TikTok Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Technology tends to destroy traditional music practices." *Make it Indigenous*: The power of Native American and Inuit Music on TikTok. Ethnomusicology and Western musical pedagogy have long grappled with the issue of Native American... more

Technology tends to destroy traditional music practices." *Make it Indigenous*: The power of Native American and Inuit Music on TikTok. Ethnomusicology and Western musical pedagogy have long grappled with the issue of Native American music in the classroom, as lessons can often become decontextualised by the use of recordings, videos, and pictures that lack nuanced understanding (Sarrazin 1995, 33). More broadly, representations of Native Americans in popular culture-for example, movies and television-have blurred the lines between specific tribal cultures and have caused the blending of previously unrelated practices into what Howard (1983) described as Pan-Indianism. In 2020, we have seen an astronomical rise in the use of the short-form video and music platform TikTok, including the growing popularity of Native or Indigenous TikTok.

El auge de redes sociales como TikTok, donde el micro-contenido adquiere gran protagonismo, ha generado una ola de retos musicales en línea. Canciones de la industria musical han dado cabida a coreografías amateur que se viralizan en todo... more

El auge de redes sociales como TikTok, donde el micro-contenido adquiere gran protagonismo, ha generado una ola de retos musicales en línea. Canciones de la industria musical han dado cabida a coreografías amateur que se viralizan en todo el mundo, y que se replican en una constante algorítmica en red. El presente estudio trata de abordar las diferencias de género y la objetivación sexual de los retos musicales en la plataforma. Para ello, se desarrolló un análisis de contenido descriptivo y correlacional de ocho canciones populares en la plataforma, en una muestra de 400 tiktoks, 200 femeninos y 200 masculinos. Basándonos en el análisis de la objetivación sexual de vídeos musicales, aplicamos una codificación que recogía a nivel demográfico la raza y la edad, seguido de factores interpretativo-coreográficos como la exposición del cuerpo, perpetración y mirada lujuriosa, rol decorativo, atractivo facial, aspecto físico, grado de sexualización global, vestuario provocativo, y bailes sexuales. Los resultados revelaron que, estadísticamente, la relación entre género y objetivación sexual era significativa en todos los casos, excepto en el de las coreografías y movimientos sensuales, posiciones sexuales y expresiones seductoras. En el resto de códigos analizados el género femenino destacaba. De este segmento sobresalían con diferencia la exposición de partes del cuerpo, el atractivo facial y el vestuario provocativo. En suma, la investigación introduce un nuevo fenómeno social caracterizado por la sexualización de sus protagonistas, donde las diferencias de género se acentúan entre la juventud, perpetuando el modelo mediático de la industria musical.

I wrote this as quickly as possible, in a stream, in response to a request for information/opinion from a journalist. It's not an essay that I've gone back and revised to improve clarity and accuracy, and it doesn't cite sources-though it... more

I wrote this as quickly as possible, in a stream, in response to a request for information/opinion from a journalist. It's not an essay that I've gone back and revised to improve clarity and accuracy, and it doesn't cite sources-though it is based in research. Because I did spend some time on it, because I have been encouraged by several to make some statement, and because most of this cannot be included in the journalist's article, I've decided to share it in the current form.

Hace unos días, en sí del mes pasado publicamos un artículo sobre Taylor Nariee cuyo pseudónimo era Bella Poarch. Bella Poarch fue considerada en su tiempo la número uno en Tik Tok. De ese momento a la actualidad han estado en la posición... more

Hace unos días, en sí del mes pasado publicamos un artículo sobre Taylor Nariee cuyo pseudónimo era Bella Poarch. Bella Poarch fue considerada en su tiempo la número uno en Tik Tok. De ese momento a la actualidad han estado en la posición número uno bastantes, y es que a cada momento uno se espera mejores trucos y artes para crear vídeos, que hacen ocupar la primera posición a una u otra persona. En esta ocasión le tocó estar en la cima de la fama de Tik Tok a Charlie Grace D'Amelio, mejor conocida como Charli D'Amelio. Y es que Tik Tok está haciéndose cada vez más popular con sus vídeos cortos de tres a quince segundos y vídeos largos de treinta a sesenta segundos. Tik Tok se adapta mejor para publicar vídeos entre influencers, sobre todo los más jóvenes como la menor de edad Charli D'Amelio, que se le considera la número uno en esta red social. Fue hace unos cuantos días que Charli D'Amelio se convirtió en la reina de Tik Tok, esto porque llegó a sobre pasar los cien millones de seguidores. Sigue leyendo para que sepas más sobre quién es Charli D'Amelio. D'Amelio creó su cuenta en Tik Tok el mes de julio del dos mil diecinueve (2019). Vive en Connecticut, Estados Unidos y su fecha de nacimiento es el primero de mayo del dos mil cuatro (2004), o sea que; va por los diecisiete años para dos mil veintiuno (2012). De acuerdo a la revista especializada en el ambiente de los negocios y las finanzas; Forbes, la fortuna de Charlie es de poco más de cuatro millones de cueritos de rana. Le gusta bailar y gracias a ello, por los vídeos de baile que ha subido a la plataforma, es que se ha ganado los más de ciento un millones de seguidores en Tik Tok. Pero ella no es la única de la familia D'Amelio que ha obtenido fama en Tik Tok. Su hermana más grande de edad; Dixie también tiene mucha fama en esta red social. Charlie y su hermana Dixie tienen su exclusiva marca de maquillaje llamada Morphe. La franquicia Dunkin Donuts, tiene entre sus bebidas a la venta la bebida llamada The Charli, que es en si de Charlie Grace D'Amelio. Ha aparecido en comerciales como el del Super Bowl de la temporada pasada en enero de este aún año dos mil veinte (2020) e hizo el desafío J Lo Super Bowl Challenge junto a Jennifer Lopez. Junto con otros influencers, formó parte del grupo web colaborativo de TikTok Hype House. manuelverdugo.com

A popularização da plataforma TikTok vem despertando atenção de pais, educadores e órgãos reguladores pelo mundo afora. Isso porque, após a pandemia de Covid-19, a expansão do aplicativo e sua grande aceitação por crianças e adolescentes... more

A popularização da plataforma TikTok vem despertando atenção de pais, educadores e órgãos reguladores pelo mundo afora. Isso porque, após a pandemia de Covid-19, a expansão do aplicativo e sua grande aceitação por crianças e adolescentes fez surgir inquietações sobre seus impactos. O trabalho, em linhas gerais, trabalhará com o tema-problema da compatibilização do aplicativo TikTok às regras de proteção de dados pessoais brasileiras. A hipótese envolverá a parametrização de aspectos que ultrapassam aqueles previstos na LGPD, especialmente a partir do labor da Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados. A pesquisa se baseará na metodologia dedutiva e em pesquisa bibliográfico-doutrinária.

Social media platforms have influenced pedagogical practices, and given rise to new theoretical approaches that prioritize connected learning with the aim of improving the learning outcomes. Social media applications have raised the... more

Social media platforms have influenced pedagogical practices, and given rise to new theoretical approaches that prioritize connected learning with the aim of improving the learning outcomes. Social media applications have raised the popularity of short videos which were originally created in accordance with micro-learning principles. The proliferation of social media and e-learning has led to the emergence of two overarching concepts: micro-learning and nano-learning. Nano-learning refers to the condensing of microcontent into small units that are controlled and delivered by learners to achieve a single learning objective. In this respect, the social media application TikTok can be a potential educational tool in future since it enables the delivery of small learning units in a short timespan (less than 60 seconds). Designing and delivering creative learning content using TikTok can benefit pedagogical methodologies based on nano-learning principles, thereby facilitating the creatio...

Mobile short-form videos on social media apps are increasingly popular. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) theories may be extended to short-form video apps to understand and improve app user experience, as well as to persuade new... more

Mobile short-form videos on social media apps are increasingly popular. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) theories may be extended to short-form video apps to understand and improve app user experience, as well as to persuade new technology-adoption. The present study examined the psychological responses and persuasive outcomes associated with short-form videos on a mobile social media app. In a 2 (low-V.S. high-level humor) X 2 (first-V.S. third-person view) between-subject experimental design, participants (n = 81) were randomly assigned one of the four sets of videos about smart homes; post-viewing, they filled out an online questionnaire. Results of ANCOVA demonstrated significant effects of videos' humor and camera view on the viewer perceptions of Immersion, Social Presence and Entertainment but not on Spatial Presence and Perceptual Realism: Humor had mixed effects on the interaction between users and the mobile app; the first-person camera view elevated viewers' Immersion, Social Presence, Entertainment. As a PROCESS mediation test showed, Social Presence mediated (by 56.78%) the indirect link between the level of humor getting from a video and the viewers' post-viewing intent to adopt the technology depicted in the video. The study demonstrated values of extending HCI theories to mobile short-form video apps. Implications were discussed in terms of using appropriate humor and camera view for improving user experience and persuading serious agenda.

En este artículo se analiza el uso de TikTok por parte de tres candidatos a las elecciones presidenciales de Ecuador en 2021, como una herramienta para lograr un acercamiento al público jóven. Desde una metodología inductiva se ha... more

En este artículo se analiza el uso de TikTok por parte de tres candidatos a las elecciones presidenciales de Ecuador en 2021, como una herramienta para lograr un acercamiento al público jóven. Desde una metodología inductiva se ha realizado una aproximación de carácter cualitativo para entender el funcionamiento de la aplicación y sus algoritmos con los que premia o castiga un video, su interacción con el público y las distintas reacciones que generó.
Los resultados muestran que el público jóven está abierto a recibir a los polìticos en su mundo virtual, aunque es importante hablarles en su idioma si se espera captar su atención. Les interesa sentirse incluidos en el mundo de la política en el que, habitualmente, no fueron tomados en cuenta y castigan duramente cuando no se cumplen con las reglas no escritas del uso de la aplicación y la generación de contenido. Existe una gran interacción en los videos de los candidatos en donde exponen sus puntos de vista, positivos o negativos, además de preguntas sobre planes de gobierno, también hay participación con videos con los que pueden hacer dúos o usar los mismos audios para crear su propia versión.
En conclusión, si se entiende la aplicación y sus reglas de comunicación, TikTok es una herramienta altamente eficaz para mostrarse al público jóven y crear “engagemente” con sus usuarios y, a través de ellos, con sus familias, como se puede observar en el caso de Xavier Hervas que partió del 0.1% en las encuestas de diciembre y alcanzó una votación del 15.68%. También se debe tener en claro que la herramienta sirve mejor para conectar con la emocionalidad de los usuarios y generar una imagen positiva, sin embargo, no es la vía más adecuada para mostrar planes y políticas de gobierno, aunque si el mensaje es lo suficientemente creativo, tal vez sea posible captar su atención.

This study examines TikTok, a social media video platform, through the lens of film theory and cultural analysis. It investigates the role of play and dynamic editing in short-form video content. The analysis explores how rapid-fire video... more

This study examines TikTok, a social media video platform, through the lens of film theory and cultural analysis. It investigates the role of play and dynamic editing in short-form video content. The analysis explores how rapid-fire video editing and remix culture contribute to the unique aesthetic and social dynamics of TikTok. This study is based on interviews and video examples from top content creators, and leverages Bordwell's theory of an “intensification of established [cinematic] techniques" alongside Caillois' study of play and games. Utilizing a novel metaphorical framework, the study presents TikTok as a “virtual playground" where classic playground equipment parallels concepts of TikTok video creation. -- Ethan Kurzrock 2019

Tiktok, a quick, short and easy way to fame is nothing less than digital Darwinism, where one needs to keep at pace with emerging trends and innovations in the field of social media and digital marketing. As Darwin's basic theory focuses... more

Tiktok, a quick, short and easy way to fame is nothing less than digital Darwinism, where one needs to keep at pace with emerging trends and innovations in the field of social media and digital marketing. As Darwin's basic theory focuses on reproducing better offsprings, Tiktok's better videos are the ones which are more funny, creative or both.

Este estudo aborda o aplicativo TikTok. O objetivo é investigar potencialidades pedagógicas da rede social que se popularizou durante o período de isolamento social ocasionado pela pandemia do novo coronavírus (COVID-19). Tem... more

Este estudo aborda o aplicativo TikTok. O objetivo é investigar potencialidades pedagógicas da rede social que se popularizou durante o período de isolamento social ocasionado pela pandemia do novo coronavírus (COVID-19). Tem como método a pesquisa bibliográfica e um estudo exploratório do TikTok, no qual se apresentam suas características e integração como recurso educacional. Verificou-se que, além de apresentar contribuições significativas para a aprendizagem criativa, a produção de vídeos no como recurso maior interação dos alunos no processo de construção do próprio conhecimento e permite o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências educacionais.

Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak besar dalam berbagai sektor kehidupan termasuk perpustakaan, memaksa masyarakat harus beradaptasi dengan kebiasaan baru atau new-normal. Berkembangnya teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi berdampak baik bagi... more

Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak besar dalam berbagai sektor kehidupan termasuk perpustakaan, memaksa masyarakat harus beradaptasi dengan kebiasaan baru atau new-normal. Berkembangnya teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi berdampak baik bagi perkembangan pelayanan perpustakaan, terutama di masa pandemi seperti sekarang ini. Melalui media sosial, perpustakaan dapat dengan mudah menyampaikan informasi kepada pemustaka dengan jaringan yang lebih luas secara tepat, cepat, dan mudah. Satu bentuk media promosi yang dapat digunakan untuk promosi perpustakaan di zaman sekarang adalah melalui aplikasi teknologi yang sedang viral yaitu Tik Tok. Tik Tok adalah sebuah platform sosial video pendek yang didukung dengan musik baik itu musik tarian, musik disko, maupun berupa musik performa lainnya. Promosi perpustakaan harus dikemas semenarik mungkin sesuai zamannya dengan teknik persuasif dan tidak ada paksaan serta media yang digunakan untuk promosi haruslah dengan media yang digandrungi anak millennial. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis menggunakan metode studi literatur. Dimana penulis membaca literatur-literatur berupa jurnal-jurnal, maupun buku teks yang relevan dengan masalah yang diangkat dari judul artikel Upaya Perpustakaan Dalam Mempromosikan Layanan Perpustakaan Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Melalui Media Sosial Tiktok.

Would you like to attract more followers to your TikTok platform? Would you like to advertise your products or services to a great passionate audience on a social media platform that has the highest engagement rates per post and is not... more

Would you like to attract more followers to your TikTok platform? Would you like to advertise your products or services to a great passionate audience on a social media platform that has the highest engagement rates per post and is not yet saturated? Then, TikTokJackpot will guide and assist you in mastering the TikTok online platform in utilizing it to advance yourself and your business.

Hoy vamos a ver el origen de Tiktok, nos referimos a la aplicación que está causando furor entre los jóvenes de todo el mundo. Si no sabes de lo que estamos escribiendo, pon atención a les siguientes líneas. Se trata de una App móvil... more

Hoy vamos a ver el origen de Tiktok, nos referimos a la aplicación que está causando furor entre los jóvenes de todo el mundo. Si no sabes de lo que estamos escribiendo, pon atención a les siguientes líneas. Se trata de una App móvil gratuita cuyo público mayoritario son adolescentes desde los 13 a los 18 años. Permite crear y compartir vídeos cortos de entre 15 y 60 segundos, grabados en una o varias tomas, y donde la música tiene un gran peso. De hecho; la mayor parte de contenidos son bailes y lipsync's (sincronía de labios) de canciones de moda, aunque siempre desde una actitud divertida. Tiktok es propiedad de la compañía china ByteDance. Fue lanzada en el mercado asiático con el nombre de Douyin, en septiembre del 2016 y en su primer año ya logró llegar a los 100 millones de usuarios. Tras ver su enorme potencial, la compañía decidió darla a conocer Internacionalmente un año más tarde, bajo el nombre que todos conocemos. El siguiente paso para impulsarla fue en noviembre de 2017, cuando ByteDance compró por 1000 millones de dólares la aplicación Musical.ly, que ya era muy popular entre los adolescentes. En realidad se trataba de un concepto muy similar, basado en el mismo tipo de vídeos cortos con efectos y fondo musical y por aquél entonces ya tenía más de 200 millones de usuarios. Esta fusión hizo que Tiktok reforzara su lugar como aplicación del momento, tanto en China como en el resto de países. De hecho; en poco más de un año alcanzó los 27 millones de usuarios solo en Estados Unidos. Tan solo en 2018 registró 660 millones de descargas, convirtiéndose en una de las APPS más populares del mundo, por encima de Twitter y Snapchat. Y sus cifras siguieron aumentando en 2019. Pero entonces, ¿cuál es el secreto de su éxito? Seguro que han ayudado a popularizarla su gran número de filtros y efectos, así como la creatividad de sus usuarios. De hecho, en Tiktok el humor es el rey, basta con echar un rápido vistazo para sacarte una sonrisa. Todo esto la ha convertido en una aplicación desenfadada y espontánea en la que reírnos de nosotros mismos, lejos de otras APPS más serias como Facebook o Instagram. Este humor ha hecho que Tiktok fuese la cuna de numerosos retos que han saltado después a otras redes sociales. Uno de los más famosos es el lip challenge, un curioso y rápido método para pintarse los labios o el rotation challenge, donde el protagonista parece rotar por toda la habitación gracias a los efectos de la aplicación. O el finger thingy, el baile de los dedos al ritmo de la música. manuelverdugo.com

This project examined traditional gendered discourses surrounding the ends and means of sexuality, the emerging role of digital sexual technologies in purported sexual empowerment, and the socio-material aspects which revolve around these... more

This project examined traditional gendered discourses surrounding the ends and means of sexuality, the emerging role of digital sexual technologies in purported sexual empowerment, and the socio-material aspects which revolve around these technologies, sexual medias, and sexual discourses. Combining critical feminist insights with media ecology, this project explored happenings within the sociosexually violent pre- and present-COVID-19 United States ecology, documenting novel and rigorous contributions in our increasingly algorithmic world. This study of the U.S. context critiques foundational constructs created by Enlightenment decisionmakers who rationalized colonial rhetorics and logics built into each preceding iteration of capitalisms from industrialism into neoliberalism since national origin. As such, it extends critiques of mechanistic models of the human body and sexual communications and situates them within the vastly uncriminalized sexual violences, as well as insufficient sexual education standards. Theoretically, I argue that a mechanization of humans has occurred, been pushed to its extreme, and is flipping into a humanization of objects. To demonstrate this, I critical feminist rhetorically analyzed 75 biomimetic sextech advertisements from the brand Lora DiCarlo, contextualizing them in salient discourses within 428 present-COVID-19 TikTok videos, investigating: “What rhetorical themes occur within advertisements for biomimetic sexual technologies marketed to vulva-havers in the late-stage present-COVID-19 neoliberal U.S. landscape?” “How have biomimetic sexual technologies marketed to vulva-havers effected how their sexual experiences are created and maintained in the sociosexual U.S. landscape?” and “How are biomimetic sextech changing vulva-havers sexual sense-making, experiences, and relations within the sexually violent late-stage capitalist present-COVID-19 U.S. landscape?” Using a feminist eye, this brings to media ecology a contextualization of biomimetic sextech devices marketed to vulva-havers, situating their socio-political and cultural nuances in conversation with otherwise taken for granted biological components of cisnormative and heteronormative life, among other relevant characteristics. Ergo, this project debuts a brand new liberatory embodied research paradigm.

We build on the theoretical framework of communicative forms and memetic dimensions to examine how obstetrics and gynecology (OBGYN) doctors' TikTok videos function as digital artifacts to educate and engage with youth culture. The... more

We build on the theoretical framework of communicative forms and memetic dimensions to examine how obstetrics and gynecology (OBGYN) doctors' TikTok videos function as digital artifacts to educate and engage with youth culture. The framework of communicative forms defines TikTok as a communicative environment with unique practices, technological affordances, aesthetics, and digital culture. The three memetic dimensions of content, form, and stance refer to the ideas, configurations, and positions conveyed by memes that are shown on TikTok. We identified interrelated memetic ways OBGYN TikTok Docs deliver sexual health information using five communicative forms (explanatory, documentary, comedic, communal, and interactive). Our findings show that the relatability of OBGYN TikTok Docs was a key element in each communicative form and was crafted by a combination of the three memetic dimensions. In using various communicative forms, the boundaries of health education and entertainment are blurred. Through this blurring, the videos portray a dual-sided presentation of OBGYN TikTok docs, showing them as authentic health professionals and relatable people.

During the Covid-19 confinement period, teachers were forced to rethink their teaching practice as they coped with ongoing changes in every aspect of their lives. Throughout this period, they brought the 4Cs of 21st Century Education to... more

During the Covid-19 confinement period, teachers were forced to rethink their teaching practice as they coped with ongoing changes in every aspect of their lives. Throughout this period, they brought the 4Cs of 21st Century Education to life: critically (re)thinking their teaching practice, collaborating and communicating with learners and colleagues in new contexts, while dealing with every obstacle creatively. The truth is that the quarantine allowed teachers to create and share fantastic approaches to ELT and this article is a small contribution to such innovation.

Tiktok first appeared on the web in September 2016 and immediately gained traction in the realm of social sharing. The media has become a source of fascination for teenagers and young adults all around the world, thanks to a continuous... more

Tiktok first appeared on the web in September 2016 and immediately gained traction in the realm of social sharing. The media has become a source of fascination for teenagers and young adults all around the world, thanks to a continuous stream of celebrities going to the stage. Current study is qualitative in nature and aimed to provide a fundamental basis to comprehend the basic reasoning behind the validation of young adults regarding Tik Tok, a well-known video making platform. Population of study was youngsters of Lahore. Walkthrough methodologies were applied for data collection. Interviews of youngsters were taken as sample. Purposive sample was collected via interview to look into the extent of interaction that is provided by this app, alongside the possibilities of the TikTok platform in arbitrating these processes. After implementation scientific method, the result is that Tiktok is addictive app. While diversion and enhancing mood are the focal objectives forconsumers,portraying the hidden self and talking to others are secondary objectives. People forget about their first goal and divert his intension in others objective. Study concluded TikTok, as a platform which helps in celebrating important memories and experiences, encouraging users' creativity by giving simple and effective user interfaces as well as providing them with various tools to edit their videos, but the a lot use of anything will destroy anything. So, the addiction of TikTok is dangerous like as other addiction.

Using gaze theories to investigate new modes of looking on digital platforms.

Since its inception, social media has been an important method of constructing and performing identity, including gender identity. Identity work on social media is perhaps especially relevant to Gen Z (those born after 1996; Parker &... more

Since its inception, social media has been an important method of constructing and performing identity, including gender identity. Identity work on social media is perhaps especially relevant to Gen Z (those born after 1996; Parker & Igielnik, 2020), who are the first generation with access to it in early childhood. In this article, we explore how Gen Z constructs and performs gender identity and other facets of intersectional identity on popular video platform TikTok by analyzing selected content from three TikTokers through the lenses of performativity, intersectionality, and automediality.

In this paper, I aim to analyze the functions of code-switching and demonstrate that speaking in Taglish or Conyo does not indicate incompetence on either language, but instead might be a sign of high competency in bilingualism. For this,... more

In this paper, I aim to analyze the functions of code-switching and demonstrate that speaking in Taglish or Conyo does not indicate incompetence on either language, but instead might be a sign of high competency in bilingualism. For this, I will be using Rain Matienzo’s TikTok content, which feature various point-of-view (POV) style videos with her being conyo. Matienzo has over 130-thousand followers on TikTok and over 2.4 million likes, her videos garnering thousands to hundred-thousand views. She has been dubbed “The Conyo Girl” due to the content she creates, which ranges from classroom scenarios, friendly conversations, and relationship imagines, all of which showcases her TikTok persona as being a rich, sophisticated conyo girl with a “superiority complex”.

Influencers have monopolized media attention in recent years, the result of a long process lasting two decades dating from the rise of blogging at the beginning of the twenty-first century. In this article, I set out the historical... more

Influencers have monopolized media attention in recent years, the result of a long process lasting two decades dating from the rise of blogging at the beginning of the twenty-first century. In this article, I set out the historical framework in which the social media practitioners known as fashion bloggers and influencers have emerged and developed as relevant players in the field of fashion. I propose a reading of fashion blogging and influencing as a process articulated in four stages between 2000 and 2020. These two decades, marked by a progressive institutionalization of social media practice in the field of fashion, saw the advent of Instagram-based influencers in the second half of the 2010s and their continuing domination of fashion platforms, and TikTok’s rise in relevance in the same field during the early 2020s. I first explore the rise of fashion blogs in the early 2000s and the scholarly debate regarding its characteristics. I then frame the transition from blogging to Instagram, not just as a change of platform, but as an opportunity for the invention of a new occupation, the influencer, and the consecration of the business of influence. Lastly, I critically examine the concepts of influence and influencer.

As of January 2021, the video production and sharing app TikTok had 689 million monthly users. Though it is hard to measure precisely how many of those users are young people, there is no doubt that the app is particularly popular among... more

As of January 2021, the video production and sharing app TikTok had 689 million monthly users. Though it is hard to measure precisely how many of those users are young people, there is no doubt that the app is particularly popular among children and teens. Much of the discourse around TikTok in the mainstream media has taken a negative view of this, portraying the app as a discrete entity capable of having a direct effect on its young users. This view fails to appreciate the complexity of the relationships between the app and its users, and has led to an unbalanced understanding of the app itself. In an attempt to redress that balance, this study seeks to acknowledge the popularity of TikTok with young people in order to better understand its use, asking the seemingly simple question: why TikTok? That is to say, what is it specifically about TikTok that has made it such a success with young people? Starting with a re-interpretation of the app as a media using a framework derived from mediatisation research, practice theory is used to hone in on the particular ways in which young people use TikTok. Four videos which exemplify the concept of the ‘main character’ - a video ‘trend’ on the app - are analysed through this practice-based lens. In an attempt to interrogate the fixed nature of the categories adult/child and structure/agency, a basic language of media practice is established which helps us to comprehend the ways in which young people are negotiating their own spaces for exploration in a world which otherwise offers them very little tangible power. This has been undertaken with the aim of better comprehending how and where young people choose to engage with the world around them and what part new digital media such as TikTok have to play in that process.

In den letzten Jahren sind auf Plattformen der sozialen Medien und insbesondere durch sogenannte InfluencerInnen neuartige Formen der öffentlichen Selbstdokumentation populär geworden, die einen eigenen medienkulturellen Mikrokosmos... more

In den letzten Jahren sind auf Plattformen der sozialen Medien und insbesondere durch sogenannte InfluencerInnen neuartige Formen der öffentlichen Selbstdokumentation populär geworden, die einen eigenen medienkulturellen Mikrokosmos bilden. Auch wenn YouTube Sinnbild dieser Kulturtechnik geworden ist, sind mediale Selbstentwürfe auch für andere Dienste wie Instagram, TikTok oder Snapchat prägend.
Robert Dörre begreift die Entstehung dieser Selbstentwürfe als ästhetische Praktik und geht den medienhistorischen Verschiebungen nach, die die öffentliche Selbstdokumentation im Internet erfahren hat.
Um diese spezifischen Ästhetiken, Rituale, Motive und Ökonomien medienkulturwissenschaftlich zugänglich zu machen, nähert sich die Arbeit dem Phänomen aus fünf Perspektiven: Der Rezeption als authentischem Selbst, dem Selbst als Teil der sozialen Medien, dem Selbst als Marke, dem seriellen Selbst und dem Selbst als AmateurIn und KünstlerIn.

Beginning with an analysis of the digital audiences of Italian museums, undertaken during their period of closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper traces the reasons and the consequences of the increase in the museum supply on... more

Beginning with an analysis of the digital audiences of Italian
museums, undertaken during their period of closure due
to the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper traces the reasons and
the consequences of the increase in the museum supply on social
networks. After reconstructing the history of the first attempts
at influencer marketing by Italian cultural institutions, this study
analyses two communication campaigns developed by museums
in collaboration with influencers who are not part of the art
world: the much-discussed Instagram post by Chiara Ferragni
for the Uffizi Galleries; and the promotion of the Bologna
Museums and the niche exhibition on the Griffoni Polyptych
by the YouTuber Luis Sal. The questions of the tone of voice and
digital identity narration, raised by the involvement of influencer
marketing in the two museum institutions, are examined in order
to contribute to the ongoing debate on the democratic nature
of museums, their accessibility and inclusiveness.

With the growing popularity of social media, educators have been adopting social media platforms, such as TikTok, for learning purposes. Whilst the effectiveness of TikTok to increase learner engagement has been demonstrated, there was... more

With the growing popularity of social media, educators have been adopting social media platforms, such as TikTok, for learning purposes. Whilst the effectiveness of TikTok to increase learner engagement has been demonstrated, there was little evidence indicating the effectiveness of TikTok on actual learner performance through formal graded assessments. This study is one of the first attempts to investigate the effects of TikTok as a learning tool on learner performance. The findings from a controlled experiment indicate that TikTok had a beneficial impact on the learner's performance as well as self-perceived engagement in an introductory statistics course.

Tulisan ini berisi tentang bagaimana kefektifitas pembelajaran bahasa Arab dengan alat sosial media sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Arab baru di zaman ini, lewat Platform Tiktok yang dimana di akhir tahun kebelakang menjadi aplikasi... more

Tulisan ini berisi tentang bagaimana kefektifitas pembelajaran bahasa Arab dengan alat sosial media sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Arab baru di zaman ini, lewat Platform Tiktok yang dimana di akhir tahun kebelakang menjadi aplikasi favorit dikalangan generasi Millenial dan Z yang diyakini yaitu bagaimana bahasa Arab itu bisa disaksikan dengan memanfaatkan Tiktok dan bagaimana penonton tanpa ada suatu tekanan untuk wajib belajar bahasa Arab sendiri menjadi terpaksa, berupa video pendek sekitar 15, 30 detik, hingga 1 menit dengan disajikan fitur, musik, stiker dan fitur lainnya yang ada di Tiktok akan membuat kedua pihak penonton dan pembuat video merasa antusias dan enjoy belajar bahasa Arab disamping penonton melihat hiburan yang lain di Tiktok. Menggunakan system dikenal di Tiktok yaitu Foryoupage dimana mengandalkan video siapa yang unik dan kreatif akan masuk ke layer pengguana dan ditonton dan yang akan jauh menjangkau penonton ke skala yang besar seperti semisal @alramsainstitute yang sukses menggaet pengikut untuk belajar bahasa Arab di Tiktok maka cara menggapai tujuan selain kreatif dan unik dibutuhkan juga kepercayaan diri sebagai konten kreator di setiap video memuat bahasa Arab. Melihat dari itu semua tentunya ada hambatan dan tantangan, untuk itu dan juga menarik penonton agar tidak bosan sebagai konten creator pemikiran kreatif dan inovasi wajib diaplikasikan di setiap konten yang dibuat dan bila perlu menyesusaikan pembelajaran bahasa Arab dengan tren yang ada di tiktok sekarang. Dan tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa memalui Tiktok pembelajaran bahasa Arab diyakini lebih efektik dan simple karena ditayangkan dengan berupa video pendek dibanding dengan youtube dan platform-platform lainnya. Kata Kunci: Tiktok, Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab, Digital Pendahuluan Sebelum munculnya digital yang seperti sekarang,bentuknya berupa media: radio, koran, majalah, ataupun komputer tabung. Semenjak dari itu teknologi semakin kesini semakin berubah, dari zaman ke zaman dan sejak itu, revolusi teknologi yang merupakan hasil inovasi telah membawa banyak jenis media baru yang kini perannya dijadikan utama dalam menyebarkan informasi dan hiburan kepada masyarakat ke seluruh dunia. Tidak seperti media tradisional yang dianggap kuno, media digital diasumsikan sebagai data digital, yang paling sederhana melibatkan kabel atau satelit digital yang mengirimkan sinyal biner-0s dan 1s-ke perangkat yang menerjemahkannya menjadi

An ever-increasing number of shoppers pick products and services as per brands. It is quite tricky to know why consumers can be loyal or biased to a specific brand. This research aims to investigate how social media especially using the... more

An ever-increasing number of shoppers pick products and services as per brands. It is quite tricky to know why consumers can be loyal or biased to a specific brand. This research aims to investigate how social media especially using the application TikTok affects the zoomers’ buying behaviors and their perception of the brand. Therefore, the variables studied are advertisement, brand recognition, and influencers’ power. It was inspected that TikTok celebrities have the power to turn anything they touch into gold as well their ability to direct the customers to certain labels. That’s why this research was conducted to discover the validity of these allegations. Because of the nature of this research, a qualitative method has been adopted to analyze the experience and view of
generation Z on TikTok. For the sample design, a questionnaire was chosen to collect their responses. Moreover, the participants are varied between 15 to 25 age groups. Consequently, the results show that there is a significant connection between TikTok and the consumer’s behavior as well their brand selection. The findings and insights would offer academic researchers to better comprehend how social media can play an important role in teen behavior when it comes to product or service selection. Also, the article will help to implement marketing strategies to engage with these younger consumers. Finally, I am an independent student, who is conducting this research out of pure curiosity to know the longitude impact of social media.

Günümüzün rahatlığı, geleceğin ise vazgeçilmezi olacak olan teknoloji hayatımızın her alanına girmeye başladı. Başlangıçta küçük bir oyunla başlayan bu hikâye, hayatımızın odak noktasına yerleşti. Onunla yatıyor ve onunla uyanıyoruz.... more

Günümüzün rahatlığı, geleceğin ise vazgeçilmezi olacak olan teknoloji hayatımızın her alanına girmeye başladı. Başlangıçta küçük bir oyunla başlayan bu hikâye, hayatımızın odak noktasına yerleşti. Onunla yatıyor ve onunla uyanıyoruz. İnternetin hayatımıza girmesiyle, bambaşka bir sürece evirildik. Web 2.0 ile etkileşimli paylaşım yapılabilmesi, Sosyal medya platformlarının gelişmesine, insanların birbirlerine paylaşımlar yaparak sosyalleşmesine yardımcı oldu. Bireylerin aktif sosyal medya kullanımı, her gün sürekli artmaya başladı. Bireylerin daha çok vakit geçirmeleri için sosyal medya platformları daha çok içerik sunarak bireyleri sürekli platformlarda tutmaya çalıştı. Bunun için hep yeni ve ilgi çekecek içeriklerle zenginleştirildi. İçerikler arttıkça, bireyler daha çok sosyal medya platformlarında vakit geçirmeye başladılar. İnsanların sosyal medya platformlarında çok fazla vakit geçirmeleri firmaların ve markaların dikkatini çekmeye başladı. Sosyal medya platformları, sosyal paylaşım yapılan yerlerden bir anda pazarlama ve reklamların yapılmasına imkân veren platformlara dönüşmeye başladılar. Tabii bu süreç içinde şehirleşmenin etkisiyle insanlar yalnızlaşmış ve kimliklerini kaybetmiş bir kitleye dönüşmeye başladı. Bu kitle kimliğini, statüsünü ve mutluluğu alışveriş yaparak ve markalara özenerek gidermeye çalıştılar. Sosyal medyanın insanların alışveriş tutkusunu, yapay zekâ ve algoritmalarla, kişiye özel sayılabilecek reklamlar yayınlandı. Sosyal medya platformlarında kişisel hayatlarını eğlenceli bir şekilde paylaşan bazı insanlar, çok fazla takipçi kazanmaya başladıkça Sosyal medya fenomeni (Influencer) olarak anılmaya başladılar. Bu kişiler sosyal medyanın marka elçileri olarak kullanılmaya başladılar. Bu da sosyal medya fenomenlerinin tüketici üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi sonucunu doğurmuştur. Bu çalışmada sosyal Medya’nın tüketici üzerindeki etkileri ve fenomenlerin satın alma alışkanlığındaki etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın teori kısmında literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Yöntem olarak çevrim içi Türkiye geneli 357 katılımcıyla anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar IBM SPSS Statistics Subscription ( programıyla analiz edilip, yorumlanmıştır. Sosyal medyanın kullanımının arttığı, fenomenlerin tanındığı ama satın alma kararında çok etkili olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.

Social media platforms have influenced pedagogical practices, and given rise to new theoretical approaches that prioritize connected learning with the aim of improving the learning outcomes. Social media applications have raised the... more

Social media platforms have influenced pedagogical practices, and given rise to new theoretical approaches that prioritize connected learning with the aim of improving the learning outcomes. Social media applications have raised the popularity of short videos which were originally created in accordance with micro-learning principles. The proliferation of social media and e-learning has led to the emergence of two overarching concepts: micro-learning and nano-learning. Nano-learning refers to the condensing of microcontent into small units that are controlled and delivered by learners to achieve a single learning objective. In this respect, the social media application TikTok can be a potential educational tool in future since it enables the delivery of small learning units in a short timespan (less than 60 seconds). Designing and delivering creative learning content using TikTok can benefit pedagogical methodologies based on nano-learning principles, thereby facilitating the creation of high-quality e-learning content.

Through visual and audio elements in videos no longer than three minutes, TikTok has created new interactive modes to understand music. Amid its growing popularity, this study focuses on posts nestled under the hashtag #MusicChallenge to... more

Through visual and audio elements in videos no longer than three minutes, TikTok has created new interactive modes to understand music. Amid its growing popularity, this study focuses on posts nestled under the hashtag #MusicChallenge to understand what constitutes a "music challenge" on TikTok, how this trend comprises a mode of storytelling rather than a competition, and what in-group affiliations occur through audio memetic music via image, audio, text, and story strategies. Through a qualitative content analysis via a music storytelling codebook consisting of image, audio, text, storytelling, and ingroup affiliation codes, we analyzed 150 posts in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. This trend revealed a series of immersive-narrative patterns that define the music challenge meme as a phenomenon of transmedia storytelling, self-expression, and connecting people with in-group affiliations related to nostalgia, expertise, friendship, citizenship, and age, among others, mediated by music.

Unpublished MPhil Dissertation

Artikel ini merupakan hasil analisis kami, Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia angkatan 2018 yang berfokus tentang pemanfaatan waktu luang melalui TikTok dengan sasaran analisis salah satu akun 'seleb TikTok' yaitu... more

Artikel ini merupakan hasil analisis kami, Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia angkatan 2018 yang berfokus tentang pemanfaatan waktu luang melalui TikTok dengan sasaran analisis salah satu akun 'seleb TikTok' yaitu @fadlanholao. Di masa pandemi Covid-19 seperti ini, tentunya akan banyak sekali waktu luang yang kita miliki. Kita akhirnya memilih beberapa kegiatan yang bisa mengisi waktu luang kita, salah satunya dengan berselancar di aplikasi TikTok yang saat ini cukup naik daun, maka dari itu pada artikel ini kami ingin menganalisis bagaimana @fadlanholao berkreasi di akun TikTok-nya. Artikel ini nantinya juga akan digunakan sebagai pengganti tugas Ujian Akhir Semester genap tahun 2020 Mata Kuliah Teori Komunikasi Kontemporer.

Since its launch in 2018, TikTok has become one of the fastest-growing social media applications in the world, being particularly popular among young people. Memetic videos, which often feature lip-syncing, dance routines and comedic... more

Since its launch in 2018, TikTok has become one of the fastest-growing social media applications in the world, being particularly popular among young people. Memetic videos, which often feature lip-syncing, dance routines and comedic skits, are a defining feature of the platform. This study used quantitative content analysis and qualitative thematic analysis to examine science memes, an increasingly popular genre of memes on TikTok, by analysing 1368 TikTok videos that feature science-related content. The results of the study uncover the most influential science-content creators, the most prevalent content in science memes and three vernacular styles of science memes on TikTok. The results expand the existing science-communication scholarship focusing on the context of social media. Understanding the role of memetic science content on short-video platforms, as well as in the youth digital culture in general, also provides valuable insights into how science communicators can better engage with members of the young generation.

This study explores brand-generated marketing memeification through social media. We examine 102 brand-sponsored hashtags on TikTok. Preliminary findings suggest three types of calls to action—impersonation, transformation,... more

This study explores brand-generated marketing memeification through social media. We examine 102 brand-sponsored hashtags on
TikTok. Preliminary findings suggest three types of calls to action—impersonation, transformation, self-expression—which range on
a continuum of consumer creativity, wherein consumers’ creative performances are actively initiated, surveilled, and leveraged for
commercial means.

Los museos han experimentado una importante transformación en las últimas décadas, impulsada por su presencia en las redes sociales, lo que ha transformado su discurso hacia procesos comunicativos más abiertos y dinámicos. Como... more

Los museos han experimentado una importante transformación en las últimas décadas,
impulsada por su presencia en las redes sociales, lo que ha transformado su discurso
hacia procesos comunicativos más abiertos y dinámicos. Como consecuencia de la
pandemia, los museos han incrementado su presencia en la red ofreciendo contenidos
online en sus páginas web, de acceso gratuito y de pago, pero también en las ya tradicionales
redes sociales como Facebook y Twitter, y en las de reciente aparición, como
Tiktok. Esto les ha permitido crear y dinamizar sus contenidos para hacerlos más atractivos
y aproximar el arte y la cultura a las nuevas generaciones.
Nos proponemos analizar la presencia de los museos en la última red social, Tiktok, en
pleno auge en el momento de realizar este estudio, definir el estado de la cuestión y
analizar un caso concreto: la cuenta del Museo Nacional del Prado. Nos encontramos
ante un diseño de caso único de carácter exploratorio. Desarrollamos análisis de corte
estadístico y descriptivo para conocer las claves comunicativas y el entramado de interacciones
en la red social. Nos apoyamos en la metodología de Análisis de Redes
Sociales (ARS) (Brand y Gómez, 2006), que se define como cartografía para medir
relaciones y flujos en las relaciones y sus métricas, profundizando en el conocimiento
de los fenómenos sociales.
La revisión teórica y los análisis realizados, así como el estudio de un caso, nos permiten
comprender las claves de éxito en la red, definir nuevos modelos de museo que se
apoyan en una reformulación de sus funciones y en el uso de nuevos lenguajes, además
de la proyección de sus contenidos con alcance global en poco tiempo. Detectamos,
para finalizar, los indicadores de éxito que determinan las líneas de continuidad.

Statistics concerns the science of uncertainty, but many students are uncertain about learning statistics. Reductionism has been applied to education as a way to break down large concepts into smaller and more manageable components,... more

Statistics concerns the science of uncertainty, but many students are uncertain about learning statistics. Reductionism has been applied to education as a way to break down large concepts into smaller and more manageable components, effectively into bite-sized learning. TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms and can provide a familiar learning environment for students. This project aims to investigate the feasibility of the reductionist approach to learning statistics using TikTok. Five TikTok videos were created and shown to a group of undergraduate students in a US university. An online survey was conducted to collect the students' perceptions after viewing the TikTok videos. The preliminary findings show that TikTok videos have positive impacts on student learning through increased interest in the subjects and willingness to apply the learnt knowledge.

Since 2020, TikTok has turned into a global trending social network. It has become a digital environment where ephemeral, highly stimulating, and visual communication reigns from being initially a platform for teenagers. Today, it brings... more

Since 2020, TikTok has turned into a global trending social network. It has become a digital environment where ephemeral, highly stimulating, and visual communication reigns from being initially a platform for teenagers. Today, it brings together a wide range of broadcasters, including the media and journalists. And, as it occurs in social networks, in a context of hyperconnectivity, false information is easily made viral, thus contributing to the development of disinformation. Methodology. From a combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques, such as case studies, content analysis, in-depth interviews, and surveys, the communication of factcheckers with an active profile on TikTok is analyzed to determine the keys to debunking hoaxes and combating disinformation on such a particular social network, where users apparently go to have fun and distract themselves. Discussion and conclusions. It is evident the relevance and needs for media, journalists, and the verification media to carry out their work through new scenarios such as TikTok. Not only to ensure a message reaching increase to new audience segments, but also as an innovative process to attack the phenomenon of disinformation, such as fake news and speculation that is increasingly decentralized through digital channels. TikTok has been a narrative challenge based on message synthesis and visual creativity.

TikTok merupakan salah satu aplikasi yang paling terpopuler dan diminati di dunia. Aplikasi TikTok masuk menjadi konteks budaya yang popular, karena saat ini TikTok menjadi suatu trend yang baru dikalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Dalam... more

TikTok merupakan salah satu aplikasi yang paling terpopuler dan diminati di dunia. Aplikasi TikTok masuk menjadi konteks budaya yang popular, karena saat ini TikTok menjadi suatu trend yang baru dikalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Dalam aplikasi TikTok, penggunanya dengan mudah membagikan berbagai video dengan berbagai konten. Artikel ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menjelaskan dampak dan pengaruh aplikasi TikTok terhadap kehidupan sosial masyarakat dan membuktikan bahwa TikTok sudah merubah tatanan kehidupan sosial dan budaya masyarakat. Dibalik dampak positif aplikasi TikTok, kehadiran Tiktok juga telah membuat pergeseran nilai sosial dan budaya pada masyarakat. Salah satunya yang kerap dijumpai ialah perubahan pola perilaku individu, hilangnya sifat kekeluargaan dan gotong royong.