ICON Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
İKON TASARIMININ GELİŞİM SÜRECİ VE ARAYÜZ TASARIMLARINA ETKİLERİ Özet Günümüzde kitle iletişim araçlarının yoğun kullanımı, bilginin aktarımını ve iletişimi anlık hale getirmiştir. Sosyal yaşamın hemen hemen her alanında kullanılmaya... more
İKON TASARIMININ GELİŞİM SÜRECİ VE ARAYÜZ TASARIMLARINA ETKİLERİ Özet Günümüzde kitle iletişim araçlarının yoğun kullanımı, bilginin aktarımını ve iletişimi anlık hale getirmiştir. Sosyal yaşamın hemen hemen her alanında kullanılmaya başlanan bu araçlar ve kullanıcı arasındaki etkileşim, arayüz ve arayüzleri işlevsel hale getiren ikonlarla gerçekleşmektedir. Arayüz tasarımlarında ikonların kullanımı, uygarlık tarihinde de olduğu gibi birçok süreçten geçmiş ve farklı formlarla kullanıcı deneyimini şekillendirmiştir. Ancak ikonların işlevsel kullanımı yalnızca arayüzlerle sınırlı değildir. Bu makalede uygarlık tarihinde ve insan yaşamında ilk görsel iletişim türlerinden biri olarak ikonların tarihteki ilk örneklerinden günümüze gelişim süreci, kullanım alanları ve işlevleri, modern bilgisayarların gelişmesiyle ortaya çıkan grafik kullanıcı arayüzü ve bu arayüzlerde yönlendirmenin, bilginin kolaylıkla iletilmesinin ve işlemlerin hızlı yapılabilmesinin kullanıcı üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Abstract Nowadays, the intensive use of mass media has made the transfer of information and communication instantaneous. The interaction between these tools and the
This paper offers terms for talking about information and how it relates to both matter-energy and communication, by: (1) Identifying three different levels of signs: Index, based in contiguity, icon, based in similarity, and symbol,... more
This paper offers terms for talking about information and how it relates to both matter-energy and communication, by: (1) Identifying three different levels of signs: Index, based in contiguity, icon, based in similarity, and symbol, based in convention; (2) examining three kinds of coding: Analogic differences, which deal with positive quantities having contiguous and continuous values, and digital distinctions, which include "either/or functions", discrete values, and capacities for negation, decontextualization, and abstract concept-transfer, and finally, iconic coding, which incorporates both analogic differences and digital distinctions; and (3) differentiating between "information theoretic" orientations (which deal with data, what is "given as meaningful" according to selections and combinations within "contexts of choice") and "communication theoretic" ones (which deal with capta, what is "taken as meaningful" according to various "choices of context"). Finally, a brief envoi reflects on how information broadly construed relates to probability and entropy.
Книгата на Росица Манова е точен и навременен отговор на острата обществена и професионална потребност от високо подготвени специалисти с компетентности в различните области на културната и художествената експертиза. Тя е полезна и с... more
Книгата на Росица Манова е точен и навременен отговор на
острата обществена и професионална потребност от високо подготвени специалисти с компетентности в различните области на
културната и художествената експертиза. Тя е полезна и с направения исторически преглед на различните пристрастия, политики и
обществени практики, които довеждат до конституиране на самото понятие за "културна ценност". Действащото законодателство в
областта на културното наследство е отговор на една дълга история, на едно вековно очарование от сътвореното преди нас.
Прагматичната цел на изследването е да подпомогне обучението на експерти и оценители, които да са в състояние да мислят
научно, да оценяват обективно и да вземат решения на основата на
ясни професионални, законови и етични норми. По този начин те
могат да съдействат ефективно на държавната администрация, на
обществените и частните културни организации, на правоохранителните и правозащитните органи
- by Росица Манова
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- Expertise, Polychromy, Icons, Expert
ENGLISH ABSTRACT The Orationes pro sacris imaginibus, the work in defense of the sacred images by John Damascene, has been debated in terms of its location, both chronologically and in the proper context of the Iconoclastic controversy,... more
The Orationes pro sacris imaginibus, the work in defense of the sacred images by John Damascene, has been debated in terms of its location, both chronologically and in the proper context of the Iconoclastic controversy, by recent studies that have led to a review of the sources and theories with which the period of Iconoclasm was approached. Through the theological analysis of the homilies we propose to shed light on the chronological issues, placing the three Discourses during the reign of Constantine V and not in the beginning of the controversy, a contextualization of the work more in line with the theological debates on the images of the moment.
Las Orationes pro sacris imaginibus, la obra en defensa de las imágenes sagradas de Juan Damasceno, han sido objeto de debate en cuanto a su ubicación, tanto cronológicamente como en el contexto adecuado de la Controversia iconoclasta, por parte de los estudios recientes que han llevado a cabo una revisión de las fuentes y de las teorías con las que se abordaba el periodo del Iconoclasmo. Mediante el análisis teológico de las homilías proponemos arrojar luz sobre la problemática cronológica, situando los tres Discursos durante el reinado de Constantino V y no en los inicios de la controversia, una contextualización de la obra más acorde con los debates teológicos sobre las imágenes del momento.
Nicolas of Cusa’s fifteenth-century text De Visione Dei represents his most far-reaching illustration of communication between finite “quantum” vision and the infinite spherical vision of God. Written to accompany a visual experiment, the... more
Nicolas of Cusa’s fifteenth-century text De Visione Dei represents his most far-reaching
illustration of communication between finite “quantum” vision and the infinite spherical
vision of God. Written to accompany a visual experiment, the text instructs the monks of
Tegernsee to circumambulate an all-seeing icon of God. Developing the concept of infinite space that had found a geometrical representation in the vanishing point, Cusa places it within God’s eye, which retains its medieval and religious function by gazing out of the painting at the monk according to inverse perspective. This text thus constructs a veritable sociology of belief, in which believing the word of the other, of the community, is necessary for each individual’s understanding of God. In this sense, there can be no unmediated experience of the divine, for God, as infinite and absolute, cannot be reduced to a single perspective. Cusa’s experiment shows us that we cannot live together in a community based upon what we see, for what we see cannot be shared. It is only our trust in the word of others that can testify to an invisible and universal meaning. Sharing this meaning in language effectively founds the social order.
We report a cross-modal translation system from Hindi strings to Indian Sign Language (ISL) for possible use in the Indian Railways reservation counters. INGIT adopts a semantically mediated formulaic framework for Hindi-ISL mapping. An... more
We report a cross-modal translation system from Hindi strings to Indian Sign Language (ISL) for possible use in the Indian Railways reservation counters. INGIT adopts a semantically mediated formulaic framework for Hindi-ISL mapping. An in-depth investigation into the structure of ISL forms the groundwork for INGIT. Some representational and mapping issues concerning cross-modal translation are identified and an implementation design is evolved. We adopt the Construction Grammar approach for handling formulaic ...
RIASSUNTO Il rapporto che intercorre fra raffigurazione e icona è centrale in pittura, e su di esso si basa la possibilità di un dialogo fra l'artchitettonica estetica di Bachtin e la ricerca pittorica. La questione riguarda la... more
During the long eighteenth century, English and continental firms produced large numbers of pocket watches with Ottoman numerals intended for the markets of the Ottoman Empire. These products, both technical novelties and fashionable... more
During the long eighteenth century, English and continental firms produced large numbers of pocket watches with Ottoman numerals intended for the markets of the Ottoman Empire. These products, both technical novelties and fashionable accessories, were highly popular among the local multiethnic populations. It is argued that the pocket watches for the Ottoman market may be classified as an example of a popular luxury, expressing the rise of the individual, the growing significance of pleasurable consumption and the emergence of new forms of socialisation through product use.
La tarea de la semiotica de la imagen no consiste solamente en determinar la especificidad de la imagen como signo, sino tambien en describir las particularidades de diferentes imagenes, como son, por ejemplo, el dibujo, la fotografia y... more
La tarea de la semiotica de la imagen no consiste solamente en determinar la especificidad de la imagen como signo, sino tambien en describir las particularidades de diferentes imagenes, como son, por ejemplo, el dibujo, la fotografia y la imagen de computadora. El presente texto describe, primero, el desarrollo del signo del tipo de la imagen en la historia de la humanidad y considera, despues, las particularidades de esos signos en cuanto a su posible reproduccion y su limite con la realidad. La cuarta parte del ensayo estudia la fotografia en su capacidad de signo indexical e iconico, e insiste sobre el caracter global de las reglas de reproduccion que opone ese tipo de imagen al dibujo. En la ultima parte, estudiamos el cambio en la definicion de la fotografia que ha resultado de la emergencia de la imagen sintetica y de la realidad virtual.
- by Göran Sonesson
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- Art, Photography, Multimedia, Television
- by Gordon Brady
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- Economics, Public Finance, Icon, ICON
Статья посвящена проблеме формирования аниконической позиции в древнем иудаизме. Обращение к библейским текстам показывает, что аниконическая доктрина, выдвигавшая требование культа без образа, была сформулирована и теологически... more
Статья посвящена проблеме формирования аниконической позиции в древнем иудаизме. Обращение к библейским текстам показывает, что аниконическая доктрина, выдвигавшая требование культа без образа, была сформулирована и теологически обоснована в книге Дварим. Здесь запрет на создание изображений следует за утверждением безо́бразности YHWH и видится его логическим следствием. Невидимый Бог не может быть адекватно воплощен в визуальном материальном образе и не нуждается в нем, поскольку у него иной способ взаимодействия со своим народом. Божества других народов проявляют себя в храмовых статуях, давая своим почитателям возможность приблизиться к ним посредством культа, но Бог евреев, в соответствии с доктриной Дварим, избрал другой способ общения с людьми. Ему не нужны изображения, он пребывает с народом главным образом не из-за правильности ритуала, а в силу тщательно выполняемого закона (лишь малой частью которого является ритуал). Фактически в Дварим схема перевернута по сравнению с обычным взглядом того времени на вещи. Создание изображений и поклонение им не приближает божество к людям, а, наоборот, грозит его отдалением. Сравнение с высказываниями, касающимися изображений, в книге Шмот (Исход) позволяет предположить, что последовательная аниконическая программа, соответствующая четко сформулированному монотеизму и новой культовой парадигме, делавшей акцент на соблюдении закона, впервые заявлена в Дварим и стала утверждаться в иудейской среде, вероятно, не раньше конца VII в. до н. э. Религия древних евреев не оставалась статичной, строгий аниконизм не был присущ иудаизму изначально, он складывался и развивался в течение многих столетий.
The article explores the formation of the aniconic position in ancient Judaism. A reference to biblical texts shows that the aniconic doctrine, which put forward the demand for a cult without an image was formulated and theologically substantiated in the book of Devarim. Here, the prohibition on creating images follows YHWH’s statement of formlessness and is seen as its logical consequence. The invisible God cannot be adequately embodied in a visual material image and does not need it, because he has a different way of interacting with his people. Deities of other nations manifest themselves in temple statues, providing their worshipers the opportunity to approach them through a cult, but the God of the Jews, in accordance with the Devarim doctrine, chose a different way of communicating with people. He does not need statues, he remains with the people mainly not because of the correctness of the ritual, but because of the carefully executed law (only a small part of which is the ritual). In fact, in Devarim the scheme is reversed compared to the usual view of things at that time. The creation of images and worship of them does not bring the deity closer to people, but on the contrary threatens him with a distance. Comparison with the statements regarding the images in the book of Shemot (Exodus) suggests the following: a consistent aniconic program corresponding to clearly articulated monotheism and a specific cult paradigm was first announced in Devarim, and began to be established in the Jewish environment, probably not earlier than the end of VII c. BC. The religion of the ancient Jews was not static, strict aniconism was not inherent in Judaism initially, but it took shape and developed over many centuries.
Iconography has profound origins in human’s perspective and understanding of the world. Ancient murals, Christian religious icons, and eventually the manifestations of the modern age, have been created and used in the same quality in... more
Iconography has profound origins in human’s perspective and understanding of the world. Ancient murals, Christian religious icons, and eventually the manifestations of the modern age, have been created and used in the same quality in human cultural life. They have almost the same ultimate destination and goal that can be detected in them. Iconography has constantly been accompanied by a kind of fear, to dominating what can happen in the future, and, in order to avert disasters and death, and to achieve forgiveness, prosperity and bliss. After the invention of photography, by putting the photographs alongside the icons which in some cases are derived from religious texts, not only does photography introduce itself as an iconography device, but it has also been influential in producing paintings iconographies with creation of the photographic realism. The main question is that how photography especially those about the social issues and among them the private and family photos, as a modern medium has an iconic origin, and how photography is able to have an unrealistic and metaphysical usage in the context of today life with its inherent characteristics being clarity, accuracy in details, signifying the being-there (dasein) of the referent and as a result, the photographic realism? This issue can be studied based on the most important theories of photography in the twentieth century. It is concluded that photography, in its philosophy and existential position, not only has carried on the iconic characteristics of the past, but has also has emphasized its originality and textual identity more broadly, so that it has given a photographic originality to modern iconography
- by Bagh-e Nazar Journal
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Putting Into Context an Overlooked Icon of Science Fiction The concept of instantaneous travel by imaginary technologies has been a key trope in science fiction from the late nineteenth century to the present day, made iconic by Star... more
Putting Into Context an Overlooked Icon of Science Fiction The concept of instantaneous travel by imaginary technologies has been a key trope in science fiction from the late nineteenth century to the present day, made iconic by Star Trek's imperative 'Beam me up, Scotty' but under-examined in critical literature. This exegesis examines the rise (and fall) of the matter transmitter as a motif and metaphor in British and American science fiction, and its implications for reflecting upon social, scientific and technological change. The exegesis concludes with an analysis of my past and present usage of the trope, putting into context the creative component of this thesis. Making and Remaking Iteration 113 A post-scarcity world transformed by free, instantaneous travel should be paradise, but nothing is entirely as it seems. Clair Hill uses Improvement, a meme promising physical transformation for the better by little more than wishing for it. In doing so she brings into being an artificial mind, Q, designed to shepherd her through a sinister process of remaking that will ultimately turn them both into entirely different people. Statement of Originality This work contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree of diploma in any university or other tertiary institution and, to the best of my knowledge of belief, contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference has been made in the text. I give consent to this copy of my thesis, when deposited in the University Library, being made available for loan and photocopying, subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act of 1968. In the case of "Making and Remaking Iteration 113" there will be a two-year embargo.
- by Sean Williams
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- Art, Literature, Science Fiction, Icon
The icon “St. Nicholas” comes from the house icons of the deceased priest, preserved by his relatives in the city of Khotimsk, Mogilev region of the Republic of Belarus. The riza and miter are much older than the icon. The work dates from... more
The icon “St. Nicholas” comes from the house icons of the deceased priest, preserved by his relatives in
the city of Khotimsk, Mogilev region of the Republic of Belarus. The riza and miter are much older than the icon. The work dates
from the second half of the 18th century. Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian analogies were used to confirm the dating.
ABSTrACTDespite the fact that icons are widely relied upon for communication, designers have few principles to guide icon design. This paper reports a study of the role individual symbols play on the construction of meaning from icons. An... more
ABSTrACTDespite the fact that icons are widely relied upon for communication, designers have few principles to guide icon design. This paper reports a study of the role individual symbols play on the construction of meaning from icons. An experiment compared two sets of four icons, each made of a different set of discrete symbols. It finds that the interaction of the right number of symbols for the referent, and a more apt combination of individual symbols for the referent, can significantly improve the construction of an icon that communicates what was intended. The rules of thumb proposed here are applicable to construction of any visual communication that uses symbols.cons today are ubiquitous and utilitarian. They shimmy on iPhones, bounce on computer screens, spin on cable TV's, and hang out on restroom doors. Icons are useful because they facilitate succinct communication. While their form is simple, their comprehension can be extensive. Indeed, nearly all communication ha...
The second half of the 15th century in the Russian Church history marked a strong decline of spiritual life, which naturally found its reflection in the icon painting. The feeling of integrity of an image, its depth were lost. At the same... more
The second half of the 15th century in the Russian Church history marked a strong decline of spiritual life, which naturally found its reflection in the icon painting. The feeling of integrity of an image, its depth were lost. At the same time, the weakening influence of the Orthodox Balkans and the Byzantine Empire gave way to the influence of the Catholic West with its profoundly different principles of religious art.
- by IEREK press
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- Art, Portrait, Image, Russia
The icon “St. Nicholas” comes from the house icons of the deceased priest, preserved by his relatives in the city of Khotimsk, Mogilev region of the Republic of Belarus. The riza and miter are much older than the icon. The work dates from... more
The icon “St. Nicholas” comes from the house icons of the deceased priest, preserved by his relatives in
the city of Khotimsk, Mogilev region of the Republic of Belarus. The riza and miter are much older than the icon. The work dates
from the second half of the 18th century. Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian analogies were used to confirm the dating.
We describe the lightning whelk (Busycon sinistrum) and show how its shells were used among coastal peoples along the Gulf of Mexico and lower Atlantic coast. During the Middle and Late Archaic periods, lightning whelk shells were... more
We describe the lightning whelk (Busycon sinistrum) and show how its shells were used among coastal peoples along the Gulf of Mexico and lower Atlantic coast. During the Middle and Late Archaic periods, lightning whelk shells were transported hundreds of km from the coasts to the Midsouth where they were made into a variety of artifacts that were interred in graves. We explore the symbolic significance of sinistral (''left-handed") snails in post-Archaic times, focusing on the lightning whelk as a metaphor of spiral/circle, fire/sun, and purification/continuity among Native Americans of the eastern United States. This particular marine mollusk shell had special spiritual significance-and hence economic and political value-for several millennia, particularly in the southeastern United States, but its ritual importance as cultural icon resonates with cultures around the globe. The importance of the sinistral whelk as both medium and message has been inadequately appreciated by American archaeologists.
Paul Vieille tested in the 1880's smokeless Cordite and Ballistite, in addition to his own poudre B. This is reported in his 1893 publication 1 a major source for past and recent research 2 , leading to questions about early powder... more
Paul Vieille tested in the 1880's smokeless Cordite and Ballistite, in addition to his own poudre B. This is reported in his 1893 publication 1 a major source for past and recent research 2 , leading to questions about early powder developments. The following are the major questions addressed in this essay and their speculative answers, based on the original publication and additional sources: (a) Were Vieille and the French powder establishment knowledgeable about other options when developing poudre B during 1884-1886? It seems that they were knowledgeable about methods to increase powder energy as was done later in Ballistite and Cordite, yet chose poudre B; (b) Did they regard Alfred Nobel and his smokeless Ballistite as rivals to poudre B, before or immediately after Nobel's 1887 patent in France? One famous Nobel biography claims that Ballistite was technically better and seen as a rival to poudre B. But this is unlikely since the French powder establishment considered...
- by Yoel Bergman
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- Computer Science, Chemistry, Icon, Powder
A B S T R AC T Introduction: White spot lesions (WSLs) are the most common side effects found in orthodontically treated patients. Icon treatment has been reported to revert colorimetric alterations of WSLs and halt carious progression.... more
A B S T R AC T Introduction: White spot lesions (WSLs) are the most common side effects found in orthodontically treated patients. Icon treatment has been reported to revert colorimetric alterations of WSLs and halt carious progression. Material and methods: Four young patients with post-orthodontic WSLs, who were treated with resin infiltration. Results: In all patients, existing WSLs were successfully treated by Icon resin application. Given the minimal substance loss due to the erosion infiltration procedure, all patients were extremely satisfied with the results, although some WSLs could still be seen. Conclusions: Our case series shows the capability of treating WSLs due to orthodontic treatment with Icon resin infiltration. Longer observation periods in studies with larger patient populations are needed to validate the clinical significance found in these case series.
- by Marta Mazur and +1
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- Enamel Hypoplasia, Cloisonné Enamels, ICON, White Spots Lesions
We report a cross-modal translation system from Hindi strings to Indian Sign Language (ISL) for possible use in the Indian Railways reservation counters. INGIT adopts a semantically mediated formulaic framework for Hindi-ISL mapping. An... more
We report a cross-modal translation system from Hindi strings to Indian Sign Language (ISL) for possible use in the Indian Railways reservation counters. INGIT adopts a semantically mediated formulaic framework for Hindi-ISL mapping. An in-depth investigation into the structure of ISL forms the groundwork for INGIT. Some representational and mapping issues concerning cross-modal translation are identified and an implementation design is evolved. We adopt the Construction Grammar approach for handling formulaic inputs in terms of a construction lexicon with single constituents as well as larger phrases, with direct semantic mappings at each level. We present results based on a small corpus collected at a railway counter, for which translations were validated from native ISL signers. The work builds upon a semantic module worked out for Hindi and ISL.
A tourism destination, especially in developing countries faced a challenge to create a specific positioning that is different from other destinations. A potential way to establish is by looking into item that really attached with the... more
A tourism destination, especially in developing countries faced a challenge to create a specific positioning that is different from other destinations. A potential way to establish is by looking into item that really attached with the destination specifically on culture and local wisdom, one of them is iconic culinary as part of the destinations culture. The objective of this research is to observe an understanding on the reason of iconic culinary could be used as tourism destination’s icon and to analyze how it can take a part in destination branding process through qualitative methods. By investigating on symbolic and functional dimensions of iconic culinary and analyzing tourism destination branding process, this study found that iconic culinary has a tight association with destination. Moreover, it also performs as a primary role to represent tourism destination identity in destination branding. The purpose of this research is to observe an understanding on the reason of iconic culinary could be used as a tourism destination’s icon. This study describes a thoughtful analysis on symbolic and functional dimensions of iconic culinary. It is also to understand and analyze on how the iconic culinary as a destination’s icon takes part in tourism destination’s branding process.
- by Irwansyah Irwansyah and +1
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- Culture, Destination Branding, Tourism Destination, ICON
Marking and Mark-based Detection to the field of IP Traceback. In Dynamic Marking it is possible to find the attack agents in a large scale DDoS network. Moreover, in the case of a DRDoS it enables the victim to trace the attack one step... more
Marking and Mark-based Detection to the field of IP Traceback. In Dynamic Marking it is possible to find the attack agents in a large scale DDoS network. Moreover, in the case of a DRDoS it enables the victim to trace the attack one step further back to the source, to find a master machine or the real attacker with only a few numbers of packets. The proposed marking procedure increases the possibility of DRDoS attack detection at the victim through Mark-based Detection. In Mark-based method, the detection engine takes into account the marks of the packets to identify varying sources of a single site involved in a DDoS attack. This significantly increases the probability of detection. In order to satisfy the end-to-end arguments approach, fate-sharing and also respect to the need for scalable and applicable schemes, only edge routers implement our simple marking procedure. The delay and bandwidth overhead added to the edge routers is fairly negligible.
- by Babak Sadeghian and +1
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- Icon, ICON, Ip Traceback, Boolean Satisfiability
V začetnih vrsticah svoje naloge bom predstavila Platonovo teorijo ikone. Po tej teoriji je potrebno ločiti idejo samo od njenih podob, torej ločiti izvirnik od posnetka, model od simulakra. Posnetek – ikona je podoba, dobro utemeljen... more
V začetnih vrsticah svoje naloge bom predstavila Platonovo teorijo ikone. Po tej teoriji je potrebno ločiti idejo samo od njenih podob, torej ločiti izvirnik od posnetka, model od simulakra. Posnetek – ikona je podoba, dobro utemeljen pretendent, za katerega jamči podobnost. Ta podobnost pa ni zunanja, torej ne gre za podobnost med eno in drugo stvarjo, pač pa za notranjo, duhovno podobnost med stvarjo in idejo. Ikona oz. posnetek je torej odraz nekega trenutka. Nikoli ni izvirnik, je pa posnetek nekega resničnega dogodka. V osrednjem delu naloge bom prikazala vsem poznane ikonične vojne fotografije. Preko dokazov, ki jim bom sledila, bom pokazala, da se nekatere od teh ne skladajo s Platonovo teorijo, saj niso posnetek resničnega dogodka. Te fotografije so bile zaigrane, uprizorjene za kamero, rekonstruirane. Kljub temu pa so te podobe postale ikone vojne fotografije, ker nas opozarjajo in opominjajo na grozote vojne, hkrati pa nam dvigujejo moralo z zgodbami o herojstvu in domolju...
- by Zoja Lešnik
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- Media, War, Icon, Mediji
- by Andrea Olsen Lam
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- Art, Icon, ICON
- by Andrea Olsen Lam
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- Art, Icon, ICON
Data transmission in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) has a multi-hop nature where data is originated/destinated to one source/sink node. Therefore, the transmission capacity at the physical layer depends on multiple factors such as the... more
Data transmission in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) has a multi-hop nature where data is originated/destinated to one source/sink node. Therefore, the transmission capacity at the physical layer depends on multiple factors such as the network topology, the access policy, and the transmission configuration. When multiple input multiple output (MIMO) technology is used at the physical layer of each node, the nodes that are geographically in the same transmission range, can transmit simultaneously. The different transmissions can be separated spatially using one of the decoding MIMO methods. In this paper, we investigate the per-node capacity in a WMN using MIMO links. We introduce the problem of the transmission configuration in WMNs, defined as the number of transmit antennas used at each node, and its effect on the network capacity. The goal of this study is to provide ideas for network architects about how to dimension wireless mesh networks in order to have an optimal capacity with minimal equipment requirements.
State-of-the-art Machine Translation (MT) does not perform well while translating sentiment components from source to target language. The components such as the sentiment holders, sentiment expressions and their corresponding objects and... more
State-of-the-art Machine Translation (MT) does not perform well while translating sentiment components from source to target language. The components such as the sentiment holders, sentiment expressions and their corresponding objects and relations are not maintained during translation. In this paper, we described, how sentiment analysis can improve the translation quality by incorporating the roles of such components. We also demonstrated how a simple baseline phrasebased statistical MT (PB-SMT) system based on the sentiment components can achieve 33.88% relative improvement in BLEU for the under-resourced language pair English-Bengali.
Cultural Heritage and Cultural Landscape are a set of human products that reflect the society needs thoughts and memories. It represents and symbolizes the relationships of power and controls - out of which it has emerged - and the human... more
Cultural Heritage and Cultural Landscape are a set of human products that reflect the society needs thoughts and memories. It represents and symbolizes the relationships of power and controls - out of which it has emerged - and the human processes that have ...
Developmental defects of enamel (DDE) are common oral manifestation of celiac disease whose onset can overlap to teeth calcification in permanent dentition. The defects of the enamel symmetrically and chronologically occur in all the four... more
Developmental defects of enamel (DDE) are common oral manifestation of celiac disease whose onset
can overlap to teeth calcification in permanent dentition. The defects of the enamel symmetrically and
chronologically occur in all the four quadrants, particularly in maxillary and mandibular incisors and
molars. Icon® infiltration technique is a minimally invasive procedure for DDE treatment. This paper
reports two cases of treatment of celiac siblings with aesthetic purpose. The aesthetic evaluation
was made by means of spectrophotometry as a standardized method. International Commision on
Illumination (CIE) L*a*b*, ΔE variations, contrast ratio (CR), and opalescence, measured against black
and white backgrounds before and after the treatment, provide all the quantitative information about
the outcome of the Icon® infiltration technique. Icon® infiltration technique has been showed to be an
effective procedure for DDE treatment.
- by M Anton Budd
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- Military History, Literature, Icon, ICON
This paper introduces a novel approach to transport messages between a backbone network and a device network (SAN) in a seamless way, even when these networks use incompatible protocols or technologies. The paper shows how to leverage a... more
This paper introduces a novel approach to transport messages between a backbone network and a device network (SAN) in a seamless way, even when these networks use incompatible protocols or technologies. The paper shows how to leverage a general purpose distributed object oriented middleware to encapsulate and send messages as object invocations.
- by Francisco Moya
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- Middleware, Icon, Wireless Sensor, ICON
This paper proposes a novel routing scheme for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), which combines the on-demand routing capability of ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol with a distributed topology discovery mechanism... more
This paper proposes a novel routing scheme for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), which combines the on-demand routing capability of ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol with a distributed topology discovery mechanism using ant like mobile agents. AODV requires the actual communication to be delayed until the route is determined (found). This may not be suitable for real time data and multimedia communication applications. Ant-AODV provides high connectivity, reducing the amount of route discoveries before starting new connections. This eliminates the delay before starting actual communication for most new connections making ant-AODV routing protocol ideal for real time communication in highly dynamic networks such as MANETs. Simulation results show that the ant-AODV hybrid technique proposed is able to achieve reduced end-to-end delay as compared to conventional ant-based and AODV routing protocols. In addition, ant-AODV also provides high connectivity.
This paper investigates the assignment of audio mixing operations to a geographically distributed set of servers to provide an immersive audio communication environment for massively multiplayer online games. The immersive audio... more
This paper investigates the assignment of audio mixing operations to a geographically distributed set of servers to provide an immersive audio communication environment for massively multiplayer online games. The immersive audio communication service enables each avatar to hear a realistic audio mix of the conversations in its audible range. There are three primary delivery architectures for this service, namely, peer-to-peer, central server and distributed servers. We focus on the distributed server architecture, which partitions the virtual world into regions or locales and then assigns the computation associated with the creation of audio scenes for all avatars in each locale to a server. Our aim is to find the optimal way to partition the virtual world into locales and then choose the locale servers in such a way that reduces the total delay perceived by all avatars. We have produced a mathematical formulation for the optimal partitioning and server assignment and developed a heuristics approach based on a graph algorithm. We have developed a simulation environment that creates both the physical world (geographic distribution of participants and the Internet topology model) and the virtual world (distribution of avatars based on different avatar aggregation behaviors). We have solved the problem exactly as well as using the heuristics algorithm for a range of simulated virtual and physical worlds. In many cases, the heuristics results were within 5% of the optimal. Our algorithms and simulation study will be of benefit to future immersive audio communication service providers in the design of a cost effective delivery architecture for this service.
has historically proven to be a very difficult exercise. In recent times, automatic evaluation methods have become popular. Most prominent among these is BLEU, which is a metric based on ngram co-occurrence. In this paper, we argue that... more
has historically proven to be a very difficult exercise. In recent times, automatic evaluation methods have become popular. Most prominent among these is BLEU, which is a metric based on ngram co-occurrence. In this paper, we argue that BLEU is not appropriate for the evaluation of systems that produce indicative (rough) translations. We use particular divergence phenomena in English-Hindi MT to illustrate various aspects of translation that are not modeled well by BLEU. We show that the simplistic ngram matching technique of BLEU is often incapable of differentiating between acceptable and unacceptable translations.
- by M. Sasikumar and +1
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- Machine Translation, Icon, Automatic Evaluation, ICON
The wide and increasing needs of flexible solutions for environmental, energy, and structural monitoring systems point out the importance of using design methodologies and implementation technologies with high ability of adaptation and... more
The wide and increasing needs of flexible solutions for environmental, energy, and structural monitoring systems point out the importance of using design methodologies and implementation technologies with high ability of adaptation and evolution. This workshop aims to present and discuss theory and practice of metrology, measurement technology, instrumentation, and related applications in these application domains. In particular, it will focus on the various technological, methodological and application aspects of complex monitoring systems for environmental, energy, and structural monitoring and the related applications.
Aim: This retrospective cohort study assessed the differences between the masticatory performance of individuals with and without orthodontic treatment need. Methods: Masticatory performances of 120 participants with equal numbers of... more
Aim: This retrospective cohort study assessed the differences between the masticatory performance of individuals with and without orthodontic treatment need. Methods: Masticatory performances of 120 participants with equal numbers of males and females (n = 60 each) with and without treatment need (n = 60 each, determined using the index of the complexity, outcome, and need [ICON]) matched by age and sex were assessed. Participants chewed on test foods at sequences of 20, 30, 40, 40, 30, and 20 masticatory cycles. After sieving the chewed particles, the masticatory parameters (median particle size [MPS], masticatory frequency [MF], and broadness of particle distribution [BPD]) were calculated. The associations between treatment need and the MPS with age, weight, and stature, as well as the relationship between sex and MPS and MF, were assessed. Results: According to the independent samples t test, MPS of subjects with and without treatment need differed significantly (P < .05) while MF did not. The differences between BPD values reached the level of significance only after 40 cycles of mastication (P < .05). Females showed significantly greater MPS values. Only at the 40-cycle sequence did females in need of treatment chew significantly slower. According to the repeated-measures ANOVA, no significant differences existed (P > .05) between each of the MPS, MF, and BPD values measured at different sequences. No significant correlations were found between MPS and age, sex, or stature (P > .05 [Spearman correlation coefficient]). Conclusion: The masticatory performance of individuals with and without treatment need differed for MPS and BPD (at the 40-cycle sequence). Age, weight, and stature did not affect the treatment need and MPS. Females showed poorer results regarding MPS-only at the 40-cycle sequence did females with malocclusion chew significantly slower.
Semiotic or semiology means the systematic study of signs. What becomes difficult is defining what a 'sign' actually is. Modern day Semioticians, not only study 'signs' - it goes much deeper than that - they study how... more
Semiotic or semiology means the systematic study of signs. What becomes difficult is defining what a 'sign' actually is. Modern day Semioticians, not only study 'signs' - it goes much deeper than that - they study how meaning is formed. Semiotic study how people first of all interprate a sign, how they then draw on cultural or personal experience to understand a sign. Pierce distinguished sign into three basic, there are: iconic, indexical, and the symbolic. An Icon has a physical resemblance to the signified, the thing being represented. Ozymandias is a fourteen-line sonnet by Percy Bysshe Shelley as English Romantic poet published in 1818. Ozymandias is a statue for another name of King Ramses the Great, Pharaoh of the nineteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt. The icon is depicted directly in the poem which represents the figure of king Ramses II with a statue. The new colossus is a statue for a classic American poem have fourteen-line sonnet by Emma Lazarus. The New Co...
- by Ingga Rosarini
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- Semiotics, Icon, ICON
This text follows the life and work of Walter Benjamin, tracing his influence on modern aesthetics and cultural history as well as his particular focus on the tension between Marxism and Zionism, and between word and image in modern art.
- by Alex Coles
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- Philosophy, Art History, Icon, ICON
- by Jan Willem Honig
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- Icon, ICON
We propose FlexiMAC, a novel TDMA-based protocol for efficient data gathering in wireless sensor networks that provides end-to-end guarantees on data delivery: throughput, fair access, and robust self-healing, whilst also respecting the... more
We propose FlexiMAC, a novel TDMA-based protocol for efficient data gathering in wireless sensor networks that provides end-to-end guarantees on data delivery: throughput, fair access, and robust self-healing, whilst also respecting the severe energy and memory constraints of wireless sensor networks. Flex-iMAC achieves this balance through a synchronized and flexible slot structure in which nodes in the network can build, modify, or extend their scheduled number of slots during execution, based on their local information. This scheme allows FlexiMAC to be strongly fault tolerant and highly energy efficient. FlexiMAC further minimizes energy by selecting optimum node transmission power for a given topology. FlexiMAC is scalable for large number of nodes because it allows communication slots to be reused by nodes outside each others' interference range, and its depth-first-search schedule minimizes buffering. Simulations show that FlexiMAC ensures energy efficiency and is robust to network dynamics (faults such as dropped packets, nodes joining or leaving the network) under various network configurations. Index Terms : Medium Access Control, Sensor networks, energy efficiency, fault tolerance.
This paper focuses on a switching architecture designed for Storage Area Network (SAN) applications, with a crossbar switching fabric and an aggregate bandwidth of hundreds of Gbps. We describe the architecture and adopt an abstract model... more
This paper focuses on a switching architecture designed for Storage Area Network (SAN) applications, with a crossbar switching fabric and an aggregate bandwidth of hundreds of Gbps. We describe the architecture and adopt an abstract model of the flow-controlled, credit-based, packet transfer around the switching fabric. The major effects on performance of the credit-based flow control are investigated under different system parameters. 0-7803-8924-7/05/$20.00 (C) 2005 IEEE
The main objective of the article is to enrich the current discussion on “place icons” through a case study of the Lisbon street “Rua da Madalena” and its architecture illustrating the integrated design and marketing concept adopted by... more
The main objective of the article is to enrich the current discussion on “place icons” through a case study of the Lisbon street “Rua da Madalena” and its architecture illustrating the integrated design and marketing concept adopted by the whole city. The paper presents the interdisciplinary approach using significant contribution from the fields of tourism, business, history and memory of the past. The article argues that modern cities need the “icon streets” that are basing on the social innovation policy, branding concepts, architectural theory and practice. Moreover, the paper presents how an integrated design strategy is practically applied in Lisbon downtown, and how it can contribute to the successful promotion of the city. Throughout this research, there is used the direct reference into both tangible and intangible cultural heritage, in terms of renewing the old city street on the basis of the unique brand strategy, the historical perspective that should characterized the s...