Toponymy Research Papers - (original) (raw)

R. Schot, C. Newman and E. Bhreathnach (eds), Landscapes of Cult and Kingship. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2011.

SUMMARY: Chapter 3, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers many approaches to looking for and finding sites, and archaeological remains within sites, such as historical and local reports,... more

SUMMARY: Chapter 3, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers many approaches to looking for and finding sites, and archaeological remains within sites, such as historical and local reports, ground reconnaissance (e.g., walking surveys; sampling strategies), aerial surveys (e.g., LiDAR; crop marks), satellite remote sensing, recording & mapping (e.g., GIS), subsurface detection (e.g., probes), ground-based remote sensing (seismic; acoustic; electromagnetic; magnetic; etc.), excavation techniques, underwater archaeology, and processing & classification. In my view, this is one of the best college textbooks available, and is invaluable for students, archaeologists, and the public in general, to obtain a top notch overview of approaching and interpreting the archaeological record. REVISED: Jan. 2023.

The article is devoted to the linguistic analysis of the hydronyms of ancient Thrace. The origin of the names of the famous rivers of the region is considered. The taxonomy of the hydronyms that have received a name in the Baltic language... more

The article is devoted to the linguistic analysis of the hydronyms of ancient Thrace. The origin of the names of the famous rivers of the region is considered. The taxonomy of the hydronyms that have received a name in the Baltic language environment is systematized. The names of the rivers have an etymology related to such concepts as a river, channel, stream, flow. The proposed article makes it possible to clarify the archaeological and historical aspects of the life of ancient people in the Balkans.

The paper deals with national standardization of geographical names in national republics of the Russian Federation on the materials of officially adopted guidelines for Russian rendering of geographical names and the database of the... more

The paper deals with national standardization of geographical names in national republics of the Russian Federation on the materials of officially adopted guidelines for Russian rendering of geographical names and the database of the State catalogue of geographical names. The particularity of the national standardization of geographical names in the Russian
Federation is that it comprises national republics with their own official languages along with Russian. The standardization of indigenous geographical names in Russian from the second half of the 20th century is based on guidelines for Russian rendering of geographical names
worked out for different languages. The study of modifications in some guidelines shows that the Russian rendering of indigenous names gets closer and sometimes coincides with their indigenous writing.

Salt domes are geological features that occur when areas of salt deposits are pressured into layers above them, causing dome shaped distortions in horizontal strata. In some instances, the distortions protrude above flat areas of land or... more

Salt domes are geological features that occur when areas of salt deposits are pressured into layers above them, causing dome shaped distortions in horizontal strata. In some instances, the distortions protrude above flat areas of land or else appear underwater as seamounts. In the case of the five Louisiana salt dome hills considered in this article, their distinct elevation above the swampy bayous and flatlands surrounding them has led to their characterisation as islands by indigenous Atakapa-Ishak peoples and by subsequent Francophone and Anglophone settlers. The article considers the ways in which the five salt domes' islandness has been perceived, enhanced and/or undermined by various local inhabitants and/or the commercial operations that have operated on them. Discussion of these aspects involves consideration of the manner in which the salt dome islands' islandness is mutable and complex, particularly with regard to human impacts. This mutability is discussed with regard to both individual island placenames and the islands' overall designations.

In zwei- oder mehrsprachigen Gebieten kann der Gebrauch von Ortsnamen in der einen oder anderen Namensform eine subjektive Entscheidung sein, die eine ideologische Positionierung des Sprechers mit sich führt. Das Ziel des vorliegenden... more

In zwei- oder mehrsprachigen Gebieten kann der Gebrauch von Ortsnamen in der einen oder anderen Namensform eine subjektive Entscheidung sein, die eine ideologische Positionierung des Sprechers mit sich führt. Das Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrags ist es, die Sprachkonfliktsituationen im Bereich der Toponymie in Mexiko, wo zahlreiche Ortsnamen im Laufe der Kolonisations- und Dekolonisationsprozesse geändert wurden und in Galicien, wo sich der Sprachkonflikt zwischen dem Galicischen und dem Spanischen auch in den Kastilianisierungen und Regalicisierungen der Ortsnamen widerspiegelt, zu vergleichen.
Für beide Fälle sollen die historische Entwicklung und die Standardisierungsprozesse im Bereich der Ortsnamen und die sich daraus ergebenden Konflikte dargestellt werden. Die Wahl von Galicien und Mexiko für diesen Vergleich verspricht dabei besonders fruchtbar zu sein: In beiden Fällen ist Spanisch die einzige landesweite Amtssprache, die sich im Kontakt mit regionalen Minderheitensprachen befindet. Dies ermöglicht eine Vergleichbarkeit der sprachlichen Phänomene, die in der historischen Entwicklung der Ortsnamen zu beobachten sind. Andererseits sind die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen in Galicien und Mexiko jedoch völlig unterschiedlich, so dass die Untersuchung differenzierte und aufschlussreiche Ergebnisse in diesem Bereich erwarten lässt. Dieser Ansatz soll es ermöglichen, allgemeingültige Phänomene in mehrsprachigen Regionen von solchen regionalspezifischer Natur zu unterscheiden.
In einem zweiten Schritt wird die Übersetzung der Ortsnamen beider Regionen ins Deutsche anhand einer Korpusanalyse untersucht, um herauszufinden, ob sich allgemeine Tendenzen feststellen lassen, die mit den beschriebenen Konflikten in Zusammenhang stehen.

В современной России возрос интерес к лингвокраеведческим исследованиям, о чем свидетельствует большое количество соответствующих научных публикаций. В статье дается краткий обзор основных источников и литературы по топонимии Воронежского... more

В современной России возрос интерес к лингвокраеведческим исследованиям, о чем свидетельствует большое количество соответствующих научных публикаций. В статье дается краткий обзор основных источников и литературы по топонимии Воронежского края, приводится рекомендуемый механизм проведения региональных топонимических исследований в образовательных организациях, реализующих основные и дополнительные образовательные программы.
In modern Russia increased interest in linguo-regional studies, as evidenced by a large number of relevant scientific publications. The article gives a brief overview of the main sources and literature on toponymy of the Voronezh region, provides a recommended mechanism for regional toponymic research in educational institutions that implement basic and additional educational programs.

The article deals with peculiarities of toponyms' lexicographical description in the "Dictionary of the Regional Arkhangelsk Dialect" by Podvysotsky A.O. published in 1855. Since the compiler of the dictionary did not seek to fully and... more

The article deals with peculiarities of toponyms' lexicographical description in the "Dictionary of the Regional Arkhangelsk Dialect" by Podvysotsky A.O. published in 1855. Since the compiler of the dictionary did not seek to fully and systematically describe the proper names functioning on the territory of the Arkhangelsk region (the main dictionary body is appellative vocabulary), toponyms and katoikonyms are presented by separate lexemes. The author of this publication examines the following types of dictionary entries: 1) entries with a heading word-toponym, 2) entries with a heading word-appellative where a toponym is cited (more frequent-toponym-phrase) which contains the appellative described (in entries like this one toponyms are given as a separate meaning of a polysemantic word), 3) entries with a heading word-katoikonym or word-toponym by describing of which a katoikonym is presented. A set of structural lexicographical components is also revealed in the article (either for totality of dictionary entries containing toponyms, or regarding every type of entry), the attempt is made to structure detached dictionary entries in order to reveal the toponym lexicographical model construction algorithm in the given source.

Es un breve relato histórico sobre el origen de la ciudad de Venado Tuerto, Provincia de Santa fe, Argentina

Майданова Л. М., Макарова С. В. Гидронимический ареал им, ым в Северном Приуралье. С. 3. Марадудна Т. В. Рефлексы сингармонизма в севернорусской субстратной топонимике. С. 7. Шаламова Г. Я. Некоторые результаты структурно-фонетического... more

Майданова Л. М., Макарова С. В. Гидронимический ареал им, ым в Северном Приуралье. С. 3.
Марадудна Т. В. Рефлексы сингармонизма в севернорусской субстратной топонимике. С. 7.
Шаламова Г. Я. Некоторые результаты структурно-фонетического анализа севернорусских топонимов на озеро. С. 15.
Ледовская Г. И. Из наблюдений над консонантизмом субстратной топонимики Подмосковья. С. 17.
Житников В. Ф. Древнерусская лексика подсечно-огневого земледелия в топонимике Архангельской и Вологодской областей. С. 19.
Рудных Е. И. Предложные конструкции в русской микротопонимике бассейна верхней Устьи. С. 23.
Костина Н. П. Из наблюдений над определительными конструкциями в русской топонимике (по материалам деловой письменности XVII в.) С. 28.
Падерин А. А. Некоторые результаты статистического изучения названий населенных пунктов. С. 30.
Матвеев А. К. Новые данные о камасинском языке и камасинской топонимике. С. 32.
Майданова Л. М. Из опыта работы севернорусской топонимической экспедиции. С. 38.

Семантические микросистемы в топонимии — комплекс семан­ тически связанных названий смежных объектов. Рассмотрим это определение подробнее. Семантика топонима — понятие о данном географическом объ­ екте, включащее сведения о виде объекта... more

Семантические микросистемы в топонимии — комплекс семан­ тически связанных названий смежных объектов. Рассмотрим это определение подробнее. Семантика топонима — понятие о данном географическом объ­ екте, включащее сведения о виде объекта и его местоположении. В то же время семантика — расширяющийся конус наших знаний об объекте, она неисчерпаема. Местоположение и вид объекта — вершина конуса, ближайшее значение топонима, обязательный ми­ нимум информации, необходимый для того, чтобы слово было для нас не лишенной смысла последовательностью звуков, а значимой единицей — топонимом. Апеллятив, положенный в основу назва­ ния, не всегда отражает местоположение и вид объекта, он может отражать и другие свойства объекта, знание о которых входит в объем дальнейшего (энциклопедического) значения топонима. Однако несомненно, что в случае, когда название формируется на основе изучения свойств объекта, семантика исходного апелляти­ ва входит в состав семантики топонима, причем является важней­ шим для лингвистов компонентом топонимической семантики. Не­ обходимо учитывать, что семантика исходного апеллятива и то зна­ чение апеллятива, которое закрепляется в названии, строго гово­ ря, не одно и то же. В топонимии, как и во всякой другой рече­ вой реализации языкового значения, функционирует специализи­ рованное значение исходного апеллятива: появляются новые смыс­ ловые оттенки, а какая-то часть исходной семантики может ре­ дуцироваться. Таким образом, корректнее было бы говорить об особом топонимическом значении апеллятива, однако это термино­ логически неудобно; кроме того, в ономастической литературе до­ статочно распространено определение семантики топонима как се­ мантики исходного апеллятива. Итак, под семантикой топонима мы понимаем семантику исходного апеллятива (с учетом сделанных выше оговорок). Семантическая связанность топонимов получает свое внешнее выражение в появлении номинативных комплексов, элементы ко­ торых объединены различными семантическими отношениями (ан­ тонимическими, синонимическими, эквонимическими и др.). Но, например, в отношениях антонимии (на уровне исходных апел­ лятивов) могут оказаться и названия удаленных объектов. Усло­ вие смежности объектов обеспечивает связь глубинную, сущно

A contribution to understanding the historical meaning of Bratislava urbanonyms in the context of the national socialist and communist ideologies during the period 1939-1989. Historický časopis, 2015, 63, 3, pp. 451-481, Bratislava. The... more

A contribution to understanding the historical meaning of
Bratislava urbanonyms in the context of the national socialist and communist ideologies
during the period 1939-1989. Historický časopis, 2015, 63, 3, pp. 451-481,
The article mainly deals with the urbanonymy of the capital of Slovakia – Bratislava
in the period 1939-1989. The accent is on the hierarchy of the street network,
where we can define various ideological views of the governments on social and
historical events, which influenced the political development of the territory in the
local or national contexts. The work mostly deals with the practical possibilities
of the analysis of urbanonyms and their interpretation, which may be interesting
in the field of history, ethnology, anthropology and geography. During the period
1939-1945 also known as the first Slovak Republic, a puppet state of Nazi Germany,
a lot of foreign (German and Austrian origin) place-names were introduced.
After February 1948 known in Communist historiography as the „Victorious February“,
the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia with Soviet backing, assumed
control over the government of the state. Many urbanonyms were replaced by
names of Soviet or Russian origin. The purpose of our study is a reflection of the
historical identity of the Bratislava old town. Study of urbanonymy, or renaming in
space and time led to the conclusion, that the place names reflect the shared history,
culture and political processes in the wider region of Eastern Europe.

В статье исследуется актуальная проблема упорядочения употребления прописной и строчной буквы в официальной топонимии России на материале Государственного каталога географических названий, нормативно-правовых документов и топографических... more

В статье исследуется актуальная проблема упорядочения употребления прописной и строчной буквы в официальной топонимии России на материале Государственного каталога географических названий, нормативно-правовых документов и топографических карт. Определены и описаны в ортологическом аспекте наиболее типичные случаи варьирования в написании прописной и строчной буквы в однословных и многословных топонимах. У однословных топонимов варьированию подвержены начальные буквы топонимов, представляющих собой звуковую аббревиатуру, а также начальные буквы сложносокращенных и сложных слов. В многословных топонимах варьирует написание так называемых ложных терминов, наименований хозяйственных объектов, первого компонента топонима, постпозитивных определительных компонентов, компонента имени (им.) в составе топонима, компонентов, стоящих после порядковых числительных, а также компонентов топонимов, присоединяемых дефисом. По каждому случаю варьирования представлены отраженные в официальных документах разного порядка факты нормализации аналогичных явлений, которые в разных регионах могут быть противоречащими. Для определения частотности того или иного явления приведены количественные данные, обобщенные в трех таблицах. Установлено, что основными причинами варьирования прописной и строчной буквы в топонимах являются кодификационные лакуны и недостаточность иллюстративного материала в действующих правилах орфографии. Наибольшие трудности вызывает написание многокомпонентных топонимов, образованных в результате топонимизации наименований хозяйственных объектов. В написании компонентов таких топонимов широко употребляются строчные буквы. Для решения вопроса о правилах употребления прописных и строчных букв в наименованиях географических объектов автором предлагается введение категории квазитопонимов, которые, выполняя функции топонимов, будут оформляться на письме как наименования переходного типа.

The development of toponymical cartography in Russia has a long history and rich practical experience. Cartographic methods have been used in toponymical research for many decades. Their great importance was noted by the founders of... more

The development of toponymical cartography in Russia has a long history and rich practical experience. Cartographic methods have been used in toponymical research for many decades. Their great importance was noted by the founders of fundamental place-name study. This field is actively developing despite the considerable methodological complexity and labor intensity. Modern technologies in cartography make it possible to bring the scale and intensity of toponymic research to a new level and solve problems that have long been identified in science. This further increases the relevance of toponymic mapping and the active introduction of other techniques into the practice of local and regional toponymic research.

The article is devoted to linguistic analysis of the hydronyms of Siberia and the Urals. The origin of the names of the rivers of the region is considered. The taxonomy of the hydronyms that have received a name in the Baltic language... more

The article is devoted to linguistic analysis of the hydronyms of Siberia and the Urals. The origin of the names of the rivers of the region is considered. The taxonomy of the hydronyms that have received a name in the Baltic language environment is systematized. The names of the rivers have an etymology related to such concepts as a river, channel, stream, flow. The proposed article makes it possible to clarify the archaeological and historical aspects of the life of ancient people. A scheme of migration of the first Indo-Europeans to Europe is proposed. The opinion was expressed that the Baltic-speaking tribes were the first population on the territory of Western Siberia until the appearance of Finno-Ugric and Turkic peoples there.

Se ofrece una visión de conjunto sobre la toponimia menor de Brincones, agrupada por campos temáticos. Los nombres de lugar estudiados proporcionan elementos de juicio valiosos para ampliar nuestro conocimiento sobre la etimología y la... more

Se ofrece una visión de conjunto sobre la toponimia menor de Brincones, agrupada por campos temáticos. Los nombres de lugar estudiados proporcionan elementos de juicio valiosos para ampliar nuestro conocimiento sobre la etimología y la historia del léxico, y sobre la cultura material del occidente salmantino. La comparación con otros topónimos afines en las provincias occidentales de la Meseta permite poner en contexto e interpretar la semántica del paisaje implícita en dichos nombres. ABSTRACT: A survey is carried out on the minor place-names of a village located in Salamanca's western area. The toponyms under consideration provide key indications to enlarge our knowledge of the etymology and the lexical history, as well as the material culture of the occidental border of the Meseta. A comparative procedure is adopted, whereby other similar toponyms in the region provide context and help interpreting the landscape semantics inherent to place-names.

Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti il, ilçe, kasaba, mahalle, köy ve mevki isimleri, üzerinde önemle çalışılması gerekli atanlardır. Çünkü Kıbrıs yer adları, birçok medeniyetin yaşamına yönelik ipuçları vermektedir. Osmanlı Türk idaresi de,... more

Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti il, ilçe, kasaba, mahalle, köy ve mevki isimleri, üzerinde önemle çalışılması gerekli atanlardır. Çünkü Kıbrıs yer adları, birçok medeniyetin yaşamına yönelik ipuçları vermektedir. Osmanlı Türk idaresi de, fiilen 307 yıl idaresi altında bulundurduğu bu yerlerde önemli
etkiler bırakmıştır. Türk dili ve kültürüne ait birçok unsur, Osmanlı Türk idaresi vasıtasıyla ülkede yayılmış ve bugünlere uzanmıştır. Osmanlı Türk idaresi döneminden başlayarak adaya göç eden Türkler, yeni kurdukları yerleşim birimlerine Türkçe adlar vermişlerdir. Bu Türkçe yer adları, yeni bir
kültür dairesi içerisinde yaşamaya çalışan halkın nazarında önemli bir yer tutar. Kuzey Kıbrıs ' taki il, ilçe ve köy adları, bir diğer çalışmamızda incelenerek kitaplaştırılmıştır. Ancak bu adlar dışında kalan ve tarihi nitelik kazanmış olan bölge ve mevki adları, üzerinde çokça çalışılmayan konular arasındadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Osmanlı döneminden bu yana Türkçe yapısını koruyan yer adlarını belli başlıklar altında tasnif etmek ve konunun önemine dikkati çekmektir.

The paper provides a survey of the settlement names used in the municipality of Kiili, Harju county. As a regional study it is intended to become a brick in the foundation for more general studies covering the whole language area. The... more

The paper provides a survey of the settlement names used in the municipality of Kiili, Harju county. As a regional study it is intended to become a brick in the foundation for more general studies covering the whole language area. The material for the study comes from the place name archives of the Institute of the Estonian Language. Besides the list of Kiili settlement names the study contains an analysis of the date and origin of the names, as well as their parallel names and structure. The names have been dated using some sources from 1241–1875. The analysis revealed that since the mid-19th century the proportion of anthroponymic names has considerably dropped and that of non-anthroponymic ones has increased while especially many recent farm names derive from the names of natural objects. One might assume that the steep drop in the number of anthroponymic farm names is due to liberation from serfdom; removal of peasants from estate property while keeping lands and buildings, created a need for naming the farms that earlier used to be called by the names of their owners, resp. families. Recent farm names often originated in natural names, secondary names, master’s surnames, or, more rarely, first names. Twenty per cent of farms had parallel names, whereas of the settlements only twelve per cent had parallel names. By structure the settlement names studied were classified into simple names and compound names. The simple names included abstracted names, names with a locative or collective suffix, and term names. The compound names were classified by the number of components, as well as by parts of speech. The study also deals with irregular shortening, group transition, folk etymology, adaptation, and a few dialectal features in Kiili settlement names.

This articles summarises the various types of island-names in the Northern Isles of Scotland. The vast majority of names are of Scandinavian origin, with a substantial number of Insular Scots coinages. Only a handful of island-names can... more

This articles summarises the various types of island-names in the Northern Isles of Scotland. The vast majority of names are of Scandinavian origin, with a substantial number of Insular Scots coinages. Only a handful of island-names can be judged to be of pre-Scandinavian origin.

This paper presents a spatio-temporal data mining regarding the origin of the names of the 218 longest European rivers. The study shows that 35.2% of these river names originate in the Near East and Southern Caucasus. The study also... more

This paper presents a spatio-temporal data mining regarding the origin of the names of the 218 longest European rivers. The study shows that 35.2% of these river names originate in the Near East and Southern Caucasus. The study also investigates the origin of European mountain names. It is shown that at least 26 mountain names originate from Africa.

The project of this thesis is topically and methodologically based on Hydronymia Slovaciae, a project being composed by Slovak linguists whose aim is to exhaustively map Slovak hydronymy according to individual instructions and which is a... more

The project of this thesis is topically and methodologically based on Hydronymia Slovaciae, a project being composed by Slovak linguists whose aim is to exhaustively map Slovak hydronymy according to individual instructions and which is a part of all European composition of hydronymy Hydronymia Europaea. This thesis applies individual instructions to Czech environment, particularly the Ostravice river drainage basin (Moravian-Silesian Region). Its aim is to bring a complete description of hydronymy, and therefore the names of watercourses (streams, rivers), water areas (dams, lakes, ponds, tarns), water sources and waterfalls in the Ostravice drainage basin from the synchronous and diachronous points of view. The subjects of the research are thus historical and contemporary toponyms of the river basin, which are examined from the following perspectives: lexical basis, toponymic models and also historical one. The major part of the thesis comprises two lexicons (the lexicon of the watercourses names and the lexicon of the water areas, water sources and waterfalls names), which contain the lists of historical variants of every hydronym and which describe their origin, especially of the motivation of their naming.

The current research presents an attempt to identify the influence of Slavic languages (Russian, Belarusian, Polish) on Vilnius County toponymy at the name formation level. The following toponym formation features were identified: Slavic... more

The current research presents an attempt to identify the influence of Slavic languages
(Russian, Belarusian, Polish) on Vilnius County toponymy at the name formation level.
The following toponym formation features were identified: Slavic suffixes derivatives
from Lithuanian origin proper names and appellatives; Lithuanian suffixes and inflections
derivatives from Slavic proper names and appellatives; Toponyms of Slavic origin, i.e., Slavic
affixes derived toponyms from Slavic proper names and appellatives. Language contacts are
also reflected in Slavic toponyms transliterated into the Lithuanian language, i.e., toponyms
that originated from Slavic appellatives or onyms through onimization or transonymisation.
In a number of cases, it is difficult to identify whether a toponym is of Slavic or Lithuanian
origin. Also, the distribution of these derivatives by toponym classes and Vilnius County
districts is presented.

A Libras é um sistema linguístico reconhecido e os estudos sobre sua estrutura vêm tomando grande proporção nas pesquisas brasileiras. Temos observado que teorias desenvolvidas para as línguas orais têm sido aplicadas às línguas de... more

A Libras é um sistema linguístico reconhecido e os estudos sobre sua estrutura vêm tomando grande proporção nas pesquisas brasileiras. Temos observado que teorias desenvolvidas para as línguas orais têm sido aplicadas às línguas de sinais, possibilitando os estudos que, até pouco tempo ainda não haviam ganhado abordagem científica e acadêmica. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa desenvolvida diz respeito à apreensão, registro e análise de alguns topônimos do estado de Goiás. A Toponímia é o campo da Linguística responsável por estudos referentes aos nomes de lugares como municípios, cidades, vilas, estados etc. Sendo a Libras um sistema linguístico disponível à comunidade surda brasileira, cabe indagar a respeito do modo como ocorre a nomeação dos espaços geográficos. Melo (2017) assevera que os nomes de lugares remetem à motivação do ser humano, logo, é a partir do estudo do signo toponímico que podemos compreender o reflexo cultural presente na ação de nomear os espaços geográficos. O foco deste estudo centra-se na relação intrínseca entre língua, léxico e cultura por meio da análise dos sinais toponímicos de Caldas Novas, Catalão, Morrinhos, Goiânia e Três Ranchos, de acordo com as taxionomias toponímicas de Dick (1990), que instrui sobre a origem motivacional de um léxico toponímico.

RESUMEN La nueva edición y estudio del Tratado de Cabreros (Valladolid, España) de 1206, realiza-da por R. Wright, requería que su complicadísima toponimia fuera identificada y localiza-da en la medida de lo posible. Este es el objetivo... more

RESUMEN La nueva edición y estudio del Tratado de Cabreros (Valladolid, España) de 1206, realiza-da por R. Wright, requería que su complicadísima toponimia fuera identificada y localiza-da en la medida de lo posible. Este es el objetivo de este artículo que utiliza los documen-tos y crónicas medievales latinas en aplicación del método elaborado y empleado por R. Martínez Ortega en numerosos artículos. PALABRAS CLAVE: Tratado de Cabreros. Toponimia latina medieval. Alfonso VIII. Alfonso IX. Castilla y León. ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to place and identify in so far as it is possible the highly complex toponymy found in R. Wright's new edition and study of the Treaty of Cabreros, signed in Valladolid (Spain) in the year 1206. The use of medieval Latin documents and chronicles is in line with the approach followed by R. Martínez Ortega in his other numerous articles. KEY WORDS: Treaty of Cabreros. Medieval Latin Toponymy. Alfonso VIII. Alfonso IX. Castilla and León. Nullum est sine nomine saxum LVCAN. 9, 973 1. INTRODUCCIÓN Acaba de salir a la luz el breve trabajo de Roger Wright, que lleva por título El Tratado de Cabreros (1206): Estudio sociofilológico de una reforma ortográfica 1. Este estudio monográfico presenta ante todo una edición fidedigna de los dos manuscri-tos que sobreviven del Tratado de Cabreros de 1206, acordado en la población valli-EL TRATADO DE CABREROS DEL MONTE (VALLADOLID) ...

Only download paper you can translate! When examining the local names of settlements was found a Celtic origin of the name of one of the villages - Košťany. The village has retained its Celtic name until such time when the name was in the... more

Only download paper you can translate! When examining the local names of settlements was found a Celtic origin of the name of one of the villages - Košťany. The village has retained its Celtic name until such time when the name was in the 18th century Czechicized. The original name of the village is characterized by the activity of their inhabitants - tin mining. First name was Costen - phonetic wording Costean?
Při zkoumání pomístních názvů osad byl zjištěn keltský původ názvu jedné z obcí - Košťan. Obec si zachovala své keltské jméno až do doby, kdy byl název v 18. století počeštěn. Původní název obce charakterizuje činnost jejich obyvatel - těžbu cínu. Původní název byl Costen fonetické znění názvu Costean?
KW: PREHISTORIC TIN , TIN MINING , ERZGEBIRGE , WASHING , TIN DEPOSIT , CELTS , KRUŠNÉ HORY , PRAMENÁČ , KOŠŤANY , latén, keltové,kosten, costean, pravěký cín, cornish, toponymy

RESUMEN Este artículo pretende verter más luz acerca de la disputa del supuesto origen arahuaco del topónimo Báguanos. Se establecen los fundamentos críticos necesarios para poner coto al controversial debate referido a la eliminación de... more

RESUMEN Este artículo pretende verter más luz acerca de la disputa del supuesto origen arahuaco del topónimo Báguanos. Se establecen los fundamentos críticos necesarios para poner coto al controversial debate referido a la eliminación de las final, basado en el supuesto pro-indígena. Se concluye que no existe un criterio de rigor que certifique su procedencia aborigen, a pesar de las numerosas evidencias lingüísticas sugeridas. Tampoco se justifica la mutilación del nombre geográfico de uso actual, cuya génesis está en el batey azucarero homónimo y no en el indígena de la tradición popular, como se ha sostenido por largo tiempo. ABSTRACT This. article aims to shed more light on the dispute of the contestad Arawak origin of the Báguanos toponym. The required critical base is established in arder to pul a limit on the controversial debate referred to the elimination o! its final s, based solely in the pro-indigenous assumption. lt is finally assumed that there is no rigor criterion able to certify its aboriginal background, in spite of the plethora of suggested linguistic evidences. The defacement of a current geographical term, named after the homonym sugar town and not after the nativa from the region's folklore, as rumored for a long time, is neither justified.