Medeival history. Research Papers - (original) (raw)

In the autumn of 1888, Countess P.S. Uvarova, who headed the Imperial Moscow Archeological Society arrived in Grozny, because she heard about the discovery of precious objects in the mounds of Chechnya that encouraged local people to... more

In the autumn of 1888, Countess P.S. Uvarova, who headed the Imperial Moscow Archeological Society arrived in Grozny, because she heard about the discovery of precious objects in the mounds of Chechnya that encouraged local people to search for precious objects. Among the objects was an iron pommel of the strike weapon found near Atag. However, in the report “The Burial Grounds and Barrows of the Caucasus” delivered by P.S. Uvarova in 1888, this object was not mentioned. The the iron pernach was mentioned among the objects found in the mound "similar to five mounds" dug on the left bank of the Sunzhi River near Grozny. For a long time, this discovery did not attract attention. In 1966, A.N. Kirpichnikov did not mention it as an analogy of ancient Russian strike weapons. The pommer was not mentioned in the reports about the medieval weapons of the North Caucasus (including Chechnya and Ingushetia) which encouraged us to describe the weapon and the history of its discovery. It was established that in contrast to the vast majority of previously published strike weapons, the weapon belongs to a group of spiny maces of the
second half of the XI- the first half of the XIII centuries, i.e. of the Pre-Mongolian era.

Though my Spanish is non-existent and I've had to rely on translations, the methodological focus of the piece I've tried to stress lessened the burden of utilising vernacular texts but appreciating more the thematical and historical... more

Though my Spanish is non-existent and I've had to rely on translations, the methodological focus of the piece I've tried to stress lessened the burden of utilising vernacular texts but appreciating more the thematical and historical treatment of the Poem of the Cid in a Crusade study context

Mughal chancellery issued many documents for smooth conduct of administration. Farman is one of the most significant among these in terms of its diplomatic, legislative and public content. There appears considerable consonance in the... more

Mughal chancellery issued many documents for smooth conduct of administration. Farman is one of the most significant among these in terms of its diplomatic, legislative and public content. There appears considerable consonance in the farmans of Ottoman, Chagatai and Mughal chancelleries. The Mughal farmans were meticulously formulated to incorporate invocation in sarnama, ornamental signature in tughra, genealogy and sanction in seal. Members of royalty being emperor, princes and nobles were substantially exalted in the text. The farmans assume different character in each of its varied type. There seem two broad genres of farman-i-sultani and ahkam-i-diwani, which fissure into separate entity of fatehnama, ahadnama, qaulnama, manshur, shuqqa, kalima and ahkam.

La seconda metà del Duecento segnò in Italia e in Europa l’avvio di un processo di profonda revisione dell’identità nobiliare. Ad affermarsi, non senza resistenze, fu un’idea di nobiltà fondata anzitutto su di un riconoscimento politico,... more

La seconda metà del Duecento segnò in Italia e in Europa l’avvio di un processo di profonda revisione dell’identità nobiliare. Ad affermarsi, non senza resistenze, fu un’idea di nobiltà fondata anzitutto su di un riconoscimento politico, quella che Bartolo di Sassoferrato in un suo celebre trattato avrebbe definito «nobilitas illata per principatum tenen-tem».
In molte città italiane a questo cruciale passaggio avrebbe corrisposto nel lungo periodo una definizione del privilegio di stampo patrizio, de-rivata dalla partecipazione al governo del comune. Non però a Milano, città che pure nel 1377 ebbe una sua “matricola dei nobili”, tradizio-nalmente salutata dalla storiografia come pietra di fondazione del pa-triziato locale.Piuttosto che delimitare i confini di un ceto di governo relativamente omogeneo, la matricola milanese tracciava infatti il profi-lo di una nobiltà larghissima e tutta naturale, definita dall’appartenenza a determinate parentele, senza alcun riguardo per ruoli politici, ricchez-ze, e perfino per la stessa inclusione nei ranghi della cittadinanza. Una “strana” nobiltà, dunque, che questo libro intende illustrare, mostrando per prima cosa come essa potesse costituire un linguaggio di comuni-cazione intercetuale, un ponte tra uomini situati agli antipodi o quasi del mondo sociale.

With a special focus on the accounts and depictions of the Raven Banner, an iconic symbol of Norse expansion towards the west in the 9th to 11th centuries, I will here attempt to reconcile sources from Iceland, Norway, England and... more

With a special focus on the accounts and depictions of the Raven Banner, an iconic symbol of Norse expansion towards the west in the 9th to 11th centuries, I will here attempt to reconcile sources from Iceland, Norway, England and Ireland, in order to trace a connection between the kings and earls of what is now Norway and the bearers of the Raven Banner in Medieval Ireland and Anglo-Saxon England. For this purpose, I will first follow their lineages back to Ragnvald 'Heidumhaere' and Ragnar 'Lodbrok'. I will then attempt to tie up these two strings by discussing how these two forefathers may have been related. This overview will also form the basis for a discussion of whether the Raven Banner could be seen as a family banner.

This article examines the succession of Maria Theresia as ‘king’ of Hungary in 1741, by questioning the notion of the ‘king’s two bodies’, an interpretation that has dominated the scholarship. It argues that Maria Theresia’s coming to the... more

This article examines the succession of Maria Theresia as ‘king’ of Hungary in 1741, by questioning the notion of the ‘king’s two bodies’, an interpretation that has dominated the scholarship. It argues that Maria Theresia’s coming to the throne challenged both conceptions of gender and the understanding of kingship in eighteenth-century Hungary. The female body of the new ruler caused anxieties which were mitigated by the revival of the medieval rex femineus tradition as well as ancient legal procedures aiming to stress the integrity of royal power when it was granted to a woman.

What since Roman conquest to the Tenth century was a political, social and cultural entity (Gallaecia) became around 1100 two different ones Galicia and Portugal. This paper tries to bring new light to this historical proccess from a... more

What since Roman conquest to the Tenth century was a political, social and cultural entity (Gallaecia) became around 1100 two different ones Galicia and Portugal. This paper tries to bring new light to this historical proccess from a critical whole study of the sources.

This article charts the six children of Thomas Fitz Anthony and how their history created the medieval landscape of County Waterford. It is part of the Dromana 800 celebrations where Dromana House in County Waterford is still occupied by... more

This article charts the six children of Thomas Fitz Anthony and how their history created the medieval landscape of County Waterford. It is part of the Dromana 800 celebrations where Dromana House in County Waterford is still occupied by descendants of one of the children of Thomas Fitz Anthony.

The council of Cordoba, like all other late Middle Ages Castilian councils, had to face many ordinary as well as extra ordinary expenses at the end of middle Ages. In this project, it is offered an analysis of the different payments that... more

The council of Cordoba, like all other late Middle Ages Castilian councils, had to face many ordinary as well as extra ordinary expenses at the end of middle Ages. In this project, it is offered an analysis of the different payments that the tax office of the council of Cordoba should face during the second half of the 15 th century. Among them, there can be considered the following: wages of the different council officers, the internal coasts of the functioning of the own city bureaucracy, the annual parties, the maintenance of the public works emphasizing in the defensive network, the situations of military urgencies, or simply, debts and loans. The aims of this study is to approximate to the knowledge of the situation the Cordoba tax office at the late middle ages.

Ce texte vise à fournir un aperçu rapide des institutions et des associations qui encouragent en France la recherche en histoire médiévale et un guide sur les possibilités offertes par le monde français de la recherche scientifique et... more

Ce texte vise à fournir un aperçu rapide des institutions et des associations qui encouragent en France la recherche en histoire médiévale et un guide sur les possibilités offertes par le monde français de la recherche scientifique et universitaire.

This book is a collection of 557 documents dating from the 9th-11th century and regarding the administration of justice and conflict resolution in Catalonia, resulting from extensive research, and subsequent selection, in a large number... more

This book is a collection of 557 documents dating from the 9th-11th century and regarding the administration of justice and conflict resolution in Catalonia, resulting from extensive research, and subsequent selection, in a large number of diplomatic texts and published cartularies, in documentary appendices of books and articles and in archive collections.

U radu1 se rekonstruira posjed obitelji Volcassio u Dubrovniku tije kom 13. i početkom 14. stoljeća. Vukas Ivanić i njegovi sinovi Pasko i Damjan transakcijama nekretnina tijekom druge polovice 13. stoljeća postaju jedni od većih... more

U radu1 se rekonstruira posjed obitelji Volcassio u Dubrovniku tije
kom 13. i početkom 14. stoljeća. Vukas Ivanić i njegovi sinovi Pasko i Damjan transakcijama nekretnina tijekom druge polovice 13. stoljeća postaju jedni od većih posjednika u predgrađu južno od Place (kasnije središnjem dijelu grada). Promjene u poziciji, veličini i organizaciji njihovih posjeda sukladne su pro mjena
ma koje se događaju u urbanom, pravnom, društvenom i gospodarskom životu Grada.

TWO CHRYSOBULL OF KING STEFAN DUŠAN CONFIRMING THE DONATIONS OF HRELJA TO THE MONASTERY OF HILANDAR IN ŠTIP AND STRUMICA 1332, May 6th; 1336, May 6 th The article discusses two versions of the charter of King Stefan Dušan issued to... more

1332, May 6th; 1336, May 6 th
The article discusses two versions of the charter of King Stefan Dušan issued to confirm donations of protosevast Hrelja to Hilandar. King Dušan graced Hrelja by allowing him to become the member of the monastic community of Hilandar and to
donate to the monastery his possessions: the church of Archangel Michael in Štip, 50 pariks and the market in the suburb of Štip, villages in Lukavica and Strumica, as well as the mountains of Ogražden and Draguljevo.
The documents now published are made for the purposes of litigation between Hilandar and its neighbors during the eighth decade of the 14th century. The goal was to secure Hilandar’s possession over the disputed estates in the Strumica field
and Belasica. This was accomplished by interpolating text relating to the lands of Laskar Kotenic, Laskar Siderofan and Tutko Asan, as well as the border of the Belasica Mountain. Relaying on medieval documents, we can conclude that there
were two other charters, now lost, relating to Hrelja’s estates in Štip and Strumica. The first charter established the metoh of the Church of Archangel Michael during the fourth decade of XIV century. King Stefan Dušan issued a new charter in 1343,
most likely confirming donations made by the charter of Andronicus III. The documents Hil. 15 and Hil. 16 are based on the second-mentioned.

This is the third chapter of my US published book 'The Sword and the Green Cross', which is available as an ebook, hardback and soft cover.

Erwiderung auf die Rezension von Piotr Gotowko über das Buch: Christofer Herrmann. Der Hochmeisterpalast auf der Marienburg. Konzeption, Bau und Nutzung der modernsten europäischen Fürstenresidenz um 1400. Petersberg: Michael Imhof... more

Erwiderung auf die Rezension von Piotr Gotowko über das Buch: Christofer Herrmann. Der Hochmeisterpalast auf der Marienburg. Konzeption, Bau und Nutzung der modernsten europäischen Fürstenresidenz um 1400. Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2019, veröffentlicht in Ordines Militares Colloquia Torunensia Historica 25 (2020): 435–442.

A szíriai Margat (Qal’at al-Marqab) várában már több kutató is felfigyelt az erődítés területén szétszórva heverő vagy halmokban álló kőgolyókra és ezek töredékeire, valamint a falakon a régi ostromok emlékét őrző becsapódásnyomokra.... more

A szíriai Margat (Qal’at al-Marqab) várában már több kutató is felfigyelt az erődítés területén szétszórva heverő vagy halmokban álló kőgolyókra és ezek töredékeire, valamint a falakon a régi ostromok emlékét őrző becsapódásnyomokra. Mindazonáltal az említett régészeti leletanyag mindeddig nem került felgyűjtésre és katalogizálásra, valamint a jelenségek (becsapódásnyomok) szakszerű felmérése szintén nem valósult meg. Ezen hiánypótlásra vállalkozva a Szíriai-Magyar Régészeti Misszió (SHAM) 2016–2019 közötti terepi munkaszezonjainak keretein belül Dr. Major Balázs, a misszió magyar vezetőjének segítségével sikerült egy eddig még előzetesnek nevezhető kutatást végezni.

This article is the updated version of one part of my complete article "Voynich Manuscript or Book of Dunstan coding and decoding methods" which has been published in 2016 here The... more

This article is the updated version of one part of my complete article "Voynich Manuscript or Book of Dunstan coding and decoding methods" which has been published in 2016 here The high resolution images available on VMS web-site gave us the possibility to investigate very tiny details on the VMS images and also use some finding for precise manuscript dating.. One of the most interesting findings you can find below. 3 QUEENS / 3 КОРОЛЕВЫ In the astrological part (Moon calendar) we can see the 12 circle diagrams consisting of zodiac symbols and we can find 3 specific diagrams with "nymphs" which has the crowns on their heads.

A world-renowned scholar of plainchant, Kenneth Levy has spent a portion of his career investigating the nature and ramifications of this repertory's shift from an oral tradition to the written versions dating to the tenth century. In... more

A world-renowned scholar of plainchant, Kenneth Levy has spent a portion of his career investigating the nature and ramifications of this repertory's shift from an oral tradition to the written versions dating to the tenth century. In Gregorian Chant and the Carolingians, which represents ...

The article dedicated for page 49r of Book of Dunstan (Voynich Manuscript) symbols identification and plant identification. This is Open Project - anyone who are interesting in manuscript receach are wellcome. Эта статья посвящена работе... more

The article dedicated for page 49r of Book of Dunstan (Voynich Manuscript) symbols identification and plant identification. This is Open Project - anyone who are interesting in manuscript receach are wellcome.
Эта статья посвящена работе со страницей 49r Книги Дунстана (Манускрипта Войнича) - идетификации ряда символов и идентификации растения. Это открытый проект - любой исследователь манускрипта приглашается к участию.

This book is a collection of 557 documents dating from the 9th-11th century and regarding the administration of justice and conflict resolution in Catalonia, resulting from extensive research, and subsequent selection, in a large number... more

This book is a collection of 557 documents dating from the 9th-11th century and regarding the administration of justice and conflict resolution in Catalonia, resulting from extensive research, and subsequent selection, in a large number of diplomatic texts and published cartularies, in documentary appendices of books and articles and in archive collections.

This chapter is about the Lauds In choro sanctorum, notated in two liturgical manuscripts from female communities in Ottonian Essen and Quedlinburg, and both an outstanding witness to the production of new chants for the just established... more

This chapter is about the Lauds In choro sanctorum, notated in two liturgical manuscripts from female communities in Ottonian Essen and Quedlinburg, and both an outstanding witness to the production of new chants for the just established feast of Cologne's virgins. It is about the crossing of textual analysis and the examination of historical, archaeological or cult elements, including relics and their veneration. Aiming to a deeper understanding of these sanctimoniales and their historical environment, we imagine how the space might have been used during the offices. Both Ottonian manuscripts contain texts, only one of them a melody, and they provide dating and liturgical indications, contributing to the recreation of the office cycle In choro sanctorum. Despite a relative richness of information in various sources, we are still confronted with gaps, i.e. periods of lack of documentation. After a short introduction into the history of Essen's and Quedlinburg's convents, the specific features of sanctimoniales, the cult of Cologne's virgins and the presence of relics, we will turn to the chant cycle and finish this chapter imagining the spatial disposition during the celebration.

MEMORY IN MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE/Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Short list of contents of article: 1. Definition – 2. State of research – 3. Pre-Modern Nordic Material – 4. Perspectives for future research – 5. Bibliography Architecture has been... more

Short list of contents of article: 1. Definition – 2. State of research – 3. Pre-Modern Nordic Material – 4. Perspectives for future research – 5. Bibliography
Architecture has been the ultimate memory topos, as well as the most common and basic structure of memory techniques from Antiquity to our own times – and the same holds true for the Middle Ages. In her now classic study of the art of memory, Frances Yates pointed out that the classical mnemonic instructions are more reminiscent of “figures in some Gothic cathedral than of classical art proper.” In what she terms the “ages of Memory,” artificial memory was as important as natural memory, and “[s]o might the vast inner memory cathedrals of the Middle Ages have been built.” (Yates 1994 [1966], 32, 95, 109)
When studying medieval Nordic architecture from a mnemological perspective, several approaches may be taken. This includes both architecture as a sort of mnemotechnical device, very broadly understood, as well as a container of specific memory, and as memorial, significant to the collective memory and identity. These types of memory were of course interlaced and not distinct from each other. The inner memory architecture of an individual would have resonated with the built architecture of the community as an external locus of materialised memory.