Fire History Research Papers - (original) (raw)

ÖZ: 19. yüzyıl sonu, 20. yüzyıl başında, İstanbul'a yakınlığının da katkısıyla Osmanlı modernizminin ulaşım-lojistik, iletişim ve üretim yetenekleri bakımından ülkenin geneline kıyasla oldukça gelişkin bir kenti olan Edirne, aynı zamanda... more

ÖZ: 19. yüzyıl sonu, 20. yüzyıl başında, İstanbul'a yakınlığının da katkısıyla Osmanlı modernizminin ulaşım-lojistik, iletişim ve üretim yetenekleri bakımından ülkenin geneline kıyasla oldukça gelişkin bir kenti olan Edirne, aynı zamanda zengin demografisiyle de ilgi çeker. Büyük Edirne Yangını (Harik-i Kebir), hem geleneksel konut mimarisi envanteri açısından hem de toplumsal hafızada yarattığı infial açısından önemlidir. Ancak, Edirne kent araştırmalarında sıklıkla adı geçen bu trajik olayın tarihlendirilmesi konusunda ciddi bir kafa karışıklığı vardır. Bu tarihlerin doğru okunmasında ulusalda olduğu kadar uluslararası yayınlarda da yapılan hataların nedenleri üzerinde durmak çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivi'nden elde ettiğimiz belgelerle desteklenecek çalışmada konuyla ilgili şimdiye kadar yapılmış hatalı tarih yazımları düzeltilerek doğru tarih tespit edilecektir. Bu tarihi olay üzerinden erken 20. yüzyıl Osmanlısında Rumî ve Hicrî takvimler arası farkın doğuracağı yanlış tarih yazımı Edirne Harik-i Kebir örneği ile gösterilecektir.
ABSTRACT: In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Edirne, a highly developed city in terms of transportation-logistics, communication, and production capabilities of Ottoman Modernism with its proximity to Istanbul, has also attracted attention with its prosperity demography.
The great Edirne fire is worth studying both in terms of the loss of the inventory of traditional housing architecture and the tragedy it creates in social memory. However, there is serious confusion about the dating of that fateful event, which is conspicuous and common in Edirne Urban Research readings. The reasons for the historiographical mistakes made in domestic and international publications constitute our scientific study's main subject. In the study, which will be supported by the archive documents we obtained from the Ottoman Archives of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Directorate of State Archives, the correct date will be determined by correcting the erroneous historiography made so far on the subject.
Through this historical event, the wrong historiography caused by the difference between the Rumî and Hijri calendars in the early 20th century Ottoman Empire will be shown with the example of the Grand Fire of the Edirne.

Changes in ecosystem functions following disturbances are of central concern in ecology and a challenge for ecologists is to understand the factors that affect the resilience of community structures and ecosystem functions. In many forest... more

Changes in ecosystem functions following disturbances are of central concern in ecology and a challenge for ecologists is to understand the factors that affect the resilience of community structures and ecosystem functions. In many forest ecosystems, one such important natural disturbance is fire. The aim of this study was to understand the variation of resilience in six functional groups of invertebrates in response to different fire frequencies in southern Switzerland. We measured resilience by analysing arthropod species composition, abundance and diversity in plots where the elapsed time after single or repeated fires, as determined by dendrochronology, varied. We compared data from these plots with data from plots that had not burned recently and defined high resilience as the rapid recovery of the species composition to that prior to fire. Pooling all functional groups showed that they were more resilient to single fires than to repeated events, recovering 6–14 years after a single fire, but only 17–24 years after the last of several fires. Flying zoophagous and phytophagous arthropods were the most resilient groups. Pollinophagous and epigaeic zoophagous species showed intermediate resilience, while ground-litter saprophagous and saproxylophagous arthropods clearly displayed the lowest resilience to fire. Their species composition 17–24 years post-burn still differed markedly from that of the unburned control plots. Depending on the fire history of a forest plot, we found significant differences in the dominance hierarchy among invertebrate species. Any attempt to imitate natural disturbances, such as fire, through forest management must take into account the recovery times of biodiversity, including functional group composition, to ensure the conservation of multiple taxa and ecosystem functions in a sustainable manner.

America’s Fires – a brief, straightforwardly organised, tersely argued book with a national focus – is perhaps Pyne’s most accessible demonstration of why fire histories matter, how to think about them, and how to go about writing them.... more

America’s Fires – a brief, straightforwardly organised, tersely argued book with a national focus – is perhaps Pyne’s most accessible demonstration of why fire histories matter, how to think about them, and how to go about writing them. This book and this subject are relevant to environmental historians of other parts of the globe because, despite Pyne’s herculean efforts, the fire histories of large areas of our planet – today experiencing major wildfires – remain to be written.

In the first century BC Rome was quite vulnerable to fire due to the many wood dwellings and warehouses. To limit the risks as much as possible several preventive measures were taken including the institution of a fire brigade by Augustus... more

In the first century BC Rome was quite vulnerable to fire due to the many wood dwellings and warehouses. To limit the risks as much as possible several preventive measures were taken including the institution of a fire brigade by Augustus in 6 AD. At night they would patrol the streets in order to extinguish any sparks as quickly as possible. An organized fire brigade financed by the Empire appeared only in Rome and its ports Ostia and Portus. In Rome the fire department was located in barracks across the city; guardrooms furthermore served as storage and resting places for the patrols. The only surviving barrack is in Ostia. All the firemen were given a specific task so they could work efficiently. They used buckets, pumps, and wagons. The organization of the fire brigade is similar to that of the Roman legions.

En este ensayo se reflexiona sobre las relaciones entre radioactividad (Chernóbil), virus (COVID-19) y fuego (incendios forestales) como conexiones e interacciones socioecológicas en las que la especie humana se ha visto inmersa en... more

En este ensayo se reflexiona sobre las relaciones entre radioactividad (Chernóbil), virus (COVID-19) y fuego (incendios forestales) como conexiones e interacciones socioecológicas en las que la especie humana se ha visto inmersa en tiempos del Antropoceno. El texto plantea, a partir de una metáfora, que el capitalismo recreó, a un elevado coste ecológico y legitimado a través de la narrativa del Desarrollo Sustentable, la ficción de la civilización como una pradera, un modelo simplificado, homogéneo y global, pero ante el cual una sola chispa (radiación, virus) ha provocado un incendio extendido en el horizonte temporal.

This updated and expanded second edition of a much lauded work provides a current overview of the impacts of climate change on tropical forests. The authors also investigate past, present and future climatic influences on the ecosystems... more

This updated and expanded second edition of a much lauded work provides a current overview of the impacts of climate change on tropical forests. The authors also investigate past, present and future climatic influences on the ecosystems with the highest biodiversity on the planet. Tropical Rainforest Responses to Climatic Change, Second Edition, looks at how tropical rain forest ecology is altered by climate change, rather than simply seeing how plant communities were altered. Shifting the emphasis on to ecological processes, e.g. how diversity is structured by climate and the subsequent impact on tropical forest ecology, provides the reader with a more comprehensive coverage. A major theme of the book is the interaction between humans, climate and forest ecology. The authors, all foremost experts in their fields, explore the long term occupation of tropical systems, the influence of fire and the future climatic effects of deforestation, together with anthropogenic emissions. Incorporating modelling of past and future systems paves the way for a discussion of conservation from a climatic perspective, rather than the usual plea to stop logging. This second edition provides an updated text in this rapidly evolving field. The existing chapters are revised and updated and two entirely new chapters deal with Central America and the effect of fire on wet forest systems. In the first new chapter, the paleoclimate and ecological record from Central America (Lozano, Correa, Bush) is discussed, while the other deals with the impact of fire on tropical ecosystems.

This study was designed to examine the relationship between land management practices of Indian communities prior to contact with Europeans and the nature or character of subsequent catastrophic forest fires in the Oregon Coast Range. The... more

This study was designed to examine the relationship between land management practices of Indian communities prior to contact with Europeans and the nature or character of subsequent catastrophic forest fires in the Oregon Coast Range. The research focused on spatial and temporal patterns of Indian burning across the landscape from 1491 until 1848, and corresponding patterns of catastrophic fire events from 1849 until 1951. Archival and anthropological research methods were used to obtain early surveys, maps, drawings, photographs, interviews, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) inventories, eyewitness accounts and other sources of evidence that document fire history. Data were tabulated, mapped, and digitized as new GIS layers for purposes of comparative analysis. An abundance of useful historical evidence was found for reconstructing precontact vegetation patterns and human burning practices in western Oregon. The data also proved useful for documenting local and regional forest fire histories. Precontact Indians used fire to produce landscape patterns of trails, patches, fields, woodlands, forests and grasslands that varied from time to time and place to place, partly due to demographic, cultural, topographic, and climatic differences that existed throughout the Coast Range. Native plants were systematically managed by local Indian families in even-aged stands, usually dominated by a single species, throughout all river basins of the study area. Oak, filberts, camas, wapato, tarweed, yampah, strawberries, huckleberries, brackenfern, nettles, and other plants were raised in select areas by all known tribes, over long periods of time. However, current scientific and policy assumptions regarding the abundance and extent of precontact western Oregon old-growth forests may have been erroneous. This study demonstrates a high rate of coincidence between the land management practices of precontact Indian communities, and the causes, timing, boundaries, severity, and extent of subsequent catastrophic forest fires in the same areas. Information developed from this study will be of value to researchers, wildlife managers, forest landowners, and others with an interest in the history and resources of the Oregon Coast Range.

In the mythical elaboration of its origins Venice links the specific character of its settlement not only to the protective and at the same time dangerous presence of water, but also to the destructive / renovating power of fire. Although... more

In the mythical elaboration of its origins Venice links the specific character of its settlement not only to the protective and at the same time dangerous presence of water, but also to the destructive / renovating power of fire. Although the material connotations of Venetian building improved progressively over the centuries, the risk of fire was an inexorable disaster for a long time. For Venice fires were almost the only traumatic events able to change the urban setting profoundly. Thus they constituted an opportunity of change for the city, bringing out its ability to react. Moreover, they are events which enable the behaviour and mentality of Venetian society to be highlighted. The essay illustrates some emblematic cases of public architectonic complexes and private buildings destroyed by fire and then rebuilt during the Renaissance. The analysis focuses on the choices made at the time of rebuilding, on the methods and consequences it all had on the materiality of the buildings, their shape and on the urban context.

Human sacrifice (or animal sacrifice for that sake) has long been recognized both in the ancient Maya iconography and the archaeological record. However, it was not until the last decade that discursive information and material evidence... more

Human sacrifice (or animal sacrifice for that sake) has long been recognized both in the ancient Maya iconography and the archaeological record. However, it was not until the last decade that discursive information and material evidence have been more thoroughly correlated to benefit a deeper understanding of the ritual choreographies, occasions, and meanings for ritual human killings and subsequent body treatments, many of which include the fire exposure of human bodies on burners. The main goal of this paper is to present and discuss scenes of ritual fire exposure of fleshed bodies depicted in the Northern Maya Lowlands and relate these to particular ritual complexes and confront these with ethnohistorical references and fire-exposed human deposits from public plazas of major peninsular Maya urban centers, such as Oxkintok.

Shortly after the application of the Organic Regulation (1832), the Iași city was affected by a great fire, in 25 June 1833. The outbreak of the fire was probably caused by human neglect and excessive hot summer, drought and strong wind... more

Shortly after the application of the Organic Regulation (1832), the Iași city was affected by a great fire, in 25 June 1833. The outbreak of the fire was probably caused by human neglect and excessive hot summer, drought and strong wind caused fast spread out of flames on a large urban area. However, as in many previous cases, legislative, urban and administrative deficiencies have been the main causes that have led to such catastrophe. The fire affected a densely populated and relatively wealthy area of the city, were there was also an old and important commercial centre: Târgul de Jos [the Lower Market]. Besides the 262 houses and shops, the fire destroyed two churches, the Jewish hospital and the Habsburg Empire consulate. This time, the authorities' involvement in helping the victims of fire was quick and well organized,
a special merit in this regard having an Aid Committee. This Committee has been involved in collecting and distributing donations, helping the most vulnerable people, including widows, beggars and Gypsies.
The fire of 1833 revealed, once again, the deficiencies in the application of fire prevention and fire measures. A positive aspect was the fact that, unlike other previous cases, this fire was reported promptly and in details in the official press of the Principality of Moldavia. The press has also been an effective means of government to encourage the population to do charity.

This paper documents the spread mechanisms of spot fires and their behaviour during a severe bushfire attack in a hilly forested landscape. The study assesses their association with wind speed and direction, potential firebrand source... more

This paper documents the spread mechanisms of spot fires and their behaviour during a severe bushfire attack in a hilly forested landscape. The study assesses their association with wind speed and direction, potential firebrand source areas and the spotting distances. Apart from augmenting the body of knowledge about Australian fire behaviour, it is hoped that this article helps dispel misunderstandings about the nature and genesis of spot fires during severe bushfires and encourages renewed interest in their effective management rather than declaring them an uncontrollable act of Mother Nature.
The theory section should also be useful in devising strategies to mitigate or prevent spot fire damage before the next severe fire attack.

Ce travail concerne particulièrement l'étude du feu en tant qu'énergie appropriée et domestiquée par l'homme. Il presente un approche interdisciplinaire analitique et expérimentale destine à améliorer l'étude des structures de combustion... more

Ce travail concerne particulièrement l'étude du feu en tant qu'énergie appropriée et domestiquée par l'homme. Il presente un approche interdisciplinaire analitique et expérimentale destine à améliorer l'étude des structures de combustion en Préhistoire.

This article is dedicated to the phenomenon known as "The transfer of libido" within the frames of the ancient and modern traditional communities and especially its manifestations in material culture. In the introduction, there is a... more

This article is dedicated to the phenomenon known as "The transfer of libido" within the frames of the ancient and modern traditional communities and especially its manifestations in material culture. In the introduction, there is a little elaboration about relation between archeology and physiology and the role of pictorial semiotic as their mediator. Afterwards there is a criticism of the concepts in which, after explanation of primary cultural's genesis and especially manufacture products, the active rationality of archaic man included during the explanation is baseless. Instead of this, we suggest another concept in which genesis of primary forms of productions are seeking in the spheres of "mutated" and "perverted" instinctive mechanisms of the humans. In addition, there is attempt for proving (based mostly on artistic illustrations) that human's libido is invested in the hunt during the time of the Paleolithic period and cult objects are included too. Also there are parallels with analogical phenomenon in the later cultures, in which those ones from Balkan's folklore also take part. Due to this, we are emphasizing symbolic identification of the weapon with phallus, of the hunted animal with women and of the hunt with coitus. With the same analogy is treated the investment of the libido in the spheres of agriculture, based upon the symbolic identification of the soil with the Women and of the agricultural tool with the phallus, where the act of cultivation of the soil is becoming act of coitus. This identification (presented above) is manifested through few traditions, beginning from late prehistory to the modern folk¬lore (artistic illustrations, traces in the languages, myths and rituals). At the end is presented the example of investment of the libido in production of the Bronze Age's stone ax (procedure of perforation of the hole for handle is identified as coitus).

The relationship between man and fire has always been precarious. History has cast fire in various roles: heat, tool, ceremony, weapon and metaphor. The history of fire is a history of man. The mechanical utility and the symbolic... more

The relationship between man and fire has always been precarious. History has cast fire in various roles: heat, tool, ceremony, weapon and metaphor. The history of fire is a history of man. The mechanical utility and the symbolic imagery of fire transcend historical, geographical and cultural divisions. From Prometheus to Lucifer, fire has found regular employment in allegorical social admonition. Arson continues to be utilized by the revolutionary avant-garde despite centuries of technical and political refinement. Insomuch as fire frightens us it fascinates us; this essay attempts to excavate a subjective appreciation for what it means to brandish fire for political gain.
This study employs contemporary case studies to examine the continued use of arson in fringe political movements—guerrilla politics. The first study contextualizes the use of arson as subversive politics in reviewing the 1933 Reichstag fire in pre-War Nazi Germany. The final case study explores the transition to arson as terrorism. The 1990s witnessed the emergence of a church arson ‘epidemic’ in the American Deep South that revived memories of the racial symbolism employed by the Ku Klux Klan. Each case of arson while loosely connected soon fell subject to the same familiar political rhetoric.
While widely condemned, the social outcry over perceived arson threats are generally short-lived. Every ‘epidemic’ is met with conveniently amorphous definitions easily recast by ‘moral entrepreneurs’ awaiting infamy. The utility of arson paradoxically becomes less a function of the arsonists seeking change, rather benefiting the very structures it seeks to destroy. Conceived out of resistance, arson is easily co-opted by whoever commands the larger audience, to which chemistry happily obliges.

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