Case Research Papers - (original) (raw)
5 4 I .Abstract lnve tigations conducted in three separate countries by four r search groups on the use and effectiveness of CASE within industry are reported. Comparisons are drawn betwe n the three set of researchJndings and... more
5 4 I .Abstract lnve tigations conducted in three separate countries by four r search groups on the use and effectiveness of CASE within industry are reported. Comparisons are drawn betwe n the three set of researchJndings and similarities and d erences in the impact of CASE within the different count ies are identified. The report combin<es the expen nce of the authors, and provides a wider insight into he use and eflectiveness of CASE tool on a "wor i , wide" scale.
- by and +1
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- Case, Empirical Evaluation
Array adalah suatu tipe data yang mempunyai indeks 0 hingga sekian, dan semua index mempunyai tipe data yang sama.
- by robi hamanto
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- Case, For, Array, Switch
The paper deals with the origins of “maqam” (position) and “hal” (state of being) in terms of the Qur'an and the hadiths, their definition, sequence, object and variety. Many important Sufi works such as Abu Nasr Sarraj`s work of “al-Luma... more
The paper deals with the origins of “maqam” (position) and “hal” (state of being) in terms of the Qur'an and the hadiths, their definition, sequence, object and variety. Many important Sufi works such as Abu Nasr Sarraj`s work of “al-Luma fit-tasavvuf”, Khwaja Abdullah Ansari`s work of “Sad Meydan”, Farid-al-Din Attar’s works of “Musibat-nama” and “Mantiq al-Tayr” has been involved in this research. Author also explains the reasons of the calling of the “maqam” such as squares, apartments, constellations, light, springs, sea etc. in the Gnostic literature.
- by informa. az and +1
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- Sufism, Case, Maqam, Gnostic Literature
- by Jim Wood
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- Polish, Syntax, Icelandic, Minimalist Syntax
AbstractThis paper presents a control strategy for indus-trial robot manipulators which consists of the combination of a calibration-free, vision-based control method with an impedance control approach. The vision-based, robot control... more
AbstractThis paper presents a control strategy for indus-trial robot manipulators which consists of the combination of a calibration-free, vision-based control method with an impedance control approach. The vision-based, robot control method known as camera-space manipulation ...
Introduction: Snakebite is prevalent in rural areas of Asia. Although the myth of direct sucking of snake venom may be life-threatening, it is commonly practiced in such areas. Case Series: Two cases of cobra venom exposure to oral cavity... more
Introduction: Snakebite is prevalent in rural areas of Asia. Although the myth of direct sucking of snake venom may be life-threatening, it is commonly practiced in such areas. Case Series: Two cases of cobra venom exposure to oral cavity with development of ageusia ...
- by Rishya Manikam
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- Case
The Danforth Manufacturing Company (DMC) develops, produces, and sells several lines of photovoltaic storage cells (solar-powered batteries) for use in various consumer, business, and aerospace products. Robert Danforth, the President and... more
The Danforth Manufacturing Company (DMC) develops, produces, and sells several lines of photovoltaic storage cells (solar-powered batteries) for use in various consumer, business, and aerospace products. Robert Danforth, the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of DMC, has called a meeting of the Executive Committee to review several recent capital investment requests. The largest two of these was a request by Kate Jarvis, the Chief Operating Officer (COO), for a new sales and inventory tracking system and a request by Jim Gorman, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to invest in a new cost accounting system. Also invited to the meeting were Sam Young, the company's first Chief Information Officer (CIO) who joined the company two weeks before, and Gerald Montes, the company's Chief Counsel.
- by regina carla
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- SCENE, Case, Binus, DMC
- by Retno Tharra
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- Medicine, Case
- by Peter Arkadiev
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- Typology, Syntax, Morphology, Case
"This dissertation is about the elements that build verbs, the elements that introduce arguments, and how these elements interact to determine the interpretation of arguments and events. A theory of argument structure is a theory how... more
- by Jim Wood
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- Typology, Syntax, Morphosyntax, Morphology
в печати в сборнике Язык. Личность. Текст. К 70летию Т. М. Николаевой, М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2005) 0. Предварительные замечания. Цель данной работыпоказать на материале падежного словоизменения славянских языков, как... more
в печати в сборнике Язык. Личность. Текст. К 70летию Т. М. Николаевой, М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2005) 0. Предварительные замечания. Цель данной работыпоказать на материале падежного словоизменения славянских языков, как взаимодействуют синхронно-типологические и диахронические тенденции в морфологии. В качестве объекта анализа выбраны разнообразные случаи падежного синкретизма (понимаемого как материальное совпадение словоформ, грамматические характеристики которых различаются только граммемами падежа, т. е. омонимия форм в пределах номинатемы, см. Зализняк 2002 (1973): 618 -620), которыми изобилует славянское склонение.
- by Peter Arkadiev
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- Typology, Morphology, Syncretism, Slavic
На правах рукописи П. М. Аркадьев Типология двухпадежных систем Специальность 10.02.20 -Сравнительно-историческое, типологическое и сопоставительное языкознание Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук Научный... more
На правах рукописи П. М. Аркадьев Типология двухпадежных систем Специальность 10.02.20 -Сравнительно-историческое, типологическое и сопоставительное языкознание Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук Научный руководитель: доктор филологических наук, профессор, член-корреспондент РАН Татьяна Михайловна Николаева Москва -2006 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Введение 7 0.1. Постановка задачи 7 0.2. Материал исследования 11 0.3. Структура диссертации 14 0.4. Замечание о названиях падежей 16 0.5. Замечание о представлении материала 16 3.3. Юто-ацтекские языки: яки 3.4. алеутский язык (эскимосско-алеутская семья) 3.5. язык мовима (изолят, Боливия) 4. Языки Юго-Восточной Азии и Океании 4.1. ниас (австронезийская макросемья, малайско-полинезийская семья) 4.2. йимас (семья сепик-раму, Новая Гвинея) 4.3. маунг (семья йивайдя, Австралия). В дальнейшем все статистические данные о распределении тех или иных характеристик двухпадежных систем даются по приведённой выборке; однако для более точного учёта данных я использую два формата обращения к выборке: значение какого-либо параметра регистрируется в данном языке, либо в данном ареале/генетической группе в целом 6 . Такой подход позволяет получить более достоверную картину о распределении тех или иных типов хотя бы потому, что, например, в индоиранских языках, представленных в выборке лишь одним языком, разнообразие двухпадежных систем сравнимо с общемировым, см. [Аркадьев, в печати, а].
- by Peter Arkadiev
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- Typology, Syntax, Morphology, Alignment
Wenn die Menschen nicht manchmal Dummheiten machten, geschiihe ùberhaupt nichts Gescheites . Ludwig Wittgenstein, Vermischle Bemerkungen, 1946, I n generale in baltofinnico si può dire che la definitezza I, nell'accezione media di solito... more
Wenn die Menschen nicht manchmal Dummheiten machten, geschiihe ùberhaupt nichts Gescheites . Ludwig Wittgenstein, Vermischle Bemerkungen, 1946, I n generale in baltofinnico si può dire che la definitezza I, nell'accezione media di solito usata "ingenuamente" in linguistica, è resa dall'ordine delle parole e dall'uso del caso partitivo vs. il nominativo e l'accusativo. Le lingue baltofinniche, infatti, sono tipicamente lingue senza articolo, anche se in alcune varietà stanno formandosi articoli embrionali ("articoloidi"), instabili (voto) o variamente limitati alla sola lingua colloqui aIe (finnico, estone).
Carburization is a thermo-chemical treatment generally employed to enhance the surface (wear) properties of low carbon steels. The recent carburization studies also focus considerable positive impact on bulk properties like tensile... more
Carburization is a thermo-chemical treatment generally employed to enhance the surface (wear) properties of low carbon steels. The recent carburization studies also focus considerable positive impact on bulk properties like tensile strength and toughness. In view of these observations, the present study focuses on mechanical properties and microstructure of carburized steels. Accordingly, the commercially available three types of case hardenable steels like plain carbon (EN 3), alloy steels with only ferrite stabilizer (20MnCr5) and with both ferrite (Cr) and austenite (Ni) stabilizers (EN 353) were initially normalized to standardize the room temperature structure before carburizing and machined to ASTM standards to prepare the specimens. The machined specimens were gas carburized using carburizing furnace for 2.5 mm case depth and furnace cooled. Tensile and hardness tests were conducted before and after carburization. The plain carbon steel displayed slight reduction in tensile strength and the steels with alloying elements increased the tensile strength considerably. It was also found that Ni and Cr restrict the grain growth and increase the strength of steel even in furnace cooled condition. Microstructure analysis of carburized steels revealed markable impact on the type and distribution of room temperature phases. The carbon content in the case was nearly 0.8 wt. % after carburization and hardness increase in the surface ranges from 130 to 170% as that of its original hardness. The combined effect of Ni and Cr also improves hardenability.
- by IAEME Publication
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- Carbon, Case, CORE, Steels
ДВУХПАДЕЖНЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ В ИНДОИРАНСКИХ ЯЗЫКАХ: ТИПОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ПЕРСПЕКТИВА П. М. Аркадьев (Институт славяноведения РАН, Москва) 0. Вступительные замечания 1 Двухпадежные системы обладают рядом нетривиальных характеристик, не свойственных... more
ДВУХПАДЕЖНЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ В ИНДОИРАНСКИХ ЯЗЫКАХ: ТИПОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ПЕРСПЕКТИВА П. М. Аркадьев (Институт славяноведения РАН, Москва) 0. Вступительные замечания 1 Двухпадежные системы обладают рядом нетривиальных характеристик, не свойственных системам с бóльшим числом элементов, ср. [Плунгян 2000: 162-163]. Систематическое изучение двухпадежных систем в языках мира находится на начальной стадии (предварительные результаты типологического исследования см. в работах [Аркадьев 2005; Аркадьев, в печати; Arkadiev 2006; Arkadiev, to appear a; Arkadiev, to appear b]), однако уже сейчас можно говорить о том, что они представляют большой интерес с точки зрения как синхронной типологии, так и исторической лингвистики;
- by Peter Arkadiev
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- Syntax, Morphology, Paradigms, Alignment
- by Antonio Fábregas
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- Nanosyntax, Locatives, Case, Arguments
In this paper it will be argued that the difference between existential and locative sentences is primarily structurally encoded at the vP/VP level (at the first phase of a derivation). The crucial question is which argument of the verb... more
In this paper it will be argued that the difference between existential and locative sentences is primarily structurally encoded at the vP/VP level (at the first phase of a derivation). The crucial question is which argument of the verb BE (the Location or the nominal argument ('Theme')) is projected as the "external argument", i.e., which argument is the subject of inner predication. In the case of existential sentences it is the Location argument which is the subject of inner predication, and in the case of locative sentences it is the nominal argument. The subject of inner predication becomes by default also the subject of outer predication, i.e., the topic of the sentence. Hence, in the case of locative sentences the nominal argument is the subject of outer predication, i.e., the topic of the sentence, and in the case of existential sentences it is the Location which becomes the topic. (Or, alternatively, the actual topic (the subject of outer predication) might be the situational/event variable, and the Location functions as a restriction on it.) However, the actual arrangement of constituents in the sentences under discussion, as in any other Polish sentence, is determined by the pragmatic/communicative principles. Given this, it is reasonable to think that the NOM/GEN case alternation in negated existential/locative sentences is primarily a matter of syntax, and not one of information structure or scope of negation. The analysis will be modeled in accordance with the phasal model of Chomsky (2000 et seq.).
- by Peter Arkadiev
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- Semantics, Typology, Syntax, Morphology
Ossetic sets itself apart from the other New Iranian languages by having a relatively elaborate system of nine cases. Since most of them are relatively late innovations, and only four cases (Nom., Gen, Abl., and Iness.) can be traced back... more
Ossetic sets itself apart from the other New Iranian languages by having a relatively elaborate system of nine cases. Since most of them are relatively late innovations, and only four cases (Nom., Gen, Abl., and Iness.) can be traced back to Proto-Iranian, many scholars tend to ascribe the development of the case system to Caucasian influence. The exact nature of this influence, however, has never been demonstrated. The aim of this paper is, first, to not only reconstruct the etymologies of Ossetic cases, but also to provide a chronology of how the case system developed. The second aim pursued here is to give a systematic comparison of the case system of Ossetic with those of the neighbouring languages and to determine if there is any external influence on the case system and, if so, what languages this influence came from. I conclude that Ossetic developed from a case system identical to those of Khotanese and Sogdian towards the present state under the influence of contact with Georgian and, later, with Turkic and Vaynakh languages. In the process of the discussion, I also argue that two new cases, the Directive and Recessive, are undergoing grammaticalisation in contemporary Ossetic.
A growing number of organizations are implementing the ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) „best practice ‟ framework in an attempt to improve their IT service management processes. However, not all ITIL implementations are successful and... more
A growing number of organizations are implementing the ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) „best practice ‟ framework in an attempt to improve their IT service management processes. However, not all ITIL implementations are successful and some companies have been disappointed with the outcomes. This exploratory research reports on four case studies of „successful ‟ implementations of IT service management using the process-based ITIL V2 framework. Two companies are located in the U.S. and two in Australia. The cases demonstrate a mix of implementation justifications and strategies. Critical success factors (CSFs) suggested in the literature are compared against those attributed to these successful ITIL implementations. Some CSFs, including executive management support, interdepartmental communication and collaboration, use of consultants, training and careful software selection are confirmed. Three new CSFs are identified: creating an ITIL-friendly culture, process as a priority, and c...
Kala Lagaw Ya is the language of the Western and Central islands of the Torres Strait. It exhibits an extremely complex pattern of ‘split argument coding’ (‘split ergativity’), which has previously been considered typologically... more
Kala Lagaw Ya is the language of the Western and Central islands of the Torres Strait. It exhibits an extremely complex pattern of ‘split argument coding’ (‘split ergativity’), which has previously been considered typologically exceptional, and problematic for widely discussed universals of argument coding dating back to work by Silverstein, Comrie and Dixon in the 1970s, and framed in terms of an ‘animacy’ or ‘nominal’ hierarchy. Furthermore, the two main dialects of the language, which centre around Saibai Island and Mabuiag Island, differ in the detail of their argument coding in interesting ways. In this paper we argue that once we take into account other typologically well-attested principles concerning the effect of markedness on neutralization in the morphological coding of grammatical categories, and in particular recent proposals about the typology of number marking systems, the Kala Lagaw Ya system falls into place as resulting from the unexceptional interaction of a number of universal tendencies. On this view, the case systems of the two dialects of Kala Lagaw Ya, while complex, appear not to be typologically exceptional. This account can be taken as a case study contributing to our understanding of universals of argument coding and how they relate to forces affecting the neutralization of morphological marking. The reframing of the Kala Lagaw Ya facts then has broader implications: it reinforces the value of viewing complex patterns as the result of the interaction of simpler, more regular forces, and in so doing it also lends further empirical weight to the universals of argument coding which Kala Lagaw Ya was previously thought to violate.
- by Erich R Round and +1
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- Australian Indigenous languages, Morphology, Universals, Inflection
The purpose of this study is to analyze the sources of economic growth in Ukraine, which has been observed from the second half of 1999. In addition, we intend to answer the question what is the sustainability of this growth, i.e. putting... more
The purpose of this study is to analyze the sources of economic growth in Ukraine, which has been observed from the second half of 1999. In addition, we intend to answer the question what is the sustainability of this growth, i.e. putting in other words, what are the chances and conditions for maintaining growth in the future. Neither question is
Abstract. This article discusses a syntactic puzzle posed by Hale ; namely, the variation in the location of agreement morphology in reduced object-relative clauses. The contribution of this paper is the proposal that phi features are... more
Abstract. This article discusses a syntactic puzzle posed by Hale ; namely, the variation in the location of agreement morphology in reduced object-relative clauses. The contribution of this paper is the proposal that phi features are uniformly on the super-ordinate D, and the micro-variation in the location of agreement morphology is an outcome of the difference in the adjunction site of the extracted object. This analysis makes predictions for subject relatives as well as non-reduced relative clauses. The major theoretical implication of this paper is that clause-external phi features are responsible not only for genitive subject-case licensing but also for overt subject-verb agreement in reduced and non-reduced relative clauses.
In this paper I discuss Polish data in view of Pesetsky and Torrego’s (2001, 2004, 2007) proposals. The data suggest that the issues are more complex than they appear in English, and that extending the analysis to Polish would require... more
In this paper I discuss Polish data in view of Pesetsky and Torrego’s (2001, 2004, 2007) proposals. The data suggest that the issues are more complex than they appear in English, and
that extending the analysis to Polish would require modifications shedding light on the entire proposal. The Polish to-omission asymmetry, the missing that-t effect, distribution of CP arguments, as well as complementation possibilities of nouns and adjectives will be discussed in detail. It will be argued that φ-features must play a role in Agree relations with the Tns probes, contrary to the recent proposals made by the authors.
- by Oleg Belyaev and +1
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- Armenian Language, Eastern Armenian, Case, Spatial Relations
PT. PRIMA TUNGGAL MANDIRI is a company or family business that was founded in 2011 in Semarang. Engaged in the automotive industry, which is a tire distributor, wholesale and retail trade, then ventured into car and motorcycle repair... more
PT. PRIMA TUNGGAL MANDIRI is a company or family business that was founded in 2011 in Semarang. Engaged in the automotive industry, which is a tire distributor, wholesale and retail trade, then ventured into car and motorcycle repair shops. Tires are one of the commodity items which have triggered increasingly competitive business competition. In 2018 this company launches a new service, on the road service (OTR Service), which offers professional mechanical call services, affordable prices, and promotes convenience and comfort for consumers. But even though it has been running for almost two years since it was launched, the development of the number of customers has not been as expected and has not had a big impact on the company. This makes the company feel the need to evaluate its marketing strategy. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the marketing strategy of the OTR Service service, define problems and challenges, then formulate a marketing strategy to optimize OTR Servic...
- by Safira Raedianty
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- Business, Marketing, Family, Case
The conditional sentence is the sentence that the conditional device comes first and its occurrence becomes conditional. In this research A critical study of structure of conditional sentence in Arabic grammars, the standpoints of the... more
The conditional sentence is the sentence that the conditional device comes first and its occurrence becomes conditional. In this research A critical study of structure of conditional sentence in Arabic grammars, the standpoints of the outstanding contemporaneous grammarians about different features of ‘conditional sentence’ have been comparative together at each of the issues and their differences and commonalities have been pointed. Afterwards, different votes have been criticized with respect to linguistic Criterions, so that their advantages and disadvantages have been determined. The present research has demonstrated some votes are acceptable and some votes are not acceptable.
- by Journal of Arabic Literature and +1
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- Case, Conditional Sentences, Noun Phrases, Dependent
Dinamika poslovnog svijeta i ostalih aspekata društva zahtijeva brz razvoj novih aplikacijskih rješenja za potporu poslovanju. Razvoj aplikacija se mora svesti na svoj vremenski minimum a mogućnosti krivih načina oblikovanja i razvoja... more
Dinamika poslovnog svijeta i ostalih aspekata društva zahtijeva brz razvoj novih aplikacijskih rješenja za potporu poslovanju. Razvoj aplikacija se mora svesti na svoj vremenski minimum a mogućnosti krivih načina oblikovanja i razvoja programske podrške se moraju eliminirati jer dovode do nepotrebnog trošenja vremena i odgađanja isporuke samog proizvoda. Uzorci dizajna predstavljaju jedan korak u rješavanju navedene situacije i postaju danas sve popularniji. Uzorci dizajna predstavljaju prepoznata rješenja za ponavljajuće probleme u području dizajna aplikacijske podrške na način da osiguravaju poznat i prokušan način rješavanja pojedinog problema. Mogu se grupirati i klasificirati prema namjeni i načinu primjene. U ovom radu bit će dan pregled svih grupa i vrsta uzoraka dizajna zajedno s mogućnostima njihovog korištenja te problemima koji se mogu pojaviti.
- by Tihomir Orehovački
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- Case
- by Daria Bikina
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- Syntax, Relative Clauses, Khanty, Case
A long-running and still vital debate concerns the way in which we can determine the number of cases (case values) in a given language. This matters both for the description of particular languages, and even more for typology, given the... more
A long-running and still vital debate concerns the way in which we can determine the number of cases (case values) in a given language. This matters both for the description of particular languages, and even more for typology, given the imperative for the typologist to compare like with like. Within this debate special attention has been devoted to Russian. And rightly so, since Russian exhibits a whole set of difficult analytic problems with respect to case. As a result it has been claimed to have as few as six case values or as many as eleven.
PT. PRIMA TUNGGAL MANDIRI is a company or family business that was founded in 2011 in Semarang. Engaged in the automotive industry, which is a tire distributor, wholesale and retail trade, then ventured into car and motorcycle repair... more
PT. PRIMA TUNGGAL MANDIRI is a company or family business that was founded in 2011 in Semarang. Engaged in the automotive industry, which is a tire distributor, wholesale and retail trade, then ventured into car and motorcycle repair shops. Tires are one of the commodity items which have triggered increasingly competitive business competition. In 2018 this company launches a new service, on the road service (OTR Service), which offers professional mechanical call services, affordable prices, and promotes convenience and comfort for consumers. But even though it has been running for almost two years since it was launched, the development of the number of customers has not been as expected and has not had a big impact on the company. This makes the company feel the need to evaluate its marketing strategy. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the marketing strategy of the OTR Service service, define problems and challenges, then formulate a marketing strategy to optimize OTR Service service opportunities. The results showed the marketing strategy undertaken by PTM was inefficient and ineffective due to the lack of resource capabilities and competencies, and the absence of a matrix or measurement in each of its marketing activities.
- by IAEME Publication
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- Business, Marketing, Family, Case
Textual case-based reasoning (TCBR) provides the ability to reason with domain-specific knowledge when experiences exist in text. Ideally, we would like to find an inexpensive way to automatically, efficiently, and accurately represent... more
Textual case-based reasoning (TCBR) provides the ability to reason with domain-specific knowledge when experiences exist in text. Ideally, we would like to find an inexpensive way to automatically, efficiently, and accurately represent textual documents as cases. One of the challenges, however, is that current automated methods that manipulate text are not always useful because they are either expensive (based on natural language processing) or they do not take into account word order and negation (based on statistics) when interpreting textual sources. Recently, Schenker et al. introduced an algorithm to convert textual documents into graphs that conserves and conveys the order and structure of the source text in the graph representation. Unfortunately, the resulting graphs cannot be used as cases because they do not take domain knowledge into consideration. Thus, the goal of this study is to investigate the potential benefit, if any, of this new algorithm to TCBR. For this purpose, we conducted an experiment to evaluate variations of the algorithm for TCBR. We discuss the potential contribution of this algorithm to existing TCBR approaches.
This report summarizes the presentations, discussions, and recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Workshop "Sustainable Manufacturing: Metrics, Standards, and Infrastructure" held at NIST,... more
This report summarizes the presentations, discussions, and recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Workshop "Sustainable Manufacturing: Metrics, Standards, and Infrastructure" held at NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, October 13 through October 15, 2009. The primary objective of this Workshop was to bring together experts and various stakeholders to identify and discuss measurement and standards enablers that positively affect the social, economic, environmental, and technological aspects of designing sustainable production processes and products. The Workshop was well attended and consisted of thirty presentations organized under five sessions: 1) Government Initiatives; 2) Industry Perspectives; 3) University Research; 4) Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) research; and 5) Solution Provider's Views. Two breakout sessions and an industry panel provided a set of recommendations for addressing critical issues in sustainable manufacturing.
The book under review is a collection of twelve papers in honor of Bernard Comrie. 1 Though the genre of a festschrift does not impose rigid thematic restrictions, especially when the festschriftee is a scholar who has contributed to as... more
The book under review is a collection of twelve papers in honor of Bernard Comrie. 1 Though the genre of a festschrift does not impose rigid thematic restrictions, especially when the festschriftee is a scholar who has contributed to as many diverse areas of linguistics as Bernard Comrie has, the title Case and grammatical relations is indeed justified. All of the contributions to the volume (except the one by Maria Polinsky) deal with various issues having to do either with morphological case, or with various properties of grammatical relations, or with both.
In Polish there is one type of construction that bears a strong resemblance to the constructions found in split-ergative languages like Hindi or Georgian. In the latter languages a special case marking, i.e., the ergative marking is... more
In Polish there is one type of construction that bears a strong resemblance to the constructions found in split-ergative languages like Hindi or Georgian. In the latter languages a special case marking, i.e., the ergative marking is triggered by a particular tense or aspect. Similarly in Polish, depending on the aspectual properties of the verb być 'to be', the " subject-NP " in " X was not at Y " constructions is marked either for NOM or GEN. Two major questions discussed in the paper are: (i) the origin of the GEN marking of the " subject-NP " , and (ii) the correlation between the NOM marking of the " subject-NP " and the habitual aspect in the constructions in question. These are puzzling questions since the GEN marking in " X was not at Y " constructions cannot be subsumed under the general rule of GEN of Negation in Polish. Nor can the properties of these constructions be made follow from some general properties of BE-constructions in Polish. To solve these problems, an unusal claim is made, namely, that Polish in some sense behaves like an ergative language. The main aim of the paper is to check to what extent this claim might turn out to be true.
Definiteness has often been assumed to play a role in syntax, most notably in relation to various "definiteness effects" and Case alternations (Belletti 1988, De Hoop 1992 and many others). The question whether this involves a semantic... more
Definiteness has often been assumed to play a role in syntax, most notably in relation to various "definiteness effects" and Case alternations (Belletti 1988, De Hoop 1992 and many others). The question whether this involves a semantic property which is relevant in syntax, or an independent syntactic representation of definiteness, remains to a large extent unanswered. This paper shows that, on the one hand, Hebrew provides independent evidence for assuming a definiteness feature in syntax; and on the other hand, this formal definiteness does not simply correlate with semantic definiteness and that there is no simple one-to-one mapping between the two kinds of definiteness. The second part of this paper focuses on the Hebrew object marker et, which appears only in front of DPs having the syntactic definiteness feature. I argue that et fulfills a requirement for structural Case which Hebrew verbs cannot assign, and that this requirement is related to the representation of definiteness as a formal feature and not to any semantic property. In this light I consider Belletti's (1988) theory of abstract Partitive, and show that Hebrew object marking seems to provide evidence against it.
- by Gabi Danon
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- Case, Definiteness
- by Antonio Fábregas
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- Spanish, Preposition, Case, Pro
The model of learning best suited to the future may be one which sees learning as the process of managing the different kinds of participation an individual might have in complex social systems. Learning capability and engagement is thus... more
The model of learning best suited to the future may be one which sees learning as the process of managing the different kinds of participation an individual might have in complex social systems. Learning capability and engagement is thus dependent on the relationship between an individual identity and social systems. We report on the incorporation of machinima, a Web 2.0 technology, as part of an interdisciplinary and collaborative project where the focus is not on the mastery of the tools or the acquisition of predetermined knowledge, but on the development of learning engagement. We provide the case study of a pilot project involving students across two Arts disciplines collaborating via the game, World of Warcraft, to produce an animated adaptation of one of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Their contributions were differently assessed according to the pre-existing requirements of their home disciplines. We argue that the assessment in such projects, in conjunction with innovations and experimentation with Web 2.0 technologies, should shift from an emphasis on product to process. We believe that this has a sound pedagogical and theoretical foundation, and also fits better with the increasingly digitalised, unfixed and interdisciplinary world that students will face on graduation.
This book offers a comprehensive account of dative structures across languages –with an important, though not exclusive, focus on the Romance family. As is well-known, datives play a central role in a variety of structures, ranging from... more
This book offers a comprehensive account of dative structures across languages –with an important, though not exclusive, focus on the Romance family. As is well-known, datives play a central role in a variety of structures, ranging from ditransitive constructions to cliticization of indirect objects and differentially marked direct objects, and including also psychological predicates, possessor or causative constructions, among many others. As interest in all these topics has increased significantly over the past three decades, this volume provides an overdue update on the state of the art. Accordingly, the chapters in this volume account for both widely discussed patterns of dative constructions as well as those that are relatively unknown.
We report a 51-year-old woman who had undergone surgical resection of Dukes'B rectal cancer. On postoperative day 30, she noticed a dark red swelling in the right upper gingival, for which immunohistochemical study of the biopsy specimen... more
We report a 51-year-old woman who had undergone surgical resection of Dukes'B rectal cancer. On postoperative day 30, she noticed a dark red swelling in the right upper gingival, for which immunohistochemical study of the biopsy specimen revealed metastasis from the rectal cancer.
- by Peter Arkadiev
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- Typology, Gender, Morphology, Syncretism
отмечалась связь между способом выражения актантов глагола и семантическими, в частности, аспектуальными свойствами предиката. Например, так называемые «глаголы способа» (читать, есть, рисовать, петь и др.) допускают опущение актантов... more
отмечалась связь между способом выражения актантов глагола и семантическими, в частности, аспектуальными свойствами предиката. Например, так называемые «глаголы способа» (читать, есть, рисовать, петь и др.) допускают опущение актантов легче, чем «глаголы результата» (разбивать, резать; прочитать, съесть, нарисовать и др.). В некоторых случаях при опущении изменяется и лексическое значение глагола. Так, при безобъектном употреблении глагола пить (Вася пьёт) ситуация понимается как хабитуальная, имеющая место постоянно, как свойство субъекта, а кроме того, семантика ситуации сужается (она обозначает только то, что субъект пьёт алкогольные напитки, а не, например, фруктовые соки).
- by Peter Arkadiev
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- Syntax, Morphology, Valency, Adyghe
The presence in Puerto Rico of U.S. drugstore chains like Walgreens and CVS, as well as megastores like Walmart, Costco, and Kmart led to the closure of around 30 percent of locally owned community-based pharmacies between 2005 and 2011.... more
The presence in Puerto Rico of U.S. drugstore chains like Walgreens and CVS, as well as megastores like Walmart, Costco, and Kmart led to the closure of around 30 percent of locally owned community-based pharmacies between 2005 and 2011. To address competition from U.S. chains, owner-pharmacists pursued collective action, including organizing buying groups and, in 2009, the Alliance of Community-Based Pharmacy Owners. One of the two purposes of the Alliance was to educate consumers on how "patriotic" and beneficial it was for them to buy at community-based pharmacies instead of U.S. chains. The other was to help Alliance members (pharmacists) improve the skills needed to manage their businesses and confront outsiders. By December 2011, however, the Alliance was barely surviving due to the lack of sufficient members. A new strategic roadmap for the Alliance was needed if it was to become the organization its founders planned.
- by Victor Quinones
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- Case
- by Johannes Patzelt
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- Case
The present study is a reflection on the method of case study in learning law. To achieve this purpose, we will discuss the traditional method and its limitations to the challenges of law in the era of globalisation. We will emphasise the... more
The present study is a reflection on the method of case study in learning law. To achieve this purpose, we will discuss the traditional method and its limitations to the challenges of law in the era of globalisation. We will emphasise the urgent need to implement the case study method in Portuguese law schools as an instrument that enhances the active participation of the student, protagonist in the process of learning and knowledge acquisition. This study is justified today, especially the challenges triggered by the Bologna process, including the implication in the teaching, learning and assessment. The teacher is assumed as a supervisor of the learning process, calling for the autonomy of the student. It is intended that students develop critical thinking and be able to reflect on their own learning process. Therefore, the need to revise the traditional methodology here was rooted in the teaching of law.