R Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Inter-county flows of commuters have long been used by the Bureau of the Census to identify MSAs and by the BEA to identify its Economic Areas. This paper looks at U.S. interregional flows of commuters, population, and goods in an effort... more

Inter-county flows of commuters have long been used by the Bureau of the Census to identify MSAs and by the BEA to identify its Economic Areas. This paper looks at U.S. interregional flows of commuters, population, and goods in an effort to identify broader patterns of relationships among U.S. regions. A region’s primary flow up the central place hierarchy is found using tools commonly employed in Social Network Analysis. The results allow classification of regions in two ways: 1) as levels in a hierarchy; or 2) as a member of a group of regions all tied to the same member of the next-highest level of the hierarchy.

actuar is a package providing additional Actuarial Science functionality to the R sta-tistical system. The project was launched in 2005 and the package is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network since February 2006. The current... more

actuar is a package providing additional Actuarial Science functionality to the R sta-tistical system. The project was launched in 2005 and the package is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network since February 2006. The current version of the pack-age contains functions for use in the fields of loss distributions modeling, risk theory (including ruin theory), simulation of compound hierarchical models and credibility the-ory. This paper presents in detail but with few technical terms the most recent version of the package.

In this article we will apply various statistical analyses with the R programming language (word frequency, bigrams, word co-occurrence and Topic Modelling) to the bibliographical reviews of 1932-1933 from the Spanish journal Índice... more

In this article we will apply various statistical analyses with the R programming language (word frequency, bigrams, word co-occurrence and Topic Modelling) to the bibliographical reviews of 1932-1933 from the Spanish journal Índice Literario (1932-1936) in order to bring us closer (i) to the vision of the collaborators on Índice Literario in the general context of the literature written in Spain in the 1930s and, particularly, in the literary work written by women and (ii) to the social and political situation in Spain during these years which is reflected in the work of the authors reviewed and in the journal reviews. Índice Literario was part of the section “Archivos de Literatura Española Contemporánea” (“Contemporary Spanish Literature Archives”) in the Centre for Historical Studies (1910-1939) and was managed by the Spanish poet Pedro Salinas (1891-1951) and a group of collaborators. The journal was a clear attempt by the Centre for Historical Studies to open itself up to the literary scene of the time and provides an indispensable source of information for getting to know the cultural reality during the years of the Second Spanish Republic. The article concludes that the quantitative analysis (the discovery of patterns, such as trends in the use of words or the identification of the most important subjects in the reviews included in the journal) complements and enriches the qualitative analysis of the publication in a satisfactory way.

We present the package RcmdrPlugin.temis, a graphical user interface for user-friendly text mining in R. Built as a plug-in to the R Commander provided by the Rcmdr package, it brings together several existing packages and provides new... more

We present the package RcmdrPlugin.temis, a graphical user interface for user-friendly text mining in R. Built as a plug-in to the R Commander provided by the Rcmdr package, it brings together several existing packages and provides new features streamlining the process of importing, managing and analyzing a corpus, in addition to saving results and plots to a report file. Beyond common file formats, automated import of corpora from the Dow Jones Factiva content provider and Twitter is supported. Featured analyses include vocabulary and dissimilarity tables, terms frequencies, terms specific of levels of a variable, term co-occurrences, time series, correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering.

One of the most popular methods to visualize the overlap and differences between data sets is the Venn diagram. Venn diagrams are especially useful when they are ‘area-proportional’ i.e. the sizes of the circles and the overlaps... more

One of the most popular methods to visualize the overlap and differences between data sets is the Venn diagram. Venn diagrams are especially useful when they are ‘area-proportional’ i.e. the sizes of the circles and the overlaps correspond to the sizes of the data sets. In 2007, the BioVenn web interface was launched, which is being used by many researchers. However, this web implementation requires users to copy and paste (or upload) lists of IDs into the web browser, which is not always convenient and makes it difficult for researchers to create Venn diagrams ‘in batch’, or to automatically update the diagram when the source data changes. This is only possible by using software such as R or Python. This paper describes the BioVenn R and Python packages, which are very easy-to-use packages that can generate accurate area-proportional Venn diagrams of two or three circles directly from lists of (biological) IDs. The only required input is two or three lists of IDs. Optional paramete...

Migration of unskilled labour out of agriculture is a basic characteristic of the process of industrialization, urbanization, modernization and economic development both historically and contemporarily. This paper outlines the recent... more

Migration of unskilled labour out of agriculture is a basic characteristic of the process of industrialization, urbanization, modernization and economic development both historically and contemporarily. This paper outlines the recent developments in agricultural labour markets in rural odisha and investigates the issues of agricultural out migration and their implications for agriculture both from theoretical and empirical perspectives. The results indicate that migration does matter. It impacts on labour supply, real wage rate, productivity, output and cropping pattern in agriculture. The overall results contradict the prognosis of the surplus labour model and are consistent with the propositions of the market theory of wages as also with the findings of some of the earlier studies concerning other countries/areas.

Arising from the productive dialogue between systemic functional linguistics and sociology begun earlier by Michael Halliday (1995), Basil Bernstein (1990) and Ruqaiya Hasan (1999), this edited volume is concerned with the nature of... more

Arising from the productive dialogue between systemic functional linguistics and sociology begun earlier by Michael Halliday (1995), Basil Bernstein (1990) and Ruqaiya Hasan (1999), this edited volume is concerned with the nature of knowledge. Readers familiar with Bernstein’s sociological theory will know the trajectory of his work from its early emphasis on code, through classification and framing of curriculum to his later interest in the structuring of knowledge. Throughout, his interest in the relationship between social relations and semiotic practice is evident as he attended firstly to the form taken by pedagogic discourse (the relay) and then later to the pedagogic discourse and knowledge itself (the relayed). It is the later work with which this book engages, most particularly the development of the initial categorisations of everyday and commonsense knowledge into those of vertical and horizontal discourses (Bernstein, 1999). Horizontal discourse, according to Bernstein, ...

The aim of the article is the interpretation of spatial systems which were created by Andrei Zvyagintsev in the film Elena. The analysis shows that the space allows recognizing not only the quality of the relationships existing between... more

The aim of the article is the interpretation of spatial systems which were created by Andrei Zvyagintsev in the film Elena. The analysis shows that the space allows recognizing not only the quality of the relationships existing between the characters but it also encodes and anticipates the fictional pattern of this work of art. The verbal layer seems to play a minor role, i.e. it supplements and modifies observations of the recipient who
uses the spatial code. The meaning is expressed in the juxtapositions of subsequent shots, functioning as assonances or dissonances, as well as in the inner montage of single units, revealing important elements of the film structure. The spatial systems which turn attention to the ambiguous nature of the reality constitute the dominant metaphors of the film, which — together with the play of the light and darkness — can be read
as signum of the disintegration of the contemporary world.

Quanteda is an R package built to analyze textual data, and is applied in this experimental research paper to the study of political speech in the UNGD text corpus created by Mikhaylov, Baturo, and Dasandi (2017). This assignment,... more

Quanteda is an R package built to analyze textual data, and is applied in this experimental research paper to the study of political speech in the UNGD text corpus created by Mikhaylov, Baturo, and Dasandi (2017). This assignment, submitted in partial fulfilment of the MSc Security Studies programme at University College London (UCL), applies some of the tools of the Quanteda package to the issue of nuclear proliferation and policy sentiment between China and North Korea, providing some insights about topic divergence between the two nation's addresses to the United Nations General Debate since the growth of North Korea's nuclear weapons arsenal. This experimental paper provides some insight into the efficacy of Quanteda as a way of analysing policy preference and lexical clusters for early researchers and International Relations students.

... Page 16. Deflation and Stock Exchanges Page 14 public house toward payment of the dividends on new capital – new capital that had been issued precisely to purchase the exclusive vending rights to beverages sold in previously... more

... Page 16. Deflation and Stock Exchanges Page 14 public house toward payment of the dividends on new capital – new capital that had been issued precisely to purchase the exclusive vending rights to beverages sold in previously independent, free, pubs. ...

— Data quality comes from consistency which is dependent on reliable source. The concept of ontology is used to represent a common knowledge sharing to various users in the distributed manner. In the literature we can see various... more

— Data quality comes from consistency which is dependent on reliable source. The concept of ontology is used to represent a common knowledge sharing to various users in the distributed manner. In the literature we can see various ontologies like medical, biotechnology and automobile. All these ontologies allows various levels of users so as to share the knowledge , but unfortunately the construction of automatic ontology ,change management in the source so as to track the modifications and update the changes which leads to dynamic ontologies are very complex. The current article explains the automatic ontology construction in simple and efficient manner along with the method of change management in the flexible way. The dynamic ontology construction is the leading aspect of the article, by taking the changes at the source we are merged the changes to the ontology. The importance of the research is to build a recommendation system with job portals data which will help the recruiters and job seekers in searching of jobs, and more over there is no common framework of activities to tag automatic ontology construction, change tracking to identify the modifications in source data and construction of dynamic ontology. We believe that the work outperforming when compared with other ontology construction methods. The innovation here is a frame work that holds all the activities like ontology construction, change management and dynamic ontology generation.

Durante os últimos anos, foram criados diferentes pacotes de R dirigidos à análise espacial. Ainda assim, existem poucos livros focados na análise espacial com R . Este livro destina-se a usuários com conhecimento básico de Sistemas de... more

Durante os últimos anos, foram criados diferentes pacotes de R dirigidos à análise espacial. Ainda assim, existem poucos livros focados na análise espacial com R . Este livro destina-se a usuários com conhecimento básico de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) que desejam iniciar a gestão e análise de dados espaciais com R. Portanto, não requer nenhum conhecimento prévio deste programa, mas um conhecimento básico do SIG. O livro pretende permitir ao leitor dar os primeiros passos na gestão de R para a análise espacial sem muitos tropeços. No primeiro capítulo, é explicado como instalar R e RStudio e os principais elementos da interface RStudio são apresentados. É recomendado instalar ambos os programas para experimentar os códigos dos exercícios. No segundo capítulo, é feita uma introdução ao uso básico do R. O leitor com conhecimento prévio de R pode ir diretamente para o capítulo seguinte. No terceiro capítulo, apresentamos como os dados espaciais em R estão estruturados utilizando os pacotes sf e raster, os dois principais pacotes que usaremos ao longo deste livro. Este capítulo pode parecer um pouco árido. No capítulo 4, apresentamos algumas maneiras de interagir com dados geográficos entre R e outros sistemas de gerenciamento de informações geográficas através de procedimentos de importação / exportação de dados em formato vetorial ou de imagem, bem como alguns métodos para converter informações entre vetor e raster. Nos capítulos 5 e 6, são apresentadas operações SIG básicas, respectivamente, com dados em formato vetorial e raster. No Capítulo 7, apresentamos algumas análises do campo da geoestatística que podem ser realizadas com pacotes R. No oitavo capítulo mostramos algumas maneiras de elaborar cartografia. Finalmente, o capítulo 9 apresenta ao leitor as técnicas para fazer R interagir com o sistema de informação geográfica (SIG) de código aberto Q-GIS e a plataforma de modelagem espacial Dinamica EGO.

Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions. The types of E-commerce... more

Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions. The types of E-commerce includes-business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-government (B2G). E-commerce with the help of latest trends can improve communication and doing E-Commerce business is more easier. With more digital innovations in finance, public people were showing more interest in this form of business. In addition to that, financial sector stakeholders and academic are also more attracted by this. The main objective of Cryptocurrencies is to replace centralized systems such as banks, eliminating the need for an intermediary and by this greatly simplify the shopping process. With Ecommerce there is a possibility to reach more people across the globe at less expense than the traditional business. With the introduction of new concept like crytpcurrency, Bitcoin is a highly secured digital currency, used by more people. It simply allows its users to move value around the World Wide Web. Market volatility is the key issue with cryptocurrency payments. Price fluctuations in the value of a cryptocurrency which is being used for payment can lead to net losses (or conversely, net gains) for e-commerce merchants. With so many factors affecting the implementation of cryptocurrency-based payments, it's essential to be able to fail fast while innovating or testing the waters. To accommodate for risks and volatility, consider incremental additions such as rolling out crypto payments support on a web app before making them available via native app capabilities or vice versa.

There are many ways of construing the psychology of loss. This paper describes one such model, which enlightens some, but not all, aspects of bereavement and needs to be used alongside other models. Loss is one aspect of psychosocial... more

There are many ways of construing the psychology of loss. This paper describes one such model, which enlightens some, but not all, aspects of bereavement and needs to be used alongside other models. Loss is one aspect of psychosocial transition, the psychological change that takes place whenever people are faced with the need to undertake a major revision of their assumptions about the world. The paper focuses on the ways in which people change or fail to change their internal model of the world in the face of emergent events. Examples are taken from bereavement, loss of a limb, and the succession of losses that mark the course of terminal illness. Implications for identifying people at risk and mitigating that risk are outlined.

Due to the global financial crisis, credit on international markets became more restricted for banks, turning attention to internal clients and their deposits to gather funds. This driver led to a demand for knowledge about client’s... more

Due to the global financial crisis, credit on international markets became more restricted for banks, turning attention to internal clients and their deposits to gather funds. This driver led to a demand for knowledge about client’s behavior towards deposits and especially their response to telemarketing campaigns. This work describes a data mining approach to extract valuable knowledge from recent Portuguese bank telemarketing campaign data. Such approach was guided by the CRISP-DM methodology and the data analysis was conducted using the rminer package and R tool. Three classification models were tested (i.e., Decision Trees, Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machines) and compared using two relevant criteria: ROC and Lift curve analysis. Overall, the Support Vector Machine obtained the best results and a sensitive analysis was applied to extract useful knowledge from this model, such as the best months for contacts and the influence of the last campaign result and having or not a mo...