunun haksız rekabet başlığı altında yer alan 55.madde 1.fıkra c bendinde “başkasının iş ürünlerinden yetkisiz yararlanma” hükmü eski Ticaret Kanununda yer almamakla birlikte 13.01.2011 tarihli 6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret... more

Türk Ticaret Kanunun haksız rekabet başlığı altında yer alan 55.madde 1.fıkra c bendinde “başkasının iş ürünlerinden yetkisiz yararlanma” hükmü eski Ticaret Kanununda yer almamakla birlikte 13.01.2011 tarihli 6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu ile gündeme gelmiştir.
Türk Hukukunda ekonomik, teknolojik gelişmeler ele alındığında önemli bir boşluğu dolduran hüküm ile ilgili olarak birinci bölümde öncelikle Türk hukukunda haksız rekabet, günümüzde kullanım alanı bulması, milli yasalarda uygulanabilirliği, kanunlar arasında benzerlikler ve farklılar, haksız rekabetin mevcudiyetine dair koşullar incelenecek olup, ikinci bölümde ise iş ürünlerinden yetkisiz yararlanmaya dair düzenlemelerin içeriği rekabet hukukuna ilişkin ilkeler gözetilmek suretiyle ele alınacak, yapılan tüm değerlendirmeler sonuç bölümünde nihayete erecektir.

A concise practical description of Intellectual Property Law in Greece.

El autor analiza la naturaleza de la cláusula general en la represión de la competencia, reflexionando sobre los pronunciamientos del Indecopi a partir de lo establecido en la legislación peruana sobre dicha materia, y explorando los... more

El autor analiza la naturaleza de la cláusula general en la represión de la competencia, reflexionando sobre los pronunciamientos del Indecopi a partir de lo establecido en la legislación peruana sobre dicha materia, y explorando los alcances de la referida cláusula. Presta atención, particularmente, a dos pronunciamientos que podrían generar dilemas respecto a cuál sería la función de la cláusula general en la represión de la competencia desleal.

The living dead (Trademarks) are among us! Taking advantage of the lack of clear statutory guidance under federal Trademark law, these Zombie Trademarks are feeding on the residual goodwill of and praying on consumer nostalgia. As the... more

The living dead (Trademarks) are among us! Taking advantage of the lack of clear statutory guidance under federal Trademark law, these Zombie Trademarks are feeding on the residual goodwill of and praying on consumer nostalgia. As the Zombie Marks virus is permitted to spread, a paralyzing thought must grip those in the business of protecting Intellectual Property rights-how would one prevent a Zombie Marks Apocalypse in the unregulated territory of Outer Space? Outer Space is the new economic frontier. New private space flight options, including space tourism, partnership between the private sector and NASA to shuttle humans to-andfro the International Space Station, NASA's plan to return humans to the Moon (with the newly discovered water ice on its surface), and, finally, the crewed military habitats resulting from the U.S. Space Force, will undoubtably bring about an explosion of commercial activities in low-earth orbit. In the absence of any explicit prohibition on reviving the living dead marks in International law, the herders of the Zombie Marks will be shielded by the laissez-faire effect of the Lotus principle in the res communis of Outer Space.

6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun (TTK) 54(2). maddesinde aldatıcı veya dürüstlük kuralına aykırı davranışlar ile ticari uygulamaların, haksız rekabet oluşturması gerekçesiyle hukuka aykırı olduğu hükme bağlanmıştır. TTK’nın 55.... more

6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun (TTK) 54(2). maddesinde aldatıcı veya dürüstlük kuralına aykırı davranışlar ile ticari uygulamaların, haksız rekabet oluşturması gerekçesiyle hukuka aykırı olduğu hükme bağlanmıştır. TTK’nın 55. maddesinde örnek niteliğinde sayılan haksız rekabet hallerinden birisi de “kanun veya sözleşmeyle, rakiplere de yüklenmiş olan veya bir meslek dalında veya çevrede olağan olan iş şartlarına uymamak”tır. Bu kapsamda yargı kararlarında haksız rekabet olarak nitelendirilen bir iş şartlarına uymama hali de mal ve hizmetler için kamu kuruluşları tarafından hazırlanan fiyat tarifelerinin bulunması durumunda ilgili tarifedeki fiyatlara uyulmamasıdır. Normal şartlar altında mal ve hizmetlerin düşük fiyatlarla satılması rekabetin en önemli getirisi ve gereği olsa da, ilgili tarifeye uygun düşmeyen fiyatlama politikalarının iş şartlarına uymama olarak değerlendirilmesi durumunda haksız rekabete vücut verme riski bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede, tarifeye uymayıp fiyat rekabeti yapmanın dürüstlük kuralıyla ilişkilendirilmesinin, rekabet olgusunun gerekleriyle ters düşeceği ileri sürülmekte ve fiyat tarifelerine aykırılığın iş şartlarına uymama kapsamında değerlendirilmemesi gerektiği savunulmaktadır.

The litigation between Apple and Samsung on alleged infringement of intellectual property (IP) rights has reached a global scale. Apart from issues relating to patent infringement the litigation also concerned whether Samsung’s tablet... more

The litigation between Apple and Samsung on alleged infringement of intellectual property (IP) rights has reached a global scale. Apart from issues relating to patent infringement the litigation also concerned whether Samsung’s tablet computers would infringe Apple’s iPad design. In Germany, the courts of Düsseldorf were called to decide on these issues.
The Higher Court of Düsseldorf found that the Galaxy 10.1 tablet computer did not infringe a registered Community design held by Apple but was exploiting the iPad’s reputation, which violates rules of unfair competition law. Samsung then modified the design and intended to market this 10.1N version of the Galaxy tablet. Apple again took action but neither the Regional Court nor the appeal to the Higher Regional Court found the redesigned version to violate unfair competition rules.

La competencia desleal y su aplicación Ensayo 2019

A court of equity’s power to provide remedies for common law tort actions is both broad and dynamic in scope. The principle function of equity is to create remedies through the use of injunctions when common law remedies are not adequate.... more

A court of equity’s power to provide remedies for common law tort actions is both broad and dynamic in scope. The principle function of equity is to create remedies through the use of injunctions when common law remedies are not adequate. In many tort actions, such as trespass, assault, battery, and defamation, equity traditionally has no relevance. Equity is normally relevant in cases concerning nuisance and privacy. In most situations, an equitable injunction can only be sought if the plaintiff can prove an injunction is necessary. This also applies in tort actions involving fraud, abuse of process and malicious prosecution, interference of a contract, unfair competition, trademarks, among others. Equity’s necessity in common law tort actions is constantly being redefined and reapplied in a variety of ways.

Salgın dolayısıyla gerçekleştirilen fiyat artışları karşısında ne şekilde aksiyon alınabileceği farklı perspektiflerden tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu tartışmanın etki alanı temelde üç farklı açıdan ele alınabilir. Bunlar; müdahalede... more

Salgın dolayısıyla gerçekleştirilen fiyat artışları karşısında ne şekilde aksiyon alınabileceği farklı perspektiflerden tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu tartışmanın etki alanı temelde üç farklı açıdan ele alınabilir. Bunlar; müdahalede bulunmaya yetkili merciler, rakip teşebbüsler ve fırsatçı fiyatlara maruz kalan tüketiciler şeklinde kategorize edilebilir. Konunun anılan kişi/kurumlar açısından ele alınması, tartışmaların ve ortaya konulacak fikirlerin çıkış noktasını belirlemektedir. İşte bu kısa çalışmada rekabet ve haksız rekabet hukuku boyutuyla fiyat artışlarına müdahalenin etkinliğine ilişkin tespitlerde bulunacağız. Bunu yaparken belirli varsayımlardan hareketle sonuca ulaşılması kaçınılmaz olup; sayısız ihtimalin varlığı karşısında hepsi açısından geçerli tespitlerde bulunulabilmesi mümkün değildir. Bu doğrultuda çalışmamızın fiyat artışları karşısında hukuki enstrümanların ne şekilde yorumlanabileceği ile ilgili “ipuçları” sunmakta olduğu söylenebilir. Hemen ekleyelim ki yetkili merciler tarafından idari veya cezai eksende uygulanabilecek yaptırım, tedbir ve önlemler çalışmamızın kapsamı dışındadır.

6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun (TTK) 54(2). maddesinde aldatıcı veya dürüstlük kuralına aykırı davranışlar ile ticari uygulamaların, haksız rekabet oluşturması gerekçesiyle hukuka aykırı olduğu hükme bağlanmıştır. TTK’nın 55.... more

6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun (TTK) 54(2). maddesinde aldatıcı veya dürüstlük kuralına aykırı davranışlar ile ticari uygulamaların, haksız rekabet oluşturması gerekçesiyle hukuka aykırı olduğu hükme bağlanmıştır. TTK’nın 55. maddesinde örnek niteliğinde sayılan haksız rekabet hallerinden birisi de “kanun veya sözleşmeyle, rakiplere de yüklenmiş olan veya bir meslek dalında veya çevrede olağan olan iş şartlarına uyma[mak]”tır. Bu bağlamda önem arz eden bir iş şartı örneği de belli bir mal veya hizmet için resmi fiyat tarifesinin bulunması durumunda ilgili tarifedeki fiyatlara uyulmasıdır. Her ne kadar Türkiye’de serbest piyasa ekonomisine geçilmiş olsa da, esnaf, tacir ve serbest meslek mensuplarının sundukları mal ve hizmetler için fiyat (ücret) tarifelerinden sıkça yararlanılmaktadır. Mal ve hizmetlerin düşük bir fiyatla satılması rekabetin en önemli getirisi ve gereği olsa da, bu tarz bir fiyatlama politikasının tarifeye aykırılık gerekçesiyle iş şartlarına uymama kapsamında haksız rekabete vücut verme riski bulunmaktadır. Bu tebliğde Türkiye’de fiyat tarifelerinin doğurduğu sonuçlar, haksız rekabet ve rekabet hukuku perspektifinden değerlendirilmektedir. Tebliğde iş şartlarına aykırılığın, fiyat rekabeti dışındaki uygulamalarla sınırlı tutulması ileri sürülmektedir.

The purpose of this article is to analyze the evolution of the treatment of comparative advertising in Argentina‘s courts. Argentina lacked, and still lacks, a statute that specifically regulates the subject matter. Therefore, courts are... more

The purpose of this article is to analyze the evolution of the treatment of comparative advertising in Argentina‘s courts. Argentina lacked, and still lacks, a statute that specifically regulates the subject matter. Therefore, courts are forced to apply norms about trademark law, fair trade rules, self-regulatory advertising, and unfair competition in order to establish the legal boundaries for comparisons of products or services provided by a competitor.

Tea cultivation is different than other agricultural activities. Accordingly, business practices in tea market should be evaluated pursuant to its own market realities and under the tea law discipline, which is a part of agricultural law.... more

Tea cultivation is different than other agricultural activities. Accordingly, business practices in tea market should be evaluated pursuant to its own market realities and under the tea law discipline, which is a part of agricultural law. 3092 numbered Tea Law requires tea growers to get a license from the government. In order to establish a new tea plantation, a tea grower has to obtain the assent of CAY- KUR and permission of the Ministry. Still, there are unlicensed growers in tea sector and businesses are continuing to purchase tea leaf from these growers. This business practice negatively effects the market and the price of tea leaf and should be deemed an act of unfair competition under 6102 numbered Turkish Commercial Code. In this paper, general principles of tea law and plantation licensing is explained, and it is presented that the purchase of tea leaf from unlicensed growers is a business practice of unfair competition, particularly in the form of breaching business conditions.

Introduction Google AdWords and other search engine keyword (Pay per Click) advertising platforms are widely use around the word to promote goods and services using neutral keywords and also trademark keywords. Because litigation has... more

Introduction Google AdWords and other search engine keyword (Pay per Click) advertising platforms are widely use around the word to promote goods and services using neutral keywords and also trademark keywords. Because litigation has increased in the last years, businesses using them will have to be smarter about keyword selection and the messages they use in paid search advertising.

Uber Pop services have been recently banned in Italy. Different courts found Uber to have committed unfair competition practices against taxi drivers and radio taxi providers in the public transportation market. This paper aims at showing... more

Uber Pop services have been recently banned in Italy. Different courts found Uber to have committed unfair competition practices against taxi drivers and radio taxi providers in the public transportation market. This paper aims at showing that Uber cannot be considered a competitor to radio taxi providers, since the latter do not provide a transportation service, but act only like intermediaries.

Moral economy has been conceived by E.P. Thompson as being inextricably linked to popular reactions to the emergence of the free market and the government policies promoting it. How useful can the concept be in the study of social groups... more

Moral economy has been conceived by E.P. Thompson as being inextricably linked to popular reactions to the emergence of the free market and the government policies promoting it. How useful can the concept be in the study of social groups that form an organic part of the capitalist market and benefit from its expansion – while simultaneously being part of the popular classes? In focusing on the small shopkeeper, can we identify elements of moral economy in their views that are contrary to the logic of the market and the conventional wisdom of liberal political economy? This article offers a thorough examination of the case of Greek shopkeepers between 1916 and 1945. It presents their views regarding issues of profiteering and fair profit; unfair competition and licensed professions; and black markets and the relationship of shopkeepers to the community. The main conclusion is that a broader definition of moral economy than Thompson’s is needed in order to incorporate shopkeepers’ per...

El autor analiza la naturaleza de la cláusula general en la represión de la competencia, reflexionando sobre los pronunciamientos del Indecopi a partir de lo establecido en la legislación que regula dicha materia, y explorando los... more

El autor analiza la naturaleza de la cláusula general en la represión de la competencia, reflexionando sobre los pronunciamientos del Indecopi a partir de lo establecido en la legislación que regula dicha materia, y explorando los alcances de la referida cláusula. Presta atención, particularmente, a dos pronunciamientos que podrían generar dilemas respecto a cuál sería la función de la cláusula general en la represión de la competencia desleal en la legislación peruana.

The copies are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. But they can be useful as a case study material for some classes in Sociology of Law or Social... more

The copies are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. But they can be useful as a case study material for some classes in Sociology of Law or Social Media Governing. Author of these materials does not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from reliance on information contained on these documents.

En los ultimos anos, la industria de la moda ha sufrido una serie de cambios que han ubicado a dicho sector en una posicion relevante dentro de la economia mundial; en consecuencia, aspectos como la propiedad intelectual, asi como otras... more

En los ultimos anos, la industria de la moda ha sufrido una serie de cambios que han ubicado a dicho sector en una posicion relevante dentro de la economia mundial; en consecuencia, aspectos como la propiedad intelectual, asi como otras ramas del derecho mercantil se ocupan hoy en dia de las diversas relaciones juridicas que se circunscriben a dicho mercado. En tal sentido, en el presente articulo, el autor realiza un analisis de la evolucion de la industria de la moda y diseno con la finalidad de ubicarlos apropiadamente en el marco del derecho de la propiedad intelectual, derecho de la competencia y proteccion al consumidor.