Sir Francis Drake Research Papers (original) (raw)

Nemes Márk: Sir Francis Drake és az Erzsébet-kori kalózkodás: A kalózkodás és a hajózás fejlődése (szemináriumi dolgozat) 2013/14 II. Félév (Dr. Ciegerné Novák Veronika órájára) A szöveget kizárólag a szerző és a forrás megjelölésével... more

Nemes Márk: Sir Francis Drake és az Erzsébet-kori kalózkodás: A kalózkodás és a hajózás fejlődése (szemináriumi dolgozat) 2013/14 II. Félév (Dr. Ciegerné Novák Veronika órájára) A szöveget kizárólag a szerző és a forrás megjelölésével szabad felhasználni.

When Francis Drake died in 1596 off the coast of Panama, his men thoroughly beaten by the Spaniards, inferior in numbers, there was great rejoicing in the whole Spanish empire. Several commanders hurried to claim the victory for... more

When Francis Drake died in 1596 off the coast of Panama, his men thoroughly beaten by the Spaniards, inferior in numbers, there was great rejoicing in the whole Spanish empire. Several commanders hurried to claim the victory for themselves, and one of them commissioned Lope de Vega (1562-1635), the most famous poet of the time, to write an epic poem about Drake’s voyages and death. The resulting product was La Dragontea (1598), which Sánchez Jiménez presents here for the first time in a critical, annotated edition. The introduction and footnotes clarify to what extent Lope used confidential information from the royal archives to construct his historical poem, and unearth documentation about such characters as Pedro de Yalonga, the renegade African slave who, in a dramatic turn, helped the Spaniards defeat Drake.

Presents new DNA evidence regarding a very old controversy - whether the two titled Drake families of Devon are related. Steps through the careers and ancestry of Sir Francis and Sir Bernard Drake, and the various disagreements that have... more

Presents new DNA evidence regarding a very old controversy - whether the two titled Drake families of Devon are related. Steps through the careers and ancestry of Sir Francis and Sir Bernard Drake, and the various disagreements that have followed interpretations of the life of Sir Francis over the past 200 years. Presents an indication that these Drakes are related more than 1000 but less than 2000 years ago, and might possibly be the result of a very early Scandinavian settlement in the south of England. Recommends further DNA and archaeological investigation.

Owen Stanwood's review of "The New Pirate History"

Libro dedicado a la totalidad de los escritos del navegante Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa. Colonizador de las costas del Estrecho de Magallanes en el siglo XVI. Se recorren los relatos de viajes al Estrecho de Magallanes, La Historia índica y... more

Libro dedicado a la totalidad de los escritos del navegante Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa. Colonizador de las costas del Estrecho de Magallanes en el siglo XVI. Se recorren los relatos de viajes al Estrecho de Magallanes, La Historia índica y las cartas

Abstract: These two history scholars of the early 20th century were at odds with each other and to the California riddle of where Francis Drake spent 5 weeks to repair the Golden Hinde in the summer of 1579. Both men were honored in... more

Abstract: These two history scholars of the early 20th century were at odds with each other and to the California riddle of where Francis Drake spent 5 weeks to repair the Golden Hinde in the summer of 1579. Both men were honored in their professions and respected internationally. Henry Wagner correctly exposed George Davidson’s Drake theories to be off-base. Although Wagner presented a concise case to disprove Davidson’s theories, the evidence Wagner offered for Drake’s anchorage eventually also proved to be flawed. New research indicates that Drake never set foot in any California bay.

“In accepting this proclamation we support the historical study and recognize that there is sufficient evidence to support the idea of Drake’s anchorage is in Oregon.” Jeff Smith, Curator, Columbia River Maritime Museum. The CRRM is the... more

“In accepting this proclamation we support the historical study and recognize that there is sufficient evidence to support the idea of Drake’s anchorage is in Oregon.” Jeff Smith, Curator, Columbia River Maritime Museum.
The CRRM is the official state maritime museum for Oregon.

On April 26, 1973 at California Historical Landmarks Advisory Committee, the California agency with the authority to give official recognition to historical sites: “Considered the application for the registration of Drake’s landing site... more

On April 26, 1973 at California Historical Landmarks Advisory Committee, the California agency with the authority to give official recognition to historical sites: “Considered the application for the registration of Drake’s landing site as a State Historical Landmark. There were two delegations present, Robert Power and Raymond Aker, to present different viewpoints as to the actual landing site and their positions were well presented. After considering the evidence presented, the Committee did not reach a decision as to the specific landing site of Sir Francis Drake and a motion was unanimously carried that the application be tabled.”

Herbert Bolton, authenticator of a fake plate of brass. His comments about the authenticity of the plate at a California Historical Society meeting. For 40 years the fake plate was held up as proof that Sir Francis Drake sojourned in... more

Herbert Bolton, authenticator of a fake plate of brass. His comments about the authenticity of the plate at a California Historical Society meeting. For 40 years the fake plate was held up as proof that Sir Francis Drake sojourned in California.

Movement demands school remove the name Sir Francis Drake from the school name.

Статья посвящена анализу проблемы формирования образа «испанца-врага» в елизаветинской Англии, на основе привлечения новых источников, представленных свидетельствами о ходе кругосветной экспедиции Фрэснсиса Дрейка (1577–1580 гг.). Автор... more

Статья посвящена анализу проблемы формирования образа «испанца-врага» в елизаветинской Англии, на основе привлечения новых источников, представленных свидетельствами о ходе кругосветной экспедиции Фрэснсиса Дрейка (1577–1580 гг.). Автор выделяет основные элементы негативного восприятия испанцев моряками-протестантами: коварство, жестокость и трусость. В английских источниках проявляется стремление продемонстрировать превосходство Дрейка и его спутников в моральном и культурном плане, их религиозную обособленность в сравнении испанцами.