Ministers Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Han Fei’s doctrine of absolute monarchy is one of the most sophisticated political ideologies ever devised in any ancient society, and it proved critical to the foundation of the first imperial dynasty. One must nonetheless acknowledge... more

Han Fei’s doctrine of absolute monarchy is one of the most sophisticated political ideologies ever devised in any ancient society, and it proved critical to the foundation of the first imperial dynasty. One must nonetheless acknowledge that it remains problematic. What are the reasons for the shifting and contradictory attitudes in the Han Feizi concerning the nature of sovereignty, the distribution of political roles, and the vexed question of the delegation of authority? Cornered by the ever-clashing perspectives of history and doctrine, which imply the simultaneous mistrust of both rulers and ministers, the Han Feizi’s authors were forced into conceiving a sublime rulership figure that was tantamount to a metaphysical dummy. This empty silhouette was the result of the contradictory attempts to destroy all possible factors weakening monarchical authority but yet, at the same time, to nullify all potential damage that the monarch could inflict on the state and on himself. The fascinating figure of a spirit-like Prince fusing with the Principle (Dao) imposed a long-lasting ideological paradigm of rulership on China, one that may account for many of the weaknesses of and tensions in its political culture.

This article is made up of two main parts. The first part points out two different definitions of cabinet – that is, functional and legal definitions. It also highlights the strong points and the shortcomings of both, proposing at the... more

This article is made up of two main parts. The first part points out two different definitions of cabinet – that is, functional and legal definitions. It also highlights the strong points and the shortcomings of both, proposing at the same time a new definition more suitable for a comparative analysis. In doing this, it puts forward some useful criteria with a view to establishing what a minister actually is, what a cabinet is and how it is made up. The second part provides an overview of the structures of governments in 38 countries, from core to junior ministers, on this basis.

Il percorso di analisi che ha condotto alla stesura del presente lavoro si muove a partire da una chiave biblica di orientamento e ha come obiettivo l’individuazione di alcuni tratti della sinodalità di una comunità parrocchiale nella... more

Il percorso di analisi che ha condotto alla stesura del presente lavoro si muove a partire da una chiave biblica di orientamento e ha come obiettivo l’individuazione di alcuni tratti della sinodalità di una comunità parrocchiale nella individuazione di nuove ministerialità attraverso un’analisi qualitativa dell’esperienza e delle prassi di diverse parrocchie distribuite in varie regioni del nostro paese.

This paper makes use of the concepts from contemporary management principles and practices to examine the system and structure of governance in India. It attempts to interface them with the existing performance management system that is... more

This paper makes use of the concepts from contemporary management principles and practices to examine the system and structure of governance in India. It attempts to interface them with the existing performance management system that is currently in place for the government ministries/departments.

The role of higher education systems in the formation and reproduction of governing elites, and their countervailing potential for the creation of a more egalitarian, or meritocratic, society, has been an enduring subject of concern,... more

The role of higher education systems in the formation and reproduction of governing elites, and their countervailing potential for the creation of a more egalitarian, or meritocratic, society, has been an enduring subject of concern, debate and research. Many of these debates are made all the more difficult by our inability to directly compare elite formation systems within and between countries and over time. To resolve these problems, this paper employs elite formation quantitative indices to directly and transparently compare elite formation systems, namely the role of higher education systems in political elite formation over three quarters of a century in two countries. Specifically, the paper compares the influence, exclusiveness and eliteness of the Irish and British higher education systems in the production of their respective governing political elites in the 75 years between 1937 and 2012.

Christianity and ministry hitches on one key word Relationship. This has to do with Relationship with God, Relationship within the body of Christ and Relationship with the world. This lesson will set out to call our attention to this... more

Christianity and ministry hitches on one key word Relationship. This has to do with Relationship with God, Relationship within the body of Christ and Relationship with the world. This lesson will set out to call our attention to this forgotten piece within the ministers of the Cameroon Baptist Convention and beyond. We all need to develop and upgrade our skills in interpersonal relationship if we are to be effective in ministry. The goal of this lesson is to challenge the ministers to value interpersonal relationships within the ministerial core for effective ministry and beyond. God did not call us to compete but to complement. It is very important that we harness the various skills, abilities and giftings in ministry and not see ourselves as threads to each other. One of the keys to effective ministry and discipleship is to be able to relate effectively with others, if, we are to be effective in ministry especially in winning and being effective disciples to train laborers for Christ.

This thesis describes the office of Australian treasurer (the equivalent of finance minister in most European countries) and how it has evolved over time, distinguishing between those occupants who only sought to manage the economy and... more

This thesis describes the office of Australian treasurer (the equivalent of finance minister in most European countries) and how it has evolved over time, distinguishing between those occupants who only sought to manage the economy and finances and those who sought fundamental reforms.

„Lietuvos Respublikos 1918–1940 m. vyriausybių ministrų biografinis žodynas“ yra rengiamos serijos „Lietuvos vyriausybių ministrų biografinis žodynas“ antrasis tomas. Planuojama parengti dar tris šios serijos knygas: „Lietuvos Didžiosios... more

„Lietuvos Respublikos 1918–1940 m. vyriausybių ministrų biografinis žodynas“ yra rengiamos serijos „Lietuvos vyriausybių ministrų biografinis žodynas“ antrasis tomas. Planuojama parengti dar tris šios serijos knygas: „Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės centrinės vykdomosios valdžios pareigūnų biografinis žodynas“ (t. 1), „Okupuotos Lietuvos 1940–1990 m. vyriausybių ministrų biografinis žodynas“ (t. 3) ir „Lietuvos Respublikos 1990–2018 m. vyriausybių ministrų biografinis žodynas“ (t. 4).
Šiame žodyne pateikiamos Lietuvos Respublikoje 1918–1940 metais dirbusio dvidešimt vieno Ministrų kabineto narių biografijos. Tuo laikotarpiu šias pareigas ėjo šimtas ministrų. Biografijos parengtos pagal standartinę anketą. Tai padėjo ne tik susidaryti išsamų vaizdą apie visų ministrų veiklą, bet ir nustatyti kiekvieno indėlį į to laikotarpio Lietuvos politinį gyvenimą.
Pasitinkant Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo šimtmetį tai graži dovana visuomenei. Galimybė pažvelgti į visų Pirmosios Lietuvos Respublikos ministrų gyvenimą ir veiklą leis susidaryti išsamesnį vaizdą apie 1918–1940 metų Lietuvą ir jos valdantįjį elitą.

Whom to appoint, in which ministry and when to replace cabinet ministers in coalitional presidentialism? This study was built upon the arguments of rational choice and agency theory to analyse the strategies adopted by Brazilian... more

Whom to appoint, in which ministry and when to replace cabinet ministers in coalitional presidentialism? This study was built upon the arguments of rational choice and agency theory to analyse the strategies adopted by Brazilian presidents for the selection and deselection
of cabinet ministers during the Brazilian New Republic. Based on a previous proposal, the Ministerial Politicization Index (MPI) was developed to systematically measure ministerial appointments, including features such as degrees of party-political insertion and technical expertise. The typical recruitment was made of white males,
from Sao Paulo, graduated from law or economic schools, who had held elective position, were scholars, self-employed professionals or civil servants, and with mixed profiles as to their politicization. The division of government into four clusters using objective criteria of political attractiveness was used to understand the presidential portfolio allocation strategies. The results from multinomial logistic regression indicate that ministries that comprise the core of government, in comparison to other areas, were mostly assigned to affiliates of the president's party. Ministerial appointments in this area tended to be less politicized. The most politically prestigious agencies inside Presidency were allocated to the chief Executive's most trusted aides. Finally, the
determinants of early exit from a ministerial position were tested through survival analysis. We find that the more politicized an appointee, the less time one spent in their position. Presidents were responsive to accusations and controversies involving their ministers. This effect, however, was dependent on ideological position. When a minister
was the subject of media scandals, the further ideologically they were from the president, the greater their likelihood of leaving the postition. Presidents also tended to replace ministers in response to broader signs of unsatisfactory performance, such as falling popularity and worsening economic indicators. Two main conclusions can be highlighted: 1) Brazilian presidents have high discretion in the selection and
replacement of ministers; and 2) this discretion was used to try to print a proper agenda of government.

Dans cette étude prosopographique, je me propose de présenter un certain nombre de personnalités françaises ayant contribué au débat sur la motorisation et la mécanisation des armées. Leur action a connu parfois un rayonnement à l'échelle... more

Dans cette étude prosopographique, je me propose de présenter un certain nombre de personnalités françaises ayant contribué au débat sur la motorisation et la mécanisation des armées. Leur action a connu parfois un rayonnement à l'échelle européenne. Dans le sillage des pionniers de la Grande Guerre, une pléiade d'officiers s'efforce de penser l'adaptation de l'outil militaire - personnels et armements - issu de la période de conflagration, dont aucune institution ne sort inchangée. En exploitant les dossiers individuels des officiers conservés au SHD Vincennes, je m'efforcerai de mettre en parallèle articles publiés dans des revues et appréciations de la hiérarchie, croisant littérature ouverte et archives. Dans les parcours de chacun de ces hommes, il sera peut-être possible d'estimer le moment d'entrée en contact avec cet engin alors contesté qu'est le char de combat. L'état-major prend le parti de le considérer comme une arme supplémentaire, subordonnée à l'infanterie, compatible avec les habitudes tactiques éprouvées. L'héritage du vainqueur de Verdun, incarné par le maréchal Pétain, a dans une certaine mesure tendance à freiner les innovations, du fait du vieillissement de cadres inamovibles, et du corsettement réglementaire auquel doit se plier tout officier qui souhaite publier sur les événements de la guerre mondiale. Cependant, des généraux relativement âgés mais clairvoyants, comme Buat et Maitrot, pressentent les nouvelles formes de combat induites par l'utilisation de machines sur le champ de bataille, alors que d'autres plus jeunes demeurent hermétiques aux courants novateurs, souvent associés à l'excentricité insulaire des Britanniques. J'essaierai de restituer la dynamique d'émergence et de diffusion des idées à travers les strates générationnelles. Peu de partisans de la modernisation prennent place parmi les rédacteurs des deux grands textes doctrinaux qui balisent la période étudiée, l'Instruction provisoire sur l'emploi tactique des grandes unités de 1921 et l'Instruction sur l'emploi tactique des grandes unités de 1936. Si comme l'assure la Revue Militaire française dans l'immédiat après-guerre, les militaires français sont les plus qualifiés pour assumer la direction intellectuelle des diverses armées du monde, cette volonté se heurte à la réalité du terrain, européen ou colonial (la conflit du Rif, où les Français se trouvent malmenés par des adversaires d'un niveau de développement très inférieur en ce qui concerne l'art de la guerre), et surtout au manque de renouvellement conceptuel et matériel. Cette étude sera l'occasion d'évoquer les servitudes et grandeurs du métier d'officier à une époque dominée par la rigueur budgétaire et une dévalorisation de l'armée. Ce sera l'occasion de mettre en valeur une galaxie de noms un peu oubliés du grand public qui ne retient que la figure de De Gaulle comme promoteur du char, allant à l'encontre d'une hiérarchie réputée sclérosée. Il s'agit de restituer la situation de l'époque dans toute sa complexité institutionnelle, technique et naturellement humaine.

This paper analyzes the influence of multilevel politics in women’s recruitment and circulation in parliamentary cabinets. This will be addressed by analysing over time and in a comparative perspective (amongst several regions from the... more

This paper analyzes the influence of multilevel politics in women’s recruitment and circulation in parliamentary cabinets. This will be addressed by analysing over time and in a comparative perspective (amongst several regions from the same country) whether multilevel careers affects the women’s cabinet recruitment and durability at any of both levels. The results confirm that regional cabinets expand the opportunities for women to increase their presence in the executives as well as their chances to survive in the portfolio. However, this potential will depend on contextual factors dealing with the political life of each region, leading to a huge fluctuation amongst different regional units from the same country. Indeed, state architecture is relevant to explain gender representation in combination with more dynamic elements. Our paper employs individual and aggregate data from 1980 to 2013 from all national and regional cabinet appointments in Spain (one national cabinet plus 17 regional cabinets), using statistical tools such linear regression and event history analysis.

(co-authored with Ferdinand Müller-Rommel and Jan Berz) This book examines the changes in the career experiences and profiles of 350 European prime ministers in 26 European democracies from 1945 to 2020. It builds on a theoretical... more

(co-authored with Ferdinand Müller-Rommel and Jan Berz) This book examines the changes in the career experiences and profiles of 350 European prime ministers in 26 European democracies from 1945 to 2020. It builds on a theoretical framework, which claims that the decline of party government along with the increase of populism, technocracy, and the presidentialization of politics have influenced the careers of prime ministers over the past 70 years. The findings show that prime ministers’ career experiences became less political and more technical. Moreover, their career profiles shifted from a traditional type of ‘party-agent’ to a new type of ‘party-principal’. These changes affected the recruitment of executive elites and their political representation in European democracies, albeit with different intensity and speed.

Esta artículo plantea que en sistemas políticos descentralizados los ministros pueden utilizar las instituciones subnacionales para acumular experiencia política y acceder al gobierno. El resultado es la emergencia de ministros con... more

Esta artículo plantea que en sistemas políticos descentralizados los ministros pueden utilizar las instituciones subnacionales para acumular experiencia política y acceder al gobierno. El resultado es la emergencia de ministros con carreras multinivel, lo que repercute negativamente en el número de ministros que provienen del Parlamento. Se analiza el caso español, caracterizado por un inusual bajo número de parlamentarios. Anteriores trabajos habían propuesto diversas explicaciones para explicar este fenómeno en ejecutivos parlamentarios: tradiciones de gobiernos burocráticos, partidos con sistemas abiertos de selección de candidatos y tendencia “presidencialista” a escoger ministros outsiders e independientes. Se han utilizado los datos de los ministros españoles (1977-2010) para poner en cuestión la utilidad de estas explicaciones en el caso español, y verificar el incremento de ministros que transitan arenas subnacionales.

RESUMO Introdução Analisa-se a composição ministerial da Nova República a partir de cinco fatores: sexo, etnia, idade, procedência regional e escolaridade. Métodos A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de trabalho empírico e qualitativo sobre... more

RESUMO Introdução Analisa-se a composição ministerial da Nova República a partir de cinco fatores: sexo, etnia, idade, procedência regional e escolaridade. Métodos A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de trabalho empírico e qualitativo sobre o perfil dos ministros da Nova República. Utilizou-se entrevistas, questionários e informações online de vários sites oficiais. Resultados Mostra-se a tímida democratização do ministério no que toca ao gênero e etnia, a idade média avançada dos ministros ao longo de todo o período, o recrutamento prioritário nas regiões mais ricas e mais populosas, mas contemplando todas as regiões do país. Por fim, destaca-se a surpreendente escolarização desse grupo. De outra parte, verifica-se que, na área econômica, a qualificação acadêmica profissional dos ministros é superior à dos demais e que esse aspecto tem sido constante em todos os governos. Discussão Sem levar em conta as alianças político-partidárias, inerentes ao presidencialismo de coalizão, mostra-...

(co-authored with Ferdinand Müller-Rommel and Corinna Kroeber) The concept of career, while ubiquitous in elite research, has hardly received any comprehensive analytical treatment in the study of political executives. This chapter will... more

(co-authored with Ferdinand Müller-Rommel and Corinna Kroeber) The concept of career, while ubiquitous in elite research, has hardly received any comprehensive analytical treatment in the study of political executives. This chapter will summarize and develop the basic theoretical and methodological approaches as well as empirical findings of studies investigating political careers of cabinet members in democratic parliamentary and semi-presidential systems at the national level. It is divided into three sections. The first provides a sketch of the basic research questions that have been raised (and discussed) in the field of executive careers studies over the past decades. The second part offers a systematic survey of the current state of the literature concerned with ministers’ and prime ministers’ political careers. The third section presents some avenues for future research, including the potential for further theoretical and methodological improvement, followed by some concluding remarks

A coalizão política de apoio aos governos implica na alocação de pastas ministeriais aos aliados. Essa distribuição obedece, em geral, a dois critérios: o partidário e o regional. Isto é, um gabinete ministerial com uma taxa ótima de... more

A coalizão política de apoio aos governos implica na alocação de pastas ministeriais aos aliados. Essa distribuição obedece, em geral, a dois critérios: o partidário e o regional. Isto é, um gabinete ministerial com uma taxa ótima de coalescência respeita tanto o peso dos partidos representados no Congresso Nacional, quanto o peso dos estados ou regiões nessas mesmas legendas. Estudos sobre o presidencialismo de coalizão brasileiro desenvolvidos nas últimas décadas têm focado exclusivamente na dimensão partidária do recrutamento ministerial, relegando à dimensão federativa um papel de menor importância para entender a gestão da coalizão. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a proporção dos estados e regiões nos ministérios formados nos governos de Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002), Luís Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) e Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016) em função do local de origem política dos ministros filiados a partidos políticos. A expectativa é aperfeiçoar os cálculos sobre taxa de coalescência incluindo essa variável na equação. Propomos e calculamos uma Taxa de Coalescência Federativa.

This article aims to observe the effects of decentralisation on the political careers of the regional elite in Spain, France and the United Kingdom. We address the main career pathways of these elites, and we test whether the type of... more

This article aims to observe the effects of decentralisation on the political careers of the regional elite in Spain, France and the United Kingdom. We address the main career pathways of these elites, and we test whether the type of decentralisation and the duration of decentralisation make a difference to their careers. The results show different career pathways, and outline the eventual emergence of a new cursus honorum in which local and national career paths are dissociating. Institutional structure and time make a difference. In France, regional presidents tend to follow a traditional career path, whereas in Spain we find new territorial careers. The consolidation of regional institutions seems to favour the differentiation of political careers.

This article is made up of two main parts. The first part points out two different definitions of cabinet – that is, functional and legal definitions. It also highlights the strong points and the shortcomings of both, proposing at the... more

This article is made up of two main parts. The first part points out two different definitions of cabinet – that is, functional and legal definitions. It also highlights the strong points and the shortcomings of both, proposing at the same time a new definition more suitable for a comparative analysis. In doing this, it puts forward some useful criteria with a view to establishing what a minister actually is, what a cabinet is and how it is made up. The second part provides an overview of the structures of governments in 38 countries, from core to junior ministers, on this basis.

Entendidas como um fator imprescindível para a estabilidade em regimes multipartidários, coalizões políticas foram constantes ao longo de toda a história democrática brasileira. Apesar disso, os efeitos das alianças políticas sobre o... more

Entendidas como um fator imprescindível para a estabilidade em regimes multipartidários, coalizões políticas foram constantes ao longo de toda a história democrática brasileira. Apesar disso, os efeitos das alianças políticas sobre o funcionamento do poder Executivo ainda não têm sido tratados sistematicamente pela literatura, focada sobretudo no impacto das coalizões no processo legislativo na Câmara dos Deputados. O objetivo deste trabalho é examinar a estabilidade do poder Executivo a partir da presença de congressistas e de não congressistas nos ministérios em todos os gabinetes nos últimos dois períodos democráticos (1946-1964 e 1985-2016). Comparamos o tempo de permanência entre ministros com passagem pela Câmara e/ou Senado com aqueles que não passaram por esses níveis Legislativos e o risco de saída do gabinete de cada grupo através do estimador produto-limite de Kaplan-Meier. Através do modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox, avaliamos o impacto de doze fatores (pessoais, partidários, políticos e econômicos) sobre a taxa de rotatividade ministerial em cada regime. Nossos dados mostram, de maneira contraintuitiva, que a maior presença de “políticos” (definidos como ex-congressistas) nos gabinetes diminui o nível de sobrevivência ministerial em ambos os regimes, aumentando, assim, a instabilidade dos governos. O impacto das covariáveis sobre a estabilidade variou muito dependendo do regime político considerado. Este é, contudo, um trabalho descritivo dos dados e uma pesquisa ainda exploratória.

This thesis describes the office of Australian treasurer (the equivalent of finance minister in most European countries) and how it has evolved over time, distinguishing between those occupants who only sought to manage the economy and... more

This thesis describes the office of Australian treasurer (the equivalent of finance minister in most European countries) and how it has evolved over time, distinguishing between those occupants who only sought to manage the economy and finances and those who sought fundamental reforms.

Este estudo procura oferecer uma base empírica para estimar a instabilidade dos mandatos dos ministros da área econômica e do presidente do Banco Central do Brasil nas últimas seis décadas por meio da duração de seus mandatos. Com base... more

Este estudo procura oferecer uma base empírica para estimar a instabilidade dos mandatos dos ministros da área econômica e do presidente do Banco Central do Brasil nas últimas seis décadas por meio da duração de seus mandatos. Com base nos dados compilados e discutidos aqui, pode-se estudar, mais adiante, se e como a variação nos tempos de mandatos dos ministros de Estado poderia afetar o processo decisório dos ministérios.

The article assesses the role and influence of junior ministers in the Labour government of 1997–2010, putting them in context against the background of the experience and position of junior ministers in previous British governments. The... more

The article assesses the role and influence of junior ministers in the Labour government of 1997–2010, putting them in context against the background of the experience and position of junior ministers in previous British governments. The article also analyses data relating to junior ministers' appointments and promotions under Labour to bring out the patterns of continuity and change in ministerial career paths. Junior ministerial jobs remain key apprenticeship posts in the British system, and though the experience can be a limiting and frustrating one, they undertake many essential ministerial functions and help maintain political control and accountability in government.

Social factors in the political careers of female ministers Prosopography of members of the French government between 1986 and 2012 indicates that the feminization of governmental staff is more a matter of reproduction than renewal of... more

Social factors in the political careers of female ministers
Prosopography of members of the French government between 1986 and 2012 indicates that the feminization of governmental staff is more a matter of reproduction than renewal of political elites. Putting gender into perspective with the social and political capital of the individuals holding a position in the government highlights the decisive importance of such capitals for both access to governmental positions and women’s careers in government.

Coordinating organizations horizontally is a longstanding difficulty of public governance, often called departmentalism in central government systems. Several tools for horizontal coordination have previously been analysed but shared... more

Coordinating organizations horizontally is a longstanding difficulty of public governance,
often called departmentalism in central government systems. Several tools for horizontal
coordination have previously been analysed but shared performance targets across
departments have received relatively little attention. This article develops a control
theory of shared performance target systems for horizontal coordination of departments
consisting of ‘director’ (shared objective and target setting), ‘detector’ (shared
monitoring of progress), and ‘effector’ (shared feedback to promote achievement of
targets) components. The theory distinguishes between two kinds of shared targets:
those promoting sequential coordination and simultaneous coordination among departments.
The expectations of control theory are assessed for the Public Service
Agreement (PSA) adopted in the United Kingdom. PSAs enabled a step change increase
in discussion of shared policy objectives across departments. However, despite these
benefits, the fundamentally separate broader ministerial and departmental accountability
structures led to the setting of vague outcome targets, underdeveloped performance
reporting, and fragmented delivery arrangements for shared targets.

The paper analyses the phenomenon of politicization within the Spanish executive elite, focusing in two highest politico-administrative strata: cabinet ministers and junior ministers. The degree of politicization at each level and its... more

The paper analyses the phenomenon of politicization within the Spanish executive elite, focusing in two highest politico-administrative strata: cabinet ministers and junior ministers. The degree of politicization at each level and its evolution along time is identified through the examination of the respective individual characteristics and previous political careers in the period 1977-2010. This allows us to check for patterns of variation in the degree of politicisation between and within each group, as well as to determine the possible rationales behind the phenomenon – basically, rewarding party members or keeping partisan control over policy making within public administration. Then, the analysis try to explain these differences, focusing on the following explanatory factors: 1) the inner characteristics of the position (i.e., we hypothesize junior ministers are less politicised vis à vis cabinet ministers given the lower political saliency of the office and the higher weight of policy and administrative functions); 2) the type of portfolio involved (there are some portfolios where politicisation is more likely to observe compared to others; and 3) political context, this referring to several characteristics of the respective government – party in office, government stability (type of majority in parliament supporting the government, and prime-ministerial style). Our analysis uses data on the whole population of Spanish cabinet ministers and secretaries of State between 1977 and 2010, containing information both on their social and professional background, as well as on their entire political careers (before and after occupying the position) coded in longitudinal form.

This contribution seeks to answer the question whether the new civil service legislation that entered into force in 2015 in the Czech Republic led to the depoliticization of the country’s ministerial bureaucracy. To that end, we compare... more

This contribution seeks to answer the question whether the new civil service legislation that entered into force in 2015 in the Czech Republic led to the depoliticization of the country’s ministerial bureaucracy. To that end, we compare the career backgrounds of top civil servants before and after the entry into force of the new Civil Service Act. The article examines the career backgrounds of the persons appointed as ministerial deputies between 2013 and 2018, focusing on their last “pre-deputy” jobs and considering a broader set of their career attributes. A focus on the previous job reveals that even before the law was introduced, bureaucrats constituted the largest share of appointees, and their share even increased with the new legislation. The incidence of deputies appointed directly from party-related jobs dropped considerably. However, when a broader set of career attributes is considered, the share of partisans among the pre-2015 deputies nearly matches that of the career b...

A budget is a plan of action, a statement of priorities, a technique for financial planning and a combination of administrative and legislation process (Robinson, 2014). Shafritz (2013) states that national budget is a political gadget... more

A budget is a plan of action, a statement of priorities, a technique for financial planning and a combination of administrative and legislation process (Robinson, 2014). Shafritz (2013) states that national budget is a political gadget that apportions limited public resources among social and economic needs of the society. This instrument ensures that a fitting level of funding flows into sundry sectors of the economy where it is needed. The Constitution of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Section 103((1) requires the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to tabulate the projected revenues and expenditures before the Parliament each year. The Minister is then expected to come up with revenue collection strategies which are within the National Development Strategy and proposes how he/she anticipates allotting the funds to different departments and ministries. In line with the Bill of Rights as enshrined in the Constitution, the budget should prioritize and ensure that socioeconomic rights are attained by ring-fencing expenditures in areas like education, health, employment creation, water and social protection. This document is aimed at analyzing the 2016, 2017 and 2018 budgets in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is currently in an unstable and invidious fiscal position with the bulk of the country's revenues being allocated to finance current expenditures. My emphasis will be trying to review how the government had endeavored to address key macroeconomic goals such as economic growth, inflation, income inequality, balance of payments debt management, employment and unemployment. This paper will further analyze if there is allocation efficiency of resources in sundry key sectors of the economy and macroeconomic objectives that are crucial for socioeconomic development in Zimbabwe.

The article aims at understanding the determinants of ministerial turnover in presidential systems. There are essentially three key factors that govern the propensity for ministerial turnover in a presidential system: 01. political... more

The article aims at understanding the determinants of ministerial turnover in presidential systems. There are essentially three key factors that govern the propensity for ministerial turnover in a presidential system: 01. political ambition-reflected in the individual or collective strategies and tactics employed by the party-affiliated actors represented in the cabinet; 02. the presence or absence of a governing coalition-which has bearing on the degree of ideological distance between the president and such political parties as form part of any governing coalition, with consequences for ministerial scrutiny; and 03. accountability-a determinant in responding to such external pressures as may be brought to bear by public opinion. In order to investigate the impacts of these factors, this inquiry seeks to analyze the new and dynamic democracy of Brazil. Brazil's presidential system presents interesting features that make it an excellent laboratory in which to test hypotheses concerning every aspect of ministerial turnover. To this end, this paper employs a multivariate methodology, as well as descriptive and survival analyses, based on a comprehensive and original database of cabinet ministers that draws on three presidencies over five democratically elected governments from 1995 to 2014. Among other results, our most original finding was that there is an inverse correlation between the degree of ministerial politicization (political ambition) and ideological distance from the president during political scandals (interaction between the governing coalition and accountability) on the one hand, and the length of ministerial tenure on the other.

Le renouvellement des élites et la négociation de nouveaux critères d’accès au pouvoir représentent des facteurs décisifs pour la transformation des systèmes politiques. Or, dans les pays postcommunistes, les principes de recrute- ment... more

Le renouvellement des élites et la négociation de nouveaux critères d’accès au pouvoir représentent des facteurs décisifs pour la transformation des systèmes politiques. Or, dans les pays postcommunistes, les principes de recrute- ment demeurent contestés bien après la rupture de 1989. Il est difficile de saisir dans quelle mesure les changements observés au sein des élites dévoilent une logique de professionnalisation ou, au contraire, d’oligarchisation. En partant du cas des élites ministérielles roumaines, l’article souligne les tensions entre les indicateurs classiques d’analyse des carrières politiques (suggérant des processus graduels de professionnalisation) et la continuité d’une logique de fonctionne- ment du politique en réseaux semi-privés.

A perícia dos titulares dos postos ministeriais nos regimes democráticos tem sido explorada apenas recentemente pela literatura especializada na área. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo tipológico baseado no método QCA para um... more

A perícia dos titulares dos postos ministeriais nos regimes democráticos tem sido explorada apenas recentemente pela literatura especializada na área. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo tipológico baseado no método QCA para um número moderado de casos (61). Estudamos os atributos dos ministros entre os governos Cardoso e Temer (1999 a 2018) para as pastas da área “social” através de duas categorias: 1) expertise na área de ação do ministério, para avaliar as afinidades específicas entre os nomeados e a natureza de seus cargos; e 2) importância relativa dos seus partidos políticos de origem, a partir do tamanho da bancada na Câmara dos Deputados. Nossos achados empíricos indicam que ministros filiados a partidos políticos mais relevantes na Câmara dos Deputados apresentam maiores afinidades com os temas de política de suas pastas, sobretudo as de mais recursos e com mais cargos à disposição. Essas evidências indicam que o conhecimento técnico da equipe de governo depende das estratégias políticas do presidente em definir prioridades na formulação de políticas públicas sem perder apoio político da base aliada.

Este artigo analisa a rotatividade e sobrevivência dos subsecretários no Chile durante os governos da Concertación (1990-2010) e durante o governo de Piñera (2010-2014). Na última década, gabinetes ministeriais receberam grande atenção... more

Este artigo analisa a rotatividade e sobrevivência dos subsecretários no Chile durante os governos da Concertación (1990-2010) e durante o governo de Piñera (2010-2014). Na última década, gabinetes ministeriais receberam grande atenção por parte dos acadêmicos concentrados em estudar o funcionamento do presidencialismo e/ou as elites políticas. Nesse contexto, este trabalho analisa um objeto de estudo inédito: os subsecretários dos ministérios, ou seja, a segunda linha governamental. Examina-se de forma descritiva a rotatividade de todos os subsecretários de período (1990-2014) e desenvolve-se uma análise de sobrevivência baseada nos modelos de riscos proporcionais. Contudo, avalia-se a influência de fatores institucionais e eventos críticos (shocks), como tipo de dependência ministerial, baixa aprovação presidencial, escândalos de corrupção, entre outros, e o impacto sobre a permanência dos subsecretários no governo. Os principais achados de este artigo permitem estabelecer um mapa cognitivo dos elementos estruturais e contextuais, a fim de estabelecer predições sobre a remoção/sobrevivência dos subsecretários. Trata-se de uma contribuição original para conhecer o papel dos subsecretários dentro do aparato do governo.

In bijna alle bijdragen in deze bundel staat het thema Reformatie centraal. Van een beweging van onderop, van (een deel van) de bevolking die in verzet kwam tegen het gezag van de katholieke kerk bleek in Drenthe niets. De impuls om in... more

In bijna alle bijdragen in deze bundel staat het thema Reformatie centraal. Van een beweging van onderop, van (een deel van) de bevolking die in verzet kwam tegen het gezag van de katholieke kerk bleek in Drenthe niets. De impuls om in Drenthe een Reformatie tot stand te brengen kwam dan ook van buitenaf, op een moment dat zich deze in andere gewesten allang voltrokken had. De Drentse Reformatie ontstond niet, zij werd afgekondigd bij plakkaat. Daarom is deze ook zo scherp op een datum vast te pinnen: 10 mei 1598. Enkele maanden later kwam de eerste gereformeerde kerkelijke vergadering in Rolde bijeen. De artikelen in deze bundel laten overduidelijk zien dat men moeilijk kan spreken over dé Reformatie, maar dat wij het veeleer moeten hebben over reformatie(s) op verschillende niveaus: op het niveau van de kerspellieden, van de predikanten en de schoolmeesters, van de kerkelijke organisatie en op dat van de overheid. Het heeft decennia geduurd voordat Drenthe over de hele linie echt gereformeerd werd voorgegaan en onderwezen. De meeste Drenten lieten de Reformatie gelaten over zich heen gaan en namen niet of nauwelijks de moeite lidmaat te worden door geloofsbelijdenis af te leggen. Interessante vraag hierbij is hoe het kan dat er twee eeuwen later nauwelijks een spoor van het katholicisme te vinden is.

In decentralized European parliamentary democracies future governing elites often acquire political experience and attain top positions by passing through sub-national political institutions. In doing so, elites circumvent and reduce the... more

In decentralized European parliamentary democracies future governing elites often acquire political experience and attain top positions by passing through sub-national political institutions. In doing so, elites circumvent and reduce the importance of national parliaments. Previous research has advanced several explanations for this pattern: Europe's tradition of bureaucratic government; parties with open methods for selecting parliamentary candidates; the “presidentialization“ and Europeanization of national political systems. Since its transition to democracy in 1977, Spain has had an exceptionally small proportion of former MPs in its national cabinets. I employ data for Spanish ministers between 1977-2009 demonstrating the passage of a large proportion of cabinet ministers through local and regional government levels rather than the national parliament, the Cortes Generales. I show that multilevel rather than parliamentary political careers characterize ministerial elite recruitment, and I discuss the consequences for Spain's parliamentary democracy.

RESUMEN: La afiliación partidaria de los ministros es una dimensión analítica clave en el estudio de los gabinetes de gobierno. Aquí sostenemos que el criterio operacional más difundido para tratar el fenómeno, válido para gran parte de... more

RESUMEN: La afiliación partidaria de los ministros es una dimensión analítica clave en el estudio de los gabinetes de gobierno. Aquí sostenemos que el criterio operacional más difundido para tratar el fenómeno, válido para gran parte de las democracias parlamentarias consolidadas, puede resultar ineficiente o inadecuado para sistemas con jefes de gobierno fuertes y agrupaciones políticas fluidas como los regímenes presidencialistas latinoamericanos. El artículo identifica cuatro desafíos operativos asociados a la modalidad estándar de codificar ministros partidistas; propone una estrategia metodológica para dar cuenta de los mismos, y discute su aplicación práctica con un análisis exploratorio del caso argentino. ABSTRACT: Partisan affiliation of ministers is a key analytical dimension in the study of government, cabinets being an integral aspect of the most basic categorizations of the literature. Here we argue that the most widespread operational criterion for dealing with the phenomenon , valid for a large part of consolidated parliamentary democracies, may prove inefficient and inadequate for systems with strong heads of government and fluid political organizations like the Latin American presidential regimes. The article identifies four operational challenges

Este artículo describe y explica la sub representación de mujeres en los gabinetes ministeriales de Ecuador entre 1979 y 2015. A partir de una base de datos inédita y un modelo de regresión lineal, el artículo sostiene que el incremento... more

Este artículo describe y explica la sub representación de mujeres en los gabinetes ministeriales de Ecuador entre 1979 y 2015. A partir de una base de datos inédita y un modelo de regresión lineal, el artículo sostiene que el incremento tanto en el número de legisladoras como en el tamaño de la bancada legislativa oficialista, inciden positivamente sobre la presencia de ministras. Adicionalmente, el artículo discute la importancia política de los ministerios asignados a mujeres. Al respecto, el principal hallazgo empírico que se presenta indica que, a pesar del drástico aumento de ministras durante los gobiernos de Rafael Correa, la histórica tendencia de colocar
mujeres en Carteras de Estado de menor importancia política continúa en vigencia.

Um estudo de Antropologia Jurídica, ancorado numa análise extensa e cuidada dos nossos discursos jurídicos nacionais relativos à cooperação portuguesa, sobretudo aquela com os Estados lusófonos, desde a sua incipiência até ao fim da... more

Um estudo de Antropologia Jurídica, ancorado numa análise extensa e cuidada dos nossos discursos jurídicos nacionais relativos à cooperação portuguesa, sobretudo aquela com os Estados lusófonos, desde a sua incipiência até ao fim da década de 90 do século passado. A análise dos diplomas portugueses exarados e das movimentações administrativas e atribuições e competências que foram tendo lugar, mostram com nitidez que o que esteve sempre em causa para o nosso Estado e, nele, as elites ministeriais do Governo, não se prendeu em boa verdade nem às características políticas dos Estados lusófonos, nem à natureza do relacionamento bilateral entre Portugal e cada um desses Estados, mas antes uma sustida luta burocrática na retaguarda portuguesa entre o Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e o das Finanças, ao longo dos seus avatares.

Estudos sobre recrutamento ministerial têm identificado a presença tanto de políticos profissionais quanto de quadros técnicos no gabinete ministerial brasileiro. Todavia, análises de carreira têm se restringido apenas àqueles... more

Estudos sobre recrutamento ministerial têm identificado a presença tanto de políticos profissionais quanto de quadros técnicos no gabinete ministerial brasileiro. Todavia, análises de carreira têm se restringido apenas àqueles classificados com técnicos, enquanto estudos sobre ministros políticos focam majoritariamente sobre o critério partidário de recrutamento ministerial pelos presidentes. Este artigo possui dois objetivos: i) demonstrar empiricamente as diferenças e semelhanças entre as carreiras dos ministros políticos e dos não políticos (“técnicos”) durante os governos do PSDB e do PT, entre 1995 e 2014; e ii) explorar os principais aspectos relativos à profissionalização dos ministros políticos, a partir de suas experiências em cargos eletivos e de alto escalão de governos estaduais e municipais. Os resultados indicam que tanto políticos quanto não políticos possuem larga experiência profissional, inclusive administrativa, embora os não políticos possuam maior afinidade com a área ministerial para a qual foram nomeados, assim como os ministros filiados ao partido do presidente quando comparados com os da base aliada. A despeito dessas nuances partidárias, não foram constatadas diferenças significativas entre os governos tucanos e petistas quanto à expertise dos ministros.

This article analyzes cabinet turnover and factors that had an influence on the survival of 180 ministers in Chile between 1990 and 2010. With survival analysis, specifically, proportional hazards models and Cox regressions with... more

This article analyzes cabinet turnover and factors that had an influence on the survival of 180 ministers in Chile between 1990 and 2010. With survival analysis, specifically, proportional hazards models and Cox regressions with sharedfrailty, the individual characteristics of ministers, such as survival/risk predictors and the influence of institutional factors and critical events, are evaluated. It reveals that there were different individual predictors for ministers during the first and second decade of the period, as well as the fact that critical events such as economic crises and corruption scandals influenced the survival of ministers.

RESUMEN: La afiliación partidaria de los ministros es una dimensión analítica clave en el estudio de los gabinetes de gobierno. Aquí sostenemos que el criterio operacional más difundido para tratar el fenómeno, válido para gran parte de... more

RESUMEN: La afiliación partidaria de los ministros es una dimensión analítica clave en el estudio de los gabinetes de gobierno. Aquí sostenemos que el criterio operacional más difundido para tratar el fenómeno, válido para gran parte de las democracias parlamentarias consolidadas, puede resultar ineficiente o inadecuado para sistemas con jefes de gobierno fuertes y agrupaciones políticas fluidas como los regímenes presidencialistas latinoamericanos. El artículo identifica cuatro desafíos operativos asociados a la modalidad estándar de codificar ministros partidistas; propone una estrategia metodológica para dar cuenta de los mismos, y discute su aplicación práctica con un análisis exploratorio del caso argentino. ABSTRACT: Partisan affiliation of ministers is a key analytical dimension in the study of government, cabinets being an integral aspect of the most basic categorizations of the literature. Here we argue that the most widespread operational criterion for dealing with the phenomenon , valid for a large part of consolidated parliamentary democracies, may prove inefficient and inadequate for systems with strong heads of government and fluid political organizations like the Latin American presidential regimes. The article identifies four operational challenges