Numismatica Romana Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Se encuentra en un estado muy avanzado el estudio que realiza Francesc Margenat Ribas bajo el título “Noves aportacions a l’estudi de la moneda ibérica laietana. Les monedes partides al context ibèric i romà”. Dado que el estudio tardará... more
Se encuentra en un estado muy avanzado el estudio que realiza Francesc Margenat Ribas bajo el título “Noves aportacions a l’estudi de la moneda ibérica laietana. Les monedes partides al context ibèric i romà”. Dado que el estudio tardará unos dos años en publicarse, se ha creído conveniente publicar este resumen previo para facilitar su estudio y debate de cara a los diversos investigadores.
El autor, con experiencia como maestro industrial y oficial industrial del ramo del metal, por tanto, con conocimientos en materia siderúrgica, ha estudiado un centenar de monedas layetanas (Laiesken, Ilturo, Lauro y Baitolo) intencionadamente sin selección, para conocer aproximadamente la proporción de monedas de cada ceca. No contento con eso, el autor profundiza en el análisis de las piezas, en el proceso industrial, en el de elaboración de los cospeles, contrastando los de la Layetania con los del resto del mundo ibérico, sin entrar en las técnicas utilizadas en otros contextos geográficos y culturales, los cuales además podemos encontrar en la bibliografía existente. Insiste en que hay que remarcar la diferencia, ya que, por ejemplo, en la Roma republicana se elaboraron ases fundidos sin acuñación, es decir, con moldes de barro de los cuales salían las piezas con sus relieves.
Uno de los pocos múltiplos del áureo que quedan en el mundo es el cuaternión de Augusto que se conserva el Museo Arqueológico Nacional, en Madrid. Una nueva oportunidad que nos brinda esta asignatura de introducirnos en la historia desde... more
Uno de los pocos múltiplos del áureo que quedan en el mundo es el cuaternión de Augusto que se conserva el Museo Arqueológico Nacional, en Madrid. Una nueva oportunidad que nos brinda esta asignatura de introducirnos en la historia desde sus fuentes, algo apasionante y una forma de impregnarnos de la civilización de la que somos hijos, herederos y algunos, en los que me incluyo, amantes.
AA.VV., Un confronto drammatico con il XXI secolo: l'impero romano del III secolo nella crisi monetaria., Atti del seminario Un confronto drammatico con il XXI secolo: l'impero romano del III secolo nella crisi monetaria. Seminario di... more
AA.VV., Un confronto drammatico con il XXI secolo: l'impero romano del III secolo nella crisi monetaria., Atti del seminario Un confronto drammatico con il XXI secolo: l'impero romano del III secolo nella crisi monetaria. Seminario di Studi, Biassono, 9 giugno 2012, Museo Civico Carlo Verri, Biassono, 2014, pp. 244
El objetivo de este trabajo es tratar de dilucidar un problema que se nos presenta en torno a las afamadas spintriae. Tan problemático es su propio concepto, cronología, función y significado simbólico, como su nulo contexto arqueológico... more
El objetivo de este trabajo es tratar de dilucidar un problema que se nos presenta en torno a las afamadas spintriae. Tan problemático es su propio concepto, cronología, función y significado simbólico, como su nulo contexto arqueológico en lupanares, aunque se conoce un ejemplar -en ámbito funerario- que ha arrojado bastante luz al respecto. En definitiva, planteamos un nuevo estado de la cuestión. Y es que las spintriae suponen un punto de inflexión que viene marcado, además, por las fuentes clásicas, las cuales no nos hablan de la existencia de éstas, sino todo lo contrario: dicho término se ha utilizado en los textos para describir a prostitutas o prostitutos y, muy probablemente, practicar sexo.
Inaugurato nel 112 d.C., il Foro di Traiano è l'ultimo dei fori imperiali costruiti a Roma; con un'estensione di 300 metri di lunghezza per 185 di larghezza, rappresenta il ritratto monumentale del suo tempo e della politica... more
Inaugurato nel 112 d.C., il Foro di Traiano è l'ultimo dei fori imperiali costruiti a Roma; con un'estensione di 300 metri di lunghezza per 185 di larghezza, rappresenta il ritratto monumentale del suo tempo e della politica architettonica imperiale. La sua lettura, spesso controversa e da sempre legata all'iconografia di due emissioni di aurei coeve, è stata in gran parte rivista in seguito alle campagne di scavo condotte tra il 1998 ed il 2000 e quelle degli anni 2004-2007 che gettano nuova luce anche sull'interpretazione delle rappresentazioni monetali e sulla ricostruzione dei prospetti
architettonici, oltre che del Foro, anche della
Basilica Ulpia.
The discovery of twelve denarii found individually between 1985 and 1991 at New Fordey Farm, Barway, Soham in Cambridgeshire complements finds of aurei and denarrii at the same location reported in 1958, 1979, 1981 and 1984. The presence... more
The discovery of twelve denarii found individually between 1985 and 1991 at New Fordey Farm, Barway, Soham in Cambridgeshire complements finds of aurei and denarrii at the same location reported in 1958, 1979, 1981 and 1984. The presence of associated pottery sherds, and progressively decreasing wear from oldest to youngest coin, identify this as a disturbed hoard of at least 451 coins (the total found to date) with a closing date of AD 180 in the reign of Commodus (AD 180–92). This paper describes the most recent finds and places them in the context of the earlier reports and what is known of Roman activity in the immediate vicinity, before considering possible reasons for their deposition.
En este presente se analiza un conjunto de monedas Romano Republicanas colocadas a modo de escondrijo, posible ocultamiento, en el poblado prerromano de Castillejos II. Su estudio metrológico y su contextualización histórica intenta... more
En este presente se analiza un conjunto de monedas Romano Republicanas colocadas a modo de escondrijo, posible ocultamiento, en el poblado prerromano de Castillejos II. Su estudio metrológico y su contextualización histórica intenta arrojar luz a cerca de la incipiente circulación monetaria correspondiente al siglo II a.C. en la futura provincia romana de Lusitania.
The archaeological excavations at Scoglietto (Grosseto - Italy) uncovered 112 Roman, Byzantine and post-medieval coins. This paper analyses the numismatic assemblage and investigates the source of the coins in relation to the... more
The archaeological excavations at Scoglietto (Grosseto - Italy) uncovered 112 Roman, Byzantine and post-medieval coins. This paper analyses the numismatic assemblage and investigates the source of the coins in relation to the stratigraphic evidence. Other coin assemblages are taking into account in order to provide a much wider picture of the circulation, especially in the Mid to Late Imperial period. The recovery of a quantity of coins in the nearby caves of Scoglietto and Spaccasasso, as well as from the manufacturing district of Spolverino and the Roman villas around, provide the opportunity to compare this evidence with the wider territory of the ager Rusellanus and the city of Rusellae itself.
The aim of the paper is threefold. Firstly, it analyzes some archaeological contexts where coins were found in connection with architectural structures (mainly under the foundations of private buildings). The study cases (including a coin... more
The aim of the paper is threefold. Firstly, it analyzes some archaeological contexts where coins were found in connection with architectural structures (mainly under the foundations of private buildings). The study cases (including a coin deposit from the cathedral area of Luni) confirm that the archaeological context in which the coins were retrieved provides useful information to recognise an intentional and irreversible deposition against a deposition aimed to hoard the coins. Secondly, it tries to understand the purpose (or the purposes) of the rites performed in the phase of the foundation, reconstruction or destruction of a building. Lastly, it attempts to retrace the material (actions, actors, objects) and immaterial (words, prayers) aspects of the foundation ceremony thanks to some archaeological and textual sources.
A seguito dei lavori che si tennero a Verona negli anni 1887-1894 per la rettifica del corso dell’Adige e la costruzione dei muraglioni fu recuperato numeroso materiale archeologico, fra cui circa 2000 monete antiche. Queste monete sono... more
A seguito dei lavori che si tennero a Verona negli anni 1887-1894 per la rettifica del corso dell’Adige e la costruzione dei muraglioni fu recuperato numeroso materiale archeologico, fra cui circa 2000 monete antiche. Queste monete sono state studiate dagli scriventi e sono in corso di pubblicazione nell’ambito della collana Ritrovamenti monetali del Veneto. I ritrovamenti si distribuiscono soprattutto nel tratto fluviale fra ponte Pietra e ponte Navi, in particolare nell’area dell’antico ponte Postumio, nei cui pressi è stato recuperato un ripostiglio. Riguardo alla posizione originaria dei reperti monetali si ritiene che la fluitazione sia stata limitata; si ritiene inoltre che le monete siano finite nel fiume a seguito di eventi alluvionali o per ragioni accidentali. L’arco cronologico dei reperti numismatici è compreso tra il III secolo a.C. e il IV secolo d.C. con una particolare concentrazione in età tardo antica. Si tratta prevalentemente di numerario di bronzo di piccolo taglio, cioè degli spiccioli smarriti durante la vita quotidiana.
The consolidation of Roman occupation triggers a deep but heterogeneous transformation of the ancient Iron Age settlements. The degree of transformation reflects a hierarchy in settlement importance, which could be based in the importance... more
The consolidation of Roman occupation triggers a deep but heterogeneous transformation of the ancient Iron Age settlements. The degree of transformation reflects a hierarchy in settlement importance, which could be based in the importance assigned within the Imperial administrative network. After a period of military proctoring, Rome established a social system based on the inter-dependence and general subordination of the indigenous population allocated in the hillforts. Some of them were established as caput civitates. This is the case of Chao Samartín, Coaña, San Chuis and the Campa Torres.
Key words: Army, daggers, epigraphy, civitas, domus, ritual saunas
La abundancia de material monetario que la ciudad romana de Valeria (Valeria, Cuenca) ofrece al estudio de la disciplina numismática hace nece-saria la publicación sucesiva de los numerosos hallazgos que en relación al yacimiento se han... more
La abundancia de material monetario que la ciudad romana de Valeria (Valeria, Cuenca) ofrece al estudio de la disciplina numismática hace nece-saria la publicación sucesiva de los numerosos hallazgos que en relación al yacimiento se han ido produciendo. Las novedades que en este trabajo se presentan vienen a engrosar la vasta información monetaria que hasta el momento se conoce.
A survey carried out in 2014 at the Etruscan/Roman city of Rusellae (Tuscany-Italy) by the Soprintendenza Archeologia della Toscana, made possible to recover several coins. The most interesting specimens are two Etruscan silver pieces of... more
A survey carried out in 2014 at the Etruscan/Roman city of Rusellae (Tuscany-Italy) by the Soprintendenza Archeologia della Toscana, made possible to recover several coins. The most interesting specimens are two Etruscan silver pieces of V units, that show a peculiar style and a countermark not previously recorded. Thanks also to their known provenance, they will add new information to the study of Etruscan coinage. It is also interesting to note the recovery of a post semilibral sextans overstruck on a semilibral uncia of the Janus/Prow series, of a rare semis (RRC 76/3) struck in Sicily and a bronze of Colonia Nemausus (Nimes) struck under Augustus.
Reseña de un libro sobre numismática
Este trabalho visa analisar o período em que Valentiniano I administrou o Império Romano do Ocidente (364 – 375 d.C.) através de textos e moedas do período, além de contribuir para os estudos da Antiguidade Tardia e os elementos... more
Este trabalho visa analisar o período em que Valentiniano I administrou o Império
Romano do Ocidente (364 – 375 d.C.) através de textos e moedas do período, além de
contribuir para os estudos da Antiguidade Tardia e os elementos pertencentes ao período tais
como, a política, a sociedade, a economia e a cultura. Aspectos da sociedade romana que
sofrem várias modificações e transformações decorrentes da ascensão do cristianismo e da
figura dos chamados povos bárbaros no que refere às invasões ou na integração destes na
sociedade romana influenciando também na cultura.
Palavras – chave: Antiguidade Tardia, numismática , Império Romano, Valentiniano I.
This paper aims to provide a preliminary analysis of iconography from northern Italy which can be related to Augustan triumphal imagery. As a matter of fact, the iconographies of victory which can be dated after the battle of Actium show... more
This paper aims to provide a preliminary analysis of iconography from northern Italy which can be related to Augustan triumphal imagery. As a matter of fact, the iconographies of victory which can be dated after the battle of Actium show figurative models which can be related to a new common figurative language. The present analysis examines fragmentary depictions found in Luni, Verona in the area of Vicenza, and from the suburbs of the city of Aquileia. A comparative analysis of iconographic media including images belonging to Roman Republican and Augustan Coinage, the decorative apparatus of the funerary beds of bone/ivory, and the imagery related to Roman glyptics, allows to better understand the process of reception and elaboration of the figural repertoire related to the Augustan celebrative symbolism in northern Italy.
This contribution describes, through letters and printed documents, the history of the Catalogo di antiche medaglie consolari e di famiglie romane (Naples, 1855) by the collector Gennaro Riccio, the connections with the training... more
This contribution describes, through letters and printed documents, the history of the Catalogo di antiche medaglie consolari e di famiglie romane (Naples, 1855) by the collector Gennaro Riccio, the connections with the training environment, the scientific choices and the printing techniques of the book. The illustrated plates of ancient coins were produced experimentally in relief with the galvanoplastic method and with a special metal hue simulating gold, silver and bronze, in order to obtain a very realistic view of these coins. This method of illustration was successful, but also suffered criticism; it gained fame and later it was forgotten. The spectroscopic investigations carried out on some papers for the identification of the material sand of the execution techniques (FT-IR, Raman and FRX spectra) enable the reconstruction of the kind of paper used for the hollow printing, the layer of «white lead» and the composition of metal used in hues suggesting the presence of gold, silver and copper coins in relief, but reveal the absence of precious metals and especially the presence of copper particles (for gold and bronze coins) and tin (for silver coins).
The article describes a hoard of republican denarii, probably hidden at the beginning of the 1st century BC, and a gold solidus minted in Rome by Theodoric, the Ostrogothic King of Italy, struck in the name of Justin I between 518 and... more
The article describes a hoard of republican denarii, probably hidden at the beginning of the 1st century BC, and a gold solidus minted in Rome by Theodoric, the Ostrogothic King of Italy, struck in the name of Justin I between 518 and 526. This coin was found in the territory of Sovana, the village where it has been recently discovered the treasure hoard of solidi dated to the end of the 5th Century.
In this paper is presented a sesterce of Vitellius with an unpublished die association. The coin was found in Pompeii during the excavation of the pistrinumVII 2, 3.6-7, within the project ‘‘Pompe´i, Pistrina – E´tude des boulangeries... more
In this paper is presented a sesterce of Vitellius with an unpublished die association.
The coin was found in Pompeii during the excavation of the pistrinumVII 2, 3.6-7,
within the project ‘‘Pompe´i, Pistrina – E´tude des boulangeries de l’Italie romaine’’, directed by N. Monteix of the University of Rouen-Normandie. The discovery of this new association of dies prompted a re-examination of the bronze series of Vitellius and the other emperors issued during the transitional period and found throughout the Italian peninsula. As a result, some new elements were brought to light and they seem constant in the finds of bronze coin issued in the years 68-69 AD.
In this paper, we analyse the distribution pattern and the main features of autonomous provincial coins (i.e. coins without imperial head) struck between the reigns of Decius and Aemilian (RPC IX). Errata are given at the end of the pdf... more
In this paper, we analyse the distribution pattern and the main features of autonomous provincial coins (i.e. coins without imperial head) struck between the reigns of Decius and Aemilian (RPC IX). Errata are given at the end of the pdf file. Contact us for a full pdf offprint.
This paper analyzes the coinage of imperatores during the Roman Republic according to the responsability in the issue, the mint, the iconographic representations and the title of the magistrate. The praise of the militar virtues, the... more
This paper analyzes the coinage of imperatores during the
Roman Republic according to the responsability in the
issue, the mint, the iconographic representations and the
title of the magistrate. The praise of the militar virtues, the
legality of exercise of imperium and the link between the
imperator and the goddess, according his auspicia or his
personal cualities, are fundamental aspects in these coins.