Village Research Papers - (original) (raw)

ANCIENT RUSS COMPLEX OF AVTUNICH: BY THE DATA OF CRANIOLOGY Summary The article deals with the detailed characteristic of data from Northern Chernihiv region by the results of studies at a huge medieval mound burial ground (10th – 13th... more

The article deals with the detailed characteristic of data from Northern Chernihiv region by the results of studies at a huge medieval mound burial ground (10th – 13th cent.) near the village Avtunychi. The rural settlement of Avtunychi (2 km to the west from Avtunychi in the tract of Kosmivka) was discovered in 1984. Since 1987 it has been stationary explored by the Dnipro Ancient Russ expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Chernigiv Pedagogical Institute with financial support of Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments and the regional department of culture. The mound burial ground consisted of three groups of embankment (30,8 and 26 mounds) is located 300-400 meters to the west and north-west from the settlement in the northern part of Ukrainian Polissya, approximately in the centre of triangle of the chronicle’s Snovska Thousand. The memorial of the end of the 10th - beginning of the 13th century is a part of the Gorodnyansky district of Chernihiv region.
It has been found out that at the average cranial index in the male series is dolichocranic. Brachycranic types are absent. Height diameter is moderate according to absolute measurements.The otic height is moderate.The frontal bone is moderately wide in frontal part and narrow in dorsal part. The nape is moderately wide. The face is mesognatic with moderate temporal diameter. The face has small upper height, unlike representatives of Caucasian race. The upper facial index belongs to mezen category. The orbits are moderate according to maxillofrontal index. The face is strongly shaped with narrow nose and moderately high nasal bridge. The angle of nose protrusion is large. The fossa canina has small depth. According to the anthropological classification by T. Alekseeva, the male series from Avtunychi belongs to the Caucasian dolichocranic type together with the Siverians, Radimichs, Dregoviches, Kryvichs from Smolensk and Tver. The unique feature of the investigated series is a small nasal index. According to the typology by V. Diachenko, the male series from Avtunychi has signs of Ind-Dnipro type. In general, according to the data of intergroup multivariate analysis, the weak similarity of the male series of the Old Russian complex Avtunychi to such burial ground as Halich, Gushchin and Brest region has been noted.
It has been determined that according to the scheme by T. Rudych, female series has four important sighs of mesocranic type with moderately wide face together with Kyiv Polianian women. According to ethnic cranioscopy, where women and men are explored together, the Old-Russian Autunychi complex, due to a small percentage of the orbital pattern of type II on the skulls, refers to southern euroopoids and, according to statistics, has a weak resemblance to the Kiev group of excavations made by T.V. Kybalchych in 1878 and V.B. Antonovych in 1870.

The time has come to change our thinking and to open our front gardens hidden behind high walls to the street. Together we can return to our typical rural village doorways which have almost disappeared over the time. Let's show our... more

The time has come to change our thinking and to open our front gardens hidden behind high walls to the street. Together we can return to our typical rural village doorways which have almost disappeared over the time. Let's show our neighbours that we are open to them and offer our front garden with a bench as an attractive semi-public space for meetings and dialogs. If we convert our front garden from a private into a semi-public space, we can help to unify the streetscape. The street will become an attractive and safe public space. Let’s get rid of high fences as a significant barrier, or at least use some lower wooden ones. Let’s move the fence onto the building line of the house as it was in the time of convenient and nice village streets. The rural residential street has the potential to become an attractive and safe public space in an embrace of the greenery, let’s restore the doorways and the affable character of our village streets. The residents will once again become the "masters of the street" instead of currently dominating cars. Front gardens, green strips and islands will thanks to landscape architectural improvements become an adornment of the whole streetscape.

The chapter explores the diversity of Romanian small settlements from the point of view of their development. Human development of a village or of a town sublocality is given by its community capital in terms of stocks of education,... more

The chapter explores the diversity of Romanian small settlements from the point of view of their development. Human development of a village or of a town sublocality is given by its community capital in terms of stocks of education, employment, working age population, mobility experience of its population and housing. This is a comprehensive view at small spaces areas, in line with the approach from Human Development Index of UNDP , multiple deprivation index in UK and some Romanian applications at census track or village level . See citation specifications on the first page of this pre-print.

Membahas mengenai cara penentuan status perkembangan desa dengan menggunakan Mutidimensional Scaling, menentukan atribut pengungkit (leverage attributes) dan cara untuk meningkatkan status perkembangan desa dengan melakukan intervensi... more

Membahas mengenai cara penentuan status perkembangan desa dengan menggunakan Mutidimensional Scaling, menentukan atribut pengungkit (leverage attributes) dan cara untuk meningkatkan status perkembangan desa dengan melakukan intervensi berdasarkan leverage atributtes. Pad buku ini disajikan juga library untuk menentukan indikasi kegiatan berdasarkan leverage attributes tersebut.

In this technical session 9 papers by the postgraduate students (M.Sc. 4th Semester) of the Department of Anthropology, Vidyasagar University were presented which were based on their recent fieldwork experiences among the Mundas in two... more

In this technical session 9 papers by the postgraduate students (M.Sc. 4th Semester) of the Department of Anthropology, Vidyasagar University were presented which were based on their recent fieldwork experiences among the Mundas in two villages of Satjelia Island of the Sunderbans area of South 24 Parganas of West Bengal. The papers deal with the (i) demographic, (ii) socio-economic, (iii) educational, (iv) religious, (v) developmental and (vi) recreational aspects of the Mundas in Sunderbans. The introductory paper, which will also be presented by a student would give a brief overview of the glimpses of the field area which began with the journey of the students from outside Sunderbans right into the Munda villages and the world’s largest biodiversity park. There is also a paper on the methodological issues arising out of the fieldwork experiences of the students in the Munda villages.
Dr.Abhijit Guha pointed out that this kind of technical session on the INCAA platform is unique and first of its kind because of the following reasons: 1. All the papers in the session are presented by students who have not yet earned their M.Sc. degrees in Anthropology 2. All the papers in the session dealt with a single village and on a single community, viz. Mundas. The two most important commentators of this session were Professor Jagannath Dash of the Department of Anthropology, Utkal University and Professor Vinayak Srivastava, of Delhi University. Prof. Dash pointed out the various loose areas of the papers which he suggested should be tightened up for further improvement. Prof. Srivastava highly admired the effort of the students and their teacher for carrying out a team ethnography which is becoming popular now-a-days.

Drawing on a year’s fieldwork in the Mumbai BDD Chawls neighborhood, this paper analyses an urban migration phenomenon called the gramastha mandal. Gramastha mandals are village-run committees that buy chawl (tenement) rooms and rent them... more

Drawing on a year’s fieldwork in the Mumbai BDD Chawls neighborhood, this paper analyses an urban migration phenomenon called the gramastha mandal. Gramastha mandals are village-run committees that buy chawl (tenement) rooms and rent them to single male migrants from their own villages. Save a few studies and cursory references, gramastha mandals have received limited academic attention, especially in today’s climate of economic liberalization following the widespread closure of Mumbai’s cotton mills. Through an examination of gramastha mandal living arrangements, working patterns and social activities, I answer three broad questions. Firstly, how have the gramastha mandals been impacted by the closure of the mills that once provided a major source of employment? Secondly how does living in a gramastha mandal room impact migrants’ relationships with the city around them and, thirdly, how does this arrangement perpetuate societal divisions from the village? I suggest that most gramastha mandal residents remain more part of their villages than of Mumbai’s social structures, and that this alienation has increased since the mills closed and opportunities for forging a working-class urban solidarity correspondingly declined. Moreover, through strict eligibility criteria, gramastha mandals replicate, rather than erode, village fault-lines between caste Hindu and Dalit Buddhist communities, a phenomenon that shows only limited signs of changing.

Secara Historis, Desa Wisata Tinalah (Dewi Tinalah) merupakan desa wisata yang mempunyai sejarah perjuangan berdiri tegaknya Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) hingga saat ini. Sekretariat Dewi Tinalah berada di Jl. Persandian Km.... more

Secara Historis, Desa Wisata Tinalah (Dewi Tinalah) merupakan desa wisata yang mempunyai sejarah perjuangan berdiri tegaknya Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) hingga saat ini. Sekretariat Dewi Tinalah berada di Jl. Persandian Km. 5, Kalurahan (Desa) Purwoharjo, Kapanewon (Kecamatan) Samigaluh, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Di kawasan Dewi Tinalah terdapat situs sejarah yaitu Rumah Sandi yang digunakan oleh para sandiman untuk mengirim berita ke mata dunia bahwa NKRI masih berdiri dan berdaulat hingga sampai PBB saat masa Agresi Militer Belanda II. Dewi Tinalah resmi berdiri pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2013 dari hasil musyawarah yang telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2012. Dewi Tinalah mengusung konsep pengembangan desa wisata dengan pesona alam dan budaya berbasis masyarakat. Proses Terbentuknya kawasan Desa Wisata Tinalah (Dewi Tinalah) Terbentuknya Dewi Tinalah tidak terlepas dari peran serta masyarakat dan pemerintah untuk mengembangkan desa dengan program nasional pemberdayaan masyarakat (PNPM) mandiri pariwisata melalui desa wisata (Menteri, 2010). Dengan adanya program ini, masyarakat bersama pemerintah desa melakukan musyawarah untuk melakukan pengembangan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa dengan membentuk suatu desa wisata di Purwoharjo. Desa wisata merupakan suatu daerah tujuan wisata atau disebut pula destinasi pariwisata, yang mengintegrasikan daya tarik wisata, fasilitas umum, fasilitas pariwisata, aksesibilitas, yang disajikan dalam suatu struktur kehidupan masyarakat yang menyatu dengan tata cara dan tradisi yang berlaku (UU No. 10, 2009). Program pengembangan desa wisata juga berdasarkan dari perubahan trend cara berwisata. Wisatawan dengan berbagai motivasi melakukan perjalanan wisata ke desa wisata untuk bisa menikmati kehidupan masyarakat, berinteraksi secara aktif dalam berbagai aktivitas di lokasi desa wisata dan juga belajar kebudayaan lokal setempat (Dinpar DIY, 2004: 6). Perubahan trend ini menjadi penting dalam pengembangan desa wisata sebab target wisatawan sudah terbentuk dan ada marketnya sehingga lebih mudah untuk membuat pasar baru pariwisata. Karakter perubahan trend ini karena pariwisata merupakan industri yang sangat makro dan dinamis, wisatawan tidak hanya tertarik pada keindahan alam dan kelengkapan fasilitas, tetapi juga keleluasaan dan intensitas interksi dengan lingkungan dan masyarakat (Permadi, 2018: 34).

Program Citarum Harum, merupakan program yang diperintahkan langsung oleh Presiden Joko Widodo dalam menanggulangi serta mengembalikan kondisi Sungai Citarum yang tercemar parah. Salah satu lokasi pusat pelaksanaan dari program tersebut... more

Program Citarum Harum, merupakan program yang diperintahkan langsung oleh Presiden Joko Widodo dalam menanggulangi serta mengembalikan kondisi Sungai Citarum yang tercemar parah. Salah satu lokasi pusat pelaksanaan dari program tersebut yaitu pada kawasan inti hulu Sungai Citarum yang terletak di Kecamatan Kertasari, Kabupaten Bandung. Salah satu desa yang merupakan bagian dari Kecamatan Kertasari yaitu Desa Tarumajaya yang juga merupakan lokasi dari titik 0 Kilometer Sungai Citarum yaitu Situ Cisanti. Pada kenyataannya, keberjalanan dari Program Citarum Harum tersebut telah memberikan dampak bagi masyarakat Desa Tarumajaya yaitu keterbatasan masyarakat untuk dapat mengelola lahan pertanian yang merupakan penghasilan utama mereka dengan alasan dampak ekologis bagi Sungai Citarum sehingga diperlukan diversifikasi dari pemanfaatan potensi yang dimiliki oleh Desa Tarumajaya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model dari implementasi konsep smart village di Desa Tarumajaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Dari kesimpulan penelitian ini, didapatkan bahwa Desa Tarumajaya memiliki potensi baik fisik maupun non fisik yang sangat beragam dan potensial untuk dikembangkan dan juga terdapat empat elemen bagi pengembangan konsep smart village di Desa Tarumajaya yaitu sumber daya (resources), institusi (institution), lingkungan (environment), serta teknologi.

The present study aimed at understanding the practices of Shi‘a Muharram rituals in a Punjabi village. Shi‘a Muharram rituals have a greater significance on the lives of villagers in Jhang. Present paper is divided into three major... more

The present study aimed at understanding the practices of Shi‘a Muharram rituals in a Punjabi village. Shi‘a Muharram rituals have a greater significance on the lives of villagers in Jhang. Present paper is divided into three major sections. First section addresses the historical background of the village and main ethnic groups while second section highlights the convergence of inhabitants from Sunni Islam to Shi‘a Islam. The last section focuses on the emergence, evolution and performance of Muharram rituals. The month of Muharram is awaited by Shi‘a devotees to commemorate it with full devotion and reverence. In the locale, Muharram rituals were considered as moral obligation; since most of the villagers, men and women devotedly mourn to demonstrate their affections and commitments towards Imam Hussain, his family, and fellow companions who sacrificed their life for the sake of Islam at Karbala.

تتعرض البيئة العمرانية في القرية المصرية لتغييرات متلاحقة نتيجة التطور السريع في مختلف النواحي الاقتصادية والتكنولوجية والإنسانية. ويواكب هذا التطور السريع تدهور كبير في مقومات البيئة العمرانية مما يؤدى إلى الشعور بعدم الراحة النفسية... more

تتعرض البيئة العمرانية في القرية المصرية لتغييرات متلاحقة نتيجة التطور السريع في مختلف النواحي الاقتصادية والتكنولوجية والإنسانية. ويواكب هذا التطور السريع تدهور كبير في مقومات البيئة العمرانية مما يؤدى إلى الشعور بعدم الراحة النفسية وفقدان الانتماء للبيئة المحيطة. فتظهر في بعض الأحيان بسبب عدم توافر الإمكانات المادية أو عدم توافر الوعي العام ووسائل وأساليب المحافظة على البيئة بينما تظهر في أماكن أخرى نتيجة التطور السريع وعدم الوعي بأهمية توفير بيئة متناسقة وصحية نفسيا وتأثير ذلك على أهداف التطوير والتنمية العمرانية. وترتبط مظاهر الصحة النفسية المطلوب توفيرها في البيئة العمرانية بعوامل متعددة أهمها إعادة الشعور بالانتماء الذي يعتبر أهم عوامل ارتباط الإنسان بالمكان والبيئة من حوله .

Abstract The globalization is the integration of economical, cultural, political, religious and social systems in worldwide. While some scientists and observers points out the harmony of production and consumption and the homogenization... more

The globalization is the integration of economical, cultural, political, religious and social systems in worldwide. While some scientists and observers points out the harmony of production and consumption and the homogenization of the culture with the globalization, other scientists and observers points out that the globalization have the potential of transforming into multi forms.
Businesses and organizations should use their sources efficiently to survive and compete in the globalizing competition environment of these days. Especially, human source is getting more importance in sectors like textile industry based on the labor force. The pleasure of workers with their jobs facilitates the survival of businesses and provides companies with competitive advantage. For this reason, the accurate employment of the accurate labor force is as important as composing the working culture and work ethics. When we look to our history from this point of view, Ahi community system prescribed as the compatible combination of ethics and arts in the Ottoman occurred at the beginning of the 19th century in the Anatolia and it is the name of a socio- economical institutionalization formed as craftsmen union initially in Kayseri, Konya and then in Kırşehir. Today, if it is thought that Japanese and Germany benefit from some vocational and commercial subjects from the Ahi community, it is necessary that our country should do necessary research on this system, too. In the performing of the conclusions and the implementation and evaluation of conclusions, job and vocational counselor should play an active role in peer to peer communication with businesses.
Keywords: Working Culture, Job and Vocational Counseling, the Ahi Community, Work Ethics

Kantor pemerintahan desa memiliki berbagai peranan yang fital dalam pengolahan data pemerintahan seperti data kependudukan. Pengolahan data di Kantor Pemerintahan Desa Dukuh masih menggunakan sistem yang semi manual sehingga kurangnya... more

Kantor pemerintahan desa memiliki berbagai peranan yang fital dalam pengolahan data pemerintahan seperti data kependudukan. Pengolahan data di Kantor Pemerintahan Desa Dukuh masih menggunakan sistem yang semi manual sehingga kurangnya efisiensi waktu dalam pelayanan dan pelaporan. Permasalahan tersebut momotivasi penulis untuk membuat sistem informasi kependudukan yang dapat mengolah data penduduk, keluarga, kelahiran, kematian, pindah datang, pindah keluar, surat pengantar dan surat nikah. Sistem ini diharapkan dapat menunjang kinerja perangkat desa dalam pelayanan, pengolahan dan pelaporan data penduduk.
Sistem informasi kependudukan desa ini dibangun menggunakan program development visual basic 6.0, basis data MySQL dan Crystal Report 8.5 sebagai perancangan laporan serta menggunakan arsitektur jaringan client-server. Pembuatan diawali dari perancangan Database dan perancangan output kemudian dilanjutkan pembuatan tampilan dan pembuatan kode program.
Sistem informasi kependudukan yang dibuat dapat mempercepat proses pelayanan surat kependuduk dan pengelolaan data penduduk serta mempermudah dalam penyajian laporan data penduduk ke dinas terkait. Sistem ini juga digunakan untuk import-export data penduduk dari dan ke-dalam file excel serta dapat menujang kinerja dari perangkat desa khususnya sekretaris desa dan kaur umum.

For its 8º centunary the Junta de Freguesia do Souto da Carpalhosa (Town Council of Souto da Carpalhosa) promoted a series of archaeological, historical and etnographic researches, resulting in the publication of a monograph study: Souto... more

For its 8º centunary the Junta de Freguesia do Souto da Carpalhosa (Town Council of Souto da Carpalhosa) promoted a series of archaeological, historical and etnographic researches, resulting in the publication of a monograph study: Souto da Carpalhosa – Oito Séculos de História. Among the results, a necropolis near the town’s church would reveal proof of settling dating back to the second half of the XVI century. Pre-historical artifacts also came to light, as well as evidence of vanished farms and villages. An inventory of the remaining traditional houses and economic means in the region, such as mills and presses, was also conducted, revealing long gone traditions, livelihoods and ways of life.

Discuss the main features of Chola administration. How did it work at the village level?

Cette contribution s'attache à présenter les derniers acquis de l'archéologie languedocienne dédiée au premier Moyen Âge. Elle met en lumière tes apports spécifiques de l'archéologie programmée développée dans les zones de marge... more

Cette contribution s'attache à présenter les derniers acquis de l'archéologie languedocienne dédiée au premier Moyen Âge. Elle met en lumière tes apports spécifiques de l'archéologie programmée développée dans les zones de marge actuelles, garrigue, causse et relief, notamment sur ces établissements perchés et fortifiés qui se multiplient au cours des années 470-530 mais aussi sur des types d'habitat plus discrets, parfois temporaires. Elle souligne encore les nouvelles avancées de l'archéologie préventive désormais mieux installée qui se déploie davantage dans les zones de plaine et les périphéries urbaines à la faveur des grands travaux d'aménagement du territoire. Si le constat d'une grande diversité de situation est de mise, l'essor des travaux réalisés permet d'engager une réflexion sur la dynamique générale des plaques de peuplement étudiées à une échelle micro-régionale, sur les mobilités et la durabilité des habitats mais aussi sur les jeux d’échelles pratiqués.

Buku ini disusun berdasarkan hasil kegiatan KKN-PpMM di Desa Kalongsawah selama 32 hari. Ada 11 orang mahasiswa yang terlibat di kelompok ini, yang berasal dari 7 Fakultas yang berbeda. Kami namai kelompok ini dengan SECURAH, dengan nomor... more

Buku ini disusun berdasarkan hasil kegiatan KKN-PpMM di Desa Kalongsawah selama 32 hari. Ada 11 orang mahasiswa yang terlibat di kelompok ini, yang berasal dari 7 Fakultas yang berbeda. Kami namai kelompok ini dengan SECURAH, dengan nomor kelompok 067. Kami dibimbing oleh Bapak Dedy Nursamsi, S.H. M.Hum., beliau adalah dosen di Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum. Tidak kurang dari 11 kegiatan yang kami lakukan di desa tersebut, yang sebagian besar merupakan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dan sebagian kecilnya adalah pemberdayaan. Dengan fokus pada satu kampung, yaitu Kampung Kalongdagul, kegiatan-kegiatan yang kami lakukan menghabiskan dana sekitar Rp16.700.000,-. Dana tersebut kami dapatkan dari iuran anggota kelompok KKN sebesar Rp1.000.000,- per orang, dana penyertaan Program Pengabdian pada Masyarakat oleh Dosen (PpMD) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Rp5.000.000,-, dan dari hasil pengumpulan dana sebesar Rp700.000,-.
Dari hasil kegiatan yang kami lakukan, terdapat sejumlah keberhasilan yang telah kami raih, yaitu:
1. Meningkatnya peran masyarakat dalam pembangunan desa.
2. Bertambahnya motivasi peserta didik SD, SMP, untuk melanjutkan kuliah.
3. Bertambahnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
4. Bertambahnya pembangunan fisik atau rehabilitasi bangunan, antara lain: Pembangunan Fasilitas Mandi, Cuci dan Kakus (MCK) Umum, Pembangunan Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Sementara (TPS), dan Pengadaan Tiang Penerangan Jalan.
Saat merencanakan dan implementasi kegiatan, terdapat sejumlah kendala yang kami hadapi, antara lain:
1. Kurangnya waktu untuk melakukan konsolidasi dan koordinasi dengan berbagai pihak, baik internal anggota kelompok, dosen pembimbing, pihak sponsor, maupun aparatur desa.
2. Kurangnya dana yang bisa terkumpul untuk memaksimalkan rencana kegiatan yang telah disusun.
3. Sejumlah masyarakat kurang merespons kegiatan kami karena antara satu RT dan yang lainnya tidak kompak dan saling mendukung.
xviii | Kelompok KKN SECURAH 2016
Namun demikian, kami pada akhirnya bisa merampungkan sebagian besar rencana kegiatan kami. Adapun kekurangan-kekurangannya tersebut di antaranya:
1. Ketiadaan tempat pembuangan sementara untuk sampah warga desa yang seharusnya diteruskan ke tempat pembuangan akhir.
2. Kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat desa akan pentingnya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan.
3. Kurangnya fasilitas mandi, cuci, dan kakus yang memadai bagi seluruh masyarakat desa.

The 1957 Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was the benchmark in the country’s history of democratic decentralization, which gave birth to the very basics of the Panchayati Raj system in India. Through this paper the author will try to find out... more

The 1957 Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was the benchmark in the country’s history of democratic decentralization, which gave birth to the very basics of the Panchayati Raj system in India. Through this paper the author will try to find out how and why this process of democratic decentralization was came into being and how it has further increased the accountability among the government spheres. The very core idea which would be focused throughout the paper is how the Gandhian idea of ‘Villages as the soul of India’ has come into reality through the recommendation of the committee. The author would also try to analyze the recommendations in order to find some loopholes in the very idea of effective implementation of the Panchayati Raj system in Indian context.

The twelfth campaign of excavation concentrated on areas already begun in previous years (Areas 1, 11, 14, 15, and 17), adding on a new one inside the northern sector of the circuit wall (Area 18). For the phases of the stone castle... more

The twelfth campaign of excavation concentrated on areas already begun in previous years (Areas 1, 11, 14, 15, and 17), adding on a new one inside the northern sector of the circuit wall (Area 18). For the phases of the stone castle (second half of eleventh-twelfth century), on the southwest slope a new segment of the circuit wall was found, while at the base of the hill a metallurgical atelier was investigated. On the north side, a significant building abutted the walls. As yet only partially investigated, it could be interpreted as the seat of the garrison. Outside the walls in the same area are also found traces of the village/home farm of the ninth and tenth centuries. More complete evidence comes from the village of the eighth century, where silos, and open space for agricultural activities and the southern portion of the palisade that closed off the site were found. Within the cemetery the earliest burials were found very probably relating to the last phase of the wooden church (ninth-tenth century) and its stone-built successor (late tenth century).

During 1960's "Third World" emerged as countries/societies outside of capitalist first world and socialist second world. In this book I attempted to develop a theory of "underdeveloped capitalism" to study third world countries such as... more

During 1960's "Third World" emerged as countries/societies outside of capitalist first world and socialist second world. In this book I attempted to develop a theory of "underdeveloped capitalism" to study third world countries such as Turkey. This theoretical attempt had been attempted to be tested with field work in the villages in Turkey

Abstrak Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman sektor pariwisata menjadi salah satu industri yang patut diperhitungkan, karena mempunyai pengaruh yang cukup kuat terhadap perkembangan wilayah didaerah sekitar obyek wisata. Kabupaten Tanggamus... more

Abstrak Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman sektor pariwisata menjadi salah satu industri yang patut diperhitungkan, karena mempunyai pengaruh yang cukup kuat terhadap perkembangan wilayah didaerah sekitar obyek wisata. Kabupaten Tanggamus memiliki banyak potensi wisata alam yang mampu meningkatkan perekonomian daerah, seperti Air Terjun Way Lalaan dan Pantai Terbaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di obyek wisata Air Terjun Way Lalaan, Pantai Terbaya, dan Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Tanggamus. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis serta mendeskripsikan strategi yang digunakan oleh kelompok sadar wisata (Pokdarwis) dalam pengembangan pariwisata berbasis pemberdayaan masyarakat di Kabupaten Tanggamus. Tipe penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data dan penyajian data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui ada empat faktor yang menjadi dasar dalam menentukan strategi pengembangan pariwisata Air Terjun Way Lalaan dan Pantai Terbaya. Keempat faktor tersebut adalah kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman, dengan keterlibatan kelompok masyarakat yang sadar wisata sebagai pelaku utama dalam pengelolaan obyek wisata. Kesimpulan penelitian ini berdasarkan analisis keempat faktor tersebut dihasilkan 4 strategi yaitu strategi SO, Strategi WO, Strategi ST dan Strategi WT maka strategi yang paling tepat digunakan pada kedua pariwisata ini adalah strategi SO dan strategi WO karena strategi tersebut cukup efektif untuk kedua obyek wisata yang berbasis pada masyarakat. Abstract As time goes by, the tourism sector is one of the counted industry that has strong influence to the developing of area arround tourist destination. tanggamus regency has many potential naturals tourism that can improve the regional economy, such as way lalaan waterfall and terbaya beach. this research was conducted in Way Lalaan waterfall, Terbaya beach, and Tanggamus regency tourism office. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe the strategies used by Kelompok Sadar Wisata (pokdarwis) in tourism development base on community empowerment in tanggamus regency. The method of the research uses descriptive research type by qualitative approaching, collecting data by using interview, observation and documentation. data analysis techniques use data reduction and data presentation. Base on the result of the study, there are four factors become basic on determine tourism developing strategy of Way Lalaan waterfall and Terbaya beach. The fourh factors are the strength, the weakness, opportunities and threats with the involvement of the community who aware of the tourism as the main actor of the tourism management. The conclusion of this reseach is based on analysis of the four factors is generated 4 strategies of SO strategy, WO strategy, ST strategy and WT. The appropriate strategy used in those tourism sectors are SO strategy and WO strategy because both are effective for those tourism objects base on community.

Arctic demography has previously been reviewed on a large scale, across the circumpolar nations. We look instead at some recent population dynamics on sub-regional to community scales, focusing on Arctic Alaska. Detailed graphics... more

Arctic demography has previously been reviewed on a large scale, across the circumpolar nations. We look instead at some recent population dynamics on sub-regional to community scales, focusing on Arctic Alaska. Detailed graphics depicting yearly population changes from 1990 to 2006 in 43 selected Arctic Alaska towns and villages and all 27 of the state’s “county-equivalent entities” (e.g., boroughs) have been published online in connection with two International Polar Year projects. Seemingly comparable places within the same borough have taken widely divergent paths. Birth rates generally exceed death rates, although both are high. Year-to-year and place-to-place variations are dominated not by natural increase, but by differences in net migration. Population changes influence demand for resources such as water, electricity, fuel, and capital improvements, and probably for subsistence resources as well. Migration rates provide sensitive indicators that integrate diverse internal and external pressures.

Abstrak: Kegiatan pendampingan program Branding Desa Wisata Edukasi ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan pembangunan program pemerintah desa dan masyarakat desa Ngabab menuju desa wisata edukasi. Permasalahan yang dihadapi... more

Abstrak: Kegiatan pendampingan program Branding Desa Wisata Edukasi ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan pembangunan program pemerintah desa dan masyarakat desa Ngabab menuju desa wisata edukasi. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra saat ini adalah kurangnya pemahaman pemerintah desa Ngabab dan warga desa setempat tentang rancangan persiapan desa menuju desa wisata edukasi. Berangkat dari permasalahan tersebut, kami mahasiswa KKN Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) 2019 berencana membuat sebuah program yang dapat mendukung program pemerintah desa Ngabab yaitu kegiatan Branding Desa Wisata Edukasi. Branding desa wisata tersebut meliputi analisis social (Ansos), menyiapkan desain denah lokasi, pembuatan stand banner, pembuatan brosur setiap pos wisata edukasi, pembuatan gapura desa, pembuatan papan nama pos edukasi, merumuskan harga dan fasilitas paket desa wisata, mengoptimalkan website paket desa wisata dan media sosial, menyiapkan video promosi tiap pos edukasi dan merealisasikan pembuatan aplikasi augmented reality sebagai pemandu wisata virtual di desa Ngabab. PENDAHULUAN Kecamatan Pujon merupakan kecamatan yang masuk dalam wilayah Kabupaten Malang. Kecamatan ini terdiri dari 10 desa dengan 36 dusun 85 RW dan 306 RT. Ke 10 desa yang ada di Kecamatan Pujon terdiri dari desa Bendosari, Madiredo, Ngabab, Ngroto, Pandesari, Pujon Kidul, Pujon Lor, Sukomulyo, Tawangsari, dan Wiyurejo. Kecamatan ini berada di ketinggian 1.100 meter diatas permukaan laut. Suhu udara di kecamatan ini berkisar antara 18 derajat Celcius hingga 20 derajad Celcius. Penduduk asli Pujon sebagian besar bekerja sebagai seorang petani dan peternak. Sejak 5 tahun terakhir Kecamatan Pujon mulai membuka diri sebagai objek desa wisata. Di awali dengan dibukanya wisata Café Sawah di daerah Pujon Kidul, banyak wisatawan yang berkunjung ke daerah ini. Padahal sebelum itu Pujon memiliki objek wisata terkenal seperti Wana Wisata Coban Rondo dan Pemandian Dewi Sri, namun rasio wisatawan tidak sebanyak ketika dibukanya desa wisata di Pujon Kidul ini. Tidak hanya itu, Pujon juga memiliki tempat wisata yang tak kalah menariknya meskipun belum terekspos secara luas,