Emigration Research Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Edición traducida del francés de un relato semi-autobiográfico en el que Marie-José Lopez narra la historia de vida de su padre. Un testimonio del paso por la historia de un conjunto de personas condenadas al anonimato por su extracción... more

Edición traducida del francés de un relato semi-autobiográfico en el que Marie-José Lopez narra la historia de vida de su padre. Un testimonio del paso por la historia de un conjunto de personas condenadas al anonimato por su extracción social: campesinos de la comarca de El Rebollar que, como tantos otros de las periferias ibéricas, se vieron forzados que emigrar. El protagonista, Feliciano, que vino al mundo en 1901, encarna una compleja trayectoria de idas y venidas que le permitieron acometer incipientemente la producción de energía eléctrica en su localidad.

Communiqué de presse relations presse : Atlas des migrations en Méditerranée de l'antiquité à nous jours Cet ouvrage propose un panorama original des migrations en Méditerranée depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours. Plus de 70... more

Communiqué de presse relations presse : Atlas des migrations en Méditerranée de l'antiquité à nous jours
Cet ouvrage propose un panorama original des migrations en Méditerranée depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours.
Plus de 70 spécialistes, historiens, géographes, anthropologues, politologues, se sont donné comme objectif de montrer comment les migrations ont façonné les sociétés et les cultures méditerranéennes au cours de l’histoire. Ils rendent accessibles grâce à des textes courts, des phénomènes complexes, en mettant en lumière leurs particularités ou leur banalité ou en remettant en perspective les conditions de leur émergence. En regard, des extraits de sources historiques et des illustrations permettent de saisir les espoirs, les inquiétudes, parfois les drames qui accompagnent les mobilités d’hommes et de femmes de tous horizons.
Les 200 cartes produites jouent sur les échelles de représentation et varient les angles d’approche thématique : de l’observation des mouvements dans un port aux mobilités qui sillonnent l’ensemble des rivages méditerranéens, jusqu’aux projections mondiales des diasporas méditerranéennes, ou les mutations d’une métropole cosmopolite sous l’effet des arrivées successives de migrants.
L’atlas se structure en trois parties composées chacune de chapitres au sein desquels se succèdent, après une introduction, des doubles- pages thématiques, laissant ainsi le choix d’une lecture continue ou fractionnée. Il évoque d’abord les structures qui encadrent, contrôlent ou accompagnent les migrations (routes, frontières, lieux d’accueil, cadres politiques et juridiques, puis les différents acteurs (marchands, travailleurs, esclaves, religieux, intellectuels ou artistes) avant de porter attention aux modalités de contacts entre les migrants et les sociétés d’accueil (invasions, colonisations, transferts, cosmopolitisme, xénophobie).
Cet atlas s’adresse à un lectorat qui cherche à mieux connaître et comprendre une question qui, sous les feux de l’actualité, suscite des discours aux formules lapidaires et parfois outrancières.
ISBN : 978-2-330-14501-9
Prix indicatif : 35.00€

Le Minho tient une place de choix au cœur du paysage idéalisé du monde rural portugais que le régime de l’Estado Novo (1933-1974) diffusa massivement au cours des années 1930-1960. Région d’importants flux migratoires vers le Brésil au... more

Le Minho tient une place de choix au cœur du paysage idéalisé du monde rural portugais que le régime de l’Estado Novo (1933-1974) diffusa massivement au cours des années 1930-1960. Région d’importants flux migratoires vers le Brésil au XIXe siècle et vers la France au XXe siècle, le Minho est la plus ancienne province du pays. Située au nord-ouest, c’est à partir de là que s’est constitué le royaume chrétien du Portugal au XIIe siècle, dont les frontières sont fixées dès 1249. Dans l’imaginaire national, et parmi toutes les régions qui, ensemble, constituent les métaphores de la nation portugaise, le Minho, “travailleur”, “berceau de la Nation” et “symbole de l’identité nationale” incarne la pérennité et l’essence de la “portugalité”. Ces registres furent largement exploités par l’Estado Novo pour asseoir son idéologie du pays rural, mais aussi pour contrer la réalité d’une émigration croissante, dont l’un des effets clairement perceptibles fut la transformation concrète et durable des paysages ruraux, liée à leur urbanisation progressive.

Th e article clarifi es the role of the Olshany cemetery in Prague as a location for the memory of Ukrainians and about Ukrainians. Olshany is one of the largest necropolises of prominent Ukrainians outside Ukraine. Most Ukrainians buried... more

Th e article clarifi es the role of the Olshany cemetery in Prague as a location for the memory of Ukrainians and about Ukrainians. Olshany is one of the largest necropolises of prominent Ukrainians outside Ukraine. Most Ukrainians buried here became emigrants as a result of the defeat of the Ukrainian National Revolution of 1917-1921. Th e purpose of this article is to demonstrate the perception of this necropolis among Ukrainians, to show some aspects of mentions of Olshany in the Ukrainian information space and to fi nd out its possible role as a place of memory. Th e topic of Olshany became more active in the Ukrainian media in 2017 due to the threat of losing the grave of one of the most prominent Ukrainian poets of the early twentieth century-Oleksandr Oles (Kandyba) and his wife. Th e periodicity of attention to Olshany is explained by the interest of Ukrainians in the subject of the Ukrainian National Revolution of 1917-1921, which also acquires a greater resonance closer to the memorable dates. Members of the Ukrainian governments buried in the cemetery, including Fedor Shvets, Stepan Siropolko, Volodymyr Leontovych, Sofi a Rusova, Hryhoriy Sydorenko, Apollinarii Marshynsky, as well as scientists and artists Spiridon Cherkasenko, Mykola Andrusov, Yevhen Ivanenko and others, together with the military UGA, are very important part of the memory of Ukrainian post-revolutionary emigration, and involve people in understanding their destinies through the fi elds in which they were engaged before, during and aft er the Revolution. Th at is why Olshany already acts as a place of memory for Ukrainian historians, teachers, diplomats, etc. But given the professional diversity of the people buried there and the signifi cant legacy they have left behind, this place has greater potential. And new generations of Ukrainians who work or study in the Czech Republic now can contribute even more to this.

A 20. század eseményei igen sok alkalmat adtak az amerikai magyar emigráció létszámának növekedéséhez. Az országból történt kivándorlás több hullámban zajlott, értelemszerűen a világégésekhez és gazdasági válságokhoz kapcsolódva. Ezek... more

A 20. század eseményei igen sok alkalmat adtak az amerikai magyar emigráció létszámának növekedéséhez. Az országból történt kivándorlás több hullámban zajlott, értelemszerűen a világégésekhez és gazdasági válságokhoz kapcsolódva. Ezek következtében a magyarság társadalmának széles köre életének egy következő szakaszát az amerikai kontinensen kezdte meg. Ebbe a körbe beletartoztak az ország régi arisztokrata családjainak tagjai is, akik közül legtöbben a második világháború utáni diktatúrák tombolása idején hagyták el Magyarországot, a visszatérés reményében.

In this field study, social, cultural, political identity and sense of belonging to Turks in Sweden, to which degree they are integrated into the country they live in, their perception about their homeland, and whether there is a... more

In this field study, social, cultural, political identity and sense of belonging to Turks in Sweden, to which degree they are integrated into the country they live in, their perception about their homeland, and whether there is a difference between the generations about this subject were assessed in line with the data obtained in the research. The data obtained in the field study carried out in Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö cities, the most densely inhabited cities by Turks, and the analysis of the data was made using SPSS 18 programme. When the data obtained are analysed, it is revealed that Turks in Sweden care for the identity formation representing their homeland and its continuation in socio-cultural terms, and they generally tend to be conservative in this sense. Nevertheless, it is also understood that the contact of Turks in Sweden with Turkish culture and Turkey is gradually decreasing (when it compared to the past). This also reveals the differences between the generations. When that 3rd generation young Turks born in Sweden came to Turkey, they generally do not feel like in their homeland, but in a foreign country or a country they visit as guests, and this also related to this kind of change. While negativities occur at the point of active participation of the Turks in Sweden in the political system in this country, that they are generally in a positive level at the point of corporate integration is another result arising out of the data obtained in the field study.

Every invading army conveys its message first through brutal force, guns, shells, and bullets, and only later occupies itself with explaining to the locals that in fact they come in peace and providing reasons it might be a good thing to... more

Every invading army conveys its message first through brutal force, guns, shells, and bullets, and only later occupies itself with explaining to the locals that in fact they come in peace and providing reasons it might be a good thing to be occupied. Communication with the occupied population is always conducted through language specialists who either come from within the army itself and who have cultural knowledge and foreign language skills, or those who are recruited on the ground. Those who come from the second group usually experience endless problems as they can be seen to be collaborators. Despite the outright genocidal nature of the campaign the Wehrmacht unleashed in the USSR in June 1941, the Germans needed to address the issue of how to talk to people.

In a mysterious castle in Libya, the narrator stumbles on some unexpected vestiges of the past which inspire him to recount his unique experiences in Australia. The result is the story of a meeting of two cultures — Italian and Aboriginal... more

In a mysterious castle in Libya, the narrator stumbles on some unexpected vestiges of the past which inspire him to recount his unique experiences in Australia. The result is the story of a meeting of two cultures — Italian and Aboriginal — and the emotions aroused by his chance encounters with people and places that are the vivid, though fragile, proof of that meeting.
Polenta and Goanna is the fictionalised outcome of the author’s attempts between 1986 and 1991 to explore a little-known slice of Australian history, recounted through the life of an Italian migrant and the parallel narrative of an Italian writer who discovers his story. The novel is based on interviews with dozens of people the author met during his research, as well as publications and documents from public libraries and museums, in Western Australia. The author’s stated intention is to recreate and document a significant fragment of Australian history, hence his effort to use only elements directly heard or based on documented historical fact.

Významnú kapitolu dejín Kysúc predstavuje obdobie sprevádzané vysťahovalectvom do USA podnietené viacerými nevyhovujúcimi podmienkami v rámci Rakúsko-Uhorska. Príspevok sa zaoberá konkrétne problematikou vysťahovalectva z oblasti... more

Významnú kapitolu dejín Kysúc predstavuje obdobie sprevádzané vysťahovalectvom do USA podnietené viacerými nevyhovujúcimi podmienkami v rámci Rakúsko-Uhorska. Príspevok sa zaoberá konkrétne problematikou vysťahovalectva z oblasti Bystrickej doliny koncom 19. a v prvých rokoch 20. storočia. Sleduje motívy migrácie a jej jednotlivé fázy, pričom obsahuje i štatistické údaje o migrantoch v danom období. Pozornosť taktiež venuje samotnému priebehu cesty do Ameriky a popisu konkrétnych cieľových miest, do ktorých vysťahovalci smerovali zväčša za účelom zárobku, či už natrvalo alebo s úmyslom vrátiť sa neskôr do pôvodnej vlasti. Súčasťou štúdie je i tabuľka emigrantov zo sledovanej oblasti, ktorá vychádza z údajov databázy imigračného strediska Ellis Island.
One of the most important chapters in the history of Kysuce is the period when emigration to the USA was very frequent. This was caused by many factors, mostly unsuitable conditions in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. This paper deal particularly with emigration from the region of the Bystrica valley at the end of the 19th and in the first years of the 20th century. It stuedies the motives for migration and its individual phases, while also working with course of the journey to America and describes the specific target destinations, permanently or with the intentio to return to their homeland. The table listing emigrants from this region is also part of this study - based on data from the Ellis Island immigration centre database.

Guillaume Lebaudy / Toute la vallée-La vie en Ubaye (revue, Sabença de la valeia) Jean Solda, berger, léger de tout bagage La routo, l'itinéraire de randonnée pédestre reliant Arles à Borgo San Dalmasso, traversera bientôt la vallée de... more

Guillaume Lebaudy / Toute la vallée-La vie en Ubaye (revue, Sabença de la valeia) Jean Solda, berger, léger de tout bagage La routo, l'itinéraire de randonnée pédestre reliant Arles à Borgo San Dalmasso, traversera bientôt la vallée de l'Ubaye. Lorsque, tout jeune ethnologue, je faisais l'enquête de terrain qui a débouché sur la première exposition de l'écomusée du pastoralisme de Pontebernardo (et sa publication La routo, sur les chemins de la transhumance entre les Alpes et la mer) j'ai écouté, cheminé et travaillé avec une génération de pastres qui avaient connu la grande époque de la transhumance à pied. L'un d'entre eux m'a particulièrement marqué : Jean Solda. Appelle-moi simplement berger ! Plusieurs d'entre eux ont été des maîtres. Pas seulement maîtres en savoirs pastoraux ; maîtres en humanité aussi, dont les enseignements ont été précieux tant pour leurs pairs bergers que pour l'ethnologue qui venait passer quelques journées avec eux.

Die Chronik entstand aus dem Projekt "Ortschronik Wolfau. Wir arbeiten unsere Ortsgeschichte auf", das zwischen 2007 und 2012 von der Marktgemeinde Wolfau durchgeführt wurde. - Es wurde versucht, eine Brücke von science to public zu... more

Die Chronik entstand aus dem Projekt "Ortschronik Wolfau. Wir arbeiten unsere Ortsgeschichte auf", das zwischen 2007 und 2012 von der Marktgemeinde Wolfau durchgeführt wurde. - Es wurde versucht, eine Brücke von science to public zu schlagen, ohne deswegen jeglichen wissenschaftlichen Anspruch aufgeben zu müssen.

Starting in the late-nineteenth century, Polish national elites considered emigration a ‘necessary evil’ that alleviated local economic pressures. In the face of an exodus from all of the partitions, leaders of many political persuasions... more

Starting in the late-nineteenth century, Polish national elites considered emigration a ‘necessary evil’ that alleviated local economic pressures. In the face of an exodus from all of the partitions, leaders of many political persuasions worked to channel the emigration of peasants towards destinations such as Paraná, where a ‘New Poland’ could be built. In the 1920s, the emerging inter-war Polish state created a sprawling emigration apparatus that adjusted the old policies to the new circumstances. This article traces the consecutive turns in the Polish government’s attitude towards emigration to South America, demonstrating the ways in which they mirrored broader European discourses and responded to systemic changes around the globe. Moreover, in line with the recent scholarship that points to the legacies of empire in inter-war Eastern Europe, the article also examines the relationship between the post-imperial nature of the nascent Polish state and its ‘colonial’ emigration policies.

„Эмигрантология славян” – электронный ежегодник – является научно-информационным органом Комиссии эмигрантологии славян Международного комитета славистов. Журнал учрежден в 2015 г. при Институте славистики Опольского университета. Общей... more

Данная статья посвящена проблемам преступности среди российских эмигрантов в Шанхаt в 1917—1922 гг. Источники показывают, что и до проникновения профессиональных преступников в Шанхай из Харбина и СССР процент преступности у эмигрантов в... more

Данная статья посвящена проблемам преступности среди российских эмигрантов в Шанхаt в 1917—1922 гг. Источники показывают, что и до проникновения профессиональных преступников в Шанхай из Харбина и СССР процент преступности у эмигрантов в Шанхае были высоким. И довольно большой частью из преступлений был серьезные случаи в виде коллективной кражи драгоценностей и товаров больших торговых центров, а также в виде контрабанды опиума.

Les études traitant des immigrés tentent le plus souvent d’établir un bilan de leurs relations avec leur pays d’origine ou de mesurer leur degré d’intégration dans la société hôte. Le cas des immigrés Syro- Libanais propose cependant un... more

Les études traitant des immigrés tentent le plus souvent d’établir un bilan de leurs relations avec leur pays d’origine ou de mesurer leur degré d’intégration dans la société hôte. Le cas des immigrés Syro- Libanais propose cependant un troisième axe d’étude : celui des relations des immigrés avec le pays mandaté sur leur Mère Patrie.
Cet essai se concentre sur l’immatriculation menée par la France dans le cadre de son devoir d’autorité mandataire. Ensuite, il abordera les relations France/Syro-Libanais du Brésil dans la deuxième décennie du XXème siècle qui s’avéra celui des montées nationalistes et la close des empires coloniaux.

A study of forced emigration and ethnic cleansing in the 18th century

A new 1830s corpus resource for non-commercial research.

Scritti su Scalabrini e la sua congregazione di missionari per gli emigranti

Dlaczego w Brazylii jest lepiej niż w Polsce, ale prawdziwie wolny kraj to Ameryka? Dziewiętnastowieczna korespondencja emigrantów. Rec.: "Listy emigrantów z Brazylii i Stanów Zjednoczonych 1890–1891", do druku podali, wstępem opatrzyli... more

Dlaczego w Brazylii jest lepiej niż w Polsce,
ale prawdziwie wolny kraj to Ameryka? Dziewiętnastowieczna
korespondencja emigrantów. Rec.: "Listy emigrantów z Brazylii i Stanów Zjednoczonych 1890–1891", do druku podali, wstępem opatrzyli W. Kula, N. Assorodobraj-Kula i M. Kula, Muzeum Historii Polskiego Ruchu Ludowego: Instytut Studiów Iberyjskich i Iberoamerykańskich UW, Warszawa 2012

W polskim dyskursie o emigracji wychodźstwo osadnicze nie zajmuje należytego miejsca. Uwaga badaczy koncentruje się głównie na emigracji zarobkowej oraz politycznej. Szczególnie ta ostatnia jest gloryfikowana, gdyż wpisuje się w... more

W polskim dyskursie o emigracji wychodźstwo osadnicze nie zajmuje należytego miejsca. Uwaga badaczy koncentruje się głównie na emigracji zarobkowej oraz politycznej. Szczególnie ta ostatnia jest gloryfikowana, gdyż wpisuje się w martyrologiczną wizję dziejów Polski. Ponadto była ona udziałem głównie szlachty (później ziemiaństwa i arystokracji) i osób z tych środowisk się wywodzących. Tymczasem emigracja zarobkowa i osadnicza objęła głównie niższe warstwy społeczne. Najliczniejszą grupą społeczną tej emigracji byli chłopi. W poniższej książce koncentrujemy się na specyfice polskiej emigracji osadniczej do krajów Ameryki Łacińskiej. Nadal obowiązuje bowiem w społeczeństwie polskim wiele mitów z nią związanych. Jeden z nich głosi, że ze względu na chłopski rodowód imigracji, polska diaspora w tych kraju dysponowała niewielkim potencjałem twórczym i intelektualnym. Dorobek ten jednak – co prawda rozproszony po znacznych obszarach czasu i przestrzeni – jest całkiem spory, zarówno w sensie znaczenia, jak i rozmiarów.

This study uses the UNDP/UNICEF Social Exclusion Survey in Macedonia and Serbia and focus on the questions of (i) why are there sometimes no differences in emigration intentions between unemployed and employed groups, and (ii) why many... more

This study uses the UNDP/UNICEF Social Exclusion Survey in Macedonia and Serbia and focus on the questions of (i) why are there sometimes no differences in emigration intentions between unemployed and employed groups, and (ii) why many gainfully employed individuals still intend to migrate to another country for employment. This research differs from the majority of studies, which do not distinguish between various types of jobs and variation in emigration intentions stemming from employment stratification. Employment sectors and individuals’ occupations have been taken as the main forms of job segregation, but since the 1990s some scholars have claimed that traditional labour market stratification is losing its relevance. We contribute to the migration literature by testing the “individualization hypothesis” – that specific characteristics of employees serve as better covariates of emigration intentions than “umbrella” concepts of industry and social class. Our findings suggest that emigration intentions among employed individuals are more likely to be affected by the type of contract and job security than by standard job-related variables such as sector and occupation of employment.

This paper was written in 2014 for the topic HIST3001: Destination Australia: Migration since 1900 at Flinders University. The paper explores the history of the Greek Ikarian islander community of South Australia, and the formation of the... more

This paper was written in 2014 for the topic HIST3001: Destination Australia: Migration since 1900 at Flinders University.
The paper explores the history of the Greek Ikarian islander community of South Australia, and the formation of the Pan-Ikarian Brotherhood of SA as a result of Ikarian migration. The essay won the 2014 Wakefield Companion to SA History Undergraduate Essay Prize.

Vita, by Melania Mazzucco Vita could turn an illusion into reality. She didn't like her world, so she made up another one. Maybe this world is not made viable by the people who try and change it, as he believed he was doing, but by people... more

Vita, by Melania Mazzucco Vita could turn an illusion into reality. She didn't like her world, so she made up another one. Maybe this world is not made viable by the people who try and change it, as he believed he was doing, but by people like her, who make you dream.

Comparative analysis of two complex social processes such as the wars in Croatia and Ukraine requires a certain degree of simplification, which should be taken into account in this study. Before analysing wartime events, the paper will... more

Comparative analysis of two complex social processes such as the wars in Croatia and Ukraine requires a certain degree of simplification, which should be taken into account in this study. Before analysing wartime events, the paper will attempt to point to certain similarities in the social development of the two nations.