Code of Ethics Research Papers (original) (raw)

This article argues that the essential factors of a public service code of ethics can be divided into five categories. These categories or principles are fairness, transparency, responsibility, efficiency and conflict of interest. These... more

This article argues that the essential factors of a public service code of ethics can be divided into five categories. These categories or principles are fairness, transparency, responsibility, efficiency and conflict of interest. These principles are identified in this article as being the basic elements of democratic accountability in relation to public sector decision-making. The issues explored are not only the obstacles that the public service decision-maker faces in internalising these principles but, also, the challenges for a pro-active management in fostering such internalisation.

This is the authors ’ final peer reviewed version of the item published as:

This article summarizes and aggregates the results of a study conducted of the largest 100 public sector organizations derived from three categories in Sweden. These categories of organizations comprise 40 entities of government, 40... more

This article summarizes and aggregates the results of a study conducted of the largest 100 public sector organizations derived from three categories in Sweden. These categories of organizations comprise 40 entities of government, 40 municipalities, and 20 county councils. The ...

Sustainability is a central challenge of the fashion industry. In an era where Internet and social networks allow information to spread quickly, more consumers are familiar with the call for “ethical fashion” as disasters such as Rana... more

Sustainability is a central challenge of the fashion industry. In an era where Internet and social networks allow information to spread quickly, more consumers are familiar with the call for “ethical fashion” as disasters such as Rana Plaza resound worldwide. However, consumers interested in buying “ethical” clothing could have a hard time orienting themselves amongst the abundance of brands claiming to be ethical on the market. Consumers might make purchasing decisions based on their knowledge of a brand. In this context, it is imaginable that corporate social responsibility (CSR) communications, including codes of ethics, could constitute one way a consumer can learn more about a company’s values. These codes may serve a variety of purposes—they are undoubtedly one of the ways a brand communicates its commitment to ethical principles. Indeed, by analyzing the codes of ethics of some of the industry’s well-known brands, it is evident that they primarily focus on employment and work...

The newly-adopted Code of Ethics of the Canadian Association of Social Workers (2005a) includes in its preamble: The Code of Ethics does not specify which values and principles are most important and which outweigh others in instances of... more

The newly-adopted Code of Ethics of the Canadian Association of Social Workers (2005a) includes in its preamble:
The Code of Ethics does not specify which values and principles are most important and which outweigh others in instances of conflict. Reasonable differences of opinion exist among social workers with respect to which values and principles should be given priority in a particular situation (p.2).
This article explores the implications of the Code’s openness to the “reasonable differences of opinion” clause with particular attention to groups of people who might be identified as “fundamentalist.” This article argues that recent trends in immigration and religion will require the social work profession to reflect on how it can remain committed to anti-oppressive practice while at the same time making room for the perspectives of those belonging to religiously orthodox groups. A multiple pluralities approach which recognizes humans’ narrative character is suggested as one way to resolve potential conflicts.

Marketing ethics is normally marketed as a sub-specialization of business ethics. In this paper, marketing ethics serves as an umbrella term for advertising, PR and sales ethics and as an example of professional ethics. To structure the... more

Marketing ethics is normally marketed as a sub-specialization of business ethics. In this paper, marketing ethics serves as an umbrella term for advertising, PR and sales ethics and as an example of professional ethics. To structure the paper, four approaches are distinguished, with a focus on typical professional conflicts, codes, roles or climates respectively. Since the moral climate approachis more inclusive than the other approaches, the last part of the paper deals mainly with moral climates, within the above-mentioned marketing sub-professions.

It is hard to define a single set of ethics that will cover an entire computer users community. In this paper, the issue is addressed in reference to code of ethics implemented by various professionals, institutes and organizations. The... more

It is hard to define a single set of ethics that will cover an entire computer users community. In this paper, the issue is addressed in reference to code of ethics implemented by various professionals, institutes and organizations. The paper presents a higher level model using hierarchical approach. The code developed using this approach could be adopted easily by the

The objective of this paper is to explore howthe current interest in Business Ethics can be locatedwithin an analysis of contemporary society which takesinto account the prevalence of moral uncertainty along with the concomitant desire... more

The objective of this paper is to explore howthe current interest in Business Ethics can be locatedwithin an analysis of contemporary society which takesinto account the prevalence of moral uncertainty along with the concomitant desire to(re)establish some form of normative order. As such,Business Ethics may be seen as a socially constructed“field” of study which reflects broaderchanges and controversies within society. Yet as a body of knowledge,Business Ethics articulates epistemological doubts. Twodistinctive themes in Business Ethics discourse areconsidered — the modernist/rationalist and thepostmodernist/relativist. It is argued that in different ways, each canbe seen as both an expression of, and a reaction to, theincreasing incidence of anomie in society. Theimplications for organizational practices are thenconsidered through the example of Corporate Codes ofEthics and the problem of establishing consensus wherethe grounds for any claim to moral authority areproblematic.

ÖZET Etik kurallar bir bütündür. Açıklık, yöntemsel olarak, yaptığımız araştırma neticesinde ulaştığımız sonucun yanlışlanabilmesini olanaklı kılan, elde ettiğimiz bilginin bilimsel bilgi olmasını sağlayan bir etik kuraldır. Araştırmada... more

ÖZET Etik kurallar bir bütündür. Açıklık, yöntemsel olarak, yaptığımız araştırma neticesinde ulaştığımız sonucun yanlışlanabilmesini olanaklı kılan, elde ettiğimiz bilginin bilimsel bilgi olmasını sağlayan bir etik kuraldır. Araştırmada elde edilen verilerin ve neticelerin açık bir şekilde paylaşılması oldukça önemlidir. Gizlilik standardı ile çelişebilme olasılığını araştırma öncesinde minimize etmek gereklidir. Bilim etiği bakımından açıklık, dürüstlük ve kamuya yönelik iletişim prensiplerinin gerekçesiz olarak göz ardı edildiği, gizlilik prensibinin ise gerekçesiz ve yanlış olarak kullanıldığını düşündüğüm " Muğla İli Ekolojik Temelli Bilimsel Araştırma Raporu " sürecinin, siyasetin bilim üzerinde hegemonya kurma çalışmasının güncel bir örneği olarak da ele alınabileceği değerlendirilmektedir. ABSTRACT Code of Ethics is the whole. Transparency is an ethical rule that makes the research results possible to be picked the pieces, and makes the information that we have reached through the research, to be scientific information, methodically. It is essential to clearly share the data and results obtained in the research. It is necessary to minimize the possibility of conflicting with the standard of confidentiality before the research. I consider that in terms of scientific ethics, the standards of transparency, honesty and public communications have been ignored, and the standard of confidentiality is misused without reason during the preparing process of "Muğla Provincial Ecological Based Scientific Research Report" by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. It is also evaluated that this report could be studied as a current version of politics working on hegemony over science.

Ethical issues related to information systems are important to the information technology (IT) professionals. These issues are also significant for organizations and societies. Although considerable literature on IT and related ethical... more

Ethical issues related to information systems are important to the information technology (IT) professionals. These issues are also significant for organizations and societies. Although considerable literature on IT and related ethical issues exists, a review of this literature has found little empirical research on ethical practices within the government and private sector organizations. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to draw inferences regarding such practices currently in these sectors. The research results indicate a significant correlation between the code of ethics and the attitude of professionals towards the unethical use of software in government and private sector organizations. These also indicate significant differences in government and private sectors.

A growing public concern regarding ethical business conduct has stimulated marketing research in the ethics area. This study is the first empirical research to investigate the relationship between a code of ethics and sales force... more

A growing public concern regarding ethical business conduct has stimulated marketing research in the ethics area. This study is the first empirical research to investigate the relationship between a code of ethics and sales force behavior. The findings present preliminary evidence that a well communicated code of ethics may be related to ethical sales force behavior. Furthermore, it appears that a sales force that is employed in such an environment can be profiled as being relatively high in job performance and receiving equally high satisfaction from their positions. Suggestions are made for future research and recommendations are offered for marketing practitioners.

‘Virtual globe’ software systems such as Google Earth are growing rapidly in popularity as a way to visualise and share 3D environmental data. Scientists and environmental professionals, many of whom are new to 3D modeling and visual... more

‘Virtual globe’ software systems such as Google Earth are growing rapidly in popularity as a way to visualise and share 3D environmental data. Scientists and environmental professionals, many of whom are new to 3D modeling and visual communications, are beginning routinely to use such techniques in their work. While the appeal of these techniques is evident, with unprecedented opportunities for public access to data and collaborative engagement over the web, are there nonetheless risks in their widespread usage when applied in areas of the public interest such as planning and policy-making?This paper argues that the Google Earth phenomenon, which features realistic imagery of places, cannot be dealt with only as a question of spatial data and geographic information science. The virtual globe type of visualisation crosses several key thresholds in communicating scientific and environmental information, taking it well beyond the realm of conventional spatial data and geographic information science, and engaging more complex dimensions of human perception and aesthetic preference. The realism, perspective views, and social meanings of the landscape visualisations embedded in virtual globes invoke not only cognition but also emotional and intuitive responses, with associated issues of uncertainty, credibility, and bias in interpreting the imagery. This paper considers the types of risks as well as benefits that may exist with participatory uses of virtual globes by experts and lay-people. It is illustrated with early examples from practice and relevant themes from the literature in landscape visualisation and related disciplines such as environmental psychology and landscape planning. Existing frameworks and principles for the appropriate use of environmental visualisation methods are applied to the special case of widely accessible, realistic 3D and 4D visualisation systems such as Google Earth, in the context of public awareness-building and agency decision-making on environmental issues. Relevant principles are suggested which lend themselves to much-needed evaluation of risks and benefits of virtual globe systems. Possible approaches for balancing these benefits and risks include codes of ethics, software design, and metadata templates.

Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) adalah profesi bagi pegawai yang bekerja di instansi pemerintah. Untuk melaksanakan tugasnya dengan profesional, pegawai ASN tidak hanya memiliki kompetensi namun juga harus bersikap, berperilaku, dan bertindak... more

Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) adalah profesi bagi pegawai yang bekerja di instansi pemerintah. Untuk melaksanakan tugasnya dengan profesional, pegawai ASN tidak hanya memiliki kompetensi namun juga harus bersikap, berperilaku, dan bertindak sesuai pedoman kode etik dan kode perilaku ASN. Kode Etik dan Kode Perilaku menjadi self-control bagi pegawai ASN untuk melaksanakan tugasnya secara profesional guna menjamin mutu profesi ASN. Saat ini, pelanggaran terhadap kode etik dan kode perilaku di kalangan pegawai ASN masih tinggi. Beberapa faktor penyebabnya adalah belum efektifnya penegakan kode etik dan kode perilaku ASN di instansi pemerintah; belum berperannya pimpinan sebagai role model; belum terbangunnya sistem whistle blower; dan belum terbangunnya sistem informasi pelanggaran.

The journalistic practice is permeated by ethical issues. Central concerns in this dissertation are to question the validity of different forms of professional ethics, and to discuss how to deal with moral issues internal to journalism,... more

The journalistic practice is permeated by ethical issues. Central concerns in this dissertation are to question the validity of different forms of professional ethics, and to discuss how to deal with moral issues internal to journalism, such as how to understand truth, consideration or justice. In this regard the analysis contains arguments for ethics and morals in relation to a
theoretical understanding of value. The dissertation concludes with an outline for a holistic position, which is based on assent to realism and a hermeneutic interpretation of morals. The conclusion also contains a normative position concerning professional ethics for journalists. The dissertation has a five-fold purpose. The first is to analyze the official framework for professional ethics amongst journalists. This is accomplished by a discussion of two mass-media theories, namely the theory of consequential neutrality and the theory of social responsibility, and also by an analysis of the official Code of Ethics for the Press, Radio and Television. This model for professional ethics is called a Model for Regulative Ethics. A second purpose is to investigate the journalists’ apprehensions and their professional morals in
relation to their practice through an empirical qualitative investigation amongst ten news journalists. The third purpose is to develop my own criteria for a valid professional ethics. The fourth is to compare and examine three models for professional ethics of another kind than a regulative model. These are a Model of Virtue Ethics, a Model of Responsibility and a Model of Vocation. The fifth purpose is to present an alternative model of a professional
ethics amongst journalists. This is called a Model of Holism.

Frequently, and in many different countries, the engineering professionals are criticized for a number of occurrences that took place and which adversely affected people or the environment. Everything that engineers do affects the society... more

Frequently, and in many different countries, the engineering professionals are criticized for a number of occurrences that took place and which adversely affected people or the environment. Everything that engineers do affects the society and its development and, occasionally, the consequences of these actions are not fully thought out, not anticipated, or not fully understood, but the results are undesirable

In this paper I will be discussing somewhat unknown or unspoken set of rules for universities. I took 5 best universities from Turkey and the USA- and see their view on this subject. The universities I have chosen are Boğaziçi University,... more

In this paper I will be discussing somewhat unknown or unspoken set of rules for universities. I took 5 best universities from Turkey and the USA- and see their view on this subject. The universities I have chosen are Boğaziçi University, Bilkent University, Sabancı University, Middle East Technical University, Koç University from Turkey, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Stanford University, California Institute of Technology and the University of Chicago from the US. These universities have been selected for their top five’s in their country by this ranking system called the QS World University Rankings.

Human rights create a protective zone around persons and allow them the opportunity to further their valued personal projects without interference from others. This article considers the relationship between human rights and the general... more

Human rights create a protective zone around persons and allow them the opportunity to further their valued personal projects without interference from others. This article considers the relationship between human rights and the general ethical principles and standards contained in the American Psychological Association's (APA's) code of ethics as applied to the forensic domain. First, it analyzes the concept of human rights, their structure, and their justification. Second, it briefly describes the APA's most recent code of ethics and the principles and standards that compose it. Third, it concludes by explicitly examining the relationship between the present human rights model and the APA's code, demonstrating how it is able to provide an additional ethical resource for forensic practitioners in their clinical work and so deepen their ethical sensibilities and decision making. Finally, the article presents a case study and discusses the human rights issues confront...