Amphorae Research Papers - (original) (raw)

From the Contents: François Salviat, Le vin de Thasos. Amphores, vin et sources écrites; François Salviat, Vignes et vins anciens de Maronée à Mende; François Salviat, Le vin de Rhodes et les plantations du Dème d' Amos; François Salviat,... more

From the Contents:
François Salviat, Le vin de Thasos. Amphores, vin et sources écrites; François Salviat, Vignes et vins anciens de Maronée à Mende; François Salviat, Le vin de Rhodes et les plantations du Dème d' Amos; François Salviat, Origine orientale et diffusion des cépages grecs; André Tchernia, Le vin et l' honneur; André Tchernia, Les dimensions de quelques vignobles romains; André Tchernia, Maesanius Celsius et Caedicia Victrix surdes amphores de campanie; André Tchernia, Le cercle de L. Licinius Crassus et la naissance de la hiérarchie des vins à Rome; André Tchernia, Acre Falernum: Juvenal, XIII, 213-216; Archéologie expérimentale et got du vin romain: la valorisation du got de madérisé; François Salviat, André Tchernia, Les appellations d' origine dans l' antiquité grecque et romaine; André Tchernia, La formule pane et vino adjecto et l' inscription du college d' Esculape et d' Hygie (CIL, VI, 10234)

conference on Thuasday 26th May 2022
at 19.00 h

La conduite de la vigne en hautain, qui consiste à faire grimper le cep et les sarments sur un arbre porteur, est une technique mentionnée par les agronomes antiques, notamment pour la Gaule (Columelle, Les arbres, XVI, et De... more

La conduite de la vigne en hautain, qui consiste à faire grimper le cep et les sarments sur un arbre porteur, est une technique mentionnée par les agronomes antiques, notamment pour la Gaule (Columelle, Les arbres, XVI, et De l’agriculture, V, 7 ; Pline H.N. XVII, 35 ; Palladius, L’économie rurale, III, 10). La pratique du hautain est encore couramment employée en France à l’époque moderne, très répandue en Espagne et en Italie au XXe s., et on la trouve encore aujourd’hui en Haute-Garonne dans le piémont pyrénéen, et en Haute-Savoie, au bord du lac Léman : il s’agit des fameuses « crosses » dont il reste quelques exemplaires sur la commune de Marin, près d’Evian.
Les archéologues français recherchent depuis longtemps en Narbonnaise et dans le reste de la Gaule des traces matérielles permettant de corroborer les descriptions des auteurs antiques.
P. Boissinot disait en 2001 à propos de cette technique : « on imagine dans ce cas une profusion de fosses autour d’un réseau régulier de creusements plus volumineux. On ne connaît pas pour l’instant une telle configuration de fosses (espacements, emboîtements) dans les décapages archéologiques effectués dans le Midi ». Or il se trouve que pour l’heure seule la plantation du Grand Palais à Châteauneuf-du-Rhône, peut évoquer une telle configuration : des emboîtements de fosses d’un module de 4 pieds et de fosses de 3 pieds, ainsi que des espacements entre les autres fosses s’avérant souvent inférieurs à 2 pieds. Ce site a naturellement soulevé la question de la conduite en hautain.
Récemment, dans Archéopages, nos collègues bretons ont interprété des traces agraires mises au jour sur le site de la villa du Quiou dans les Côtes d’Armor, comme les preuves de cultures en hautain. Ces traces, qui s’organisent en une trame régulière de fosses circulaires, s’apparentent précisément à l’état le plus précoce (Ier s. av. J.-C.) des plantations du Grand Palais. Nous essaierons lors de cette présentation de livrer les arguments permettant d’accréditer ou de réfuter une telle hypothèse d’interprétation.

The necessity for prostheses was as apparent in antiquity as it is today. There are two primary considerations for these devices; form and function. Form is both the aesthetics of the appliance in its own right and also how accurately the... more

The necessity for prostheses was as apparent in antiquity as it is today. There are two primary considerations for these devices; form and function. Form is both the aesthetics of the appliance in its own right and also how accurately the appliance replicates its natural counterpart. Function refers to how effectively the device performs its assigned task(s). With these in mind, it be will discussed whether the examples of ancient prostheses available to us today shared such considerations, and if so, in what way did benefit the physically impaired.

Scholars have for generations recognized the importance of wine production, distribution, and consumption in relation to second millennium BC palatial complexes in the Mediterranean and Near East. However, direct archaeological evidence... more

Scholars have for generations recognized the importance of wine production, distribution, and consumption in relation to second millennium BC palatial complexes in the Mediterranean and Near East. However, direct archaeological evidence has rarely been offered, despite the prominence of ancient viticulture in administrative clay tablets, visual media, and various forms of documentation. Tartaric and syringic acids, along with evidence for resination, have been identified in ancient ceramics, but until now the archaeological contexts behind these sporadic discoveries had been uneven and vague, precluding definitive conclusions about the nature of ancient viticulture. The situation has now changed. During the 2013 excavation season of the Kabri Archaeological Project, a rare opportunity materialized when forty large storage vessels were found in situ in an enclosed room located to the west of the central courtyard within the Middle Bronze Age Canaanite palace. A comprehensive program of organic residue analysis has now revealed that all of the relatively uniform jars contain evidence for wine. Furthermore, the enclosed context inherent to a singular intact wine cellar presented an unprecedented opportunity for a scientifically intensive study, allowing for the detection of subtle differences in the ingredients or additives within similar wine jars of apparently the same vintage. Additives seem to have included honey, storax resin, terebinth resin, cedar oil, cyperus, juniper, and perhaps even mint, myrtle, or cinnamon, all or most of which are attested in the 18th century BC Mari texts from Mesopotamia and the 15th century BC Ebers Papyrus from Egypt. These additives suggest a sophisticated understanding of the botanical landscape and the pharmacopeic skills necessary to produce a complex beverage that balanced preservation, palatability, and psychoactivity. This new study has resulted in insights unachievable in the past, which contribute to a greater understanding not only of ancient viticulture but also of Canaanite palatial economy.

La fermentation du vin en pots d’argile remonte au tout début de l'histoire de la vitiviniculture. Les Phéniciens, les Grecs et plus tard les Romains ont contribué à répandre cette technique de fermentation et de conservation du vin,... more

La fermentation du vin en pots d’argile remonte au tout début de l'histoire de la vitiviniculture. Les Phéniciens, les Grecs et plus tard les Romains ont contribué à répandre cette technique de fermentation et de conservation du vin, ainsi que la technique de fabrication des grands récipients en céramique qui lui est associée (dolium).Dés l’Antiquité, le foudre en bois va graduellement remplacer partout le dolium et ce, même en Italie. La méthode primitive de vinification s’est néanmoins perpétuée jusqu’à nos jours dans trois régions du monde ancien : en Transcaucasie (kvervi), en Espagne (tinaja) et au Portugal (talha). Cette communication présente une analyse du cas d’étude portugais dans une perspective transdisciplinaire et transhistorique, ayant pour objectif de comprendre pourquoi et comment cette tradition s’est perpétuée jusqu’à nos jours dans cette région de la péninsule ibérique, prenant comme point de départ la théorie formulée par le géographe Orlando Ribeiro pour expliquer la résilience plurimillénaire de cette technique archaïque de vinification dans cette région du Portugal.

Wino jest najstarszym znanym alkoholem. Prawdopodobnie było również pierwszą dostępną człowiekowi używką. Na terenie Egei już od wczesnej epoki brązu wino osiągnęło ważna pozycje jako składnik diety, ofiara, czy półprodukt w... more

Wino jest najstarszym znanym alkoholem. Prawdopodobnie było również pierwszą
dostępną człowiekowi używką.
Na terenie Egei już od wczesnej epoki brązu wino osiągnęło ważna pozycje jako składnik
diety, ofiara, czy półprodukt w wytwórstwie. To dzięki obecności wina i mięsa uczty i festiwale
mogły pełnić ważne funkcje społeczne.
Badania fizykochemiczne potwierdzają stosowanie wina w medycynie już od
najwcześniejszych okresów epoki brązu. Znane są również liczne dodatki polepszające trwałość
trunku oraz zmieniające jego smak.
Winorośl hodowano a wino tłoczono na różne sposoby uzyskując wiele rodzajów napoju,
który gromadzono i redystrybuowano rozmaitymi drogami. Zachowane dokumenty świadczą o
jego istotnej roli w ekonomii świata mykeńskiego.
Wino stanowiąc cenny symbolicznie i strategicznie towar zachowało swoje znaczenie
także po upadku kultur egejskich.

This book includes the scientific outcome of several years of predoctoral training as a member of the research group CEIPAC (Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antigüedad Clásica) of the University of Barcelona... more

This book includes the scientific outcome of several years of predoctoral training as a member of the research group CEIPAC (Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antigüedad Clásica) of the University of Barcelona ( group, headed by José Remesal (Professor of Ancient History), concentrates on the study of foodstuff production and commercialization during the early and mid Roman periods. The work aims at two aspects: First it provides a synthesis of previous and current research on Baetican oil amphorae and their long morphological evolution, including changes in the epigraphic habit. The Baetican oil amphorae are re-valued as a chrono-stratigraphic fossil director based on their morphology and epigraphy. The chronological development is confirmed by the comparison with stratified amphorae from Monte Testaccio in Rome. The second aspect refers to the study of Baetican oil consumption in the eastern part of the province of Hispania Tarraconensis based on the amphora finds. In this part various problems are discussed such as the mechanisms of oil trade in this region and the role of the province of Tarraconensis regarding the distribution and consumtion of these amphorae. The book was reviewed in both national (Pyrenae, 29; Geryon, 16; Gallaecia, 19) and international journals (Sehepunkte 7, No. 1).

The ruins of the ancient village of Chhim, located in the mountains near Sidon, constitute an exceptional case of a well-preserved rural archaeological site in Lebanon. Chhim has been researched in depth thanks to recent excavations. The... more

The ruins of the ancient village of Chhim, located in the mountains near Sidon, constitute an exceptional case of a well-preserved rural archaeological site in Lebanon. Chhim has been researched in depth thanks to recent excavations. The sanctuary from the Roman period, the Christian basilica, residential buildings, and numerous oil presses provide an account of a settlement whose livelihood was based on agriculture and animal husbandry—all while remaining in close contact with other coastal Mediterranean settlements. The relatively high and stable level of prosperity of Chhim’s inhabitants contrasted with technological stagnation and the retention of traditional building techniques—both characteristic of the mountainous regions of ancient Phoenicia.

The publication is devoted to archaeobotanical studies of the Maslyanaya Gora fort as well as to issues related to it`s household features. The fort is located in the lower reaches of the Belbek River (Southwestern Crimea), in the contact... more

The publication is devoted to archaeobotanical studies of the Maslyanaya Gora fort as well as to issues related to it`s household features. The fort is located in the lower reaches of the Belbek River (Southwestern Crimea), in the contact zone between Chersonesos and the local barbarian population. Two stages of the object`s existence have been distinguished: the early, Chersonesian (late 4th - third quarter of the 3rd centuries BC), and the late Hellenistic one, associated with the period of Mithridates VI (ending with the destruction of the fort in the first half of the 1st century BC). Among the material found in the samples from the cultural strata of the early horizon of the site, the grains of barley (Hordeum vulgare) are the most common. Millet (Panicum miliaceum) and emmer (Triticum dicoccum) were also recorded. For this period, large grain pits are also characteristic, as well as fragments of saddle querns. In the late 2nd – early 1st centuries BC the fortification was rebuilt; profound household complex has been investigated in the eastern part of the fort. The grain was stored (barley, common wheat, millet, oats) in amphorae here, and its fur-ther processing took place too (stone mortars, hopper rubbers, hearths and oven were recorded). The find of oat grains in the amphora is of great importance as it allows us to suggest the cultural cultiva-tion of oats in the vicinity of the fort in the Late Hellenistic period.
For samples 1-3, reflecting the early fort`s phases, the archaeologisation of the grains was relatively random, whereas samples 4-13, illustrating the economy of the inhabitants of the Fort of Mithridatic period, are taken from the fillings of well-preserved amphorae.

Une prospection archéologique en Kabylie avait livré de nombreux pressoirs taillés dans le roc (J.-P. Laporte, "Fermes, huileries et pressoirs de Grande Kabylie", BCTH, n. s., 19, 1983 (1985), p. 127-146. Sur La publication... more

Une prospection archéologique en Kabylie avait livré de nombreux pressoirs taillés dans le roc (J.-P. Laporte, "Fermes, huileries et pressoirs de Grande Kabylie", BCTH, n. s., 19, 1983 (1985), p. 127-146. Sur La publication de cette synthèse a provoqué un certain intérêt pour ce type d'équipement rustique, et on en a découvert un peu partout. La destination oléicole avait été contestée, au profit d'un but vinicole. Elle semble reprendre l'avantage, notamment avec la découverte près de Tébessa d'un pressoir comportant les cuves de décantation successives (taillées dans le même rocher que le pressoir) utiles seulement dans le cas de l'huile.

The kingdom of Judah and the Philistine cities along the coast had experienced un-paralleled economic prosperity during the seventh century BCE. This is evident from the surge of settlement in the fringe areas of the Negev and the Judean... more

The kingdom of Judah and the Philistine cities along the coast had experienced un-paralleled economic prosperity during the seventh century BCE. This is evident from the surge of settlement in the fringe areas of the Negev and the Judean desert, and from the large production and trade centres unearthed around Jerusalem and at Ekron and Ashkelon. The discovery of Judahite wheat in Ashkelon, together with other available archaeological evidence of trade and the local geographical conditions, enable us to reconstruct the well-integrated economy of the region in the seventh century, and to re-examine its role within the period's larger economic structures. After presenting the evidence regarding the economic system of Judah and Philistia in the seventh century BCE, the paper will reconstruct the function of this "local" system within the larger "world" system, and will re-examine the role of the Assyrians, Phoenicians and Egyptians in its creation.

In this paper are presented the installations of wine production in Macedonia. The archaeological evidences are searched out at the landlocked part of Macedonia, in its modern boundaries, including the island of Tsasos, from the archaic... more

In this paper are presented the installations of wine production in Macedonia. The archaeological evidences are searched out at the landlocked part of Macedonia, in its modern boundaries, including the island of Tsasos, from the archaic to late roman period. In the beginning are presented the first evidences of wine production in Greece, the ways that the farmers used for the protection of their vineyards and the most important centers of wine production. Also, are presented the regions where vineyards and installations were found and are examined the wine production of Macedonian cities through their coins. Finally, are presented the three laws which were found at Tsasos and arranged the wine trade.

İzmir Arkeoloji Müzesi’nde korunan çok sayıdaki ticari amphora arasında az sayıda da olsa Arkaik Dönem’e tarihlenen örnekler yer almaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında, İ.Ö. geç 7. yüzyıl ile erken 5. yüzyıl arasına tarihlenen sekiz amphora ele... more

İzmir Arkeoloji Müzesi’nde korunan çok sayıdaki ticari amphora arasında az sayıda da olsa Arkaik Dönem’e tarihlenen örnekler yer almaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında, İ.Ö. geç 7. yüzyıl ile erken 5. yüzyıl arasına tarihlenen sekiz amphora ele alınmıştır. Buluntular içindeki en büyük grubu üç örnekle Lesbos üretimleri oluşturmaktadır. Lesbos amphoralarından iki tanesi “Gri” biri ise “Kırmızı” kil hamuru rengine sahiptir. Beyaz astarlı Khios amphoraları iki örnekle, Klazomenai ve Miletos ise tek bir amphora ile temsil edilmektedir. İzmir Arkeoloji Müzesi’ndeki son örnek, bölgesel bir üretim anlayışı içinde İonia üretimi olarak sınıflandırılmıştır.

Este volumen es el resultado del trabajo realizado, durante varios años, por el grupo CEIPAC consistente en el estudio del material anfórico hallado en la Colonia Ulpia Traiana (Xanten, Alemania). Se han estudiado más de dieciocho mil... more

Este volumen es el resultado del trabajo realizado, durante varios años, por el grupo CEIPAC consistente en el estudio del material anfórico hallado en la Colonia Ulpia Traiana (Xanten, Alemania). Se han estudiado más de dieciocho mil fragmentos de ánforas hallados en las excavaciones realizadas en la ciudad a lo largo de casi un siglo, lo que ha permitido definir el comercio de alimentos que se estableció entre una ciudad de la frontera renana y las regiones del Mediterráneo. Junto al análisis del material hallado en la ciudad, se presenta el estado actual de la investigación de cada uno de los tipos anfóricos y se pone a disposición del lector, junto a la información puntual sobre la presencia de un determinado tipo anfórico, una información general que le permite contextualizar mejor los datos obtenidos. La obra tiene dos aspectos diversos: uno, el que se refiere al estudio del lugar concreto de hallazgo de nuestras ánforas, lo que permite ayudar a datar algunos estratos arqueológicos y a estudiar la distribución espacial de las ánforas en la ciudad. El segundo aspecto, más interesante a nivel general, es haber delimitado qué productos vienen de qué zona del Mediterráneo, en qué momento y en qué proporción. En síntesis, podemos concluir que existe una corriente de comercio entre todas las regiones del Mediterráneo y la ciudad de Xanten en época julio-claudia, y que a partir de época Flavia las relaciones comerciales se intensifican y casi se convierten en exclusivas entre Xanten y las provincias romanas de Gallia e Hispania. Lo cual conduce a una discusión sobre el significado de la influencia del estado romano en la distribución de productos alimentarios, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta la población militar de la región. Además, se presentan claves para el estudio de las redes comerciales entre Germania y las provincias mediterráneas, se discute el camino entre el Mediterráneo y la frontera, y se defiende la importancia de la ruta atlántica en contraposición a la vía del Ródano, que, tradicionalmente, se consideraba como la más importante.