History of Everyday Life Research Papers (original) (raw)

What was it like to live in the medieval period? In what ways did extraordinary events affect the everyday? The first volume in the Everyday Life series answers these questions as it opens a window on medieval Scotland from 1000 to 1600.... more

What was it like to live in the medieval period? In what ways did extraordinary events affect the everyday? The first volume in the Everyday Life series answers these questions as it opens a window on medieval Scotland from 1000 to 1600. The everyday involves all that is common to humanity from the passage of birth through to the rites of death. To date the historiography of medieval Scotland has not been greatly concerned with the familiar and the day-to-day. In fact some might claim that the topic has been entirely ignored, until now. A strong international team of contributors draws upon a range of primary sources and published materials, as well as artefactual and archaeological evidence, to present as complete a picture as possible of how people experienced life and complex issues of identity, geography, language, family and subsistence over five hundred years ago.

‘People’s history’ focuses on the lives of ordinary people, with an eye to their struggles, everyday practices, beliefs, values, and mentalities. Influenced by the Annales School and cultural anthropology, but reacting against traditional... more

‘People’s history’ focuses on the lives of ordinary people, with an eye to their struggles, everyday practices, beliefs, values, and
mentalities. Influenced by the Annales School and cultural anthropology, but reacting against traditional social history’s
emphasis on social structures and serial trends, its practitioners emphasize the importance of individual agency while trying
to demonstrate the complexity of lived experience, the fluidity of identity, and the subjective nature of meaning. Important types of ‘people’s history’ include ‘history from below,’ Alltagsgeschichte (the ‘history of everyday life’), and ‘microhistory,’ all of which involve a dramatic reduction of historical scale, focusing on a single individual, community, or spectacular event.

Türkiye, her iki dünya savaşı ertesi köklü dönüşümler geçirdi. İlki 600 yıllık Osmanlı hanedanına son verdi. İkincisi ise Tek Parti döneminin sonu oldu; Türkiye’de siyasi demokrasinin yolunu açtı. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Türkiye tarafsız... more

Türkiye, her iki dünya savaşı ertesi köklü dönüşümler geçirdi. İlki 600 yıllık Osmanlı hanedanına son verdi. İkincisi ise Tek Parti döneminin sonu oldu; Türkiye’de siyasi demokrasinin yolunu açtı. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Türkiye tarafsız kaldı. Ancak, savaşın tüm olumsuzluklarını bilfiil yaşadı. Tek Parti döneminin toplumsal dengeleri büyük ölçüde hasar gördü. Milli Korunma Kanunu, Varlık Vergisi, Toprak Mahsulleri
Vergisi, İş Mükellefiyeti gibi uygulamalar toplumsal katmanları iktidara karşı tavır almaya sevk etti. Devletin savaş içinde kararlarını hayata geçirme konusundaki zaafları belirginleşirken; kitlelerin gündelik yaşamda tepki ve direnişleri de çığ gibi arttı. Gerek çok partili sisteme geçişte, gerekse 1940’ların ikinci yarısında gündeme gelen sosyal politika alanındaki reformlarda toplum tabanında gözlenen yılgınlık ve
tepkiler önemli bir rol oynadı.
Murat Metinsoy’un kitabı işte bu zor yılların toplumsal öyküsünü gündeme getiriyor. Olaylar dizinini tabandan irdeleyerek; kitlelerin yaşam deneyimlerini, serzenişlerini, gündelik yaşamdaki direnişlerini vurgulayarak… Otoriter dönemlerde bile toplumun
gündelik mücadelelerinin ve taleplerinin siyasete etki edebileceğini
ortaya koyarak…
Zafer Toprak, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi

With an emphasis on everyday life, this respected text offers a lively and perceptive account of the key theories and ideas which dominate the field of consumption and consumer culture. Engaging case studies describe forms of consumption... more

With an emphasis on everyday life, this respected text offers a lively and perceptive account of the key theories and ideas which dominate the field of consumption and consumer culture. Engaging case studies describe forms of consumption familiar to the student, provide some historical context, and illustrate how a range of theoretical perspectives – from theories of practice, to semiotics, to psychoanalysis – apply. Written by an experienced teacher, the book offers a comprehensive grounding drawing on the literature in sociology, geography, cultural studies, and anthropology. This new revised and expanded edition includes more extended discussion of gender, the senses, sustainability, globalization, and the environment, as well as a brand new chapter on the ethics of consumption.

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna took an active part in charitable projects, which she headed. This particularly applies to committees that arose in wartime, in particular during the Russo-Japanese War, when it still retained secular... more

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna took an active part in charitable projects, which she headed. This particularly applies to committees that arose in wartime, in particular during the Russo-Japanese War, when it still retained secular influence, supported the husband, including in the first years after his death, and had the means and connections. The structure of the committees created by it, composition, units, income and expenditure of funds can be judged from the reports. It is necessary to find out how the charitable project originated under the auspices of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, who was the author of the idea, whether the highest resolution was required, where the funds came from and how they were spent, whether they continued to exist after the war.

This article is based on the diary of a young Estonian provincial female party activist Luise Vaher (née Kapstas), in which she describes her evacuation to the Soviet rear following the German invasion of the USSR in the summer and fall... more

This article is based on the diary of a young Estonian provincial female party activist Luise Vaher (née Kapstas), in which she describes her evacuation to the Soviet rear following the German invasion of the USSR in the summer and fall of 1941. The diary offers a rare glimpse into the mindset of recently converted Estonian Com- munists and their shock in encountering the realities of Soviet everyday life. It shows how a young female Bolshevik is trying to make sense of the abject Soviet poverty and the brutal kolkhoz life, its peculiar ethnic, racial and gender relations, and how these realities prompt her to reflect on her own beliefs and identity. The article is inspired by the so-called subjectivity school of Soviet studies, namely by the work of Jochen Hellbeck. The first part of the article examines the applicability of Hellbeck’s approach to the Soviet Estonian context. It also provides a political biography of Luise Vaher – from her conversion to Communism in the summer of 1940, through her rocky career as a provincial party activist, up to her post-Stalinist life as a prominent author of Soviet Estonian “women’s novels.”

The study of the daily life of representatives of the imperial house is possible thanks to such sources as their correspondence with family members, maid of honor and friends; Diaries and memories of themselves and their surroundings. A... more

The study of the daily life of representatives of the imperial house is possible thanks to such sources as their correspondence with family members, maid of honor and friends; Diaries and memories of themselves and their surroundings. A detailed description of the everyday life of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna falls on her summer pastime in the village of the wife of Grand Duke Sergei Aleksandrovich in the village of Ilinskoe, between 1884 and 1896.

Death march in 1873 in the town of Detva and its surrounding area leaving behind a real trigger. For the whole year have died in the parish of up to 998 people, which was three times the average number of dead people per year in the... more

Death march in 1873 in the town of Detva and its surrounding area
leaving behind a real trigger. For the whole year have died in the
parish of up to 998 people, which was three times the average number
of dead people per year in the decade, said a total of one tenth of the entire Detva‘s population. In this "memorable" year thus significantly
dominated the number of dead over the birth (468). Significantly,
although on the other hand, a short demographic crisis essentially
recorded throughout Hungary.
Abrupt population declined and to return to its original
staffing levels needed to five years. After 1873, the territory of
Slovakia emerged in a devastating wave of smallpox, cough and
cholera, which history called epidemic. Smaller its manifestations
Although they appeared until the First World War, but with the
exception of Czarist Russia on the European continent had
pronounced fatal.

This themed section of 'Nations and Nationalism' contains the following articles: Jon E. Fox and Maarten Van Ginderachter, Introduction: Everyday nationalism's evidence problem / Tim Edensor and Shanti Sumartojo, Geographies of everyday... more

This themed section of 'Nations and Nationalism' contains the following articles:
Jon E. Fox and Maarten Van Ginderachter, Introduction: Everyday nationalism's evidence problem /
Tim Edensor and Shanti Sumartojo, Geographies of everyday nationhood: experiencing multiculturalism in Melbourne /
Maarten Van Ginderachter, How to gauge banal nationalism and national indifference in the past: proletarian tweets in Belgium’s belle époque /
Michael Skey, ‘There are times when I feel like a bit of an alien’: Middling migrants and the national order of things /
Jonathan Hearn and Marco Antonsich, Theoretical and methodological considerations for the study of banal and everyday nationalism

Учебное пособие подготовлено авторским коллективом преподавателей Мо-сковского городского педагогического университета (ГАОУ ВО МГПУ). Книга по-священа повседневной жизни русского человека эпохи средневековья. Содержит разделы:... more

Учебное пособие подготовлено авторским коллективом преподавателей Мо-сковского городского педагогического университета (ГАОУ ВО МГПУ). Книга по-священа повседневной жизни русского человека эпохи средневековья. Содержит разделы: «жизненный цикл», «человек и его тело», «человек и социум».
Все разделы дополнены краткой хрестоматией, включающей отрывки из источников, вопросы и задания к ним. Пособие может использоваться при разработке и преподавании элективных курсов и как дополнение к базовому курсу истории России. Адресовано студентам, преподавателям, а также всем интересующимся российской историей и культурой.

Evidence from house structures, artifacts and fauna are used to infer political and economic changes at the Benson site, a late sixteenth century Huron village near Balsam Lake, Ontario. It is suggested that one household acquired trade... more

Evidence from house structures, artifacts and fauna are used to infer political and economic changes at the Benson site, a late sixteenth century Huron village near Balsam Lake, Ontario. It is suggested that one household acquired trade links to Europeans in the St. Lawrence valley, and as a result became the largest and most prestigious household in the community. Subsequently, a second household expanded to a comparable size, but did so in opposition to the first house, and represented the “traditionalist” faction. Ultimately, the traditionalist faction prevailed, and the more progressive house was dismantled, and its inhabitants moved elsewhere.

Come è possibile accostare l’estetica, ovvero lo studio dell’arte e del bello, alla vita di tutti giorni? Eppure nell’attuale dibattito anglo-americano questa locuzione ossimorica sta prendendo sempre più consistenza teorica nell’ambito... more

Come è possibile accostare l’estetica, ovvero lo studio dell’arte e del bello, alla vita di tutti giorni? Eppure nell’attuale dibattito anglo-americano questa locuzione ossimorica sta prendendo sempre più consistenza teorica nell’ambito di una nuova disciplina, l’Everyday Aesthetics. Il libro si propone di presentare, per la prima volta in lingua italiana, questo recente campo di indagine, intrecciando le ricerche anglo-americane sull’Everyday Aesthetics e quelle europee sull’estetizzazione del reale. Da queste analisi appare evidente che l’estetica ha ormai cessato di essere una filosofia riferita a uno specifico oggetto di studio (arte bella), ed è diventata un paradigma transdisciplinare, aperto alle pratiche della vita di ogni giorno (cura del corpo, cibo, moda, design). Tuttavia tale ampliamento di orizzonti verso la quotidianità non deve volgersi a una bellezza superficiale e consumistica, come spesso accade, ma all’acquisizione di una consapevolezza corporea (aisthesis) capace di guidarci verso scelte più responsabili e di indurci ad avere maggiore cura di noi stessi, degli altri e dell’ambiente in cui viviamo.

Jordi Bolòs, "Tallar i cremar. Aspectes de la vida quotidiana en temps de guerra, al Pallars, a la fi del segle XV", Enfrontaments civils: postguerres i reconstruccions. Segon Congrés Recerques, Recerques - Universitat de Lleida - Pagès... more

Jordi Bolòs, "Tallar i cremar. Aspectes de la vida quotidiana en temps de guerra, al Pallars, a la fi del segle XV", Enfrontaments civils: postguerres i reconstruccions. Segon Congrés Recerques, Recerques - Universitat de Lleida - Pagès editors, Lleida, 2002, vol. I, p. 14-21.

This article is based on previously unpublished sources, mainly the archival materials of the Party Control Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). I argue that luxury can be seen as a... more

This article is based on previously unpublished sources, mainly the archival materials of the Party Control Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). I argue that luxury can be seen as a phenomenon constructed by the Soviet social and political hierarchy during the 1940s and 1950s. An examination of everyday practices and patterns of consumption of luxury goods (food, clothing , interior furnishings, etc.) indicates that the Soviet elite (nomenklatura) sought to emulate a notional " middle-class " lifestyle. The distribution of so-called " trophy items " imported from East Germany to the Soviet Union caused friction within the party administration and sowed discontent within Soviet society as a whole. The dual policy of the CPSU on the issue of financial security of its members revealed its uncertainty about the state of " permitted " and " unauthorized " luxury. Keywords luxury – Stalinism – distribution of wealth – domestic space – nomenklatura – Soviet Union – CPSU – Party Control Commission.

This paper discussed how to use the soldiers’ diaries to uncover the history of their everyday lives. It showed that the soldiers’ diaries could help us to understand the changes in their diets, consumption, entertainment and homesickness... more

This paper discussed how to use the soldiers’ diaries to uncover the history of their everyday lives. It showed that the soldiers’ diaries could help us to understand the changes in their diets, consumption, entertainment and homesickness during their retreat from China to Taiwan during 1949.

Inside the walls of the city. Streets and crafts in Lleida in the 14th and 15th centuries / Dans les rémparts de la ville. Rues et métiers à Lleida aux XIVe et XVe siècles Aquest llibre mostra com era la ciutat de Lleida a la fi de l'edat... more

Inside the walls of the city. Streets and crafts in Lleida in the 14th and 15th centuries / Dans les rémparts de la ville. Rues et métiers à Lleida aux XIVe et XVe siècles
Aquest llibre mostra com era la ciutat de Lleida a la fi de l'edat mitjana i alhora ens apropa a la gent que hi vivia. Acompanyat de nombrosos mapes i plànols.

My aim in this paper is to explore the process by which women from a Transylvanian county understand family relations in their everyday life with respect to the sharing of the household and care responsibilities among members, mostly men... more

My aim in this paper is to explore the process by which women from a Transylvanian county understand family
relations in their everyday life with respect to the sharing of the household and care responsibilities among
members, mostly men and women. In doing so I will use the distinction made by Martin Hollis between a normal
behavior - which can arise after some roles have been performed (the patriarchal gender roles inside the
family), and the normative behavior - the one with a moral value (the partnership model of sharing
responsibilities within the family). My approach will consist in the use of a gender sensitive constructivist
framework, meaning that I will emphasize the way in which social actors give meaning to their interactions,
keeping in mind at the same time that these interactions are developed in a coercive framework of institutions,
norms, values and rules. I consider patriarchate to be one of the most important of these coercive structures,
seen as a social system which perpetuates the male dominance over women in social organization, and in which
fathers hold authority over women, children, and property within the family The research design is based on a
qualitative methodological triangulation. Data collection was focused on two methods: semi-structured
interviews and focus groups of women from Hunedoara County, Romania, living in three towns and a village.
The semi-structured interviews were used to construct narratives that allowed for a relational–based research.
In this framework factors such as power relations within the family, gender roles assumed by women and their
partners or extended family, as well as one’s own perceived social roles and cultural traditions (public
narratives) will illuminate how power relations promote or disadvantage gender empowerment. The focus
groups were made in order to establish fruitful and relevant lines of inquiry for the semi-structured interviews. I
consider that one of the limitations of this research is the lack of a comparative framework between men’s and
women’s understanding of the problem of household and care in Romania. The originality of this paper consists
in providing new information and data about the underlined issue by using methods that try to give in-depth
answers to how women see themselves as part of the family.

This article uses the methods of historical anthropology to look at the evolution of practices associated with the Eucharist in the Russian Orthodox Church during the Soviet era. Beglov shows that during the Soviet period the frequency of... more

This article uses the methods of historical anthropology to look at the evolution of practices associated with the Eucharist in the Russian Orthodox Church during the Soviet era. Beglov shows that during the Soviet period the frequency of individual communion increased by 5 – 10 times in comparison with the pre-revolutionary period, when most Orthodox Christians took communion no more than once a year. This evolution can be accounted for by exploring three processes associated with the rise of the USSR: 1) an “emancipation” of the ritual from functions related to state control; 2) the believers’ sense of existential fragility and insecurity under the new Soviet regime, which allowed for the same relaxation of pre-communion requirements that is permissible in the case of possibly imminent death; and 3) the blurring of the boundaries between the more intensive monastic practice and the ordinary lay practice that developed under the old regime.

„Jak nevděčně se chovají k českému duchovenstvu“ - Příspěvek k mikrohistorii Hořicka druhé poloviny 19. století. In: Jdi svou cestou a nech lidi mluvit. Variety sociálních a kulturních dějin. Profesoru Jaroslavu Čechurovi k 66.... more

„Jak nevděčně se chovají k českému duchovenstvu“ - Příspěvek k mikrohistorii Hořicka druhé poloviny 19. století. In: Jdi svou cestou a nech lidi mluvit. Variety sociálních a kulturních dějin. Profesoru Jaroslavu Čechurovi k 66. narozeninám. Opera Facultatis theologiae catholicae Universitatis Carolinae Pragensia. Historia et historia artium vol. XXXII. Eds. Oldřich Chládek, Tomáš Petráček, Jan Síč, Veronika Stachurová. Praha: Lidové Noviny 2018. ISBN 978-80-7222-629-8. S. 724-737. („How ungrateful they behave towards the Czech clergy“ - A Contribution to microhistory of the Town and County Hořice in the second Half of the 19th Century)
This study uses the parish chronicles of the town Hořice and two small rural parishes as the source of religious, social and cultural history. It treats complicated relations between the society and Catholic Church in the period of the rising nationalism, the situation of the workers and some aspect, including criminality, of the everyday life

The victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War aroused great enthusiasm not only among the countries and people of the Soviet republics, but also among Armenians spread all over the world. The victory, as well as the created... more

The victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War aroused great enthusiasm not only among
the countries and people of the Soviet republics, but also among Armenians spread all over the
world. The victory, as well as the created favorable international situation, served as a basis for
the arrival of thousands of Armenians to Armenia. The Great repatriation of Armenians began.
The repatriates faced a number of problems immediately after they had arrived in their
homeland. They were destined to overcome various difficulties such as new living conditions,
lack of bread, hunger.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that the largest repatriation of the 20th century with its all
problems and negative consequences gave the huge positive results. The first among them was
that homeland became tangible to repatriates.
Победа СССР в Великой Отечественной войне вызвалa большой энтузиазм не только
среди народов советских республик, но и среди рассеянных по всему миру армян.
Создавшаяся благоприятная международная обстановка послужила основой для
возвращения тысяч армян в Армению, и началась Великая репатриация.
Репатрианты столкнулись со множеством проблем сразу после того, как прибыли в
Советскую Армению. Им суждено было преодолеть такие трудности, как новые бытовые
ÊáñÑñ¹³ÛÇÝ Ð³Û³ëï³Ýáõ٠ѳÛñ»Ý³¹³ñÓÝ»ñÇ ³éûñÛ³ÛÇ å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝÇó … 131
условия, нехватка хлеба, голод. Тем не менее, следует отметить, что самая большая
репатриация XX в. со всеми ее проблемами и негативными последствиями дала огромные
положительные результаты. Первым из них было то, что родина стала материальной для

U knjizi su analizirani odnosi socijalističke vlasti i pojedinca, običnih "svakodnevnih" ljudi tijekom razdoblja koje autor naziva "dugim šezdesetima". Pored analize ustavno-pravnog položaja pojedinca u socijalističkom društvu, u fokusu... more

U knjizi su analizirani odnosi socijalističke vlasti i pojedinca, običnih "svakodnevnih" ljudi tijekom razdoblja koje autor naziva "dugim šezdesetima". Pored analize ustavno-pravnog položaja pojedinca u socijalističkom društvu, u fokusu autora je analiza pismene komunikacije između pojedinca i struktura vlasti. Posebno je poglavlje posvećeno položaju i ulozi medija u društvu i njihovom značaju za slobodu pojedinca.

Auschwitz ist im Laufe der letzten 70 Jahre nicht nur zur bekanntesten Gedenkstätte nationalsozialistischer Massenverbrechen, sondern auch zum Synonym für Völkermord und Holocaust avanciert. In der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit... more

Auschwitz ist im Laufe der letzten 70 Jahre nicht nur zur bekanntesten Gedenkstätte nationalsozialistischer Massenverbrechen, sondern auch zum Synonym für Völkermord und Holocaust avanciert. In der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit interessierte sich vor allem die polnische Gesellschaft für das ehemalige Lager. Bereits damals konkurrierten unterschiedliche Vorstellungen hinsichtlich der Gestaltung und Nutzung des Ortes. Seine historischen, politischen, religiösen und kulturellen Einordnungen waren und sind seither Gegenstand kontroverser Diskussionen.
Imke Hansen erzählt die Geschichte der Gedenkstätte und des Symbols Auschwitz-Birkenau in der ersten Nachkriegsdekade als Alltags- und Lokalgeschichte. Sie nimmt die Erlebnisse und Entscheidungen der Akteure in den Blick, die sich unmittelbar an der Gestaltung des Ortes beteiligten. Ihr Handeln konstituierte die Bilder und Bedeutungen, die unseren Umgang mit Auschwitz-Birkenau bis heute prägen.

This article explores the everyday usage of radio in the 1930s colonial Taiwan. Situating in the narrations of urban life provided by ‘Inviolable Destiny’, the article aims to depict the complicated networks constituted by radio and other... more

This article explores the everyday usage of radio in the 1930s colonial Taiwan. Situating in the narrations of urban life provided by ‘Inviolable Destiny’, the article aims to depict the complicated networks constituted by radio and other media technologies, and to investigate the inter-relationships between new media technologies, consumerism and modernity. Being influenced by globalization, Japan witnessed huge transformations of lifestyles and the rise of mass media and popular culture during the interwar period. Radio was introduced to Taiwan by its ruler with great enthusiasm toward modernity. Although it was the colonizer’s intention to discipline the colonized by means of radio, the medium turned into an important source of information and entertainment for lay people. The radio also privatized synchronization and made punctuality an inseparable part of modern life. It affected the rhythms of cities and brought Taiwan into the complex systems of capitalism and globalization.
本文由小說《命運難違》所描寫的場景切入,參照日治時 期報章文獻,回顧三〇年代前期臺灣都會生活中使用廣播的經 驗,描繪廣播與其他傳播科技所共構的媒體網絡,藉此理解當 時臺灣社會接觸新傳播科技、消費主義與現代性的經驗。本文 將三〇年代臺灣的大眾媒體經驗,置於二次戰間日本受到全球 化影響,大眾文化興起且大幅改變生活方式的背景下討論。廣 播在日本熱切擁抱現代性的社會氣氛中被介紹至臺灣,雖帶有 殖民政府規訓人民的意圖,但也成為民眾重要的資訊與娛樂來 源,將精準時間的邏輯融入日常,影響都市的生活韻律,並把 臺灣帶入全球化與資本主義的運作體系。

Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls , 2017, Nr.1.

"Aus den Alltagsproblemen der Bevölkerung von Nikolai in den 80er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts" Der Beitrag versucht die Geschichte der Stadt Nikolai als auch das Alltagsleben der Stadtbewohner in den letzten zehn Jahren der... more

"Aus den Alltagsproblemen der Bevölkerung von Nikolai in den 80er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts" Der Beitrag versucht die Geschichte der Stadt Nikolai als auch das Alltagsleben der Stadtbewohner in den letzten zehn Jahren der kommunistischen Herrschaft zu ordnen und zusammenzufassen. Der Text, dem nur wenigen verfügbaren Archivquellen und Pressemitteilungen zugrunde liegen, stellt die wichtigsten Probleme dar, mit denen sich die Bewohner von Nikolai während der Krise der 80er Jahre herumgeschlagen haben: ökologische Katastrophe der Stadt und der Region sowie die damit verbundene Zerstörung der Umwelt, permanenter Trinkwassermangel, das Wohlergehen der Stadtbewohner und schließlich die Aktivitäten sowie die Probleme des Gesundheitswesens. Des Weiteren wird aufgezeigt, welche Versuche unternommen wurden, um das Wohnproblem zu lösen; so wird aber auch u.a. die unvollendete Wohnsiedlung Nikolai-Reta als ein typisches Beispiel des „sozialistischen Größenwahns“ demonstriert. Als ein weiteres Problem werden die Maßnahmen des öffentlichen Verkehrs im Hinblick auf die Treibstoffknappheit und den Mangel an Ersatzteilen offenbart. Der Hauptteil des Beitrages beschäftigt sich jedoch mit den Schwierigkeiten des täglichen Lebens. Diese entstanden infolge der ausgelösten wirtschaftlichen Krise, die das ganze Land für fast zehn Jahre erfasst und damit das tägliche Leben der Einwohner von Nikolai grundlegend verändert hatte. Der Mangel an grundsätzlichen Waren in den Geschäften, lange Warteschlangen, Lebensmittelmarken sowie das stundenlange Suchen nach Lebensmitteln waren Erfahrungen, die das Gros der Nikolaier Bevölkerung gemeinsam teilte. Die Darstellung jenes Alltags in dieser Krisenzeit ist die Intention des Autors. Der Beitrag endet mit einem kurzen Ausblick auf die Stadt zu Beginn der 90er Jahre, als die Planwirtschaft zusammenbrach, die Mechanismen des freien Marktes griffen und die Transformation sukzessiv ihren Lauf nahm.