History of the Social Work Profession Research Papers (original) (raw)

L’educazione, la pedagogia e l’intervento sociale godono di brutta fama fra i sinti. Ne hanno sperimentato il lato violento, forzatamente assimilazionista. I sinti sono un «popolo resistenza» che è stato capace di fronteggiare i... more

L’educazione, la pedagogia e l’intervento sociale godono di brutta fama fra i sinti. Ne hanno sperimentato il lato violento, forzatamente assimilazionista. I sinti sono un «popolo resistenza» che è stato capace di fronteggiare i dispositivi rieducativi predisposti nei loro confronti, sebbene con enormi costi personali. Nei mille rivoli dell’intervento sociale, tuttavia, è possibile scorgere anche altre pratiche educative che hanno accompagnato questi gruppi, sostenendone l’emancipazione e l’autodeterminazione. Le iniziative raccontate in questo «inserto» mostrano una modalità tutta diversa di concepire il rapporto fra potere ed educazione. Il primo articolo riassume i principali assunti della «pedagogia zingara» che si è sviluppata negli anni ’60 a partire dalle interpretazioni della «crisi» dei gruppi sinti dovuta all’industrializzazione delle campagne. Nonostante la pervasività delle modalità «ri-educative» esercitate nei confronti dei sinti, l’articolo mostra anche come le pratiche pedagogiche siano andate via via differenziandosi, prendendo distanza da concezioni discriminanti. Pur non essendo superate le forme di intervento di stampo assistenziale e segregante, gli ultimi anni hanno visto fiorire una pluralità di forme di accompagnamento educativo all’insegna del sostegno alle capacità degli individui e dei gruppi. Il secondo articolo racconta un caso emblematico: l’équipe di educatori di una cooperativa di Trento che, riconoscendo le difficoltà e le contraddizioni del proprio intervento con i sinti, ha deciso di intraprendere un percorso di ripensamento delle proprie pratiche. Questa capacità riflessiva ha portato il gruppo ad approfondire la pedagogia freiriana e scoprirne i potenziali fecondi ed euristici. Il terzo articolo approfondisce perciò questioni di metodo e di approccio di Paulo Freire, e segnala i principali insegnamenti che l’esperienza trentina con i sinti consegna al sapere pedagogico. Nel «bazar» di questo numero Mattia Civico riflette sul modo con cui la politica locale si è messa in interazione con i sinti per pensare una legge a loro tutela. L’inserto si conclude con un dialogo su una seconda esperienza: quella del servizio di sviluppo di comunità del Comune di Venezia. Anche in questo caso la dimensione dell’apprendimento è stata centrale per intraprendere percorsi di mediazione con il territorio, di empowerment e di miglioramento delle condizioni abitative. La conflittualità che ha caratterizzato gli anni più recenti ha spinto gli operatori a una maggiore comprensione delle strategie che i sinti adottano per dare senso al contesto in cui vivono.

While much of the historical literature, especially in social welfare history textbooks, acknowledges the influence of Christianity on social work’s origins, this literature often minimizes, or worse, distorts the role of Christians,... more

While much of the historical literature, especially in social welfare history textbooks, acknowledges the influence of Christianity on social work’s origins, this literature often minimizes, or worse, distorts the role of Christians, Christian organizations, and Christian world views. In this chapter we use the concept of narrative to explore contemporary social work’s uneasy and ambivalent relationship with its Christian origins. The chapter is organized in three parts: first, we use the concept of narrative to describe the dominant secularization story in social work and identify some of the emerging alternative narratives. Second, we describe examples from historical literature that challenge the interpretations and assumptions contained in the dominant secularization narratives of social work. Even though these accounts are not directly about social work, their historical evidence reveals the limits of social work’s conventional narratives and gives rise to alternative interpretations of the profession’s history. Third, we briefly discuss the implications of these alternative narratives in one particular area that is currently relevant to social work—social justice—and show how it has become captive to the secular narrative. We conclude with raising challenges both for Christians and non-Christians in social work.

From the development of voluntary ‘aftercare’ services in the nineteenth century to the multidisciplinary community mental health team of the late twentieth century, psychiatric social work has performed a key support role in the... more

From the development of voluntary ‘aftercare’ services in the nineteenth century to the multidisciplinary community mental health team of the late twentieth century, psychiatric social work has performed a key support role in the expansion of mental health services beyond the institution. Yet as the community has emerged as the main site for care of those with mental health problems, Psychiatric Social Workers, trained in the social sciences, have found themselves increasingly at odds with medically-trained psychiatric workers over philosophies of care and treatment. Such conflicts are arguably not only epistemological in nature but also denote an ongoing conflict over professional expertise and control of jurisdiction. Within sociology, Psychiatric Social Workers can thus be theorized as both a threat to the power of psychiatric professionals as well as an unwitting ally in the proliferation of expert discourses on mental health into new areas of public and private life in neoliberal society. By utilizing a socio-historical analysis it is also possible to problematize Psychiatric Social Workers as agents of social control, responsible for the policing, regulation and management of those classified by psychiatry as ‘mental ill’. This chapter begins by surveying the historical emergence of psychiatric social work before discussing the current context and main controversies of this profession in an era defined by increasing ‘risk’.

Social work can help to restore a balance towards humanity. We are and always have been critical thinking innovators with a comprehensive grasp of issues, a thorough knowledge of human situations and environments. We also possess the... more

Social work can help to restore a balance towards humanity. We are and always have been critical thinking innovators with a comprehensive grasp of issues, a thorough knowledge of human situations and environments. We also possess the ability to craft policy that is meaningful while at the same time realize a moral obligation towards ourselves and to the populations we serve.

Come sono cambiate, nella storia, le leggi e le obbligazioni morali che rego-lano il lavoro femminile? E come hanno influito sulle pratiche concrete? I mariti "normalmente" mantenevano le mogli, considerando incompatibile con il proprio... more

Come sono cambiate, nella storia, le leggi e le obbligazioni morali che rego-lano il lavoro femminile? E come hanno influito sulle pratiche concrete? I mariti "normalmente" mantenevano le mogli, considerando incompatibile con il proprio onore la loro presenza negli spazi pubblici? Oppure le donne hanno sempre lavorato, in casa e fuori? Il lavoro era fonte di autostima e di-ritti o era solo una penosa incombenza cui ci si doveva rassegnare? Le doman-de sono molte e il dibattito è intenso, ma per la prima volta questa sintesi vuole offrire una risposta. Possiamo così ripercorrere una nuova storia delle italiane dall'Ottocento a oggi, seguendo per le varie figure professionali le tensioni fra rappresentazio-ni ed esperienze. Il racconto parte però da un breve flashback sul mondo anti-co, essenziale per impostare una storia del lavoro che sia anche culturale. Me-stieri e soggetti ripopolano una scena dominata fino a oggi dal mito della fabbrica fordista: contadine e domestiche, setaiole e trecciaiole, sarte e rica-matrici. E poi telefoniste, commesse, dattilografe, maestre e infermiere, av-vocatesse, donne medico e magistrato. Ma anche lavoratrici della casa, con il loro lavoro di cura, produttivo di beni e di valori, indispensabile alla vita e alla società. Fino alle giovani di oggi, esposte nuovamente alla precarietà e al di-sincanto di una rivoluzione incompiuta.

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the diverse and contested world of social work. It explores the key concepts and theoretical frameworks underpinning contemporary social work practice, as well as relevant professional... more

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the diverse and contested world of social work. It explores the key concepts and theoretical frameworks underpinning contemporary social work practice, as well as relevant professional skills and strategies from a critical perspective. In a rapidly changing world, it locates critical social work as a part of broader and ongoing struggles for social justice and human rights. Readers are encouraged to think about what social work is or should be, and what sort of social worker they would like to become. The book covers a broad range of topics, including the history and development of social work as a profession, values and ethics, theories for practice, and the fields and context of practice. Definitions of key terms, reflective exercises and case studies are integrated throughout the text. Written by a diverse team of experienced educators, this is a stimulating, rigorous and student-friendly resource.

侯建州、黃源協(2012/07)。專業主義 v.s. 管理主義:英國社會工作歷史的檢視。臺灣社會工作學刊,10,1-46。

Es un análisis arquitectónico del inmueble para hacer una comparación con los pocos documentos escritos de las partes desaparecidas, fotografías o litografías. Así como apoyo en libros que puedan respaldar mi propuesta de cómo era... more

Es un análisis arquitectónico del inmueble para hacer una comparación con los pocos documentos escritos de las partes desaparecidas, fotografías o litografías. Así como apoyo en libros que puedan respaldar mi propuesta de cómo era físicamente el convento franciscano de San Buenaventura en Valladolid de Michoacán, ahora Morelia.
Afortunadamente vivo a 2 cuadras y con los años me he interesado más en poder llegar a una reconstrucción de todo esto que se ha vuelto una moda en México pues se tienen las otras ciudades, todas franciscanas.
También en por mi trabajo como restaurador de Sitios y Monumentos del gobierno Federal he tenido acceso a algunas ruinas.

Книга за реабилитацията (но и рехабилитация) на понятието „социална работа“, чрез поставянето му в много по-широк контекст. Опитвам се да защитя необходимостта да се излезе от идеята за социално подпомагане като тя се подложи на критика... more

Книга за реабилитацията (но и рехабилитация) на понятието „социална работа“, чрез поставянето му в много по-широк контекст. Опитвам се да защитя необходимостта да се излезе от идеята за социално подпомагане като тя се подложи на критика от определени ценностни позиции, така както това се случва от много време в света. Друг начин за реабилитирането на социалната работа виждам в ангажирането на хуманитаристиката (история, право, криминология, изкуства, антропология, социология, икономика, политология и др.) в мисленето и действието по въпросите за социалната справедливост, процесите и последиците от социалната несправедливост. Това е една от основните цели на настоящия сборник със случаи на социална травма и на възможности за възстановяване на социалната връзка.

This dissertation examines the travelers’ aid movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries through a case study of the Travelers’ Aid Society of New York. Travelers’ aid was part of a larger movement for moral reform that... more

This dissertation examines the travelers’ aid movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries through a case study of the Travelers’ Aid Society of New York. Travelers’ aid was part of a larger movement for moral reform that arose as a response to social problems
unleashed by industrialization, urban growth, and mass immigration. Moral reformers believed that vices such as prostitution were wreaking havoc on individuals, communities, and, consequently, on the national fabric. To combat prostitution, reformers launched a variety of
campaigns in both the United States and Europe, one of which targeted a practice known as“white slavery,” i.e. the coercion of European and Euro-American (“white”) women into prostitution. The Travelers’ Aid Society of New York (TAS) was founded in 1907 as an antiwhite slavery organization. Its mission was to prevent female travelers from falling victim to white slavery by providing social work to them at train stations and piers.
This study of the TAS supports an interpretation of social welfare that integrates two fundamental, often competing, concepts: discipline and empowerment. I argue that the TAS’s disciplinary elements were moderate, which allowed it to frequently act as a productive mediator
between travelers and their new environment. This was especially true during the TAS’s period as a women’s organization, 1906-1910. We see more evidence of discipline in the ensuing period when the TAS transitioned to a mixed-sex organization led by men and its anti-white
slavery activism became more pronounced. However, its emphasis
on white slavery should not obscure the prevalence of more ordinary crime at the city’s transportation hubs. Subsequently, TAS vigilance thwarted criminal attempts on women’s bodies and property.

Özet Bu çalışma, Mary Ellen Richmond'un sosyal hizmet meslek, alan ve disiplinine katkılarını ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Sosyal hizmetin en önemli öncüleri arasında olduğu kabul edilen Mary Ellen Richmond'un sosyal hizmetin bilgi,... more

Bu çalışma, Mary Ellen Richmond'un sosyal hizmet meslek, alan ve disiplinine katkılarını ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Sosyal hizmetin en önemli öncüleri arasında olduğu kabul edilen Mary Ellen Richmond'un sosyal hizmetin bilgi, beceri ve değer temelinin inşasına katkıları bu çalışmada değerlendirilmektedir. Yaşadığı dönemin önemli sosyal sorunları arasında yer alan yoksulluğun ve savaş koşullarının etkileri altında bir çocukluk dönemi geçiren Richmond, genç yetişkinlik döneminde sosyal hizmetle tanışmıştır. Bu yeni dönemle beraber kendisini sosyal hizmetin gelişimine ve dönüşümüne adamış, 67 yıllık yaşantısına sığdırdıkları sosyal hizmet meslek, disiplinin ve alanlarını yeniden şekillendirmiştir. Geçmişte olduğu gibi günümüzde de Mary Ellen Richmond'un ardında bıraktıkları sosyal hizmetin gelişimine katkı sağlamayı sürdürmektedir.
This study aims to reveal Mary Ellen Richmond's contributions to the profession, field and discipline of social work. Mary Ellen Richmond, who is considered to be among the most important pioneers of social work, is assessed for her contributions to the construction of the knowledge, skills and value basics of social work. Richmond, who had a childhood under the influence of poverty and war conditions, one of the important social problems of her time, met with social work in her young adulthood. With this new era, she devoted herself to the development and transformation of social work and reshaped the social work profession, field and discipline they put into their 67 years of life. As in the past, Mary Ellen Richmond's huge heritage continues to contribute to the development of social work.

Pointedly, the social work profession in Nigeria has come of age and, therefore, should have no excuse in responding to the social development challenges besetting the country. Adopting a timeline anchorage, this paper chronicles the... more

Pointedly, the social work profession in Nigeria has come of age and, therefore, should have no excuse in responding to the social development challenges besetting the country. Adopting a timeline anchorage, this paper chronicles the evolution of social work in Nigeria. Social work's emergence shares consistency with the socio-political history of Nigeria (that is, pre-contact, colonial, and independent). Although without formal ethical codes, pre-colonial practice was such that assumed a developmental paradigm in that it amplified the centrality of the clan as the mainframe of social organization and the kin as bedrock of social protection. In being formalized, colonial social work was typified by an overly individualized inclination with a disproportionate application of curative methods and an unflinching proclivity to discriminant care. Social work in independent Nigeria has struggled to find a fit (in navigating earlier approaches) in service delivery. Today, as concrete efforts are being made to repurpose professional practice and education, we rollout pragmatic perspectives and paradigms that can adequately address the peculiarities of the Nigerian situation.

This article, published in two parts, combines insights form travel writing, history, and urban studies to explore the social welfare milieu of early 20th century New York City and its connection to disaster relief efforts for Titanic... more

This article, published in two parts, combines insights form travel writing, history, and urban studies to explore the social welfare milieu of early 20th century New York City and its connection to disaster relief efforts for Titanic survivors. Part Two appeared in Voyage 108 in Summer 2019 and is also posted on Academia.edu.

This paper discusses the nature, context and evolution of social work in the Cyprus context. It addresses the definition of indigenization in social work and deals with the opportunities of developing a localised social work model that... more

This paper discusses the nature, context and evolution of social work in the Cyprus context. It addresses the definition of indigenization in social work and deals with the opportunities of
developing a localised social work model that will respond to the issue of transferring patterns of social work from one national culture to another. By describing the historical background of
social welfare it attempts to point to the certain factors that have affected the formation of social work and shaped its character.
The above referrals and critical analysis reveal that a new type of professional social worker is needed, equipped with abilities to plan, direct, and manage social change on both the micro and
the macro-level of the social system.

Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na dwa pytania: czym jest feministyczna praca socjalna? Jak myśl feministyczna wpływa na teorię i praktykę pracy socjalnej? W pierwszej części artykułu skupiono uwagę na historii pracy socjalnej (z... more

Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na dwa pytania: czym jest feministyczna praca socjalna? Jak myśl feministyczna wpływa na teorię i praktykę pracy socjalnej? W pierwszej części artykułu skupiono uwagę na historii pracy socjalnej (z punktu widzenia wkładu kobiet w rozwój tej dyscypliny) oraz feminizmu (z uwzględnieniem różnych nurtów i stanowisk feministycznych). Następnie zostały omówione elementy wyróżniające feministyczną pracę socjalną. Artykuł stanowi wyłącznie wprowadzenie do tematyki i z pewnością nie wyczerpuje wszystkich wątków w dyskusji o feministycznej pracy socjalnej.

The prominent philanthropist, Grace Hoadley Dodge, founded the Travelers' Aid Society as a response to the moral and sexual dangers that she believed confronted single women as they entered American cities in search of work and leisure.... more

The prominent philanthropist, Grace Hoadley Dodge, founded the Travelers' Aid Society as a response to the moral and sexual dangers that she believed confronted single women as they entered American cities in search of work and leisure. Moral reformers like Dodge assumed that traveling women who were adrift from their family and community existed on the “border line of tragedy,” where the slightest misstep could result in a downward spiral that culminated in white slavery, the coerced prostitution of white (European and Euro-American) women. To prevent this tragedy, the Travelers' Aid Society provided social work to at-risk travelers at New York City’s train stations and piers. This paper explores the society's early years in New York and uses theories of discipline and empowerment to assess its work.

This article, published in two parts, combines insights form travel writing, history, and urban studies to explore the social welfare milieu of early 20th century New York City and its connection to disaster relief efforts for Titanic... more

This article, published in two parts, combines insights form travel writing, history, and urban studies to explore the social welfare milieu of early 20th century New York City and its connection to disaster relief efforts for Titanic survivors. It should be read with Part One, which appeared in Voyage 107 and is also posted on Academia.edu.

This article was written for the 40th Anniversary of the Midwest School Social Work Council. It traces the beginning of school social work in the United States from its early beginnings as visiting teachers, through professional... more

This article was written for the 40th Anniversary of the Midwest School Social Work Council. It traces the beginning of school social work in the United States from its early beginnings as visiting teachers, through professional organization, formation of the National Association of Social Workers, and eventual founding of the School Social Work Association of America.


This article explores contemporary social work’s uneasy and ambivalent relationship with its Christian origins by use of the concept of narrative. The argument is organized in three parts: first, the concept of narratives is used to... more

This article explores contemporary social work’s uneasy and ambivalent relationship with its Christian origins by use of the concept of narrative. The argument is organized in three parts: first, the concept of narratives is used to describe the dominant secularization story in social work and identify some of the emerging alternative narratives. Second, the article explores in greater detail particular themes from historians of religion in Canada that challenge the interpretations and assumptions contained in the dominant secularization narratives of social work. Third, the article discusses the implications of these alternative narratives in one particular area that is currently relevant to social work— human rights—and shows how it has become captive to the secular narrative. The paper concludes with implications and challenges both for Christians and non-Christians in social work.

This paper discusses the nature, context and evolution of social work within the Cypriot context. It addresses the definition of indigenization in social work and describes the challenges and opportunities of developing a localized model... more

This paper discusses the nature, context and evolution of social work within the Cypriot context. It addresses the definition of indigenization in social work and describes the challenges and opportunities of developing a localized model that will respond to the issue of transferring patterns of social work theories from one culture to another. It points to certain factors that have affected the formation of Cypriot social work and shaped its character. It finishes with a critical reflection, which reveals that a new type of professional social worker is needed, equipped with abilities to plan, direct, and manage social change on both the micro- and the macro-level of the social system.

This article charts the gradual sexualization of marriage in twentieth-century Greece, exploring both expert and lay ideas. First, through official writings and marital correspondence, it sketches the subtle transformation of the... more

This article charts the gradual sexualization of marriage in twentieth-century Greece, exploring both expert and lay ideas. First, through official writings and marital correspondence, it sketches the subtle transformation of the nineteenth-century ideal of conjugal love into a more sexualized emotion by the turn of the century. Then, it analyzes the writings of “sex experts” and the correspondence with their clients, showcasing how sexual pleasure became a priority within marriage after World War II. Lastly, the records of a postwar mental health service show that by the late 1970s, the consensus on the importance of mutual sexual satisfaction was being established.

Fenyvesi Mária Judit szociális testvér életútjának rövid áttekintése, A Journey of Light in the Darkness című önéletírása alapján.

The article shows that the history of Austria’s persectued female welfare workers has still to be told. The author of the article reconstructed their life stories through biographical research. She concluded that the period she studied... more

The article shows that the history of Austria’s persectued female welfare workers has still to be told. The author of the article reconstructed their life stories through biographical research. She concluded that the period she studied had not been sufficiently discussed. At the same time, the results add a missing piece to the puzzle of Austrian professional social work history.

In this essay, I will discuss two case studies of social workers who were expelled from Vienna as Jews and found refuge in England in 1939. Their names are Marianne Prager and Elsa Donath. The understanding of what constitutes migrant... more

In this essay, I will discuss two case studies of social workers who were expelled from Vienna as Jews and found refuge in England in 1939. Their names are Marianne Prager and Elsa Donath. The understanding of what constitutes migrant knowledge and how it is valued, depends on the
socio-cultural environment in the host countries. Historical cases may help us understand how refugees can make use of their knowledge and cultural capital, by adapting it when necessary and connecting it to their experiences in exile, but also what has prevented them from transforming their knowledge.

Jessica Blanche Peixotto was the first woman to become a full professor at the University of California in 1918 and yet her role in establishing social welfare studies at Berkeley is mostly untold. A social economist and foremost a... more

Jessica Blanche Peixotto was the first woman to become a full professor at the University of California in 1918 and yet her role in establishing social welfare studies at Berkeley is mostly untold. A social economist and foremost a scientist, she led efforts to infuse evidence-informed practice in professional social work education in the early 1900s, laying a foundation at Berkeley that is still felt today. Of her many efforts, she established a certificate in social welfare at Berkeley in 1917, the first such training on the West Coast. This article describes her personal and professional life and seeks to establish the importance of her role in establishing social work education at Berkeley and in furthering an evidence-informed approach to our professional work.