Smart Village Research Papers - (original) (raw)

A smart village knows about its citizens, offered resources, applicable services and schemes. It knows what it needs and when it needs. Smart village initiative focuses on superior resource-use efficiency, empowered local self-governance,... more

A smart village knows about its citizens, offered resources, applicable services and schemes. It knows what it needs and when it needs. Smart village initiative focuses on superior resource-use efficiency, empowered local self-governance, access to assured basic amenities and responsible individual and community behavior to build a vibrant and happy society. The present research paper discusses about rural development in developing world for the up-liftman of livelihood of the rural masses. The driving motivation behind the concept on "Smart Village" is that the technology should acts as a means for development, enabling education and local business opportunities, improving health and welfare, enhancing democratic engagement and overall enhancement of rural village dwellers. Now it's need of the hour is-strategy, integrated planning and above all monitoring and execution of the activities using appropriate governance models the present era is increased on Information and Communication Technology.

Human society is progressing with fast urge and accumulated various successes for making its sustenance. The civilization gone through for various changes affiliated to its development through different accelerators like green... more

Human society is progressing with fast urge and accumulated various successes for making its sustenance. The civilization gone through for various changes affiliated to its development through different accelerators like green revaluation, science and technology, industrial development etc. The present era is intensified on Information and Communication Technology. The increasing population of the world makes it necessary to alleviate the cities and villages to serve in a smart way. Hence, the idea of Smart cities came into being. Smart Villages are the need of the hour as development is needed for both rural and urban areas for improved livelihood. The impulsive motive behind the concept on “Smart Village " is that the technology .Now it's need of the hour is - integrated planning ,strategy, and above all monitoring and execution of the activities using proper governance models to work properly for the real future of emerging India. This paper has made an attempt to discuss the initiatives factors of the smart village and its implications. It focuses on the key areas as vision and need for smart villages, approaches, government programmes, technology used for smart villages ,areas of interest in smart village and it outcomes expected.

This chapter reviews some of the key parallels between the concepts of smart cities and smart tourism destinations. Evidence of new trends in the smart concept as well as the widening of the smart tourism destination concept to... more

This chapter reviews some of the key parallels between the concepts of smart cities and smart tourism destinations. Evidence of new trends in the smart concept as well as the widening of the smart tourism destination concept to neighbouring regions of established smart tourism cities are discussed with reference to examples from practice in Europe and China. A new typology is proposed for smart tourism destinations that encompasses tourism cities as well as their wider region.

Post müasir dövrün tələblərinə uyğun olaraq inkişafın növbəti mərhələsi olaraq Azərbaycanda “ağıllı kənd” layihələri üzrə planlar hazırlamağa başlamışdır. Bu barədə 28 oktyabr 2018-ci il tarixində Qax Damazlıq İpəkçilik Stansiyasının... more

Post müasir dövrün tələblərinə uyğun olaraq inkişafın növbəti mərhələsi olaraq Azərbaycanda “ağıllı kənd” layihələri üzrə planlar hazırlamağa başlamışdır. Bu barədə 28 oktyabr 2018-ci il tarixində Qax Damazlıq İpəkçilik Stansiyasının açılışında prezident İlham Əliyevə məlumat verilmişdir. Azərbaycanın işğal altında qalan ərazilərinin 2020-ci ildə 44 günlük müharibənin yekununda azad edilməsi ilə bu prosses daha da genişlənmişdir. Hazırda Zəngilan rayonunun Üçüncü Ağalı kəndinin pilot layihə üzrə “smart kənd” şəklində yenidən qurulmasına başlanılmasına başlanılmışdır. Lakin, həyata keçirilən layihələrin ən əsas zəif tərəfi bu günə hesablanması və gələcək inkişaf üçün potensialın nəzərə alınmamasıdır. Azərbaycan “smart layihələr” sahəsində hələ yenicə addımlar atan bir ölkə olaraq daha irəli gələcəyi düşünərək mövcud tendensiyaları nəzərə alaraq təkmilləşdirmə bazası yaradaraq davranmalıdır. Bu inkişaf prinsipinin dominantlığı hələ 1995-ci ildə Heydər Əliyev tərəfindən irəli sürülmüş “geriləmə ilə inkişaf” xəttinə də uyğundur. Təklif olunan cari konsepsiyada bütün bunlar nəzərə alınmışdır.
Qısa müddətdə tarixi Şuşa şəhərinin, Ağoğlan qəsəbəsinin, Füzuli şəhərinin Baş Planının ilkin variantının hazır olması göstərir ki, təkcə kəndlərin “ağıllı kənd” prinsipi ilə deyil, tamamiylə dağıdılmış Azərbaycan şəhərlərinin də “ağıllı şəhər” prinsipi ilə yenidən qurulmasına qərar verilmişdir. Azərbaycanın tutmuş olduğu liderlik yolu və elm, texnologiya, sosial xidmətlərin təşkili, iqtisadiyyatın təşkili, alternativ mənbələrdən alınan enerjiyə keçid və enerji səmərəliliyi, ümumilikdə dövlətin fəaliyyətinin effektiv həyata keçirilməsinin bütün əsas sahələrində davamlı və inklüziv inkişafı təmin etməklə qabaqcıl ölkələrə çatmaq və ötmək siyasəti növbəti mərhələdə dövrün bütün çağırışlarına adekvat cavab verə bilən adaptiv inkişafı zəruri edir. Təqdim olunan “Smart Azərbaycan” konsepsiyası imkanlar, təhdidlər, risklər və gözləntilər də nəzərə alınmaqla mövcud resurslardan istifadənin rasionallığı baxımından Azərbaycan üçün müstəsna əhəmiyyətli innovativ dövlət idarəçilyi və vətəndaşların üst mərhələ yaşayış tərzinə keçid üçün əhəmiyyətli çərçivə sənədi hesab oluna bilər.

Program Citarum Harum, merupakan program yang diperintahkan langsung oleh Presiden Joko Widodo dalam menanggulangi serta mengembalikan kondisi Sungai Citarum yang tercemar parah. Salah satu lokasi pusat pelaksanaan dari program tersebut... more

Program Citarum Harum, merupakan program yang diperintahkan langsung oleh Presiden Joko Widodo dalam menanggulangi serta mengembalikan kondisi Sungai Citarum yang tercemar parah. Salah satu lokasi pusat pelaksanaan dari program tersebut yaitu pada kawasan inti hulu Sungai Citarum yang terletak di Kecamatan Kertasari, Kabupaten Bandung. Salah satu desa yang merupakan bagian dari Kecamatan Kertasari yaitu Desa Tarumajaya yang juga merupakan lokasi dari titik 0 Kilometer Sungai Citarum yaitu Situ Cisanti. Pada kenyataannya, keberjalanan dari Program Citarum Harum tersebut telah memberikan dampak bagi masyarakat Desa Tarumajaya yaitu keterbatasan masyarakat untuk dapat mengelola lahan pertanian yang merupakan penghasilan utama mereka dengan alasan dampak ekologis bagi Sungai Citarum sehingga diperlukan diversifikasi dari pemanfaatan potensi yang dimiliki oleh Desa Tarumajaya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model dari implementasi konsep smart village di Desa Tarumajaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Dari kesimpulan penelitian ini, didapatkan bahwa Desa Tarumajaya memiliki potensi baik fisik maupun non fisik yang sangat beragam dan potensial untuk dikembangkan dan juga terdapat empat elemen bagi pengembangan konsep smart village di Desa Tarumajaya yaitu sumber daya (resources), institusi (institution), lingkungan (environment), serta teknologi.

6 Pilar Smart Village :
- Smart People
- Smart Living
- Smart Environment
- Smart Government
- Smart Economics
- Smart Mobility

“If the facilities available in the cities are not made available to rural population, the Governments will not have done their duties” Dr.A.P.J.AbdulKalam, Former President of India. Smart Villages is a community based... more

“If the facilities available in the cities are not made available to rural population, the Governments will not
have done their duties” Dr.A.P.J.AbdulKalam, Former President of India. Smart Villages is a community based
initiativeofSamanvay.Com Welfare Society, primarily aimed to harness the benefits of information technology forth
rural folks. The initiative is a community effort to mobilize the collective strengths of people from various streams and
integrate it with information technology to provide benefits to the rural community. Gandhian Concept of Ideal Village-
SWARAJ. Gandhi Ji said, my idea of Village Swaraj is that it is a complete republic, independent of its neighbors for its
own vital wants, and yet interdependent for many others in which dependence is a necessity. Reconstruction of rural
India on the basis of the concept of ideal village was Gandhian dream because it embodies great environmental
ambiance needed for healthy human living. Theoretically, Gandhian approach to rural development maybe labeled as
‘idealist’. It attaches supreme importance to moral values and gives primacy to moral values over material conditions

Digital SMEs Village is a program initiated by Telekomunikasi Indonesia. The program is expected to grow entrepreneurial spirit among business actors, as well as to facilitate business actors to expand their business network by utilizing... more

Digital SMEs Village is a program initiated by Telekomunikasi Indonesia. The program is expected to grow entrepreneurial spirit among business actors, as well as to facilitate business actors to expand their business network by utilizing technological developments in Indonesia. The common problem of Digital SMEs Village Indonesia today is the number of human resources that still lack the understanding of using smartphones and computers to interact with consumers in cyberspace. One of the Digital SMEs Village in Bandung district is the Baraya Digital SMEs Village. This study aims to identify the formulation strategy in the development of the Baraya Digital SMEs Village by SWOT analysis. Furthermore, Quantitative Strategies Planning Matrix (QSPM) is used to decide and determine which alternative strategies can best be recommended. The research method used is qualitative method with case study approach by doing depth-interview to several key actors in the Baraya Digital SMEs Village. The results showed that the Baraya Digital SMEs Village needs to implement intensive strategy. The development of strategies that need to be implemented as a top priority is market penetration, by expanding the market share of existing products through online marketing.

Over the recent decades people’s (rural and urban) communities are facing numerous social and economic changes and challenges. Some of those challenges have been increasingly addressed through the lenses of technological... more

Over the recent decades people’s (rural and urban) communities are facing numerous social and economic changes and challenges. Some of those challenges have been increasingly addressed through the lenses of technological developments and digitalization. In this paper we have made a review of already existing practices while focusing on the existing implementations of the smart village concept and the importance of digital transformation for rural areas. We give special attention to EU policies which we are using as an already existing framework for understanding our own forthcoming examples. We have shown the parallels between the findings and insights from different regions and made an evaluation of presented practices. Our main argument stems from our own previous experiences and experiences of other research approaches, and is grounded on the argument that rural areas are not uniform, and that smart rural development has to be applied in combination with place-based approac...

Over recent decades, people's (rural and urban) communities are facing numerous social and economic changes and challenges. Some of those challenges have been increasingly addressed through the lenses of technological developments and... more

Over recent decades, people's (rural and urban) communities are facing numerous social and economic changes and challenges. Some of those challenges have been increasingly addressed through the lenses of technological developments and digitalization. In this paper, we have made a review of already existing practices while focusing on the existing implementations of the Smart Village concept and the importance of digital transformation for rural areas. We give special attention to EU policies that we are using as an already existing framework for understanding our own forthcoming examples. We have shown the parallels between the findings and insights from different regions and made an evaluation of presented practices. Our main argument stems from our own previous experiences and experiences of other research approaches, and is grounded on the argument that rural areas are not uniform, and that smart rural development has to be applied in combination with place-based approach. We present the cases of Slovenian pilot practices and support our argument by proposing the FabVillage concept.

Smart-village is an emerging paradigm that tries to digitize various aspects of rural activities using various IoT technologies. Different activities like smart-agriculture, wastemanagement, irrigation-management, livestock management,... more

Smart-village is an emerging paradigm that tries to digitize various aspects of rural activities using various IoT technologies. Different activities like smart-agriculture, wastemanagement, irrigation-management, livestock management, smart energy, smart-healthcare, and smart-education fall under its purview. However, infrastructure and cost are two major barriers towards a smart-village implementation and sustainability, that differentiates it from a smart-city. Considering this we present the current state-of-art of smart-villages by creating a detailed taxonomy. A collaborative edge-computing model is proposed keeping in mind the resource constrains in a smart-village. Finally, the open research issues and challenges are discussed.

Abstract The majority of the population in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) lives in urban areas. In the year 2030, the percentage of the rural population is expected to be 14% in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 11% in the United Arab... more

Abstract The majority of the population in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) lives in urban areas. In the year 2030, the percentage of the rural population is expected to be 14% in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 11% in the United Arab Emirates, 10% in Oman, 9% in Bahrain, 1% in Qatar, and will remain 0% in Kuwait. Like many other countries, however, GCC countries continue to invest efforts and resources toward their national agendas aimed at sustainable development. In this context, smart villages are of special interest as, increasingly, they serve as the crossroads between urban living and rural life embracing history, culture, tradition, spiritual values, and human capital. The objective of this chapter is to explore actions taken toward the development of smart villages in the GCC countries, with a comparative overview on pertaining approaches and strategies; challenges related to the implementation of these actions are identified. It is demonstrated that despite GCCs’ tremendous efforts toward developing infrastructure in urban centers, more infrastructure investment is needed with regard to key issues related to developing remote areas – including their smart networks, digital facilities, and e-governance. It is also highlighted that more research is needed, especially on issues related to the transformation of villages into smart villages, including the need for holistic approaches, policies, and strategies toward smart villages

The Corona crisis offers the window of opportunity to accelerate digitization processes in food retailing. Village shops and rural consumers are traditionally not considered to be digitization pioneers. The research question is: How do... more

The Corona crisis offers the window of opportunity to accelerate digitization processes in food retailing. Village shops and rural consumers are traditionally not considered to be digitization pioneers. The research question is: How do the Corona pandemic and digital transformation affect village shops andtheir customers? For answering this question, we present findings of a two-wave household survey in six case study areas as well as results from qualitative interviews with operators of twelve village shops and ten experts. The experiences in theCorona crisis demonstrate the high resilience of the village shops due to increased local demand and flexible adaptation strategies. The contribution of digitization remains limited, even though this transformation is taking place evolutionary in the village shops using trial and error. One danger for village shops is that consumers tend to buy more online due to Corona. Purchasing power outflows in online retail make shop closings more lik...

Abstract The majority of the population in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) lives in urban areas. In the year 2030, the percentage of the rural population is expected to be 14% in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 11% in the United Arab... more

The majority of the population in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) lives in urban areas. In the year 2030, the percentage of the rural population is expected to be 14% in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 11% in the United Arab Emirates, 10% in Oman, 9% in Bahrain, 1% in Qatar, and will remain 0% in Kuwait. Like many other countries, however, GCC countries continue to invest efforts and resources toward their national agendas aimed at sustainable development. In this context, smart villages are of special interest as, increasingly, they serve as the crossroads between urban living and rural life embracing history, culture, tradition, spiritual values, and human capital. The objective of this chapter is to explore actions taken toward the development of smart villages in the GCC countries, with a comparative overview on pertaining approaches and strategies; challenges related to the implementation of these actions are identified. It is demonstrated that despite GCCs’ tremendous efforts toward developing infrastructure in urban centers, more infrastructure investment is needed with regard to key issues related to developing remote areas – including their smart networks, digital facilities, and e-governance. It is also highlighted that more research is needed, especially on issues related to the transformation of villages into smart villages, including the need for holistic approaches, policies, and strategies toward smart villages

This chapter reviews some of the key parallels between the concepts of smart cities and smart tourism destinations. Evidence of new trends in the smart concept as well as the widening of the smart tourism destination concept to... more

This chapter reviews some of the key parallels between the concepts of smart cities and smart tourism destinations. Evidence of new trends in the smart concept as well as the widening of the smart tourism destination concept to neighbouring regions of established smart tourism cities are discussed with reference to examples from practice in Europe and China. A new typology is proposed for smart tourism destinations that encompasses tourism cities as well as their wider region.

" Access to Information for all " that ensure the balanced development from root to vertex of a country. As village is considered as the root of every country in South Asia, it is needed to ensure the sustainable development for every... more

" Access to Information for all " that ensure the balanced development from root to vertex of a country. As village is considered as the root of every country in South Asia, it is needed to ensure the sustainable development for every village.Concept of Smart Village is arisen for this purpose where each villager is kept under the service of ICT that minimize the digital distance between urban and rural and escort the digital service along with technical help and vocational training in front of the villager's door and make their lifestyle easier and drive their economic progress. But the poor illiterate villagers do not have the luxury of accessing modern technology due to poverty and also can not gain knowledge from the internet due to their lack of education. So, there must be a group of scholars along with some dedicated volunteers and professionals working under an institution in every village to make it a smart village and contribute to the development of the country. Information, Innovation & Implementation Center (IIIC) is such an institution which will dedicatedly work on different sectors in transforming a village into a smart and sustainable one.