Netnography Research Papers - (original) (raw)

O presente estudo investiga o efeito de país de origem no processo de introdução de marcas em novos contextos nacionais, a partir da análise do caso da marca Chery e de sua chegada ao mercado brasileiro. Para isso,... more

O presente estudo investiga o efeito de país de origem no processo de introdução de marcas em novos contextos nacionais, a partir da análise do caso da marca Chery e de sua chegada ao mercado brasileiro. Para isso, utiliza-se abordagem qualitativa, a partir da netnografia, com o objetivo de
compreender como as comunidades relacionadas à Chery elaboram significados positivos e negativos
em relação à marca. A pesquisa evidencia que a marca Chery esteve fortemente associada à China, algo que pode ter sido reforçado pela entrada simultânea de outras montadoras chinesas no país (JAC e Lifan). O trabalho propõe uma tipologia de consumidores a partir de duas dimensões distintas:
i) relação do consumidor internauta com a marca, e ii) conhecimento técnico a respeito de carros.
Assim, descreve os perfis “apaixonado”, “embaixador”, “revoltado” e “depreciador”. O trabalho analisa ainda a estratégia de oferta de carro completo, e como ela é discutida a partir do conceito de cidadania e do direito do consumidor.

The purpose of the study is to understand actual behavior of customers and firms by analyzing the real time interaction between firm and customers on social media platform. The study also pursues to assess the way firms respond to the... more

The purpose of the study is to understand actual behavior of customers and firms by analyzing the real time interaction between firm and customers on social media platform. The study also pursues to assess the way firms respond to the customer’s complaint on different social media platforms through autobots based on artificial intelligence. The study identifies official Facebook and Twitter pages of top online
shopping portals. The number of complaints and responses posted on these pages are documented and analyzed. Netnography method is used for data collection. Connotation key words are used for selection of comments and tweets. The study concludes that organizations respond to the most of the complaints publically but they further ask for the
personal interaction with the complainer to resolve the complaint through pre-defined statements. The study has also revealed that pre-defined statements stated by autobots based on artificial intelligence seem insufficient to resolve customer complaints. The limitation of the study is associated with the netnography technique, which has restricted
the exploration to only those consumers who have posted comments on Twitter or Facebook. Hence, other physical factors i.e. customer responses through numerous offline modes were absconded. The study is limited to Facebook and Twitter only. This study is limited to four major online shopping portals; it leaves a lot of scope to analyze other
industries such as banking and insurance, hospitality, aviation etc. The output of the study suggests that the firms need to be conscious enough to provide customized and adaptive solutions to the customers’ complaints instead of pre-defined responses through artificial intelligence as it lacks emotions to empathize with customers’ issues. As per the literature of review, methods chosen in previous researches by researchers were having a methodological gap, as netnography in social media environment remained unused earlier, which has reinforced to analyze original behavior of customers and responsiveness of organization.

The purpose of this research is to explore the role of online photography in creating experience value in nature-based tourism, and what types of experience value are conveyed through photography-based user-generated content. The paper... more

The purpose of this research is to explore the role of online photography in creating experience value in nature-based tourism, and what types of experience value are conveyed through photography-based user-generated content. The paper draws from existing literature in defining tourism experience value as a subjective, inter-subjective and inter-contextual construct, performed by situated valuation practices. Consequently, the paper presents interpretive and participatory netnography as an effective method to investigate experience value, and identifies online photography on Instagram as both a valuing practice and a valuing place. Results show the capability of online photography-based UGC to create multidimensional values from strategic combinations of textual and visual content. Simultaneously, new dimensions of experience value are introduced, which exist beyond single tourism experiential encounters, but critically contribute to an iterative experience valuation. Finally, Instagram posts introduce valuation timelines that can elude linear models of pre/in-situ/post-experience valuation, and assume subjective and fluid connotations.

This chapter discusses Mexican migration to the USA in at least three dimensions: a historical one; a geographical one; and modern Mexican migration to the USA has a strong social-economic background: Mexican people migrate to the USA for... more

This chapter discusses Mexican migration to the USA in at least three
dimensions: a historical one; a geographical one; and modern Mexican migration to the USA has a strong social-economic background: Mexican people migrate to the USA for economic reasons, but there is also social capital involved in being a migrant and how this is perceived in their home places. The analysis focuses on the content of messages in ‘transnational virtual spaces’ and explores the social meaning(s) of cross-border practices through social networks, with attention paid to their effects on migrants and non-migrants living in the country of origin.

Już pierwsze etnografie społeczności internetowych realizowały narracyjny model opowieści o osobistym doświadczeniu. Dziś to podejście nadal reprezentuje wielu badaczy cyberkultury, coraz częściej uprawiających autoetnografię... more

Już pierwsze etnografie społeczności internetowych realizowały narracyjny model opowieści o osobistym doświadczeniu. Dziś to podejście nadal reprezentuje wielu badaczy cyberkultury, coraz częściej uprawiających autoetnografię metodologicznie świadomą i intencjonalnie wpisaną w korpus technik etnograficznych. Artykuł przedstawia charakterystykę, historię i dorobek tak rozumianej autoetnografii Internetu – umocowanej teoretycznie i metodologicznie w tradycji jakościowych badań społecznych, poszukującej równowagi między emic i etic w narracyjnej warstwie tekstu etnograficznego i stawiającej w centrum swojego zainteresowania relację pomiędzy podmiotem a przedmiotem badania

Pretendemos compreender a importância da Internet como veículo de discussão de valores sociais e sua relação com o capital social, por meio de estudo netnográfico das relações sociais entre indivíduos na formulação da identidade presente... more

Pretendemos compreender a importância da Internet como veículo de discussão de valores sociais e sua relação com o capital social, por meio de estudo netnográfico das relações sociais entre indivíduos na formulação da identidade presente em Weblogs, onde as dinâmicas de sociabilidade entre público e privado são significados e preservados conforme antigas obsessões, tais como a da felicidade.

Consumer research often fails to have broad impact on members of our own discipline, on adjacent disciplines studying related phenomena, and on relevant stakeholders who stand to benefit from the knowledge created by our rigorous... more

Consumer research often fails to have broad impact on members of our own discipline, on adjacent disciplines studying related phenomena, and on relevant stakeholders who stand to benefit from the knowledge created by our rigorous research. We propose that impact is limited
because consumer researchers have adhered to a set of implicit boundaries or defaults regarding what we study, why we study it, and how we do so. We identify these boundaries and describe how they can be challenged. We show that boundary-breaking marketing-relevant consumer research can impact relevant stakeholders (including academics in our own discipline and allied ones, and a wide range of marketplace actors including business practitioners, policymakers, the
media, and society) by detailing five articles and identifying others that have had such influence. Based on these articles, we articulate what researchers can do to break boundaries and enhance the impact of their research. We also indicate why engaging in boundary-breaking work and
enhancing the breadth of our influence is good for both individual researchers and the fields of consumer research and marketing.

Netnography (Kozinets, 2010) is an ethnographic approach to study communities that exist primarily online. Engaging in online participant observation, the netnographer connects to the online community through a computer screen, and the... more

Netnography (Kozinets, 2010) is an ethnographic approach to study communities
that exist primarily online. Engaging in online participant observation, the
netnographer connects to the online community through a computer screen, and
the field is located inside the screen. Although it has been used in marketing
research extensively, netnography is a relatively new methodology in educational
research. In this paper, I give an overview of netnography and its applicability in
studying online language teaching communities. Drawing upon a netnography
of a globally-distributed online community of practice of English language teachers,
Webheads in Action, I provide detailed accounts of my experiences during
data collection and particular methodological considerations in netnography in
order to shed light on the often untold aspects of an ethnographic design in online
research that involves participant observation. I conclude with a discussion of
possible benefits of a participant observer approach in netnography in understanding
the culture of online language teaching communities, and invite CALL
researchers to consider netnography and online participant observation in their
future studies.

Perkembangan teknologi informasi melahirkan dunia baru bagi manusia, yaitu yang sekarang disebut dengan “ruang maya” atau cyberspace. Struktur cyberspace dalam internet memberi ruang yang bebas bagi setiap individu untuk melakukan... more

Perkembangan teknologi informasi melahirkan dunia baru bagi manusia, yaitu yang sekarang disebut dengan “ruang maya” atau cyberspace. Struktur cyberspace dalam internet memberi ruang yang bebas bagi setiap individu untuk melakukan tindakan apapun. Orang juga tak lagi pasif menerima informasi-informasi dari media massa, namun dapat secara aktif memproduksi dan menyebarkan informasinya sendiri. Saat ini kekuasaan wacana tidak lagi dipegang oleh pusat-pusat penyebar informasi seperti negara atau media massa melainkan pada setiap individu yang dapat mengakses teknologi informasi. Di sisi lain fenomena ini juga memicu booming informasi di mana orang tak lagi dapat membedakan yang bermanfaat atau tidak, yang pantas atau tidak. Tentunya penggunaan interaksi dalam dunia maya ini berpengaruh pada kehidupan masyarakat nyata dan membentuk pola-pola baru dalam hubungan sosial manusia.

Over the last decade, the ukulele has experienced a resurgence in popularity amongst players spanning a remarkable range of demographics and ability levels. One of the instrument’s most intriguing fields of visibility is the online video... more

RESUME : L’objet de notre travail est d’explorer la notion de pratiques de consommation marginales à travers le cas de la lithothérapie. Cette pratique, qui s’entoure d’une aura teintée de médecine, de spiritualité, d’ésotérisme et qui... more

RESUME : L’objet de notre travail est d’explorer la notion de pratiques de consommation marginales à travers le cas de la lithothérapie. Cette pratique, qui s’entoure d’une aura teintée de médecine, de spiritualité, d’ésotérisme et qui contient également des éléments de collection et de rituels doit être observée comme un nouveau marché dont
l’ampleur est pour le moment non quantifiable. Notre recherche, exploratoire, considère la
spiritualité comme une tendance de consommation. Cette recherche présente donc un
premier travail axé sur la revue de la littérature, la méthodologie exploratoire mise en oeuvre
(la netnographie et l’entretien d’experts) ainsi que les principaux résultats obtenus sur le terrain. Enfin, les premiers éléments de discussion soulèvent les projets de construction
identitaire des consommateurs via les significations symboliques associées aux produits proposés sur le marché de la spiritualité.

A proposta desse trabalho é investigar o mito da ubiquidade e a inteligência coletiva (que estão atrelados), em "conversas" entre usuários da página @NetflixBrasil, na rede social digital Facebook, em que tentam entender, coletivamente,... more

A proposta desse trabalho é investigar o mito da ubiquidade e a inteligência coletiva (que estão atrelados), em "conversas" entre usuários da página @NetflixBrasil, na rede social digital Facebook, em que tentam entender, coletivamente, questões tangentes às novas configurações de exibição e consumo de audiovisual presentes na Netflix. Para isso, realiza-se algumas considerações sobre a organização tribal e em rede desses sujeitos, e a análise de inspiração netnográfica de suas interações na página.

This study examines gender performances and communication styles on mobile dating applications (MDAs) in the context of queer theory with the help of netnography methodology. The research was conducted with Wapa users from Turkey. Wapa... more

This study examines gender performances and communication styles on mobile dating applications (MDAs) in the context of queer theory with the help of netnography methodology. The research was conducted with Wapa users from Turkey. Wapa can be defined as a popular, location-based, and real-time dating application for lesbians. The research examines the self-presentation narratives from the contents of user accounts and focuses on the user experiences that were obtained via online interviews. Based on the findings, this study contributes to the literature about communication, technology, and gender studies by revealing both male and female masculinity in a mobile communication environment. Although MDA technology is considered an opportunity for users to specify their preferred age range, proximity, and sexual orientation, the mobile environment is also an area where stereotyping about queer identities is reproduced and circulates.

This study aims to fill an empirical void in our understanding of how doctoral students, both domestic and international, cope with loneliness and isolation, and what types of tactics they use during different phases of their doctoral... more

This study aims to fill an empirical void in our understanding of how doctoral students, both domestic and international, cope with loneliness and isolation, and what types of tactics they use during different phases of their doctoral studies to overcome such issues. Data gathered through a netnographic study show that loneliness is a major problem for both domestic and international students and that it occurs at different stages of the doctoral study. Tactics used by participants to deal with this issue include multiple forms of (face to face and online) social interaction, professional development and escape from the doctorate. The paper discusses avenues for further research alongside some practical recommendations that might be implemented at universities to decrease feelings of isolation among students and further reduce drop-out rates.

Gli esseri umani sono soggetti all'immediato fascino di ogni estensione di sé, riprodotta in un materiale diverso da quello stesso di cui sono fatti. Fisiologicamente sono tante le ragioni per le quali un'estensione di noi stessi... more

Gli esseri umani sono soggetti all'immediato fascino di ogni estensione di sé, riprodotta in un materiale diverso da quello stesso di cui sono fatti. Fisiologicamente sono tante le ragioni per le quali un'estensione di noi stessi determina in noi uno stato di torpore». (M. McLuhan, Gli strumenti del comunicare, 1964) WALLACE, Brian, Social Media and Narcissism, Social Media Today, 12 dicembre 2013,

The MLJ reviews books, monographs, computer software, and materials that (a) present results of research in-and methods of-foreign and second language teaching and learning; (b) are devoted to matters of general interest to members of the... more

The MLJ reviews books, monographs, computer software, and materials that (a) present results of research in-and methods of-foreign and second language teaching and learning; (b) are devoted to matters of general interest to members of the profession; (c) are intended primarily for use as textbooks or instructional aids in classrooms where foreign and second languages, literatures, and cultures are taught; and (d) convey information from other disciplines that relates directly to foreign and second language teaching and learning. Reviews not solicited by the MLJ can neither be accepted nor returned. Books and materials that are not reviewed in the MLJ cannot be returned to the publisher. Responses should be typed with double spacing and submitted electronically online at our ScholarOne Manuscripts address:

Opublikowane w: Colloquia Anthropologica II, red. J. Jasionowska, K. Kaniowska, Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa 2017, s. 177-193. Nowe wyzwania antropologii politycznej. Etnografia usieciowionej rzeczywistości Abstrakt: Cyfrowy aktywizm to... more

Opublikowane w:
Colloquia Anthropologica II, red. J. Jasionowska, K. Kaniowska, Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa 2017, s. 177-193.
Nowe wyzwania antropologii politycznej. Etnografia usieciowionej rzeczywistości Abstrakt: Cyfrowy aktywizm to nowe zjawisko, ściśle związane z możliwościami technologicznymi Web 2.0, które zasadniczo zmienia dotychczasowe formy zaangażowania politycznego. Cyfrowe technologie umożliwiają nowe formy oporu i kontrolowania władzy, warunkują nowe sposoby protestu i zmuszają instytucje władzy do większej otwartości i przejrzystości. Na ile nowe formy ruchów społecznych wykorzystujące nowe możliwości technologiczne zmieniają ugruntowane instytucje władzy? Czy cyfrowy aktywizm doprowadzi do zmian neoliberalnej demokracji? Oto nowe pytania antropologii politycznej XXI wieku.

Ethnography online as an ethnographic division is often critically treated because it allows researchers to investigate a culture without having face to face contact (Hine 2008:259). It is moreover sometimes seen as inferior to... more

Ethnography online as an ethnographic division is often critically treated because it allows researchers to investigate a culture without having face to face contact (Hine 2008:259). It is moreover sometimes seen as inferior to traditional ethnography because much of the data collection occurs passively. But even though some researchers argue that online and offline world should be regarded as separated, ethnography online is not condemned to be conducted totally on the Internet, but rather almost naturally expands to related offline contexts. Accordingly, it offers many possibilities to understand a culture’s beliefs, values, norms, social practices, and behavior in online and offline correlations. There are “complex connections between online and offline social spaces [and a] key challenge for the future is to develop forms of ethnography that take seriously the social reality of online settings, whilst also exploring their embedding within everyday life” (Hine 2008: 258). In this respect, in the following, I will discuss why ethnography in and on online environments is a meaningful approach. I want to critically reflect on advantages and disadvantages of ethnography online and in particular consider how useful and appropriate a pure online observation is, compared to other ethnographic methods which might also be extended to the offline world. For this discussion I will take the example of my brief study of two female German YouTubers who are publishing videos concerning their everyday activities about beauty, fashion and ‘do it yourself’ on the online video community YouTube. One of the women I merely observed online via watching her videos, the other one agreed to additionally answer some questions in a personal interview via video call. Because consequently, I obtained information from both informants via different research methods, I want to critically discuss whether my research findings are anyway comparable. For reasons of simplification and for the flow of reading, I will use the male form of a word when actually gendering would be necessary.

Attracting and retaining IT professionals have emerged as top management concerns in the last years. This is particular relevant for companies with core business processes in IT that have much to gain from talented IT professionals.... more

Attracting and retaining IT professionals have emerged as top management concerns in the last years. This is particular relevant for companies with core business processes in IT that have much to gain from talented IT professionals. Google is one of those companies. Showing a considerable growth in recent years and pointed out as one of the best companies in US to work for, Google presents itself as an interesting case for studying employee incentives policies in IT companies. Using a netnographic approach to look into a work life blog discussion with the participation of present and past Google employees, a total reward strategy framework is used to analyze the data and generate new insights. Work life topics suggested upfront such as community involvement, health and wellness, work flexibility and cultural environment are particularly important. Administrative efficiency, workplace stability and equipment and technology are some new topics that may be worth to consider in a framew...

Netnography has been there in the social science stream since 1995 but is mostly used only for market and consumer research. Kozinets (2007) defined Netnography as ‘doing ethnographic research online or on digital networks and also as a... more

Netnography has been there in the social science stream since 1995 but is mostly used only for market and consumer research. Kozinets (2007) defined Netnography as ‘doing ethnographic research online or on digital networks and also as a combination of internet and ethnography’. The objectives of this study is to understand the current trends & future of digital space of India and an extensive analysis of existing Netnographic studies in India. The study reflects that the digital space and digital users are growing with high penetration rate along with the popularity of 4Gs and Smartphones in India. Research findings further reveal that there exists a substantial gap between the scope of Netnographic studies and the size of the overall Indian digital space, virtual networks/SNSs and number of digital users. Also, there are only a few disciplines currently promoting Netnography as a serious research method in India.

O capítulo discute a Netnografia como método para estudo de comunidades online, especialmente do comportamento digital, numa perspectiva de aproximação com a Antropologia. Para tanto, além de contextualizar o paradigma digital na... more

O capítulo discute a Netnografia como método para estudo de comunidades online, especialmente do comportamento digital, numa perspectiva de aproximação com a Antropologia. Para tanto, além de contextualizar o paradigma digital na sociedade contemporânea e apresentar a proposta netnográfica, dá exemplos de três pesquisas sobre marcas e comunidades de marcas que utilizaram deste procedimento metodológico.

Increasingly, consumers interact through the Internet to share their knowledge, experiences, and opinions. Consequently, ‘word-of-mouse’ has become a significant market force that influences consumer decision-making. On the basis of... more

Increasingly, consumers interact through the Internet to share their knowledge, experiences, and opinions. Consequently, ‘word-of-mouse’ has become a significant market force that influences consumer decision-making. On the basis of extensive quantitative and qualitative research, the authors sketch how consumers make use of virtual communities as social and information networks, and how this affects their decision-making processes. We present three studies that address (i) determinants and effects of virtual community influence on the consumer decision process; (ii) virtual community participation patterns; and (iii) discussion practices of the most active community members. Key implications for managers, marketers, and market researchers are discussed.

This article examines the continued presence of racial folklore and the reproduction of dominant racial ideologies as presented by the media and fan interactions. The case of Israel (Izzy) Folau's time at the Greater Western Sydney Giants... more

This article examines the continued presence of racial folklore and the reproduction of dominant racial ideologies as presented by the media and fan interactions. The case of Israel (Izzy) Folau's time at the Greater Western Sydney Giants Australian football club is presented, utilising an analysis of the club's email communications, media coverage and discussions by sports fans on online message boards. The analysis identifies the significance of the player's racialised body in constructions of masculinity and the extent to which it plays a role in the acceptance (or not) of an athlete. The article concludes that the narratives that are constructed around athletes are fluid and often change over time or in response to sporting performances or other external influences such as a change of team.

Conflict and rivalry are among the main reasons why human beings form groups and they determine what goes on within and between groups. However, why is threatening competition such a strong driver of brand community? How, where and why... more

Conflict and rivalry are among the main reasons why human beings form groups and they determine what goes on within and between groups. However, why is threatening competition such a strong driver of brand community? How, where and why does rivalry or oppositional loyalty manifest itself within and between brand communities? A netnographic study addresses these research questions by drawing on social identity, social comparison, self-categorization and brand culture theory among Ford and Holden (GM) communities in Australia. Findings suggest that rivalry between brand communities overtly manifests itself in the form of humor, epithets and ridicule for the most part, but also tips over into malice and outright hostility on occasion. While the underlying rivalry and conflict are continuous (and deep-rooted), certain events and occasions serve to heighten latent tensions between communities. Another unique dimension to this particular brand rivalry is vicarious alignment with one or other community even from non-users of either brand.

The body and possessions resulting from consumption choices, represent the extended self (Belk, 1988). Individuals invest (or divest) possessions of meaning as they embrace (or eliminate) them (McCracken, 1986). These meanings allow... more

The body and possessions resulting from consumption choices, represent the extended self (Belk, 1988). Individuals invest (or divest) possessions of meaning as they embrace (or eliminate) them (McCracken, 1986). These meanings allow individuals to employ possessions as vehicles facilitating personal transitions to new roles (Mehta & Belk, 1991; Noble & Walker, 1997; Schouten, 1991). Weight loss is one such transition in which possessions –
foods, clothing, tools – are invested and divested of meaning. Though weight loss is a ...

How is consumer desire transformed by contemporary technology? Most extant theory holds that technology rationalizes and reduces passion. In our investigation of networks of desire—complex open systems of machines, consumers, energy, and... more

How is consumer desire transformed by contemporary technology? Most extant theory holds that technology rationalizes and reduces passion. In our investigation of networks of desire—complex open systems of machines, consumers, energy, and objects—we find technology increasing the passion to consume. Effects depend upon participation in the network, which can be private, public, or professional. Private participation tends to discipline passion into interests reflecting established cultural categories. Public and professional participation build new connections between extant desires and a wider network, decentering ties and deterritorializing flows that limit hungers to emplaced bodies. Public and professional participation drive consumption passion to transgressive extremes. We use ethnography and netnography to study online food image sharing, a broad field that includes everything from friend networks to food bloggers. Using and extending Deleuze and Guattari’s desire theory, we conceptualize desire as energetic, connective, systemic, and innovative. Critically examining the role of technocapitalism in the realm of consumption passion, we question the emancipatory possibilities of unfettered desire. Networks of desire create a passionate new universe of technologically enhanced desire, one that challenges the way we think about consumer collectives, capitalism, emancipation, and posthuman consumption.

Consumers' boycott has presented itself as a form of repudiation to the companies' practices or position in the market, being characterized as an efficient consumers' strategy in the online world. The social networking websites have... more

Consumers' boycott has presented itself as a form of repudiation to the companies' practices or position in the market, being characterized as an efficient consumers' strategy in the online world. The social networking websites have lately been a powerful tool for consumers to express their feelings (positive or negative ones) toward the companies responsible for the products they purchase. Therefore, netnography is a scientific method adequate to the analysis of this locus. The aim of this article is to introduce netnography, using the case study of the Brazilian company Arezzo. Consumers in the social networking site Facebook have recently boycotted Arezzo. This shows clear evidence of the research results and the relevance of this method.

In this article, I examine the cultural and subcultural construction of consumption meanings and practices as they are negotiated from mass media images and objects. Field notes and artifacts from 20 months of fieldwork at Star Trek fan... more

In this article, I examine the cultural and subcultural construction of consumption meanings and practices as they are negotiated from mass media images and objects. Field notes and artifacts from 20 months of fieldwork at Star Trek fan
clubs, at conventions, and in Internet groups, and 67 interviews with Star Trek fans are used as data. Star Trek’s subculture of consumption is found to be constructed as a powerful utopian refuge. Stigma, social situation, and the need for legitimacy shape the diverse subcultures’ consumption meanings and practices. Legitimizing articulations of Star Trek as a religion or myth underscore fans’ heavy investment of self in the text. These sacralizing articulations are used to distance the text from its superficial status as a commercial product. The findings emphasize and describe how consumption often fulfills the contemporary hunger for a conceptual space in which to construct a sense of self and what matters in life. They also reveal broader cultural tensions between the affective investments people make in consumption objects and the encroachment of commercialization.

Termin mem (ang. meme) w jego pierwotnym znaczeniu wprowadził Richard Dawkins w wydanej po raz pierwszy w 1976 roku książce "The Selfish Gene"oznacza on analogiczny do genu "nowy typ replikatora": jednostkę transmisji kulturowej lub... more

Termin mem (ang. meme) w jego pierwotnym znaczeniu wprowadził Richard Dawkins w wydanej po raz pierwszy w 1976 roku książce "The Selfish Gene"oznacza on analogiczny do genu "nowy typ replikatora": jednostkę transmisji kulturowej lub jednostkę naśladownictwa.

Audiovisual translation focuses on the practices, processes and products that are involved in or result from the transfer of multimodal and multimedial content across languages and/or cultures. Audiovisual texts are multimodal inasmuch as... more

Audiovisual translation focuses on the practices, processes and products that are involved in or result from the transfer of multimodal and multimedial content across languages and/or cultures. Audiovisual texts are multimodal inasmuch as their production and interpretation relies on the combined deployment of a wide range of semiotic resources or modes (Baldry and Thibault 2006), including language, image, music, colour and perspective. They are multimedial insofar as this panoply of modes is delivered to the viewer through various media in a synchronized manner (Negroponte 1991). Since the turn of the century, the combined effect of technological and statutory developments has prompted a significant and rapid expansion in the provision and study of assistive forms of audiovisual translation that aim to facilitate access to media content for sensory-impaired viewers. In assistive translations, the meaning conveyed in the source text through acoustic or visual signifying means is reencoded in written or spoken language-in subtitles for the hard of hearing and audio description for the blind, respectively. Concerned with intersemiotic rather than interlingual transfers of meaning, accessibility-driven practices have significantly widened the scope of audiovisual translation as a field of professional practice and domain of scholarly enquiry.

Ce livre fait le point sur les avancées et les enjeux de la méthodologie qualitative en contexte numérique. Il offre un panorama des méthodes de recherche les plus récentes pour l’étude des phénomènes en ligne par les sciences sociales –... more

Ce livre fait le point sur les avancées et les enjeux de la méthodologie qualitative en contexte numérique. Il offre un panorama des méthodes de recherche les plus récentes pour l’étude des phénomènes en ligne par les sciences sociales – communication, sociologie, anthropologie. Cet ouvrage foisonnant présente des textes allant des fondements épistémologiques aux méthodes visuelles pour l’étude d’objets numériques, en passant par les stratégies ethnographiques, la collecte et l’analyse de traces d’activités en ligne. Au-delà du manuel, l’ouvrage se distingue par son actualité, sa cohérence entre la théorie et la pratique ainsi que par sa résonance interdisciplinaire.

Discussion on the Web is mediated through layers of software and protocols. As scholars increasingly study communication and learning on the web it is essential to consider how site administrators, programmers, and designers create... more

Discussion on the Web is mediated through layers of software and protocols. As scholars increasingly study communication and learning on the web it is essential to consider how site administrators, programmers, and designers create interfaces and enable functionality. The managers, administrators, and designers of online communities can turn to more than 20 years of technical books for guidance on how to design online communities toward particular objectives. Through analysis of this “how-to” literature, this dissertation explores the discourse of design and configuration that partially structures online communities and later social networks. Tracking the history of notions of community in these books suggests the emergence of a logic of permission and control. Online community defies many conventional notions of community. Participants are increasingly treated as “users”, or even as commodities themselves to be used. Through consideration of the particular tactics of these administrators, this study suggests how researchers should approach the study and analysis of the records of online communities.

Why and how do marginalized consumers mobilize to seek greater inclusion in and more choice from mainstream markets? We develop answers to these questions drawing on institutional theory and a qualitative investigation of Fatshionistas,... more

Why and how do marginalized consumers mobilize to seek greater inclusion in and more choice from mainstream markets? We develop answers to these questions drawing on institutional theory and a qualitative investigation of Fatshionistas, plus-sized consumers who want more options from mainstream fashion marketers. Three triggers for mobilization are posited: development of a collective identity, identification of inspiring institutional entrepreneurs, and access to mobilizing institutional logics from adjacent fields. Several change strategies that reinforce institutional logics while unsettling specific institutionalized practices are identified. Our discussion highlights diverse market change dynamics that are likely when consumers are more versus less legitimate in the eyes of mainstream marketers and in instances where the changes consumers seek are more versus less consistent with prevailing institutions and logics.