Self-awareness Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This chapter reviews research and theory on self-understanding and self-regulation, focusing on the understanding of mind, self-concept, and self-regulation. It specifies the mental processes involved in each and outlines their... more

This chapter reviews research and theory on self-understanding and self-regulation, focusing on the understanding of mind, self-concept, and self-regulation. It specifies the mental processes involved in each and outlines their development from childhood to early adulthood. Also, it places these processes in the broader context of cognition and personality.

The existentialists, anthropologists, neuropsychologists and cognitivists have explored several aspects of the phenomenological ontology of Being revealing the dialectical complex experience of existing and being conscious of existing. A... more

The existentialists, anthropologists, neuropsychologists and cognitivists have explored several aspects of the phenomenological ontology of Being revealing the dialectical complex experience of existing and being conscious of existing. A question remains: what does it mean to feel existing? Our investigation reveals thedistinction between the feeling of existence and the experience of being-in-this-world complexityas both paradoxical and chaotic. We present how the ontic-being feels chaos and deals with this paradox of experienced existing within thesystemic contingency of a timelessness and spacelessness intertwined world. We discover how our modern culture comes to offer an orderly frame of reference adding to a semantic complexity while the actual experience of living creates a feeling of deeper sense of chaotic embeddedness in this world. We discuss the implications of this mode of experienced complexity between paradox and chaos in terms of inner disorder along with a mixed sense of spleen and courage.

"Antes de tocar la tierra hay que pedir permiso, porque la tierra es un lugar sagrado, donde existen millones de especies, unas que vemos y otras que no, ahí están los espíritus de los hermanos animales y los tíos árboles, la chagra es... more

"Antes de tocar la tierra hay que pedir permiso, porque la tierra es un lugar sagrado, donde existen millones de especies, unas que vemos y otras que no, ahí están los espíritus de los hermanos animales y los tíos árboles, la chagra es un lugar sagrado donde hay vida, por eso hay que respetarlo, sanearlo, protegerlo y multiplicarlo. Antes de ir a sembrar, tabaqueese mijo pa´ que no muerda culebra, pa´ que no pique sancudo, pa´que no se corte con el machete, pa´que no le pase nada. Ahora, chupe ambil y mambee, porque pa´ eso es la coca y el tabaco…para trabajar" (Mambeos con Uzuma F+ruya Buinaima)

Abstract Question: Are women in semi-urban city of Nigeria aware of alternative route of ultrasound scanning in early pregnancy aside trans-abdominal route(TAS) and what is the level of acceptance of trans-vaginal ultrasound... more

Question: Are women in semi-urban city of Nigeria aware of alternative route of ultrasound scanning in early pregnancy aside trans-abdominal route(TAS) and what is the level of acceptance of trans-vaginal ultrasound scanning(TVS) among them?
Summary Answer: Only about one-fifth (16.4%) of women who have been pregnant ever are aware of TVS as an option in pregnancy assessment, among which only 52.6% of them know that TVS is preferred in some pregnancy conditions over TAS. Less than one third (28.8%) will accept to have TVS done.
Known Already: Several studies in western world have looked at acceptability of TVS among women for various indications with a wide range acceptability of 43% to 96% depending on the content of questionnaire. Very few studies have looked at acceptability in Nigeria. Willingness to have TVS done was quoted by Atalabi et al. as 84%. Study Design, Size and Duration: This was a cross-sectional study over 8-week period among unselected women who came for routine ante-natal clinic in two tertiary hospitals in Osogbo, Nigeria. The plan was to administer at least 300 questionnaires. Verbal
consent was secured after due counselling by research assistant.
Participants, Settings, Method: Pregnant women attending booking clinics of Lautech teaching hospital and Asubiaro general hospital were approached as convenient to participate in the study using self-administered questionnaire though queries about questionnaire were answered on spot by research assistant. Verbal consent after due
counsel was accepted. Descriptive and multivariate analysis done using SPSS Statistics version 20 software. Main results: Total of 347 participants. Response rate was 94.3%. Two out of three participants (68%) had tertiary level of education. Of the participants 83.6% think ultrasound scanning is not harmful. Only about one-fifth (16.4%) of women who have been pregnant ever are aware of TVS as a tool in women assessment. Among those who are aware of TVS over 80% are unsure of conditions when TVS is preferred to TAS. The leading negative
expected feeling among participants (74.7%) who responded if they were asked to do TVS was expectation of more pain compared to TAS 41.2% will consider giving consent only after discussing it with husband. Less than one-third (28.8%) of women who have ever been
pregnant will accept to have TVS done.
Limitation: Participants are within semi-urban area even though two-third of them has tertiary level of education. The environment of study may be a strong factor in limiting exposure & thus awareness of TVS.
Wider Implications of Findings: There is urgent need to educate the populace including men via various media houses including social media on the safety & advantages of TVS in assessment of women either in pregnancy or outside of pregnancy. Only about one-fifth (16.4%) of women who have been pregnant ever are aware of TVS
as a tool in women assessment, Less than one-third (28.8%) of women who have ever been pregnant will accept to have TVS done.
Keywords: Awareness TVS, Pregnant Women

The purpose of this paper is to present hands-on techniques that could help achieve higher forms of cognitive work (application, analysis, synthesis, and/or evaluation) of Bloom’s revised taxonomy (2001) and progress towards... more

The purpose of this paper is to present hands-on techniques that could help achieve higher forms of cognitive work (application, analysis, synthesis, and/or evaluation) of Bloom’s revised taxonomy (2001) and progress towards self-actualization, the top of Maslow’s hierarchy (Maslow, 1987). These results can be achieved by combination of 3A approach (Apaydin, 2014) and integrative learning (Inkpen and Crossan, 1995).
According to Bransford et al. (2000), a ‘metacognitive’ approach to instruction can help students learn to take control of their own learning and ultimately master an area of inquiry. While students’ thinking about their own learning is not an inherent part of other interactive methods such as a flipped classroom, it is the very basis of 3A approach. Therefore, in this paper we argue that addition of this approach to other teaching methods can potentially accelerate student ability to reach the top of Bloom’s taxonomy and Maslow’s pyramid.
In the empirical part of the paper, we present the results of an exploratory study of student self-inquiry analyzed using content analysis method. The results indicate that students who underwent through metacognitive instruction method exhibit higher cognitive skills than the control group. These skills were manifested in more detailed and extensive responses, more long-term orientation and higher thrive towards self-development. The study also identified significant gender differences in student self-perception, goals and aspirations.

Veterans from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), and the Vietnam era have sustained multiple injuries and disabilities as a result of their service, including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Post-Traumatic... more

Veterans from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), and the
Vietnam era have sustained multiple injuries and disabilities as a result of their service,
including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and depression.
The use of outdoor recreation as a therapeutic modality for civilians with TBI has been
found to correlate with greater self-awareness and positive affect, however, scarce literature
exists regarding its use and outcomes for veterans. To explore this, a veteran from the
Vietnam era reporting a history of depression who is involved with a white water kayaking
group completed a series of surveys designed to measure its effect on perceived selfawareness
and positive affect. The case study reported that involvement with the white
water kayaking group improved his perceived self-awareness. The case study also reported
the highest positive affect and lowest negative affect immediately after traveling down
the river during a white water kayaking river trip. More research in this area is needed.

A purpose for this study is to explore creative interventions that can help women on their individuation path, based on personal exploration. This exploration utilizes the Jungian concepts of myth and archetypes, in connection to Jean... more

A purpose for this study is to explore creative interventions that can help women on their individuation path, based on personal exploration. This exploration utilizes the Jungian concepts of myth and archetypes, in connection to Jean Shinoda Bolen's work (2014) on archetypes and myths of seven Greek goddesses. The paper applied an existential and transpersonal therapy approach in addition to Carl Jung's psychoanalytic theory as a framework when analysing the artwork. Internal pathways of the self were explored through feminine archetypes of the Greek goddesses, art making and analysis of the artwork. For this arts-based inquiry researcher used Moustakas (1990) design, methodology and applications for heuristic research. Data was collected and analysed over seven weeks as a response to the archetype and it included; active imagination, dialoguing, making art, archetypal reflectivity, writing poetry and a journal about the process. Every week included theoretical and practical exploration of one archetype. Processes included understanding the persona, understanding the duality of each archetype, and a self-exploration of shadow work. Exploration used the sacred power of the feminine, rituals, myths, creativity and its transformative power in the process of becoming whole and to promote ownership of an individual's whole Self, and the balance of self-work and internal process. Findings from this study indicate that this process can help adult woman with: self-awareness and self-discovery, individuation, and feminine identity development.

Traditionally, intelligence was considered to be a mental skill that primarily consisted of two narrow spheres: mathematical / logical and oral / linguistic, or IQ. Howard Gardner expanded this little idea to include many intellectuals.... more

Traditionally, intelligence was considered to be a mental skill that primarily consisted of two narrow spheres: mathematical / logical and oral / linguistic, or IQ. Howard Gardner expanded this little idea to include many intellectuals. Later, Daniel Goleman introduced a new type of ability, emotional intelligence (EI), the ability to understand personal and others' emotions. The construction of more intelligence, as well as emotional intelligence in particular, has received a lot of attention recently, especially in terms of leadership capacity. There is some evidence that EI traits (e.g., self-awareness, self-control, motivation, public awareness, and relationship management) may be better predictors of leadership performance and success than traditional "intelligence quotient," or IQ.

The most important things in this seminal paper are (a) showing that the first part of the chapter is only setting up the aporia and does not provide the solution; (b) showing that the rest of the chapter provides the material for... more

The most important things in this seminal paper are (a) showing that the first part of the chapter is only setting up the aporia and does not provide the solution; (b) showing that the rest of the chapter provides the material for resolving the aporia; (c) showing that the question is not about how we perceive that we perceive, but how we can distinguish between seeing and hearing—how we are aware that we are seeing rather than hearing; (c) showing that this is reducible to how we are aware that a colour is not a sound, and how we perceive the unity of objects that present themselves under more than one sense-modality. Hence the remainder of De anima 3.2 presents both the materials for the solution (actuality of sense and sensed object are one thing) and the solution (there is a common perceiver who receives the input from several senses and can unite them and also differentiate). De anima 3.2 is not about perceiving that we perceive, nor about reflexive self-awareness. The problems of interpretation and of the unity of the chapter are resolved once we see that the topic is how we can tell the difference between input from different sense modalities, how we distinguish between white things and sweet things, or between seeing and hearing, and how we perceive objects as a unity when they present themselves to separate senses.

The connotation of the people towards money has been shifted due to digital credit platform. Today in a metropolitan city like Chennai, the middle-class people who are the floating population are having an urge to settle in proper part of... more

The connotation of the people towards money has been shifted due to digital credit platform. Today in a metropolitan city like Chennai, the middle-class people who are the floating population are having an urge to settle in proper part of the city. But however, this movement of people has brought in lot of complications like uncontrolled spending, credit fraud, payment defaulting, etc. The accelerated growth of digital credit has increased the transaction efficiency. Till recently, the college students were using the digital credit for a small a sum as Rs. 100 to over eighty thousand rupees as per their credit limits. The research has been carried out among the college students in Chennai City. This study analyses whether students are aware of digital credit platform. It also focuses on whether the services provided by Slicepay is meeting the expectations and fulfilling them.

The literature within the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability is broad and can be classified in a variety of approaches. What remains constant in these various models is that leadership and specifically... more

The literature within the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability is broad and can be classified in a variety of approaches. What remains constant in these various models is that leadership and specifically authentic leadership, is key to going beyond compliance oriented sustainability to achieve genuine implicit, sustainability. This study thus seeks to explore the construct of authentic leadership from the perspective of practicing managers. To achieve this, a group of 210 MBA students were asked to write on authentic leadership from their own experiences. This body of leadership assignments was analyzed through the use of open and axial coding, grounded theory and content analysis. Through this process, a series of family codes emerged which can be grouped into factors which, either, enable or hinder authentic leadership. Self-knowledge emerged as the main enabler, and the influence of others is the main hindrance, to authenticity.

The 12 Archetypes A validated structure for making sense of unique personalities and behavior. Want to know your unique personality Archetype? ar•che•type /ˈärkəˌtīp/ noun a very typical example of a certain person or thing. "the book is... more

The 12 Archetypes A validated structure for making sense of unique personalities and behavior. Want to know your unique personality Archetype? ar•che•type /ˈärkəˌtīp/ noun a very typical example of a certain person or thing. "the book is a perfect archetype of the genre" Meet the Archetypes The Archetypes link the human unconscious throughout societies as well as regions , business and markets. They appear as 12 different personalities adding dimension to conversations about individual development as well as business advancement.

A recent integrating formulation in social psychology, the Duval-Wicklund theory of “objective self-awareness,” has the core assumption that attention focused on the self is always aversive and, hence, avoided. While faced with either a... more

A recent integrating formulation in social psychology, the Duval-Wicklund theory of “objective self-awareness,” has the core assumption that attention focused on the self is always aversive and, hence, avoided. While faced with either a TV camera or a mirror, and after they had received false feedback con- cerning their creativity, 98 undergraduates guessed at the meaning of foreign lan- guage pronouns, the unobtrusive dependent measure of the direction of the focus of attention. The standard Duval-Wicklund effect was replicated-more attention to self, that is, more first-person pronouns-in the “camera” or “mirror” than in the “no camera” or “no mirror” conditions. However, within the camera or mirror conditions, avoidance of self-focused attention occurred only after negative feedback.

The purpose of the present research was a comparison of emotional intelligence in women Basketball and Handball players. For that matter,126 players consisting of 56 women Basketball players and 70 women Handball players filled out a... more

The purpose of the present research was a comparison of emotional intelligence in women Basketball and Handball players. For that matter,126 players consisting of 56 women Basketball players and 70 women Handball players filled out a questionnaire which was developed by (Hyde, Pethe, & Dhar, 2002) This consists of 15 subscales for an overall assessment of emotional intelligence. The results of statistical analysis showed that the subscales of emotional intelligence and empathy were significantly higher in basketball players in comparison to handball players there was no significant difference for emotional self-awareness Considering the above findings, we can say that emotional intelligence is higher basketball player’s s than non-in handball player since they must constantly control and manage their emotions under different conditions of training and competition. Since emotional intelligence can be learned, it seems that participation in sports activities can be considered as a factor for developing this feature.

Microorganisms demonstrate conscious-like intelligent behaviour, and this form of consciousness may have emerged from a quantum mediated mechanism as observed in cytoskeletal structures like the microtubules present in nerve cells which... more

Microorganisms demonstrate conscious-like intelligent behaviour, and this form of consciousness may have emerged from a quantum mediated mechanism as observed in cytoskeletal structures like the microtubules present in nerve cells which apparently have the architecture to quantum compute. This paper hypothesises the emergence of proto-consciousness in primitive cytoskeletal systems found in the microbial kingdoms of archaea, bacteria and eukarya. To explain this, we make use of the Subject–Object Model (SOM) of consciousness which evaluates the rise of the degree of consciousness to conscious behaviour in these systems supporting the hypothesis of emergence and propagation of conscious behaviour during the pre-Cambrian part of Earth’s evolutionary history. Consciousness as proto-consciousness or sentience computed via primitive cytoskeletal structures substantiates as a driver for the intelligence observed in the microbial world during this period ranging from single-cellular to collective intelligence as a means to adapt and survive. The growth in complexity of intelligence, cytoskeletal system and adaptive behaviours are key to evolution, and thus supports the progression of the Lamarckian theory of evolution driven by quantum mediated proto-consciousness to consciousness as described in the SOM of consciousness.

This study focuses on the Awareness of Teenagers on Social Health Programs of Barangay Sinamar Sur San Mateo Isabela. This study generally aimed to determine the level of Awareness of Teenagers regarding Social Health Programs of the... more

This study focuses on the Awareness of Teenagers on Social Health Programs of Barangay Sinamar Sur San Mateo Isabela. This study generally aimed to determine the level of Awareness of Teenagers regarding Social Health Programs of the Department of Health that was disseminated to the barangay. It was also aimed to determine the different Social Health Programs and how it was disseminated to the community. Specifically the study aimed the following objectives: (1) to determine the profile of the respondents regarding to the Information Dissemination of Barangay Social Health Programs and to determine the problems encountered by the Teenagers in terms of methods used in Dissemination of information and period of acquiring information from the barangay. The study made use of descriptive method of research. Questionnaires, Interview, Observation, Library and Internet Research were research instruments used in the conduct of the Study. Based on the summary of findings, majority of the respondents answered that the barangay needs to improve information dissemination process and provide guidance, counseling, trainings, and seminars regarding social health programs.

Giving and receiving feedback is an inevitable part of communication in the workplace. This is where, we strain our relationships by failing to give the feedback in the diplomatic way and at the same time we fail to receive the feedback... more

Giving and receiving feedback is an inevitable part of communication in the workplace. This is where, we strain our relationships by failing to give the feedback in the diplomatic way and at the same time we fail to receive the feedback with the true spirit to take it personally. So in this paper, I would like to focus upon the areas we need to improve upon to give a constructive feedback and the aspects of the thought process that promotes our spirit to receive the feedback. The first part of the paper focuses on the importance of giving and receiving feedback. In the second part of this paper, the major focus is on the skills which are required to offer the feedback. The next part of the paper throws light on the skills which are required to appreciate the feedback. It is also wise to discuss the importance of realizing whether the feedback is constructive or it is offered only for the sake of offering and it does not serve any purpose , hence in the last part of the paper, the ideas to filter the good feedback from the artificial feedback are given. © Copyright VEDA Publication INTRODUCTION "Words and words are all I have to take your heart away" it a line the song "words" by Boyzone. Our words have greatest impact on our relationships. "The benefits and value of written and oral communication cannot be measured. The power of words has changed the nations; build civilizations, preserved traditions, freed masses and prevented destruction" (Robert 2009). Words of appreciation, words of small talk, words of sympathy, words of encouragement, words of love, words of care: we do not have a problem with such words. When we are to or rather have to talk something that points out something negative in the people to them earns us negativity and adversity. Feedback need not be negative; we all wish we could give only positive feedback to the people. We bear with the people who are close to us by not letting them know how we are being affected by their words and actions in order to save our relationships. If the actions of the people affect the work and productivity of the company, it is our noble duty to let them know that their actions, which could be their inaction, negligence, indiscipline etc. are affecting the work. We cannot keep the prosperity of the company at stake for the sake of trying not to offend the people. Here comes the question, can we give feedback without offending or can we receive feedback without being offended? Yes, we can give feedback without offending people and at the same time we can receive feedback without getting offended, provided that we realize its

The definitions of human behavior guiding traditional psychology, psychiatry or sociology lack the defining capacity of sciences, the provision of causal explanations of phenomena. Humanities are, by definition, anthropocentric... more

The definitions of human behavior guiding traditional psychology, psychiatry or sociology lack the defining capacity of sciences, the provision of causal explanations of phenomena. Humanities are, by definition, anthropocentric disciplines. The mental, emotional, and social mannerisms or actions of human individuals or populations that represent behavior are manifestations of complex strategies responding to stimuli in perceived realities. In this they apply neurologically constituted means such as consciousness, theory of mind, and self-awareness, while also following culturally imposed conventions of various types. None of these and other factors contributing to human behavior can be dissociated from their historical trajectories, leading all the way into the deep hominin past. Nor can they be explained effectively without an understanding of these trajectories. Such understanding has largely escaped scientific attention thus far, and this chapter cannot provide more than a rudimentary introduction illustrating the profound shortcomings of traditional disciplines in defining the complexities of human behavior.

This theoretical research addresses the topic of internally guided leadership, the subtopic of the role of Jungian archetypes in the individuation process of leaders, and the guiding question "How can the Jungian archetype of Self... more

This theoretical research addresses the topic of internally guided leadership, the subtopic of the role of Jungian archetypes in the individuation process of leaders, and the guiding question "How can the Jungian archetype of Self complement and enhance the practice and embodiment of holistic leadership?" There is a growing need for internally motivated leaders equipped with perspectives of wholeness to address the fragmentation and disintegration we face at individual, societal, and environmental levels. Jungian archetypes provide a framework for the inner work required of this new type of leader. Internally guided leaders are on the Jungian path of individuation, operating from the archetype of Self, conscious of their internal landscape, and motivated by a moral and spiritual compass that requires them to show up wholly in the world for the good of all. The Jungian archetypes of Self, ego, shadow, persona, and anima/animus are unpacked in reference to their potential to enhance leadership capacity. This research highlights the role of the Self as the internal agency of leadership and holistic development while providing a synthesis of Jungian archetypes and leadership theories.

A group of philosophers suggests that a sense of mineness intrinsically contained in the phenomenal structure of all conscious experiences is a necessary condition for a subject to become aware of himself as the subject of his experiences... more

A group of philosophers suggests that a sense of mineness intrinsically contained in the phenomenal structure of all conscious experiences is a necessary condition for a subject to become aware of himself as the subject of his experiences i.e. self-awareness. On this view, consciousness necessarily entails phenomenal self-awareness. This paper argues that cases of delusions of thought insertion undermine this claim and that such a phenomenal feature plays little role in accounting for the most minimal type of self-awareness entailed by phenomenal consciousness. First, I clarify the main view endorsing this claim i.e. the Self-Presentational View of Consciousness and formulate the challenge from thought insertion. After, I offer a systematic evaluation of all the strategies used by the advocates of this view to deal with this challenge. Finally, I conclude that most of these strategies are unsatisfactory for they rest in unwarranted premises, imprecisions about the agentive nature of cognitive experiences, and especially, lack of distinction between the different ways in which subjects can become aware of their own thoughts.

This book is a product of multiple authorship. In so being, it acknowledges the complexity that characterizes leadership in the new millennium. It is no longer sufficient to consider leadership as an individual pursuit. This notion... more

Gestalt Therapy techniques are considered to be powerful tools for the remobilization of human growth and change. I will attempt to show that the power of these techniques lies in the fact that they are effective ways of dealing with our... more

Gestalt Therapy techniques are considered to be powerful tools for the remobilization of human growth and change. I will attempt to show that the power of these techniques lies in the fact that they are effective ways of dealing with our "internalizations". I will first briefly review object relation theory and then discuss gestalt techniques as they pertain to internal objects.

It is orthodox to suppose that very few, if any, nonhuman animals are persons. The category of the person is restricted to self-aware creatures: in effect humans (above a certain age) and possibly some of the great apes and cetaceans. I... more

It is orthodox to suppose that very few, if any, nonhuman animals are persons. The category of the person is restricted to self-aware creatures: in effect humans (above a certain age) and possibly some of the great apes and cetaceans. I shall argue that this orthodoxy should be rejected, because it rests on a mistaken conception of the kind of self-awareness relevant to personhood. Replacing this with a sense of self-awareness that is relevant requires us to accept that personhood is much more widely distributed through the animal kingdom.

We investigated the relationships among the self-reflection and self-insight components of self-awareness, and resilience and stress in competitive South African tennis players. A sample of 175 male and 158 female athletes (Mage = 29.09... more

We investigated the relationships among the self-reflection and self-insight components of self-awareness, and resilience and stress in competitive South African tennis players. A sample of 175 male and 158 female athletes (Mage = 29.09 years, SD = 14.00) completed the Self-Reflection and Insight Scale, the Resilience Scale for Adults, and the stress items from the Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes. The results indicated that both self-reflection and self-insight were positively correlated with resilience, and that self-insight, but not self-reflection, was negatively correlated with stress. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that self-insight was the single significant predictor of both resilience and stress. Our findings provide support for the importance of self-awareness, particularly self-insight, in mitigating stress and promoting resilience among tennis athletes. The implications of engaging in self-reflective practices and attaining self-insight in terms of improved athletic performance outcomes are discussed.

Introduction for special issue on collective self-awareness, Journal of Social Philosophy.

"Wow! What a learning experience that was!" - a participant comment.