Land-use planning Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The arid and semi-arid agro-ecological area of Ethiopia cover more than 62% of the total land area. The Somali National Regional State (SNRS) occupies a large geographical area in the eastern and southeastern part of Ethiopia. The area of... more

The arid and semi-arid agro-ecological area of Ethiopia cover more than 62% of the total land area. The Somali National
Regional State (SNRS) occupies a large geographical area in the eastern and southeastern part of Ethiopia. The area of SNRS
is estimated at 340,000 km2. This makes rangeland utilization by livestock, the largest land-use system in the country. The
rangelands in the south of the SNRS are occupied mainly by Somali pastoralists who rear mixed herds of camels, sheep, goats
and a few cattle. Rangeland degradation is the most serious challenge for pastoral livelihood in Somali Region. Major
reduction in the quantity and nutritional quality of the vegetation available for grazing in the rangelands as well as
expansion of localized deserts and barren areas are indicated. Major causes of degradation include climatic conditions,
causing drought and arid conditions, and human factors, leading to the overuse of natural resources. Livestock density and
grazing patterns lead to overgrazing, which is one of the major causes of land degradation. Overgrazing results when
livestock density becomes excessive and too many animals are grazed at the same area of rangeland, leading to degradation
of vegetation and the compaction and erosion of the soil. The uncontrolled browsing of trees and shrubs is another aspect of
overgrazing and a patent cause of deforestation, leading to flooding and siltation in adjacent areas because rains are no
longer held back by the sponge effect of the trees and carry with them large loads of eroded soil. Out of the exotic tree species
Prosopis juliflora is currently spreading and encroaching the grazing lands of SNRS and is causing severe negative impacts on
the production and productivity of rangelands. This species is spreading at an alarming rate into best grazing areas. Other
species, such as Acacia drepanolobium, A.seyal, Lantana camara, Partheniumhysterophorus, and species of Commiphora and
Opuntia are also causing serious problems by encroaching in dry and wet season grazing areas. Low and erratic rainfall is
characteristic of the rangelands, and pastoral production systems have always relied upon surface and ground water sources.
Strategic water development interventions have significant impact in contributing to improving range utilization. In the
SNRS Birca (Cistern) and Ella (hand dug wells) are normally owned and managed by individuals. The distribution and type of
water points and watering schedules are major determinants of range use. Pastoralists in SNRS have various traditional
natural resource management strategies, such as mobility and utilization, herd diversity, ecosystem knowledge, local
institution, fodder assessment and defined grazing, indigenous knowledge on species and their utilization. These indigenous
knowledges should be kept and integrated with modern rangeland management and rehabilitation coping strategies to
sustain the range ecology and the livelihood of the pastoralists.
Keywords: Rangeland degradation, rangeland management, bush encroachment, overgrazing, climate change

Martínez, C. 2013. Lineamientos ambientales para la planificación territorial. Guía de aplicación, un aporte para la actualización de los PDOT de los GAD. Ministerio del Ambiente del Ecuador, Conservación Internacional Ecuador, Programa... more

Martínez, C. 2013. Lineamientos ambientales para la planificación territorial. Guía de aplicación, un aporte para la actualización de los PDOT de los GAD. Ministerio del Ambiente del Ecuador, Conservación Internacional Ecuador, Programa BioCAN, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund. Quito, Ecuador.

The ambition for this inaugural edition of The Oxford Handbook of Megaproject Management is to become the ultimate source for state-of-the-art scholarship in the emerging field of megaproject management. The book offers a rigorous,... more

The ambition for this inaugural edition of The Oxford Handbook of Megaproject Management is to become the ultimate source for state-of-the-art scholarship in the emerging field of megaproject management. The book offers a rigorous, research-oriented, up-to-date academic view of the discipline based on high-quality data and strong theory. Until lately, the literature in this new field was scattered over a large number of publications and disciplines making it difficult to obtain an overview of the history, key issues, and core readings. Megaproject Planning and Management: Essential Readings, Vols. I-II (2014) assembled the key historical texts in the field. Now the Oxford Handbook of Megaproject Management has been designed to provide the most important contemporary readings. Taken together, the two books are intended to map out the best of what is worth reading in the megaproject management literature, past and present.

Dünyada nüfusun hızla artması, besin maddelerine ve enerjiye duyulan ihtiyacı arttırmıştır. Tarımsal açıdan meydana gelen boşluk, yeni tarım alanlarının açılması, sulama, makineleşme ve girdi kullanımı ile giderilmeye çalışılırken; enerji... more

Dünyada nüfusun hızla artması, besin maddelerine ve enerjiye duyulan ihtiyacı arttırmıştır. Tarımsal açıdan meydana gelen boşluk, yeni tarım alanlarının açılması, sulama, makineleşme ve girdi kullanımı ile giderilmeye çalışılırken; enerji konusunda doğan boşluk barajlar, rüzgâr ve dalgalar gibi nispeten daha çevreci ve yenilenmesi muhtemel enerji kaynaklarının kullanımı ile kapatılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Tükenebilir enerji kaynaklarının dünya geneline dengesiz dağılmış olması yanında dünyada sanayileşmenin hız kazanması, yenilenmesi muhtemel enerji kaynaklarının önemini arttırmıştır. Genel olarak çevreci ve yenilenebilir olarak bilinen bu kaynakların en önemlisi ise barajlardır. Hâlbuki ülkemizde de sulama ve enerji amaçlı önemli ölçüde faydalanılan kaynakların başında gelen barajlar, tarım alanlarının daralması, siltasyon, ekosistemin bozulması ve göçler gibi birçok sorunu da beraberinde getirmektedir.

Public consultation and engagement on housing development and neighbourhood change can be so controversial and at times alarmist such that NIMBY (“Not in my back yard”) and even the more extreme BANANA (“Build absolutely nothing anywhere... more

Public consultation and engagement on housing development and neighbourhood change can be so controversial and at times alarmist such that NIMBY (“Not in my back yard”) and even the more extreme BANANA (“Build absolutely nothing anywhere near anyone”) attitudes often prevail. Public engagement as currently conceived and practiced by most governments is faced with high expectations but low satisfaction among many involved. This article reports the findings from a group-based role-playing experiment in Canada involving local residents discussing and evaluating a hypothetical proposal for a new housing development for currently homeless individuals. The results find that those who were randomly assigned a role to play with attitudes different from their own were more likely to report higher satisfaction with the group discussion and recommendation than those who were not assigned a role different from their own identity and attitudes. The study finds no relationship between role-playing and the self-reported sense of one’s influence on the process or how much they learned about the issues. The findings point to new frontiers of public engagement that involve playful role-playing or other “games” as a means to create space for mutual understanding and tolerance for decisions among citizens in these fraught debates.

Disparities in access to fresh, healthful food are well documented. Consumers in higher-income communities routinely have more options than their lower-income counterparts. Closing that gap should be a priority for both health reasons and... more

Disparities in access to fresh, healthful food are well documented. Consumers in higher-income communities routinely have more options than their lower-income counterparts. Closing that gap should be a priority for both health reasons and economic development. The Elm City Market, in New Haven, represents a new model, using the cooperative form, to address food disparities.

Land protection policies such as creating and preserving national parks have been promoted to counter global threats to the environment and to conserve biodiversity. We know little, however, about the country characteristics that might be... more

Land protection policies such as creating and preserving national parks have been promoted to counter global threats to the environment and to conserve biodiversity. We know little, however, about the country characteristics that might be good predictors of whether states will choose to protect land or not. What factors within a state need to be the focus of global attention or need to be encouraged to promote land-protection policies? Using the global standard of 10% ecoregion protection, we test four categories of predictors–biodiversity, environmental threats, politics (such as treaty participation and NGO activity), and economics (such as GDP and trade measures)–as well as a multidimensional model in a multivariate analysis of 129 countries. Our findings suggest that the multidimensional model best predicts when it is likely that a country will protect land. While a number of key variables such as economic are not supported, the environmental threats model presents us with the strongest individual reason for land protection.

n Nederla~dzijn waarden als helderheid, ordening, regelmaat, controleerbaarheid en lijkheid hoog gerangschikt op de collectieve waardenladder, en ons inziens is dergelijke eologische kleuring in het staatsbestel nergens beter te merken... more

n Nederla~dzijn waarden als helderheid, ordening, regelmaat, controleerbaarheid en lijkheid hoog gerangschikt op de collectieve waardenladder, en ons inziens is dergelijke eologische kleuring in het staatsbestel nergens beter te merken dan in de ruimtelijke dening. Niet alleen zijn de resultaten van deze ordening zodanig dat het resultaat voor n buitenlander soms saai en gelijkvormig overkomt, ook zien we een gevaarlijke rwarring ontstaan tussen beeld en werkelijkheid. Hiermee bedoelen we dat de categorieen aarin door de ordeningswereld jaren is gedacht, categorieen die dus belnvloed zijn door edere culturele trends, een eigen leven zijn gaan leiden. Allerlei ambtenaren, planners, twerpers etc. schijnen werkelijk te denken dat een menselijk leven in zijn ruimtelijke mponent bestaat uit het vervullen van de functies 'wonen' en 'werken' en dat werken uit
categorieen bestaat waarlangs een ministerie is ingedeeld

Agricultural practices have environmental effects that affect a wide range of other land uses such as residential, transportation, commercial land use, etc. Understanding the contribution of various agricultural practices to the range of... more

Agricultural practices have environmental effects that affect a wide range of other land uses such as residential, transportation, commercial land use, etc. Understanding the contribution of various agricultural practices to the range of other land uses would help inform choices about the most beneficial agricultural practices. This study used stratified random technique in selecting of the respondents (farmers, rulers, market women and residents) for the study. The data was analysed with the use of descriptive statistics and chi-squared analytical method for the bivariate analysis. The result revealed that more than half of the respondents are farmers. The paper suggest that land use zoning, improve transportation, technological innovation, provision of agricultural input at a subsidized rate and awareness of the negative impact of the activity by the government will improve agricultural practice and land use planning in Nigeria.

This paper reports a case study which examines the how mapping ecosystem services can be used to identify areas of significant natural value to be protected or restored. We mapped habitat quality in Lombardy (northwest Italy) using the... more

This paper reports a case study which examines the how mapping ecosystem services can be used to identify areas of significant natural value to be protected or restored. We mapped habitat quality in Lombardy (northwest Italy) using the InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoff) model. Model outputs were used to approximate the spatial distribution of ecological quality across the region provided a framework to support the implementation of the Lombardy Regional Landscape Plan. This resulted in a proposal for introduction of new protected areas in the updated Landscape Plan, while other areas were proposed to be removed.

The article presents a problem of landscape planning of protected areas on the example of Ślężański Landscape Park within Sobotka commune resulting from the socio - economic changes and spatial policy of the municipal authority.... more

The article presents a problem of landscape planning of protected areas on the example of Ślężański
Landscape Park within Sobotka commune resulting from the socio - economic changes and spatial policy of the
municipal authority. Discussion of creating the space is particularly important in relation to areas with large
natural beauty (part of the municipality is located within Ślężański Landscape Park and buffer zone), where there
are strong processes of urbanization. The result of the study is to determine the level of landscape change and
synanthropisation. Comparing the results of the study with conditions and directions of spatial management
helped to identify the areas where the threat of degradation of landscape values is greatest. It is the effect of bad
planning decisions, resulting from too little awareness of the local community and local authorities of the effects
that cause changing spatial structure in a historical landscape

Desde mediados de la década del 1990 se observa una fuerte expansión de urbanizaciones cerradas en las periferias metropolitanas de Buenos Aires, que avanzan sobre áreas ambientalmente frágiles, como humedales y suelos deteriorados por... more

Desde mediados de la década del 1990 se observa
una fuerte expansión de urbanizaciones cerradas en las periferias
metropolitanas de Buenos Aires, que avanzan sobre áreas
ambientalmente frágiles, como humedales y suelos deteriorados
por actividades extractivas. El diferencial entre la renta real de
estos suelos y la alta renta potencial vinculada al uso residencial
para sectores de ingresos altos tiende a ser capturado como
una ganancia extraordinaria, y representa por ende un fuerte
estímulo para la (re)inversión de capital y el avance inmobiliario.
A través de análisis satelital y geoestadístico, el presente trabajo
problematiza algunas de estas dinámicas, valiéndose de la
hipótesis de un ciclo de cambios secuenciados en el uso del suelo
tendiente a conformar una brecha de renta periurbana (o peri
rent gap), con lo que se traza un paralelismo con la conocida
teoría de Neil Smith.

Review of Charles Massy, Call of the Reed Warbler

The traditional land use planning approach for addressing natural hazards in New Zealand has been based on the likelihood of an event occurring, with little consideration of the consequences associated with natural hazard events. This has... more

The traditional land use planning approach for addressing natural hazards in New Zealand has been based on the likelihood of an event occurring, with little consideration of the consequences associated with natural hazard events. This has led to decisions that place developments and communities at risk. Local government planning authorities who want to transition to risk-based planning face a number of challenges, including: how to satisfactorily define acceptable, tolerable and intolerable risk; how to incorporate the views of stakeholders and affected communities; and how to ensure that potentially controversial decisions over land use options are robust and defensible. This paper describes a practical innovation in land use planning that assists local and regional scale planners incorporate risk into land use planning decisions. Termed the 'Risk-Based Planning Approach' (RBPA), the objective of this framework is to provide local government planners with a process that responds to the key challenges they face in adopting a risk-based approach. It includes strategies to guide engagement and communication with key stakeholders both across local government and with affected communities; it supports a full assessment of the consequences, as well as likelihood, of natural hazard events; and it enables natural hazard policies to be monitored for their effectiveness in either holding-the-line or in reducing risks. In this paper we review how the RBPA provides for innovation in land use planning. In particular we note how its development with input from planners has ensured its applicability and consistency with statutory planning requirements and we examine an early case of its use in practice. This case demonstrates how a regional planning agency further innovated based on the RBPA, to provide robust and defensible decisions around acceptable, tolerable and intolerable levels of risk for their region.

Riparian zones are globally dominated by illegal settlements leading to reduced green open space area (GOS) and negative ecological impacts. Several tree appraisal methods were implemented in many researches in the world, such as ISA... more

Riparian zones are globally dominated by illegal settlements leading to reduced green open space area (GOS) and negative ecological impacts. Several tree appraisal methods were implemented in many researches in the world, such as ISA formula-Texas, CTLA-USA, Burnley-Australia, Helliwell-UK, STEM-New Zealand and Norma Granada-Spain. Commonly, the methods considered the basic value, species of tree, condition and location aspect of the tree. The main objective of this research is to evaluate trees value around the Ciliwung riparian area. The current research is a case study of the Ciliwung riparian area of Bogor City, Indonesia. Tree appraisal method in this research is ISTEM (International Shading Tree Evaluation Method), as the modification of ISA formula. The total researched area was approximately 303.84 ha, which consisted of a buffer area of 200 meters on either side of the river up to a distance of 15.19 km from the Ciliwung River, limited to Bogor City. The land cover consisted of a settlement area of 58% and a GOS area of 42%. Potential trees were evaluated using the standard sampling plot method with three repetitions of each type of structure (i.e. rare, moderate and dense areas) depending on the density of building (settlement) and density of standing trees (GOS). The percentage of standing trees area in the settlement were; rare area 12% of total settlement area, moderate area 17%, and dense area 30%, while in the GOS the values were rare area 8% of total GOS area, moderate area 16%, and dense area 8%. Total tree values for 2014 were calculated to be US $ 16.791.234. Current dynamic model was designed to estimate the projected trees value until the year 2030. Three scenarios developed resulted in trees yield value of U.S. $ 64,706,109 (optimistic); U.S. $ 78,556,923 (moderate), and U.S. $ 93,623,117 (pessimistic). The finding of research is implementation of trees appraisal model using ISTEM to predict the potential trees value in the river riparian through the urban area in Indonesia. Hence the model should serve as a tool for new regulations formulation of riparian management.

O governo brasileiro tem investido e deveria investir ainda mais em infraestrutura de transporte. De acordo com as leis ambientais, esse tipo de empreendimento exige um estudo de impacto ambiental (EIA). No entanto, o EIA é uma medida... more

O governo brasileiro tem investido e deveria investir ainda mais em infraestrutura de transporte. De acordo com as leis ambientais, esse tipo de empreendimento exige um estudo de impacto ambiental (EIA). No entanto, o EIA é uma medida reguladora aplicada pós-projeto, o que permite limitadas mudanças no projeto. Para aumentar a viabilidade ambiental, as alterações deveriam ser feitas nas etapas iniciais do projeto no contexto do planejamento estratégico regional ou nacional. Para o setor de transportes, o Plano Nacional de Logística e
Transporte (PNLT) recomenda objetivos, metas e planos para ampliação da infraestrutura do Brasil no futuro. Nós avaliamos a abordagem dos aspectos ambientais como apresentada nos três relatórios do PNLT de 2007, 2009 e 2012. O primeiro relatório (2007) resumiu a trajetória do planejamento de transportes no Brasil, desde o período da ditadura militar nos anos 1970, mostrando a necessidade de considerar os impactos ambientais dos projetos de transporte e de respeitar as leis ambientais. Os relatórios posteriores indicaram a necessidade ampliar a matriz modal de transporte, que até o momento está concentrada em rodovias, e mencionaram a
importância da Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (AAE). O instrumento AAE permitiria identificar, antecipadamente,
os efeitos cumulativos e sinérgicos de projetos como previsto no PNLT, entretanto, ele permanece ainda como uma proposta de aprimoramento na legislação ambiental brasileira. Acreditamos que usando a AAE, orientada pelo Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico (ZEE) e alguns conceitos básicos de Ecologia de Paisagens e Ecologia de Estradas, a proteção de regiões ambientalmente vulneráveis e de áreas prioritárias
para conservação da biodiversidade no Brasil guiariam efetivamente os objetivos, metas e planos do PNLT.

The present study focuses on the nature and pattern of urban expansion of Madurai city over its surrounding region during the period from 2003 to 2013. Based on Its proximity to the Madurai city, Preparation of various thematic data such... more

The present study focuses on the nature and pattern of urban expansion of Madurai city over its surrounding region during the period from 2003 to 2013. Based on Its proximity to the Madurai city, Preparation of various thematic data such Land use and Land cover using Land sat data. Create a land use land cover map from satellite imagery using supervised classification. Find out the areas from the classified data. The study is Based on secondary data, the satellite imagery has downloaded from GLCF (Global Land Cover Facility) web site, for the study area (path101 row 67), the downloaded imagery Subset using Imagery software to clip the study area. The clipped satellite imagery has Send to prepare the land use and land cover map using supervised classification.

Impending regulation of California's marijuana industry demands a quantifiable understanding of the extent of cultivation and adequacy of water storage on private lands long devoted to a dispersed, but commercial-scale, unregulated... more

Impending regulation of California's marijuana industry demands a quantifiable understanding of the extent of cultivation and adequacy of water storage on private lands long devoted to a dispersed, but commercial-scale, unregulated marijuana industry. Water storage is a critical factor, given both California's droughts and its climate: indoor plants are grown under lights year-round, and outdoor plants are grown during the dry months. This research aimed to quantify marijuana cultivation and water storage in the Redwood Creek watershed of southern Humboldt County, where major land use changes have taken place since the late 1960s. Using Google Earth imagery and geospatial analysis, an inspection of 369 assessor's parcels located within or partly within the watershed yielded 303 greenhouses, 100 outdoor cultivation scenes, 164 water tanks, and 51 installed ponds. Estimating the number of water-storage tanks was much more challenging than estimating the number of cultivation sites; it is virtually certain that numerous tanks are under the forest canopy and not visible. The only way to verify their number and holding capacity would be through either ground truthing or GIS analysis using point-cloud data. The latter is costly to collect and process; therefore, given that many landowners who have engaged in unregulated marijuana cultivation are loath to grant access to outside parties, at this juncture it may be difficult for academic researchers, state and county regulators, environmental inspectors, and other interested parties to measure some of the industry's existing environmental impacts.

Executive Summary of the Brownfield Research Report

Different religious practices sport varying beliefs and principles regarding death, but many of them converge towards the burying of the dead to help in the ascent towards a peaceful afterlife. As documented in various anthropological... more

Different religious practices sport varying beliefs and principles regarding death, but many of them converge towards the burying of the dead to help in the ascent towards a peaceful afterlife. As documented in various anthropological works, this practice has been perpetrated in the Anthropocene, but is primarily dictated by religious grounds; which is a driver of sociological mannerism through psychological means. However, as the world witnesses unparalleled demographic growth, coupled with a proportional urbanisation rate, land space is becoming scarce; hence leading to a surge in property prices which drives housing unaffordability and societal inequity; which ultimately impacts on liveability levels and economic growth. This paper explores the case of the city of Queens in New York and dwells in, through a review of literature, the contemporary discourse in ethics and morality as to the question of who is more important to be housed, the living or the dead, in contrast to contemporary issues of rising importance regarding urbanisation relating to land scarcity, gentrification, and housing unaffordability.

Thesis Summary: the erosion of the Commons in the United States has contributed to the deterioration of community and uprooting of people in order to meet the dynamic demands of capitalism. This article suggests countervailing measures to... more

Thesis Summary: the erosion of the Commons in the United States has contributed to the deterioration of community and uprooting of people in order to meet the dynamic demands of capitalism. This article suggests countervailing measures to help remedy the situation.

Tamara Krawchenko and Abel Schumann outline the findings of an OECD study of land use and governance trends across OECD countries, and discuss changing practices, new ways of working, and forms of planning that have transformative... more

Tamara Krawchenko and Abel Schumann outline the findings of
an OECD study of land use and governance trends across OECD
countries, and discuss changing practices, new ways of working,
and forms of planning that have transformative potential.


The land take is now a central and diriment issue in many disciplines due to the complex problems involved in the depletion of soil resource from an environmental, economic, urban and social perspective, but it is certainly linked to the... more

The land take is now a central and diriment issue in many disciplines due to the complex problems involved in the depletion of soil resource from an environmental, economic, urban and social perspective, but it is certainly linked to the phenomenon of urban sprawl.
In the short-medium term, the land take is a process as destructive as irreversible. Therefore, a research of the main drivers of this ongoing process should take into account a variety of factors and should focus on the urban space and its evolutionary dynamics.
Starting from a reading of the processes of urbanization, the present paper deals with the question of the fundamental drivers of «land take» and, through an examination of political initiatives and institutional actions at European and national level, focuses on some critical issues considered of particular importance for the containment of urban sprawl and land take.

This chapter is dedicated to the study of community's vulnerability in risk analysis task using multi-source data statistics. Formal KPCA-algorithm for quantitative analysis of social factors of multi-disaster and varied threat risk is... more

This chapter is dedicated to the study of community's vulnerability in risk analysis task using multi-source data statistics. Formal KPCA-algorithm for quantitative analysis of social factors of multi-disaster and varied threat risk is proposed. Modified form of damage function basing on the prospect theory and decision making under uncertainty on cognitive bias and handling of risk is proposed. Formal relations for analysis of damage with age, education and income of population are calculated. Analysis demonstrates that at least half of disaster damage might be caused by human factors: education, long-term experience and social behaviour. Using algorithm and approach proposed it was shown a way to estimate quantitative parameters of the losses distributions in view of dynamics of socio-economical, socio-ecological, and socio-cultural drivers.

In this paper (originally written for the European Wilderness Academy Days, 2014), wilderness conservation issues in Italy are discussed and some examples coming from Emilia-Romagna Region are given. Topics are as follows: 1. Wilderness... more

In this paper (originally written for the European Wilderness Academy Days, 2014), wilderness conservation issues in Italy are discussed and some examples coming from Emilia-Romagna Region are given. Topics are as follows: 1. Wilderness into existing protected areas, 2. Wilderness in unprotected semi-natural areas and anthropogenic landscapes, 3. Types of wilderness, and their different roles, 4. Wilderness as land planning / management tool, 5. Current difficulties to promote and create wilderness areas in Italy, 6. Proposals and conclusion.

The management of Natura 2000 sites faces several challenges. Responsible authorities need to achieve specific conservation objectives and they need to balance these objectives with social and economic interests. A study of two cases, one... more

The management of Natura 2000 sites faces several challenges. Responsible authorities need to achieve specific conservation objectives and they need to balance these objectives with social and economic interests. A study of two cases, one in England and one in the Netherlands, shows that the initial choices about the organisation of a deliberative planning process can create a solid basis for further co-operation. This paper contributes to the knowledge about the design and consequences of deliberative planning processes. It shows how a specific process design can strengthen the possibilities to develop social capital, trust and reciprocity, but also how it can result in a deliberative quicksand, characterised by ongoing discussions and even conflicts between the various stakeholders.

This casebook offers a concise, user-friendly presentation of land use law which incorporates a focus on critical thinking and practice throughout. The casebook devotes an entire chapter to complex and realistic scenarios that provide... more

This casebook offers a concise, user-friendly presentation of land use law which incorporates a focus on critical thinking and practice throughout. The casebook devotes an entire chapter to complex and realistic scenarios that provide students an opportunity to bring to bear what they have learned throughout the semester to solve challenging legal and strategic problems. New materials in the second edition ensure that students will become familiar with the latest trends in land use law. Attached is the table of contents.

Once upon a time, when humans existed by hunting and gathering and were themselves prey, there was a "natural" landscape. Since then the Earth's surface, including the biota, topography, surface and groundwater, has been profoundly and... more

Once upon a time, when humans existed by hunting and gathering and were themselves prey, there was a "natural" landscape. Since then the Earth's surface, including the biota, topography, surface and groundwater, has been profoundly and irreversibly altered by the direct and indirect effects of human uses of the land. Changes in land use and land cover can have wide-ranging environmental consequences. These include loss of biodiversity, changes in emissions of trace gases affecting climate change, changes in hydrology and soil degradation. Moreover, changes in land use and land cover can influence vulnerability of people and places to environmental perturbations by, for example, influencing the spread of infectious diseases, interfering with the migration of species and affecting the risk of natural hazards. The environmental consequences of past and contemporary land uses are drawing significant attention. Deforestation and intensification of agriculture have, for example, received much notice as environmental threats.

Urban planning is more than urban design. It organizes built and free areas linking different uses that must be felt as a balanced environmental space. In this way, and green áreas (gardens, parks and agricultural and forest areas) are... more

Urban planning is more than urban design. It organizes built and free areas linking different uses that must be felt as a balanced environmental space. In this way, and green áreas (gardens, parks and agricultural and forest areas) are essential to a better urban environment. And to adpat urbance spaces face to climatic change effets.

Strict policy control and real estate market downturn affects large-scale real estate enterprises performance. We surveyed large Chinese real estate enterprises and the internal factors that affect their competitiveness. Verified by the... more

Strict policy control and real estate market downturn affects large-scale real estate enterprises performance. We surveyed large Chinese real estate enterprises and the internal factors that affect their competitiveness. Verified by the hierarchical regression and structural equation modelling approach, the results mainly show that profitability, capital ability, management and operation ability, human resource ability, brand name, and innovation ability play positive roles in the competitiveness of large real estate enterprises. Management and operation ability plays an intermediary role between human resources and the improvement of competitiveness. Real estate enterprises’ capital sources play an intermediary role between brand names and the improvement of competitiveness. Moreover, landbank area and quality and sales are three major factors that impact the competitiveness improvement of real estate enterprises, while the ability for marketing innovation and the payment collection of enterprises has a relatively small impact. All in all, this paper provides practical implications concerning factors that affect the competitiveness of large real estate enterprises. The findings are helpful to improve the sustainable development of real estate enterprises in the future. As research on factors that affect large-scale real estate enterprises is scarce, this study aims to fill this gap.

An investigation was undertaken to evaluate the soil properties of different land use st systems viz. Jhum field (1 year), Jhum field nd (2 year), Large cardamom based agro forestry system (4 year old), Orange based farming system (15... more

An investigation was undertaken to evaluate the soil properties of different land use st systems viz. Jhum field (1 year), Jhum field nd (2 year), Large cardamom based agro forestry system (4 year old), Orange based farming system (15 year), Jhum fallow (4 year) and Forest (>20 year) in Longleng district of Nagaland. Highest available P was st recorded 21.91 kg/ha under Jhum 1 year, whereas lowest available K was found (219.81kg/ha) under Large cardamom agro-forestry system (4 year). Forest soil recorded 7.70%, 14.15%, 26.16%, higher pH, SOC, available N, respectively as compared to nd Jhum fallow 2 year. Result revealed that maximum value of pH (5.31), SOC (2.58 %) and available N (413.95 kg/ha) were recorded under forestland (more than 20 years) followed by Orange based farming system as compared to other land use system. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION

This article argues that public policies need to be designed a much more encompassing manner in order to better manage land use. Policies in fields such fiscal and tax policy, transport and agriculture need be better aligned with spatial... more

This article argues that public policies need to be designed a much more encompassing manner in order to better manage land use. Policies in fields such fiscal and tax policy, transport and agriculture need be better aligned with spatial and land use planning. Co-ordination between national, regional and local governments needs to be strengthened. Even if higher levels of government often have little formal responsibilities for land use planning, their policy choices still have important consequences for land use. Only if all levels of government understand their impact on land use and act to achieve common objectives is it possible to govern land use effectively.

Although local governance is an experiment in adaptation (and often lauded for being so), climate change is distinct from traditional challenges to local governance. Nonetheless, many local governments are directing agencies to utilize... more

Although local governance is an experiment in adaptation (and often lauded for being so), climate change is distinct from traditional challenges to local governance. Nonetheless, many local governments are directing agencies to utilize existing and traditional local government tools to adapt to climate change. Local governments, for example, are adopting regulatory rules that require consideration of potential climate impacts in public-sector decisions with the goal of improving local adaptive capacity. Throughout these efforts, it is becoming clear that one of the most effective adaptation tools used by local governments is the power to plan communities. Through land use planning, local governments can increase resiliency to major climate shifts and ensure that our communities are equipped with built-in mechanisms to face and mitigate such changes. This essay identifies some of the most innovative planning tools available to local governments that illustrate the potential to plan for community resiliency. The essay begins by identifying some of the severe impacts local governments will experience from climate change. This part recognizes that not all local governments will experience climate change impacts the same, and that climate change adaptation is contextual. Part II provides an overview and inventory of traditional local governance tools, paying particular attention to zoning and nuisance laws. Part III looks more closely at specific structural tools that form the basic foundation for a wide variety of land use planning adaptation approaches and goals. The final part expands on the structural tools and explores specific mechanisms that can help local governments achieve adaptation goals and avoid catastrophic unpreparedness through proper land use planning in the climate change arena.

Uyo City in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria has experienced rapid urban growth and development over the past decades. The urban expansion has led to different land cover transitions which in turn have caused significant changes in key... more

Uyo City in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria has experienced rapid urban growth and development over the past decades. The urban expansion has led to different land cover transitions which in turn have caused significant changes in key environmental parameters such as Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). This study investigated land cover changes in Uyo and the relationship with LST and NDVI. Landsat multispectral imageries covering the study area were acquired for three periods – 1986, 2000 and 2018. Land cover was extracted using the Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC) technique, LST was derived using a single channel algorithm applied on the imagery thermal bands, and the NDVI equation was applied to the imageries. To assess the MLC accuracy, four different accuracy metrics were calculated – user's accuracy, producer's accuracy, overall accuracy, and kappa coefficient. Change statistics were computed to evaluate the transition dynamics of each land cover class. Finally, the relationship between land cover, LST and NDVI was evaluated using the Contribution Index (CI) and Pearson's Correlation analysis. Between 1986 and 2018, vegetation declined from 278 km2 to 219 km2, wetlands declined from 20 km2 to 17 km2, barren land declined from 33km2 to 25km2 while built-up areas increased from 69 km2 to 139 km2. There were significant transitions in land cover for instance, 78km2 of vegetation and 14km2 of barren land were converted to built-up area over the 32 years. The mean LSTs in the city were 21.67 °C (1986), 25.40 °C (2000) and 26.04 °C (2018). The highest contribution to LST was from built-up areas while the lowest was from vegetation. The CI of built-up areas rose from 0.08 in 1986 to 0.30 in 2018, Similarly, LST profiles showed that the diffusion of higher LSTs across the study area was in tandem with the horizontal expansion of built-up areas. There was also a high negative correlation between LST and NDVI at the three periods of study. It is recommended that the Uyo local authorities take deliberate measures and policies aimed at moderating urban growth while ensuring the conservation of urban greens spaces in the city.