Literary Onomastics Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The article aims to show what are the process of naming in the system of Pitzorno's characters, strongly modeled through onomastics. Names are opportunities for the identification of the characters; moreover they act as a reminder of the... more

The article aims to show what are the process of naming in the system of Pitzorno's characters, strongly modeled through onomastics. Names are opportunities for the identification of the characters; moreover they act as a reminder of the historical period, especially in historical novels. In the works dedicated to children the ways in which names are attributed are often prosaic or amusing. Pitzorno believes that children love to find peculiar and obsolete names in her books and she points out with satisfaction that they recognise themselves in her literary songs. Keywords: children's literature, naming strategies, historical novels, historical and literature names.

The inventory of proper names in Kristijonas Donelaitis’ poem Metai (The Seasons) is particularly rich and uneven. This peculiarity was observed from the first editions of the poem, although the topic remains largely unexplored,... more

The inventory of proper names in Kristijonas Donelaitis’ poem Metai (The Seasons) is particularly rich and uneven. This peculiarity was observed from the first editions of the poem, although the topic remains largely unexplored, especially when one takes into account its translations into other languages. In the article 10 different translations are examined. The first part of the article is devoted to
a discussion of the general features of the poem’s proper names. A classification is also proposed which could help in understanding the different solutions adopted by translators. In sections 2 and 3 an analysis of the translation strategies adopted by different translators is discussed, paying particular attention to the processes of adaptation, cultural substitution, loan translation, invention of new names and names exchange. Such a comparison allows for classification of the examined translations from the more adaptive to the more preservative. In general, all the translators tried to convey both the connotative and denotative content of
proper names. Still, differences arise because of an unresolved question: what is the denotative content of proper names in translation? Instead of a general answer, I suggest considering each individual example and giving priority to the main function according to the author’s intentions.

Prezentowany artykuł skupia się na funkcji literackich nazwisk żydowskich w dwóch powieściach Tomasza Manna („Buddenbrookowie”, „Czarodziejska góra”). Za punkt wyjścia przyjmuje się tutaj podstawowe rozpoznanie onomastyki literackiej... more

Prezentowany artykuł skupia się na funkcji literackich nazwisk żydowskich w dwóch powieściach Tomasza Manna („Buddenbrookowie”, „Czarodziejska góra”). Za punkt wyjścia przyjmuje się tutaj podstawowe rozpoznanie onomastyki literackiej dotyczące funkcji i potencjału znaczeniowego nazw własnych w dziele literackim. W części pierwszej zarysowane zostają główne problemy związane z chrześcijańsko-żydowskimi kontrowersjami, która ujawniają się w specyficznym, nierzadko polemicznym użyciu nazwisk żydowskich w literaturze pięknej. Część druga przybliża sposób funkcjonowania nazwisk żydowskich w omawianych powieściach Tomasza Manna oraz przedstawia sposób restytucji tych antroponimów w tłumaczeniach na język polski. W części trzeciej podjęta zostaje analiza strat, które związane są z samym procesem przekładu oraz które wynikają z błędnej redukcji polemicznej intencji autora.

This article describes the toponymic logic of the streets in the videogames Grand Theft Auto IV, The Lost and Damned, and The Ballad of Gay Tony and demonstrates how it serves an expressive purpose. The game’s street names aid the player... more

This article describes the toponymic logic of the streets in the videogames Grand Theft Auto IV, The Lost and Damned, and The Ballad of Gay Tony and demonstrates how it serves an expressive purpose. The game’s street names aid the player in navigating around the fictional city and create a sense of the city as a living, breathing place. But they also establish, in concert with other elements of the games, Grand Theft Auto’s particular brand of satire; they reference specific themes that the game explores; and they even help develop character. The article proceeds by detailing the street names used in the games. It then interprets these names in reference to the stories and characters that the game contains. It is suggested that videogames represent a form which makes possible an exciting kind of ‘literary toponymy’; where names become a powerful textual strategy to enhance stories and approach themes in striking ways.

Research into the naming of literary characters has so far limited itself to a few particular strands of inquiry, in which the naming or namelessness of nonhuman animal characters tend to be mentioned only in passing, if at all. With the... more

Research into the naming of literary characters has so far limited itself to a few particular strands of inquiry, in which the naming or namelessness of nonhuman animal characters tend to be mentioned only in passing, if at all. With the aim of beginning to remedy this oversight, this chapter explores ways in which the theory and research on literary onomastics may be especially relevant to talking about animal narratives. Thus, it introduces literary animal onomastics, argues for its importance, and exemplifies this through the discussion of a number of literary works in which named or nameless animals play crucial roles.

Gli argomenti proposti da Folena e alcuni aggiuntivi relativi al planh di Aimeric de Peguilhan suggeriscono la possibilità che Dante, delineando i tratti della sua Beatrice, possa aver messo in relazione su un piano figurale varie... more

Gli argomenti proposti da Folena e alcuni aggiuntivi relativi al planh di Aimeric de Peguilhan suggeriscono la possibilità che Dante, delineando i tratti della sua Beatrice, possa aver messo in relazione su un piano figurale varie caratteristiche già associate al personaggio della Beata Beatrix. A dare corpo a questo sospetto parrebbe concorrere un ulteriore, significativo argomento, che cioè Giovanna, Lagia e Selvaggia, insomma i più importanti elementi del canone onomastico degli stilnovisti corrispondono a nomi di ben note nobildonne italiane e provenzali cantate dai trovatori. Dunque la genesi dell’intero canone onomastico delle donne cantate dai poeti stilnovisti potrebbe effettivamente implicare procedimenti di mutuazione dall’esperienza lirica dei trovatori occitanici attivi presso le corti italiane a cavallo dei secoli XII e XIII. Si aggiungerà che la lezione «nover de le trenta», attestata per il sonetto sonetto «Guido, i’ vorrei», suggerisce un riferimento ai canoni onomastici trobadorici composti da un numero “tondo” di dame (o gruppi omogenei di esse), trenta il più delle volte. Dante potrebbe essersi attenuto a questa regola, componendo il suo sirventese sulla base di questo numero, che peraltro ben rispondeva alla sua estetica numerologica e che tornava benissimo anche con il nome di Beatrix, nel quale è celato proprio il trenta, XXX = “tri X”.

Il contributo discute dell'uso dei nomi nella narrativa di Paul Auster, soffermandosi sui romanzi contenuti nella "Trilogia di New York", che presentano interessanti aspetti sull'origine della lingua e sulla diatriba, inquadrata dal punto... more

Il contributo discute dell'uso dei nomi nella narrativa di Paul Auster, soffermandosi sui romanzi contenuti nella "Trilogia di New York", che presentano interessanti aspetti sull'origine della lingua e sulla diatriba, inquadrata dal punto di vista linguistico, semiotico e letterario, concernente il NP e il significante considerato come un segno arbitrario, in opposizione alla convinzione che si trattasse di un segno motivato. Con la struttura aperta della "Trilogia", secondo David Lodge, Auster sembra voler riproporre allegoricamente l'idea che, dopo la "Caduta", sia impossibile ricostituire il legame fra significante e significato presupposto antecedentemente, propendendo per l'assoluta arbitrarietà nell'associazione del nome proprio con il senso al quale dovrebbe rinviare. Il testo del saggio (in maniera indiretta nella sua versione in inglese e diretta in quella italiana, successiva e ampliata) propone invece l'idea che in qualche modo tale legame esista ancora, anche se spesso mantenuto o evocato in maniera casuale, o imprevedibile, nella vita reale, mentre la medesima idea fa comunemente parte del processo di nominazione che sottende alle convenzioni letterarie, secondo un approccio al quale lo stesso Auster non si sottrae, seguendo l'esempio di ciò che racconta nell'ultimo dei romanzi della "Trilogia" ("The locked Room"), dove ricorda con quale criterio aveva associato dei nomi reali a individui fittizi per un lavoro di censimento svolto per il Governo.

In this article, the author introduces the theory of two acts. It is a methodological approach to the issue of functions served by characters’ proper names in novels. These functions can be served permanently or momentarily. The fist type... more

In this article, the author introduces the theory of two acts. It is a methodological approach to the issue of functions served by characters’ proper names in novels. These functions can be served permanently or momentarily. The fist type of functions are identified on the basis of the naming act and the other on the basis of the act of using a name.

Ancient readers were highly attuned to etymologically and allusively significant character names, which helped shape their experience and understanding of narratives in a variety of ways. Authors frequently exploited that fact in their... more

Ancient readers were highly attuned to etymologically and allusively significant character names, which helped shape their experience and understanding of narratives in a variety of ways. Authors frequently exploited that fact in their compositions. This paper capitalizes on that state of affairs by utilizing a literarily attuned onomastic analysis to explore two themes in Xenophon’s Ephesiaca. Specifically, I argue that Xenophon deploys several character names in interpretively important and sometimes sophisticated ways to serve the construction of themes relating to erotic andreia and lasting beauty. Regarding erotic andreia, this study largely supplements and corroborates conclusions that have been emerging in recent scholarship and offers a few fresh proposals for consideration. Xenophon’s interest in lasting beauty has not received much attention in contemporary scholarship outside of David Konstan’s Sexual Symmetry. The results of this study suggest that the theme deserves further examination. I offer a brief sketch, informed by onomastic analysis, of where the theme occurs and why it matters in the story Xenophon is telling.

Artykuł opisuje onomastyczne aspekty tytułowego imienia baśni braci Grimm pt. Rumpelstilzchen. Po analizie znaczeń oryginału oraz ich obecności w aluzjach literackich i kulturze popularnej następuje opis polskich przekładów tytułowego... more

Artykuł opisuje onomastyczne aspekty tytułowego imienia baśni braci Grimm pt. Rumpelstilzchen. Po analizie znaczeń oryginału oraz ich obecności w aluzjach literackich i kulturze popularnej następuje opis polskich przekładów tytułowego imienia wraz z podkreśleniem zaistniałych transformacji i przeinaczeń, które znacząco modyfikują recepcję opisywanej baśni w języku polskim. Na zakończenie omówiona zostaje nowa wersja polskiego przekładu baśni.

Bu araştırma temettûât defterleri ışığında Düzce ve Akçakoca'da kulla-nılan aile ve erkek şahıs adlarını tanıtmayı amaçlamaktadır. Düzenli olarak kaydedilen bu vesikalar günümüz kent tarihçileri tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Temettûât... more

Bu araştırma temettûât defterleri ışığında Düzce ve Akçakoca'da kulla-nılan aile ve erkek şahıs adlarını tanıtmayı amaçlamaktadır. Düzenli olarak kaydedilen bu vesikalar günümüz kent tarihçileri tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Temettûât kayıtları vasıtasıyla kolaylıkla günümüzde yaşayan bir ailenin ve mesleğin geçmişini en azından yüz elli yıl geriye götürmek mümkündür. Aynı zamanda incelenen adlarla Türk kültürü arasındaki ilişkiye de değinilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Düzce, Akçakoca, ad bilimi, şahıs adları, soy, temettûât kayıtları. ABSTRACT Family and Personal Names in Düzce and Akçakoca in the 19th Century This article aims at disclosing the antroponym of males and their families used in Düzce and Akçakoca according to the temettûât registers. These regularly kept historical documents are still used by city historians today. Thus, it became easy to trace recent family and occupational histories at least 150 years back. Moreover, the relationship between the antroponyms that this study investigates and Turkish culture was elaborated.

This paper deals with the use of women's names in Ian Fleming's James Bond novels. Fleming's main naming strategy was to choose names that tell us something about the characters, names that correspond to their personalities, their... more

This paper deals with the use of women's names in Ian Fleming's James Bond novels. Fleming's main naming strategy was to choose names that tell us something about the characters, names that correspond to their personalities, their occupations or the roles they play in the stories. This is often achieved by providing them with allusive names that hint at several meanings, using polysemy, etymology, or lexical or even phonological associations. Many of these names are given an explanation in the novels, but underneath this explanation there are always others. Special attention has been paid to the cases where I believe the heroines do not have allusive names. I suggest that this has to do with the fact that these women are the ones with the most complex and real characters, and real characters must have real names.

Names of Italian opera libretti in the 18th and the 19th centuries show many relationships and semantic connections between the composition of libretti and other literary genres. Some names are chosen mainly because Carlo Goldoni used... more

Names of Italian opera libretti in the 18th and the 19th centuries show many relationships and semantic connections between the composition of libretti and other literary genres. Some names are chosen mainly because Carlo Goldoni used them, others because they were already familiar to the public. Other names derive their vitality from mythology or from previous uses. Lorenzo Da Ponte’s choices in the libretti written for Mozart are very important and emphasize not only
the librettist’s vast learning but also the ‘challenge’ that he issued to the writers of the past.

The article provides reasons why the study of the peculiarities of the semantics of proper names as a system presupposes their fractal nature. By means of an example of French poetry, it was proved for the first time that onyms should be... more

The article provides reasons why the study of the peculiarities of the semantics of proper names as a system presupposes their fractal nature. By means of an example of French poetry, it was proved for the first time that onyms should be described in terms of fractal processes, where different ways of using one name in different contexts are similar to a fractal algorithm. Appellativisation, deonymisation, onomastic metaphor and metonymy, syntactic and morphological modifications of proprial units serve as direct evidence of this.

In García Márquez's novel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the author deftly applies names to transmit the novel's themes. In this paper, we analyse García Márquez's text from the perspective of community. We examine how names are used... more

In García Márquez's novel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the author deftly applies names to transmit the novel's themes. In this paper, we analyse García Márquez's text from the perspective of community. We examine how names are used discursively to portray the roles of characters and their contributions to the fictional community in the novel, and explore the role of patriarchy in a society's ambivalent commitment to preserving a community ideal known as the 'cult of virginity'. RÉSUMÉ: Dans le roman de García Márquez, Chronicle of a Death Foretold [chronique d'une mort annoncée], l'auteur choisit adroitement des noms propres afin de véhiculer les thèmes du roman. Dans le présent article, nous analysons le texte de García Márquez sous l'angle de la communauté. Nous nous penchons sur la façon dont les noms propres sont utilisés discursivement en vue de décrire les rôles des personnages et leurs contributions auprès de la communauté fictive du roman, et nous explorons le rôle du patriarcat dans le cadre

The article opens a series of works dedicated to the onimyc stratum of a series of novels by Terry Pratchett. The goal of the project is to examine the functions served by characters’ proper names in individual novels and the cycle as a... more

The article opens a series of works dedicated to the onimyc stratum of a series of novels by Terry Pratchett. The goal of the project is to examine the functions served by characters’ proper names in individual novels and the cycle as a whole. The main aim of this article is to examine said functions in the first novel of the City Watch Cycle (part of the Discworld Series). For the theoretical background the Theory of Two Acts is used. Thus, the article discusses both permanent and momentary functions of the onyms. Later, the results of this article will be used to perform a comparative analysis of the functions served by the analysed names in the English novel and its Polish translation.

Subversive or critical views of Roman emperors voiced by contemporaries while the emperor was in power are difficult to find. What did the population really think of their ruler? Some scattered references prove that discontent could... more

Subversive or critical views of Roman emperors voiced by contemporaries while the emperor was in power are difficult to find. What did the population really think of their ruler? Some scattered references prove that discontent could occur. Nicknames given to emperors provide one method, usually neglected, for assessing the popularity of the Roman emperors. But it is important to determine whether nicknames, negative or positive, were in fact used while the ruler in question was alive. Not surprisingly, there is much evidence which shows that emperors were criticized after their death and also given less flattering epithets and nicknames by later historians.

Il saggio prende in esame quattro novelle di G. de Maupassant, analizzandone il contenuto e lo stile, con particolare attenzione agli aspetti onomastico-letterari delle opere e alle capacità onomaturgiche dell'autore, ipotizzando, tra... more

Il saggio prende in esame quattro novelle di G. de Maupassant, analizzandone il contenuto e lo stile, con particolare attenzione agli aspetti onomastico-letterari delle opere e alle capacità onomaturgiche dell'autore, ipotizzando, tra l'altro, la presenza del fratello dello scrittore, Hervé, fra le fonti alle quali attinse per "Le Horla". Particolare attenzione è dedicata a tale nome e alla traduzione in italiano del racconto eponimo, trasformato però in "Gorla" nell'edizione a cura di A. Savinio, che giustifica tale scelta con una lunga nota a piè di pagina: si tratta però di una soluzione in contrasto con non trascurabili strategie della traduzione letteraria, anche perché non tiene conto, in fondo, del possibile valore semantico di cui non sembrano privi il nome e il titolo in francese.

Alberto MONTANER, «Don Sancho de Azpetia, escudero vizcaíno (Quijote, I, VIII-IX)», Emblemata: Revista Aragonesa de Emblemática [ISSN 1137-1056], vol. X (2004), pp. 215-332.

The present article examines the role of onomastics in Fyodor Sologub’s short stories Chervyak (Worm) and V plenu (In Bondage). Sologub extensively plays with names in his writing. There are various ways in which names participate in such... more

The present article examines the role of onomastics in Fyodor Sologub’s short stories
Chervyak (Worm) and V plenu (In Bondage). Sologub extensively plays with names in his writing. There
are various ways in which names participate in such a narrative. The names of Sologub’s characters,
as this paper will show, usually embrace Symbolist crucial themes, ideological approach as well
as the particular author’s point of view. My aim is to highlight and discuss the value of onomastics
from both a literary and a linguistic perspective. The relationship between the name and its bearer
(Sologub’s characters) is conceived as part of an onymic system (the so-called ‘name landscape’)
and as a key aspect of the overall structure of the artistic text.

Prezentowany artykuł skupia się na zagadnieniu pozycji literackich nazw osobowych w przekładzie. We wprowadzeniu w problematykę onomastyki literackiej podkreślona zostaje kluczowa rola 'znaczeniowości', czyli potencjału konotacyjnego... more

Prezentowany artykuł skupia się na zagadnieniu pozycji literackich nazw osobowych w przekładzie. We wprowadzeniu w problematykę onomastyki literackiej podkreślona zostaje kluczowa rola 'znaczeniowości', czyli potencjału konotacyjnego literackich nazw własnych. Bazę empiryczną dla analizy restytucji nazw literackich stanowią wybrane powieści Tomasza Manna (Buddenbrookowie, Czarodziejska Góra, Doktor Faustus) i ich tłumaczenia na język polski. Prezentacja restytucji nazw mówiących i klasyfikujących obejmuje analizę zawartości konotacyjnej oraz funkcji imienia wyjściowego, jego porównanie z imieniem docelowym oraz krytykę przekładu. Analiza tłumaczeniowa ukazuje możliwości restytucji antroponimów, trudności tłumaczeniowe oraz konsekwencje strategii translatorskich stosowanych przez tłumaczy.

The aim of the article is to perform a comparative analysis of functions served by characters’ proper names in Jingo by Terry Pratchett and in the Polish translation of the book. The study was based on the theory of two acts; it showed... more

The aim of the article is to perform a comparative analysis of functions served by characters’ proper names in Jingo by Terry Pratchett and in the Polish translation of the book. The study was based on the theory of two acts; it showed which functions were served by the examined proper names, how many names served individual functions and which functions were preserved, which were changed, and which were lost. The data gained from the study will be further used to advance the research on means of translating onyms in novels so as to preserve the functions served by them in the original.

«Il nome nel testo», XXI (2019)

The island of Delos, Apollo's birthplace, is celebrated under various names by a number of poets, each name reflecting an aspect of its mythical history. Pindar, in some fragmentary poems, and Callimachus, in the Hymn to Delos, tell the... more

The island of Delos, Apollo's birthplace, is celebrated under various names by a number of poets, each name reflecting an aspect of its mythical history. Pindar, in some fragmentary poems, and Callimachus, in the Hymn to Delos, tell the story of the minor goddess Asteria who fled the embrace of Zeus by leaping into the sea, where she became the island floating free on the waves before ‘anchoring’ to provide a place for Leto to give birth. Though apparently similar, the etymological interpretations of the names Asteria («Star-Island») and Delos («bright», «conspicuous») by Pindar and Callimachus present subtle differences. The article focuses on the ideological framework of archaic and Alexandrian poetry, showing how interpretatio nominis is a functional and ductile tool for marking different poetics.

U radu se problematiziraju tri termina: lično ime, antroponimijska ili imenska formula i antroponimijska kategorija i njihove odrednice u književnoumjetničkome stilu savremenoga bosanskog jezika. Raspravlja se o funkcijama ličnoga imena i... more

U radu se problematiziraju tri termina: lično ime, antroponimijska ili imenska formula i antroponimijska kategorija i njihove odrednice u književnoumjetničkome stilu savremenoga bosanskog jezika. Raspravlja se o funkcijama ličnoga imena i utvrđuju se sljedeće: 1. referencijalna ili identifikacijska, deskriptivna i vokativna. Specificirajući svaku od navedenih funkcija, navode se primjeri iz bh. književnosti i njihove interpretacije. Raspravlja se o deskriptivnom, singularnom imenu, moviranome femininumu i patronimicima. Ključne riječi: antroponim; imenska formula; antroponimijska kategorija; lično ime; funkcije ličnoga imena;

The paper examines the place name systems appearing in the novels of the fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. Motivation for naming is identified through the analysis of names for large physical features, regions... more

The paper examines the place name systems appearing in the novels of the fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. Motivation for naming is identified through the analysis of names for large physical features, regions and their seats. A functional-semantic typology including examples is also established, which demonstrates how rich in detail the literary world is and how colourful the adopted names are. The author also discusses the metonymic use of place names and observes the use of names in relation to the events and the world of the novels. Although the analysis is based on the original, English place names, the paper also examines the Hungarian translations of the toponyms focusing on the principles and systematicity of translation strategies. The author presents how successful the translated name forms are in maintaining the semantic and structural features of the original place names.

The paper analyses the use of poetonyms of mythological and Biblical origin to create the "onomastic game" effect on the phonological, lexical and syntactic layers. The case study of English, American and Ukrainian literary works revealed... more

The paper analyses the use of poetonyms of mythological and Biblical origin to create the "onomastic game" effect on the phonological, lexical and syntactic layers. The case study of English, American and Ukrainian literary works revealed the stylistic potential of proper names under consideration, analyzed the means of "onomastic game" creation in English and Ukrainian.