CTA Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

La propuesta de este artículo es analizar los cambios ocurridos en la cultura política en el kirchnerismo, específicamente en términos de la politicidad. Para esto se analizarán las trayectorias organizacionales y los debates generados en... more

La propuesta de este artículo es analizar los cambios ocurridos en la cultura política en el kirchnerismo, específicamente en términos de la politicidad. Para esto se analizarán las trayectorias organizacionales y los debates generados en el espacio multiorganizacional militante a partir de dos hipótesis. La primera: el kirchnerismo como posibilidad identificatoria; la segunda: la demanda del salto a la política. El argumento central es que en una primera temporalidad (2003-2006) se produjo un proceso de politización manifestado en la emergencia de una nueva generación militante, de discusiones y propuestas por parte de las organizaciones. Este aparejó la formulación de la demanda del salto a la política que implicaba no sólo el otorgamiento de reivindicaciones de inclusión económica, sino fundamentalmente la constitución como sujeto político. Esta por motivos diversos no puedo concretarse, conllevando la dispersión del espacio militante kirchnerista.

"“Vamos las bandas” es una expresión de prosapia barrial y rockera. Connota la resistencia de los jóvenes en las periferias urbanas a las secuelas de exclusión y represión del modelo neoliberal implantado en Argentina durante los años... more

"“Vamos las bandas” es una expresión de prosapia barrial y rockera. Connota la resistencia de los jóvenes en las periferias urbanas a las secuelas de exclusión y represión del modelo neoliberal implantado en Argentina durante los años noventa. Es, también, una de las denominaciones con las que se identifican las organizaciones sociales que, surgidas en aquellos años de padecimientos populares, se fueron incorporando de distintas maneras al proceso político iniciado en mayo de 2003. ellas trata este libro que lleva ese nombre. Nos preguntamos aquí por las relaciones entre las renovadas formas de movilización y organización social, templadas al calor de la lucha contra el neoliberalismo y las mutaciones de un régimen político de gobierno en proceso de recomposición luego de la que fue, acaso, su más profunda crisis de legitimidad.
Muchos han escrito el : intelectuales, militantes, dirigentes políticos, funcionarios, ex funcionarios y todo periodistas. Estamos convencidos que la academia aún tiene pendientes aportes sistemáticos para la comprensión de ese complejo proceso político que irritó y trastocó el campo intelectual de un modo inédito desde la recuperación de la democracia a esta parte. Esperamos que este libro constituya un aporte pionero a este desafío, especialmente el referido al de las organizaciones kirchneristas. Como advertencia final, queda por señalar que debido a la evidente complejidad del espacio kirchnerista los casos aquí analizados no agotan todo lo que pueda decirse de dicha experiencia. Pero creemos que este libro constituye un intento sistemático por dar algunas respuestas a cómo los procesos de movilización reciente se procesaron políticamente en un contexto democrático."
El libro cuenta con un anexo donde se recopilan documentos de las organizaciones como del Frente Patria para Todos y el Frente de Organizaciones Populares

Donald Davidson argued in " Agency " that all actions are identical to movements of the body. Apart from his own reasons for this view, we can see that it allows for a very simple statement of the dominant theory of action, the causal... more

Donald Davidson argued in " Agency " that all actions are identical to movements of the body. Apart from his own reasons for this view, we can see that it allows for a very simple statement of the dominant theory of action, the causal theory of action: an event is an action iff it is a movement of the body caused in the right way by certain mental states. Unfortunately, Davidson's view has received much criticism. If critics are right to reject his view of what actions are, and I think they are, then it is not clear what view we should adopt instead, nor is it clear how this will impact the causal theory of action. Here, I argue that the metaphysical resources are available for giving a view of action as events closely related to body movements without being identical to them. Instead, we can see that actions are constituted by body movements just as statues are constituted by lumps of clay. After motivating this view and discussing the few who have maintained it, I move on to show how this provides several advantages for a proponent of the causal theory of action. Apart from avoiding the objections to Davidson's view and allowing us to easily reformulate the causal theory, it provides a framework for understanding the relations between actions, it suggests a cohesive treatment of omissions, and it explains why we are drawn to a causal view of action in the first place.

Renal artery stenosis can be diagnosed with multiple imaging modalities, each one having different risk vs accuracy tradeoffs. Catheter angiography with pressure gradient measurements is the definitive gold standard but also the most... more

Renal artery stenosis can be diagnosed with multiple imaging modalities, each one having different risk vs accuracy tradeoffs. Catheter angiography with pressure gradient measurements is the definitive gold standard but also the most invasive and thus reserved primarily for imaging at the time of renal revascularization. Ultrasonography is the safest and least expensive but also the least accurate and most operator-dependent. Contrast-enhanced computed tomographic angiography and magnetic resonance angiography are intermediate (between ultrasound and catheter angiography) with respect to accuracy and expense. Exciting new advances in magnetic resonance that include new contrast agents, which eliminate nephrogenic systemic fibrosis risk, and techniques to characterize the hemodynamic significance of renal artery stenoses are now becoming available. In addition, magnetic resonance angiography without any contrast has become more accurate and rivals contrast-enhanced techniques in some...

El denominado modelo sindical argentino ha sido abordado generalmente por sus rasgos jurídicos y en las últimas décadas se ha llamado la atención tanto sobre su estabilidad como sobre la presencia de impugnaciones nacionales e... more

A novel thermal flow sensor with the frequency output is presented. The sensor provides a pulse-train output whose frequency is related to the fluid flow rate around self-heating thermistor. The integrating properties of the temperature... more

A novel thermal flow sensor with the frequency output is presented. The sensor provides a pulse-train output whose frequency is related to the fluid flow rate around self-heating thermistor. The integrating properties of the temperature sensor have been used, which allowed for realization of the pulse frequency modulator with thermal feedback loop, stabilizing temperature of sensor placed in the flowing medium. The system assures balancing of heat amount supplied in impulses to the sensor and heat given up by the sensor in a continuous way to the flowing medium. Therefore the frequency of output pulse-train is proportional to the medium flow velocity around the sensor. The special feature of presented solution is total integration of thermal sensor with the measurement signal conditioning system. i.e. sensor and conditioning system are not the separate elements of the measurement circuit, but constitute a whole in form of thermal heat-balance mode flow-to-frequency converter. The frequency signal from the converter may be directly connected to the microprocessor digital input, which with use of the standard built-in counters may convert the frequency into numerical value of high precision. The sensor has been experimentally characterized as a function of the average flow velocity of air at room temperature.

Este artículo analiza la experiencia de la Central de trabajadores de la Argentina, surgida como alternativa a la tradicional Confederación General del Trabajo y como respuesta a las condiciones históricas impuestas en Argentina de la... more

Este artículo analiza la experiencia de la Central de trabajadores de la Argentina, surgida como alternativa a la tradicional Confederación General del Trabajo y como respuesta a las condiciones históricas impuestas en Argentina de la década del
noventa. A partir de una mirada enfocada en las lógicas políticas (gremial, político-partidaria, hegemónica, populista), reconstruimos la historia de la cta para contribuir a la comprensión de su configuración como actor y de su ruptura en dos luego de las elecciones sindicales de 2010


The current study was initiated and funded by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). In the “Evaluation of the Implementation of the Mid-Term Plan (1997 – 2000)” there were various issues raised as to the fact... more

The current study was initiated and funded by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). In the “Evaluation of the Implementation of the Mid-Term Plan (1997 – 2000)” there were various issues raised as to the fact that CTA needed to develop a more pro-active approach in regard to its choice of partner organizations and beneficiaries. Also highlighted were the issues that traditionally, the Pacific and Caribbean regions have not received sufficient attention in CTA’s programmes and activities. Consequently CTA has commissioned this study selecting eight Pacific Island Countries to undertake an information needs assessment study. In this respect, the study was undertaken to assess the agricultural information needs of Papua New Guinea. After presenting a country profile, the study goes on to cover information and capacity building needs, and identifying specific areas for possible collaboration with CTA.This study was undertaken to assess the agricultural infor...

Background: Cerebrovascular surgery is a technically challenging subspecialty of neurosurgery. A flow-based approach to cerebrovascular surgery can help to optimize neurosurgical interventions. Methods: Direct intraoperative flow... more

Background: Cerebrovascular surgery is a technically challenging subspecialty of neurosurgery. A flow-based approach to cerebrovascular surgery can help to optimize neurosurgical interventions. Methods: Direct intraoperative flow measurements can be made using a quantitative ultrasonic microvascular flow probe. In this article, we review the applications and utility of the FAST in aneurysm and EC-IC bypass surgery. Results: In aneurysm surgery, flow measurements provide a quick and repeatable method to assess vessel patency and avoid complications related to vascular compromise. In bypass for flow augmentation in the setting of ischemia, flow measurements assess bypass patency and can assess the physiologic success of the bypass strategy. In bypass for flow replacement in the setting of planned vessel sacrifice, flow measurements can measure the flow deficit resulting from the vessel occlusion, assess the adequacy of in situ donor vessels, and confirm the ultimate adequacy of the bypass at the completion of surgery. Conclusions: The FAST strategy provides a useful approach to optimizing decision making and outcomes during cerebrovascular surgery.

Este articulo analiza la experiencia de la Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina, surgida como alternativa a la tradicional Confederacion General del Trabajo y como respuesta a las condiciones historicas impuestas en Argentina de la... more

Este articulo analiza la experiencia de la Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina, surgida como alternativa a la tradicional Confederacion General del Trabajo y como respuesta a las condiciones historicas impuestas en Argentina de la decada del noventa. A partir de una mirada enfocada en la identidad, la estrategia y las decisiones, reconstruimos la historia de la CTA desde su fundacion hasta su situacion actual bajo los gobiernos kirchneristas.

The following are my personal opinions and are not to be seen as official policy of any of the TA associations with which I am involved. This is also a first attempt at writing down what I have been teaching people over the years, so I... more

The following are my personal opinions and are not to be seen as official policy of any of the TA associations with which I am involved. This is also a first attempt at writing down what I have been teaching people over the years, so I will welcome feedback and will no doubt update the following as time goes by. What I write here should of course be read in conjunction with careful attention to what the EATA/ITAA Handbooks say – I am intending to add some new perspectives and not to replace anything.