Horizon Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

In this paper we investigate the problem of selecting an optimal horizon for inflation targeting in the United Kingdom. Since there are several ways to think about an optimal horizon, we look at optimal horizons for each of these... more

In this paper we investigate the problem of selecting an optimal horizon for inflation targeting in the United Kingdom. Since there are several ways to think about an optimal horizon, we look at optimal horizons for each of these interpretations. Also, to see whether our results are robust in the face of model uncertainty, we derive results for a set of models Ñ rather than just one model Ñ with varying structural and dynamic characteristics. Optimal horizons for each model are derived numerically.

Communication via satellite begins when the satellite is positioned in the desired orbital position. Ground stations can communicate with LEO (Low Earth Orbiting) satellites only when the satellite is in their visibility region. The... more

Communication via satellite begins when the satellite is positioned in the desired orbital position. Ground stations can communicate with LEO (Low Earth Orbiting) satellites only when the satellite is in their visibility region. The duration of the visibility and so the communication duration varies for each satellite pass at the ground station, specifically for LEO satellites which do move too fast over the Earth [1]. For low cost LEO satellite ground stations in urban environment it will be a big challenge to ensure communication down to the horizon. The communication at low elevation angles can be hindered through natural barriers. Thus, motion (appearance) detection of the satellite above natural barriers enables the practical horizon to be determined. Practical horizon differs from the ideal horizon. This paper discusses the satellites motion detection and the difference in between ideal and practical horizon. For this paper, data recorded at the Vienna satellite ground station...

Ein Panorama verbindet in einem Bildraum mehrere Szenen, die eine Handlung erzählen. Zeitlich nacheinander stattfindende Ereignisse werden in einem Bildraum dargestellt. Die ersten Passionspanoramen entstehen im 15. Jahrhundert, vor allem... more

Ein Panorama verbindet in einem Bildraum mehrere Szenen, die eine Handlung erzählen. Zeitlich nacheinander stattfindende Ereignisse werden in einem Bildraum dargestellt. Die ersten Passionspanoramen entstehen im 15. Jahrhundert, vor allem im Medium der Tafelmalerei, als Tapisserie und in kleineren Formaten. Für dieselbe Zeit werden auch eine Zunahme perspektivischer Darstellungsmodi, das genaue Studium von Naturphänomenen und ein wachsendes Interesse an naturalistischen Darstellungsformen nachgewiesen. Diese Darstellungsmodi scheinen auf eine grösstmögliche Einheit von dargestelltem Raum und dargestellter Zeit zu zielen. Diese Einheit scheint zunächst im Widerspruch zu der im Scherzliger Panorama dargestellten Handlungsabfolge zu stehen. Das Passionspanorama in Scherz- ligen ist jedoch ein Schlüsselwerk, um diesen Widerspruch aufzulösen und die Verbindungen zwischen imaginierten Ereignissen, ihren Bezügen zu den dargestellten Bildräumen, den historischen Orten und der Raumwahrneh- mung in der Gegenwart des Betrachters besser zu verstehen.

Although huge deposits of tar sands have been discovered in parts of south-western Nigeria, detailed geological studies of many locations are yet to be executed. Such studies would not only help in quantitative evaluation but also help in... more

Although huge deposits of tar sands have been discovered in parts of south-western Nigeria, detailed geological studies of many locations are yet to be executed. Such studies would not only help in quantitative evaluation but also help in generating baseline data that would help in evolving exploitation technique that will be environmentally friendly. Vertical electrical Soundings of southwest Okitipupa were extensively carried out while core samples were studied in order to generate subsurface model of the study area. Detailed sedimentological studies of core samples were also executed. Correlations of geoelectric sections with borehole litho-logs revealed three layers from top to bottom of lateritic soil/clay, shale and sand/bituminous sand. The depth to tar sand horizon ranged from 0.5 to 50.0 m. Groundwater level of about 13 to 15m measured in dug wells occur above tar sand horizon. The most abundant mineral in the tar sand is quartz with subordinate amounts of microcline, muscovite and biotite. The medium grained and moderately sorted nature of the tar sands coupled with low amount of fine particles, indicate that the oil sand reservoir is of good quality. Open cast mining can be employed but precaution must be taken to prevent blowout that may be induced by the overlying water bearing horizon. The fairly thick impervious clayey overburden will prevent pollution of groundwater by waste likely to be associated with tar sand exploitation.

Carlo Scarpa is one of the best-known and most studied modern architects; the bibliography on his works is vast and exhaustive. Despite the undeniably positive critical reception of his work, however, approaching the complex world of his... more

Carlo Scarpa is one of the best-known and most
studied modern architects; the bibliography on his
works is vast and exhaustive. Despite the undeniably
positive critical reception of his work, however,
approaching the complex world of his forms is neither
easy nor immediate. The singular nature of
his built spaces and the originality of his famous
construction details have often left him open to
accusations of sterile and self-referential formalism.
This picture of a refined artist isolated in his
ivory tower has long overshadowed his work as an
architect. In fact, Carlo Scarpa was a perceptive
intellectual and an artist sensitive to all aspects of
the contemporary world. In his long career as an
architect, he constantly sought to reinterpret the
legacy of the classical tradition, blending it with the
most stimulating ideas drawn from his great interest
in international artistic experimentation and the
cultures of the Far East.
The poetry of Scarpa’s work springs not only from
the geometrical rigour of his forms but also from
his acute sensitivity towards immaterial aspects of
architecture such as light and colour, the sky and
the horizon. This article contains the preliminary
results of a long study of the original documents in
the architect’s personal archive. It will focus in particular
on the relationship between architecture and
the landscape, developed in a particularly intense
cycle of mature works comprising the extension to
the Canova plaster museum and the monumental
cemetery for the Brion family. In both cases, it
would be hard to describe Scarpa’s works simply
as “buildings”: in them, open spaces and the rapport
with the sky and the landscape are almost as
important as the solid parts of the structure. Scarpa
arranges the various elements of the construction
by orienting them towards the natural landscape in
search of an intimate and creative relationship with
the great artistic tradition of the Veneto. The plaster
museum is a space projected wholly towards the
landscape, inspired by the paintings of Lotto and
Canova’s classical legacy. The Brion cemetery, by
contrast, is a garden-building that blends oriental
influences and Western art to offer a captivating
array of visual experiences created by sculptural
objects and structured spaces. Here Scarpa plays
explicitly with the fine line of the horizon, cutting
the built volume at the exact height of viewers’
eyes, and thus aligning, on the edge of the boundary
wall, objects near and far that resonate with
his architectural forms. The walled space embraces
the changeability of the sky and the light, which
become the true protagonists of the architectural
work, following in the footsteps of an experimentation
that runs from Giorgione to Le Corbusier.
In the plaster museum, the altitude of +1.37 m
marks ground level; in the Brion cemetery, eye level
is set at +1.62 m. Between these two extremes,
Scarpa calibrates his architectural landscapes almost
like optical devices, to see into the distance
On the Line of the Horizon: Architecture Between Earth and Sky.
Carlo Scarpa: the Canova Plaster Museum (1955-1957) and the Brion Cemetery
Entlang des Horizonts: Architektur zwischen Himmel und Erde.
Carlo Scarpa: die Gipsothek von Canova (1955-1957) und der Brion Friedhof
(1969 - 1978)
without being seen. The magnificent obsession
with perfect sight” is in him so compelling and
fundamental that it appears to demand a constant
reference point from which to measure the dimensional
variations transcribed into the stratified world
of his forms: the horizon. Scarpa thus shows us
that architecture is the sublime play of materials
arrange above and below the line of the horizon.

Design education needs to recognise the changing world it services. The way that we live our lives is very different to that of our parents. No doubt the way our children will live their lives will be very different to ours. We exist in... more

Design education needs to recognise the changing world it services. The way that we live our lives is very different to that of our parents. No doubt the way our children will live their lives will be very different to ours. We exist in an ever changing world. Design education must recognise this constant change and develop long term strategies that enable designers to not only be aware of, but play a major role in this change. Futures thinking – the systematic study of the future – provides design with a structured approach to consider potential futures.

This paper aims to examine the deliberate versus reactive elements of the strategy process with reference to the strategic information management of the Post O$ce. As the literature on strategic management has evolved, there has been much... more

This paper aims to examine the deliberate versus reactive elements of the strategy process with reference to the strategic information management of the Post O$ce. As the literature on strategic management has evolved, there has been much emphasis on the planning aspect of the strategy process. However, in many cases strategy is imposed due to circumstances and the organisation has to react to circumstances outside its control. At "rst sight, it would appear that the communications revolution would have a severe impact on the Royal Mail and that they would have to "nd new directions for their business. However, what has actually happened is that direct marketing, computer databases and electronic mail have increased the amount of business for the Post O$ce and it has had to implement a strategy to deal with this extra business. It is clear from this case study that the strategies towards information management applied by the Post O$ces were emergent rather than deliberate. There are two factors which have meant that the Post O$ce could not have planned; "rstly, there was government action in the form of a capital spending &freeze' which meant that, even if they had a planned information management strategy, they would not have been able to implement it. Secondly, there was the increase in &junk' mail and mail-shots on the part of businesses using computerised databases. A planned strategy would have had several advantages over the emergent strategies that the Post O$ce has adopted for IT. A planned strategy for the Post O$ce Counters in particular would have incorporated meeting the needs of the customer rather than the Bene"ts Agency. The decision by the Bene"ts Agency to pay bene"ts directly into bank accounts will now have serious repercussions for the Post O$ce. The fact that the Post O$ce was unable to invest in new technology as it became available meant that the task was that much greater once its competitors had overtaken it.

Nell'ottobre del 1984 si tenne a Calascio nei pressi del capoluogo aquilano, dove Teofilo Patini lasciò alcuni dipinti nella chiesa di San Nicola e nella chiesa di Sant'Antonio abate, testimonianze tradotte in vigore plastico del fondale,... more

Nell'ottobre del 1984 si tenne a Calascio nei pressi del capoluogo aquilano, dove Teofilo Patini lasciò alcuni dipinti nella chiesa di San Nicola e nella chiesa di Sant'Antonio abate, testimonianze tradotte in vigore plastico del fondale, dell'atmosfera, dei colori, del materiale umano che aveva trovato nel paesaggio calascino e nella popolazione del borgo, l'inaugurazione di un piccolo monumento realizzato dallo scultore Luigi Braglia raffigurante il busto del pittore con un giudizio del grande studioso dell'arte Federico Zeri sul basamento. Proprio Federico Zeri, accorso per l'occasione nel piccolo centro abruzzese e che altre volte tornerà a Calascio e a Rocca Calascio, fu emotivamente così colpito dall'avvenimento, da dedicargli un commosso e polemico elzeviro, sulla terza pagina de "La Stampa", intitolato Pittore dei cafoni (raccolto poi in un volume di scritti L'inchiostro variopinto, edito da Longanesi), in cui scrisse che "verso il 1935 (o intorno al 1940?) la statua in bronzo del Patini, un monumento eretto davanti al Teatro Comunale per pubblica sottoscrizione, fu fatta precipitare dal piedistallo da un gruppo di scalmanati (evidentemente, seguendo un disegno dettato in alto loco) e trascinata per ludibrio attraverso la città. Il monumento proseguiva Zericommemorava infatti un pittore la cui opera e le cui intenzioni male si accordavano con l'immagine dell'Italia sostenuta dalla retorica del regime fascista; il Patini, con i suoi cafoni vestiti di stracci, non poteva essere accetto da chi esaltava il «popolo di eroi, di santi e di navigatori» per celebrare il quale si stava costruendo (o si sarebbe costruito da lì a poco)

The horizon and the infinite in Leonardo Leonardo faces the theme of the horizon in successive stages; on one hand the pictorial valences interests him, on the other the tight link there is between physical horizon and the question of... more

The horizon and the infinite in Leonardo
Leonardo faces the theme of the horizon in successive stages; on one hand the pictorial valences interests him, on the other the tight link there is between physical horizon and the question of hydraulics, levelling and cartography. His interest towards this line (or circle or plane according to how you interpret it) is multiform but finds an admirable synthesis in the eighth chapter of the "Libro di pittura" where he orders the whole subject in the form of definition s, theorems and demonstrations. Through analysing the passages, some of them are not easy to read or interpret, we discover the variety of knowledge Leonardo had accumulated in a few decades of experiences and interpretations, as well as the ability to connect different themes under only one common denominator.
Leonardo discovers the depression of the sea horizon and with it the possibility to calculate the dimension of the earth and the height of the observer. Besides he defined the difference between the perspective horizon and the sea horizon, that will never reach the height of the first. Initially nobody gave him importance, contrasting with what had been published by Jean Pelerin-Viator in 1505, that however incorrect, was carried on in the pictorial praxis for centuries.
In the present study a critical reading of the text is given and Leonardo's notations become part of it in the contemporary cultural context, individualizing some common diachronic clichés not only in Leonardo's work.

Between February 2018 and January 2019, a systematic analysis of current trends and requirements in the areas of knowledge and competence was carried out within the project “(A) Higher Education Digital (AHEAD)—International Horizon... more

Between February 2018 and January 2019, a systematic analysis of current trends and requirements in the areas of knowledge and competence was carried out within the project “(A) Higher Education Digital (AHEAD)—International Horizon Scanning/Trend Analysis on Digital Higher Education.” One aim of this project was to examine the latest developments in learning theory, didactics, and digital-education technology against the background of (increasingly) digitized higher education. The analysis formed the basis for a horizon scanning of higher education in 2030, designed to develop future scenarios that would meet future higher education demands by taking advantage of social and digital innovations.

Communication via satellite begins when the satellite is positioned in the desired orbital position. Ground stations can communicate with LEO (Low Earth Orbiting) satellites only when the satellite is in their visibility region. The... more

Communication via satellite begins when the satellite is positioned in the desired orbital position. Ground stations can communicate with LEO (Low Earth Orbiting) satellites only when the satellite is in their visibility region. The ground station's ideal horizon plane is in fact the visibility region under 0˚ of elevation angle. Because of natural barriers or too high buildings in urban areas, practical (visible) horizon plane differs from the ideal one. The duration of the visibility and so the communication duration varies for each LEO satellite pass at the ground station, since LEO satellites move too fast over the Earth. The range between the ground station and the LEO satellite depends on maximal elevation of satellite's path above the ground station. The dimension of the horizon plane depends on satellite's orbital attitude. The range variations between the ground station and the satellite, and then ground station horizon plane simulation for low Earth orbiting satellites as a function of orbital attitude is presented. The range impact and horizon plane variations on communication duration between the ground station and LEO satellites are given.

Historical distance presents more complex issues than simply evaluating the meaning of the temporal span between a point in the past and some moment present to an observer. The ordinary historical difference, which is horizontal in the... more

Historical distance presents more complex issues than simply evaluating the meaning of the temporal span between a point in the past and some moment present to an observer. The ordinary historical difference, which is horizontal in the sense that it evokes the notion of hermeneutic horizons, fragments uncontrollably when examined closely, resulting in what might be called a "chronoschism." The experience of encountering a historical painting by Botticelli provides an example of this fragmentation. This complication of historical distance reminds us also of quite different sorts of distance, including the depths of endless regression, and the elevation of the historical sublime. These various forms of historical distance present a challenge to the horizontal character of normal historical practice.

Fink hat in seiner 1930 publizierte Dissertation Vergegenwärtigung und Bild den Gedanken ausgearbeitet, was es heißt, in eine Welt zu versinken, um auf diese Weisedie Besonderheiten des Unwirklichen herauszuarbeiten. Das Phänomen des... more

Fink hat in seiner 1930 publizierte Dissertation Vergegenwärtigung und Bild den Gedanken ausgearbeitet, was es heißt, in eine Welt zu versinken, um auf diese Weisedie Besonderheiten des Unwirklichen herauszuarbeiten. Das Phänomen des Versinkens in eine Welt lässt sich am geeignetsten am Traum verdeutlichen. Das Phänomen des Traums eröffnet einen theoretischen Horizont für die Infragestellung der Wirklichkeit der faktischen Welt, indem es die Denkbarkeit aufzeigt, dass die faktische Welt sich als Traum einer anderen Welt herausstellen könnte. Dank dieses „erkenntnistheoretischen“ Arguments zeigt Fink mit dem Hinweis auf den Traum einen denkbaren Übergang von der vorgegebenen Welt in eine andere Welt. Diese „Transweltbewegung“ ist nicht nur eine willkürliche Spekulation, wie es beispielsweise ein rundes Viereck wäre, sondern bedroht transzendental die Selbstvertrautheit des Menschen. Wir möchten die These formulieren, dass der Weltglaube durch die denkbare Unwirklichkeit unserer vorgegebenen Welt relativiert wird, und versuche in dieser Arbeit, die transzendentale Instabilität des Weltglaubens zu artikulieren. Da das Subjekt der Transweltbewegung weder ein Mensch ist, der in der vorgegebenen Welt lebt – denn dieser geht an die extreme Grenze der vorgegebene Welt –, noch das transzendentale Subjekt in seiner Reinheit – denn auch dieses befindet sich immer noch in einem weltlichen Zusammenhang –, schlagen wir eine Untersuchung vor, die zeigen soll, dass die Transweltbewegung bezüglich des Innerweltlichen und des Außerweltlichen auf ein drittes Subjekt verweist.

The results of this survey of almost 1,500 rural churches do not support the oft-repeated idea that churches are aligned with their patronal saint's sunrise. In fact, they provide evidence that the churches specifically do not face... more

The results of this survey of almost 1,500 rural churches do not support the oft-repeated idea that churches are aligned with their patronal saint's sunrise. In fact, they provide evidence that the churches specifically do not face different sunrises and that churches dedicated to saints with summer feast-days are aligned in the same direction as those dedicated to saints with winter feast-days. However, the results of the survey raise significant questions about other aspects of church alignment. A significant variation in alignment has been uncovered east to west across the country, with a difference of 10°in the mean alignment of churches between the west and east of England. Possible reasons for this are explored. In addition, churches built on sloping sites are found to have downhill-facing chancels. If the choice of site were random, churches would face uphill as well as down. The possible implications of this for church and village location are also explored.

There might be some relations between the definition of Horizon in Leonardo treatise on Painting and the famous Idyll by Giacomo Leopardi "L'Infinito". The poet was a keen scholar on history of Astronomy and the publication of the... more

There might be some relations between the definition of Horizon in Leonardo treatise on Painting and the famous Idyll by Giacomo Leopardi "L'Infinito". The poet was a keen scholar on history of Astronomy and the publication of the Treatise on Painting by Leonardo published in 1817 may have drawn the attention of the poet. Leopardi made in 1819 same changes in the poem which might be related with his reading of the horizon in Leonardo.

Artificial insemination is very important for genetic improvement, especially in dairy cattle breeds. It has problems in meeting the needs of some producers, not its opportunities. The objective of this study was the challenge and... more

Artificial insemination is very important for genetic improvement, especially in dairy cattle breeds. It has problems in meeting the needs of some producers, not its opportunities. The objective of this study was the challenge and opportunity of artificial insemination on dairy cattle in the case of Sayo district, west Wollega Zone, Ethiopia. The problem of not using Artificial insemination is not limited to the region, and there are also dairy farmers in our district who have not practiced the service due to various challenges. In addition, most of the Artificial insemination services reported by the dairy industry have failed, rather than bull services. However, although there are few attempts to quantify opportunities, constraints, and why producers do not use artificial insemination services in other regions, researchers have not disclosed well-documented data on the challenges and opportunities of artificial insemination services in the Sayo region. The Result is Artificial ins...

Ancient mathematics concerned itself with shapes, numbers and their relations, at rest and in motion. Not until modern geometry were shapes replaced by space. In this article I deal with the late thought of Petr Vopěnka: the return to... more

Ancient mathematics concerned itself with shapes, numbers and their relations, at rest and in motion. Not until modern geometry were shapes replaced by space. In this article I deal with the late thought of Petr Vopěnka: the return to shapes, intuition and his reflection of the history of mathematics in connection with phenomenological philosophy. I point to how, in his approach, shape conveys that which is beyond the
horizon. Last but not least, I explore the relation of the mathematical and of shape to the phenomenality of the face, body and the other.

This chapter summarizes the state-of-the-art color techniques used in the emerging field of image watermarking. It is now well understood that a color approach is required when it comes to deal with security, steganography and... more

This chapter summarizes the state-of-the-art color techniques used in the emerging field of image watermarking. It is now well understood that a color approach is required when it comes to deal with security, steganography and watermarking applications of multimedia contents. Indeed, consumers and business expectations are focused on the protection of their contents, which are here color images and videos. In the past few years, several gray-level image watermarking schemes have been proposed but their application to color image is often inadequate since they usually work with the luminance or with individual color channel. Unfortunately, color cannot be considered as a simple RGB decomposition and all of its intrinsic information must be integrated in the watermarking process. Therefore, it is the chapter objective to present, first, the major difficulties associated with the treatment of color images, and second, the state-of-the-art methods used in the field of color image watermarking.

In Amazonian archaeological discussion the concept of tradition presupposes a keen connection between pottery styles and specific language groups. Multicultural traditions or transcultural adaptions are often pushed aside. Denise Schaan... more

In Amazonian archaeological discussion the concept of tradition presupposes a keen connection between pottery styles and specific language groups. Multicultural traditions or transcultural adaptions are often pushed aside. Denise Schaan returned to the concept of horizon in order to explain a number of archaeological phenomena from a wide geographical and chronological perspective. Also in this study the concept of Polychrome Horizon is used, but it is divided between Early and Late Polychrome Horizons. At the same time an entirely new area, eastern Acre, and its archaeological sub-tradition Tequinho, dated 50BC-AD200 with its polychrome pottery, are brought into the discussion. Tequinho is situated in the interfluvial terra firme environment, and by its geographic position mediated contacts between the headwaters of the Amazon, the Ucayali and the Madeira rivers.

Many classic Landscape Archaeology studies use GIS tools to create a ‘god’s-eye’ perspective, where the images they produce are views from above the landscape looking down, like 2D-maps or viewsheds. By contrast, this work uses software... more

Many classic Landscape Archaeology studies use GIS tools to create a ‘god’s-eye’ perspective, where the images they produce are views from above the landscape looking down, like 2D-maps or viewsheds. By contrast, this work uses software applications that recreate contexts from an individual’s field of view. These are seen as investigative aids for examining archaeological problems about people (Hermon 2008) rather than just "illustrating knowledge already gained once serious scientific investigations have been concluded" (Forte 2008). The first application (Horizon) uses topographic data and 3D-rendering techniques to create landscape views with visual depth. The second application, Stellarium, allows us to insert new forms of output from Horizon as well as high-resolution panoramic photographs taken at archaeological sites. This paper demonstrates the new informative digital outputs and their interpretive uses.

... For Sheets-Johnstone (200823. Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine. 2008. ... 2000. Ethics and infinity , Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press. View all references, 85) grounds his account of ethics to 'the face' of the... more

... For Sheets-Johnstone (200823. Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine. 2008. ... 2000. Ethics and infinity , Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press. View all references, 85) grounds his account of ethics to 'the face' of the other and claims that 'access to the face is straightaway ethical'. ...

This report presents the conceptual design of a new European research infrastructure EuPRAXIA. The concept has been established over the last four years in a unique collaboration of 41 laboratories within a Horizon 2020 design study... more

This report presents the conceptual design of a new European research infrastructure EuPRAXIA. The concept has been established over the last four years in a unique collaboration of 41 laboratories within a Horizon 2020 design study funded by the European Union. EuPRAXIA is the first European project that develops a dedicated particle accelerator research infrastructure based on novel plasma acceleration concepts and laser technology. It focuses on the development of electron accelerators and underlying technologies, their user communities, and the exploitation of existing accelerator infrastructures in Europe. EuPRAXIA has involved, amongst others, the international laser community and industry to build links and bridges with accelerator science — through realising synergies, identifying disruptive ideas, innovating, and fostering knowledge exchange. The Eu-PRAXIA project aims at the construction of an innovative electron accelerator using laser- and electron-beam-driven plasma wak...

شلایرماخر هرمنوتیک را بازگشت به بنیان زبان که با شکل هایی از بیان و زبان سروکار داریم می دانست و آن را تاویل نامگذاری می کرد. از اینرو می توان هرمنوتیک را فعالیتی ادراکی و ارتباطی دانست که به تجربه هایی همچون تاویل، توضیح، شرح و تفسیر... more

شلایرماخر هرمنوتیک را بازگشت به بنیان زبان که با شکل هایی از بیان و زبان سروکار داریم می دانست و آن را تاویل نامگذاری می کرد. از اینرو می توان هرمنوتیک را فعالیتی ادراکی و ارتباطی دانست که به تجربه هایی همچون تاویل، توضیح، شرح و تفسیر پدیدارها می پردازد. کنشِ ادراک یا شناخت به طور معمول از پیش داشته ها، پیش فرض ها شروع شده و ما دریافت های جدیدمان را به چیزهایی که در تاریخچه دانسته هایمان داریم مرتبط می کنیم. موضوع تاویل باید به پیکربندی نشانه های زبانی تبدیل شود. در تاویل یک متن موضوع تاویل به متن خلاصه نمی شود. مقصود گادامر از همانندی متن موضوعات تاویل همچون سخن، رویداد، کنش، هنجارها و ... می باشد. شلایرماخر مهمترین هدف فهم را پیدا کردن معنایی می داند که در بیان قرار دارد وی معتقد بود که گفتار بر تفکر پیشینی باشد، ما در فکر همان چیزی را می جوییم که صاحب فکر در پی بیانش بوده است بنابراین هرمنوتیک در جهت عکس بلاغت عمل می کند، بدین منظور وظیفه ی هرمنوتیک فهم معنای گفتار بر مبنای زبان است. از نظر او زبان تمام آن چیزی است که باید در هرمنوتیک پیش فرض گرفته شود بدلیل آنکه هرمنوتیک ملازم زبان است به دوبخش تقسیم می گردد تفسیر دستوری که امکان فهمیدن گفتار را براساس یک زبان خاص و قواعد نحوی مقدور می سازد و تفسیر روانشناختی(تفسیر فنی) که گفتار را تجلی درون فرد می داند. شلایرماخر معتقد بود که هرمنوتیک به مثابه ی روش فهم هنوز به صورت عام وجود ندارد بلکه هرچه هست تعدادی هرمنوتیک خاص است. تا پیش از شلایرماخر –پیش از تاکید بر فهم- فن تفسیر بود اما اکنون باید به فهم روی آورد. تاکید بر فهم یعنی کلیت بخشیدن به پدیده ی بدفهمی احتمالی که امکان رخ داد دارد. طبق دستورالعمل شلایرماخر وظیفه ی هرمنوتیک عبارت است از درست فهمیدنِ گفتار، سپس فهمیدن آن بهتر از پدیدآورنده اش. از این پس فهمیدن به معنای بازسازی روند تکوینِ.... است.

A critical step in navigation of unmanned aerial vehicles is the detection of the horizon line. This information can be used for adjusting flight parameters as well as obstacle avoidance. In this paper, a fast and robust technique for... more

A critical step in navigation of unmanned aerial vehicles is the detection of the horizon line. This information can be used for adjusting flight parameters as well as obstacle avoidance. In this paper, a fast and robust technique for precise detection of the horizon path is proposed. The method is based on existence of a unique light field that occurs in imagery where the horizon is viewed. This light field exists in different scenes including sea-sky, soil-sky, and forest-sky horizon lines. Our proposed approach employs segmentation of the scene and subsequent analysis of the image segments for extraction of the mentioned field and thus the horizon path.

In the present work the main ceramic contexts emanated from the stratigraphic study in the visigothic palace are exposed. From the stratigraphic sequence it has been possible to determine that, as observed in other constructions of... more

In the present work the main ceramic contexts emanated from the stratigraphic study in the visigothic palace are exposed. From the stratigraphic sequence it has been possible to determine that, as observed in other constructions of visigothic origin, in the palace exists an aim of reuse and space modification that will be truncated with the construction of the district of emiral time at the end of 8th century or the beginnings of 9th century. The materials documented in these levels correspond to Horizon II -between mid and final of 8th century-, a chronological interval that corroborates the results obtained in previous studies, and demonstrates a continuity of visigothic tradition pottery forms half century after the conquest.

Comparisons of relative size in pictorial spaces under the influence of depth cues were investigated. Using the staircase method, 40 participants adjusted the sizes of blank cards presented in the upper visual field to the size of playing... more

Comparisons of relative size in pictorial spaces under the influence of depth cues were investigated. Using the staircase method, 40 participants adjusted the sizes of blank cards presented in the upper visual field to the size of playing cards presented in the lower visual field. During the presentation of the stimuli, pictorial depth cues were displayed in the computer screen and participants were asked to typify the strategy used to judge the perceived sizes. The horizon and the perspective line gradient contributed to the overestimation of the perceived size of blank cards in about 8 and 12%, respectively, and size comparisons were coherent with the constancy of size.

Marine turtle hatchlings, emerge from nests mostly at night. The lights reaching nesting sites from various sides cause disorientation to the emerging hatchlings. The paper discusses observations as well as some experiments conducted... more

Marine turtle hatchlings, emerge from nests mostly at night. The lights reaching nesting sites from various sides cause disorientation
to the emerging hatchlings. The paper discusses observations as well as some experiments conducted elsewhere in support of the
evidence that light is the main factor responsible for disorientation of marine turtle hatchlings. Types of such artificial light sources
and proposals to modify them to minimize disorientation in the interest of better conservation have been described.

A star collapsing gravitationally into a black hole emits a flux of radiation, known as Hawking radiation. When the initial state of a quantum field on the background of the star, is placed in the Unruh vacuum in the far past, then in the... more

A star collapsing gravitationally into a black hole emits a flux of radiation, known as Hawking radiation. When the initial state of a quantum field on the background of the star, is placed in the Unruh vacuum in the far past, then in the exterior Hawking radiation corresponds to a flux of positive energy radiation travelling outwards from near the surface to future infinity. Based on pair creation, the evaporation of the collapsing star can be equivalently described by the absorption of an ingoing negative energy flux of radiation travelling towards the center of the star. Here, we are interested in the evolution of the star during its collapse. Thus we include the backreaction of the negative energy Hawking flux in the interior geometry of the collapsing star when writing the full 4-dimensional Einstein and hydrodynamic equations. Hawking radiation emitted before the star passes through its Schwarzschild radius slows down and reverses the collapse of the star. The star evaporates ...

1. Wide LCD panel with full background illumination ensures easy viewing of on-screen data at all times. Redesigned keyboard panels with ergonomic buttons and user defined shortcut keys ensure ease of operation. 2. Built in SD card... more

1. Wide LCD panel with full background illumination ensures easy viewing of on-screen data at all times. Redesigned keyboard panels with ergonomic buttons and user defined shortcut keys ensure ease of operation. 2. Built in SD card interface allows for easy and convenient data transfer, and facilitates large data storage 3. Built in USB and RS-232 interface 4. 500m reflectorless range 5. Upgraded automatic Temperature and Pressure Sensor in H70 6. Dual compensator used in H70 ensures added operation stability 7. Selectable language display currently include English, Portuguese, German, and Chinese. Display language customization possible 8. Graphical points with lines plotting and display in H70, allows for plane viewing of surveyed points on instrument screen. 9. New Upgraded EDM 10. New Rechargable Li-ion Battery

There exist several well-established procedures for computing thermodynamics for a single horizon spacetime. However, for a spacetime with multi-horizon, the thermodynamics is not very clear. It is not fully understood whether there... more

There exist several well-established procedures for computing thermodynamics for a single horizon spacetime. However, for a spacetime with multi-horizon, the thermodynamics is not very clear. It is not fully understood whether there exists a global temperature for the multi-horizon spacetime or not. Here we show that a global temperature can exist for Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime, Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter spacetime, and rotating BTZ black hole. This temperature does not coincide with the conventional Hawking temperature related to the outer horizon. We also show that the total entropy for these spacetimes can not be determined only by the outer horizon. The correlations between the horizons of these spacetimes determine it.

Research related to the effect of product turnover on the performance of companies in the industrial sector is still needed to do research and study in depth. This is needed because the developed sector, especially related to product... more

Research related to the effect of product turnover on the performance of companies in the industrial sector is still needed to do research and study in depth. This is needed because the developed sector, especially related to product rotation, has an important role in advancing the sustainability of the company. The research methodology in this research is descriptive quantitative using simple linear regression analysis and using SPSS v 23 and Amos v 23 software as a calculation tool through a measurement model using simple Linear Regression at 87 MSMEs in Sukabumi City. The results of this study indicate a positive effect of product turnover on the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises.

In this paper I will give a systematic account of Husserl's notion of the natural attitude in the development from its first presentation in Ideas I (1913) until Husserl's last years. The problem of the natural attitude has to be dealt... more

In this paper I will give a systematic account of Husserl's notion of the natural attitude in the development from its first presentation in Ideas I (1913) until Husserl's last years. The problem of the natural attitude has to be dealt with on two levels. On the thematic level, it is constituted by the correlation of attitude and horizon, both stemming from Husserl's theory of intentionality. On the methodic level, the natural attitude is constituted by three factors: naturalness, naivety and normality. I shall conclude by sketching out a possible motivation for leaving the natural attitude and thus for entering the sphere of phenomenology. Wir können nicht leben wie andere Menschen, naiv dahin und mit anderen streiten, wir haben den schlimmsten Feind in uns selbst.