QoS Routing for Wireless Mobile Aad Hoc Networks Research Papers (original) (raw)

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a challenging chapter in today's networking era. It is a network design approach that engages the framework to be controlled or 'altered' adroitly and halfway using programming... more

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a challenging chapter in today's networking era. It is a network design approach that engages the framework to be controlled or 'altered' adroitly and halfway using programming applications. SDN is a serious advancement that assures to provide a better strategy than displaying the Quality of Service (QoS) approach in the present correspondence frameworks. SDN etymologically changes the lead and convenience of system instruments using the single high state program. It separates the system control and sending functions, empowering the network control to end up specifically. It provides more functionality and more flexibility than the traditional networks. A network administrator can easily shape the traffic without touching any individual switches and services which are needed in a network. The main technology for implementing SDN is a separation of data plane and control plane, network virtualization through programmability. The total ...

The WiMAX technology, based on the IEEE 802.16-2004 Air Interface Standard is rapidly proving itself as a technology that will play a key role in fixed broadband wireless metropolitan area networks. The first certification lab,... more

The WiMAX technology, based on the IEEE 802.16-2004 Air Interface Standard is rapidly proving itself as a technology that will play a key role in fixed broadband wireless metropolitan area networks. The first certification lab, established at Cetecom Labs in Malaga, Spain is fully operational and more than 150 WiMAX trials are underway in Europe, Asia, Africa and North and South America. Unquestionably, Fixed WiMAX, based on the IEEE 802.16-2004 [1] Air Interface Standard, has proven to be a cost-effective fixed wireless alternative to cable and DSL services. In December, 2005 the IEEE ratified the 802.16e amendment [2] to the 802.16 standard. This amendment adds the features and attributes to the standard necessary to support mobility. The WiMAX Forum is now defining system performance and certification profiles based on the IEEE802.16e Mobile Amendment and, going beyond the air interface, the WiMAX Forum is defining the network architecture necessary for implementing an end-to-end...

In peer-to-peer content distribution the lack of a central authority makes authentication difficult. Without authentication, adversary nodes can spoof identity and falsify messages in the overlay. This enables malicious nodes to launch... more

In peer-to-peer content distribution the lack of a central authority makes authentication difficult. Without authentication, adversary nodes can spoof identity and falsify messages in the overlay. This enables malicious nodes to launch man-in-the-middle or denial-of-service attacks. In this paper, we present a trust based content distribution for peer-to-peer overlay networks, which is built on the trust management scheme. The main concept is, before sending or accepting the traffic, the trust of the peer must be validated. Based on the success of data delivery and searching time, we calculate the trust index of a node. Then the aggregated trust index of the peers whose value is below the threshold value is considered as distrusted and the corresponding traffic is blocked. By simulation results we show that our proposed scheme achieves increased success ratio with reduced delay and drop.

Radio frequency (RF) energy transfer and harvesting techniques have recently become alternative methods to power the next generation wireless networks. As this emerging technology enables proactive energy replenishment of wireless... more

Radio frequency (RF) energy transfer and harvesting techniques have recently become alternative methods to power the next generation wireless networks. As this emerging technology enables proactive energy replenishment of wireless devices, it is advantageous in supporting applications with quality of service (QoS) requirements. In this paper, we present an extensive literature review on the research progresses in wireless networks with RF energy harvesting capability, referred to as
RF energy harvesting networks (RF-EHNs). First, we present
an overview of the RF-EHNs including system architecture, RF
energy harvesting techniques and existing applications. Then, we present the background in circuit design as well as the state-of-the-art circuitry implementations, and review the communication protocols specially designed for RF-EHNs. We also explore various key design issues in the development of RF-EHNs according to the network types, i.e., single-hop networks, multi-antenna networks, relay networks, and cognitive radio networks. Finally, we envision some open research directions.

In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), links are created and destroyed in an unpredictable way, which makes quite challenging the determination of routes between each pair of nodes. In this paper, we propose a formulation of the routing... more

In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), links are created and destroyed in an unpredictable way, which makes quite challenging the determination of routes between each pair of nodes. In this paper, we propose a formulation of the routing problem in multi-services MANETs, as well as the implementation of an adaptation of the dynamic source routing (DSR) protocol.

Saat ini kehadiran pada da'i semakin dituntut untuk ikut terlibat secara aktif dalam memecahkan berbagai masalah yang dihadapi umat manusia. Para da'i tidak boleh hanya menjadi lambang kesalehan atau berhenti sekadar menyampaikan... more

Saat ini kehadiran pada da'i semakin dituntut untuk ikut terlibat secara aktif dalam memecahkan berbagai masalah yang dihadapi umat manusia. Para da'i tidak boleh hanya menjadi lambang kesalehan atau berhenti sekadar menyampaikan pesan-pesan agama dalam khutbah, melainkan secara konsepsional para da'i dituntut mampu memecahkan berbagai persoalan dan dinamika hidup yang terjadi dalam masyarakat luas. Meminjam istilah Achmad Satori Ismail, bahwa tidak mungkin mengamalkan Islam secara komprehensif kalau seorang da'i tidak memiliki ilmu keislaman yang luas. Oleh sebab itu, seorang da'i harus memiliki ilmu terlebih dahulu tentang keislaman-termasuk memiliki ilmu tentang al-Qur'an, hadits, usul fiqh, dan lain-lain. Tuntutan terhadap agama yang demikian itu dapat dijawab manakala pemahaman agama yang selama ini banyak menggunakan pendekatan teologis normatif dilengkapi dengan pemahaman agama yang menggunakan pendekatan lain, yang secara operasional konseptual, dapat memberikan jawaban terhadap masalah yang timbul. Berkenaan dengan pemikiran di atas, maka pada tulisan ini pembaca akan diajak untuk mengkaji berbagai pendekatan yang dapat digunakan dalam memahami agama. Hal demikian perlu dilakukan, karena melalui pendekatan tersebut, kehadiran agama secara fungsional dapat dirasakan oleh penganutnya. Sebaliknya tanpa mengetahui berbagai pendekatan tersebut, tidak mustahil agama menjadi sulit dipahami oleh masyarakat, tidak fungsional, dan akhirnya masyarakat mencari pemecahan masalah kepada selain agama, dan hal ini tidak boleh terjadi. Berbagai pendekatan tersebut meliputi pendekatan teologis, normatif, antropologis, sosiologis, fenomenologis, filosofis, historis, politis, psikologis, dan interdisipliner. Adapun yang dimaksud dengan pendekatan di sini adalah cara pandang atau paradigma yang terdapat dalam suatu bidang ilmu yang selanjutnya digunakan dalam memahami agama. Agama dapat diteliti dengan menggunakan berbagai paradigma. Realitas keagamaan yang diungkapkan mempunyai nilai kebenaran sesuai dengan kerangka paradigmanya. Karena itu, tidak ada persoalan apakah penelitian agama itu penelitian ilmu sosial, penelitian legalistik atau penelitian filosofis.

Purpose of Study: The IoT is an emerging field nowadays and that can be used anywhere in automation, agriculture, controlling as well as monitoring of any object, which exists in the real world. We have to make use of IoT in Agriculture... more

Purpose of Study: The IoT is an emerging field nowadays and that can be used anywhere in automation, agriculture, controlling as well as monitoring of any object, which exists in the real world. We have to make use of IoT in Agriculture to increase productivity. Agro-industry processes could be more efficient by using IoT. It gives automation to agro-industry by reducing human intervention. In the current scenario, the sometime farmer doesn’t know the current status of the soil moisture and other things related to their land and don’t produce productive results towards crops. The purpose of this research study is to explore the usage of IoT devices and application areas that are being used in agriculture.
Methodology: The methodology behind this study is to identify trends and review the open challenges, application areas and architectures for IoT in agro-industry. This survey is based on a systematic literature review where related research is grouped into four domains such as monitoring, control, prediction, and logistics.
Main Findings: This research study presents a detailed work of the eminent researchers and designs of computer architecture that can be applied in agriculture for smart farming. This research study also highlights various unfolded challenges of IoT in agriculture.
Implications: This study can be beneficial for farmers, researchers, and professionals working in agricultural institutions for smart farming.
Novelty/Originality of the study: Various eminent researchers have been making efforts for smart farming by using IoT concepts in agriculture. But, a bouquet of unfolded challenges is still in a queue for their effective solution. This study makes some efforts to discuss past research and open challenges in IoT based agriculture.

The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal... more

The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal focuses on all technical and practical aspects of Computer Networks & data Communications. The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on advanced networking concepts and establishing new collaborations in these areas.

AIRCC's International Journal of Computer Network & Communications( IJCNC) is dedicated to strengthen the field of Computer Networks and Communications and publishes only good quality papers. IJCNC is highly selective and maintains less... more

AIRCC's International Journal of Computer Network & Communications( IJCNC) is dedicated to strengthen the field of Computer Networks and Communications and publishes only good quality papers. IJCNC is highly selective and maintains less than 5% acceptance rate. All accepted papers will be tested for plagiarism manually as well as by Docoloc. Papers published in IJCNC has received enormous citations and has been regarded as one of the best Journal in the networking research field.

Cloud computing is public pools of configurable mainframe system resources and higher-level services that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal running effort, often over the Internet. One of the main challenges in cloud computing is... more

Cloud computing is public pools of configurable mainframe system resources and higher-level services that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal running effort, often over the Internet. One of the main challenges in cloud computing is how to reduce the massive amount of energy consumption in cloud computing data centers. The many research authors proposed power aware resource allocation algorithm to solve this issue based on virtual machine allocation and consolidation approaches. The most of existing energy efficient cloud solutions save energy cost at a price of the significant performance degradation. In this paper propose a genetic heuristic search optimization technique based dynamic consolidation of VMs based on adaptive utilization thresholds, which ensures a high level of meeting the service level agreements (SLA).The dynamic virtual machine allocation policy heuristics based on the idea of setting upper and lower utilization thresholds for hosts and keeping total utilization of CPU by all VMs between these dynamic changing thresholds. The power-aware scheduling-based resource allocation (G-PARS) has been proposed to solve the dynamic virtual machine allocation policy problem. The experiments result shows that the proposed strategy has a better performance than particle swarm optimization strategies, not only in high QoS but also in less energy consumption. In addition, the advantage of its reduction on the number of active hosts is much clearer, especially when it is under life-threatening workloads.

Cellular users of today have an insatiable appetite for bandwidth and data. Data-intensive applications, such as video on demand, online gaming and video conferencing, have gained prominence. This, coupled with recent innovations in the... more

Cellular users of today have an insatiable appetite for bandwidth and data. Data-intensive applications, such as video on demand, online gaming and video conferencing, have gained prominence. This, coupled
with recent innovations in the mobile network such as LTE/4G, poses a unique challenge to network operators in how to extract the most value from their deployments while reducing their Total Cost of Operations(TCO). To this end, a number of enhancements have been proposed to the “conventional” LTE mobile network. Most of these recognize the monolithic and non-elastic nature of the mobile backend and propose complimenting core functionality with concepts borrowed from Software Defined Networking (SDN). In this paper, we will attempt to explore some existing options within the LTE standard to address
traffic challenges. We then survey some SDN-enabled alternatives and comment on their merits and drawbacks.

14th International Conference on Wireless & Mobile Networks (WiMoNe 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Wireless & Mobile computing Environment.... more

14th International Conference on Wireless & Mobile Networks (WiMoNe 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Wireless & Mobile computing Environment. Current information age is witnessing a dramatic use of digital and electronic devices in the workplace and beyond. Wireless, Mobile Networks & its applications had received a significant and sustained research interest in terms of designing and deploying large scale and high performance computational applications in real life. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field.

Internet traffic has become vast in terms of data processing as well as storage which has occurred some limitations on existing traditional infrastructure. Such limitations may include servers, data storage, and computing resources. This... more

Internet traffic has become vast in terms of data processing as well as storage which has occurred some limitations on existing traditional infrastructure. Such limitations may include servers, data storage, and computing resources. This has consequently led most of organization to keep investing and expanding their infrastructure in periodical phases. Hence, two factors are always co-related to each other which are TCO (total cost of ownership) and ROT (return on investment) which are critically increased due to the amount of general investment including all expenses as well as human powers. Therefore, a new technology has emerged which is called “Cloud Computing”. This terminology has been released recently to work as a supportive to traditional infrastructure which is part of Datacenters. It offers reliability, improved QoS, and efficiency to end-users. This paper presents a novel case study of cloud computing on a large scale
environment. Various factors such as TOC and ROI have been taken in consideration on a comparative study with traditional Datacenter. Results have shown considerable improvement on performance, utilization, and investment.

The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal... more

The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal focuses on all technical and practical aspects of Computer Networks & data Communications. The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on advanced networking concepts and establishing new collaborations in these areas.

Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of two or more devices or nodes or terminals with wireless communications and networking capability that communicate with each other without the aid of any centralized administrator also the... more

Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of two or more devices or nodes or terminals with wireless communications and networking capability that communicate with each other without the aid of any centralized administrator also the wireless nodes that can dynamically form a network to exchange information without using any existing fixed network infrastructure. And it’s an autonomous system in which mobile hosts connected by wireless links are free to be dynamically and some time act as routers at the same time, and we discuss in this paper the distinct characteristics of traditional wired networks, including network configuration may change at any time , there is no direction or limit the movement and so on, and thus needed a new optional path Agreement (Routing Protocol) to identify nodes for these actions communicate with each other path, An ideal choice way the agreement should not only be able to find the right path, and the Ad Hoc Network must be able to adapt to changing network of this type at any time. and we talk in details in this paper all the information of Mobile Ad Hoc Network which include the History of ad hoc, wireless ad hoc, wireless mobile approaches and types of mobile ad Hoc networks, and then we present more than 13 types of the routing Ad Hoc Networks protocols have been proposed. In this paper, the more representative of routing protocols, analysis of individual characteristics and advantages and disadvantages to collate and compare, and present the all applications or the Possible Service of Ad Hoc Networks

Deployment Video on Demand (VoD) over the next generation (WiMAX) has become one of the intense interest subjects in the research these days, and is expected to be the main revenue generators in the near future and the efficiency of video... more

Deployment Video on Demand (VoD) over the next generation (WiMAX) has become one of the intense interest subjects in the research these days, and is expected to be the main revenue generators in the near future and the efficiency of video streaming over next generation 4G is the key to enabling this. We are considering video streaming for real time video was coded by different H.264.x codes (H.264/AVC, and SVC), and we consider an IP-Unicast to deliver this streaming video over WiMAX. Our approach investigates the performance evaluation of IPTV (VoD) over WiMAX networks. OPNET is used to investigate the performance of VoD over WiMAX. Results obtained from simulation indicate that SVC video codec is an appropriate video codec for video streaming over WiMAX.


MANET is defined as a collection of mobile nodes with no central management, running on batteries and changing topology. The aim of this paper is to make the existing AODV routing protocol efficient by with an enhanced route discovery... more

MANET is defined as a collection of mobile nodes
with no central management, running on batteries and
changing topology. The aim of this paper is to make the
existing AODV routing protocol efficient by with an enhanced
route discovery mechanism which reduces transmission delay
that is caused due to path instability. When a source node
want to communicate with another node it broadcast
RREQ.In EAODV RREQ message afield is reserved for
obtaining the node remaining energy and that route will be
selected which has greater average remaining energy. This
will reduce transmission delay and increase throughput. We
implement proposed solution in NS2.

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a challenging chapter in today's networking era. It is a network design approach that engages the framework to be controlled or 'altered' adroitly and halfway using programming applications. SDN is a... more

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a challenging chapter in today's networking era. It is a network design approach that engages the framework to be controlled or 'altered' adroitly and halfway using programming applications. SDN is a serious advancement that assures to provide a better strategy than displaying the Quality of Service (QoS) approach in the present correspondence frameworks. SDN etymologically changes the lead and convenience of system instruments using the single high state program. It separates the system control and sending functions, empowering the network control to end up specifically. It provides more functionality and more flexibility than the traditional networks. A network administrator can easily shape the traffic without touching any individual switches and services which are needed in a network. The main technology for implementing SDN is a separation of data plane and control plane, network virtualization through programmability. The total amount of time in which user can respond is called response time. Throughput is known as how fast a network can send data. In this paper, we have design a network through which we have measured the Response Time and Throughput comparing with the Real-time Online Interactive Applications (ROIA), Multiple Packet Scheduler, and NOX.

Development of new applications and the introduction of innovative technologies can lead to revise network architectures in order to build sustainable broadband infrastructures. The present paper describes the main drivers and enabling... more

Development of new applications and the introduction of innovative technologies can lead to revise network architectures in order to build sustainable broadband infrastructures. The present paper describes the main drivers and enabling technologies leading to change the current fixed and mobile network architectures. The limitations of the aggregation network are briefly shown by a description of the legacy network architecture. The advantages of optical access technologies are also depicted. In order to avoid certain bottlenecks in the aggregation segment, an advanced solution called Next Generation Point of Presence (NG-PoP) is presented. The main idea of NG-PoP architecture is to move the existing boundaries between access and aggregation networks. Finally, the NG-PoP architecture is analyzed and compared to the legacy network one according to several criteria such as Quality of Service (QoS), cost criteria, power savings and Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) features.

The exponential rise in wireless communication systems and allied applications has revitalized academiaindustries to achieve more efficient data transmission system to meet Quality-of-Service (QoS) demands. Amongst major wireless... more

The exponential rise in wireless communication systems and allied applications has revitalized academiaindustries to achieve more efficient data transmission system to meet Quality-of-Service (QoS) demands. Amongst major wireless communication techniques, Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is found potential to provide decentralized and infrastructure less communication among multiple distributed nodes across network region. However, dynamic network conditions such as changing topology, congestion, packet drop, intrusion possibilities etc often make MANET’s routing a tedious task. On the other hand, mobile network feature broadens the horizon for intruders to penetrate the network and causes performance degradation.
Unlike classical MANET protocols where major efforts have been made on single network parameter based routing decision, this research paper proposes a novel Elitist Genetic Algorithm (EGA) Multi-Objective Optimization assisted Network Condition Aware QoS-Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MNCQM). Our proposed MNCQM protocol exhibits two phase implementation where at first it performs
node-profiling under dynamic network topology for which three factors; irregular MAC information exchange, queuing overflow and topological variations have been considered. Towards this objective node features like Packet Forwarding Probability (PFP) at the MAC layer, Success Probability of Data Transmission (SPDT) of a neighboring node, and Probability of Successful Data Delivery (PSDD) have
been obtained to estimate Node-Trustworthiness Index (NTI), which is further used to eliminate untrustworthy nodes. In the second phase of implementation, a novel Evolutionary Computing assisted nondisjoint best forwarding path selection model is developed that exploits node’s and allied link’s connectivity and availability features to identify the quasi-sub-optimal forwarding paths. EGA algorithm intends to reduce hop-counts, connectivity-loss and node or link unavailability to estimate best forwarding
node. One key feature of the proposed model is dual-supplementary forwarding path selection that enables alternate path formation in case of link outage and thus avoids any iterative network discovery phase.

The (r)evolution of wireless access infrastructure can be described as the convergence of the available radio communication systems towards a harmonized, more flexible and reconfigurable access system to match the current and upcoming... more

The (r)evolution of wireless access infrastructure can be described as the convergence of the available radio communication systems towards a harmonized, more flexible and reconfigurable access system to match the current and upcoming demands. In recent years Softwarization and Virtualization technologies have moved from server and network domains to wireless domain and provides new perspectives of managing mobile networks functionalities. This paper provides evolution of the mobile network architecture in Software Defined Networking (SDN) and virtualization context and realizes it through the use of distribution of gateway function approach. Key improvements with proposed approach are to support efficient mobility management in heterogeneous access environments, remove the chains of IP preservation and optimal data path management according to application needs. A functional setup validates and assays the proposed evolution in terms of inter-system handover preparation, interruption and completion time relative to control plane delay requirements of the 5G networks.

For next generation wireless networks, supporting quality of service (QoS) in multimedia application like video, streaming and voice over IP is a necessary and critical requirement. Wireless Mesh Networking is envisioned as a solution for... more

For next generation wireless networks, supporting quality of service (QoS) in multimedia application like
video, streaming and voice over IP is a necessary and critical requirement. Wireless Mesh Networking is
envisioned as a solution for next networks generation and a promising technology for supporting
multimedia application.
With decreasing the numbers of mesh clients, QoS will increase automatically. Several research are
focused to improve QoS in Wireless Mesh networks (WMNs), they try to improve a basics algorithm, like
routing protocols or one of example of canal access, but in moments it no sufficient to ensure a robust
solution to transport multimedia application over WMNs.
In this paper we propose an efficient routing algorithm for multimedia transmission in the mesh network
and an approach of QoS in the MAC layer for facilitated transport video over the network studied.

96% market share of existing Smart Grid network installations is wireless mesh networks [ 1 ]. The paper starts by justifying the selection of WMNs as opposed to any other communication techn ology based on quantifying the... more

96% market share of existing Smart Grid network installations is wireless mesh networks [
The paper
starts by justifying
selection of WMNs as opposed to any other communication techn
ology based on
quantifying the bandwidth/latency/QoS constraints of a number of Smart Grid applications. The main
objective of this paper, however, is to discuss some optimization techniques that found in the literature
can be implemented to overcome
some of the challenges currently being faced by WM
Ns deployment in
Smart Grid’s NANs
. Hybrid WMN
(HWMN) is
proposed as an optimization on the topology level to
leverage WMNs convergence. Distributed Autonomous Data Routing DADR, multigate and diversity
ting are optimizations on the protocol level to minimize the down time of WMNs.
Cognitive R
adio is
as an optimization on the physical level
. The paper also
explores the feasibility of using
Wireless Software Defined
WSDN to improve th
e overall visibility and manageability of WMNs.

All networks must provide an acceptable and desirable level of Quality of Service (QoS) to ensure that applications are well supported. This becomes a challenge when it comes to Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs). This paper presents a... more

All networks must provide an acceptable and desirable level of Quality of Service (QoS) to ensure that applications are well supported. This becomes a challenge when it comes to Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs). This paper presents a security framework that is QoS-aware in MANETs using a network protocol called Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR). Security & QoS targets may not necessarily be similar but this framework seeks to bridge the gap for the provision of an optimal functioning MANET. This paper presents the various security challenges, attacks, and goals in MANETs and the existing architectures or mechanisms used to combat security attacks. Additionally, this framework includes a security keying system to ascertain QoS. The keying system is linked to the basic configuration of the protocol OLSR through its Multi-point Relays (MPRs) functionality. The proposed framework is one that optimizes the use of network resources and time.

Flooding attack is a network attack that sends a large amount of traffic to the victim networks or services to cause denial-of-service. In Software-Defined Networking (SDN) environment, this attack might not only breach the hosts and... more

Flooding attack is a network attack that sends a large amount of traffic to the victim networks or services to cause denial-of-service. In Software-Defined Networking (SDN) environment, this attack might not only breach the hosts and services but also the SDN controller. Besides, it will also cause a disconnection of links between the controller and the switches. Thus, an effective detection and mitigation technique of
flooding attacks is required. Statistical analysis techniques are widely used for the detection and mitigation of flooding attacks. However, the effectiveness of these techniques strongly depends on the defined threshold. Defining the static threshold is a tedious job and most of the time produces a high false positive alarm .In this paper, we proposed the dynamic threshold which is calculated using modified adaptive
threshold algorithm (MATA). The original ATA is based on the Exponential Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) formula which produces the high number of false alarms. To reduce the false alarms, the alarm signal will only be generated after a minimum number of consecutive violations of the threshold. This, however, has increased the false negative rate when the network is under attack. In order to reduce this
false negative rate, MATA adapted the baseline traffic info of the network infrastructure. The comparative analysis of MATA and ATA are performed through the measurement of false negative rate, and accuracy of detection rate. Our experimental results show that MATA is able to reduce false negative rates up to 17.74% and increase the detection accuracy of 16.11%over the various types of flooding attacks at the transport layer.

The centralized architecture in software-defined network (SDN) provides a global view of the underlying network, paving the way for enormous research in the area of SDN traffic engineering (SDN TE). This research focuses on the load... more

The centralized architecture in software-defined network (SDN) provides a global view of the underlying network, paving the way for enormous research in the area of SDN traffic engineering (SDN TE). This research focuses on the load balancing aspects of SDN TE, given that the existing reactive methods for data-plane load balancing eventually result in packet loss and proactive schemes for data plane load balancing do not address congestion propagation. In the proposed work, the SDN controller periodically monitors flow level statistics and utilization on each link in the network and over-utilized links that cause network congestion and packet loss are identified as bottleneck links. For load balancing the identified largest flow and further traffic through these bottleneck links are rerouted through the lightly-loaded alternate path. The proposed scheme models a Bayesian Network using the observed port utilization and residual bandwidth to decide whether the newly computed alternate path can handle the new flow load before flow admission which in turn reduces congestion propagation. The simulation results show that when the network traffic increases the proposed method efficiently reroutes the flows and balance the network load which substantially improves the network efficiency and the quality of service (QoS) parameters.

Many of the networks are existing but little of them that believe the quality and security together, the secure transmission of the information with high quality remains the primary goal of all engineers, which is considered the ideal... more

Many of the networks are existing but little of them that believe the quality and security together, the secure transmission of the information with high quality remains the primary goal of all engineers, which is considered the ideal goal of this theory either in fact, get a high quality of service comes at the expense of security and vice versa, has been expressed networks fiber optic for the best possible speed while maintaining a good level of security. In the Internet network, person-to-person communication can be enhanced with high quality images and videos, and access to information and services on public and private networks will be enhanced by higher data rates, quality of service (QoS), security measures, location-awareness, energy efficiency, and new flexible communication capabilities. So some networks are characterized by the QOS offered in addition to the security that we will discuss extensively later. This distinction is linked to the quality of communication and service over the network and security[1]. The quality of a network is evaluated on the basis of the quality of service, and especially on its security features. The use of security mechanisms is important in knowing the identity, saving the information, and ensuring that there is no tampering.in this research we try to ensure the security for QoS with two different methods using the Tunnel like the L2TP and IPSec that mean the security of layer two and three of OSI model, and we compared the differential impact between the two types of security on QoS parameters. Keywords – L2TP, VPN, IPSEC and Quality of Service QoS I. INTRODUCTION The Security is one of the most important elements in any network and has been discussed by keen technicians since 1960 [2]. We cannot be trusted in any network if it does not take into account the issue of security. In addition to security, there is a new technique which is witnessed by the world of network quality of service and is also considered one of the most important services that are based on the classification of information in order of importance, which it deems appropriate technicians helping to improve communication and send information. But these services must be given something of secrecy and security, and if it does not enjoy a specific level of which they become vulnerable to hacking and interception and damage.

Location awareness among the participating nodes is one of the crucial requirements in designing of solutions for various issues related to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). This paper discusses about a range free localization mechanism... more

Location awareness among the participating nodes is one of the crucial requirements in designing of
solutions for various issues related to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). This paper discusses about a
range free localization mechanism for WSN that operate in a three dimensional space. in this scheme, the
sensor network is supposed to be comprised of mobile and static sensor nodes. Mobile sensor nodes are
assumed to be equipped with GPS enabled devices and are expected to be aware of their position at any
instance. These mobile nodes move in the network space and periodically broadcast beacon messages
about their location. Static sensor nodes receive these messages as soon as they enter the communication
range of any mobile node. On receiving such messages the static nodes calculate their individual position
based on the equation of sphere. The proposed scheme gains in terms of computational and memory
overhead as compared to existing approaches. The proposed scheme is simulated using Sinalgo, and the
performance of this is compared with the chord selection approach. The simulation results validate the
gain in localization time, its accuracy, and the resulted overhead.

The success in the growing wireless standards can be measured by the achievement of quality of service (QoS) specifications by the designers. The IEEE802.11 wireless standards are widely accepted as wireless technology for wireless... more

The success in the growing wireless standards can be measured by the achievement of quality of service (QoS) specifications by the designers. The IEEE802.11 wireless standards are widely accepted as wireless technology for wireless LAN. Efforts have been made over the years by the task group to provide adequate number of QoS enhancement schemes for the increasing numbers of multimedia applications. This paper examines the empirical performances of ad hoc wireless networks deployed on IEEE802.11 standard variants. A survey to some of the QoS schemes incorporated in IEEE802.11 wireless PHY layers were carried out. Then the effects of this enhancement schemes in relation to data throughput and system capacity and reliability in the newest technology deployed on IEEE802.11ac standards was investigated using real time applications and simulation based approaches.

Various factors can have a significant degrading impact on the residential Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone services' quality. Hybrid fibre-coaxial (HFC) networks typically carry three types of traffic that include voice, data,... more

Various factors can have a significant degrading impact on the residential Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone services' quality. Hybrid fibre-coaxial (HFC) networks typically carry three types of traffic that include voice, data, and video. Unlike data and video, some delays or packet loss can result in a noticeable degraded impact on a VoIP's phone conversation. This paper will analyze and assess VoIP traffic prioritization and its impact on VoIP's quality of service (QoS) based on the concept of differentiated services code point (DSCP) markings. Call testing examines two types of calls. The first set of tests focus on calls that originate from a VoIP network and terminate on a signalling system 7 (SS7) network. The second experiment focuses on calls that originate from SS7 network and terminate on a VoIP network. The research results provide DSCP markings configurations that can improve phone conversations' quality.

Radio frequency (RF) energy harvesting and transfer techniques have recently become alternative methods to power the next generation of wireless networks. As this emerging technology enables proactive replenishment of wireless devices, it... more

Radio frequency (RF) energy harvesting and transfer techniques have recently become alternative methods to power the next generation of wireless networks. As this emerging technology enables proactive replenishment of wireless devices, it is advantageous in supporting applications with quality-of-service (QoS) requirement. This article focuses on the resource allocation issues in wireless networks with RF energy harvesting capability, referred to as RF energy harvesting networks (RF-EHNs). First, we present an overview of the RF-EHNs, followed by a review of a variety of issues regarding resource allocation. Then, we present a case study of designing in the receiver operation policy, which is of paramount importance in the RF-EHNs. We focus on QoS support and service differentiation, which have not been addressed by previous literature. Furthermore, we outline some open research directions.

Recently, Mobile Crowd Sensing (MCS) has been used in many smart city monitoring applications, leveraging the latest smartphone features of sensing and networking. However, most of these applications use a direct internet connection for... more

Recently, Mobile Crowd Sensing (MCS) has been used in many smart city monitoring applications, leveraging the latest smartphone features of sensing and networking. However, most of these applications use a direct internet connection for sending the collected data to the server through a 3G or 4G (LTE) network.This type of communication leads to higher bandwidth, battery consumption, and higher data plan cost. In this paper, we presenta new ad-hoc tree-based routing protocol named MCS-RPL based on theIoT RPL protocol for the smart city context. The proposed protocol aims to utilize smartphone and Mobile CrowdSensing (MCS) opportunistically to support static Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and to cover more sensing areas with less routing overhead and power consumption. MCS-RPL usesa grid-based cluster head to address mobility issues and reduce control packets. The conducted performance evaluation reveals that the proposed protocol outperforms RPL in terms of packet delivery ratio and power consumption due to control packet overhead reduction, which reached more than 75% in the tested scenarios.

Network Mobility Basic Support (NEMO BS) protocol (RFC 3963) is an extension of Mobile IPv6. The NEMO BS embraced by IETF working group to permit any node in the portable network to be accessible to the Internet despite the fact the... more

Network Mobility Basic Support (NEMO BS) protocol (RFC 3963) is an extension of Mobile IPv6. The NEMO BS embraced by IETF working group to permit any node in the portable network to be accessible to the Internet despite the fact the network itself is roaming. This protocol likewise Mobile IPv6 doesn't deliver any kind of Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees to its clients. It can barely offer the same level of services (i.e. Best-Effort) to all the users without obligation to the application's needs. This propositions a challenge to real-time applications that demand a precise level of QoS pledge. The Differentiated Services has recently come to be the most widely used QoS support technology in IP networks due to its relative simplicity and scalability benefits. This paper proposes a new scheme to provide QoS to mobile network nodes within NEMO context. The proposed scheme intends to reduce handover latency for the users of MNN as well as alleviates packet losses. The feasibility of the proposed enhancement is assessed by measuring its performance against the native NEMO BS standard protocol using NS-2 simulator. The obtained results in the simulation study have demonstrated that the proposed scheme outperforms the standard NEMO BS protocol.

Computer networks comprise essential infrastructure in modern society and must function even in a disaster situation. Therefore, fault-tolerant networks are being actively studied. Disaster information systems, however, suffer from two... more

Computer networks comprise essential infrastructure in modern society and must function even in a disaster situation. Therefore, fault-tolerant networks are being actively studied. Disaster information systems,
however, suffer from two main issues: lack of their utilization in peacetime and the difficulty for a non-expert to manage them should a disaster strike. Therefore, we place special emphasis on the development of a reliable network infrastructure that can function during both normal and disaster times, using a Wi-Fi-based wireless mesh network. In a large-scale disaster situation, our goal is to identify a way to reconstruct the mesh network by adding the minimum number of spare access points (APs) to ensure the reachability of all mesh routers to the backbone network. Furthermore, we consider that only public workers without any experience with wireless communication technologies must decide upon the adequate locations for spare APs
and install them. Both of simulation experiments and field trial prove the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

Quality of service (QoS) is the mechanism of the network to provide different service level to a different traffic type as business need. The main objective of this work is to improve QoS in network by reducing link load and bandwidth... more

Quality of service (QoS) is the mechanism of the network to provide different service level to a different traffic type as business need. The main objective of this work is to improve QoS in network by reducing link load and bandwidth consumption. It uses a routing scheme that satisfies expected demand and minimized link utilization of system. It works on reliability by limited usage of bandwidth. Results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of system. The efficient QoS model provides better control and administration of network traffic. Solution of routing problem with help of proposed model allows providing the distribution of traffic between source-and destination-node so that delays along every path are equal.