Thermal Power Plant Research Papers (original) (raw)

Industrial control systems are nowadays exposed in environments with rapid and unstable parameter changes and uses measuring equipments with critical output sensitivity. In the case of thermal gas analyzer, measurement errors are... more

Industrial control systems are nowadays exposed in environments with rapid and unstable parameter changes and uses measuring equipments with critical output sensitivity. In the case of thermal gas analyzer, measurement errors are contributed by temperature, gas flow, and pressure. Error compensation is a key problem for these control systems. In recent years, it has been proven in the literature that artificial neural network (ANN) is a reliable and low cost solution to manage errors. Among all the algorithms of ANN, the back propagation is commonly used because of its simplicity and learning methodology is easy to realize. However, it has two notable drawbacks: (a) it is likely to run into local minimum, and (b) convergence is slow. Thermal conductivity gas analyzer often works in adverse surroundings, which requires fast and accurate measurements. Therefore, a strong learning network is needed. This paper proposes a novel thermal gas analyzer using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system. The effectiveness and validity of the proposed method is verified by simulation studies using MATLAB. Fuzzy membership rules are created to allow regulation of learning parameters. Further, the fuzzy adaptive network model is constructed to train large data samples while the high precision compensation of sensor error is realized by the improved flow. Simulation results reveal that the convergence speed and output accuracy is improved and the learning parameters in thermal gas analyzer are automatically corrected by the proposed method in comparison with the back propagation algorithm of artificial neural network.

In this paper, the exergy analysis of “(56MW) the rmal power plant Raipur (India); a case study” are presented. The main objectives of this paper are to analyze the plant’s component separately and to id entify the parts having largest... more

In this paper, the exergy analysis of “(56MW) the rmal power plant Raipur (India); a case study” are presented. The main objectives of this paper are to analyze the plant’s component separately and to id entify the parts having largest exergy losses. This paper will also justify the major sources of losses and exergy dest ruction in the power plant. According to the study, percentage rat io of the exergy destruction to the total exergy de struction was found to be maximum in the boiler system (57 %) followed by the turbine (33.3%), and then the condense r (5.34%). the exergy efficiency of the power plant was 31.12% . Which are low compared to modern power plants. According to analysis found that boiler is the major source o f irreversibility in the power plant, but exergy de struction rate in boiler can be reduced by reheating the system. It i s a suitable technique for decrease boiler’s irreve rsibility. How reheating is the best tool for improvement of overa ll performance and com...

The potential problems and their consequences due to fly ash disposal have been well studied around the world. Ash pond is a common available disposal facility for thermal power plants. The pond ash is subjected to weathering and the ions... more

The potential problems and their consequences due to fly ash disposal have been well studied around the world. Ash pond is a common available disposal facility for thermal power plants. The pond ash is subjected to weathering and the ions present in ash migrate to the soil ...

Vibrations are common phenomenon in the rotating machinery, which could carry important information about condition of the rotating machinery. All specific failures in rotating machinery have their own characteristics of the vibrations.... more

Vibrations are common phenomenon in the rotating machinery, which could carry important information about condition of the rotating machinery. All specific failures in rotating machinery have their own characteristics of the vibrations. By measuring and analysis of vibrations cause of increased vibrations could be determined. Since misalignment and rotating looseness have similar frequency spectrum characteristics, it is difficult to determine which one of the failures is present. When cause of increased vibrations is determined, it is possible to plan the future steps for the repairing and neutralising present cause of the possible failure. Process of vibration analysis followed by present cause of increased vibration in rotating machinery repairing is presented in this paper through example on the ventilation system for smoke drain in the thermal power plant.

Abstract:- Flexible AC Transmission (FACTS) devices are installed in the transmission network to divert the power flow, minimize the power losses and to improve the line performance but it has some limitations and drawbacks. Distributed... more

Abstract:- Flexible AC Transmission (FACTS) devices are installed in the transmission network to divert the power flow, minimize the power losses and to improve the line performance but it has some limitations and drawbacks. Distributed Flexible AC Transmission (D-FACTS) is a improved version of FACTS devices which is used to improve the security and reliability of the network in a cost effective manner. This paper discusses the concept of D-FACTS technology for saving of electrical energy, minimization of losses, reduction of coal consumption and minimization of environmental pollution from thermal power plants. This paper also discusses comparative evaluation of passive and active approaches in design of controllers for transmission line. Analysis also deals with computer simulation for reactances, equivalent voltages required for injection in the transmission line, and number of distributed modules per conductor per kilometre. Computations for saving of coal and associated enviro...

A tropical coastal power plant with a once-through cooling system that pumped seawater along with tiny marine phytoplankton and zooplankton for waste heat discharge recorded a reduction in the population density of these organisms by 64%... more

A tropical coastal power plant with a once-through cooling system that pumped seawater along with tiny marine phytoplankton and zooplankton for waste heat discharge recorded a reduction in the population density of these organisms by 64% and 93%, respectively, at the discharge site. The depletion of organic carbon is 0.69 tons per annum with a loss of 20 to 24 lakhs fish fecundity. The synergistic effect of tropical summer ambience and waste heat discharged from the power plant considerably reduced the phytoplankton population in the coolant water discharge point during April, June, and July. This resulted in changes in the phytoplankton community structure from Bacillariophyceae > Dyanophyceae > Cyanophyceae to Bacillariophyceae > Cyanophyceae > Dyanophyceae in the Ennore creek system. A unique epibiotic assemblage of the diatoms Licmophora juergensii and Licmophora flabellata was observed on Phormidium sp., a mat-forming Cyanobacterium preharbored along the 4.5-km-long transport channel of the cooling tower blow out of the thermal power plant. These pedunculate fouling diatoms have a symbiotic
association with Phormidium sp., which grows a few microns high above the substrate, thus creating obstructive flow in the cooling water channels of the power plant. Further, the loss of fish larvae during zooplankton population reduction creates
an impact on the local fishery. However, the emerging scenario of global warming predicts that the migration of fish population toward cooler regions shall further aggravate the fishery reduction near the power plant cooling operation
along the tropical coasts. The marine organisms living in tropical coastal waters operated at upper limits of thermal tolerance produce a demand for the regulatory bodies in India to enforce a drop in discharge criteria for coolant water,
with the pre-existing power stations permitted to discharge up to 10 °C above the ambient temperature and newer power stations permitted to discharge a maximum of 7 °C. It becomes a requisite for power stations to draw additional
seawater along with the plankton. Therefore, the emerging technology of subsurface intake systems called beach well that resolves the issue of coolant water intake without biota was advocated.

Based on very early occurring ruptures found in the first stage high pressure turbine blades of a turbo reactor in a local aviation company, this study has the aim to determine their safe life. The first stage blades are subjected to... more

Based on very early occurring ruptures found in the first stage high pressure turbine blades of a turbo reactor in a local aviation company, this study has the aim to determine their safe life. The first stage blades are subjected to simultaneous action of gas pressure coming from the combustion chamber, centrifugal forces in the case of the rotor blades and to important temperatures transients, which progress in a very aggressive environment due to hot gases. These combined parameters cause a high state of stress involving several complex mechanisms of damage, such as: fatigue caused by mechanical stress fluctuations, thermo-mechanical fatigue caused by temperature variations and corrosion caused on the stressed elements. Life cycle determination asks for stress evaluation of blades regarding several variables which are approached deterministically in the study. Heat exchange between combustion gases and metal blades is considered. The total stress on two kinds of blades is calculated by the addition of the thermal effect and the mechanical loading. The stress cycle is then calculated for different steps of the engine function during the operation by considering the variation of the thermal and the mechanical properties of the system. Safe life determination is done by two different approaches: the safe life approach by the initiation model and the damage tolerance approach considering the defect growth mechanics and considering the pitting corrosion effect. The calculation is applied for stator and rotor blades of an aero engine high pressure turbine made of NI 738. Since these parts are high risk components from the point of view of potential failure consequences, the risk is assessed as well. The results obtained are studied to determine the solution to the problem, and to propose a safe decision to be taken about the design or maintenance procedures.

... DOI: 10.1177/0734242X9601400105 1996 14: 43 Waste Manag Res Ege Egemen and Coskun Yurteri Regulatory Leaching Tests for Fly Ash: a Case Study Published by: ... REGULATORY LEACHING TESTS FOR FLY ASH: A CASE STUDY Ege Egemen and coskun... more

... DOI: 10.1177/0734242X9601400105 1996 14: 43 Waste Manag Res Ege Egemen and Coskun Yurteri Regulatory Leaching Tests for Fly Ash: a Case Study Published by: ... REGULATORY LEACHING TESTS FOR FLY ASH: A CASE STUDY Ege Egemen and coskun Yurteri ...

A power plant is used to generate and transmit electricity. There are various kinds of power plants depending on their input. NSPCL is a thermal power plant of Durgapur Steel plant situated in West Bengal. It is a joint venture of NTPC... more

A power plant is used to generate and transmit
electricity. There are various kinds of power plants depending on
their input. NSPCL is a thermal power plant of Durgapur Steel
plant situated in West Bengal. It is a joint venture of NTPC and
SAIL, with a capacity of 120MW (2 units of 60MW capacity
each.) The plant supplies its entire power to the Durgapur Steel
Plant. Being a thermal power plant it uses coal as a major fuel.
The heat rate of a power plant is the amount required to produce
1KWHr of power. This value indicates the efficiency of the power
plant. It is done by controlling the fuel, in this case coal and the
GCV of coal. The higher the heat rate of the power plant the less
efficient it is.

Boiler commisioning procedure

The nuclear proliferation problem, as posed, is insoluble. All policies to control proliferation have assumed that the rapid worldwide spread of nuclear power is essential to reduce dependence on oil, economically desirable, and... more

The nuclear proliferation problem, as posed, is insoluble. All policies to control proliferation have assumed that the rapid worldwide spread of nuclear power is essential to reduce dependence on oil, economically desirable, and inevitable; that efforts to inhibit the concomitant ...

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of Al-Rasheed power plant (RPP) effluents at Al-Zafaraniya city on the physical – chemical of the Tigris River by using Canadian Water Quality Index(CCME WQI).Water samples were taken... more

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of Al-Rasheed power plant (RPP) effluents at Al-Zafaraniya city on the physical – chemical of the Tigris River by using Canadian Water Quality Index(CCME WQI).Water samples were taken monthly at four positions and 11parameters were analyzed . The results of this study conducted that there was a significant impact of the RPP effluents on increase of water temperature, turbidity and electrical conductivity, and there was an increase in the phosphate concentration and water hardness at station 2 and the model classified water of Tigris river as poor in winter and fair to marginal in rest season for drinking and aquatic life

Aircraft emissions and the environmental impact have been studied by many. It is important to consider not only the current pollution status but the pollution growth into the foreseeable future. The common census is that it is a... more

Aircraft emissions and the environmental impact have been studied by many. It is important to consider not only the current pollution status but the pollution growth into the foreseeable future. The common census is that it is a phenomenon which will grow in the future and that new technologies should be studied to minimise the effects. The engines in the aircraft have a major part to play since it is the largest contributor to emissions in an aircraft. All major engine manufacturers have recognised the importance of the issue and have implemented many programmes to research and implement methods of reducing emissions and increase the fuel efficiency.
The A-9 ‘box wing’ aircraft (fig 1), a project of Aerospace Vehicle Design MSc in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Cranfield University, has been designed to serve as a medium range airliner with a focus on the impact of aviation, on the environment (Jemitola & Smith, 2009). The design focuses on reducing emissions thereby trying to reduce the negative impact aviation has on the environment. The A9 aircraft’s primary driver is the aircraft performance and the environmental friendliness hence, open rotor engines were studied as an alternative to the baseline turbofan.
This paper outlines the many results and observations found during the study of the open rotor. The results are mainly of a performance nature but also include results obtained from initial sizing calculations. Certain parameters were assumed due to the availability of data and the engines were designed to provide the required thrust.
The objective of the paper is to study the potential of the open rotor concept in aiding to build better environmentally friendly aircraft in the future.

Current annual production of fly ash, a by-product from coal based thermal power plants (TPPs), is 112 million tonnes (MT). Some of the problems associated with fly ash are large area of land required for disposal and toxicity associated... more

Current annual production of fly ash, a by-product from coal based thermal power plants (TPPs), is 112 million tonnes (MT). Some of the problems associated with fly ash are large area of land required for disposal and toxicity associated with heavy metal leached to groundwater. This review presents different ways of using fly ash and policies of Govt of India regarding utilization and disposal of fly ash. Environmental and occupational health hazards associated with fly ash are also discussed.

To supply urgent energy needs, many nations are initiating or expanding ven-tures in geothermal technology. Al-though geothermal power enjoys a reputation for "cleanness," relevant environmental data are sparse; as far as I... more

To supply urgent energy needs, many nations are initiating or expanding ven-tures in geothermal technology. Al-though geothermal power enjoys a reputation for "cleanness," relevant environmental data are sparse; as far as I know, no detailed impact analysis of a mature installation has ...

Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), the sole utility company in Korea, has been designing a large class of nearly identical 500 MW power plants as part of its standard design. These power plants each of which is capable of daily... more

Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), the sole utility company in Korea, has been designing a large class of nearly identical 500 MW power plants as part of its standard design. These power plants each of which is capable of daily startup and shutdown operation, are being constructed and operated specifically to meet the large daily swings in power demand in Korea. Each power plant in this class is of a 500 MW output design, with a coal/oil firing furnace and a once-through, supercritical boiler.To address the concern of startup time in a large power plant after being off-line for eight to ten hours of night time, a steam bypass system (HP Bypass System) is being utilized. The HP Bypass System performs four functions: (1) it shortens the unit startup time; (2) it controls the main steam pressure during normal on-line operation; (3) it maintains the main steam at minimum threshold conditions while the turbine/generator is off-line; (4) it performs the safety function of protecting against steam line overpressurization, which eliminates the need for high pressure safety/relief valves.In this paper the standard 500 MW power plant design in Korea, the daily startup and shutdown design criteria, and the HP Bypass control with safety functions will be discussed.

In any modern power plant, the efficiency calculation and loss analysis of a boiler are the first steps to maintain and improve the overall power plant efficiency. The efficiency of the boiler was calculated by the losses or indirect... more

In any modern power plant, the efficiency calculation and loss analysis of a boiler are the first steps to maintain and improve the overall power plant efficiency. The efficiency of the boiler was calculated by the losses or indirect method which is more complicated and more accurate than the direct method. The specific objective of this paper is to calculate the efficiency of a boiler and to identify and analyse the losses involved in the boiler. Boiler's performance deviations were analysed and the causes for these deviations are found. To minimise these deviations the possible remedial measures were found and also aims to suggest methods which would aid in the reduction of the specific fuel consumption and the carbon footprint, apart from calculating the efficiency and analysing the losses involved in a boiler.

It's a form of energy … a renewable resource. Hydropower provides about 96 percent of the renewable energy in the United States. Other renewable resources include geothermal, wave power, tidal power, wind power, and solar power.... more

It's a form of energy … a renewable resource. Hydropower provides about 96 percent of the renewable energy in the United States. Other renewable resources include geothermal, wave power, tidal power, wind power, and solar power. Hydroelectric power plants do not use up resources to create electricity nor do they pollute the air, land, or water, as other power plants may. Hydroelectric power has played an important part in the development of this Nation's electric power industry. Both small and large hydroelectric power developments were instrumental in the early expansion of the electric power industry.
Hydroelectric power comes from flowing water … winter and spring runoff from mountain streams and clear lakes. Water, when it is falling by the force of gravity, can be used to turn turbines and generators that produce electricity.
Hydroelectric power is important to our Nation. Growing populations and modern technologies require vast amounts of electricity for creating, building, and expanding. In the 1920's, hydroelectric plants supplied as much as 40 percent of the electric energy produced. Although the amount of energy produced by this means has steadily increased, the amount produced by other types of power plants has increased at a faster rate and hydroelectric power presently supplies about 10 percent of the electrical generating capacity of the United States.
Hydropower is an essential contributor in the national power grid because of its ability to respond quickly to rapidly varying loads or system disturbances, which base load plants with steam systems powered by combustion or nuclear processes cannot accommodate.

This paper presents a new and accurate method for estimating the parameters of thermal power plants fuel cost function. Proper and precise estimation of these parameters is very important for optimal economical operations of power systems... more

This paper presents a new and accurate method for estimating the parameters of thermal power plants fuel cost function. Proper and precise estimation of these parameters is very important for optimal economical operations of power systems as they directly impact the economic dispatch calculations. The objective function to be minimized in the economic dispatch is usually the summation of fuel cost functions corresponding to generating units. The input–output characteristics of thermal power plants are affected by many factors such as the ambient operating temperature and aging of generating units. Thus, periodical estimation of power plant characteristics is very crucial to improve the overall operational and economical practices. The higher the accuracy of the estimated coefficients, the more accurate the results obtained from the economic dispatch calculations. Different models that describe the input–output curve of thermal generating units are considered. The traditional estimation problem is viewed and formulated as an optimization one. The goal is to minimize the total estimation error. A particle swarm optimization algorithm is employed to minimize the error associated with the estimated parameters. Three different study cases are considered in this work to test the performance of the method. Results obtained are compared to those computed by least error square method. Comparison results are in favor of particle swarm optimization algorithm in all study cases considered.

Nine different concepts for natural gas fired power plants with CO2 capture have been investigated, and a comparison is made based on net plant efficiency and emission of CO2. The cycles are one post-combustion, six oxy-fuel and two... more

Nine different concepts for natural gas fired power plants with CO2 capture have been investigated, and a comparison is made based on net plant efficiency and emission of CO2. The cycles are one post-combustion, six oxy-fuel and two pre-combustion capture concepts. A 400MW combined cycle plant is applied as a reference case. A common basis for the comparison of all

This research paper presents the Study of along and across wind effects on150m high single flue RCC chimney for Nardana, Maharastra, India where the Basic Wind speed is taken from Figure 1 of IS 875 Part 3 which is 39m/s. Index Terms:... more

This research paper presents the Study of along and across wind effects on150m high single flue RCC chimney for Nardana, Maharastra, India where the Basic Wind speed is taken from Figure 1 of IS 875 Part 3 which is 39m/s. Index Terms: Reinforced concrete chimney, structural designing of tall chimney, wind analysis of tall chimney, earthquake analysis and design of tall structures.

Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) has a key role in the quality system of thermal power plants. Electricity production is definitely not only production of a product, but also becomes a customer service. Reliability is the top... more

Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) has a key role in the quality system of thermal power plants. Electricity production is definitely not only production of a product, but also becomes a customer service. Reliability is the top quality tier of this service. Incorporation in the Integrated energy system means fast transformations of organization on all levels. The reliability of modern generation components basically influences the efficiency and capacity of a power plant as a whole. This paper presents the results of RCM practice on Unit Two of The Thermal Power Plant ″Nikola Tesla -B″, 2x600 MW, Yugoslavia. RCM implementation on current problems during exploitation emphasized problems with the boiler tubing system. The methodological approach included outages analyses, marking of the most significant ones, determination of main causes of damage (determination of the material exhaustion state based on expert analyses), application of adequate remaining life assessment methodology and finally the recommendations. Based on these analyses, certain technical solutions were performed and as a result, the mean time between failures of the plant increased, as well as its reliability. According to cost efficiency, RCM methodology presented the most effective cost-benefit method for reliability upgrade.

This paper presents an exergy and environmental assessment of a 1000 metric t/day ammonia production plant based on the steam methane reforming (SMR) process, including the syngas production, purification (CO 2 capture) and compression... more

This paper presents an exergy and environmental assessment of a 1000 metric t/day ammonia production plant based on the steam methane reforming (SMR) process, including the syngas production, purification (CO 2 capture) and compression units, as well as the ammonia synthesis and purge gas treatment. An integrated heat recovery system produces power and steam at three pressure levels, besides exporting hot water, CO 2 and fuel gas, with no additional heat or power consumption being required. Two configurations for ammonia refrigeration process (À20 C) are compared in terms of power consumption. Exergy cost data for upstream processing stages of natural gas is used to calculate the extended exergy cost of the products of the plant, namely ammonia, CO 2 and fuel gas. Moreover, an appropriated methodology is employed to properly allocate the renewable and non-renewable exergy costs, as well as the CO 2 emissions of the reforming, shift and furnace stack among the products of the plant. By considering that the cost reduction of the combustion gases is a linear function of the exergy flow rate reduction in each component of the heat recovery system, an improved allocation of the CO 2 emission cost along the convection train is performed. A breakdown of the total exergy destruction rate of the plant (136.5 MW) shows that about 59% corresponds to the reforming process followed far behind by the ammonia synthesis and condensation (18.3%) and the gas purification units (13.2%). The overall exergy efficiency of the ammonia plant is calculated as 66.36%, which is enhanced by recovering the hydrogen-rich and fuel gases in the purge gas treatment process. The total and non-renewable exergy costs and CO 2 emission cost of the ammonia produced are calculated as 1.7950 kJ/kJ and 0.0881 kg CO2 /MJ, respectively. In addition, a rational exergy cost of 1.6370 kJ/kJ and CO 2 emission cost of 0.0821 kg CO2 /MJ are allocated to the CO 2 gas, which can be supplied as feedstock to an associated chemical plant (urea, methanol, polymers, etc.).