Home Economics Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Recent calls for reinstituting mandatory home economics education have emphasized its potential to advance gender egalitarian aims. The thought is that, because women’s disproportionate performance of caregiving and household labor is... more

Recent calls for reinstituting mandatory home economics education have emphasized its potential to advance gender egalitarian aims. The thought is that, because women’s disproportionate performance of caregiving and household labor is partially caused by gender socialization that better prepares women than men for such work, we can disrupt gender inegalitarian work distributions by preparing everyone for the sort of work in question. The curricula envisioned in these calls are gender-neutral, in the sense that they recommend identical educational interventions for all genders. By exploiting a parallel between gender-neutral educational policies and gender-neutral family leave policies, we argue first that gender-neutral home economics instruction is unlikely to advance gender egalitarian aims, and may in fact reinforce the very outcomes it is meant to disrupt. However, we further argue that a more radical home economics curriculum could avoid these difficulties. To the extent that we value educational interventions as a possible means for advancing gender egalitarian aims, we have good reason to seriously consider adopting a gender non-neutral program in which all and only boys receive mandatory caregiving instruction.

In 1899, MIT chemist Ellen H. Richards (1842-1911) instigated a series of annual "Lake Placid Conferences" (1899-1908) that became known as the foundation of the home economics movement. Richards's first interest was in improving the... more

In 1899, MIT chemist Ellen H. Richards (1842-1911) instigated a series of annual "Lake Placid Conferences" (1899-1908) that became known as the foundation of the home economics movement. Richards's first interest was in improving the household's well-being by using sanitary and nutrition sciences, an objective that was passed on to the movement. However, by the 1920s, home economists rather identified their field of expertise as the "science of consumption," emphasizing the idea of "rational consumption." My aim in this article is to give an account of how this shift in focus came about, by telling the story of the home economics movement founded by Richards. I examine how the movement problematized consumption by highlighting its relationship, and perception of itself, regarding economics. I argue that the concept of consumption was central to the structuring of the movement from its beginning and allowed home economists to claim it as their field of expertise because, as they believed, economists were not addressing the issue.

Until now the history of home economics as a new direction for social history has not been an area of interest among Latvian historians. This article is thus a first attempt to provide a general insight into the development of home... more

The Food Security and Agricultural Projects Analysis Unit (ESAF) of FAO has undertaken a number of pilot studies to develop a methodology for understanding why certain groups of people are vulnerable to becoming food insecure. The studies... more

The Food Security and Agricultural Projects Analysis Unit (ESAF) of FAO has undertaken a number of pilot studies to develop a methodology for understanding why certain groups of people are vulnerable to becoming food insecure. The studies use the sustainable livelihoods approach adopted for food security analysis and are primarily based on qualitative information collection. The objective of these studies is to inform policy and programming decisions for reducing vulnerability to food insecurity. Drawing from these experiences and those of other FAO units involved in similar work, this paper identifies key lessons learnt and makes recommendations for strengthening future work on food security and vulnerability analysis.

The principal goal of Home Economics has always been that of empowering people to increase control over their lives. Home Economics education has effectively kept up with emerging needs, prioritising the competencies necessary for family... more

The principal goal of Home Economics has always been that of empowering people to increase control over their lives. Home Economics education has effectively kept up with emerging needs, prioritising the competencies necessary for family and community wellbeing. Within the complex contemporary society, there is no doubt that the main concern should be to equip individuals with the tools necessary to deal with the rapid cultural and technological evolution they will face throughout life. The theory of simplexity offers a new way of perceiving and dealing with this complexity. It suggests that, based on simplifying principles, the brain finds solutions "to process complex situations very rapidly, elegantly, and efficiently, taking past experience into account and anticipating the future" (Berthoz, 2012, p.3). Thanks to its adaptive interdisciplinary nature, both as a subject and a profession, Home Economics provides the ideal setting for reflection on the simplex properties and principles identified as the tools for life. Home Economists and students alike may well find that gaining awareness of these properties and acquiring the meta-cognitive ability to apply simplifying principles such as detours, inhibition, redundance, vicariance and selective attention, can help to face the complexity in their work, studies and daily lives with a new mindset. This proposed approach suggests a consideration of curriculum reform in Home Economics education and teacher training.

Home economics uses the terms home and household all the time but there seems to be dearth of literature that formalizes how we define and conceptualize these terms. On the assumption that they are two different concepts, this paper... more

Home economics uses the terms home and household all the time but there seems to be dearth of literature that formalizes how we define and conceptualize these terms. On the assumption that they are two different concepts, this paper explores how home and household differ (with peripheral reference to family). The conversation begins with an overview of the few examples found in the home economics literature (six initiatives). Then, household and home are each described in detail, including four conceptualizations of home from the non-home economics literature. Ultimately, the paper concluded that the Western notion of household is a quantifiable concept, while home is much more symbolic (a visible sign of something that is invisible). Households pertain to the type of dwelling, the complement of people, and their tasks, chores, functions or activities. Conversely, through their interactions with an undifferentiated space (house or dwelling), people turn it into a home, which means different things to different people (along nine dimensions). The case is made for home economics to take inspiration from other disciplines' initiatives to conceptualize these two concepts, and work towards a home economics-centric theory of home and household.

This research analyzed the composing processes of one high school student as she designed the interiors of homes for a course in interior design. Data included field notes, an interview with the teacher, artifacts from the class, and the... more

This research analyzed the composing processes of one high school student as she designed the interiors of homes for a course in interior design. Data included field notes, an interview with the teacher, artifacts from the class, and the focal student’s concurrent and retrospective protocols in relation to her design of home interiors. The analysis revealed that the object of activity in this setting included aspects of the motive (including the teacher’s constructed environment and attendant expectations, the teacher’s governing logic and common sense with respect to interior design, and the broader field of interior design as interpreted and implemented in the class) and both fixed and emergent goals. The student’s object-related problem-solving involved a hierarchy of problem-solving decisions and employed a variety of tools in solving these problems, particularly those derived from culture, reliant on knowledge from a discipline or field, and following from images such as narrat...

Desain eksterior menjadi salah satu pilar penting yang wajib dipertimbangkan sebelum melakukan pembangunan. Jadi, sebelum menciptakan bangunan itu membutuhkan desain di bagian luar maupun dalam. Jasa desain rumah dengan hasil seperti yang... more

Desain eksterior menjadi salah satu pilar penting yang wajib dipertimbangkan sebelum melakukan pembangunan. Jadi, sebelum menciptakan bangunan itu membutuhkan desain di bagian luar maupun dalam. Jasa desain rumah dengan hasil seperti yang diinginkan bisa dibuatkan oleh arsitek desain khususnya desain rumah yang akan dibangun. Tentu desainnya pun mudah – mudah susah, sebab Anda diharuskan jeli dan cermat dalam memilih jasa desain rumah terutama jika Anda memilih melalui media online. Namun, sebelum melangkah kesana, Anda harus mengetahui tentang elemen eksterior itu sendiri. Sedangkan interior adalah suatu bidang study yang bertujuan mengembangkan elemen sisi dalam rumah, namun dalam bahasa mudahnya adalah merancang desain rumah anda pada bagian dalam saja seperti dapur, ruang tengah, ruang tamu, cat rumah bagian dalam dan bagian-bagian dalam lainnya. Jasa Desain Ekterior Rumah Bangunan Desain eksterior lebih focus ke model dan bentuk rumah, ada beberapa jenis konsep desain eksterior, diantaranya adalah desain eksterior minimalis modern, mediterania, rumah tropis, rumah etnis/ rumah adat dan juga rumah klasik dengan mengadopsi desain gaya eropa. Dalam desain eksterior adalah tatanan terhadap tanaman di bagian luar rumah, kemudian memikirkan bagaimana supaya cat temboknya menjadi indah dan sinkron dengan bangunannya, desain pintu serta warna pintunya supaya selaras dengan tema yang diangkat, mengatur model dan letak kolam renang jika itu diletakkan di luar rumah serta kolam ikan, mendesain pagar serta warna dari pagar tersebut, pemilihan desain dari ubin lantai, atap rumah, ventilasi di kaca rumah, bahkan penempatan garasi. Konsep Gaya Desain Eksterior Rumah Bangunan Desain rumah buatan sendiri tidak mungkin bisa semaksimal yang memang didesain oleg ahlinya. Kecuali bagi orang yang sudah kursus terkait hal tersebut atau sudah memiliki keterampilan dalam bidang seni bangunan serta arsitektur. Inti dari adanya desain eksterior ini adalah mengenai bagaimana seseorang akan menilai bagian luar dari rumah Anda. Pengertian lebih simpelnya yaitu tampilan luar mengindikasikan atau mencerminkan bagian dalam suatu bangunan tersebut meskipun sebenarnya tidak selamanya hal tersebut benar. Namun memang sebagian besar masyarakat memang memandang seperti itu. Makanya bagian eksterior ini ga kalah penting, jadi layak untuk diketahui pengertiannya. Nah, untuk lebih mudahnya Anda bisa memilih jasa desain kami. Jasa Desain Gambar Rumah Malang merupakan jasa desain yang melayani berbagai gambar rumah yang sesuai dengan keinginan. Harga terjangkau yang tentunya sesuai dengan budget Anda. Melalui jasa kami Anda akan mendapatkan rumah impian. Desain akan sesuai dengan keinginan hati Anda. Jasa DesainRumah Bangunan Malang Saat ini, ada banyak jasa desain gambar rumah yang bisa Anda jadikan rujukan saat hendak membuat rumah. salah satunya adalah desain gambar rumah malang. Jasa tersebut melayani permintaan desain rumah serta bangunan yang meliputi desain interior dan eksterior. Di samping memberikan jasa desain gambar rumah, jasa tersebut juga memberikan pelayanan berupa jasa bangun rumah serta renovasi rumah. Seperti hal nya rumah, sebagai contoh seorang pegawai pasti sangat terganggu dan sulit untuk membangun sebuah rumah impian sendiri. Maka dari itu dibutuhkan jasa yang bisa membantunya untuk mewujudkan rumah impiannya sesuai dengan keingiinan. Dengan

This paper opines that one effective way to construct a just and sustainable future is to pay attention to early childhood relationships; to ensure adequate care and development for all children and to teach them the kinds of knowledge,... more

This paper opines that one effective way to construct a just and sustainable future is to pay attention to early childhood relationships; to ensure adequate care and development for all children and to teach them the kinds of knowledge, skills and values-such as empathy, sharing, respect for others, love for nature-that promotes sustainability from a very early age. This educational level of the child provides for the physical, motor, health, nutritional, intellectual, aesthetic, emotional and social development of the preschool child. If child education can provide these vital necessities which are fundamental for a sustainable future, it is not therefore unlikely to have an important and strong relationship with the pupils' performance at the primary school level and perhaps at the secondary and tertiary levels. In this paper also, early childhood relationship is viewed as humanity's best hope and most effective means in the quest to achieve foundation for a sustainable future. In conclusion, education for a sustainable future requires establishing a new relationship among people and with the environment that sustains human life-a relationship that enables societies to pursue development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

This study aimed to know the relationship between the supplementary instructional material and the performance of the senior high school students in bread and pastry production. The study was conducted in College of Sciences, Technology... more

This study aimed to know the relationship between the supplementary instructional material and the performance of the senior high school students in bread and pastry production. The study was conducted in College of Sciences, Technology and Communications, Inc,. Sariaya, Quezon the respondents were composed of forty-one (41) grade 11 senior high school students of Home Economics strand. It sought to determine the demographic profile of the respondents, perceived the supplementary instructional materials in terms of learning objectives, learning content, activities, assessment, design/layout, and clarity of material, the respondents' achievements in terms of written and activities and the significant relationship between perceived supplementary instructional materials and achievements of students in Bread and Pastry Production. This study used descriptive correlational research design, instrument used was a questionnaire, and statistical tool employing weighted mean and Pearson-Product-Moment, correlation coefficient. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample respondents and virtually administered. Findings revealed that there is no significant relationship between the supplementary instructional material and the achievements of the senior high school students in bread and pastry production in terms of activities and written. Based from the results, since the interpreted results on all variables under instructional material does not conformed with the correlation significant of 0.01 level on both activities and written, the overall result states that there is no significant relationship between the perceived supplementary instructional material and the achievements of the students in bread in pastry production. The researcher recommends to have a more in-depth research regarding the supplementary instructional materials. The researcher recommend that the future researcher made another research study regarding to the same variables of the study or to any variables that could show the relationship of the variables. Since we are in the new normal set up of education, the researcher encourages the provision and improvisation of instructional materials as a necessary to make lessons interesting available to the students. Continuous enhancement of the supplementary instructional materials and teachers guide is necessary to be able to improve the achievements of the students in TLE Bread and Pastry Production. Further research in supplementary instructional materials is necessary, since we are facing the new learning and teaching process that is caused by the changes made by the pandemic we are facing.

The recent development of open-source 3-D printers makes scaling of distributed additive-based manufacturing of high-value objects technically feasible. These self-replicating rapid prototypers (RepRaps) can manufacture approximately half... more

The recent development of open-source 3-D printers makes scaling of distributed additive-based manufacturing of high-value objects technically feasible. These self-replicating rapid prototypers (RepRaps) can manufacture approximately half of their own parts from sequential fused deposition of polymer feedstocks. RepRaps have been proposed and demonstrated to be useful for conventional prototyping and engineering, customizing scientific equipment, and appropriate technology-related manufacturing for sustainable development. However, in order for this technology to proliferate like 2-D electronic printers have, it must be economically viable for a typical household. This study reports on the life-cycle economic analysis (LCEA) of RepRap technology for an average U.S. household. A new low-cost RepRap is described and the costs of materials and time to construct it are quantified. The economic costs of a selection of twenty open-source printable designs (representing less than 0.04% of those available), are typical of products that a household might purchase, are quantified for print time, energy, and filament consumption and compared to low and high Internet market prices for similar products without shipping costs. The results show that even making the extremely conservative assumption that the household would only use the printer to make the selected twenty products a year the avoided purchase cost savings would range from about 300to300 to 300to2000/year. Assuming the 25 hours of necessary printing for the selected products is evenly distributed throughout the year these savings provide a simple payback time for the RepRap in 4 months to 2 years and provide an ROI between >200% and >40%. As both upgrades and the components that are most likely to wear out in the RepRap can be printed and thus the lifetime of the distributing manufacturing can be substantially increased the unavoidable conclusion from this study is that the RepRap is an economically attractive investment for the average U.S. household already. It appears clear that as RepRaps improve in reliability, continue to decline in cost and both the number and assumed utility of open-source designs continues growing exponentially, open-source 3-D printers will become a mass-market mechatronic device.

Determinants of Market Demand and Different types of Market Structure by Managerial Economics.

Traducción y Prólogo a cargo de Rafael Hurtado y Fernando Galindo

This MA thesis explores the very particularly lively rooftops of Cairo (more specifically, in four homes across different neighborhoods of Cairo and Alexandria during a 9-month journey of fieldwork) where multispecies intimacies... more

This MA thesis explores the very particularly lively rooftops of Cairo (more specifically, in four homes across different neighborhoods of Cairo and Alexandria during a 9-month journey of fieldwork) where multispecies intimacies inevitably unfold. All these homes are largely located in impoverished localities of their cities, leaving access to proper proteins a challenge if not an economic impossibility. On these rooftops, then, nonhuman animals such goats, sheep, rabbits, chickens, geese, ducks, and turkeys are raised, to be later eaten and consumed mainly for sustenance. I take these rooftops as initially human-centered projects of access to proper dietary nutrients, then try to follow these projects to explore how they expand and extend to include intimate, sustainable, ecological, and transformative relations between its protagonists. Rooftop recipes for relating, as witnessed and slowly cooked, by all means bring together polyphonic intimacies made of love, care, disciplining, slaughtering, eating, growing, and grieving - all taking place in an overarching social in which rooftops are complexly entangled.

We reside within the twenty-first century where automation of any type i.e. home or industrial has a vital role in human life. Once it involves industrial automation, the construct is applied to giant machines or robots that help in... more

We reside within the twenty-first century where automation of any type i.e. home or industrial has a vital role in human life. Once it involves industrial automation, the construct is applied to giant machines or robots that help in increasing potency in terms of production, energy, and time. Home automation on the opposite hand involves automating the social unit setting. This can be doable as a result of smartphones and the internet that we tend to use daily. Home automation is once more divided into simply dominant appliances employing a smartphone from a foreign location and another sort crammed with sensors and actuators that control the lighting, temperature, door locks, electronic gadgets, electrical appliances, etc. employing a “Smart” system. This paper introduces a hassle-free home automation system that is extensible and minimalist. The entire circuit works solely on sensors and hard-wired connections instead of WIFI/Bluetooth based approach, which can be confusing for some people especially, senior citizens.

In order to improve conditions for individuals and families in the home and in global society, an examination of the intersection and overlap among Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), consumer-citizenship, and Home Economics... more

In order to improve conditions for individuals and families in the home and in global society, an examination of the intersection and overlap among Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), consumer-citizenship, and Home Economics education is undertaken. Underlying meanings of ESD and consumer-citizenship are teased out. While the meaning of ESD is consistent, consumer and citizen have subjective meaning depending on the user and the temporal period of use. Consumer-citizen is most often used to reflect the making of ethical choices, with a goal of least global harm. The goal of Home Economics education is found to be similar to the goals of ESD and consumer-citizenship. It is found that Home Economics education is morally obligated to incorporate ESD and justice-oriented consumer citizenship education. It is also questioned as to whether or not it is actually possible for families and individuals to live sustainably in current day society.

Residential adjustment-to-blindness training programs frequently include classes in personal and home management. These can be offered as one combined class or separated into two classes. Either way, there is substantial room for exchange... more

Residential adjustment-to-blindness training programs frequently include classes in personal and home management. These can be offered as one combined class or separated into two classes. Either way, there is substantial room for exchange and overlap. Personal and home management classes work in synergy with the residential apartment experience. Major themes in personal and home management classes are introduced, and there remains much room for future literature in this subject area of adjustment-to-blindness training. Like any other subject area, the student’s overall adjustment to blindness is the primary focus, not just the learning of a particular skill.

The principal goal of Home Economics has always been that of empowering people to increase control over their lives. Home Economics education has effectively kept up with emerging needs, prioritising the competencies necessary for family... more

The principal goal of Home Economics has always been that of empowering people to increase control over their lives. Home Economics education has effectively kept up with emerging needs, prioritising the competencies necessary for family and community wellbeing. Within the complex contemporary society, there is no doubt that the main concern should be to equip individuals with the tools necessary to deal with the rapid cultural and technological evolution they will face throughout life. The theory of simplexity offers a new way of perceiving and dealing with this complexity. It suggests that, based on simplifying principles, the brain finds solutions “to process complex situations very rapidly, elegantly, and efficiently, taking past experience into account and anticipating the future” (Berthoz, 2012, p.3). Thanks to its adaptive interdisciplinary nature, both as a subject and a profession, Home Economics provides the ideal setting for reflection on the simplex properties and principles identified as the tools for life. Home Economists and students alike may well find that gaining awareness of these properties and acquiring the meta-cognitive ability to apply simplifying principles such as detours, inhibition, redundance, vicariance and selective attention, can help to face the complexity in their work, studies and daily lives with a new mindset. This proposed approach suggests a consideration of curriculum reform in Home Economics education and teacher training.

The study ascertained the effects of sweet potato production on empowerment of women farmers in Delta State. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select respondents for the study. The sample size consist of two hundred and fifty... more

The study ascertained the effects of sweet potato production on empowerment of women farmers in Delta State. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select respondents for the study. The sample size consist of two hundred and fifty (250) sweet potato women farmers from 8 communities in the two (2) Agro-ecological zones of Delta State. The data collected were analyzed through the use of frequency count, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The result found that sweet potato has immensely contributed to the income level of women farmers to a very large extent with grand mean score of 1.79. The major activities perform by sweet potato farmers include sweet potato farming, processing and marketing; respondents agreed that acquisition of farmland is a major problem to sweet potato production by women farmers among others. The following recommendations were made; that agricultural extension agencies should intensify efforts on creating awareness on improved technological approaches to farming especially to the women to support their efforts in sweet potatoes farming among others.
Keywords: Effect, Sweet potato, production, empowerment, women farmerss

Disaster risk is a concern for the Home Economics discipline because this directly affects the daily life of individuals and families. Disaster events have short and long term impact on the quality of life of individuals and families and... more

Disaster risk is a concern for the Home Economics discipline because this directly affects the daily life of individuals and families. Disaster events have short and long term impact on the quality of life of individuals and families and for those who experienced severe losses their vision of hope and happiness are often shaken. This paper explores the role of Home Economics in achieving the United Nation's goal of creating disaster resilient households and communities. The first part reviews literature on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) particularly disaster-related studies at the household level. It highlights key concepts in DRRM relevant to family studies, such as risk, vulnerability, resilience, and coping and adaptive capacities. The second part presents the contribution of Home Economics to the disaster field of study and public policy. Home Economics offers a unique frame for DRRM with its emphasis on family as the unit of study, the integrative approach, a...

For this assignment I will be researching the years of 1911-1920. The purpose of this research is to explore the social, economic, and political influences that helped shape and mold, the development of home economics/family and consumer... more

For this assignment I will be researching the years of 1911-1920. The purpose of this research is to explore the social, economic, and political influences that helped shape and mold, the development of home economics/family and consumer science.

Home Economics Education plays a pivotal role in converting unskilled women folk into skilled one and thereby the foundation of Home Economics curriculum is recommended to be laid on the needs of its clients. In order to see the validity... more

Home Economics Education plays a pivotal role in converting unskilled women folk into skilled one and thereby the
foundation of Home Economics curriculum is recommended to be laid on the needs of its clients. In order to see the validity of
curriculum in vogue in College of Home Economics, Lahore at undergraduate level, the survey was carried out to assess “The
perception of Home Economics students about their undergraduate curriculum”. It was an exploratory study in which an equal
number of 50 students were taken from all the four classes of B.Sc. Home Economics degree course and thus 200 respondents
were interviewed. The research study conclusively proved that students regarded the subjects relating to major areas of Home
Economics as most relevant, meaningful, interesting and applicable in everyday life.