Decision Maker Research Papers - (original) (raw)

... Urban channels, Erodibility, Allen et al. (2002). Urban channels, Spatial management in relation to hazards, Chin and Gregory (2005). Plunge pools, Act as energy dissipators to increase flow resistance and enhance channel stability,... more

... Urban channels, Erodibility, Allen et al. (2002). Urban channels, Spatial management in relation to hazards, Chin and Gregory (2005). Plunge pools, Act as energy dissipators to increase flow resistance and enhance channel stability, Allan and Estes (2005). Channelization. ...

This thesis consists of three empirical studies in economics of education on the determinants and consequences of language-in-education (LiE) policies. The “Environmental settings – Inputs – Processes – Immediate outcomes – Long-term... more

This thesis consists of three empirical studies in economics of education on the determinants and consequences of language-in-education (LiE) policies. The “Environmental settings – Inputs – Processes – Immediate outcomes – Long-term outcomes” (EIPOL) evaluation model is applied to LiE policies and programs and serves as the overall framework of this research (see Introductory Chapter). Each study then targets at least one stage of the EIPOL framework to test the validity of the “green” vs. “free-market” linguistic theories. Whereas the two first studies derive models tested empirically in the African context, the third is tested on a sample of countries from the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS). The first study, Rationales to Language-in-Education Policies in Postcolonial Africa: Towards a Holistic Approach, considers two issues. First, it explores the factors affecting the choice of an LiE policy in 35 African countries. The results show that the countries adopting a uni...

Previous discussions concerned with combining User Experience (UX) design and Agile development have either focused on integrating them as two separate processes, or on incorporating techniques from UX design into an Agile context. There... more

Previous discussions concerned with combining User Experience (UX) design and Agile development have either focused on integrating them as two separate processes, or on incorporating techniques from UX design into an Agile context. There is still no rigorous academic view on the nature of practice in this area. Further, the many and varied settings in which Agile developers and UX designers work together, and how those settings shape their work, remain largely unexplored. We conducted two field studies to address this. The results suggest that the values and assumptions of decision-makers external to the teams shape UX/Agile practice. The current focus on processes and techniques falls short of providing the insight necessary to improve practice. Instead, our results indicate that improvement requires further explication of contextual values.

This paper studies the impact of reputation on the reporting strategy of experts that face conflicts of interest. The framework we propose applies to different settings involv- ing decision makers that rely on experts for making informed... more

This paper studies the impact of reputation on the reporting strategy of experts that face conflicts of interest. The framework we propose applies to different settings involv- ing decision makers that rely on experts for making informed decisions, such as financial analysts and goverment agencies. We show that reputation has a non-monotonic effect on the degree of information revelation. In general, truthful revelation is more likely to occur when there is more uncertainty on an expert's ability. Furthermore, above a certain threshold, an increase in reputation always makes truthful revelation more difficult to achieve. Our results shed light on the relationship between the institutional features of the reporting environment and informational efficiency.

This article argues that the essential factors of a public service code of ethics can be divided into five categories. These categories or principles are fairness, transparency, responsibility, efficiency and conflict of interest. These... more

This article argues that the essential factors of a public service code of ethics can be divided into five categories. These categories or principles are fairness, transparency, responsibility, efficiency and conflict of interest. These principles are identified in this article as being the basic elements of democratic accountability in relation to public sector decision-making. The issues explored are not only the obstacles that the public service decision-maker faces in internalising these principles but, also, the challenges for a pro-active management in fostering such internalisation.

For a very long time, agricultural policy has been interested only in productive or economic aspects. Nevertheless, interventions aiming to support farmers’ income or to promote agricultural modernisation have resulted in several... more

For a very long time, agricultural policy has been interested only in productive or economic aspects. Nevertheless, interventions aiming to support farmers’ income or to promote agricultural modernisation have resulted in several ‘negative’ side-effects, such as increasing pollution, landscape depletion and deepening of regional disparities. Consequently, a need has emerged for confronting problems with a more comprehensive approach, taking into

Previous research has shown that pharmacoeconomic (PE) data are considered important but may not be optimally utilized by decision makers. No research has compared the effectiveness of different types of PE models. The purpose of this... more

Previous research has shown that pharmacoeconomic (PE) data are considered important but may not be optimally utilized by decision makers. No research has compared the effectiveness of different types of PE models. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceived value and understanding of PE models among decision makers in managed care organizations. The perspective of this study was from research scientists working in the pharmaceutical industry who present PE models to managed care clients. The study objectives were to (1) examine what types of models are best received by decision makers, (2) investigate the barriers to using PE models, and (3) recommend methods for improving PE models. A telephone survey of 39 items was conducted with 20 PE research scientists from various U.S. pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Topics addressed included factors contributing to how well PE models are received, barriers to using PE models, and recommendations for improving PE model...

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has practically penetrated into all spheres of life. Therefore a closer look at the impact of ICT in public financial management and performance is highly justified. Public finance is... more

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has practically penetrated into all spheres of life. Therefore a closer look at the impact of ICT in public financial management and performance is highly justified. Public finance is defined as a field of economics concerned with paying for collective or governmental activities, and with the administration and design of those activities. Activities will be viewed as services or more precisely as public services. We believe that there is need to consider performance from the perspective of effective performance and the perceived performance. In fact the real or effective performance might not correspond to the perceived performance. A service can be considered from the perspective of the decision-maker, who in our case could be a government or a collectivity. ICT can be employed in the three phases that concern the decision-maker: design, implementation and evaluation. The beneficiaries of a service can employ ICT in any of the three ...

Information analysts must rapidly assess information to determine its usefulness in supporting and informing decision makers. In addition to assessing the content, the analyst must be confident about the quality and veracity of the... more

Information analysts must rapidly assess information to determine its usefulness in supporting and informing decision makers. In addition to assessing the content, the analyst must be confident about the quality and veracity of the information. Visualizations can concisely represent vast quantities of information, thus aiding the analyst to examine larger quantities of material; however, visualization programs are challenged to incorporate

The present model of individual decision-making is based on a bounded-rationality style assumption. The de­ cision-maker's preferences over actions lead to choice probabilities that can be defined as the reflect of his be­ havior when... more

The present model of individual decision-making is based on a bounded-rationality style assumption. The de­ cision-maker's preferences over actions lead to choice probabilities that can be defined as the reflect of his be­ havior when facing past cases of the same choice prob­ lem, i.e. his choice memory. Actually, the actions utility is supposed to be cumulatively learnt, case after

Operations Research has addressed a variety of environmental problems outside the traditional supply chain management area such as remanufacturing, reverse logistics, and waste management. Supply chain sustainability, which includes... more

Operations Research has addressed a variety of environmental problems outside the traditional supply chain management area such as remanufacturing, reverse logistics, and waste management. Supply chain sustainability, which includes designing green ...

RESUME Les défis pour une gestion durable des eaux pluviales urbaines dans les pays en dévéloppement sont considérables par rapport aux pays dévéloppés. Cet article utilise l´exemple de la ville de Porto Alegre pour analiser cette... more

RESUME Les défis pour une gestion durable des eaux pluviales urbaines dans les pays en dévéloppement sont considérables par rapport aux pays dévéloppés. Cet article utilise l´exemple de la ville de Porto Alegre pour analiser cette situation. Les principales difficultés sont ...

Technology will help to address the challenges for sustainable forestry in the 21st century. Some of the challenges will include the shift of production from native forest to plantations in areas of comparative advantage, more efficient... more

Technology will help to address the challenges for sustainable forestry in the 21st century. Some of the challenges will include the shift of production from native forest to plantations in areas of comparative advantage, more efficient processing delinking end-use products from raw wood characteristics, increased demand, better information technologies to support decision makers, and more options for conserving biodiversity. Definitions of sustainability will vary in time and space as society's expectations and aspirations change, so there can be no 'silver bullet' to ensure sustainability. However, progress may be facilitated with a systematic approach to forest management embracing the usual planning cycle: formulation of objectives, preparation of a strategy, planning, implementing, monitoring, and reappraisal. This requires a good understanding of each particular situation. Managers need good resource assessment and decision support systems; they must foster stak...