Stunting Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) is an overall indicator of undernutrition composed of stunting, underweight and wasting. A cross sectional study was conducted in an urban area (Haldia) of Purba Medinipur District,... more

The Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) is an overall indicator of undernutrition composed of stunting, underweight and wasting. A cross sectional study was conducted in an urban area (Haldia) of Purba Medinipur District, West Bengal, India, to assess the effect of socioeconomic factors on CIAF among 621 (307 boys; 314 girls) children aged 3-12 years. Body height (cm) and weight (kg) were recorded using standard procedure. Selected socioeconomic and demographic information were recorded using pre-structured schedule. The NCHS reference values were used to calculate Z (<-2SD) scores for the three conventional indices namely underweight, stunting and wasting, and finally, to derive CIAF. Data were analyzed using chi-square test and binary as well as stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis. The CIAF showed a high prevalence of 47.66%. Sex specific prevalence was higher among girls. Low monthly per capita income (Odds ratio, OR = 2.1; p< 0.001) and households having two or less number of rooms (OR = 1.55, p < 0.001) were independently associated with higher risk of anthropometric failure (AF). Factors having a direct impact on earnings which provide basic infrastructure for a healthy livelihood seemed to be the major predictor of AF among children.

In recent time, the prevalence of hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity have increased in most African countries as the continentc ontinued to experience rising number of people that are undernourished. This paper reveals the progress... more

In recent time, the prevalence of hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity have increased in most African countries as the continentc ontinued to experience rising number of people that are undernourished. This paper reveals the progress of African region in pursuit of SDG 2 target by 2030 considering both the global and Africa SDG threshold (rating) in 2019. The SDG2 target achievement in Africa is facing serious obstacles such as high level of poverty, unemployment, social exclusion, corruption, banditry, kidnapping, conflicts, and terrorism. With enormous challenges confronting Africa, can SDG 2 target be achieved in the continent by 2030?

Explores the role of stunt women in film and television produc- tion, and considers their contribution to the construction of on-screen action heroines. Combining feminist theory with interviews with professional stunt women, the article... more

Explores the role of stunt women in film and television produc- tion, and considers their contribution to the construction of on-screen action heroines. Combining feminist theory with interviews with professional stunt women, the article illuminates stunt women’s strategically hidden professional labour: on the set, on the screen, and in the popular press.

Abstrak: Angka kejadian stunting masih cukup tinggi di Sulawesi Barat yaitu sebesar 40,38% dan menempatkan provinsi ini menjadi provinsi tertinggi kedua di Indonesia yang memiliki balita stunting. Tujuan kegiatan untuk meningkatkan... more

Abstrak: Angka kejadian stunting masih cukup tinggi di Sulawesi Barat yaitu sebesar 40,38% dan menempatkan provinsi ini menjadi provinsi tertinggi kedua di Indonesia yang memiliki balita stunting. Tujuan kegiatan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan konseling pada kader Posyandu di daerah lokus stunting. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Desa Laliko sebagai salah satu desa lokus stunting di Kecamatan Campalagian, Kabupaten Polewali Mandar, Sulawesi Barat. Mitra pada kegiatan ini adalah 12 kader Posyandu dan 22 ibu baduta. Adapun metode yang digunakan yaitu penyuluhan dalam bentuk ceramah, diskusi dan role-play. Materi yang diberikan tentang manfaat ASI Eksklusif dan keterampilan konseling dan disampaikan oleh tim Pengabdian Masyarakat Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Kemenkes Mamuju. Kader dilatih dan melakukan identifikasi masalah dan role-play konseling secara langsung pada ibu balita. Pengabdian masyarakat ini berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan konseling pada kader serta meningkatkan rasa percaya diri mereka.

"Background: Even though the screening programs of common morbidities in schoolchildren are routine in many countries, a large number of patients with different problems may be found at school age. Objectives: The current study aimed to... more

"Background: Even though the screening programs of common morbidities in schoolchildren are routine in many countries, a large
number of patients with different problems may be found at school age.
Objectives: The current study aimed to investigate the prevalence of nutritional problems such as stunting, underweight, and wasting, as well as dental caries and hypertension among schoolchildren. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study of student’s health status assessment was conducted on primary, middle, and high school students of Sarvabad, a city in the West of Iran, in 2012. Nutritional status was determined by using body mass index for age and gender according to the World Health Organization references. Results: Out of 2596 children, 1113 (42.9%) and 1483 (57.1%) were girls and boys, respectively. The prevalence of caries was 62.8% (95% CI: 60.9, 64.6) with a decayed, missing and filled tooth (DMFT) mean of 0.74 (95% CI: 0.71, 0.76). Totally, 16.41% of the study samples had gingivitis. The prevalence of wasting, underweight, and stunting among schoolchildren was 3.1%, 9.48%, and 2.85%, respectively. Hypertension was detected in 5.55% (95% CI: 4.67, 6.43). The prevalence of caries, gingivitis, and hypertension was more common in boys than in girls. Conclusions: Although the high prevalence of health disorders was found among schoolchildren, these rates were lower than those of
previous studies in other regions. Results of the current study can help health policy makers to design educational programs concerning dental and public health interventions to deal with nutritional problems in children."

Dalam kerangka pembangunan kualitas sumber daya manusia, permasalahan stunting yang merupakan salah satu bagian dari double burden malnutrition (DBM) mempunyai dampak yang sangat merugikan baik dari sisi kesehatan maupun dari sisi... more

Dalam kerangka pembangunan kualitas sumber daya manusia, permasalahan stunting yang merupakan salah satu bagian dari double burden malnutrition (DBM) mempunyai dampak yang sangat merugikan baik dari sisi kesehatan maupun dari sisi produktivitas ekonomi dan dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Stunting memiliki dampak terhadap perkembangan anak, dalam jangka pendek, stunting terkait dengan perkembangan sel otak yang akhirnya akan menyebabkan tingkat kecerdasan menjadi tidak optimal. Hal ini berarti bahwa kemampuan kognitif anak dalam jangka panjang akan lebih rendah dan akhirnya menurunkan produktifitas dan menghambat pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Saat ini, prevelensi stunting dari tahun ke tahun cenderung fluktuatif, meningkat dari 35,6 persen di tahun 2007, 36,8 persen di tahun 2010, 37,2 persen di tahun 2013 dan mulai menurun menjadi 30,8 persen di tahun 2018 serta kembali turun menjadi 27,7 persen pada tahun 2019. Namun demikian, disparitas yang lebar antar provinsi serta rerata penurunan yang masih cukup lambat merupakan tantangan dalam kerangka perecepatan penurunan stunting menjadi 14 persen pada tahun 2024.
Dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 72 Tahun 2021 tentang percepatan penurunan stunting salah satu prioritas kegiatan yang termuat dalam Rencana Aksi Nasional Percepatan Penurunan Stunting (RAN PASTI) adalah pelaksanaan pendampingan keluarga berisiko stunting, pendampingan semua calon pengantin/calon Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) dan surveilans keluarga berisiko stunting. Panduan ini sangat penting sebagai dasar Tim Pendamping Keluarga yang terdiri dari Bidan, Kader TP PKK dan Kader KB serta Tim Percepatan Penurunan Stunting untuk memperkuat pelaksanaan pendampingan keluarga di seluruh Desa/Kelurahan.

Bookklet yang berisikan pengertian stunting, penyebab stunting, faktor penyebab stunting , ciri-ciri stunting, dampak stunting pencegahan stunting, penanganan stunting program pemerintah, optimalisasi stunting pada 1000 hari pertama... more

Bookklet yang berisikan pengertian stunting, penyebab stunting, faktor penyebab stunting , ciri-ciri stunting, dampak stunting pencegahan stunting, penanganan stunting program pemerintah, optimalisasi stunting pada 1000 hari pertama kehidupan, mentedeksi anak stunting, apa yang perlu orang tua lakukan jika anaknya terkena stunting

... The body spectacles of certain prominent stunt performers working in transnational film and television production over the last two decades (Cyril Raffaelli, Tony Jaa, Todd Senofonte, Zoë Bell) are distinct in that the feats captured... more

... The body spectacles of certain prominent stunt performers working in transnational film and television production over the last two decades (Cyril Raffaelli, Tony Jaa, Todd Senofonte, Zoë Bell) are distinct in that the feats captured by the camera and trans-formed by ...

Pembangunan manusia harus dilakukan sejak lahir ke dunia, karena anak usia dini merupakan individu yang sedang mengalami proses perkembangan yang akan berlangsung sepanjang hidupnya. Pada masa pertumbuhan anak, dibutuhkan asupan gizi yang... more

Pembangunan manusia harus dilakukan sejak lahir ke dunia, karena anak usia dini merupakan individu yang sedang mengalami proses perkembangan yang akan berlangsung sepanjang hidupnya. Pada masa pertumbuhan anak, dibutuhkan asupan gizi yang baik sejak anak berada dalam kandungan. Selain itu, periode emas pada anak sebaiknya dapat diberikan asupan gizi dengan baik agar terhindar dari masalah-masalah gizi yang dapat menghambat perkembangannya di masa depan. Indonesia masih mengalami masalah gizi yang belum dapat ditanggulangi dengan baik, masalah gizi yang dihadapi Indonesia saat ini terbagi dalam 3 bentuk, yaitu: sudah dapat dikendalikan, yang belum selesai, dan ancaman baru. Masalah yang sudah dapat dikendalikan diantaranya, kekurangan vitamin A (KVA) dan gangguan akibat kekurangan Iodium (GAKI). Masalah yang belum selesai yaitu, tingginya prevalensi anak balita Stunting (pendek) yang menjadi prioritas bagi Kemenkes (Kementrian Kesehatan). Sedangkan masalah gizi yang menjadi ancaman baru yaitu, masalah gizi lebih atau kegemukan. Di Indonesia, hampir 4 dari 10 anak berusia di bawah lima tahun mengalami hambatan pertumbuhan berupa stunting (pendek). Dalam paper ini, akan dibahas tentang masalah gizi di Indonesia yang belum selesai dan menjadi prioritas, yaitu Stunting.

Masalah utama yang diidentifikasi adalah masalah status gizi bayi bawah lima tahun (Balita). Status gizi balita merupakan indikator yang sensitif sebagai penentu status gizi masyarakat dan juga dapat mengidentifikasi kerawanan pangan... more

Masalah utama yang diidentifikasi adalah masalah status gizi bayi bawah lima tahun
(Balita). Status gizi balita merupakan indikator yang sensitif sebagai penentu status gizi
masyarakat dan juga dapat mengidentifikasi kerawanan pangan rumah tangga. Stunting
merupakan status gizi yang disebabkan malgizi kronik, sehingga stunting balita bisa menjadi
indikator kunci dari kesehatan ibu dan anak (WHO, 2012) dan ketersediaan pangan
masyarakat. Penyebab masalah dari stunting balita, dan program gizi serta kegiatan untuk
menurunkan angka kejadian stunting dibuat dalam bentuk causal model dan HIPPOPOC

Masyarakat adat adalah kelompok yang sangat rentan terhadap masalah gizi dan kesehatan. Namun, Indonesia belum melakukan pengukuran status gizi secara spesifik pada masyarakat adat. Kepercayaan tradisional, adat, dan budaya setempat... more

Masyarakat adat adalah kelompok yang sangat rentan terhadap masalah gizi dan kesehatan. Namun, Indonesia belum melakukan pengukuran status gizi secara spesifik pada masyarakat adat. Kepercayaan tradisional, adat, dan budaya setempat sangat memengaruhi praktik pemberian makanan pada balita, termasuk pemberian prelakteal pada bayi yang dapat memengaruhi status gizi dan pertumbuhan anak ke depannya. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini mengeksplorasi praktik pemberian prelakteal pada bayi di lingkungan masyarakat adat Kaluppini di Sulawesi Selatan dalam hubungannya dengan stunting. Sebanyak 61 informan terlibat dalam wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terpumpun (focus group discussion). Status gizi anak menjadi salah satu variasi pemilihan informan. Semua informasi direkam lalu ditranskripsi verbatim. Data diolah menggunakan aplikasi Dedoose dalam tiga tahap, yaitu dari tahap pengodean, kategorisasi hingga menjadi sebuah tema. Ibu pada masyarakat adat Kaluppini memberikan makanan prelakteal berupa madu, air tajin, air kelapa, dan bahkan kopi kepada bayi pada usia tiga hari pertama. Kepercayaan dan pengetahuan tradisional para ibu adalah alasan utama mereka melakukan praktik ini. Selain itu, sando pea memberikan madu ke bayi baru lahir atau pada saat acara adat ma’paka’tan. Mereka percaya bahwa pemberian madu tersebut dapat menambah daya tahan tubuh anak menjadi lebih kuat. Kepercayaan, adat, dan kehadiran sando pea sangat memengaruhi praktik pemberian prelakteal. Hal ini menjadi tantangan bagi tenaga kesehatan untuk melakukan pendekatan yang inovatif dalam melakukan promosi kesehatan dan gizi dengan tetap menghargai adat budaya setempat.

Kekerdilan (stunting) pada anak mencerminkan kondisi gagal tumbuh pada anak Balita (Bawah Lima Tahun), sehingga anak menjadi terlalu pendek untuk usianya. Hal ini disebabkan karena kekurangan gizi kronis yang terjadi sejak bayi dalam... more

Kekerdilan (stunting) pada anak mencerminkan kondisi gagal tumbuh pada anak Balita (Bawah Lima Tahun), sehingga anak menjadi terlalu pendek untuk usianya. Hal ini disebabkan karena kekurangan gizi kronis yang terjadi sejak bayi dalam kandungan hingga usia dua tahun. Dengan demikian periode 1.000 hari pertama kehidupan seyogyanya mendapat perhatian khusus karena menjadi penentu tingkat pertumbuhan fisik, kecerdasan, dan produktivitas seseorang dimasa depan. Pencegahan anak kerdil (stunting) perlu koordinasi antar sektor dan melibatkan berbagai pemangku kepentingan seperti Pemerintah, Pemerintah Daerah, dunia usaha, masyarakat umum, dan lainnya.

Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang terganggu pada periode awal kehidupan atau periode emas akan memberikan dampak jangka panjang. Stunting menjadi salah satu gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang tergolong kronis. Riskesdas... more

Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang terganggu pada periode awal kehidupan atau periode emas akan memberikan dampak jangka panjang. Stunting menjadi salah satu gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang tergolong kronis. Riskesdas melaporkan bahwa pada tahun 2013 prevalensi stunting di Indonesia mencapai 37,2%. Asupan xenobiotik Natrium Benzoat menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab terhambatnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, karena energi dan zat gizi digunakan untuk menetralisir dan mengkonjugasi senyawa radikal hasil metabolisme dan biotransformasinya. Penggunaan energi dan zat gizi baik makro dan mikro yang seharusnya digunakan untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dialih fungsikan untuk pembentukan enzim antioksidan sebagai pertahanan tingkat seluler terhadap senyawa radikal. Dalam penelitian ini, pengaruh natrium benzoat ditentukan melalui pengukuran aktivitas enzim antioksidan (superoksida dismutase dan glutation peroksidase) pada kelompok hewan coba yang diberi Pars modifikasi, biskuit STRIATA murni, biskuit STRIATA dengan natrium benzoat 100 ppm dan 500 ppm. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjabarkan aktivitas enzim antioksidan akibat paparan natrium benzoat serta potensinya terhadap peningkatan stres oksidatif dan gangguan pertumbuhan. Pada penelitian ini diketahui bahwa kelompok yang dipapar natrium benzoat mengalami peningkatan aktivitas enzim superoksida dismutase (SOD) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol, sedangkan aktivitas enzim glutation peroksidase (GSH-Px) mengalami peningkatan pada ketiga kelompok yang diberi biskuit STRIATA. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsumsi natrium benzoat berpotensi meningkatkan resiko terjadinya stunting, akibat dari peningkatan stres oksidatif dan penggunaan zat gizi sebagai konjugat.

AbstrAct: Being a developing nation, rural India is still facing a serious health problem in form of undernutrition particularly among young children. To optimize this problem, the Central Government has been operating a nationwide... more

AbstrAct: Being a developing nation, rural India is still facing a serious health problem in form of undernutrition particularly among young children. To optimize this problem, the Central Government has been operating a nationwide nutritional intervention programme in the form of Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) scheme. Unfortunately, it has failed to achieve the desired goal during last four decades. Therefore the present study was designed to measure the seriousness and severity of overall undernutrition using Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) among the rural Bengalee preschool children of Sagar Block, South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India. This cross-sectional study was conducted among 656 preschool children (326 boys and 330 girls) aged 3 to 5 years. Height (cm) and weight (kg) measurements were taken according to standard procedure, age and sex specific 2 z-scores values of height-forage , weight-for-height and weight-forage were used to assess stunting, wasting and underweight, respectively, as per the World Health Organization Guidelines. CIAF was also computed as per standard methodology to assess the degree of undernutrition among the studied children. The overall age and sex combined prevalence of stunting, wasting, underweight and CIAF was 26.2%, 35.4%, 51.1% and 61.3%, respectively. CIAF showed a higher prevalence of undernutrition (61.28%) in comparison to other three indicators i.e., stunting, wasting and underweight. We conclude that the nutritional status of the subjects was not satisfactory. It was also established that the CIAF is a better indicator of nutritional status than traditional measures of stunting, wasting and underweight, because it determines overall (total) anthropometric failure. Assessment of nutritional status by composite index of anthropometric failure (CIAF): a study among preschool children of Sagar Block, South 24 Parganas District, West Bengal, India

Stunting, istilah yang sering kita dengar belakangan ini terkait dengan status gizi anak. Stunting menjadi penting dan menarik perhatian banyak kalangan. Menurut data WHO, Indonesia tergolong dalam tiga besar negara dengan prevalensi... more

Stunting, istilah yang sering kita dengar belakangan ini terkait dengan status gizi anak. Stunting menjadi penting dan menarik perhatian banyak kalangan. Menurut data WHO, Indonesia tergolong dalam tiga besar negara dengan prevalensi stunting yang tinggi. Pada tahun 2013, rata-rata balita pendek dan sangat pendek sebesar 37.2 % (Riskesdas, 2018). Pemerintah sudah mengupayakan berbagai program untuk menurunkan angka prevalensi stunting di Indonesia. Hal tersebut terbukti dengan menurunnya rata-rata kejadian stunting pada data 2018 menjadi 30,8% pada balita. Walaupun mengalami penurunan, angka tersebut masih tergolong tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain di Asia Tenggara.

Background: Nutritional status of tribal children in West Bengal has not been investigated adequately. The present study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of underweight, stunting and wasting in Kora-Mudi children of... more

Background: Nutritional status of tribal children in
West Bengal has not been investigated adequately. The
present study was undertaken to determine the prevalence
of underweight, stunting and wasting in Kora-Mudi
children of Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India.
Methods: A cross sectional study was undertaken in
two villages of the Paschim Medinipur District. Of 119
children aged 2-13 years, 59 boys and 60 girls were studied.
Height and weight measurements were made by standard
techniques. Children were considered as underweight,
stunting and wasting if their weight-for-age, height-for-age
and weight-for-height Z-scores <-2.0 SD of the National
Center for Health Statistics reference standards.
Results: The overall prevalence of underweight,
stunting and wasting was 52.9%, 49.6% and 22.7%,
respectively. About 16.0%, 24.4% and 1.7% of children
were found to be severely underweight, stunted and
wasted. The prevalence of underweight, stunting and
wasting was higher in preschool children than in school
going children. The chance of underweight, stunting and
wasting was 1.80, 1.10 and 1.58 times greater in preschool
children than in school going children. Moreover, the
prevalence of underweight, stunting and wasting was
higher in boys than in girls. The boys had 1.45, 1.66 and
2.02 times greater risk to be underweight, stunted and
wasted. According to the WHO classification of severity
in malnutrition, the overall prevalence of underweight,
stunting and wasting was as high as ≥30%, ≥40 and ≥15%.
Conclusions: The nutritional status of Kora-Mudi
children in West Bengal is critical. Appropriate measures
should be taken by the respective authorities to improve
childhood health and nutritional status.

Nutrition is one of the most important factors, which influences human growth. Growth and nutrition are, therefore, closely correlated. Adequacy of total quantity of food consumed is a major determinant of growth. The monitoring of... more

Nutrition is one of the most important factors, which influences human growth. Growth and nutrition are, therefore, closely correlated. Adequacy of total quantity of food consumed is a major determinant of growth. The monitoring of children’s nutritional status is a fundamental tool for the evaluation of their health conditions and a unique opportunity for
obtaining objectives measures for the health assessment of a population. Anthropometric
examination is an almost mandatory tool in any research on health and nutritional condition in childhood and the study of nutritional status is of great importance for the understanding of the social well-being in a population. One of the major health problems in many developing countries including India is the widespread prevalence of undernutrition among pre-school children, especially of rural areas. This cross sectional study was conducted in nine (9) villages of Argoal Gram Panchayat at 10 (ten) ICDS. centers of Patashpur- II Block in East Midnapur district, West Bengal, India. The total sample was 225 (110 boys and 115 girls) between the age groups 3 and 6 years. Both height as well as weight, showed increasing trend with age, among the children. Age displayed highly significant (p<0.01) correlations with age in both sexes. The prevalence of undernutrition among the studied children, based on stunting, i.e. low height for age, was 30.0% among boys and 31.3% among girls. Following the World Health Organization’s (1995) classification of public health problem of undernutrition for stunting, the overall sex combined prevalence (30.7%) of undernutrition was high (30-39% range for high prevalence). For sex specific prevalence, it was similar in both the cases.

Background: Santals are one of the largest tribal groups living in India. The tribes of India constitute approximately 8.6% of the total population of the country. Under nutrition among tribal children is a significant public health... more

Background: Santals are one of the largest tribal groups living in India. The tribes of India constitute approximately 8.6% of the total population of the country. Under nutrition among tribal children is a significant public health problem in India as well as West Bengal. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the overall nutritional status (stunting, underweight and wasting) among Santal preschool children of West Bengal, India.

AbstrAct: The prevalence of stunting (low height-forage) is a key indicator of long-term chronic under-nutrition which reflects an anthropometric failure to reach linear growth potentials due to prolonged food deprivation and/or disease... more

AbstrAct: The prevalence of stunting (low height-forage) is a key indicator of long-term chronic under-nutrition which reflects an anthropometric failure to reach linear growth potentials due to prolonged food deprivation and/or disease or illness during the early stage of life. The present study assesses the prevalence and socioeconomic and demographic correlates of stunting among adolescents of the Northeast India. This cross-sectional study was undertaken among 1,818 (830 boys; 988 girls) adolescents (aged 10–18 years) belonging to ethnically heterogeneous populations of Karbi Anglong district of Assam, using stratified random sampling method. Anthropometric measurements of height and weight were recorded using standard procedures. Socioeconomic and demographic variables were obtained using pre-structured schedule. The age-sex specific L, M and S reference values were used to calculate height-forage Z-score (HAZ). According to WHO, HAZ found to be <−2SD was classified as stunting. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, chi-square analyses, binary and step-wise multiple logistic regression analysis in SPSS (version, 17.0). The prevalence of stunting was observed to be significantly higher among boys (48.4%) than girls (37.8%) (p<0.01). Age-sex specific prevalence was found to be higher among boys than girls aged 14–18 years and contrary were observed among girls aged 10–14 years (p>0.05). The binary logistic regression analysis showed that several socioeconomic and demographic variables were significantly associated with stunting (p<0.05). The step-wise multiple logistic regression analysis showed that sex (boys), age groups (13–15 years and 16–18 years), father's occupation (cultivator) and Rupees ≤5000 household income was significantly associated with stunting (p<0.05). Appropriate nutritional intervention programmes and dissemination of knowledge at population level related to under-nutrition are necessary to ameliorate their nutritional status.

The target of Global Nutrition in 2025 is to reduce the prevalence of stunting. In 2018 the prevalence of stunting and severely stunted in Indonesia decreased to 30.8% and Aceh became the 3rd highest province. Stunting is a condition when... more

The target of Global Nutrition in 2025 is to reduce the prevalence of stunting. In 2018 the prevalence of stunting and severely stunted in Indonesia decreased to 30.8% and Aceh became the 3rd highest province. Stunting is a condition when a child's height is shorter than other children his age. This is caused by one condition where a person experiences chronic nutritional deficiencies since the child is in the mother's womb and in the early period after the child is born, begins to appear when the child is 2 years old. Factors causing and supporting the occurrence of stunting in toddlers include unbalanced food intake, LBW and illnesses suffered due to infection. The incidence of infection can be associated with the occurrence of dental caries that often occurs in toddlers and lasts longer. As a result of dental caries certainly causes pain in the respondent, which in turn will disrupt the function of mastication and affect the nutritional status. If the nutritional status i...

Malnutrition is the largest risk factor caused by inadequate nutrition that leads to childhood morbidity and mortality, as well as inadequate growth and development. Infants are at increased risk of malnutrition by six months, when breast... more

Malnutrition is the largest risk factor caused by inadequate nutrition that leads to childhood morbidity and mortality, as well as inadequate growth and development. Infants are at increased risk of malnutrition by six months, when breast milk alone is no longer suffi cient to meet their nutritional requirements. However the factors associated with nutritional status of infants after 6 months of age have received little attention in pastoralist communities of Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to assess the complementary foods of infants and young children (6-23 months) in Gode town of Kebele 01. The prevalences of wasting, stunting and underweight among infants and young children were 6.1%, 56.1%, 10.0% reespectively. Undernutrition is a public health problem among infants and young children in Gode town of Kebele 01. Breastfeeding was slightly positive associated with lower chances of wasting at r=0.61, p= 0.01 and underweight at r=0.331, p=0.01. While diarrheal disease was associated with higher chances of wasting and underweight. Initiation of complementary food was slightly positive association with wasting at r=0.179, p=0.05.

Background: Santals are one of the largest tribal groups living in India. The tribes of India constitute approximately 8.6% of the total population of the country. Under nutrition among tribal children is a significant public health... more

Background: Santals are one of the largest tribal groups living in India. The tribes of India constitute approximately 8.6% of the total population of the country. Under nutrition among tribal children is a significant public health problem in India as well as West Bengal. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the overall nutritional status (stunting, underweight and wasting) among Santal preschool children of West Bengal, India.

Aim: This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of undernutrition among Bengalee children of Purba Medinipur. Stunting, wasting and underweight were used to assess the prevalence of under-nutrition among children. However,... more

Aim: This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of undernutrition among Bengalee children of Purba Medinipur. Stunting, wasting and underweight were used to assess the prevalence of under-nutrition among children. However, these indices were not properly determined appropriate prevalence due to overlapping condition, but Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) is a single measure to assess the prevalence of under-nutrition which is better than other indices for the determination of undernutrition among children.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among school going Bengalee children of Desopran block and Haldia municipality of Purba Medinipur district, West Bengal, India. Total no. of participants were 622 aged 6 to 10 years. Among them 307 and 315 were boys and girls, respectively. Age and sex specific nutritional status of the subjects was assessed using height-for-age, weight-for-height, and weight-for-age as per NCHS guidelines and CIAF (Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure) was also computed as per standard methodology. Results: Boys were taller and heavier than girls. Significant age variations were noticed in anthropometric variables. Prevalence of wasting, stunting and underweight were 21.0%, 31.0%, and 41.9%, respectively. Moreover, prevalence of CIAF was 55.3% among the studied children. Result also revealed that rate of CIAF was much higher than the other three conventional indicators. Conclusion: It can be concluded that undernutrition among the school going children was very high and might be treated as a serious health problem. Appropriate authorities should take immediate remedial measures to reduce the rate of undernutrition. Similar studies should also be conducted from other regions of West Bengal.

Buku ini berisi tentang bagaimana implementasi Kampus Merdeka dan target pencapaian IKU Perguruan Tinggi dapat dioptimalkan dalam rangka mengatasi persoalan bangsa, khususnya stunting. Selain itu, buku ini juga berisi tentang hasil... more

Buku ini berisi tentang bagaimana implementasi Kampus Merdeka dan target pencapaian IKU Perguruan Tinggi dapat dioptimalkan dalam rangka mengatasi persoalan bangsa, khususnya stunting. Selain itu, buku ini juga berisi tentang hasil pemikiran kontributor dari berbagai latar belakang profesi dan keilmuan. Hasil pemikiran tersebut ada yang berupa hasil penelitian dan kajian literatur. Pembahasan dibagi menjadi empat bagian. Bagian satu menjelaskan tentang bagaimana Universitas Teuku Umar melaksanakan Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka (PKKM) tahun 2021 yang fokus pada penanganan stunting di enam kabupaten di Provinsi Aceh. Bagian dua berkaitan dengan kajian sosial dan ekonomi dalam ruang lingkup isu stunting. Bagian tiga berisi kajian hukum dan politik tentang penanganan stunting. Bagian empat pembahasan tentang industri pertanian dan marina sebagai alternatif solusi penanganan stunting.

The study aimed to appreciate the nutritional status of six to 59 months aged children in Dangbo’s community in South-eastern Benin during flood period and to check the possible associated factors in order to prioritize... more

The study aimed to appreciate the nutritional status of six to 59 months aged children in Dangbo’s
community in South-eastern Benin during flood period and to check the possible associated factors in
order to prioritize further interventions. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 514 children. Food
consumption survey on subsample of 270 children was estimated using a quantitative 24 hours recall.
The probability of inadequacy of nutrient was calculated to appreciate the dietary intake of children.
The prevalence of stunting was 37.4% including 15.2% severe form. The wasting was 6.3% including
3.2% severe form. The underweight was 21.6% including 7.3% severe form. The diet of children was
almost adequate for Iron (2.1 ± 13.6% inadequation), for vitamin A (6.5 ± 24.2% inadequation) and for
protein (2 ± 13.2% inadequation). In multiple logistic regression analysis, the study showed that factors
like activities of the mother, children illnesses and the presence of latrines in the household were
significantly (p < 0.05) associated with stunting. In this view, future action can plan multisectorial
intervention including promotion of ‘’water-hygiene and sanitation (WASH)’’, mothers’ Income
Generating Activities and the management of childhood illness in order to improve children nutritional

Stunting pada balita sejak golden periods anak perlu menjadi perhatian khusus yang nantinya dapat menghambat perkembangan fisik dan mental anak. Balita stunting memiliki risiko mengalami penurunan kemampuan intelektual, produktivitas, dan... more

Stunting pada balita sejak golden periods anak perlu menjadi perhatian khusus yang nantinya dapat menghambat perkembangan fisik dan mental anak. Balita stunting memiliki risiko mengalami penurunan kemampuan intelektual, produktivitas, dan peningkatan risiko menderita penyakit degeneratif di masa mendatang. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi faktor–faktor yang mempengaruhi stunting. Case Control Study with Comparison Group dengan purposive samplingmerupakan pendekatan yang didunakan pada penelitian ini. Responden dibagi dalam kelompok kasus (n=60) yang merupakan ibu dengan anak stunting dan kelompok kontrol (n=60) yang merupakan ibu dengan anak tidak stunting (normal). Kedua kelompok dilakukan penilaian observasi dan studi dokumentasi yang selanjutnya dianalisa menggunakan uji regresi logistik binear. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari analisa statistik lima variabel yaitu tinggi badan ibu, tingkat pendidikan ibu, pemberian ASI eksklusif, berat badan lahir balita dan pember...

Stunting in toddlers since the child's golden period needs special attention, which in turn can hinder the child's physical and mental development. Toddlers with stunting have a risk of experiencing decreased intellectual abilities,... more

Stunting in toddlers since the child's golden period needs special attention, which in turn can hinder the child's physical and mental development. Toddlers with stunting have a risk of experiencing decreased intellectual abilities, productivity, and an increased risk of suffering from degenerative diseases in the future. The aim of this study was to identify the factors that influence stunting. Case-Control Study with Comparison Group with purposive sampling is the approach used in this study. Respondents were divided into cases (n = 60) who were mothers with stunted children and control groups (n = 60) who were mothers with non-stunting children (normal). Both groups were subjected to an observational assessment and documentation study were analyzed with Biner Logistic Regression. The results showed that from the statistical analysis of five variables, namely maternal height, mother's education level, exclusive breastfeeding, birth weight for children under five, and giving complementary foods, it was found that three variables had a significant relationship with the incidence of stunting: mother's education level (p = 0.004. OR = 10.7), exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.003 OR = 7.8) and birth weight of children under five (p = 0.028 OR = 4.5). Statistically, the mother's education level is the most dominant factor relate to the incidence of stunting, followed by exclusive breastfeeding and under-five birth weight, respectively.According to this study, nurses and other health providers have to increase mothersknowledge about child parenting, exclusive breastfeeding and fulfillment of nutritional needs during pregnant to prevent low birth weight under five, so this effort could prevent stunting.

Introduction: The three conventional indices were insufficient to measure overall prevalence of child undernutrition and hence it was proposed to construct a Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF). Objectives: To evaluate the... more

Introduction: The three conventional indices were insufficient to measure overall prevalence of child undernutrition and hence it was proposed to construct a Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF). Objectives: To evaluate the overall burden of undernutrition using CIAF in primary school children of a rural area in West Bengal, India. Method: A cross sectional study was carried out among 618 children (304 boys and 314 girls) from Government aided primary schools of Bali Gram

Background and Objectives: More than one-quarter of under-five children in the developing world are stunted, and those with poor nutrient intake are at risk of irreversible cognitive impairment. The purpose of this study was to... more

Background and Objectives:
More than one-quarter of under-five children in the developing world are stunted,
and those with poor nutrient intake are at risk of irreversible cognitive impairment. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between dietary diversity
and child stunting in an Indonesian context
Methods and Study Design:
Dietary diversity was assessed using a maternal-reported checklist of 12 food groups,
summed as a Household Dietary Diversity Score. Stunting was defined as ≤-2.0 height-for-age z-score by WHO-Anthro 2005. Trained interviewers administered the household dietary diversity questionnaire to 768 households with children aged <5 years in East Java, Indonesia. Logistic regression models were
constructed to test the association between dietary diversity and child stunting.
The prevalence of child stunting was 39.4%, and the percentage of households consuming food groups high in protein and calcium, like dairy products (41%), and meat/poultry, (65%) was lower compared with other food groups. The unadjusted model revealed that higher dietary diversity scores were associated with lower likelihood of child stunting (OR=0.89; 95%CI=0.80–0.98). This relationship remained significant after adjustment for family size, maternal literacy, food expenditure, breastfeeding, energy, and protein intake (OR=0.89; 95%CI=0.80–0.99).
The dietary diversity score was moderate, with consumption of dairy products and meat/poultry lowest among 12 food groups. Hence, population
interventions should focus on promoting food groups currently lacking in maternal and child diet, including those rich in growth-promoting nutrients like dairy, meat/poultry. These results, from an Indonesian context, confirm
the widely observed protective relationship between dietary diversity and child stunting

Stunting is a serious public health issue. It raises the risk of sickness in infancy and childhood. Low-and middle-income nations, notably India, have been battling for years to overcome this major issue, which is also connected to many... more

Stunting is a serious public health issue. It raises the risk of sickness in infancy and childhood. Low-and middle-income nations, notably India, have been battling for years to overcome this major issue, which is also connected to many socioeconomic and biological issues. However, understanding the interaction pattern of undernutrition with these determinants is critical for efficient policies and execution. Stunting (low height-forage) in newborns and children is a well-known and simple indicator of undernutrition. The current study sought to determine the relationship among stunting, socioeconomic, demographic, and birth-related variables. The research was conducted in the Haldia municipality and Deshopran block (West Bengal, India). The participants were 291 (50.5%) urban and 285 (49.5%) rural boys aged 3-12 years. Stunting was defined as height-forage 'Z Score' <-2. Overall, 13.88% boys were stunted. Stunting was significantly associated with low birth weight (LBW), controlling for all other significant variables.

Paparan Stunting dalam kegiatan rembuk stunting 2021 di Kecamatan Sungai Bahar, Muaro Jambi, Jambi

(1) Background: In households experiencing the double burden of malnutrition, stunted children are in a better position for growth improvement when parents are able to direct their resources to support nutrition requirements. This study... more

(1) Background: In households experiencing the double burden of malnutrition, stunted children are in a better position for growth improvement when parents are able to direct their resources to support nutrition requirements. This study assesses the effectiveness of maternal nutrition education to reduce child stunting. (2) Methods: This was a Randomized Controlled Trial involving pairs of overweight/obese mothers with stunted children aged 2 to 5 years old in urban Indonesia. Methods: Seventy-one mother-child pairs were randomly assigned to receive either a 12-week nutrition education or printed educational materials. Mixed factorial ANOVA was used to test for between-group differences over time in relation to child's height, weight, maternal self-efficacy, outcome expectation, and caloric intake. (3) Results: Across groups, there was a significant effect of time on child height and weight but no significant differences were observed between-groups. Maternal self-efficacy, outcome expectations in providing animal protein for the children (p-value = 0.025) and mother's total caloric intake (p-value = 0.017) favored the intervention group over the comparison group. (4) Conclusions: The behavioral intervention produced strong improvement in maternal self-efficacy to engage in physical activity, eat fruits and vegetables and to provide children with growth-promoting animal protein, but did not significantly influence child height gain.

Childhood malnutrition is an enduring problem in developing countries. Cases with mild-to-moderate malnutrition are likely to remain unrecognized because conventional measures of under nutrition may be missing out a considerable... more

Childhood malnutrition is an enduring problem in developing countries. Cases with mild-to-moderate
malnutrition are likely to remain unrecognized because conventional measures of under nutrition may be
missing out a considerable proportion of undernourished children present in the population. With this
background, a community based study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of under nutrition
among children by using various available indicators. It is a community based on cross sectional study
carried out in the rural area of Varanasi, India. A total of 483 children aged 0-36 months were examined that
were selected by adopting appropriate sampling methodology. They were subjected to anthropometry
(weight, height and Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC)) measurements following standard
technique.BMI and other parameters were also assessed, the data thus obtained was analysed using
SPSSv16.0. Prevalence of stunting, underweight and wasting were 43.1%, 35.2% and 31.5%, respectively.
The Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) shows 62.5% of children suffering from
anthropometric failure. As much as 88 (42.9%) children were suffering from malnutrition according to
MUAC criteria (< 13.5 cm). Nearly two thirds of the children were in the zone of anthropometric failure.
There is a need and scope to construct an alternative indicator to provide a single, aggregated figure of the
number of undernourished children in a population.

Poor nutritional status among tribal preschool children observed in different regions of West Bengal as well as India. Nutritional status of tribal preschool children especially Bhumij children of West Bengal has not been investigated... more

Poor nutritional status among tribal preschool children observed in different regions of West Bengal as well as India. Nutritional status of tribal preschool children especially Bhumij children of West Bengal has not been investigated adequately. The present community based cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of undernutrition using stunting, underweight and wasting among Bhumij preschool children of West Bengal, India. A total of 245 (129 boys; 116 girls) Bhumij children aged from 1 to 5 years were studied from eleven villages of Keshiary, Dantan-I and Nayagram block of Paschim Medinipur and Jhargram district of West Bengal. Length/height and weight of children was measured according to standard procedures. Date of birth was collected from birth certificates or health immunization cards of children. WHO Child Growth Standards (2006) was used to evaluate the nutritional status of Bhumij preschool children. Results revealed that there were no significant sex differences in mean height. Only 5 years (t=2.26 and p<0.05) Bhumij boys were significantly heavier than girls counterpart. Significant age differences in mean height [Height: F=213.66, p<0.001 (boys) and F=223.0, p<0.001 (girls)] and weight [Weight: F=116.95, p<0.001 (boys) and F=88.77, p<0.001 (girls)] was observed for both sexes. Overall prevalence of stunting, underweight and wasting were 45.7%, 24.9% and 9.8%, respectively. The age combined prevalence of undernutrition among boys were higher than girls (stunting: 51.2% vs 39.7%; underweight: 27.9% vs 21.6% and wasting: 14.0% vs 5.2%). Very high prevalence of 2 stunting indicates critical situation of these communities. There is an urgent need to improve health care services to the tribal population and tribal children.