Metacognitive Learning Strategies Research Papers (original) (raw)

Recent research on science teaching and learning emphasizes the importance of active, meaningful learning, with metacognitive processing by both teachers and learners. This chapter describes research on students’ reading comprehension... more

Recent research on science teaching and learning emphasizes the importance of active, meaningful learning, with metacognitive processing by both teachers and learners. This chapter describes research on students’ reading comprehension metacognition in biology and instructional methods I have used to enhance students’ metacognition about their science learning and to enhance science professors’ metacognition about their teaching.

Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more

Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci yetiştiren akademisyenler ile eğitim alan öğrenciler için temel bir başvuru kitabıdır.
2013 yılının Mayısı ayında yayımlanan DSM-5 ölçütlerine göre ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili sunulan bilgilerin güncellemesinin de yapıldığı bu kitap, tüm dünyada pek çok üniversitenin psikiyatri ve psikoloji bölümlerinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır.
Kitabın her bölümünde, ilk olarak ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili vakalar sunulmakta, daha sonra bozuklukların klinik tanıları yapılmakta ve DSM-IV-TR’den farklı olan DSM-5’te yapılan değişikliklere yer verilmektedir. Ayrıca, DSM-5’teki tanı ölçütleri, bozuklukların etiyolojisi ve epidemiyolojisi, bozukluklar üzerinde kalıtımın ve çevrenin etkileri, biyolojik ve sosyal ve kültürel etkiler, en güncel araştırmalardan elde edilen verilerle harmanlanarak sunulmaktadır. Ruhsal bozuklukların tedavisinde etkili olacak terapi yaklaşımları ve ilaçla yapılan tedaviler hakkında da bilgiler veren kitap, sahip olduğu zengin içeriği ile eşsiz bir kaynaktır.
Anormal Psikoloji kitabının; profesyoneller ve öğrenciler için önemli bir rehber olacağına, yardıma ihtiyaç duyan insanların sorunlarının çözümüne, ruhsal bozuklukların tanı ve tedavisinde önemli katkılar sağlayacağına inanıyoruz.

This session will consider the questions 'what beliefs about learning and memory do students have?' and 'what are the implications for their studies/revision and for schools who want to better support their learning? We will explore the... more

This session will consider the questions 'what beliefs about learning and memory do students have?' and 'what are the implications for their studies/revision and for schools who want to better support their learning? We will explore the causes of flawed beliefs, as well as some prominent myths about learning and the brain. In particular, this part of the session will focus on myths about the brain, myths about how information enters long-term memory, and myths about the role of pupil effort. We will then look at ways that practitioners can tackle misconceptions among their pupils. In doing so we will address the potential for teachers to act as metacognitive role models, and consider the importance of professional knowledge of how learning works and of evidence-based study habits.

Metacognitive awareness of reading strategies measures how readers of a text engage with it and think about their own reading processes. This paper presents the findings of a descriptive study on the metacognitive awareness of reading... more

Metacognitive awareness of reading strategies measures how readers of a text engage with it and think about their own reading processes. This paper presents the findings of a descriptive study on the metacognitive awareness of reading strategy use on the undergraduate students of Lahore, Pakistan. The study makes use of the Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (MARSI), which is a self-report instrument, and has 30 items on a 5-point Likert scale; it was administered to 500 public and private sector universities students. Descriptive and inferential statistics were computed for analysis through the use of SPSS, version 22. The results reported that problem-solving and support strategies are equally preferred over global strategies. Results of the t-test revealed that students from the public sector demonstrate greater strategy awareness than those from the private sector in all the subscales of MARSI, while no overall significant difference between Humanities and Sciences was found.

The Internet represents an important source of information for many students. Yet, most lack proficiency in the requisite skills necessary for efficient and effective Internet research. As a result, teachers are seeking strategies to... more

The Internet represents an important source of information for many students. Yet, most lack proficiency in the requisite skills necessary for efficient and effective Internet research. As a result, teachers are seeking strategies to develop students’ skills for conducting online inquiry. Acknowledging this context, we present a self-regulatory framework, referred to as CAPES, that represents a discrete process that can be integrated into instruction to support student inquiry. This process is demonstrated through think-alouds designed to systematically guide students within key phases of online inquiry. Additional considerations and suggestions are provided to facilitate the development of lessons that incorporate the framework.

Numerous empirical findings relevant for self-regulation research can be related to functional self-regulation patterns (proactive and defensive) and a dysfunctional pattern (depressive absence of self-regulation efforts). The first two... more

Numerous empirical findings relevant for self-regulation research can be related to functional self-regulation patterns (proactive and defensive) and a dysfunctional pattern (depressive absence of self-regulation efforts). The first two patterns are in accordance with numerous empirical findings coming from the fields of cognitive, social and educational psychology, including concepts such as promotion vs. prevention focus and mastery or learning mode vs. coping or well-being mode. These patterns can be supplemented with a depressive pattern indicating self-defeating cognitions and strategies, absence of motivation and self-regulatory efforts. The empirical part of this study is focused on self-regulated learning and relationships between cognitive beliefs, motivational beliefs and self-regulation strategies. Croatian upper elementary students (N = 460; age 11–14 years) participated in this investigation. Self-reports were gathered by self-regulated learning components scale. The factor analysis of self-regulation components supported the theoretical distinction between the proactive and defensive self-regulation patterns. The results were interpreted in the context of previous research findings. Further research needs to address the question of specific self-regulation failures (the depressive pattern) in samples that include larger proportion of poorly adapted and under-achieving students.

The purpose of this paper is to present hands-on techniques that could help achieve higher forms of cognitive work (application, analysis, synthesis, and/or evaluation) of Bloom’s revised taxonomy (2001) and progress towards... more

The purpose of this paper is to present hands-on techniques that could help achieve higher forms of cognitive work (application, analysis, synthesis, and/or evaluation) of Bloom’s revised taxonomy (2001) and progress towards self-actualization, the top of Maslow’s hierarchy (Maslow, 1987). These results can be achieved by combination of 3A approach (Apaydin, 2014) and integrative learning (Inkpen and Crossan, 1995).
According to Bransford et al. (2000), a ‘metacognitive’ approach to instruction can help students learn to take control of their own learning and ultimately master an area of inquiry. While students’ thinking about their own learning is not an inherent part of other interactive methods such as a flipped classroom, it is the very basis of 3A approach. Therefore, in this paper we argue that addition of this approach to other teaching methods can potentially accelerate student ability to reach the top of Bloom’s taxonomy and Maslow’s pyramid.
In the empirical part of the paper, we present the results of an exploratory study of student self-inquiry analyzed using content analysis method. The results indicate that students who underwent through metacognitive instruction method exhibit higher cognitive skills than the control group. These skills were manifested in more detailed and extensive responses, more long-term orientation and higher thrive towards self-development. The study also identified significant gender differences in student self-perception, goals and aspirations.

The Problem. Cognitive-behavioral approaches have been proved to be effective in the treatment of trauma and PTSD. These approaches have emphasized the content of ordinary cognition such as negative automatic thoughts and schemas or... more

The Problem. Cognitive-behavioral approaches have been proved to be effective in the treatment of trauma and PTSD. These approaches have emphasized the content of ordinary cognition such as negative automatic thoughts and schemas or irrational beliefs. The challenging and replacement of such cognitive events has been the main focus of these therapies, demanding the monitoring of automatic thoughts in a play-by-play fashion reacting to a bottom-up process triggered by negative stimuli. An analysis of metacognition in psychological trauma can provide a better explanation of what causes patients to become locked into repetitive and unhelpful cycles—styles of thinking—that are difficult to control.

Uzmanlar, klinisyenler ve araştırmacılar, yeme bozukluklarının duygusal düzensizliklerden kaynaklandığı vakalarda Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin etkin olacağı konusunda hemfikirdi. Alanda yapılan pek çok adaptasyon çalışması olmasına... more

Uzmanlar, klinisyenler ve araştırmacılar, yeme bozukluklarının duygusal düzensizliklerden kaynaklandığı vakalarda Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin etkin olacağı konusunda hemfikirdi. Alanda yapılan pek çok adaptasyon çalışması olmasına rağmen Debra Safer, Christy Telch ve Eunice Chen bunu deneysel bazda yapan ilk kişilerdir. Standart diyalektik davranış terapisinin, tıkanırcasına yeme bozukluğu ve blumia nervoza semptomlarını tedavi etme yollarının yapılandırılmış bir özetini sunan bu kitap ile alandaki ihtiyaca cevap vermişlerdir. Bu alanda çalışan klinik psikologların ve danışmanların mutlaka okuması gereken önemli bir kaynak olmakla birlikte bu alanda okuyan öğrenciler için de farklı bir bakış açısı kazandırmaktadır.
Dokuz bölümden oluşan bu kitapta tedavi kapsamlı olarak ele alınmıştır. Genel çerçevede, olumsuz duygularla başa çıkmanın daha uyumsal yollarını öğreten becerilerin kazanımı ile tıkanırcasına yeme ve boşaltmayı durdurma hedefine ulaşma yolu adım adım çizilmiştir. Blumia nervoza ve tıkanırcasına yeme bozukluğuna sahip insanların karılaştığı sorunlar ve mevcut tedavi yöntemleri ele alınarak okuyucuya genel bir bakış açısı kazandırılır. Standart terapinin detaylı bir şekilde tanıtımından sonra bunun adaptasyonunun neden gerekli olduğu, adapte etmenin mantığı mevcut kanıtlar ile sunulur. Daha sonra, tedavi öncesi ve başlangıç oturumlarından tedaviyi sonlandırmaya kadar olan süreç aşama aşama ele alınır. Nüksetmeyi önleme kısmına değinilir. Son olarak kapsamlı vaka örnekleri ile anlatılanların sağlam temeller üzerine oturması sağlanır.
Amacına uygun şekilde düzenlen bu kitap, diyalektik davranış terapisi adapte edilirken belirli sınırlar çizmek yerine okuyucuya geliştirilebilir bir zemin hazırlar. Bu yönüyle tedaviyi uygulamaya ve geliştirmeye teşvik eder. Açıklayıcı vaka örnekleri ve kanıtlar ile tedaviyi tüm ayrıntılarıyla sunarak farklı alanlardan okuyuculara hitap eden bu titiz çalışma özellikle alandaki uzmanlara klinik psikologlara, danışmanlara ve araştırmacılar için bir rehber niteliğinde olacak niteliktedir.

Genelde canlıların, özelde ise insanoğlunun nasıl öğrendiğine dair araştırma sonuçları her geçen gün önümüze heyecan verici bilgiler ve bulgular sunmaktadır. Bu araştırma sonuçları öğrenmede yeni stratejiler geliştirilmesinde öncülük... more

Genelde canlıların, özelde ise insanoğlunun nasıl öğrendiğine dair araştırma sonuçları her geçen gün önümüze heyecan verici bilgiler ve bulgular sunmaktadır. Bu araştırma sonuçları öğrenmede yeni stratejiler geliştirilmesinde öncülük etmektedir. "Öğrenme Psikolojisi" adlı bu kitap, alandaki en temel ve güncel araştırma bulgularını da kapsayarak eğitim, edebiyat ve tıp fakülteleri gibi değişik alanların birçok programında lisans ve lisansüstü düzeyde kullanılabilecek şekilde hazırlanmıştır.
Okuyucu merkezli olarak hazırlanan bu kitap, tüm yaşlardaki öğrenicilerin bilgi ve becerileri nasıl edindiklerini ve öğrenme sürecinde etkili olabilen inanç, motivasyon, tutum ve tavır gibi faktörleri kapsamaktadır.
Öğrenme konusunda bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen okuyucunun, temel bir psikoloji bilgisine sahip olması ön koşulu yoktur. Kitapta öğrenme kuramlarının tarihsel temellerinden başlayarak güncel öğrenme yaklaşımlarına rahatlıkla geçiş yapılabilir. Alandaki bir profesör, öğrenme ile ilgili en son araştırma bulgularına bu kitapta ulaşabilirken; üniversite eğitimine yeni başlamış bir öğrenci de öğrenme ile ilgili en temel konulara rahatlıkla erişebilir.

It has long been recognized that collaboration fosters richer forms of learning and innovation than any individual can achieve on their own. But, given contemporary demands of citizens in the 21st century's information society, calls to... more

It has long been recognized that collaboration fosters richer forms of learning and innovation than any individual can achieve on their own. But, given contemporary demands of citizens in the 21st century's information society, calls to foster learners’ collaborative capacities are intensifying in both research and professional literatures. Lee, Huh, and Reigeluth (2015) suggested that, “developing networking skills, maintaining collaborative relationships with people, and making decisions as a team are considered essential skills to be successful in the new era” (p. 562). Correspondingly, researchers and educators alike are currently seeking ways to support learners’ developing capacities as collaborative learners. In this chapter, we contribute by describing how socially shared forms of strategic processing are necessary to, and can be supported within, collaborative activity. To that end, we drew from diverse strands in the literature that have: (a) studied collaborative learning processes; (b) surfaced the kinds of norms, expectations, and academic discourse that students need to navigate when learning collaboratively; (c) identified pedagogical practices that support socially shared forms of strategic processing; and (d) examined collaborative learning processes in various pedagogical frameworks, such as cooperative learning, computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL); collaborative
problem- or project-based learning; and collaborative

The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent students with mild mental retardation exhibit strategic behavior during problem solving and to investigate the relationships between the ongoing behaviors examined and the students’... more

The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent students with mild mental retardation exhibit strategic behavior during problem solving and to investigate the relationships between the ongoing behaviors examined and the students’ respective performance. Eleven students with non-organic mild mental retardation participated in the study. Students were asked to perform the Block Design Cubes of the WISC-III and their problem solving behavior during task performance was video-recorded. Two independent observers assessed for each participant student cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational strategic behaviors, such as analyzing and combining activities, self-monitoring, and maintaining self-motivation, by means of a structured observation instrument. The results showed that students’ performance was at the lower end of the possible score range in the Block Design Cubes. Students’ strategic behavior was also recorded at the lower end of the assessment scale. Further consideration of participants’ performance and strategic profiles revealed individual differences within this group of students regarding their performance patterns but also their repertoire of strategic behaviors exhibited. As expected, significant relations were found between the students’ strategic behavior and respective performance. The educational implications of the study are discussed.

The decision to develop a school makerspace often draws upon the claims that making develops higher-level thinking skills in students. Yet there is currently little to no empirical research into the cognitive and metacognitive developed... more

The decision to develop a school makerspace often draws upon the claims that making develops higher-level thinking skills in students. Yet there is currently little to no empirical research into the cognitive and metacognitive developed by student makers. In this talk, a research design will be shared that can be used by educational researchers to determine the extent to which school makerspaces promote transferable metacognitive abilities and “better thinking” in students.

Resumen: La destreza de leer en línea es una de las más relevantes en la actualidad y una de las más necesarias en el ámbito de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. El objetivo de este trabajo es averiguar cuáles son las estrategias... more

Resumen: La destreza de leer en línea es una de las más relevantes en la actualidad y una de las más necesarias en el ámbito de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. El objetivo de este trabajo es averiguar cuáles son las estrategias metacognitivas de lectura que utilizan un grupo de 58 estudiantes tailandeses universitarios de español como lengua extranjera cuando realizan actividades de lectoescritura en línea con tres herramientas digitales: Mentimeter, Linoit y Padlet. Para ello, diseñamos una investigación enmarcada en el paradigma etnográfico educativo y, para la recogida de datos, utilizamos herramientas cualitativas como la observación participante, el cuaderno de bitácora, las entrevistas personales semiestructuradas y el cuestionario de estrategias de lectura en línea (Online Survey of Reading Strategies, OSORS) de Anderson (2003). Los resultados revelan que los estudiantes utilizan, principalmente, estrategias metacognitivas de lectura globales, por lo que es preciso incluir en el currículo un abanico más amplio de estrategias que favorezcan la lectura digital.
Abstract: Online reading has become a prominent and relevant skill in the foreign language teaching and learning field. In this context, the aim of this work is to identify the metacognitive reading strategies used by a group of 58 Thai university students of Spanish as a foreign language when completing reading comprehension activities using three digital tools: Mentimeter, Linoit and Padlet. To achieve this goal, an ethnographic research project was designed; the qualitative research tools used to collect data were participant observation, fieldwork diary, personal semi-structured interviews and the Online Survey of Reading Strategies, OSORS (Anderson, 2003). Results show that participants mainly use global reading strategies; therefore, it is necessary to include in the curriculum a wider set of metacognitive strategies for online reading.

This study was about the metacognitive awareness of reading strategies to enhance students' performance in reading comprehension. From five government secondary schools in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 272 students in grade three... more

This study was about the metacognitive awareness of reading strategies to enhance students' performance in reading comprehension. From five government secondary schools in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 272 students in grade three participated in this research. Two standardised English reading comprehension tests from Ujian Nasional (UN, or National Examination) 2005/2006 and the Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (MARSI) by Mokhtari and Reichard were employed. The MARSI consisted of 30 items that measured MARS, which were divided into three categories: global reading strategies (13 items), problem solving reading strategies (8 items), and support reading strategies (9 items). The results indicated a weak positive relationship between MARS and scores in reading comprehension. No significant difference was found in the students' level of MARS between good and poor readers. It was also found that the level of MARS for problem solving reading strategy was than for ...

The quality of teaching technique employed by the teacher basically influence student's interest and learning outcome. In recent times, it has become obvious that the conventional learning pattern can no longer meet the need of digital... more

The quality of teaching technique employed by the teacher basically influence student's interest and learning outcome. In recent times, it has become obvious that the conventional learning pattern can no longer meet the need of digital millennials nor prepare them for the future. This has necessitated the transition from traditional (teacher-centred) approach to inquiry-based (student-centred) approach in order to improve students' skills and enhance productivity in learning. The present study critically examines the potentials of mobile technologies in enhancing the effectiveness of inquiry-based learning approach. The findings show that mobile technologies have the potential to enhance the success of inquiry-based learning method. Indeed, the inquiry process can be more effective if the "Inquirers" can maximize the potential benefits offered by mobile technologies. The study indicates that many students are closely attached to their mobile gadgets such as smartphones, tablets, notebooks and other PDAs, and can easily manipulate it for inquiries, discoveries and innovations. Also, mobile devices often come with fascinating features, apps and functions that motivate learners to connect to the internet, think critically, and to actively engage in authentic and creative learning inquiries, collaborations and discussions. With the aid of mobile devices, students can conduct inquiries (ask questions) via phone calls; text messaging, chat, and e-mails both within and outside the classroom. From the study, it can be inferred that, the use of mobile devices enhance inquiry-based learning; promotes student's inquiry and entrepreneurial spirit, and positive attitude towards learning. Also, mobile devices can inspire students to learn more comprehensively and effectively, International Journal of Education (IJE) Vol. 2, No. 01, October 2019 2 thereby increasing their proficiencies, and preparation for changes; challenges, and a knowledge-based society. Thus, the study concludes that the effectiveness of inquiry-based learning approach in the 21 st century can largely be enhanced by mobile technologies.

Meta-Learning, the ability of learning to learn, helps to train a model to learn very quickly on a variety of learning tasks; adapting to any new environment with a minimal number of examples allows us to speed up the performance and... more

Meta-Learning, the ability of learning to learn, helps to train a model to learn very quickly on a variety of learning tasks; adapting to any new environment with a minimal number of examples allows us to speed up the performance and training of the model. It solves the traditional machine learning paradigm problem, where it needed a vast dataset to learn any task to train the model from scratch. Much work has already been done on meta-learning in various learning environments, including reinforcement learning, regression task, classification task with image, and other datasets, but it is yet to be explored with the time-series domain. In this work, we aimed to understand the effectiveness of meta-learning algorithms in time series classification task with multivariate time-series datasets. We present the algorithm's performance on the time series archive, where the result shows that using meta-learning algorithms leads to faster convergence with fewer iteration over the non-meta-learning equivalent.

Several contemporary philosophical theories of introspection have been offered, yet each faces a number of difficulties in providing an explanation of the exact nature of introspection. I contrast the inner-sense view that argues for a... more

Several contemporary philosophical theories of introspection have been offered, yet each faces a number of difficulties in providing an explanation of the exact nature of introspection. I contrast the inner-sense view that argues for a causal awareness with the acquaintance view that argues for a non-causal or direct awareness. After critically examining the inner-sense and the acquaintance views, I claim that these two views are complementary and not mutually exclusive, and that both perspectives, conceived of as (what I call) modes of introspective access, actually broaden the notion of introspection. I then propose a useful distinction between (what I call) stimuli-induced introspection-i.e., a receptive process whereby some specific mental states induce introspection-and (what I call) self-triggered introspection-i.e., a selective process whereby the individual's own interest and volition initiates introspection. I argue that that distinction may eliminate the false dichotomy which claims that only one of those types of awareness, either the causal one or the direct one, is conducive to introspection or is defined as introspection.

The environmental, social and climate change issues that face the world today have all industries considering how they will address sustainability in the future. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the maturity of environmental,... more

The environmental, social and climate change issues that face the world today have all industries considering how they will address sustainability in the future. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the maturity of environmental, health and safety (EHS) efforts and progress toward sustainability in the oil and gas sector. Ten major oil companies have been analyzed based on public information including their published annual reports. Companies refer to voluntary initiatives when reporting their performance yet the assessment suggests that the sector overall continues to make progress and is maturing in its sustainability efforts. Many management system gaps were found that leave companies within this sector far from sustainable production and from being leaders in EHS Management. Most companies are still using lagging metrics and this is reflected in the activities implemented by companies. The sector’s EHS management status is found to be in the high middle/medium level of maturity. This means that the sector has made progress from simply embracing sustainability towards a commitment to addressing sustainability issues, but still has progress to make.

Tüm yaşamımız duygu ve düşüncelerimiz tarafından yönetilmektedir. Çoğumuz ağırlıkla gerçeğin farkına varmadan yaşadığımızdan düşünce becerilerimizi geliştirmeyi önemsemeyiz. Ancak düşünme, eğitim, psikoloji ve daha birçok alandaki bilim... more

Tüm yaşamımız duygu ve düşüncelerimiz tarafından yönetilmektedir. Çoğumuz ağırlıkla gerçeğin farkına varmadan yaşadığımızdan düşünce becerilerimizi geliştirmeyi önemsemeyiz. Ancak düşünme, eğitim, psikoloji ve daha birçok alandaki bilim insanının üzerinde çalıştığı ve geliştirmeyi hedefledikleri beceriler arasındandır. Düşünme türleri içinde eleştirel düşünme en temel ve önemlileri arasındadır. Pek çok kişi için düşünme bilinç dışı bir eylem iken bilinç alanına çekip özel eğitim teknikleri ile geliştirmek mümkündür. Bu kitap sayesinde eleştirel düşünme becerilerinin kapsamında kişinin tarafsız düşünür hâline gelme, düşünme seviyesinden haberdar olma, temel akıl becerileri, yetenekleri, içgörülerinin gelişmesine destek olma, sunulan düşüncenin zayıf ve güçlü manasını keşfetme vb. gibi becerilerini geliştirme, kendi düşünme standartlarını bilme, soru sorma ve düşünmedeki yerini anlama, düşünme içeriğini öğrenme, iyi düşünme becerilerini edinme, karar alma, problem çözme, mantık dışı düşünce ile başa çıkma, ulusal ve uluslararası propaganda yolları zihinsel kandırmaca ve manipülasyonun farkına varma, etik akıl yürütme, stratejik düşünme becerileri ve ileri düşünür olma başlıklarında bilgi ve beceri kazandırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Buraya kadar sözü edilen bu becerileri kapsayan kitabın hem bilgi vermesi hem de Türk akademisyen ve düşünürleri tarafından bu konuda yeni eserlerin kaleme alınmasını, araştırma yapılmasını teşvik etmesi hedeflenmektedir. Kitabın hedef kitlesi, matematik bilimlerinde ve sosyal bilimlerde eğitim gören öğrenciler ve akademisyenler, politikacılar, medya mensupları ilk akla gelenler arasındadır. Kitabın, kişisel gelişimi bir yaşam biçimini hâline getirenlere geliştirici bir okuma serüveni olacağına inanılmaktadır. (kim ile, kimin için…)
21. yüzyıl becerileri arasında ilk sıralarda yer alan eleştirel düşünme becerisini stratejik ve sistematik olarak nasıl geliştirilebileceğini anlatan bu kitap, okuyucular için hem günlük yaşamda hem de profesyonel hayatta kullanabilecekleri önemli reçeteler vermektedir. Bilgi çağının getirdiği bilgi bombardımanı içinde hangi bilgiye nerede, nasıl, niye, ne zaman ve kim ile kimin için sorularının cevaplarını çok gelişmiş tablolar ve şekiller ile anlatarak görsel anlamda hatırlanır ve uygulanabilir kılmaktadır. Sol beynin işlevi olan eleştirel düşünceyi çok daha ileriye götürerek bilginin yaratıcılığa dönüştürülmesinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Basitliğin getirdiği mükemmellik ile değişen ve devrim niteliğinde yaşanan teknolojik gelişimlerde okuyuculara uygulamalı olarak karar verme becerilerini geliştirmekte ve bulundukları ortamda farkındalık oluşturarak fark yaratmalarını sağlayacak donanım vermektedir. Bu kitabın okuyucuları sadece eğitim dünyasındaki değişimi sağlamak isteyen kişiler değil profesyonel dünyada da dönüşümü sağlamak isteyen oyuncular ve liderler olmalıdır.

This study investigates the relationship between the personality type and cognitive-metacognitive strategies utilized by test-takers in reading comprehension tests. One hundred undergraduate Iranian English Foreign Learning (EFL) students... more

This study investigates the relationship between the personality type and cognitive-metacognitive strategies utilized by test-takers in reading comprehension tests. One hundred undergraduate Iranian English Foreign Learning (EFL) students participated in a reading comprehension test followed by a questionnaire and the Myers & Briggs Type Inventory. The questionnaire consisted of 30 cognitive-metacognitive items (Phakiti, 2003). These questions inquired about the thought process that occurred while completing the test. The 93-item Myers-Brigs Type Indicator (MBTI) questionnaire is a tool that provides individuals with a personality type. The study employed a quantitative data analysis where the input data was analyzed in two ways. First, descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample characteristics, and then a two-way ANOVA was calculated to obtain a general view of the relationship between the variables. The data analysis resulted in the identification of 14 personality ty...

İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon... more

İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere yapılan hataları da göstererek uygulama ortamı oluşturuyor. Yenilik ilkelerini verirken startupların ve hatta büyük kuruluşların anlamlı ve sürdürülebilir büyüme konusundaki donanımını artırıyor. 2000'den fazla başarılı yeniliğin ortaya çıkışında önemli içgörüler sağlıyor.
Bu kitabın anlatım tarzında özel bir algoritma uygulanarak anlamlı gruplar belirlendi. İnovasyon fırsatlarını belirlemek için firmaların iç ve dış büyüme parametreleri ve performans değerleri, rakiplerini de devreye alarak şekillendirildi. İnovasyon odaklı performansın artırılabilmesi, önemli değerlendirmeler yapılabilmesi için özel ve hazır yol haritaları sunuldu. Endüstriler için de inovasyon modellerini teşhis edip yeni bir anlayış ve yöntem geliştirme imkânı sunuluyor.
Çevrimsel araştırmanın altyapısını vererek farklı ve anlamlı değişim ve dönüşümü düşündürüp kalıcı ve kullanışlı yollar uygulatarak kitabın ne kadar değerli olduğunu kanıtlıyor. Eğer kurumunuzda anlamlı ve sürdürülebilir büyümeyi inovasyon odaklı gerçekleştirmek isterseniz yenilik ilkelerinin detaylı olarak anlatıldığı İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabını okuyun.
Bu kitabın yazarlarından Larry Keeley'in tecrübelerinden yararlanmak büyük bir fırsat. Kendisi BusinessWeek tarafından inovasyon alanındaki dünya görüşünü ve paradigmaları değiştiren, yedi yenilik gurusundan biri olarak seçilmiş olup Doblin firmasının kurucusudur. Diğer yazarlar ile birlikte inovasyonun tasarlanması ve sürdürülebilir kılınması konusunda dünya çapında pek çok girişimciyi, yöneticiyi, şirketleri ve startupları etkilemiştir.

The study was undertaken to investigate the impact of Think-Pair-Share Metacognitive-Strategy as a tool for delivering science education in a depressed economy, on Performance in Organic Chemistry Concept among Secondary School Students,... more

The study was undertaken to investigate the impact of Think-Pair-Share Metacognitive-Strategy as a tool for delivering science education in a depressed economy, on Performance in Organic Chemistry Concept among Secondary School Students, Katsina Metropolis, Nigeria. One Objective, research question and null hypothesis was generated to guide the study. The design of the study was a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest-control-group design, involving one experimental group and one control group. The experimental group was exposed to Think-Pair-Share Metacognitive Strategy while the control group was taught using Lecture based Instruction. A sample size of 81 SSII Chemistry students selected from two secondary schools in Katsina Metropolis was used as the study sample drawn from population of 753 students out of 10 schools. The instrument used for the study was a twenty five-item multiple choice Organic Chemistry Performance Test (OCPT) which was pilot tested, validated by experts, the reliability coefficient was found to be r=0.75 and used for data collection. Mean, standard deviation and t-test was used for data analysis. The result showed that; Students exposed to Think-Pair-Share Metacognitive Strategy performed significantly better in the Organic Chemistry Performance Test (OCPT) than those taught with lecture based instruction. Based on these finding, conclusion was drawn and the educational implications were extensively discussed. Among the recommendations made was that metacognitive teaching strategy such as Think-Pair-share if effectively utilized and applied by teachers in the instructional delivery in chemistry could significantly improve the performance of students.

It is believed that by improving students' meta-cognitive awareness of elements of language, learning can be enhanced. Therefore, this study consisted of two main objectives. First, it aimed at examining meta-cognitive awareness of... more

It is believed that by improving students' meta-cognitive awareness of elements of language, learning can be enhanced. Therefore, this study consisted of two main objectives. First, it aimed at examining meta-cognitive awareness of writing strategy use among Iranian EFL learners. Using a Friedman test to check if there was any significant difference among the participants in their use of writing strategies, it was found that the differences among the strategies were not significant. The second objective of the study was to examine the impact of the participants' meta-cognitive awareness of writing strategy use on their L2 writing performance. This was answered using two statistical techniques, namely Pearson correlation and Multiple Regression. Using Pearson Correlation, it was found that there was a significant relationship between writing performance and all writing strategy categories (planning, monitoring, evaluation, and self-awareness). Moreover, using Multiple Regression, it was found that the p–value was significant only for evaluation strategy category, but not for the rest. That is, it was found that strategy categories such as planning, monitoring, and self-awareness did not predict students' writing performance. The result of this study responds to the ongoing problems students have in their meta-cognitive awareness of writing strategy use which can contribute to raising proficiency levels in shorter time frames.

The present study aimed to investigate the value of the teacher Think Aloud (TA) instructional technique in providing young readers with effective strategies to enhance the comprehension of online texts. Eighty-nine participants from 10... more

The present study aimed to investigate the value of the teacher Think Aloud (TA) instructional technique in providing young readers with effective strategies to enhance the comprehension of online texts. Eighty-nine participants from 10 to 14 years of age were sorted into two groups based on the type of training they had received: the experimental group (n = 47) had been taught with the TA strategies, while the control group (n = 42) had not received any specific training. Both the experimental and control groups were examined twice, before and after the period of training. Pupils had to find the correct answer to a specific question (Access) and to critically analyze online texts, expressing different opinions on a topic (Analysis). The findings indicate a positive effect of the TA technique, mainly in the transferal of strategies aimed at a more correct evaluation of the websites’ reliability. Indeed, while for the control group only a marginal, if any, improvement was recorded fr...

El término metacognición fue concebido para indicar el proceso de “pensar en pensar”. Si bien el concepto ha sido elaborado y refinado, la definición principal se ha mantenido intacta. Hoy en día se considera que la metacognición cuenta... more

El término metacognición fue concebido para indicar el proceso de “pensar en pensar”. Si bien el concepto ha sido elaborado y refinado, la definición principal se ha mantenido intacta. Hoy en día se considera que la metacognición cuenta con dos componentes principales: “el conocimiento de la cognición” —el conocimiento declarativo, de procedimiento y condicional—, y la más importante “regulación de la cognición”, en tanto implica planeación, monitoreo, control y reflexión. Parece que las habilidades metacognitivas básicas empiezan a desarrollarse en niños desde una etapa temprana de su aprendizaje, pero se vuelven más sofisticadas con la edad y el desarrollo intelectual.
Aun cuando no es claro hasta qué punto puede transferirse la capacidad metacognitiva de un campo de conocimiento a otro, existe una relación sólida entre la metacognición y los resultados escolares —lo cual conlleva implicaciones para docentes, investigadores y autoridades educativas.

This article describes a qualitative study which compares the effectiveness of the reflective cultural experiences through critical thinking and metacognitive preparation relative to the traditional English language classroom. This study... more

This article describes a qualitative study which compares the effectiveness of the reflective cultural experiences through critical thinking and metacognitive preparation relative to the traditional English language classroom. This study aims to investigate the students' metacognition, critical thinking skills and critical thinking awareness while exploring culture in EFL classroom. Exploring culture in foreign language studies requires students to engage in authentic contexts in order to develop their ability to live/exist in a variety of cultures. This intercultural ability requires awareness of himself and others as cultural beings. Also, exploring culture and language learning requires the development of metacognitive skills and critical thinking skills to reflect on cultural experiences, to analyze them from multiple perspectives, and to apply them in the authentic contexts. Critical thinking and metacognition examine hypotheses, makes the distinction between facts and opinions, and is based on clarity, depth, correctness, accuracy which contributes to the formation of the culture of the taught. The purpose of this study is to describe the introduction of metacognitive and critical thinking awareness and skills in EFL classroom into the learning of 32 students enrolled in the teacher education program at Pedagogical State University ‘Ion Creanga’, Republic of Moldova. This study was implemented through qualitative research design to reflect on teaching experience and on the professional ground from a rather new perspective through the “culture” lens and student perception o'f culture awareness and skills in critical thinking in EFL classroom.

The present study examined the frequency of the use of vocabulary learning strategies by Iranian male and female EFL learners and it also examined the relationship between gender and the use of these strategies. Eighty intermediate EFL... more

The present study examined the frequency of the use of vocabulary learning strategies by Iranian male and female EFL learners and it also examined the relationship between gender and the use of these strategies. Eighty intermediate EFL learners who studied English in Shokouh Language Institue participated in the current research. The present study used Kudo's (1999) classification of vocabulary learning strategies including metacognitive and psycholinguistic strategies. Kudo's (1999) likert-scale questionnaire was also used in the present study. In order to analyze the data and answer the research questions, descriptive statistics including means and standard deviations were used to summarize the male and female learners' responses to the vocabulary learning strategy questionnaire. Moreover, Mann-Whitney U test was employed to examine the null hypothesis of the study. The finding revealed that the frequencies mean for the use of psycholinguistic and metacognitive strategies as well as the overall frequency mean were slightly higher for the female learners. However, no significant difference was found between Iranian male and female intermediate EFL learners in the use of vocabulary learning strategies.

In the era of the 21st century, the best higher education institutions have more than one role. Not only do they educate and train students but they also create new ideas and knowledge for the short-term contemporary issues as well as... more

In the era of the 21st century, the best higher education institutions have more than one role. Not only do they educate and train students but they also create new ideas and knowledge for the short-term contemporary issues as well as long-term complex problems. In the strategic goals, five aspects are critical in higher education: the democratization of knowledge and access, the contestability of the market and funding, the research technologies, the global mobility and the integration with the industry. Universities should have strategic plans including strategic goals. In this study, the strategic models and plans of the public (5) and private (5) universities are analysed from the five different aspects. In order to deeply understand the dynamics at these universities, the phenomenological interpretive analysis is preferred. University leaders
and managerial departments should consider market needs and do strategic plan accordingly. Hence, they should develop the strategic thinking capacity of both their academic staff and researchers for short and long terms need of the industry. Results have shown that most universities have wrong perception regarding the strategic model and plan. Neither private nor public universities possess enough knowledge on the subject.
Keywords: Higher education, university and industry partnership, strategic model and planning, higher education management, financing of higher education.

Η παρούσα πτυχιακή εργασία βασίστηκε σε ένα συνδυαστικό μοντέλο κατανόησης γραπτού λόγου που ενσωματώνει τις βασικές κοινές θεωρητικές παραδοχές των κοινωνικογνωστικών και των κοινωνικο-πολιτισμικών προσεγγίσεων, καθώς και των... more

Η παρούσα πτυχιακή εργασία βασίστηκε σε ένα συνδυαστικό μοντέλο κατανόησης
γραπτού λόγου που ενσωματώνει τις βασικές κοινές θεωρητικές παραδοχές των κοινωνικογνωστικών και των κοινωνικο-πολιτισμικών προσεγγίσεων, καθώς και των προσεγγίσεων
γραμματισμού σκοπεύοντας να σχεδιάσει, να εφαρμόσει και να αξιολογήσει μια διδακτική
παρέμβαση που σχετίζεται με την μάθηση και την διδασκαλία της κατανόησης του γραπτού
λόγου και των πληροφοριακών κειμένων σε δίγλωσσους μαθητές.
Σκοπός της συγκεκριμένης έρευνας ήταν να σχεδιάσει και να εφαρμόσει ένα
υποστηρικτικό και παροτρυντικό περιβάλλον μάθησης και διδασκαλίας της κατανόησης του
γραπτού λόγου σε παιδιά που έχουν την ελληνική γλώσσα ως δεύτερή ή και ξένη γλώσσα με
την παροχή και τη χρήση κοινωνικο-διαδικαστικών διευκολύνσεων, προκειμένου να βοηθήσει
μαθητές της Ε΄ τάξης δημοτικού, οι οποίοι αντιμετωπίζουν προβλήματα στην κατανόηση του
γραπτού λόγου. Η παρούσα πτυχιακή εργασία στόχευε να διερευνήσει την επίδραση της
συγκεκριμένης διδακτικής παρέμβασης σε δίγλωσσους μαθητές-αναγνώστες στην βελτίωση
της ποιότητας της κατανόησης του γραπτού λόγου κατά την επεξεργασία πληροφοριακών
κειμένων σύγκρισης, στην ανάπτυξη της μεταγνωστικής γνώσης αναφορικά με την
αναγνωστική διαδικασία και στην ανάπτυξη μεταγνωστικών στρατηγικών κατανόησης κατά
την διαδικασία της αναγνωστικής κατανόησης.

The present study aimed to investigate the value of the teacher Think Aloud (TA) instructional technique in providing young readers with effective strategies to enhance the comprehension of online texts. Eighty-nine participants from 10... more

The present study aimed to investigate the value of the teacher Think Aloud (TA) instructional technique in providing young readers with effective strategies to enhance the comprehension of online texts. Eighty-nine participants from 10 to 14years of agewere sorted into two groups based on the type of training they had received: the experimental group (n = 47) had beentaught with the TA strategies, while the control group (n = 42) hadnot receivedany specific training. Both the experimental and control groupswere examined twice, before and after the period of training. Pupils had to find the correct answer to a specific question (Access)and to critically analyze online texts, expressing different opinions on a topic (Analysis).The findings indicate a positive effect of the TA technique, mainly inthe transferal ofstrategies aimed at a more correct evaluation of the websites’ reliability.Indeed, while for the control group only a marginal, if any, improvement was recorded from pre-test...

En este manual argumentamos sobre la utilidad del debate competitivo como metodología activa de enseñanza aprendizaje, que permite desarrollar pensamiento crítico, innovación y metacognición, en base al estudio y práctica de la... more

En este manual argumentamos sobre la utilidad del debate competitivo como metodología activa de enseñanza aprendizaje, que permite desarrollar pensamiento crítico, innovación y metacognición, en base al estudio y práctica de la argumentación.
En la primera parte, explicamos en términos generales los aspectos básicos que debe conocer una persona que quiera participar en debate competitivo.
La segunda parte, dirigida principalmente a debatientes avanzados y profesores, se dedica al análisis de aspectos argumentativos, que sirven de base para sostener que el debate es una metodología activa de enseñanza aprendizaje, y que permite desarrollar habilidades cognitivas de nivel superior.
Se acompañan planificaciones de un curso de debate, con sus respectivos instrumentos de evaluación y materiales complementarios, en la búsqueda de ser un aporte para quienes quieran enseñar debate con miras a fortalecer el pensamiento crítico en la educación.

This book on self-directed learning (SDL) is devoted to original academic scholarship within the field of education, and is the 6th volume in the North-West University (NWU) SDL book series. In this book the authors explore how... more

This book on self-directed learning (SDL) is devoted to original academic scholarship within the field of education, and is the 6th volume in the North-West University (NWU) SDL book series. In this book the authors explore how self-directed learning can be considered an imperative for education in a complex modern society.
Although each chapter represents independent research in the field of self-directed learning, the chapters form a coherent contribution concerning the scholarship of self-directed learning, and specifically the effect of environmental and praxis contexts on the enhancement of self-directed learning in a complex society. The publication as a whole provides diverse perspectives on the importance of self-directed learning in varied contexts. Scholars working in a wide range of fields are drawn together in this scholarly work to present a comprehensive dialogue regarding self-directed learning and how this concept functions in a complex and dynamic higher education context.
This book presents a combination of theory and practice, which reflects selected conceptual dimensions of self-directed learning in society, as well as research-based findings pertaining to current topical issues relating to implementing self-directed learning in the modern world. The varied methodologies provide the reader with different and balanced perspectives, as well as varied and innovative ideas on how to conduct research in the field of self-directed learning.