Monitoring Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The concept paper submitted for ISCPAN on behalf of WCH in 2016. This was presented in Galgary, Canada.

— Diagnosis, and monitoring of health is a very important task in healthcare industry. Due to time constraint, people are not visiting hospitals, which might and possibly lead to a lot of health issues in one instant of time.... more

— Diagnosis, and monitoring of health is a very important task in healthcare industry. Due to time constraint, people are not visiting hospitals, which might and possibly lead to a lot of health issues in one instant of time. Predominantly most of the healthcare systems have been developed to predict and diagnose the health of the patients by which people who are busy in their schedule can also monitor their health at regular intervals. Many studies show that early prediction is the best way to cure health because early diagnosis will help and alert the patients to know the health status. Healthcare being a global issue more particularly India being a most populated nation where majority of which live in villages deprived of healthcare facilities on real time basis continuously and regularly. With the increasing use of technology, there is an urgent need to have such a smart health monitoring system that can communicate between network devices and application which will help the patients and doctors to monitor, track and record the patient's sensitive data containing medical information. This paper depicts the idea of solving health issues using the latest technology, Internet of Things (IoT). It presents the architectural review of smart healthcare system using Internet of Things(IoT) which is aimed to provide a Better HealthCare to everyone. Using this system architecture, patient's body parameters can be measured in real time.

Tematyka problemów telekomunikacji w górnictwie podziemnym rozumiana jako: nadawanie, przesyłanie oraz odbiór informacji jakiejkolwiek natury (głosu, znaków, sygnałów, obrazów czy dźwięków) drogą przewodową, radiową czy optyczną jest... more

This paper investigates the potential of using controlled hydraulic transients for non-intrusive assessment of the internal condition of water transmission pipelines. Deterioration of pipelines is a natural process. An effective tool for... more

This paper investigates the potential of using controlled hydraulic transients for non-intrusive assessment of the internal condition of water transmission pipelines. Deterioration of pipelines is a natural process. An effective tool for evaluating the state of pipeline interiors could be extremely useful for planning rehabilitation or identifying critical points in a system. A non-intrusive technique for evaluating the state of the internal surface of a pipeline is introduced. The total length of the pipeline was divided into a number of segments and the condition of each segment assessed based on the transient response corresponding to that interval. In addition to quantification of the deterioration level of different sections of the pipeline, critical points were identified where closer investigation was suggested. The proposed technique, although in an early stage of development, was tested on a real pipeline.

Debido a que los espacios que poseen ventilación desfavorable y accesos reducidos ponen en riesgo la vida de los operarios que los ocupan, identificar la trazabilidad y estabilidad del trabajador en el interior de estos es un asunto... more

Debido a que los espacios que poseen ventilación desfavorable y accesos reducidos ponen en riesgo la vida de los operarios que los ocupan, identificar la trazabilidad y estabilidad del trabajador en el interior de estos es un asunto pertinente en Ingeniería en Higiene y Salud Ocupacional; por lo anterior, el presente artículo describe la investigación que condujo al diseño e implementación de un prototipo para adquisición, transmisión y monitorización de signos vitales en trabajadores que laboran en espacios confinados. Las variables sujetas a mediciones periódicas son temperatura, pulso cardiaco y aceleración; los datos adquiridos, filtrados digitalmente, se transmiten por el dispositivo a un servidor web, donde se visualizan a través de un vínculo de direccionamiento a internet usando una red Wifi. La monitorización eficaz resultante permite evaluar el estado del trabajador, por lo que se puede prever y prevenir diversidad de anomalías que se presentan en su entorno laboral.

RESUMO: O objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em revisar os principais conceitos da pesquisa em relações públicas, focando especificamente nos desafios à mensuração em comunicação no cenário digital, observando, entre outros: a lógica da... more

RESUMO: O objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em revisar os principais conceitos da pesquisa em relações públicas, focando especificamente nos desafios à mensuração em comunicação no cenário digital, observando, entre outros: a lógica da mensuração; os processos de monitoramento, avaliação e mensuração em comunicação e as metodologias de mensuração dos resultados. O trabalho desenvolve-se a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, com base em fontes primárias e secundárias, bem como pesquisa exploratória em meio digital. Finalmente, apresentam-se algumas ferramentas analíticas e de diagnóstico voltados para o digital, destacando suas po-tencialidades à mensuração da comunicação. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Relações públicas. Comunicação. Monitoramento. Mensuração. Digital. 40 Pesquisadora de iniciação científica. Aluna do 8º semestre

We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done... more

We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done onboard and remotely, the distributed nature of the system and some exercises on futurology (anticipating trends can shed some light on upcoming designs). IET will bring great visibility to your work. You are welcome to suggest another topic/chapter title if you feel it would be more suitable. Each chapter should be around 20-25 pages each and can be submitted as a Word or Latex File. The IET will send you additional information (formatting, permission form, etc.) with the contributor's agreement once you have agreed to contribute to the book. Visit http:// to get all information you need as a contributor to an IET research-level book. Each book is expected to have a total number of 500 printed pages (based on approximately 550 words per page with a 20% allowance for figures and tables). We have included a tentative schedule and list of topics below. If this is something you would consider, please send me the title of your chapter, a short description/abstract of the chapter content, and your full contact details. We will expect original content and new results for this book. You can, of course, reuse published material but the percentage of material reuse for the chapter should be less than 40%. The IET will run a piracy software on the full manuscript to control that you are including original material and will reject chapters who contain a large amount of already-published material so please do take this into consideration.

It is necessary to assess whether the management of protected areas is achieving the objectives set for them. In particular, changes and trends in wildlife populations should be documented. We compared the 1990 abundance of mammals in two... more

It is necessary to assess whether the management of protected areas is achieving the objectives set for them. In particular, changes and trends in wildlife populations should be documented. We compared the 1990 abundance of mammals in two Costa Rican protected areas, Corcovado National Park (CNP) and Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve (GDFR), with similar environmental characteristics but different hunting restrictions and levels of protection. We also monitored the abundance of mammals in CNP over a 4-year period. We also devised an inexpensive method of monitoring tropical rainforest mammal populations in a timely and efficient manner. The method is based on the use of mammal track records and arboreal mammal sightings and requires little effort. With this method 20 mammal species were recorded at CNP and 15 at GDFR. Species were consistently less abundant in GDFR than in CNP, principally those species preferred by hunters. Species were grouped according to whether or not they are used as food and whether they are locally or globally threatened or not threatened. The abundance of all these groups of species in GDFR was 6–28% the abundance in CNP. During 1990–1994, overall mammal abundance in CNP remained relatively stable, but there was considerable variability among species. As a group, both species used for food and globally threatened species declined in abundance during that period in CNP. The abundance of all groups of species declined from 1992 to 1994, coinciding with a reduction in hunting vigilance at CNP. Evidence suggests that the main factor differentiating the abundance of mammals in the two protected areas, and at CNP during the study period, was the level of hunting. Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve seems to be achieving only partial success in protecting wildlife, whereas Corcovado National Park seems to be considerably more effective, although not entirely successful. Monitoreo de Poblaciones de Mamíferos en Áreas Protegidas de Costa Rica con Diferentes Restricciones de Cacería Resumen: Es necesario evaluar si el manejo de áreas protegidas está cumpliendo con sus objetivos estableci-dos. En particular, se deben documentar los cambios y tendencias de las poblaciones de vida silvestre. En este estudio comparamos la abundancia de los mamíferos durante 1990 en dos áreas protegidas de Costa Rica con características ambientales semejantes, pero con diferentes restricciones en cuanto a la cacería y difer-entes niveles de protección: el Parque Nacional Corcovado (PNC) y la Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce (RFGD). También comparamos la abundancia de los mamíferos en el PNC durante un periodo de cuatro años (1990-1994). Además desarrollamos un método barato, basado en el registro de huellas de mamíferos y en avista-mientos de mamíferos arborícolas. Este método requiere de poco esfuerzo y se puede usar para dar seguimiento a las poblaciones de mamíferos selváticos de manera rápida y eficiente. Con este método registramos la abun-dancia de 20 especies en el PNC y de 15 en la RFGD. Todas las especies fueron consistentemente menos abundan-tes en la RFGD que en el PNC, principalmente aquéllas preferidas por los cazadores. Agrupamos las especies según su uso o no como alimento y según si se consideran amenazadas o no, a nivel local o mundial. La

An innovative wireless sensor network (WSN) based on Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) technology for 3D accurate superficial monitoring of ground deformations, as landslides and subsidence, is proposed. The system has been designed and developed as... more

An innovative wireless sensor network (WSN) based on Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) technology for 3D accurate superficial monitoring of ground deformations, as landslides and subsidence, is proposed. The system has been designed and developed as part of an European Life+ project, called Wi-GIM (Wireless Sensor Network for Ground Instability Monitoring). The details of the architecture, the localization via wireless technology and data processing protocols are described. The flexibility and accuracy achieved by the UWB two-way ranging technique is analysed and compared with the traditional systems, such as robotic total stations (RTSs) and Ground-based Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (GB-InSAR), highlighting the pros and cons of the UWB solution to detect the surface movements. An extensive field trial campaign allows the validation of the system and the analysis of its sensitivity to different factors (e.g., sensor nodes inter-visibility, effects of the temperature, etc.). The Wi-G...

Netralitas ASN menjadi penting untuk diingat kembali dalam birokrasi Indonesia, mengingat selama 32 tahun masa Orde Baru, kondisi birokrasi Indonesia tidak sehat karena bercampur aduk antara kerja birokrasi dengan politik. Pengawasan... more

Netralitas ASN menjadi penting untuk diingat kembali dalam birokrasi Indonesia, mengingat selama 32 tahun masa Orde Baru, kondisi birokrasi Indonesia tidak sehat karena bercampur aduk antara kerja birokrasi dengan politik. Pengawasan penegakan netralitas ASN yang saat ini ujung tombaknya berada di KASN perlu mendapat perhatian khusus mengingat selama lima tahun terakhir sisi represif terkesan lebih menonjol, sementara sisi preventif belum menjadi concern. Akibatnya, KASN lebih aktif melakukan penanganan pengaduan atas pelanggaran netralitas ASN, namun belum maksimal dalam menekan angka pelanggaran dan potensi pelanggaran kedepannya. Netralitas ASN dalam tiga aspek yang coba dikembangkan oleh KASN, diharapkan dapat menjadi pendorong peningkatan indeks efektivitas pemerintahan. Semakin netral birokrasi dari berbagai campur tangan politik-termasuk di dalamnya bebas konflik kepentingan dalam memberikan pelayanan publik dan pengambilan keputusan-maka semakin menjadi handal dan kuat birokrasi tersebut. Kualitas birokrasi di Indonesia secara umum masih tertinggal dengan negara lain di ASEAN, kita masih tertinggal dalam menjadi birokrasi yang bersih dibanding dengan Singapura, Thailand, maupun Malaysia. Di negara-negara tersebut, pergantian kepemimpinan politik baik di level nasional maupun daerah tidak akan mempengaruhi kualitas pengelolaan birokrasi dan pelayanan publik oleh para public servant-nya.

Twitter produces a massive amount of data due to its popularity that is one of the reasons underlying big data problems. One of those problems is the classification of tweets due to use of sophisticated and complex language, which makes... more

Twitter produces a massive amount of data due to its popularity that is one of the reasons underlying big data problems. One of those problems is the classification of tweets due to use of sophisticated and complex language, which makes the current tools insufficient. We present our framework HTwitt, built on top of the Hadoop ecosystem, which consists of a MapReduce algorithm and a set of machine learning techniques embedded within a big data analytics platform to efficiently address the following problems: (1) traditional data processing techniques are inadequate to handle big data; (2) data preprocessing needs substantial manual effort; (3) domain knowledge is required before the classification; (4) semantic explanation is ignored. In this work, these challenges are overcome by using different algorithms combined with a Naïve Bayes classifier to ensure reliability and highly precise recommendations in virtualization and cloud environments. These features make HTwitt different fro...

In recent years, the production of panoramic images has been boosted by the increasing use of digital photographic cameras and mobile phones. However, for highly demanding applications such as long-range deformation monitoring, the... more

In recent years, the production of panoramic images has been boosted by the increasing use of digital photographic cameras and mobile phones. However, for highly demanding applications such as long-range deformation monitoring, the accuracy and quality control of panoramic images and processes used to obtain accurate 3D models should be properly assessed. Therefore, prior to being applied in real projects, the quality of the spherical panoramic images generated by three widely used computer programs (Agisoft Metashape, GigaPan Stitch and PTGui) is evaluated using the same images of a photogrammetric laboratory full of control points and an outdoor environment by shooting from several stations. In addition to the assessment of the geometrical accuracy, the study also includes important aspects for practical efficiency such as workflow, speed of processing, user-friendliness, or exporting products and formats available. The results of the comparisons show that Agisoft Metashape meets the required geometric specifications with higher quality and has clear advantages in performance if compared to the other two tested programs.

The National Health Management Information System (NHMIS) was designed to provide timely and reliable health service delivery information. The efficiency and effectiveness of health service delivery is assessed by the availability of... more

The National Health Management Information System (NHMIS) was designed to provide timely and reliable health service delivery information. The efficiency and effectiveness of health service delivery is assessed by the availability of quality, complete and timely data. The NHMIS Policy review was initiated by a consortium of relevant stake holders led by the Department of Planning, Research and Statistics (DPRS) of the federal ministry of health (FMOH) and the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA). The Emphasis of the NHMIS Is to strengthen the Health Information System-HIS in the country and promote the use of quality information for evidence-based decision-making at the community, LGA, and national levels. In spite of substantial investments, the health sector in Nigeria has made slow progress in improving its health indices. Thus the Nigeria State Health Investment Project(NSHIP), through support from WHO, introduced the Performancebased financing-PBF currently rolled out in three states-Adamawa, Nasarawa, and the Ondo States to deliver a result-based approach to improve quantity and quality of health services especially in the area of maternal health. Health centers receive funds directly based on the number of essential services they delivered and the improved quality of care. This encouraged health centers to focus on delivering results, and the new funds enabled them to improve their services. This study compared data reported using the NHMIS and declared validated on the PBF declaration forms in funding health facilities in Nasarawa state for quarter 1

Background: With the goal of optimizing tissue perfusion and maintaining adequate oxygen delivery, nurses play an important role in monitoring oxygenation and ventilation. Nursing practices may affect oxygen saturation in critically ill... more

Background: With the goal of optimizing tissue perfusion and maintaining adequate oxygen delivery, nurses play an important role in monitoring oxygenation and ventilation. Nursing practices may affect oxygen saturation in critically ill patients. Aim of study was to determine the relationship between nursing practices and oxygen desaturation in critically ill patients. A descriptive research design was used in this study. Setting: The study was conducted at the Critical Care Units (CCUs) of two selected Hospitals at Makah Al-Mukaramah, KSA. Subjects; a convenience sample of 100 newly admitted critically ill patients were included in the study. Tool of data collection was the relationship between nursing practices and oxygen desaturation in critically ill patients' tool. It consists of two parts: Part 1; nursing practices observation checklists and part 2; oxygen saturation monitoring record. Results: It was noted that in 67% of observations, patients had their position changed by nurses once per shift, no patients had oxygen during suctioning. In addition, there were significant correlation between oxygen saturation during, and after bathing (r .403, p.000, r .342, p .000). From the results of this study it can be concluded that the nursing practices mainly suctioning, positioning and bathing affect oxygen desaturation in critically ill patients. There were significant relationships between oxygen desaturation and the procedures performed as oxygen saturation decreased during and after certain performed procedures especially suctioning. Recommendations: Protocols should be developed regarding oxygen desaturation in critically ill patients. Adequate supervision should be provided on nurses during their practice.

The photovoltaic systems are often employed into micro-grids; Micro-grids are small power grids designed to provide a reliable and better power supply to a small number of consumers using renewable energy sources. This paper deals with DC... more

The photovoltaic systems are often employed into micro-grids; Micro-grids are small power grids designed to provide a reliable and better power supply to a small number of consumers using renewable energy sources. This paper deals with DC micro-grids and present a new system of monitoring and sharing electricity between homes equipped with photovoltaic panels (PV) in the goal to reduce the electrical energy waste. The system is based on dynamic sharing of photovoltaic blocks through homes in stand-alone areas, using an arduino board for controlling the switching matrix. The LABVIEW program is used to further process and display collected data from the system in the PC screen. A small-scale prototype has been developed in a laboratory to proof the concept. This prototype demonstrates the feasibility and functionality of the system.

P1:Arsyet për & kontributet e ndërmarrësisë në gjeneremin e punesimit dhe GDP-së. Cilat janë kontributet tjera të firmave të vogla. Ç’ka tregojnë të dhënat e Global Entreprenurship Monitor? P2: Pse disa shtete me nivel të ulët të... more

P1:Arsyet për & kontributet e ndërmarrësisë në gjeneremin e punesimit dhe GDP-së. Cilat janë kontributet tjera të firmave të vogla. Ç’ka tregojnë të dhënat e Global Entreprenurship Monitor?
P2: Pse disa shtete me nivel të ulët të zhvillimit kanë nivel te lartë te ndërmarrësisë dhe anasjelltas?
P3: Diskuto karakteristikat e firmave të zakonshme vs. firmave ndërmarrëse. Në këtë kontekst cili është kontributi i tyre në rritjen ekonomike?
P4:Në mënyrë kritike diskuto dallimet ndërmjet tipeve të firmave zëvendësues të punës me pagë, firmat që i përjgigjen stilit të jetës dhe firmave ndërmarrëse?
P5:Diskuto nevojën për ndërmarrësi korporative të orgnizatave të sotme. Cka nënkupton ndërmarrësia korporative e zhvilluar nga Pinchot (1986)?

The advancement of wireless sensor networks yields a variety of wireless sensor network for wildlife tracking. One typical application for wireless sensor networks is in animal tracking and monitoring in wildlife environments. A... more

The advancement of wireless sensor networks yields a variety of wireless sensor network for wildlife tracking. One typical application for wireless sensor networks is in animal tracking and monitoring in wildlife environments. A significant number of studies have been done in tracking animals with sensor networks. However from the recent literature it is observed that there is no much study has been done on an intelligent real time sensor network that is capable to alerting the rangers an incidence of animal poaching before it happened. In this paper an intelligent wireless sensor system for tracking and monitoring rhinos and elephants is proposed.

An algorithm for the burst detection and location in water distribution networks based on the continuous monitoring of the flow rate at the entry point of the network and the pressure at a number of points within the network is presented.... more

An algorithm for the burst detection and location in water distribution networks based on the continuous monitoring of the flow rate at the entry point of the network and the pressure at a number of points within the network is presented. The approach is designed for medium to large bursts with opening times in the order of a few minutes and is suitable for networks of relatively small size, such as district metered areas (DMAs). The burst-induced increase in the inlet flow rate is detected using the modified cumulative sum (CUSUM) change detection test. Based on parameters obtained from the CUSUM test, the burst is simulated at a number of burst candidate locations. The calculated changes in pressure at the pressure monitoring points are then compared to the measured values and the location resulting in the best fit is selected as the burst location. The EPANET steady-state hydraulic solver is utilised to simulate the flows and pressures in the network. A sensitivity-based sampling...

Healthiness is the base for every human being. It is directly or indirectly influencing the mental ability of the person. It gives them the confidence to each action of the human. Sound health is necessary to do all our day to day works... more

Healthiness is the base for every human being. It is directly or indirectly influencing the mental ability of the person. It gives them the confidence to each action of the human. Sound health is necessary to do all our day to day works with the fullest hope. Nowadays all people are having more health- conscious than in the past years. Because of these reasons, there are different types of health check- ups, monitoring clinics are evolved, and they do a lot of monitoring processes like daily, monthly, and master check-ups. To provide multiple services, options, and facilities to their clients the technologies play a vital role in the current era. The rapid development of information technology influences every person's life and health consciousness. These technologies are helping to monitor the status of a person and provide necessary tips then and there. Different methods of check-ups and monitoring process are available to get the information about a person. There are several IoT enabled sensors available to sense the patient complete details about a particular person's behavior, human anatomy, and physiology. This will lead the Big data. The Data gained over the sensors are uploaded to the internet, and connected to the cloud server. The affected person records could be saved in the web server and physicians can get right of entry to the data anywhere in the world. Anyun expected variation in the data of the patient who is using the healthcare system, inevitably the data of the patient will be uploaded to the concerned doctor with immediate notification. This type of health care system will be most useful in rural and remote areas. In this chapter, discussthe Machine learning techniqueswhich are important to the build analysis models. Then howthis model isintegrated with IoT Technology and provide accurate data of individual person and also discuss the Cardiovascular problems based on real-time input data

WHO has designated COVID-19 as a health problem with a global emergency status with the highest level of vigilance. Indonesia has a very strategic area. The entry and exit of Indonesian citizens and foreigners who carry out economic,... more

WHO has designated COVID-19 as a health problem with a global emergency
status with the highest level of vigilance. Indonesia has a very strategic area. The entry and
exit of Indonesian citizens and foreigners who carry out economic, educational, political,
cultural, tourism, and other activities in Indonesia are hazardous for the spread of Covid-19.
Indonesia is a country with two confirmed cases of Covid-19. Covid-19 has an impact on the
health, tourism, economic, social, and other sectors. Prevention of dissemination is by
responding to Covid-19 through early detection, human surveillance, environmental
surveillance, transport equipment inspection, and goods inspection.

Among various cyber threats, a DDoS attack is one of the major Internet threats that can affect anyone and even cause tremendous financial damage to organization that uses cloud-based services, while the mitigation of this threat can be... more

Among various cyber threats, a DDoS attack is one of the major Internet threats that can affect anyone and even cause tremendous financial damage to organization that uses cloud-based services, while the mitigation of this threat can be highly difficult considering the complex infrastructure that it uses to perform its malicious activities. For that purpose it’s important to think proactively rather than reactively when addressing the protection against this type of attacks. The overview of botnets and some of the countermeasures against this threat were discussed in this paper.

The photovoltaic systems are often employed into micro-grids; Micro-grids are small power grids designed to provide a reliable and better power supply to a small number of consumers using renewable energy sources. This paper deals with DC... more

The photovoltaic systems are often employed into micro-grids; Micro-grids are small power grids designed to provide a reliable and better power supply to a small number of consumers using renewable energy sources. This paper deals with DC micro-grids and present a new system of monitoring and sharing electricity between homes equipped with photovoltaic panels (PV) in the goal to reduce the electrical energy waste. The system is based on dynamic sharing of photovoltaic blocks through homes in stand-alone areas, using an arduino board for controlling the switching matrix. The LABVIEW program is used to further process and display collected data from the system in the PC screen. A small-scale prototype has been developed in a laboratory to proof the concept. This prototype demonstrates the feasibility and functionality of the system.

Monitoring et suivi des installations PV.
Conférence RBF: "Enjeux et développement du secteur photovoltaïque en Wallonie et à Bruxelles pour les années à venir".
Mont-Saint-Guibert, 7 novembre 2012.

Induction motors are widely used in transportation, mining, petrochemical, manufacturing and in almost every other field dealing with electrical power. These motors are simple, efficient, highly robust and rugged thus offering a very high... more

Induction motors are widely used in transportation, mining, petrochemical, manufacturing and in almost every other field dealing with electrical power. These motors are simple, efficient, highly robust and rugged thus offering a very high degree of reliability. But like any other machine, they are vulnerable to faults, which if left unmonitored, might lead to catastrophic failure of the machine in the long run. On-line condition monitoring of the induction motors has been widely used in the detection of faults. This paper delves into the various faults and study of conventional and innovative techniques for induction motor faults with an identification of future research areas.

Aerial surveying is, in the domain of archeology and architecture, an exponential field of application and interest. Beyond the increasing flying capabilities and skills of existing UA V , the operational potentiality of such aircraft... more

Aerial surveying is, in the domain of archeology and architecture, an exponential field of application and interest. Beyond the increasing flying capabilities and skills of existing UA V , the operational potentiality of such aircraft oversteps the imagination of their own creators. Initially conceived for robotic civilian and military surveying applications, recent experiments have tested autonomous flight, self decision-making and multi-agent convergent tasks. Based upon 10 years of aerial surveying experience, part of the MAP activity is concerned: firstly, unmanned flight and related developments within a specific institutional partnership and secondly, advanced tool-making workflow for architecture and urban design 3D modeling and image analysis protocols.
In this paper we will describe a particular operational pipeline tested on the "Theaters Area" of Pompeii in Italy, starting from aerial data collection to accurate 3D processing with the help of innovative co-operative technologies.

Curso dictado entre 2013 y 2017. Un proceso de monitoreo y evaluación, no solo permite medir los avances y logros alcanzados de un proyecto, sino también advertir acerca de las dificultades y limitaciones que pueden aparecer dentro del... more

Curso dictado entre 2013 y 2017. Un proceso de monitoreo y evaluación, no solo permite medir los avances y logros alcanzados de un proyecto, sino también advertir acerca de las dificultades y limitaciones que pueden aparecer dentro del ciclo de un proyecto, poniendo en riesgo los objetivos del mismo; así mismo debemos entender también que, este proceso constituye un instrumento de aprendizaje, pues permite identificar estrategias que dieron buenos resultados y aquellas que no, permitiendo con ello mejorar futuros proyectos o las estrategias de proyectos paralelos.

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social sciences, and this volume gives readers for the first time a set of studies exemplifying what applied phronesis looks like in practice. The reflexive analysis of values and power gives new meaning to the impact of research on policy and practice. Real Social Science is a major step forward in a novel and thriving field of research. This book will benefit scholars, researchers, and students who want to make a difference in practice, not just in the academy. Its message will make it essential reading for students and academics across the social sciences.

Water supply represents a vital problem for people, and this imposes the need to know the information regarding consumptions, resources and production. This implies a continuous supervision of the water supply process in order to allow... more

Water supply represents a vital problem for people, and this imposes the need to know the information regarding consumptions, resources and production. This implies a continuous supervision of the water supply process in order to allow any problem that could appear to be solved, ...

Scholars around the globe have contested the inadequate infrastructure and tools used by public sector agencies to monitor and evaluate public policies and programmes. Some of the urgent issues of concern deal with the inadequate human... more

Scholars around the globe have contested the inadequate infrastructure and tools used by public sector
agencies to monitor and evaluate public policies and programmes. Some of the urgent issues of concern deal with the
inadequate human capacity in public agencies and departments to conduct fair and credible evaluations in the public
sector. South Africa is not the only country that has adopted a government wide monitoring and evaluation system, other
countries like Ghana, Kenya, Benin and Uganda have also endorsed formal monitoring and evaluation practice in the
public sector. This article argues that monitoring and evaluation must not just measure the effectiveness and efficiency of
public programmes and processes, but it must create a sustainable process whereby participants and evaluators can
learn from the process. Capacity building in monitoring and evaluation must be fairly and continuous conducted to offer
credible and valid information and knowledge on M&E by training agencies and institutions like universities. This
theoretical paper adopted document analysis strategy to review and evaluate documents used as data source. Lessons
learnt from this article contribute towards the existing strategies to enhance monitoring and evaluation

Employee monitoring activities are becoming increasingly widespread with the technological opportunities that are developing day by day. Organizations are monitoring their employees' performances, behaviors and personal attributes at any... more

Employee monitoring activities are becoming increasingly widespread with the technological opportunities that are developing day by day. Organizations are monitoring their employees' performances, behaviors and personal attributes at any time and as often as they like, using very different methods. Organizations perform monitoring activities by setting reasons such as security, justice, legal obligations, quality and productivity improvement. This situation causes problems such as decreasing privacy, motivation, performance and health in the organizations. Being watched and evaluated by a couple of eyes can disturb the employees, and create work stress on them. The aim of this study is to reveal the perceptions of employees towards workplace monitoring, and examine the relationship between workplace monitoring and job stress. In this context, the application was carried out in companies operating in Denizli. A total of 218 questionnaires were received from the employees of the companies. The results obtained were analyzed in the SPSS program and then, were evaluated.

In this paper, we propose a novel, secure, and intelligent IoT approach based on agent, we have implemented in the health care domain, where we developed an intelligent patient monitoring system for monitoring the patients heart rate... more

In this paper, we propose a novel, secure, and intelligent IoT approach based on agent, we have implemented in the health care domain, where we developed an intelligent patient monitoring system for monitoring the patients heart rate automatically. Our system is more intelligent that can anticipate the critical condition before it even happens, send a message to the patient family, doctors, nurses, as well as hospital in-charge personal, and launch an alarm to be assisted by the nearest people in place. Also, our architecture ensures the authentication, authorization, and data sensing confidentiality. Hospitals and medical clinics can utilize our system to monitor their outpatients who are in danger of unpredictable health conditions. The approach presented in the paper can also be applied to other IoT domains.

Achieving sustainable, equitable and resilient societies is humankind’s challenge for the 21st century. In pursuit of this ambition, the international development community needs a shared, universal framework to work more closely... more

Achieving sustainable, equitable and resilient societies is humankind’s challenge for the 21st century. In pursuit of this ambition, the international development community needs a shared, universal framework to work more closely together. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the obvious answer, but a number of technical, political and organisational challenges prevent development co-operation providers from using them as their common results framework. Based on seven case studies, this publication identifies two critical factors and one game changer that can help overcome those challenges. First, country leadership needs to be supported by the international community. Second, development partners need to change their set-ups in order to deliver on the SDGs. Finally, by forcing governments and development partners to reset their long-term strategies and rethink their internal systems, the COVID-19 pandemic provides them with a rare opportunity to use the SDG framework collectively as a roadmap to recovery: this can be a game changer.

This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more

This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot contribute to scientific development; (c) the case study is most useful for generating hypotheses, whereas other methods are more suitable for hypotheses testing and theory building; (d) the case study contains a bias toward verification; and (e) it is often difficult to summarize specific case studies. This article explains and corrects these misunderstandings one by one and concludes with the Kuhnian insight that a scientific discipline without a large number of thoroughly executed case studies is a discipline without systematic production of exemplars, and a discipline without exemplars is an ineffective one. Social science may be strengthened by the execution of a greater number of good case studies.