World History Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Z a m a n U n i v e r s i t y P h n o m P e n h , C a m b o d i a 6 / 4 / 2 0 1 3

The authors suggest to view the origins of Islam against the background of the 6th century AD Arabian socio-ecological crisis whose model is specified in the paper through the study of climatological, seismological, volcanological and... more

The authors suggest to view the origins of Islam against the background of the 6th century AD Arabian socio-ecological crisis whose model is specified in the paper through the study of climatological, seismological, volcanological and epidemiological history of the period. Most socio-political systems of the Arabs reacted to the socio-ecological crisis by getting rid of the rigid supra- tribal political structures (kingdoms and chiefdoms) which started posing a real threat to their very survival. The decades of fighting which led to the destruction of most of the Arabian kingdoms and chiefdoms (reflected in Ayyãm al- 'Arab tradition) led to the elaboration of some definite "anti- royal" freedom-loving tribal ethos. At the beginning of the 7th century tribes which would recog- nise themselves as subjects of some terrestrial super-tribal political authority, the "king", risked to lose its honour. However, this seems not to be applicable to the authority of another type, the "ce- lestial" one. At the meantime the early 7th century evidences the merging of the Arabian tradition of prophecy and the Arabian Monotheist "Rahmanist" tradition which produced "the Arabian pro- phetic movement". The Monotheist "Rahmanist" prophets appear to have represented a supratribal authority just of the type many Arab tribes were looking for at this very time, which seems to ex- plain to a certain extent those prophets' political success (including the extreme political success of Muhammad).

Для мира, уже который год переживающего кризис, наступил момент истины – упоение «свободной» экономикой прошло, уступив место разочарованию и усталости от радикального, безудержного либерализма. На смену идет система, еще не получившая... more

Для мира, уже который год переживающего кризис, наступил момент истины – упоение «свободной» экономикой прошло, уступив место разочарованию и усталости от радикального, безудержного либерализма. На смену идет система, еще не получившая своего «изма».
В свете этого особое значение приобретает теория длинных волн, созданная Н. Д. Кондратьевым, которая служит важнейшим инструментом для адекватного понимания текущих мир-
системных процессов. Мало того, эта теория в совокупности с теорией смены технологических укладов является одной из немногих в экономической науке, которая позволяет строить научно обоснованные прогнозы. В настоящей монографии затронут целый комплекс проблем, вполне
удачно объединенных под названием «Кризисы и прогнозы в свете теории длинных волн». Задачей
авторов было более точно установить влияние на экономические подъемы и кризисы объективных
и субъективных факторов циклов разной периодичности; выявить влияние инноваций на экономическую динамику на разных фазах циклов; использовать теорию длинных волн в совокупности
с теорией смены технологических укладов для построения научно обоснованных прогнозов. Так
или иначе авторы также касались проблемы органичной связи теории длинных (кондратьевских)
волн с теорией средне-срочных (жюгляровских) циклов. Ведь экономический кризис (крах, спад и
депрессия) – это наиболее драматичная часть именно среднесрочного экономического цикла. Кри-
зисы всегда являются результатом предшествующего активного роста, поскольку этот рост неиз-
бежно создает структурные напряжения не только в экономике, но и в обществе в целом (институ-
ты общества рассчитаны на определенный объем и масштаб явлений и процессов). Но, разумеется,
все кризисы при некоторых сходствах проходят по-разному. Кроме того, заметно отличаются они в
зависимости от того, на какой – повышательной или понижательной – фазе длинной кондратьев-
ской волны они случаются.
В монографии также затрагиваются и очень важные вопросы связи государств и экономического развития, проблемы возникновения социально-политических кризисов в процессе модернизации, другие аспекты социально-политической нестабильности в разных регионах мира.

In the paper, we express some doubts about one of the assumptions of Robert Carneiro’s model on state (and chiefdom) formation, namely the role of circumscription. In our opinion, the main flaw of Carneiro’s original theory of state... more

In the paper, we express some doubts about one of the assumptions
of Robert Carneiro’s model on state (and chiefdom) formation,
namely the role of circumscription. In our opinion, the main flaw of
Carneiro’s original theory of state formation is that it implicitly
assumes that every community dreamt to conquer its neighboring
communities. We test the presence of various types of warfare (such
as conquest warfare, land acquisition warfare, and plunder warfare)
in societies with different degrees of political centralization.
Quantitative cross-cultural tests reveal a rather strong correlation
between political complexity and the presence of conquest warfare
suggesting that conquest warfare was virtually absent among
independent communities. Newer works by Carneiro propose a
model explaining how simple chiefdoms could appear in the absence
of conquest warfare. This model also includes circumscription, but
our analysis suggests that it is unnecessary.

This series seeks to promote understanding of large-scale and long-term processes of social change, in particular the many facets and implications of globalization. It critically explores the factors that affect the historical formation... more

This series seeks to promote understanding of large-scale and long-term processes of social change, in particular the many facets and implications of globalization. It critically explores the factors that affect the historical formation and current evolution of social systems, on both the regional and global level. Processes and factors that are examined include economies, technologies, geopolitics, institutions, conflicts, demographic trends, climate change, global culture, social movements, global inequalities, etc.

Se donnant comme « la Modernité », les années 1770 à 1914 sont le temps de l’industrialisation et de l’expansion impériale et coloniale. La science est victorieuse, la technique est reine, la Terre est quadrillée et mesurée, les... more

Se donnant comme « la Modernité », les années 1770 à 1914 sont le temps de l’industrialisation et de l’expansion impériale et coloniale. La science est victorieuse, la technique est reine, la Terre est quadrillée et mesurée, les
populations sont mises en nombres, les races sont cartographiées. Laboratoires, universités et musées se répandent à l’échelle planétaire.
Réunissant les contributions de spécialistes des quatre coins du monde, ce deuxième tome de l’Histoire des sciences et des savoirs nous parle des sciences physiques et mathématiques, des sciences et des savoirs en Inde, de la révolution Meiji et du « provincialisme » colonial des sciences amé- ricaines. Il raconte aussi l’avènement des microbes et leur impact sur les sociétés, l’engouement populaire pour les expositions universelles et, déjà, les inquiétudes des contemporainsepour la détérioration du climat.
Un livre concret qui brosse un xix siècle fascinant et... inquiétant.

What does Russia want in Ukraine? Why does Putin invade?


En el presente trabajo intento analizar con detenimiento el modo en que fue evolucionando el vínculo teorizado entre los actores y el cambio social en el mundo desde tiempos pretéritos, para lograr discernir en que marco de resolució￳n... more

En el presente trabajo intento analizar con detenimiento el modo en que fue evolucionando el vínculo teorizado entre los actores y el cambio social en el mundo desde tiempos pretéritos, para lograr discernir en que marco de resolució￳n nos encontramos hoy en América Latina. En el texto voy a suponer que los tres componentes críticos que vienen definiendo las visiones de la relaci￳ón entre los actores y el cambio en el pensamiento social occidental son la unidad de transformaci￳ón en ultima instancia (UT), el vector de ordenamiento (VO) y el principio normativo rector (PN). Las formas concretas y los contenidos que asumieron tales componentes fueron cambiando a lo largo de la historia. Y con cada cambio se complejizó el escenario intelectual, a la vez que se fueron generando nuevos desacoples entre la progresió￳n material del mundo y su evolució￳n simbó￳lica.
Para intentar dimensionar la situaci￳ón que estamos atravesando en las ciencias sociales de nuestro continente propongo trazar una línea de progresió￳n que contempla las diferentes constelaciones intelectuales dominantes que se fueron sucediendo a lo largo de la historia occidental hasta la actualidad. En el texto distingo seis constelaciones consecutivas, cada una de las cuales se corresponde con una transformaci￳ón intelectual mayúscula, ligada a cambios histó￳ricos igualmente sustantivos. A los fines del presente trabajo cobran particular relevancia las tres últimas: i) la constelació￳n moderna clásica, ligada a un estado duradero de monopolio noreuropeo (mitad siglo XIX- mitad siglo XX), ii) la primera constelaci￳ón mundialista, de corta duraci￳ón, asociada a un momento excepcional de recreació￳n autó￳noma de América Latina (mitad siglo XX-fines década de 1970) y iii) la constelació￳n posdictatorial, de mediana duraci￳ón, cuya configuració￳n estuvo condicionada por los macroefectos producidos por la última ola de dictaduras militares desplegada en la regi￳ón (década de 1980-principios del siglo XXI). Cada una de las seis constelaciones que analizo en el trabajo fue delineando diferentes modos de articulaci￳ón, o bien de desactivaci￳ón, de los tres componentes críticos señ￱alados arriba.
Junto a ello, en el trabajo intento demostrar que desde principios del siglo XXI se viene descomponiendo en América Latina la constelaci￳ón posdictatorial de las ciencias sociales. Y señalo que ello está ocurriendo dado el mayor distanciamiento respecto a las experiencias de exterminio social de las décadas del 60 y del 70 del siglo XX, y sobre todo a partir de un conjunto de transformaciones, tanto negativas como positivas, que viene experimentando la regi￳ón en los últimos tiempos. Al final de este texto panorámico extraigo algunas conclusiones que permiten identificar algunos de los grandes desafíos que tenemos por delante para avanzar en la edificació￳n de una ciencia social unificada, aut￳ónoma y universalista, al servicio de la acci￳ón colectiva, y dotada de capacidades suficientes para escudri￱ñar el futuro latinoamericano en el torbellino de los procesos de cambio social mundial. El secreto vuelve a estar en el modo en que concebimos y articulamos la unidad de transformaci￳ón en ultima instancia (UT), el vector de ordenamiento (VO) y el principio normativo rector (PN) para repensar la relació￳n entre los actores y el cambio social en América Latina.

Enver Paşa, 1. Dünya savaşı

Anatolian-Turkish Caravanserais in The Middle Ages in Terms of Interaction Between Cultures In the course of history, trade and commercial contacts had an important role in the diffusion of cultures and cultural products among different... more

Anatolian-Turkish Caravanserais in The Middle Ages in Terms of Interaction Between Cultures In the course of history, trade and commercial contacts had an important role in the diffusion of cultures and cultural products among different societies. Anatolia, which is an important junction between Asia and West, owing to its geographical position, has an important place in point of trade and cultural history. From Seljukid period on, a lot of caravanserais were built to ensure commercial

in partnership with the University of California Press and the California Digital Library. GAIA volumes, which are published in both print and open-access digital editions, illuminate complex global phenomena and contribute to the renewal... more

in partnership with the University of California Press and the California Digital Library. GAIA volumes, which are published in both print and open-access digital editions, illuminate complex global phenomena and contribute to the renewal of area studies. University of California Press, one of the most distinguished university presses in the United States, enriches lives around the world by advancing scholarship in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Its activities are supported by the UC Press Foundation and by philanthropic contributions from individuals and institutions. For more information, visit

I teach at a junior high school in a small, rural town. I teach a two year course of World History to sixth and seventh grade students. The research for this Action Research Project was completed with the participation of a group of... more

I teach at a junior high school in a small, rural town. I teach a two year course of World History to sixth and seventh grade students. The research for this Action Research Project was completed with the participation of a group of seventh graders in March 2010.
I decided to rewrite the focus of one of my units of study in the seventh grade curriculum. I decided to pilot the unit on the Industrial Revolution as a result of the preparation I completed for the biography section of Chapter 1. I wanted to completely refocus this unit on the way the major social upheavals of this time effected the lives of ordinary people, focusing on social history rather than on the traditional, top-down examination of inventions and inventors. This approach was influenced by my own background and reading that I did by people like James Loewen
The data was collected in a couple of ways. These included students filling out surveys, which are discussed in Chapter 3. I also collected some anecdotal data and some work samples completed by students. I was interested to see whether such a focus would raise student engagement with the material covered. While I think that that happened on a perhaps visceral level, and the data leads me to that conclusion, the data did not necessarily show that when I looked at work completed by students.
The main thing that I learned was that this approach definitely increased my own personal and professional engagement with a topic area that I already loved. I also believe that some students made some meaningful connections with ordinary people who lived in historic times. I certainly intend to continue implementing this approach with other topic areas in future.

world order Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History

This is a poignant moment to contemplate the sea, and mankind's relationship to it. The pressures of climate change and human activity—from large-­scale aquaculture to container shipping, from mineral extraction to deep-­sea... more

This is a poignant moment to contemplate the sea, and mankind's relationship to it. The pressures of climate change and human activity—from large-­scale aquaculture to container shipping, from mineral extraction to deep-­sea exploration—have affected the oceans and the marine life on which we depend, usually not for the better. As Lincoln Paine conclusively demonstrates in this magisterial work, the seas are also a crucial, perhaps even central, point of focus in the story of human civilization. Paine opens the book by declaring that he wants to change the way we see the world--by re-orienting our attention to the three-quarters of the planet that is blue, and composing a longue durée history that places water, not land, at the center of global development and transformation. ...

This is a high-school level paper focusing on some of the similarities and contradictions behind the conflicts and communications of some European rulers. Please cite the original source properly.

Tomich, Dale; Zeuske, “The Second Slavery: Mass Slavery, World Economy and Comparative Microhistories”, in: Review: A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center, Binghamton University Vol. XXXI, no. 3 (2008), S. 91-100 (=special issue edited... more

Tomich, Dale; Zeuske, “The Second Slavery: Mass Slavery, World Economy and Comparative Microhistories”, in: Review: A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center, Binghamton University Vol. XXXI, no. 3 (2008), S. 91-100 (=special issue edited by Dale Tomich & Michael Zeuske, eds., The Second Slavery: Mass Slavery, World-Economy, and Comparative Microhistories, Part I).

Overall, these concerns should not detract from the accomplishments of this study, which is tremendously effective in capturing the outlooks and attitudes of genteel women in the British colonies. Lawrence's rigorous research has enabled... more

Overall, these concerns should not detract from the accomplishments of this study, which is tremendously effective in capturing the outlooks and attitudes of genteel women in the British colonies. Lawrence's rigorous research has enabled her to amplify female voice across a spectrum of geographic settings, illuminating women's manifold domestic contributions to the imperial project and blurring the tidy lines between public and private spheres in the process. This text surely warrants consideration for inclusion on reading lists for upper-division and graduate-level course offerings centred on an assortment of themes, including women's history, British history and European colonial history. In the latter two cases, the ability of Genteel Women to highlight women's subtler participation in the process of empire would undoubtedly work towards harmonizing male-dominated political narratives.

This is a slideshow from my World since 1945 class.

No século XIX o mundo ocidental viu-se confrontado com a disseminação de epidemias que alteraram o paradigma da saúde pública. A primeira grande vaga epidémica disseminou a cólera. Com origem na Ásia, a doença espalhou-se por todo o... more

No século XIX o mundo ocidental viu-se confrontado com a disseminação de epidemias que alteraram o paradigma da saúde pública. A primeira grande vaga epidémica disseminou a cólera. Com origem na Ásia, a doença espalhou-se por todo o mundo, fazendo milhares de vítimas. Em Portugal a cidade do Porto registou as primeiras em 1833 e a doença provocou uma mortalidade maior do que a Guerra Civil. Além das habituais doenças endémicas que flagelaram as populações em percursos de vida sem medicamentos adequados e em contato com águas frequentemente contaminadas, outras epidemias se disseminaram neste século: febre-amarela, peste bubónica, tifo exantemático, varíola e gripe pneumónica, que dizimaram percentagens elevadas da população.
A análise dos temas da higiene, doenças endémicas e epidemias poderá contribuir para um melhor entendimento das dificuldades diárias com que as populações foram confrontadas até meados do século XX, quando a generalização do uso das vacinas e da penicilina, além de obras de saneamento básico nos países ocidentais, as debelou quase totalmente. Em simultâneo com o diagnóstico das doenças, a divulgação do conhecimento científico tornou-se cada vez mais relevante para conter a respetiva disseminação. Neste sentido, a difusão da imprensa deu um contributo substancial para a divulgação do conhecimento científico da época, assim como para a transmissão das medidas sanitárias essenciais para conter as graves crises sanitárias. As imagens das epidemias na imprensa permitem-nos conhecer o estado da ciência num país considerado periférico, mas que dispunha de tantos conhecimentos e pessoal especializado como os países mais avançados da sua época. Alguns protagonistas da ciência em Portugal, médicos especialistas em Higiene e Saúde Pública, tiveram percursos de internacionalização reconhecidos, tanto por terem estudado nos melhores laboratórios e universidades europeus da época, como por terem participado em conferências internacionais e terem estado a par das mais recentes novidades através de livros e revistas internacionais que circulavam e nas quais também publicaram os resultados das suas investigações. Este tema ilumina o debate sobre a disseminação da ciência e o lugar que Portugal ocupava na comunidade científica internacional.

This paper looks at Bruno Nettl's analysis of comparison and the idea of a comparative method in ethnomusicology. Drawing on research into alliances and affiliations between Indigenous artists and activists in Australia and PNG and their... more

This paper looks at Bruno Nettl's analysis of comparison and the idea of a comparative method in ethnomusicology. Drawing on research into alliances and affiliations between Indigenous artists and activists in Australia and PNG and their counterparts in the African Diaspora, it argues that historical ethnomusicology--or, a world music history--can be play an important role in the future of ethnomusicology and in decolonizing musicology at large. Research for this world music history is of necessity multi-sited and comparative, though not in the ways that older structural-functionalist and structuralist projects were.

Ce cours-séminaire a pour objectif de familiariser les étudiant-e-s avec les principaux thèmes, problèmes et enjeux de l'histoire de mondialisation. Il examinera plus précisément les acteurs, les formes et l'évolution des contacts et des... more

Ce cours-séminaire a pour objectif de familiariser les étudiant-e-s avec les principaux thèmes, problèmes et enjeux de l'histoire de mondialisation. Il examinera plus précisément les acteurs, les formes et l'évolution des contacts et des interconnexions entre les pays et les régions du monde, sans oublier les phases de crises et de rétraction des échanges ainsi que les résistances que la mondialisation a suscité du XIXe siècle à nos jours. Des aspects-clés des interactions et des interdépendances globales tels que l'économie, l'expansion coloniale, les mobilités humaines, matérielles et biologiques, mais aussi l'environnement, l'éducation et le sport seront particulièrement approfondis. Le cours montrera que la mondialisation, loin d'être un processus neutre et inéluctable, est un phénomène socialement, politiquement et culturellement construit, outre qu'intimement liée à des enjeux géostratégiques et idéologiques historiquement situés.

The Second edition of Cross-Cultural Encounters in Modern World History is designed expand on the first edition’s insight into the dynamics of cross-cultural encounters presented in an accessible, student-oriented narrative format. The... more

The Second edition of Cross-Cultural Encounters in Modern World History is designed expand on the first edition’s insight into the dynamics of cross-cultural encounters presented in an accessible, student-oriented narrative format. The new edition employs current scholarship on the subject, while addressing recent developments. The treatment of indigenous agency has been expanded throughout, including the major role played by Polynesians in the spread of Christianity in Oceania that has often been under-represented in historical surveys which focus on Western missionary societies and the activities of their missionaries. Chapter ten on immigration to Europe after World War II has been updated to reflect the refugee crisis and the evolving political situation in Europe concerning its immigrant population. The discussion questions at the end of each chapter, which provide an excellent way to get the students into group discussions, have been updated. Readers of the first edition have valued the manner in which its chapters are enlivened with the voices and views of those who were and remain directly engaged in the process of cross-cultural exchange from 1500 to the present. This edition is designed to build upon that achievement.

to avarice, opportunism, and violence. Power, rather than the power of ideas, Weber argues, determined how Spaniards treated Indians in the Age of the Enlightenment. Contradictory Bourbon policies also partly explain why missionaries... more

to avarice, opportunism, and violence. Power, rather than the power of ideas, Weber argues, determined how Spaniards treated Indians in the Age of the Enlightenment. Contradictory Bourbon policies also partly explain why missionaries failed to win over Amerindians in the Amazon and Chaco regions. While Bourbon officials lessened missionaries' authority, they urged religious orders to send out better-trained and more zealous missionaries to teach Spanish to mission Indians.

Did you know that Americans undertook their first trade mission to China in February 1784? A mercantile partnership led by Robert Morris sent the Empress of China, a 360-ton ship to Canton, China one month and eight days after the... more

In this article for the HT theme issue I argue that “Peru” is a “historical theory in a global frame.” The theory or, as I prefer, theoretical event, named Peru was born global in an early colonial “abyss of history” and elaborated in the... more

In this article for the HT theme issue I argue that “Peru” is a “historical theory in a global frame.” The theory or, as I prefer, theoretical event, named Peru was born global in an early colonial “abyss of history” and elaborated in the writings of colonial and postcolonial Peruvian historians. I suggest that the looking glass held up by Peruvian historiography is of great potential significance for historical theory at large, since it is a two-way passageway between the ancient and the modern, the Old World and the New, the East and the West. This slippery passageway enabled some Peruvian historians to move stealthily along the bloody cutting-edge of global history, at times anticipating and at others debunking well-known developments in “European” historical theory. Today, a reconnaissance of Peruvian history's inner recesses may pay dividends for a historical theory that would return to its colonial and global origins.

Marrëdhëniet midis Shqipërisë dhe Greqisë kanë qenë problematike që me krijimin e shtetit shqiptar dhe ato vazhdojnë deri diku edhe sot të kenë ende probleme të pazgjidhura midis tyre. Acarimi i marrëdhënieve midis dy palëve filloi që... more

Marrëdhëniet midis Shqipërisë dhe Greqisë kanë qenë problematike që me krijimin e shtetit
shqiptar dhe ato vazhdojnë deri diku edhe sot të kenë ende probleme të pazgjidhura midis tyre.
Acarimi i marrëdhënieve midis dy palëve filloi që në Konferencën e Ambasadorëve në Londër, ku
Greqia insistonte të merrte Shqipërinë Jugore pasi pretendonte se ishte territor grek. Greqia përpiqet
vazhdimisht të shkaktojë probleme në Shqipërinë e Jugut, (në Vorio-Epir) duke nxitur aty revolta të
shumta të popullsive të cilat “kërkonin” bashkimin me Greqinë.
Dy shtetet ndeshen vazhdimisht me njëra tjetrën, por ka dhe periudha paqeje midis tyre, ku dy
shtetet janë përpjekur të lidhin marrëveshje për bashkëpunim në fusha të ndryshme. Kjo ka rezultuar
sigurisht e vështirë, pasi kur ndryshohej një qeveri, qeveria që vinte pas saj jo gjithmonë ka qenë e
gatshme të vazhdojë marrëveshjet e firmosura nga qeveria paraardhëse. Për këtë shkak shtetet janë
ndeshur gjithmonë me vështirësi dhe nuk kanë mundur të krijojnë marrëdhënie të mira.
Çështja më e rëndësishme që ka ndikuar në marrëdhëniet midis dy shteteve në periudhën
midis dy luftrave ka qenë çështja e minoriteteve. Shteti grek nuk mund të lejonte mbylljen e shkollave
minoritare greke në Shqipëri, pasi popullsia greke që jetonte në Shqipëri kishte të drejtë të arsimohej
në gjuhën amtare. Shteti shqiptar, nga ana e tij nuk mund të lejonte keqtrajtimin e Çamëve dhe
shqiptarëve të tjerë që ndodheshin në Greqi, dhe kështu u përpoq të siguronte kushte më të mira për ta
duke iu drejtuar edhe Lidhjes së Kombeve.