Mushroom Nutrient Requirement Research Papers (original) (raw)

Satisfying nutrient requirement of corals is still a major constraint for maintaining corals in marine aquariums. Corals are polytrophic in nature. Heterotrophic feeding on zooplankton is one of the corals’ strategies to overcome nutrient... more

Satisfying nutrient requirement of corals is still a major constraint for maintaining corals in marine aquariums. Corals are polytrophic in nature. Heterotrophic feeding on zooplankton is one of the corals’ strategies to overcome nutrient deficiency. Artemia salina nauplii are commonly used as biocarriers for many fish larvae in aquaculture and can also serve as a biocarrier for coral in aquariums, provided coral acceptability, optimal feeding rate, and digestibility of the nauplii are well understood. Feeding rate and digestibility of coral fed on A. salina nauplii at 100, 2,000, 4,000, 6,000, and 10,000 ind. l−1 under light and dark conditions was assessed in this study. The maximum feeding rates of Galaxea fascicularis under light and dark conditions was 113.6 ind. polyp−1 h−1 and 76.9 ind. polyp−1 h−1, respectively. The daily feeding rates of G. fascicularis varies and depends on nauplii density. Light plays an important role in coral feeding. Nevertheless, the quantity of A. salina nauplii consumed by the coral under light and dark conditions was not significantly different (P > 0.05). A. salina nauplii are well accepted by G. fascicularis. Complete nauplii digestion was observed after 180 min. Digestibility of A. salina nauplii by G. fascicularis was positively correlated with digestion time.

The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum infects human erythrocytes, and it induces an increased rate of uptake into the infected cell of a range of solutes, including essential nutrients required for parasite development. Several... more

The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum infects human erythrocytes, and it induces an increased rate of uptake into the infected cell of a range of solutes, including essential nutrients required for parasite development. Several models have been proposed for the mechanism(s) underlying parasite-induced solute uptake, each differing with respect to the site of entry into infected cells. We show that a biotin derivative that is excluded from non-infected erythrocytes gains access to infected erythrocytes via a pathway that is inhibited by compounds shown previously to block the pathways responsible for the increased uptake of solutes. The derivative was found to bind erythrocyte cytoskeletal proteins and to hemoglobin, providing evidence that the novel pathways are in the erythrocyte membrane and allow direct access of solutes to the erythrocyte cytosol. The derivative inhibited its own uptake and blocked the parasite-induced transport of other solutes. In whole-cell patch-clamp analyses, biotinylation of infected erythrocytes caused significant decrease in a parasite-induced outward rectifying conductance. In vitro, biotinylation of trophozoite-stage parasitized erythrocytes delayed parasite development. Treatment of infected cells in the final developmental stage abrogated the parasite's ability to complete development. The data are consistent with the novel pathways playing an important role in parasite growth.

RESUMO -O fornecimento de diferentes teores de cálcio para poedeiras semipesadas durante a fase de pré-postura e seus efeitos nas quatro semanas subseqüentes foram avaliados neste experimento. Foram utilizadas 288 aves da linhagem... more

RESUMO -O fornecimento de diferentes teores de cálcio para poedeiras semipesadas durante a fase de pré-postura e seus efeitos nas quatro semanas subseqüentes foram avaliados neste experimento. Foram utilizadas 288 aves da linhagem Isabrown com 16 semanas de idade, distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos, oito repetições e nove aves por unidade experimental. As rações, à base de milho e farelo de soja, foram formuladas para atender às exigências nutricionais das aves, à exceção dos níveis de cálcio. O experimento teve duração de seis semanas, nas quais as aves receberam quatro rações pré-postura contendo diferentes teores de cálcio (0,6; 1,2; 1,8; e 2,4%) no período de 16 a 17 semanas de idade. Nas quatro semanas subseqüentes, foi fornecida uma ração de postura contendo 3,8% de cálcio para todas as aves. Não foi observado efeito dos tratamentos sobre o ganho de peso, a idade ao primeiro ovo e o teor de matéria mineral nas cascas dos primeiros ovos. Contudo, verificou-se efeito linear sobre a quantidade de cálcio depositado na casca. Nas quatro semanas subseqüentes, os diferentes teores de cálcio fornecidos na fase pré-postura não afetaram o consumo de ração, a produção de ovos, a conversão alimentar, os pesos dos ovos e da casca, a espessura da casca e a concentração de cálcio na casca, mas influenciaram linearmente o peso da casca em relação ao peso do ovo, o peso da casca por unidade de superfície de área e a quantidade de cinzas na casca. Os níveis nutricionais de cálcio nas rações pré-postura não afetaram a qualidade interna e externa dos ovos no início da postura. O nível nutricional de 0,6% de cálcio nas rações foi adequado para frangas semipesadas na fase pré-postura.

Ecogeographic size variations have been documented in some but not all sifakas. Few morphometric or body weight data have been available for two critically endangered subspecies of diademed sifakas: Perrier's sifakas (Propithecus diadema... more

Ecogeographic size variations have been documented in some but not all sifakas. Few morphometric or body weight data have been available for two critically endangered subspecies of diademed sifakas: Perrier's sifakas (Propithecus diadema perrieri) and silky sifakas (Propithecus diadema candidus). The objectives of our study were to determine size variations in sifakas and if these variations are related to resource quality and/or resource seasonality. P. d. perrieri and P. d. candidus were captured, weighed, and measured in northern Madagascar. Body weights and morphometrics were compared with other subspecies of diademed sifakas and indris (Indri indri). Differences in body weights and morphometrics between taxa are particularly pronounced for P. d. perrieri compared to P. d. diadema, P. d. edwardsi, and I. indri.

A mechanistic model that predicts nutrient requirements and biological values of feeds for sheep (Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System; CNCPS-S) was expanded to include goats and the name was changed to the Small Ruminant Nutrition... more

A mechanistic model that predicts nutrient requirements and biological values of feeds for sheep (Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System; CNCPS-S) was expanded to include goats and the name was changed to the Small Ruminant Nutrition System (SRNS). The SRNS uses animal and environmental factors to predict metabolizable energy (ME) and protein, and Ca and P requirements. Requirements for goats in the SRNS are predicted based on the equations developed for CNCPS-S, modified to account for specific requirements of goats, including maintenance, lactation, and pregnancy requirements, and body reserves. Feed biological values are predicted based on carbohydrate and protein fractions and their ruminal fermentation rates, forage, concentrate and liquid passage rates, and microbial growth. The evaluation of the SRNS for sheep using published papers (19 treatment means) indicated no mean bias (MB; 1.1 g/100 g) and low root mean square prediction error (RMSPE; 3.6 g/100g) when predicting dietary organic matter digestibility for diets not deficient in ruminal nitrogen. The SRNS accurately predicted gains and losses of shrunk body weight (SBW) of adult sheep (15 treatment means; MB = 5.8 g/d and RMSPE = 30 g/d) when diets were not deficient in ruminal nitrogen. The SRNS for sheep had MB varying from -34 to 1 g/d and RSME varying from 37 to 56 g/d when predicting average daily gain (ADG) of growing lambs (42 treatment means). The evaluation of the SRNS for goats based on literature data showed accurate predictions for ADG of kids (31 treatment means; RMSEP = 32.5 g/d; r2= 0.85; concordance correlation coefficient, CCC, = 0.91), daily ME intake (21 treatment means; RMSEP = 0.24 Mcal/d g/d; r2 = 0.99; CCC = 0.99), and energy balance (21 treatment means; RMSEP = 0.20 Mcal/d g/d; r2 = 0.87; CCC = 0.90) of goats. In conclusion, the SRNS for sheep can accurately predict dietary organic matter digestibility, ADG of growing lambs

Although fish have been kept for more than three centuries as ornamentals, and the development of manufactured feed since 50 years ago has contributed to the tremendous growth of this hobby, nutrition of ornamental fish is based on... more

Although fish have been kept for more than three centuries as ornamentals, and the development of manufactured feed since 50 years ago has contributed to the tremendous growth of this hobby, nutrition of ornamental fish is based on extrapolation of results derived from food fishes under intensive farming conditions. Some research on nutrient (protein, minerals) requirements of growing freshwater ornamental species (live-bearers) in a production environment has been conducted, mainly in Singapore, with emphasis on the provision of live feed during the early stages of the life cycle. Protein requirements varied from around 30% dietary protein for growing omnivorous goldfish (Carassius auratus) to 50% for the carnivorous discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata). Whereas mineral (phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc) requirements have received some attention in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), few researches have concentrated on vitamin requirements of ornamental species. Requirements for fatty acids have been conducted mainly on marine ornamentals (damselfish, seahorses), and accentuated the need for dietary supplementation of n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids. Fish kept in public and home aquaria presents the problem of diversity of species in the same enclosure, each with its own specific requirements and needs. Maintenance energy levels of ornamental fish varied from 0.068 kJ per day for small neon tetras (Paracheirodon innesi) to 0.51 kJ per day for moonlight gouramis (Trichogaster microlepsis) kept at a water temperature of 26 °C. Research on nutrient requirements of ornamental fish urges for suitable measurements other than only growth rate in order to determine optimal dietary inclusion levels.Les exigences alimentaires des poissons d'ornementation. Les exigences alimentaires des poissons d'ornementation. L'élevage de poissons ornementaux effectué pendant plus de trois siècles et le développement de la manufacture d'aliment depuis 50 ans ont contribué à l'essor de ce loisir, mais la nutrition des poissons ornementaux se fonde sur une extrapolation de données dérivées de poissons de consommation et en conditions de culture intensive. Quelques études ont été faites sur les besoins alimentaires (en protéines, en éléments minéraux) d'espèces ornementales d'eau douce (des poissons vivipares) dans le cadre de production, à Singapour en particulier, et sur la nécessité d'aliment vivant dans les premiers stades de leur cycle de vie. Les besoins protéiniques varient de 30 % de protéine brute pour le poisson rouge omnivore (Carassius auratus), jusqu'à 50 % pour le discus carnivore (Symphysodon aequifasciata). Les besoins en minéraux (phosphore, fer, magnésium et zinc) ont été étudiés pour le guppy (Poecilia reticulata), mais peu d'investigations ont été faites pour connaître les besoins vitaminiques des espèces ornementales. Les besoins en acides gras ont été étudiés chez les poissons ornementaux marins (demoiselles, hippocampes) et se limitent à la supplémentation diététique en acides gras très insaturés n-3. Que les poissons soient présentés en aquariums publics ou cultivés en aquariums personnels, un problème de diversité d'espèces se pose dans un même bassin ; chaque espèce ayant ses exigences spécifiques. Leur besoin énergétique d'entretien varie de 0,07 kJ/jour pour les petits néons-tétras (Paracheirodon innesi) jusqu'à 0,51 kJ/jour pour les gouramis serpents (Trichogaster microlepsis), élevés dans une eau à 26 °C. Dans la recherche sur les besoins alimentaires des poissons ornementaux, il faut utiliser des paramètres adéquats, autres que le taux de croissance pour obtenir les taux optimaux des nutriments.

Mire terminology, subdivision and gradient structure have been subjected to an intense debate intensified in the last years. The conception of Wheeler and Proctor (J. Ecol. 88, 187–203), which divides mires into bogs, having pH5.5,... more

Mire terminology, subdivision and gradient structure have been subjected to an intense debate intensified in the last years. The conception of Wheeler and Proctor (J. Ecol. 88, 187–203), which divides mires into bogs, having pH5.5, becomes generally accepted despite a certain critique from the Scandinavian perspective and despite the fact that few contributions to the debate have come from central

The use of poultry by-product meal-pet food grade (PBM-PFG, 66% crude protein) as a substitute for a fish meal blend (FM, a 50/50 mix of American menhaden meal and Mexican sardine meal, 65% average crude protein), in a control diet... more

The use of poultry by-product meal-pet food grade (PBM-PFG, 66% crude protein) as a substitute for a fish meal blend (FM, a 50/50 mix of American menhaden meal and Mexican sardine meal, 65% average crude protein), in a control diet containing 35% crude protein, was evaluated in Pacific white shrimp. The replacement levels (w/w) were: 35, 50, 65 and 80%, with 13.7, 19.6, 25.5 and 31.4% PBM-PFG inclusion in the test diets, respectively. Two commercial feeds from Mexico, containing 30 and 35% protein, were used as additional controls. The diets were fed to shrimp (450 mg initial weight) in a 4 week feeding trial in order to evaluate growth, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio (FCR), total biomass, survival, protein efficiency ratio (PER) and nitrogen retention efficiency (NRE). In addition, apparent protein, dry matter and energy digestibility coefficients (PDC, DMDC, EDC) of all diets, as well as those of the ingredients, FM and PBM, were determined using the in vivo chromic oxide method and shrimp of 1.6 to 2 g initial weight. Digestibility coefficients were similar and greater than 80% for all diets. PDC, DMDC and EDC were high and similar for FM and PBM-PFG. Survival along the growth trial, FCR, PER and NRE were not affected by any of the test diets, but there was a slight linear negative effect of replacement level on consumption and growth, which seemed related to energy over formulation rather than a palatability problem. The commercial control diets, which did not contain PBM-PFG, gave results for growth that were equal to or lower than those of the test diets. Results of this experiment showed that PBM-PFG can adequately replace w/w up to 80% of FM in commercial diets for the white shrimp L. vannamei.

Social science research on cultural issues in maternal and child health has stressed some aspects and neglected others. From the perspective of both policy applications and theory development, new research efforts could profitably be... more

Social science research on cultural issues in maternal and child health has stressed some aspects and neglected others. From the perspective of both policy applications and theory development, new research efforts could profitably be directed to the following areas: cultural adjustments to changed energy and nutrient requirements in pregnancy and lactation; maternal illness; the mother/infant dyadic interaction; emit views of growth and development; determinants of infant and young child feeding; management of childhood illnesses; popular medicine and childhood illnesses; intra-household food distribution;

Süt ineklerinde doğumdan önceki ve sonraki üçer haftalık dönem geçiş dönemi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Geçiş dönemi laktasyon dönemleri içinde en kritik dönem olarak kabul edilmektedir. Süt ineklerinin organizmasında geçiş dönemi süresince... more

Süt ineklerinde doğumdan önceki ve sonraki üçer haftalık dönem geçiş dönemi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Geçiş dönemi laktasyon dönemleri içinde en kritik dönem olarak kabul edilmektedir. Süt ineklerinin organizmasında geçiş dönemi süresince köklü değişiklikler oluşmaktadır. Bu dönemde besin madde ihtiyaçlarında önemli değişiklikler olmaktadır. Süt ineklerinde geçiş döneminde organizmada oluşan değişimlerin bilinmesi ve besin madde ihtiyaçlarındaki değişimlere göre besleme stratejilerinin uygulanması, bu dönemde görülen hastalıkların hafifletilmesi ya da ortadan kaldırılması, süt ve döl veriminin iyileştirilmesi ve kârlı bir yetiştiricilik için önem arz etmektedir. Bu derlemede söz konusu değişimlere yönelik detaylı bilgiler verilmiştir.

The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) is a mathematical model that estimates cattle requirements and nutrient supply based on animal, environmental, and feed compositional information in diverse production situations.... more

The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) is a mathematical model that estimates cattle requirements and nutrient supply based on animal, environmental, and feed compositional information in diverse production situations. Predicted animal requirements account for different physiological states (lactation, pregnancy, and growth), body reserves and environmental effects. The CNCPS uses feed carbohydrate and protein degradation and passage rates to predict extent of ruminal fermentation, microbial protein production, post-ruminal absorption, and total supply of metabolizable energy and protein to the animal. The CNCPS has been used successfully on beef and dairy cattle farms to evaluate and formulate rations. In an evaluation with individually fed growing cattle, the CNCPS accounted for 89% of the variation in ADG with a 7.4% underprediction bias. When the CNCPS was evaluated with data from individual dairy cows where the appropriate inputs were measured and changes in energy reserves were accounted for, the CNCPS accounted for 90% of the variation in actual milk production of individual cows with a 1.3% bias. The model accounted for 76% of the variation in individual cow milk production with an 8% underprediction bias when energy was first limiting in high producing cows, and accounted for 84% of the variation with a 1.1% overprediction bias when protein was first limiting.

Süt ineklerinde doğumdan önceki 3 haftadan doğumdan sonraki 3 haftaya kadar olan zaman geçiş dönemi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu dönemde ineklerin enerji ve besin madde ihtiyaçlarında önemli artışlar olmaktadır. Fakat yem tüketimindeki... more

Süt ineklerinde doğumdan önceki 3 haftadan doğumdan sonraki 3 haftaya kadar olan zaman geçiş dönemi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu dönemde ineklerin enerji ve besin madde ihtiyaçlarında önemli artışlar olmaktadır. Fakat yem tüketimindeki azalmadan dolayı ihtiyaçlar karşılanamamakta, negatif enerji ve besin madde dengesi oluşabilmektedir. Bu duruma bağlı olarak geçiş döneminde birçok metabolik ve enfeksiyöz hastalıklargörülebilmektedir. Söz konusu hastalıklarla beslenme arasında yakın ilişkiler bulunmaktadır. Bu derlemede geçiş döneminde yaygın olarak görülen hastalıklar ve bu hastalıkların besleme ile önlenmesine yönelik bilgiler verilmiştir.

Soccer players should achieve an energy intake that provides sufficient carbohydrate to fuel the training and competition programme, supplies all nutrient requirements, and allows manipulation of energy or nutrient balance to achieve... more

Soccer players should achieve an energy intake that provides sufficient carbohydrate to fuel the training and competition programme, supplies all nutrient requirements, and allows manipulation of energy or nutrient balance to achieve changes in lean body mass, body fat or growth. Although the traditional culture of soccer has focused on carbohydrate intake for immediate match preparation, top players should adapt their carbohydrate intake on a daily basis to ensure adequate fuel for training and recovery between matches. For players with a mobile playing style, there is sound evidence that dietary programmes that restore and even super-compensate muscle glycogen levels can enhance activity patterns during matches. This will presumably also benefit intensive training, such as twice daily practices. As well as achieving a total intake of carbohydrate commensurate with fuel needs, the everyday diet should promote strategic intake of carbohydrate and protein before and after key training sessions to optimize the adaptations and enhance recovery. The achievement of the ideal physique for soccer is a long-term goal that should be undertaken over successive years, and particularly during the offseason and pre-season. An increase in lean body mass or a decrease in body fat is the product of a targeted training and eating programme. Consultation with a sports nutrition expert can assist soccer players to manipulate energy and nutrient intake to meet such goals. Players should be warned against the accidental or deliberate mismatch of energy intake and energy expenditure, such that energy availability (intake minus the cost of exercise) falls below 125 kJ (30 kcal) per kilogram of fatfree mass per day. Such low energy availability causes disturbances to hormonal, metabolic, and immune function.

Palmaria mollis (Pacific dulse) is increasingly being used as an in situ biofilter and feed in landbased abalone culture. This work reviews physical and nutrient requirements for P. mollis culture and its nutritional value for three... more

Palmaria mollis (Pacific dulse) is increasingly being used as an in situ biofilter and feed in landbased abalone culture. This work reviews physical and nutrient requirements for P. mollis culture and its nutritional value for three abalone species, the Japanese abalone Haliotis discus hannai, the red abalone Haliotis rufescens, and the U.S. Federally endangered white abalone Haliotis sorenseni. P. mollis growth was positively correlated with light over specific light densities (SLD) ranging from 0.0048 to 0.036 mol photons g À1 fresh weight d À1 , under tumble culture conditions. Under low light conditions, growth was greatest at a temperature of 12 8C (SGR = 8.69 AE 0.29% d À1 ), while under high light conditions growth was greatest at a temperature of 14-18 8C (SGR = 10.5 AE 0.12% d À1 ). Addition of Guillard's f nutrient medium [Guillard, R.R.L., Ryther, J.H., 1962. Studies on marine plankton diatoms. I. Cyclothella nana Huntedt and Detonula confercacae (Cleve). Gran. Can. J. Microbiol. 8, 229-239] significantly increased Pacific dulse growth in cultures receiving one seawater exchange per day; furthermore, growth was significantly improved by addition of trace metals. The use of NaNO 3 as an N source in the f medium resulted in better growth compared with NH 4 NO 3 . The use of phosphorus additions above 83.3 mM P d À1 depressed P. mollis growth rates. P.

Females and youth are frequently described as ''special'' populations in football literature, but together these two populations outnumber male players. What makes females ''special'' is that they tend to eat less when training and... more

Females and youth are frequently described as ''special'' populations in football literature, but together these two populations outnumber male players. What makes females ''special'' is that they tend to eat less when training and competing than their male counterparts, leading to lower intakes of energy, carbohydrate, and some nutrients. Youth football players are special in regard to energy and nutrient requirements to promote growth and development, as well as to fuel sport. There is limited research on the dietary habits of these two populations, but the available literature suggests that many female and youth players need to increase carbohydrate intake, increase fluid intake, and develop dietary habits to sustain the demands of training and competition.

Mathematical models can be used to improve performance, reduce cost of production, and reduce nutrient excretion by accounting for more of the variation in predicting requirements and feed utilization in each unique production situation.... more

Mathematical models can be used to improve performance, reduce cost of production, and reduce nutrient excretion by accounting for more of the variation in predicting requirements and feed utilization in each unique production situation. Mathematical models can be classified into five or more categories based on their nature and behavior. Determining the appropriate level of aggregation of equations is a major problem in formulating models. The most critical step is to describe the purpose of the model and then to determine the appropriate mix of empirical and mechanistic representations of physiological functions, given development and evaluation dataset availability, inputs typically available and the benefits versus the risks of use associated with increased sensitivity. We discussed five major feeding systems used around the world. They share common concepts of energy and nutrient requirement and supply by feeds, but differ in structure and application of the concepts. Animal mo...

Sulphur, an essential nutrient required for plant growth and development, is mainly taken up by the plants as inorganic sulphate from the soil and assimilated into the sulphur reductive pathway. The uptake and transport of sulphate in... more

Sulphur, an essential nutrient required for plant growth and development, is mainly taken up by the plants as inorganic sulphate from the soil and assimilated into the sulphur reductive pathway. The uptake and transport of sulphate in plants is carried out by transporters encoded by the sulphate transporter gene family. Plant sulphate transporters have been classified with respect to their protein sequences, kinetic properties and tissue-specific localization in Arabidopsis. Though sulphate transporter genes from few other plants have also been characterized, no detailed study with respect to the structure and expression of this family from rice has been carried out. Here, we present genome-wide identification, structural and expression analyses of the rice sulphate transporter gene family. Our analysis using microarray data and MPSS database suggests that 14 rice sulphate transporters are differentially expressed during growth and development in various tissues and during biotic and abiotic stresses. Our analysis also suggests differential accumulation of splice variants of OsSultr1;1 and OsSultr4;1 transcripts during these processes. Apart from known spliced variants, we report an unusual alternative splicing of OsSultr1;1 transcript related to sulphur supply in growth medium and during stress response. Taken together, our study suggests that differential expression and alternative splicing of members of the sulphate transporter family plays an important role in regulating cellular sulphur status required for growth and development and during stress conditions. These findings significantly advance our understanding of the posttranscriptional regulatory mechanisms operating to regulate sulphur demand by the plant.

Background & aim: Despite severely reduced intakes, anorexia nervosa (AN) patients seem to maintain serum biochemical parameters within the safe limit. The aim of this study was to assess the evolution of some traditional serum... more

Background & aim: Despite severely reduced intakes, anorexia nervosa (AN) patients seem to maintain serum biochemical parameters within the safe limit. The aim of this study was to assess the evolution of some traditional serum biochemical indicators of nutritional status in a 1-year follow-up of patients with restricting-type AN.

Malnutrition, which is widespread in developing countries, may be particularly devastating during childhood, when tissue development is occurring and nutrient requirements are great. Since protein-energy malnutrition potentially involves... more

Malnutrition, which is widespread in developing countries, may be particularly devastating during childhood, when tissue development is occurring and nutrient requirements are great. Since protein-energy malnutrition potentially involves many cellular alterations, we have evaluated gene expression changes in lymphocytes from malnourished children using differential hybridization cloning. A cDNA library was generated from well-nourished children and differential screenings were performed with cDNAs obtained from well-nourished and malnourished children who presented with bacterial gastrointestinal infections. Differential expression was detected for genes involved in cell development and differentiation, and for genes involved in lymphocyte and mitochondrial functions. The genes detected in the present study suggest mechanisms for the changes in cell growth and immune function that are associated with protein-energy malnutrition. Two down-regulated genes in malnourished children may represent mechanisms of protection against immunosuppression. This finding clearly merits further investigation. Ó

The sustainability of fast-growing tropical Eucalyptus plantations is of concern in a context of rising fertilizer costs, since large amounts of nutrients are removed with biomass every 6–7 years from highly weathered soils. A better... more

The sustainability of fast-growing tropical Eucalyptus plantations is of concern in a context of rising fertilizer costs, since large amounts of nutrients are removed with biomass every 6–7 years from highly weathered soils. A better understanding of the dynamics of tree ...

To monitor changes in absolute poverty across time, it is crucial to ensure that the established poverty line is a fixed standard of living that represents the minimum standard required by an individual to fulfill his or her basic food... more

To monitor changes in absolute poverty across time, it is crucial to ensure that the established poverty line is a fixed standard of living that represents the minimum standard required by an individual to fulfill his or her basic food and non-food needs. Typically, the food (component of the) poverty line is set with the cost of basic needs method,

The relations between salinity and mineral nutrition of horticultural crops are extremely complex and a complete understanding of the intricate interactions involved would require the input from a multidisciplinary team of scientists.... more

The relations between salinity and mineral nutrition of horticultural crops are extremely complex and a complete understanding of the intricate interactions involved would require the input from a multidisciplinary team of scientists. This review addresses the nutrient elements individually and we emphasise research directed towards the organ, whole-plant and field level. We have attempted to synthesise the literature and reconcile results from experiments conducted in a variety of conditions such as soil and solution cultures, those using mixed and single-salt (only NaCl) compositions, and those conducted over short (days) and long periods (months) of time.Crop performance may be adversely affected by salinity-induced nutritional disorders. These disorders may result from the effect of salinity on nutrient availability, competitive uptake, transport or partitioning within the plant. For example, salinity reduces phosphate uptake and accumulation in crops grown in soils primarily by reducing phosphate availability but in solution cultures ion imbalances may primarily result from competitive interactions. Salinity dominated by Na+ salts not only reduces Ca2+ availability but reduces Ca2+ transport and mobility to growing regions of the plant, which affects the quality of both vegetative and reproductive organs. Salinity can directly affect nutrient uptake, such as Na+ reducing K+ uptake or by Cl− reducing NO−3 uptake. Salinity can also cause a combination of complex interactions that affect plant metabolism, susceptibility to injury or internal nutrient requirement.Despite a large number of studies that demonstrate that salinity reduces nutrient uptake and accumulation or affects nutrient partitioning within the plant, little evidence exists that adding nutrients at levels above those considered optimal in non-saline environments, improves crop yield. Nutrient additions, on the other hand, have been more successful in improving crop quality such as the correction of Na-induced Ca2+ deficiencies by supplemental calcium. Nutrient additions may also reduce the incidences of injury as has been observed in the reduction of Cl-toxicity symptoms in certain tree crops by nitrate applications.It is reasonable to believe that numerous salinity–nutrient interactions occur simultaneously but whether they ultimately affect crop yield or quality depends upon the salinity level and composition of salts, the crop species, the nutrient in question and a number of environmental factors.

We tested the effects of age, sex, and season on the nutritional strategies of a group of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. Through observations of food intake of individual gorillas... more

We tested the effects of age, sex, and season on the nutritional strategies of a group of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. Through observations of food intake of individual gorillas and nutritional analyses of dietary components over different seasons and environments, we estimated nutrient intake and evaluated diet adequacy. Our results suggest that the nutritional costs of reproduction and growth affect nutrient intake; growing juveniles and adult females ate more food and more protein per kilogram of metabolic body mass than did silverbacks. The diets of silverback males, adult females, and juveniles contained similar concentrations of protein, fiber, and sugar, indicating that adult females and juveniles did not select higher protein foods than silverbacks but rather consumed more dry matter to ingest more protein. Juveniles consumed more minerals (Ca, P, Mg, K, Fe, Zn, Mn, Mo) per kilogram of body mass than adult females and silverback males, and juveniles consumed diets with higher concentrations of phosphorous, iron, and zinc, indicating that the foods they ate contained higher concentrations of these minerals. Seasonally, the amount of food consumed on a dry weight basis did not vary, but with increased frugivory, dietary concentrations of protein and fiber decreased and those of water-soluble carbohydrates increased. Energy intake did not change over the year. With the exception of sodium, gorillas ate diets that exceeded human nutrient requirements. A better understanding of the relative importance of food quantity and quality for different agesex classes provides insights into the ways in which gorillas may be limited by food resources when faced with environmental heterogeneity.

Are present nutrient management recommendations for the world's major cereal cropping systems adequate to sustain the productivity gains required to meet food demand while also assuring acceptable standards of environmental quality? To... more

Are present nutrient management recommendations for the world's major cereal cropping systems adequate to sustain the productivity gains required to meet food demand while also assuring acceptable standards of environmental quality? To address this question, the current nutrient management approaches and their scientific basis in large-scale, mechanized maize (Zea mays L.)-based cropping systems of the USA and more labor-intensive, smallscale irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.) production systems in Asia were evaluated. The principal challenges in both systems are similar: (1) there is no compelling evidence for significant increases in the genetic yield potential in both systems during the past 30 years, (2) farm yields are presently about 40-65% of the attainable yield potential, and (3) nutrient management mostly relies on approaches that do not account for the dynamic nature of crop response to the environment. Because average farm yield levels of 70-80% of the attainable yield potential are necessary to meet expected food demand in the next 30 years, research must seek to develop nutrient management approaches that optimize profit, preserve soil quality, and protect natural resources in systems that consistently produce at these high yield levels. Achieving these goals will require novel strategies for more precise plant nutrient management tailored to the technologies, dynamics and spatial scales relevant to each system. Significant advances in soil chemistry, crop physiology, plant nutrition, molecular biology, and information technology must be combined in this effort. Future field-oriented plant nutrition research must be of a more strategic, interdisciplinary, and quantitative nature. Systems approaches at micro-to meso-scales are required for gaining a more quantitative understanding of crop response to nutrients based on interactions among the essential crop nutrient requirements and on response to dynamic environmental conditions.

A mechanistic model that predicts nutrient requirements and biological values of feeds for sheep (Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System; CNCPS-S) was expanded to include goats and the name was changed to the Small Ruminant Nutrition... more

A mechanistic model that predicts nutrient requirements and biological values of feeds for sheep (Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System; CNCPS-S) was expanded to include goats and the name was changed to the Small Ruminant Nutrition System (SRNS). The SRNS uses animal and environmental factors to predict metabolizable energy (ME) and protein, and Ca and P requirements. Requirements for goats in the SRNS are predicted based on the equations developed for CNCPS-S, modified to account for specific requirements of goats, including maintenance, lactation, and pregnancy requirements, and body reserves. Feed biological values are predicted based on carbohydrate and protein fractions and their ruminal fermentation rates, forage, concentrate and liquid passage rates, and microbial growth. The evaluation of the SRNS for sheep using published papers (19 treatment means) indicated no mean bias (MB; 1.1 g/100 g) and low root mean square prediction error (RMSPE; 3.6 g/100g) when predicting dietary organic matter digestibility for diets not deficient in ruminal nitrogen. The SRNS accurately predicted gains and losses of shrunk body weight (SBW) of adult sheep (15 treatment means; MB = 5.8 g/d and RMSPE = 30 g/d) when diets were not deficient in ruminal nitrogen. The SRNS for sheep had MB varying from -34 to 1 g/d and RSME varying from 37 to 56 g/d when predicting average daily gain (ADG) of growing lambs (42 treatment means). The evaluation of the SRNS for goats based on literature data showed accurate predictions for ADG of kids (31 treatment means; RMSEP = 32.5 g/d; r2= 0.85; concordance correlation coefficient, CCC, = 0.91), daily ME intake (21 treatment means; RMSEP = 0.24 Mcal/d g/d; r2 = 0.99; CCC = 0.99), and energy balance (21 treatment means; RMSEP = 0.20 Mcal/d g/d; r2 = 0.87; CCC = 0.90) of goats. In conclusion, the SRNS for sheep can accurately predict dietary organic matter digestibility, ADG of growing lambs

Andes bajo el código M-516-07-D

Evaluation of lifetime productivity is sensible to target interventions for improving productivity of smallholder dairy systems in the highlands of East Africa, because cows are normally not disposed of based on productive reasons.... more

Evaluation of lifetime productivity is sensible to target interventions for improving productivity of smallholder dairy systems in the highlands of East Africa, because cows are normally not disposed of based on productive reasons. Feeding strategies and involuntary culling may have long-term effects on productive (and therefore economic) performance of dairy systems. Because of the temporal scale needed to evaluate lifetime productivity, experimentation with feedstuffs in single lactations is not enough to assess improvements in productivity. A dynamic modelling approach was used to explore the effect of feeding strategies on the lifetime productivity of dairy cattle. We used LIVSIM (LIVestock SIMulator), an individual-based, dynamic model in which performance depends on genetic potential of the breed and feeding. We tested the model for the highlands of Central Kenya, and simulated individual animals throughout their lifetime using scenarios with different diets based on common feedstuffs used in these systems (Napier grass, maize stover and dairy concentrates), with and without imposing random mortality on different age classes. The simulations showed that it is possible to maximise lifetime productivity by supplementing concentrates to meet the nutrient requirements of cattle during lactation, and during early development to reduce age at first calving and extend productive life. Avoiding undernutrition during the dry period by supplementing the diet with 0.5 kg of concentrates per day helped to increase productivity and productive life, but in practice farmers may not perceive the immediate economic benefits because the results of this practice are manifested through a cumulative, long-term effect. Survival analyses indicated that unsupplemented diets prolong calving intervals and therefore, reduce lifetime productivity. The simulations with imposed random mortality showed a reduction of 43% to 65% in all productivity indicators. Milk production may be increased on average by 1400 kg per lactation by supplementing the diet with 5 kg of concentrates during early lactation and 1 kg during late lactation, although the optimal supplementation may change according to milk and concentrate prices. Reducing involuntary culling must be included as a key goal when designing interventions to improve productivity and sustainability of smallholder dairy systems, because increasing lifetime productivity may have a larger impact on smallholders' income than interventions targeted to only improving daily milk yields through feeding strategies.

The materno–fetal transfer of metabolites and nutrients requires the operation of specific transport mechanisms through syncytiotrophoblast membranes. Electrophysiological studies on these cells are scarce and, because of their syncytial... more

The materno–fetal transfer of metabolites and nutrients requires the operation of specific transport mechanisms through syncytiotrophoblast membranes. Electrophysiological studies on these cells are scarce and, because of their syncytial nature, whole-cell current recordings have not been carried out. We have now studied whether or not ion channels from the human syncytiotrophoblast microvillous (hSM) membrane can be transplanted to Xenopus oocytes. Sixty-two percent of hSM-injected oocytes displayed lower resting potential and higher membrane conductance than uninjected cells. The increased membrane conductance was due to the incorporation of Cl– channels, because neither replacing Na+ in the bathing solution by N-methyl-D-glucamine or K+, nor withdrawing Ca2+ had any significant effect on the currents elicited by voltage pulses. In contrast, substitution of Cl– by different anions markedly affected the membrane conductance, giving an anion selectivity sequence of I–>Br–>Cl–>methanosulfonate≅gluconate. In addition, disulfonic stilbenes and gluconate, but not anthracene-9-carboxylic acid, blocked the transplanted channels. These properties are compatible with those of placental Cl– "maxi" channels. It is concluded that functional Cl– channels from the hSM become effectively incorporated into the Xenopus oocyte membrane, where their function can be studied in detail.

Chromium is a naturally occurring heavy metal found commonly in the environment in trivalent, Cr(III), and hexavalent, Cr(VI), forms. Cr(VI) compounds have been declared as a potent occupational carcinogen among workers in chrome plating,... more

Chromium is a naturally occurring heavy metal found commonly in the environment in trivalent, Cr(III), and hexavalent, Cr(VI), forms. Cr(VI) compounds have been declared as a potent occupational carcinogen among workers in chrome plating, stainless steel, and pigment industries. The reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) results in the formation of reactive intermediates that together with oxidative stress oxidative tissue damage and a cascade of cellular events including modulation of apoptosis regulatory gene p53, contribute to the cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of Cr(VI)-containing compounds. On the other hand, chromium is an essential nutrient required to promote the action of insulin in body tissues so that the body can use sugars, proteins and fats. Chromium is of significant importance in altering the immune response by immunostimulatory or immunosuppressive processes as shown by its effects on T and B lymphocytes, macrophages, cytokine production and the immune response that may induce hypersensitivity reactions. This review gives an overview of the effects of chromium on the immune system of the body.

ABSTRACT A new feeding system for sheep, called MIPAF, was developed by integrating previously published equations with new ones to predict energy and protein requirements as well as feed utilization of sheep. Special emphasis was given... more

ABSTRACT A new feeding system for sheep, called MIPAF, was developed by integrating previously published equations with new ones to predict energy and protein requirements as well as feed utilization of sheep. Special emphasis was given to dairy sheep, whose specific needs are not considered by most sheep feeding systems, and to some of the environmental factors that affect requirements. Original equations were added to predict fluxes in body energy reserves from body weight (BW) and body condition score. The prediction of supply of nutrients was based on the discount system of Van Soest. Thus, the MIPAF system predicts feed value as a function of the specific feeding level of the sheep that receive the ration. The ability of the MIPAF model to predict BW variations was evaluated using data from six studies with adult sheep (13 treatments with lactating ewes and 15 with dry ewes or wethers). The model predicted the variations of BW in sheep with no bias, but with high rooted mean squared prediction error (RMSPE) (mean bias = -0.1 g/d; P > 0.1; RMSPE = 44.9 g/d; n = 28). Three extreme outliers were discarded because the treatment diets, made only of wheat straw and supplied to mature wethers, had very low CP concentrations (less than 3.25%, DM basis). After the outliers were removed, the prediction error improved but the mean bias became significantly different from zero (mean bias = -12.3 g/d; P < 0.05; RMSPE = 29.6 g/d; n = 25). Prediction accuracy was different between lactating and non lactating sheep. Variations of BW in lactating ewes were predicted with high accuracy (mean bias = 6.8 g/d; P > 0.1; RMSPE = 18.7 g/d; n = 13), while for dry ewes the model was less accurate, under predicting the variations in BW (mean bias = -33.0 g/d, P < 0.001; RMSPE = 38.1 g/d; n = 12). The evaluations included published experiments with sheep of diverse body sizes and physiological stages fed diverse diets at various levels of nutrition. This suggests that the MIPAF model can be used to evaluate diets and animal performance in a variety of production settings with good accuracy. RIASSUNTO SVILUPPO E VALIDAZIONE DI UN MODELLO DI STIMA DEI FABBISOGNI NUTRITIVI E DELLA UTILIZZAZIONE DEGLI ALIMENTI NEGLI OVINI Un nuovo sistema di alimentazione per ovini, chiamato MIPAF, è stato sviluppato, integrando nuove equazioni con equazioni già pubblicate nella letteratura scientifica, al fine di stimare i fabbisogni energetici e proteici e il valore nutritivo degli alimenti. Particolare enfasi è stata data alle pecore da latte, non considerate da molti dei sistemi di alimentazione esistenti, ed agli effetti delle condizioni ambientali sui fabbisogni energetici. Il modello MIPAF comprende equazioni originali appositamente sviluppate per migliorare la stima del flusso di riserve corporee e la relazione tra peso corporeo e stato ITAL.J.ANIM.SCI. VOL. 4 (SUPPL. 1), 15-33, 2005 di ingrassamento. La stima del valore energetico e proteico è stata basata sul sistema dei discount di Van Soest, che tiene conto del livello nutritivo col quale sono alimentati gli animali per determinare l'apporto di energia e proteine derivante dalla razione alimentare. La capacità del modello MIPAF di stimare le variazioni di peso e di riserve corporee in ovini è stata valutata utilizzando dati derivanti da sei pubblicazioni scientifiche nelle quali erano riportati esperimenti condotti su ovini adulti (13 trattamenti su pecore in lattazione e 15 su pecore in asciutta o su montoni). Il modello MIPAF ha stimato senza bias ma con un elevato errore di predizione (RMPSE = radice dell'errore quadratico medio di predizione) le variazioni di peso (bias medio = -0.1 g/d; P > 0.1; RMSPE 44.9 g/d; n = 28). Tre trattamenti su montoni sono stati esclusi dallo studio perché l'analisi statistica li ha evidenziati come outliers. Questi animali utilizzavano diete molto povere di proteina (meno del 3.25% della SS), costituite solamente da paglia di grano. In seguito alla rimozione di questi dati, l'errore di predizione è diminuito ma il bias medio è cresciuto (bias medio = -12.3 g/d; P < 0.05; RMSPE = 29.6 g/d; n = 25). La capacità di predizione del modello è risultata diversa tra pecore in lattazione e pecore in asciutta. Le variazioni di peso delle pecore in lattazione sono state stimate in maniera accurata (bias medio = 6.8 g/d; P > 0.1; RMSPE 18.7 g/d; n = 13), mentre quelle delle pecore in asciutta sono state sottostimate (bias medio = -33.0 g/d, P < 0.001; RMSPE = 38.1 g/d; n = 12). La validazione del modello MIPAF è stata condotta utilizzando pubblicazioni che consideravano ovini di diverso peso corporeo e stadio fisiologico, alimentati con razioni molto diverse somministrate a diversi livelli nutritivi. Ciò suggerisce che il modello proposto possa essere utilizzato per valutare con buona capacità previsionale le razioni e le prestazioni produttive degli ovini in condizioni ambientali e di allevamento molto diverse.

Consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) of cellulosic biomass is a promising source of ethanol. This process uses anaerobic bacteria, their own cellulolytic enzymes and fermentation pathways that convert the products of cellulose hydrolysis to... more

Consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) of cellulosic biomass is a promising source of ethanol. This process uses anaerobic bacteria, their own cellulolytic enzymes and fermentation pathways that convert the products of cellulose hydrolysis to ethanol in a single reactor. However, the engineering and economics of the process remain questionable. The ruminal fermentation is a very highly developed natural cellulose-degrading system. We propose

Stress-induced analgesia was evaluated in adult rats submitted early in life to a protein deprivation schedule. Rats were undernourished with a hypoproteic diet containing 80 g casein/kg diet from d 14 of gestation until 50 days of age.... more

Stress-induced analgesia was evaluated in adult rats submitted early in life to a protein deprivation schedule. Rats were undernourished with a hypoproteic diet containing 80 g casein/kg diet from d 14 of gestation until 50 days of age. Rats were thereafter fed a balanced nonpurified diet until 140 days of age, when they were exposed to two stressors: forced swimming and acute restraint, after which the analgesic response was evaluated. In addition, the analgesic response induced by different morphine doses was determined in another group of rats. Basal latency was not different in deprived and control rats. Undernourished rats presented a significantly lower analgesic response in both stress situations. However, when the analgesic response induced by different morphine doses (1, 2, 4 and 8 mg/kg, s.c.) was assessed, a significantly higher response occurred in undernourished rats compared to control rats. This lower stress-induced analgesia in undernourished rats may account for the behavioral alterations attributed to early undernutrition. J. Nutr. 127: 765-769, 1997. KEY WORDS: • perinatal undernutrition • opiate agent • rats • stress • analgesia • protein undernutrition 1 Supported by grants from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Té cnicas (CONICET) and from CONICOR, Có rdoba, Argentina.

The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS), a mechanistic model that predicts nutrient requirements and biological values of feeds for cattle, was modified for use with sheep. Published equations were added for predicting the... more

The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS), a mechanistic model that predicts nutrient requirements and biological values of feeds for cattle, was modified for use with sheep. Published equations were added for predicting the energy and protein requirements of sheep, with a special emphasis on dairy sheep, whose specific needs are not considered by most sheep-feeding systems. The CNCPS for cattle equations that are used to predict the supply of nutrients from each feed were modified to include new solid and liquid ruminal passage rates for sheep, and revised equations were inserted to predict metabolic fecal N. Equations were added to predict fluxes in body energy and protein reserves from BW and condition score. When evaluated with data from seven published studies (19 treatments), for which the CNCPS for sheep predicted positive ruminal N balance, the CNCPS for sheep predicted OM digestibility, which is used to predict feed ME values, with no mean bias (1.1 g/100 g of OM; P > 0.10) and a low root mean squared prediction error (RMSPE; 3.6 g/100 g of OM). Crude protein digestibility, which is used to predict N excretion, was evaluated with eight published studies (23

The objective of this study was to describe and evaluate the feeding system of milking sheep in a typical mountainous area (Feneos of Korinthos, Greece), which comprises eight village communities. In this area, 23 000 sheep and 10000... more

The objective of this study was to describe and evaluate the feeding system of milking sheep in a typical mountainous area (Feneos of Korinthos, Greece), which comprises eight village communities. In this area, 23 000 sheep and 10000 goats are kept under an extensive livestock farming system and a semi-intensive feeding system. Available pasture, cultivated land and meadows comprise 16 800 ha, 4540 ha and 443 ha, respectively. Sheep graze throughout the year but herbage intake is sufficient to meet the animals' requirements only from April to June. During the summer, sheep graze cereal stubble and other crop residues left after harvesting. From October to March, animals are provided with concentrates and roughages. All of the roughages and part of the concentrates are farm grown. On an annual basis, concentrates, roughages and ingested herbage from grazing contribute 36%, 26% and 38% of total energy requirements, respectively, whereas supplementary feed only exceeds the animals' CP requirements. During winter the nutrient requirements of the sheep are not met, consequently animals lose weight (BC score I.552.51, but this is restored in the spring when there is usually plenty of grass. The rations fed during winter are not properly balanced, and there is usually an energy deficit and a protein surplus. No mineral supplements are fed, and some (about 18%) sheep suffer from subclinical Zn and Se deficiencies. It is concluded that the genetic potential of the sheep, under the feeding system of a typical mountain management region, has not been reached. Costs and benefits of supplementation need careful evaluation.

Peneid shrimp are commonly reared in clear-water aquaria or tanks for short-term studies of 46 weeks during controlled experiments, such as nutrition studies to estimate dietary nutrient requirements. Recently, in line with the genetic... more

Peneid shrimp are commonly reared in clear-water aquaria or tanks for short-term studies of 46 weeks during controlled experiments, such as nutrition studies to estimate dietary nutrient requirements. Recently, in line with the genetic program at Centre Océanologique du Pacifique (COP), experimental clear-water facilities were tested for the first time over a longer rearing period. Environmental conditions used to maintain animal growth in clear-water system using a well-balanced diet were defined. After 100 days, shrimp growth rates tended to decrease and only by adjusting the diet could shrimp complete their life cycle and reach maturation size of around 40 g. This paper presents information on stocking density, diet quality and husbandry linked to reproduction that must be considered to successfully rear animals from PL's to breeder size in clear water. By following these protocols a minimum amount of breeders can be used to meet production goals. Moreover, by isolating a small group of individuals, genetic diversity can be preserved, thereby allowing specific crosses for selective breeding purposes. Length of trials, amount of feed, composition of feed, growth performances and maturation success are reported and should encourage further studies to optimize rearing conditions in clear-water rearing.

Requirements for maintenance and the utilization of dietary true metabolisable energy, Ž . Ž . corrected for nitrogen N -retention TME , effective energy, corrected for N-retention, protein ) Corresponding author. S 0 3 7 7 -8 4 0 1 9 7 0... more

Requirements for maintenance and the utilization of dietary true metabolisable energy, Ž . Ž . corrected for nitrogen N -retention TME , effective energy, corrected for N-retention, protein ) Corresponding author. S 0 3 7 7 -8 4 0 1 9 7 0 0 1 8 8 -0 ( ) S.C. Cilliers et al.r Animal Feed Science and Technology 72 1998 283-293 284 Ž . amino acids cystine with a mean value of 0.747. Results in the present study presented essential information for the establishment of requirement estimates for ostriches. q

Oriental lily 'Laura Lee' was forced during wintertime with or without supplementary lighting. Three fertilization levels were applied: N1 control, water without fertilizers and N2 and N3 contained Peters (15:11:29) at two doses 0.8 and... more

Oriental lily 'Laura Lee' was forced during wintertime with or without supplementary lighting. Three fertilization levels were applied: N1 control, water without fertilizers and N2 and N3 contained Peters (15:11:29) at two doses 0.8 and 1.6 g dm À3 , respectively. The fertigation started in the third week after planting. Supplementary lighting accelerated flowering about 3 weeks, irrespective of the fertilization levels. It also improved plant quality expressed as higher stem weight, better sturdiness, higher leaf area and better leaf coloration. Supplementary lighting completely prevented flower bud abortion of 'Laura Lee'. Plants grown with supplementary lighting showed higher nutrient demands. Increased fertilization at low light levels led to higher accumulation of nutrients in growing media. #

Two experiments were designed to estimate the effect of methionine levels (0.33 and 0.45%) with betaine and folic acid on broiler performance. A total of 648 unsexed one week old Arbor Acres broiler chicks was randomly divided into two... more

Two experiments were designed to estimate the effect of methionine levels (0.33 and 0.45%) with betaine and folic acid on broiler performance. A total of 648 unsexed one week old Arbor Acres broiler chicks was randomly divided into two experiments according to dietary methionine level. Each experiment divided into nine treatment groups of 12 birds each with three replicates. The experimental diets were formulated to cover the nutrients requirements for broilers and were supplemented with betaine at 0.5, 0.75 or 1.0 gm kgG . Folic acid was added at 0.5, 0.75 or 1.0 mg kgG for each betaine level. Results can be summarized as 1 1 follows: Live body weight gain and feed conversion efficiency were significantly increased with increasing folic acid addition and increased with increasing betaine levels up to 0.75 gm kgG diet. Productive 1 performance was significantly improved by increasing different levels of betaine and folic acid. The OM, CP, EE, CF and NFE digestion coefficients were significantly (p>0.5) increased with increasing betaine or folic acid levels in the diets. The improvement of chick performance due to added betaine was depressed when chicks received diets containing recommended methionine, whereas, chicks performance improved by increasing folic acid level. Folic acid had significant effect on dressing %, the highest level received the highest dressing % recorded, while no significant effects were noticed in digestion coefficients of nutrients. Blood plasma AST and ALT decreased with increasing dietary methionine level. The highest economic efficiency was listed when diet contained the highest levels of betaine and folic acid.

Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, is a keystone species in the Southern Ocean. However, information on growth, diet and condition during winter and early spring is limited, hampering our understanding of these fundamental biological... more

Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, is a keystone species in the Southern Ocean. However, information on growth, diet and condition during winter and early spring is limited, hampering our understanding of these fundamental biological parameters at this important period in their lifecycle. Our study assessed diet and condition of larval and postlarval krill collected from open water and below the ice off East Antarctica (110-130% o E) in September/October 2007. Condition was assessed using lipid content, growth rates and digestive gland size; feeding history was assessed using fatty acid profiles and stomach content analysis; and a 207-day starvation study investigated the response of krill to long-term food deprivation. Potential food items (Calanus propinquus and sea-ice biota) were analysed for lipid and fatty acid composition to compare with krill samples. Krill were found to be in good condition, with mean growth rate of 0.95% per moult for postlarvae and 14.79% for larvae, and mean lipid content of 24.1% for postlarvae and 6.6% for larvae. Fatty acid profiles and stomach content analysis revealed two main feeding strategies -krill below the ice were feeding mostly on sea-ice diatoms, while those in open water were ingesting copepods and detritus. Krill below the ice had larger digestive glands than those in open water. Furciliae fatty acid profiles indicated a diet of heterotrophic flagellates and/or detritus. Postlarval krill survived 207 days of food deprivation by using body protein and lipid reserves for energy. In contrast, krill furciliae were severely depleted after just 5 days of food deprivation, indicating that they must feed continually at this time of year. Krill, copepods and sea-ice biota were all low in polyunsaturated fatty acids, indicating that krill must rely on later spring phytoplankton blooms to obtain these essential nutrients required for reproduction.

Mathematical models can be used to improve performance, reduce cost of production, and reduce nutrient excretion by accounting for more of the variation in predicting requirements and feed utilization in each unique production situation.... more

Mathematical models can be used to improve performance, reduce cost of production, and reduce nutrient excretion by accounting for more of the variation in predicting requirements and feed utilization in each unique production situation. Mathematical models can be classified into five or more categories based on their nature and behavior. Determining the appropriate level of aggregation of equations is a major problem in formulating models. The most critical step is to describe the purpose of the model and then to determine the appropriate mix of empirical and mechanistic representations of physiological functions, given development and evaluation dataset availability, inputs typically available and the benefits versus the risks of use associated with increased sensitivity. We discussed five major feeding systems used around the world. They share common concepts of energy and nutrient requirement and supply by feeds, but differ in structure and application of the concepts. Animal models are used for a variety of purposes, including the simple description of observations, prediction of responses to management, and explanation of biological mechanisms. Depending upon the objectives, a number of different approaches may be used, including classical algebraic equations, predictive empirical relationships, and dynamic, mechanistic models. The latter offer the best opportunity to make full use of the growing body of knowledge regarding animal biology. Continuing development of these types of models and computer technology and software for their implementation holds great promise for improvements in the effectiveness with which fundamental knowledge of animal function can be applied to improve animal agriculture and reduce its impact on the environment.

Environmental hurdles to sustainable livestock production Livestock farms are under increasing pressure to reduce manure nutrient excretions and nutrient accumulation on agricultural land in order to meet environmental regulations. To... more

Environmental hurdles to sustainable livestock production Livestock farms are under increasing pressure to reduce manure nutrient excretions and nutrient accumulation on agricultural land in order to meet environmental regulations. To date, nutrient management regulations in New York (NY) and other states in the US have addressed the Clean Water Act through implementation of the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) 590 standard for nutrient management on farms with concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO). The NRCS 590 standard focuses on reducing risk to water quality as the result of over-application of fertilizer and manure, and prevention of direct manure losses to our streams and lakes; this is accomplished through the use of the phosphorus (P) runoff index, the nitrate leaching index, and land grant university crop nutrient guidelines. Unfortunately, current nutrient management planning efforts do little to reduce importation and subsequent loading of nutrients o...

Breast-milk provides nutrients required for the development of the brain. n-6 and n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) have been suggested to be particularly involved. In this study levels of fatty acids in breast-milk... more

Breast-milk provides nutrients required for the development of the brain. n-6 and n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) have been suggested to be particularly involved. In this study levels of fatty acids in breast-milk were examined in relation to theory of mind (ToM) (n ¼ 13) and WISC-III (n ¼ 22) in six-year-old children. ToM tasks comprised four illustrated stories with questions about emotional (sad) events. Single polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were estimated as well as ratios between different fatty acids in order to describe putative associations between PUFA and psychological measures. Results show correlations between both ToM and WISC-III with single n-6 PUFA and the ratios DHA/AA and DHA/DPA. The correlations remained when socio-demographic factors were statistically controlled for. The positive findings related to the n-6 and n-3 LCPUFAs corroborate previous findings related to child cognitive development. r