Infinity Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Oppy (2006) contains an extensive discussion of the understanding and application of a conception of the infinite that is fundamentally mathematical: questions about the mathematically infinite are questions about the cardinality of... more

Oppy (2006) contains an extensive discussion of the understanding and application of a conception of the infinite that is fundamentally mathematical: questions about the mathematically infinite are questions about the cardinality of collections, or the divisibility of time and space, or about the magnitude of measurable properties, and so forth. But—following the discussion of Anaximander and other early philosophers—we might wonder whether the discussion of the mathematically infinite really does exhaust the discussion of the infinite. Is it the case that the concept of the infinite is, in all essentials, the concept of the mathematically infinite—or is it rather the case that the concept of the infinite is importantly ambiguous in such a way that we can also discern something that might properly be called a non-mathematical conception of the infinite? In order to address this question, I shall largely follow the lead of Sweeney (1992), which surveys the range of attributions of ‘infinity’ to monotheistic gods.

Descartes and Pascal, two major mathematicians of the early modern age, both reject the logic and use the mathematical method (analysis) to define the rules of the reason. In this paper I will argue that in spite of their common starting... more

Descartes and Pascal, two major mathematicians of the early modern age, both reject the logic and use the mathematical method (analysis) to define the rules of the reason. In this paper I will argue that in spite of their common starting point in mathematics, Descartes and Pascal elaborate two different concepts of rationality because they define
the principal mental acts and the epistemological status of mathematical principles (axioms) differently. The differences are due to the nature of the two new branches of mathematics which the two authors had devised. Descartes invented analytical geometry,
while Pascal contributed towards the invention of projective geometry, the calculation of probability and the calculus. These branches of mathematics have different relations to the concept of the infinite, and the different uses of infinite also involve different concepts of rationality.

In the analysis of Anaxagoras' physics in view of the relation between his teachings on multitude and heterogeneity, two central questions emerge: 1) How can the structure of the universe considered purely mereo-topologically help us... more

In the analysis of Anaxagoras' physics in view of the relation between his teachings on multitude and heterogeneity, two central questions emerge: 1) How can the structure of the universe considered purely mereo-topologically help us explain that at the first cosmic stage no qualitative difference is manifest in spite of the fact that the entire qualitative heterogeneity is supposedly already present there? 2) How can heterogeneity become manifest at the second stage, resulting from the noûs intervention, if according to fragment B 6 such a possibility requires the existence of "the smallest", while according to the general principle stated in fragment B 3 there is not "the smallest" but always only "a smaller"? This paper showcases the perplexity of these two questions but deals only with the former. The answer follows from Anaxagoras' being a thoroughgoing infinitist in the way in which no Greek physicist was: the principle of space isotropy operative in geometry is extended to physics as well. So any two parts of the original mixture are similar to each other not only in view of the smaller-larger relation but also because each contains everything that the other one contains. This in effect means that at the stage of maximal possible heterogeneity each part of any part contains infinitely many heterogeneous parts of any kind whatsoever. So, neither can there be homogeneous parts in view of any qualitative property, nor can there be predominance in quantity of parts of any kind that would make some property manifest.

Possibility of Perpetual Source of Energy

The literature surrounding the Kalam cosmological argument for the existence of God (KCA) is immense. As Quentin Smith points out, in a passage quoted by Paul Copan in the introduction: ‘A count of the articles in the philosophy journals... more

The literature surrounding the Kalam cosmological argument for the existence of God (KCA) is immense. As Quentin Smith points out, in a passage quoted by Paul Copan in the introduction: ‘A count of the articles in the philosophy journals shows that more articles have been published about Craig’s defence of the Kalam argument than have been published about any other philosopher’s contemporary formulation of an argument for God’s existence’ (1). Given the remarkable amount of philosophical interest KCA has garnered since William Lane Craig’s ground-breaking revival of the argument in 1979, it was inevitable that a compendium of scholarly essays on it would emerge. To that end, Copan and Craig have done us all a great service by drawing together some of the most substantial philosophical critiques and defences of KCA to have appeared in the literature – along with several original state-of-the-art essays – in this impressive two-volume set …

הירשפלד, אריאל. ״מוצרט, ס. יזהר וקול האינסוף.״. דברים ליזהר. עורכת: ניצה בן-ארי. תל אביב: זמורה-ביתן, 1996. 27-45. Hirschfeld, A. Mozart, Yzhar and the Voice of Eternity- The Experience of Eternity in Yzhar’s Prose. In: Ben-Ari, Nitza... more

I guess this is right. I will take questions. I am no God or Allah or Not Nothing Plus Nothing or " ". I doubt any creature could prove this thing positively. To be honest I have not proved it wrong. I did guess that it was wrong. Right... more

I guess this is right. I will take questions. I am no God or Allah or Not Nothing Plus Nothing or " ". I doubt any creature could prove this thing positively. To be honest I have not proved it wrong. I did guess that it was wrong. Right now I have no idea. Enjoy what looks like randomness and seems to never be able to be part of infinity. Enjoy breaking this thing apart and finding new dimensions to play with in physics. As a next play with the world I will brake the Sun apart for power and safety in something like 5,000,000,000 years. Did I mention the Doomsday Device for all of us to win or loose. You do know about some hydrogen reactors that for the last few months, bla bla bla... This is all fake. Just look at the Sun and Moon from Earth. Everything is coming together including AI or APP or whatever... Sigh, It's all about Love and Work, isn't it. Just you wait. Soon we will have the Technological Eternity. We are going to have artificial food you know. Umm, I'm stupid.

Primero que nada hablare de la importancia de esta aplicación en la vida de los padres, debo decir que hoy en dia el 80% de la población esta metida en alguna red social, Facebook, whatsapp, twitter etc , es pan de todos los días ver a... more

Primero que nada hablare de la importancia de esta aplicación en la vida de los padres, debo decir que hoy en dia el 80% de la población esta metida en alguna red social, Facebook, whatsapp, twitter etc , es pan de todos los días ver a nuestros hijos chatear con sus amigos por estos medios. La pregunta es ,como poder controlar con quienes nuestros hijos chatean, o que es lo que están viendo por internet?, pensé que este problema no tenia solución, como poder espiar en el celular de tu hijo? Entre tanta propaganda falsa que encontré por internet ,llegue a dar con una pagina que me ofrecia seguridad para poder comprar un programa para espiar whatsapp, Facebook etc…. , yo dudaba mucho en comprar estos programas porque no sabia como podía instalarlos, soy una mama a la antigua, lo mio no es la tecnología en lo absoluto…. , pero en la pagina habían muchos tutoriales y lo mejor es que te ofrecen ayuda para poder instalarlo, el programa que yo escogi fue Flexispy, porque escogi este programa espia? Porque tiene 125 funciones para poder espiar absolutamente todo lo que se hace en el celular, de todas estas funciones, las que a mi me sirvieron fueron:-­‐ Espia llamadas-­‐ Espia mensajes de texto-­‐ Espia whatsapp-­‐ Espia mails Pero entre estas características que me parecieron super importantes , estaba una que me dejo super tranquila y es la de rastrear celulares, es la aplicación perfecta para saber donde mi hijo se encontraba ,y si era verdad cuando me decía " mami voy con mis amigos a jugar básquet " , Esta aplicación me da el lugar exacto donde esta mi hijo, me lo señala en un mapa (google maps si no me equivoco) me da el dia y la hora exacta! , que mas podía pedir… Se que muchas personas deben estar en mi situación , de no saber como controlar a tus hijos , les recomiendo que instalen flexispy , es muy fácil de instalar ,les voy a dejar un link donde me ensenaron a instalarlo y también el link de la pagina donde me lo descargue…

In this paper I examine the role of Thomas Aquinas’ cosmological arguments in the natural theologies of early modern Calvinism. Some of the first Calvinistic forays into theistic proofs make use of Thomist arguments which allow for the... more

In this paper I examine the role of Thomas Aquinas’ cosmological arguments in the natural theologies of early modern Calvinism. Some of the first Calvinistic forays into theistic proofs make use of Thomist arguments which allow for the logical possibility of creation from eternity. In the seventeenth century, many Reformed theologians prefer to use arguments against the possibility of an eternal world—arguments which had been defended by medieval theologians such as Bonaventure. But these arguments in turn faced criticism in the seventeenth century, and many of the Reformed supplemented them or replaced them with others. The argument from the mutability of the world to its temporal beginning became increasingly popular among Calvinists. Historical arguments from the recent rise of arts and sciences or biological species supplemented the philosophical arguments for the world’s beginning. Their theological commitment to the impossibility of eternal creation may explain why the Reformed did not typically use the Clarke/Leibniz argument from contingency.

This is a short review, aimed at a general audience, of several current subjects of research in cosmology. The topics discussed include the cosmic microwave background (CMB), with particular emphasis on its relevance for testing... more

This is a short review, aimed at a general audience, of several current subjects of research in cosmology. The topics discussed include the cosmic microwave background (CMB), with particular emphasis on its relevance for testing inflation; dark matter, with a brief review of astrophysical evidence and more emphasis on particle candidates; and cosmic acceleration and some of the ideas that have been put forward to explain it. A glossary of technical terms and acronyms is provided.

In this paper I develop a philosophical account of actual mathematical infinity that does not demand ontologically or epistemologically problematic assumptions. The account is based on a simple metaphor in which we think of indefinitely... more

In this paper I develop a philosophical account of actual mathematical infinity that does not demand ontologically or epistemologically problematic assumptions. The account is based on a simple metaphor in which we think of indefinitely continuing processes as defining objects. It is shown that such a metaphor is valid in terms of mathematical practice, as well as in line with empirical data on arithmetical cognition.

Hiç düşündünüz mü siz şu an bu yazıyı okurken evrende, herhangi bir yerde ne oluyor? İnsanlar, dünyamızı paylaştığımız canlılar ya da başka dünyalara ait bilinçli veya bilinçsiz varlıklar. Sizce şu an ne yapıyorlar? İnsan beyninin... more

Hiç düşündünüz mü siz şu an bu yazıyı okurken evrende, herhangi bir yerde ne oluyor? İnsanlar, dünyamızı paylaştığımız canlılar ya da başka dünyalara ait bilinçli veya bilinçsiz varlıklar. Sizce şu an ne yapıyorlar? İnsan beyninin alamayacağı kadar büyük bu kozmosun içerisinde tonlarca olasılık var öyle değil mi? Sorularımıza sonsuz tane cevap var diyebilir miyiz?

The purpose of this work is to comprehend the importance and scope of chance in the poetry of Mallarmé. In order to do that, we will proceed according to a three-pronged approach; recompose the political, poetic and philosophical context... more

The purpose of this work is to comprehend the importance and scope of chance in the poetry of Mallarmé. In order to do that, we will proceed according to a three-pronged approach; recompose the political, poetic and philosophical context that made possible the emergence and establishment of chance as an event both revolutionary, creative and conceptual. Since Baudelaire, poetry sings the failed revolutions, but willing to preserve the desire for a different world. Chance in this context is the unpredictable bursts, lightning and transient of a desire that can not find its place within the social life, to keep alive and vivid the dream of a different world, poetry must: provide evidence that its action, even restricted, counts; make last chance doomed to fade, constituting a space where it can remain, multiply itself and thus find the consistency to remain. Prolonging a contingency that creates novelty is the task that Mallarmé attributes to his poetry. Philosophically, this approach requires a radical critique of reason and representation. In this context, Mallarmé has not only announced chance, but he sought to discover the logic of what escapes from reason composing a work capable of making real, visible and intelligible, the unpredictable and inexhaustible power that chance grips.

Computational thinking is needed in the 21st century, where we live in an era of digitalization. Also, there is a global movement to incorporate computational thinking into the education curriculum, especially Mathematics education. The... more

Computational thinking is needed in the 21st century, where we live in an era of digitalization. Also, there is a global movement to incorporate computational thinking into the education curriculum, especially Mathematics education. The different of this research with others is this research compares the Polya problem solving and computational thinking. This research was conducted to find out how the relationship/relationship of the Polya problem-solving with the steps of computational thinking. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The subject of this study was mathematics education students. The results showed that the relationship between problem-solving and computational thinking of respondent when solving the problem is when defining the problem in the context of problem-solving, the respondent performs the stage of decomposition and abstraction in the context of computational thinking. During the planning process of the solution process, respondents carr...

Eine Analyse der Unendlichkeit Gottes Obwohl sich die Idee der Unendlichkeit Gottes wie ein Tiefenstrom durch die religionsphilosophische Analyse des Wesens Gottes zieht, ist es nicht klar, was genau es bedeutet, zu behaupten, dass Gott... more

Eine Analyse der Unendlichkeit Gottes Obwohl sich die Idee der Unendlichkeit Gottes wie ein Tiefenstrom durch die religionsphilosophische Analyse des Wesens Gottes zieht, ist es nicht klar, was genau es bedeutet, zu behaupten, dass Gott unendlich ist. Um diese Aussage zu klären, werde ich zunächst einen synkategorematischen und einen kategorematischen Unendlichkeitsbegriff voneinander unter-scheiden. Während eine synkategorematische Analyse der Unendlichkeit Gottes auf die Unendlichkeit einzelner göttlicher Attribute beschränkt ist, besteht der Kern der kategorematischen Analyse darin, dass Unendlichkeit als ein eigenständiges kategoriales Attribut Gottes aufgefasst wird. Nach einer kurzen Kritik der Leistungsfähigkeit einer synkategorematischen Analyse der Unendlichkeit Gottes wird die Analyse des kategorematischen Unendlichkeitsverständnisses zeigen, dass die Rede von der Unendlichkeit Gottes als eigenständigem göttlichen Attribut eine Chiffre dafür ist, dass Gott als erstes Prinzip der Schöpfung alle in der Schöpfung zu findenden Unterschiede in der Einheit seines Wesens vereint. Ich ende mit einigen kurzen Bemerkungen über die Voraussetzungen und Konsequenzen dieser Interpretation der Unendlichkeit Gottes.

This paper is a response to an article written by evangelical apologist William Lane Craig, which attempts to demonstrate how the writings of three influential Christian theologians - Wolfhart Pannenberg, Philip Clayton, and F. LeRon... more

This paper is a response to an article written by evangelical apologist William Lane Craig, which attempts to demonstrate how the writings of three influential Christian theologians - Wolfhart Pannenberg, Philip Clayton, and F. LeRon Shults - necessarily entail pantheism. At the heart of the matter is the notion of divine infinity, which the three theologians argue cannot merely be defined as the opposite of finitude. This has important implications for how God relates with creation. Craig argues that this reasoning leads to the conclusion that God is one with creation. However, Craig seems to misunderstand the theologians' arguments, nor does he seem to understand contemporary philosophical discussion on infinity. I try to demonstrate this by reviewing his treatment of F. LeRon Shults.

Given the abundance and prominence of infinities in Spinoza’s edifice, the limited amount of literature on the topic might surprise. But in fact, commentators have restricted themselves mostly to scattered remarks and partial analyses. In... more

Given the abundance and prominence of infinities in Spinoza’s edifice, the limited amount of literature on the topic might surprise. But in fact,
commentators have restricted themselves mostly to scattered remarks and partial analyses. In this chapter, I will review the most prominent existing views on infinity. By disproving them, I will argue that
(absolute) infinity must be understood as a simple, fully determined quantity, with a complicated relation to perfection (a term that I will elaborate on later), embodying total creative ontological priority. I will close with some pressing question.

Çeviren: Murat Erşen Şairleri ve müzisyenleri dinlemek gerekir, sonluluğumuzun çekiciliğinde yaşamak gerekir, rüzgarla, denizle, oyunlarla, kahkahalarla, eğlencelerle, danslarla; ama zaman zaman da filozofları ve matematikçileri dinlemek... more

Abstract: The authors of the Logique ou l’Art de penser, Arnauld and Nicole, declare that their work is based on the thinking of Descartes and Pascal. However, it is not easy to reconcile the differences between the two thinkers. Several... more

The authors of the Logique ou l’Art de penser, Arnauld and Nicole, declare that their work is based on the thinking of Descartes and Pascal. However, it is not easy to reconcile the differences between the two thinkers. Several commentators claim that the aim to harmonize produces a tension in the Logique. In this paper I analyse how the Cartesian and Pascalian conceptions of the infinite are being harmonised by Arnaud and Nicole. I argue that they are able to reconcile the differences of Descartes’ and Pascal’s notions of the infinite in an apologetic context. Although Pascal and Descartes use and define the infinite differently, they agree that the infinite is evident and incomprehensible at the same time. Arnauld and Nicole use this characteristic of the infinite in an apologetic context. The basis of my analysis lies in three axioms that the Logique names “axioms of belief.” In these axioms the infinite functions to limit the uses of reason and to show with evidence that something exists beyond the borders of rational knowledge.
Keywords: Arnauld, Nicole, La Logique de Port-Royal, Descartes, Pascal, infinite, idea of God, apologetics

Dans ce travail doctoral, mené entre 2014 et 2018, nous avons tenté de reconsidérer les arguments de Zénon d'Élée, en particulier les arguments dits de l'« Achille » et de la « Dichotomie », en réunissant les perspectives de plusieurs... more

Dans ce travail doctoral, mené entre 2014 et 2018, nous avons tenté de reconsidérer les arguments de Zénon d'Élée, en particulier les arguments dits de l'« Achille » et de la « Dichotomie », en réunissant les perspectives de plusieurs disciplines, dont l'histoire de la philosophie ancienne, l'histoire et la philosophie des mathématiques, et la philosophie du temps. Nous soutenons que les réponses ordinairement données à ces arguments au XX e siècle, d'après lesquelles la mathématique moderne nous donne les moyens de dissoudre l'aporie, sont erronées et s'accompagnent d'une vue faussée sur le problème originel, notamment sur le concept d'infini qu'il implique. Dans une première partie, nous étudions les sources sur Zénon et sur son contexte de réception, pour établir que l'infini est chez lui second par rapport à l'idée d'inachevabilité, qui découle d'un mode de raisonnement nouveau qu'on peut nommer « itératif indéfini ». Nous examinons comment Zénon a utilisé ce raisonnement dans l'élaboration d'apories dialectiques, et comment l'ensemble des systèmes antiques étaient susceptibles de résoudre ces dernières. Dans une seconde partie, nous défendons l'aporie zénonienne du mouvement. Nous montrons qu'elle repose sur un principe que nous nommons « principe d'achevabilité », lui-même ancré dans notre intuition temporelle du passage. À travers la considération de la littérature sur les "supertasks", des problèmes concernant la réalité et la nature du temps, des différents concepts d'infini, et de la réflexion métamathématique, nous montrons à la fois pourquoi les théories de l'infini mathématique sont, de fait, la seule raison conduisant à rejeter le principe d'achevabilité, et pourquoi elles ne sont pas, de droit, en mesure de justifier ce rejet.

Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and a symbol of the Holy Palace. It extends into the letter Yodh which is number 10 of the Hebrew alphabet. These 10 are the "Dibburim"-(words or sayings) of Genesis in the "Let there be... more

Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and a symbol of the Holy Palace. It extends into the letter Yodh which is number 10 of the Hebrew alphabet. These 10 are the "Dibburim"-(words or sayings) of Genesis in the "Let there be Light" monologue. They are also known as the 10 commandments and were finally termed "middot" or "attributes" by conservative schools and "sefiroth" by liberal neo-orthodoxy groups. They were conceptualized by Kabbalists as 10 components of the Creation that play a role in the creation of the spiritual heavens and earth. When they are activated, Ruach dwells in the Most Holy Place known as Makom. Tav, is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet it also symbolizes the entire material creation as a container and receptacle for the unlimited, unmeasurable, unseen Energy of Elohim. From Aleph, Ruach flows through the attributes and emanates the ALL. Nothing can contain the ALL except TAV without TAV nothing would exist in this material world we live in. TAV receives all the Aleph Energy that nothing material can contain. Tav receives Sheen and sends back data to Aleph, which initiates motion and animation in the spiritual invisible creation.

The article looks at the influences on Gregory of Nyssa's apophatic theology, and shows how the polemics with the neo-Arian Eunomius and later also with Origen influenced his notions of God's infinity and the infinity of human spiritual... more

The article looks at the influences on Gregory of Nyssa's apophatic theology, and shows how the polemics with the neo-Arian Eunomius and later also with Origen influenced his notions of God's infinity and the infinity of human spiritual progress. It focuses on the relationship between revelation in words and in silence, between participatory knowledge of God and participatory unknowing of God, the kind of darkness that, according to Gregory leads towards restoration, and thus carries on the graced human journey of deification.

In the introduction to his book The Infinite, A.W. Moore lists a number of apparent paradoxes that arise from the existence of infinity. This essay will examine these so-called paradoxes and attempt to defend infinity as a valid... more

In the introduction to his book The Infinite, A.W. Moore lists a number of apparent paradoxes that arise from the existence of infinity. This essay will examine these so-called paradoxes and attempt to defend infinity as a valid mathematical concept. This is done by clarifying that these so-called paradoxes are not truly paradoxical, they are merely examples in which human intuition of reality clashes with the mathematical concept of infinity. The counter-intuitiveness in Moore’s examples stem from three assumptions made by the human intuition. These three assumptions are identified and explained.

הדרגות השונות של אינסוף במתמטיקה המודרנית שופכות אור על העיסוק החב"די באינסוף - הן במה שנאמר בעיון החב"די על האינסוף הא-לוהי, והן במה שלא נאמר ואף נשלל מן האינסוף המתמטי או הממשי. נציג בקצרה את החידוש העיוני שהמחשבה על אינסוף מספרי... more

This research is to develop mathematics teaching materials that are integrated with elementary school thematic learning. The purpose of the development is to obtain mathematics teaching materials that prioritize the local wisdom of the... more

This research is to develop mathematics teaching materials that are integrated with elementary school thematic learning. The purpose of the development is to obtain mathematics teaching materials that prioritize the local wisdom of the Acehnese people. This teaching material is helpful for fifth-grade elementary school students in which there are character values for learning mathematics. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method with the ADDIE model development research design. This research focuses on analyzing elementary school teachers who face the problem of integrated mathematics-based character education in thematic learning, then making initial designs and developing character education-based mathematics teaching materials that are integrated into the learning theme. The results showed that character education-based mathematics teaching materials were compatible with elementary students' thematic learning. Mathematics teaching materials focused on solving...

Nous reconsidérons les arguments de Zénon d’Élée dits de l’« Achille » et de la « Dichotomie », en réunissant les perspectives de plusieurs disciplines, dont l’histoire de la philosophie ancienne, l’histoire et la philosophie des... more

Nous reconsidérons les arguments de Zénon d’Élée dits de l’« Achille » et de la « Dichotomie », en réunissant les perspectives de plusieurs disciplines, dont l’histoire de la philosophie ancienne, l’histoire et la philosophie des mathématiques, et la philosophie du temps.
Nous soutenons que les réponses ordinairement données à ces arguments au xx e siècle, d’après lesquelles la mathématique moderne nous donne les moyens de dissoudre l’aporie, sont erronées et s’accompagnent d’une vue faussée sur le problème originel, notamment sur le concept d’infini qu’il implique.
Dans la première partie, nous étudions les sources sur Zénon et sur son contexte de réception, pour établir que l’infini est chez lui second par rapport à l’idée d’inachevabilité, qui découle d’un mode de raisonnement nouveau qu’on peut nommer « itératif indéfini ». Nous examinons comment Zénon a utilisé ce raisonnement dans l’élaboration d’apories dialectiques, et comment l’ensemble des systèmes antiques étaient susceptibles de résoudre ces dernières.
Dans la seconde partie, nous défendons l’aporie zénonienne du mouvement. Nous montrons qu’elle repose sur un principe que nous nommons « principe d’achevabilité », lui-même ancré dans notre intuition temporelle du passage. À travers la considération de la littérature sur les “supertasks”, des problèmes concernant la réalité et la nature du temps, des différents concepts d’infini, et de la réflexion métamathématique, nous montrons à la fois pourquoi les théories de l’infini mathématique sont, de fait, la seule raison conduisant à rejeter le principe d’achevabilité, et pourquoi elles ne sont pas, de droit, en mesure de justifier ce rejet.

Un mayordomo y un autobús infinitamente acelerados nos sirven para refutar el argumento diagonal de Cantor.

David Bradshaw's impressive study in Palamism: "Aristotle East and West" resulted in a supplementary study in 2013 ("Divine Essence and Divine Energies). Here we critique and offer friendly challenges to doctors: Athanasopoulos, Levy,... more

David Bradshaw's impressive study in Palamism: "Aristotle East and West" resulted in a supplementary study in 2013 ("Divine Essence and Divine Energies). Here we critique and offer friendly challenges to doctors: Athanasopoulos, Levy, Loudovikos, Milbank and Bradshaw.
Bradshaw's original book presents a "provisional" history of the essence-energies distinction in East and West. His most recent contribution (2013) seeks to solidify this provisional history...but perhaps you did not know...
(1.) The History of the Reception of Augustine is colored through the lens of the Damascene in Bonaventure and post-Palamas Orthodox theologians;
(2.) Bonaventure and Scotus cite the same sources as Gregory Palamas in their essence-energies distinction (Nazianzen, Maximus, Damascene); hence, a proto-Orthodox and proto-Palamite metaphysics follow;
(3.) 4 Thomists at the Council of Ferrara-Florence called for the Synod to condemn Palamas;
(4.) 16-18th century thomistic theology also condemned Palamism;
(5.) Mark of Ephesus took Palamism and combined it with Augustine in a manner parallel to Bonaventure and Scotus;
(6.) For that reason, it is no surprise that Mark of Ephesus' successor, Gennadius Scholarius, cites explicitly Bonaventure and scotistic theologians with approval.
(7.) Current Byzantine and Latin "histories" of the essence-energy distinction are nowhere near complete in light of Franciscan theology, which happened to agree with Palamas at Ferrara (1437).
CONCLUSION: Should our thesis prove convincing, it will serve to call into question a good deal of historical theology on the question of the Palamite school and its relation to Latin theology until present. Furthermore, we desire to underline legitimately established Latin theologies that are far more reconcilable to Palamism than Thomism.