Industrial revolution 4.0 Research Papers (original) (raw)

Industrial Revolution 4.0 has initiated digital transformation in Asia and resulted in Retail 4.0 forcing shopping malls to upgrade themselves digitally to remain competitive. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of... more

Industrial Revolution 4.0 has initiated digital transformation in Asia and resulted in Retail 4.0 forcing shopping malls to upgrade themselves digitally to remain competitive. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of upgrading shopping malls with digital retail technology (digital up-gradation) on shoppers' satisfaction mediated by operational performance. This study adopted explanatory, quantitative research by collecting empirical data from 212 shoppers at a famous shopping mall in the city of Kuala Lumpur using convenience sampling. The normality and reliability assessment was carried out followed by confirmatory factory analysis, validity assessment, and structural equation modelling. Findings reveal that digital up-gradation has a direct impact on shopper satisfaction, and operational performance has full mediation effect between them. The chapter then discusses implications, limitations, and future research avenues in this context.

As it was the case of all preceding revolutions Industry 4.0 brings changes to the organisational systems which result in the changes of requirements related to relevant human resources. Historically anchored organisational systems have... more

As it was the case of all preceding revolutions Industry 4.0 brings changes to the organisational systems which result in the changes of requirements related to relevant human resources. Historically anchored organisational systems have always been supported by the referring education. The study presents the characteristics of selected well-established organisational systems and their supportive systems of education with the aim to link them to the requirements of the developmental phase called Industry 4.0. From this perspective it presents the challenges that the Slovak Republic, especially its education, is facing today.

The recent innovative technologies have dramatically changed the future of humanity. There are many pros & cons of this excessive impact of technology on our lives. The main goal behind the advancement of these technologies was to... more

The recent innovative technologies have dramatically changed the future of humanity. There are many pros & cons of this excessive impact of technology on our lives. The main goal behind the advancement of these technologies was to increase our day to day efficiency. At a larger scale, it aimed on more productivity from the industrial zones, alleviation of poverty and improve life index of people. This era of smart society, which is a result of investing huge amount of resources on IT Infrastructure of Smart Cities to automate life of its citizens with a quest for perfection has raised the bars for competence level required in all walks of life. The students of Smart Societies of the future will be seeking state of the art knowledge platforms and teaching aids that would be interactive and effective for attaining knowledge. On the other hand, the teachers of this smart era would have to enhance their knowledge, teaching skills and expertise as per the demands and needs of these stude...

Over the past decade, the world has entered a new phase called the 4th Industrial Revolution powered by many ICT innovations such as Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), Big Data and Augmented Reality, and a vast number of startups and... more

Over the past decade, the world has entered a new phase called the 4th Industrial Revolution powered by many ICT innovations such as Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), Big Data and Augmented Reality, and a vast number of startups and forward-thinking companies globally have embraced it to improve or transform their business models. Cambodia, where small and medium enterprises make up a sizable part of the economy, is a market with high potential to draw value from those innovations. Micro-SMEs and SMEs employment represents about 72% of the total workforce which is 2,571,543 million people with 515,630 being establishments, legally registered and non-registered, in Cambodia. The country's government is looking to facilitate and tap into the opportunities they present through a number of regulatory and policy initiatives aimed at SMEs and tech-driven companies such as the Rectangular Strategy Phase IV, which will be outlined in this article. The latter part of this article will also address the questions of what else is needed in Cambodia and what role SMEs play collectively in helping the country go digital.

Industry 4.0 will transform every phase of the process, from production to distribution, distribution to marketing, and will encompass radical innovations within the organization. Human Resource Management is another area that is being... more

Industry 4.0 will transform every phase of the process, from production to distribution, distribution to marketing, and will encompass radical innovations within the organization. Human Resource Management is another area that is being affected by the dawn of industry 4.0. The effects of digital disruption can be felt across all corporate functions, and HR is no different. It is expected to have a massive influence on both the economy and the labor force and impact employee roles in terms of health, mobility, working hours, and personal life. This chapter explains how industrial revolution 4.0 affects the shape of human resource management in organizations.

Resumen-En la actualidad se han trazado ya una serie de directrices que perfilan lo que será la industria 4.0. La cual requerirá de profesionales de las ingenierías de vanguardia de los grados interdisciplinarios en Ingeniería de control... more

Resumen-En la actualidad se han trazado ya una serie de directrices que perfilan lo que será la industria 4.0. La cual requerirá de profesionales de las ingenierías de vanguardia de los grados interdisciplinarios en Ingeniería de control y automatización, Ingeniería en Robótica, así como de Ingeniería Telemática, ingeniería cibernética y de Ingeniería Mecatrónica. Todas ellas serán las bases para crear una mayor interdisciplinariedad entre todas estas ramas de la ingeniería con un propósito bien definido construir la industria 4.0. Si recordamos que la mecatrónica surge como vocablo tecnológico en 1969. Y su uso común cobra fuerza a partir de que la gente de Japón permite el uso libre del mismo. Podemos afirmar dados los tiempos, que ésta rama de la ingeniería moderna, es uno de los elementos claves que permitirán la transición paulatina de la industria actual hacia la Industria 4.0. Posteriormente, la ingeniería mecatrónica y las demás ramas citadas anteriormente, pasarán de ser ramas vanguardistas a ser ramas que fundamenten o sean las bases de nuevas ramas de la ingeniería.
Palabras clave-Industria 4.0, Mecatrónica, interdisciplinariedad, robótica, telemática, IoT, Control y automatización, robótica, cibernética, inteligencia artificial, Telemática.

Modern industry has gone through three major stages until day. Being last revolution of industry, fourth generation industry has occurred with began to manage the production processes of autonomous machines and development of computer,... more

Modern industry has gone through three major stages until day. Being last revolution of industry, fourth generation industry has occurred with began to manage the production processes of autonomous machines and development of computer, communication and internet technologies. Industry 4.0 aims to produce robots that can communicate with each other, detect environment with sensors, and analyze data to realize needs. In smart factories, the communication of objects with cyber physical systems is aimed at faster, cheaper and more efficient production process and quality, zero faulty products and services. In today's competitive environment, businesses so as to sustain their assets, countries have developed a number of strategies in order to achieve expected efficiency in industrial sector. Turkey's be adapt to these rapid changes it is important in terms of position in future international conjuncture. For this purpose, Turkey's integration with Industry 4.0 and basic components has examined with SWOT Analysis at firm and macro level.

Almost everyone is talking about the 4 th Industrial Revolution (4IR). The 4IR wave is so strong that change is inevitable, including within the education setting, making Education 4.0 the famous buzzword among educationists today. What... more

Almost everyone is talking about the 4 th Industrial Revolution (4IR). The 4IR wave is so strong that change is inevitable, including within the education setting, making Education 4.0 the famous buzzword among educationists today. What is Education 4.0? Do educators really understand it or they simply follow what others are doing. Education 4.0 is a respond to the needs of IR4.0 where human and technology are aligned to enable new possibilities. The paper explains the nine trends of Education 4.0, preference of the 21 st century learners, skills for 21 st century teachers, share some ideas on how to implement Education 4.0 trends in the language classrooms and students' feedback on their experience in learning in the Education 4.0 classroom.

Cách mạng công nghiệp 4.0 đang diễn ra mạnh mẽ và nhận được nhiều sự quan tâm đặc biệt của dư luận trong thời gian gần đây. Đối với thế giới tài chính, cuộc cách mạng này đã khai sinh ra một thế hệ start-up mới mang tên gọi chung là... more

Abstrak Dunia telah diperkenalkan dengan revolusi industri 4.0 yang menggabungkan keupayaan fizikal dan keupayaan teknologi dalam mewujudkan 'mass production'. Transformasi pendidikan perlu dilakukan dalam mendepani arus revolusi ini bagi... more

Abstrak Dunia telah diperkenalkan dengan revolusi industri 4.0 yang menggabungkan keupayaan fizikal dan keupayaan teknologi dalam mewujudkan 'mass production'. Transformasi pendidikan perlu dilakukan dalam mendepani arus revolusi ini bagi mengeluarkan pelajar yang memenuhi kehendak pasaran di masa akan datang. Oleh itu, kertas kerja ini membincangkan impak revolusi industri 4.0 kepada sistem pendidikan Malaysia seterusnya peranan pengajar dan penggubal kurikulum pendidikan Islam dalam mendepani kemajuan tanpa meninggalkan pendidikan nilai. Di akhir kertas kerja ini akan merungkai persedian yang perlu dilakukan secara berimpak besar untuk menjadikan pendidikan Islam sentiasa relevan untuk di ajar kepada pelajar walaupun perubahan berlaku. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Islam, Industri 4.0, Malaysia Pengenalan Malaysia akan memperkenalkan revolusi perindustrian keempat yang bermula di akhir tahun 2017. Revolusi pertama dunia telah memperkenalkan sistem pengangkutan berasaskan wap yang mana manusia boleh mengakses kenderaan menggunapan wap atau air. Maka terciptalah 'steam engine' yang membantu pembangunan sesebuah Negara 1. Industri kedua pula ialah dunia menggunakan kuasa elektrik. Manakala industri ketiga, dunia diperkenalkan dengan teknologi digital. Di akhir revolusi ketiga, dunia dihambat dengan teknologi automasi iaitu semua perkara menggunakan keupayaan mesin tanpa tenaga manusia. Hal ini membawa kepada perindustrian atau perkilangan berkala besar yang digelar sebagai 'mass production'. Kini dunia telah memasuki fasa seterusnya iaitu revolusi keempat yang mana apabila elektrik telah digunakan secara meluas dan teknologi digital diperhebatkan, mesin mampu mengantikan masnuai dan mempunyai impak yang besar kepada kehidupan manusia. Perubahan ini juga turut berkait dengan sistem pembelajaran di Malaysia yang perlu seiring dalam kehendak pasaran dan melahirkan modal insan yang seimbang. Penguasaan kepada sains, teknologi, kejuruteraan dan Matematik (STEM) perlu diperhebatkan bagi menyahut cabaran industry 4.0 2. Penguasaan tersebut memerlukan pengemblengan tenaga yang meluas 1 Mampukah Menginsankan Teknologi, 2017.

La revolución industrial 4.0 está transformando el mundo, se sirve del dato, un recurso humano inagotable, renovable geométricamente, es el nuevo petróleo. La capacidad de procesar esos datos, la big data, sólo es posible mediante el uso... more

La revolución industrial 4.0 está transformando el mundo, se sirve del dato, un recurso humano inagotable, renovable geométricamente, es el nuevo petróleo. La capacidad de procesar esos datos, la big data, sólo es posible mediante el uso de la inteligencia artificial y los sistemas cognitivos, actualmente en manos de las grandes empresas de tecnología que tienen más poder que algunos Estados. Sistemas que operan bajo las llaves del secreto y la propiedad industrial, lo que conlleva la posibilidad de que el uso de estas tecnologías viole los principios y derechos constitucionales más elementales, como la no discriminación o las libertades informativas, lo cual se aprecia, por ejemplo, a raíz de las medidas algorítmicas contra la COVID-19. Pero la situación es aún más compleja cuando se recurre a métodos o procedimientos neurocientíficos, desde los más convencionales como los estudios mediante imágenes, hasta los más intrusivos como neuralink 1 , que persigue conectar el cerebro humano con dispositivos externos que procesan datos. Esta contribución, partiendo de diferentes casos o situaciones, explora las posibilidades de mitigar, en términos de riesgo permitido, de imputación objetiva, la potencialidad lesiva de estas tecnologías con las herramientas del compliance, los sistemas de protección de datos personales y los llamados neuroderechos.

El principal objetivo del proyecto consiste en: Capacitar, enseñar e instruir a la población laboral y estudiantil en el tema de automatización y digitalización de la industria para que sean capaces de manejar equipos de alta tecnología,... more

El principal objetivo del proyecto consiste en: Capacitar, enseñar e instruir a la población laboral y estudiantil en el tema de automatización y digitalización de la industria para que sean capaces de manejar equipos de alta tecnología, así como impulsar nuevas opciones para innovar.
Capacitar a la sociedad en funcionamiento, mantenimiento y operación de nuevos equipos industriales. Enseñar seminarios o cursos sobre innovación e investigación para estudiantes y jóvenes emprendedores.

Este estudio, realizado con el apoyo de la cooperación alemana, a través de la Agencia Alemana de Cooperación Internacional (GIZ), en el marco del Programa “Apoyo a la implementación de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible en... more

Este estudio, realizado con el apoyo de la cooperación alemana, a través de la Agencia Alemana de Cooperación Internacional (GIZ), en el marco del Programa “Apoyo a la implementación de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe”, y el proyecto “Industrialización inclusiva y sostenible en América Latina”, presenta una reseña de las estrategias industriales más reconocidas a nivel global enfocadas en desarrollar nuevas capacidades productivas y de innovación en las empresas para adoptar métodos de producción avanzados que aseguren ventajas competitivas y permitan hacer frente a la reconfiguración de las cadenas de valor.

Es ist zweifelhaft, ob die 4. industrielle Revolution ausreichend ganzheitlich vorbereitet und umgesetzt werden wird, um so viele positive Konsequenzen zu erzielen, wie es im Buch von Schwab (2016) vorhergesagt wird. Neben den... more

Es ist zweifelhaft, ob die 4. industrielle Revolution ausreichend ganzheitlich vorbereitet und umgesetzt werden wird, um so viele positive Konsequenzen zu erzielen, wie es im Buch von Schwab (2016) vorhergesagt wird. Neben den technologischen, ökologischen und ökonomischen Aspekten müssen auch die psychologischen und soziologischen Aspekte berücksichtigt werden, die im Buch von Schwab (2016) nicht angesprochen werden. Deshalb gebrauchen wir (Em. O. Univ.Prof. Dr., Dr. Matjaž Mulej Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschften der Universität Maribor und IRDO – Institut für die Entwicklung der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung, Maribor E-Mail: und
Prof. Dr. Vera Vratuša Universität Belgrad, E-Mail:
die Dialektische Systemtheorie als eine Methode zur Erzielung einer angemessenen Ganzheit, und in der Schlussfolgerung zeigen wir einige übersehene soziologische Aspekte der 4. industriellen Revolution auf.

In the new global economy, automation has become a central issue for workers. There is increasing concern that workers are becoming disadvantaged in the face of technological change. What is not clear yet is the impact of automation on... more

In the new global economy, automation has become a central issue for workers. There is increasing concern that workers are becoming disadvantaged in the face of technological change. What is not clear yet is the impact of automation on the future of the world of work. This paper firstly offers a historical overview of automation, before considering the role of automation in the world economy, with particular attention to its capitalist tenets. We explore how it has induced social, economic and political challenges for workers in the world economy. We shall consider these challenges through a Marxist lens to consider elements of power in governing labour flows. Geographically, automation is a global change; its challenges are felt worldwide. “Machines themselves are turning into workers, and the line between the capability of labour and capital is blurring as never before” (Ford, 2016, pp.4). In 1930, Keynes famously predicted that 100 years hence, revolutionary technical change would solve “the economic problem”, (Keynes, 1930) that there are limited resources, but infinite wants.

Öz 2011 yılında Almanya'nın açıklamış olduğu Endüstri 4.0 ile yeni bir döneme geçilmiştir. Endüstri 4.0 nesnelerin interneti (IoT), büyük veri (big data), bulut bilişim, siber fiziksel sistemler, arttırılmış gerçeklik, otonom robotlar,... more

Öz 2011 yılında Almanya'nın açıklamış olduğu Endüstri 4.0 ile yeni bir döneme geçilmiştir. Endüstri 4.0 nesnelerin interneti (IoT), büyük veri (big data), bulut bilişim, siber fiziksel sistemler, arttırılmış gerçeklik, otonom robotlar, akıllı/karanlık fabrikalar ve block chain gibi birçok alt başlığı içinde barındırmaktadır. Endüstri 4.0 ile üretim zincirindeki tüm halkaların birbiriyle entegre olan, sürekli etkileşim ve iletişim içinde bulunan, sensörler aracılığıyla ortamı algılayabilen, veri toplayan ve analiz ederek ihtiyaçları belirleyen robotlarla üretimin gerçekleştirilmesi sonucunda daha kaliteli, hızlı, esnek ve daha düşük maliyetli üretimin gerçekleştirilmesi tasarlanmaktadır. Ürün geliştirme aşamasında; tasarımdan gerekli malzeme kullanımına, pazarlamadan sevkiyata birçok süreçte daha şeffaf ve birbirine bağlı bir sistem kurulacaktır. Endüstri 4.0'ın piyasaların ve sektörlerin birçok alanını etkilemesi beklenmektedir. Bu alanlardan biri olan muhasebe mesleğini de etkileyeceği/değiştireceği ortadadır. Bu sebeple bu çalışmada kavramsal açıdan Endüstri 4.0 ve getirdiği yenilikler incelenmiş, günümüz muhasebecilik mesleğine olası etkilerinin neler olabileceğine ilişkin tespitler yapılmıştır. Muhasebe bilgi sisteminde ve faaliyetlerinde yaşanan değişimlerle süreç daha hızlı, daha şeffaf, anlık olarak erişilebilir ve daha verimli hale gelmektedir. Abstract In 2011, a new era was started after Germany announced Industry 4.0. This industrial revolution hosts many subtitles such as IoT, big data, cloud computing, cyber physical systems, augmented reality, autonomous robots, dark factories and block chains. With Industry 4.0, the entire process in the production chain will be realized by robots integrated with each other, continuously interacting and communicating, detecting the environment through sensors, collecting data and analyzing the needs. In this way, better quality, fast, flexible and more cost-effective production is planned. During the product development phase; a more transparent and interconnected system will be established in many processes from design to material use, from marketing to shipment. Industry 4.0 is expected to affect many areas of markets and sectors. It is obvious that it will change the accounting profession which is one of these areas. Therefore, in this study, Industry 4.0 and its innovations have been examined in terms of 1 1 Bu çalışma, Salih TUTAR tarafından Sakarya Üniversitesi'nde "Endüstri 4.0'ın Muhasebeye Etkisi" başlıklı yüksek lisans tezinden üretilmiştir.

Kajian ini dijalankan bagi melihat penerimaan pelajar bekeperluan khas terhadap pembelajaran berasaskan Teknik dan Vokasional (TVET) di Kolej Komuniti Kuala Kangsar Perak. Secara khususnya kajian ini cuba melihat sejauhmana keberkesanan... more

Kajian ini dijalankan bagi melihat penerimaan pelajar bekeperluan khas terhadap
pembelajaran berasaskan Teknik dan Vokasional (TVET) di Kolej Komuniti Kuala Kangsar Perak.
Secara khususnya kajian ini cuba melihat sejauhmana keberkesanan pembelajaran yang telah dipelajari
melalui kursus pendek yang telah dijalankan untuk pelajar berkeperluan khas [daerah Kuala Kangsar,
Perak] ini yang bertempat di Kolej Komuniti Kuala Kangsar, Perak. Untuk itu, tiga dimensi utama telah
dijadikan asas kepada kajian ini iaitu penerimaan pelajar bekeperluan khas terhadap kemahiran tenaga
pengajar dalam menyampaikan pengajaran, kesesuaian silibus dalam pembelajaran dan penerimaan
pelajar bekeperluan khas terhadap prasarana yang disediakan. Kajian ini adalah berbentuk deskriptif
dan responden terdiri daripada 40 orang pelajar pendidikan khas sekitar daerah Kuala Kangsar yang
dikategorikan sebagai lembam dalam pembelajaran. Instrumen kajian mengandungi sejumlah 12 item
dengan dapatan alpha cronbach sebanyak 0.854 dan data-data yang dikumpul dianalisis dengan
menggunakan “Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)” for Windows Version 21. Secara
keseluruhannya, penerimaan pelajar keperluan khas terhadap kemahiran tenaga pengajar dalam
menyampaikan pengajaran dan pembelajaran adalah pada tahap yang amat memberangsangkan.
Manakala kesesuaian silibus untuk kegunaan pembelajaran pelajar bekeperluan khas juga dinilai pada
tahap yang amat tinggi. Bagi penerimaan terhadap prasarana atau kemudahan dalam keberkesanan
pembelajaran pelajar bekeperluan khas berada pada tahap yang sederhana dan kini sedang diteliti bagi
memenuhi keperluan golongan berkenaan.

The monograph covers the issues of the emergence of a convergent type of society, as a society of transhumanistic and related to the new quality of technological interventions in human nature. Considered are the philosophical foundations... more

The monograph covers the issues of the emergence of a convergent type of society, as a society of transhumanistic and related to the new quality of technological interventions in human nature. Considered are the philosophical foundations of a new type of society, the essential features of transhumanism and singularity, the transmutation of classical political and philosophical theories in a new technological era.
Also thoroughly covered the problem of transformation of the global information society into the realm of collision and competition of states, the influence of modern technologies on the concept of state sovereignty (within the framework of the construction of "digital sovereignty").
Separately analyzed the impact of technology Industry 4.0 (primarily robotics) on military affairs. A thorough analysis of the current opportunities and prospects of Ukraine in the context of the development of Industry 4.0 technologies and the ability to build a national innovation system has been submitted.

Abstrak: Dalam artikel ini penulis akan mencoba memaparkan pendidikan yang sakral didalamnya terdapat unsur-unsur Ilahiyah nilai keislaman kemudian mencoba menganalisa dan membandingkan dengan konsep pendidikan pondok modern gontor. Dalam... more

Abstrak: Dalam artikel ini penulis akan mencoba memaparkan pendidikan yang sakral didalamnya
terdapat unsur-unsur Ilahiyah nilai keislaman kemudian mencoba menganalisa dan membandingkan
dengan konsep pendidikan pondok modern gontor. Dalam penulisan artikel ini penulis menggunakan teori
adab sebagai intepretasi kesakralan dan menemukan hasil bahwa pendidikan sakral adalah pendidikan
yang mengembalikan nilai ilahiyah bertujuan membentuk manusia beradaab, hal ini selaras dengan
pendidikan gontor yang bertujuan mencetak manusia bermanfaat di masyarakat berakhlaqulkarimah dan
bertakwa kepada Allah SWT. Karena pertemuan dua titik tujuan yang sama, maka dapat dikatan bahwa
pendidikan gontor dapat dijadikan penunjang pendidikan yang sakral.
Kata Kunci: Adab, Akhlaqulkarimah Gontor, Ilahiyah, Manusia, Pendidikan, Sakral, Takwa

En este trabajo se sintetizan los principales impactos, retos y dilemas que los re-cientes cambios tecnológicos están generando sobre el mercado de trabajo, los sis-temas de protección social y las políticas públicas que tienen que ver... more

En este trabajo se sintetizan los principales impactos, retos y dilemas que los re-cientes cambios tecnológicos están generando sobre el mercado de trabajo, los sis-temas de protección social y las políticas públicas que tienen que ver con estas áreas. Particular interés se presta al caso venezolano, en virtud de la escasa aten-ción que hasta ahora se ha prestado a esta problemática a pesar de las importan-tes vulnerabilidades que muestra como consecuencia de la larga crisis política, social y económica que se padece.

Researchers try to find answers to questions arising from Industry 4.0 era through various theories. Knowledge management is one of the valuable and useful concepts. The aim of the paper is to analyze the application of selected... more

Researchers try to find answers to questions arising from Industry 4.0 era through various theories. Knowledge management is one of the valuable and useful concepts. The aim of the paper is to analyze the application of selected principles of knowledge management in companies operating in Slovakia. Our results based on the questionnaire survey show that companies apply mainly the technocratic and behavioural school principles, but it is necessary to balance applying principles of these two schools. As a part of the economic school, companies can create solutions that could be applied in other companies. However, they do not make enough economic benefits from them (e. g. from patents).

Bravo,F., Facundo,P., Escalada,L. y Santacruz Osorio,A. Del Curso S1091 UTN FRBA de Ingeniería & Sociedad (del Prof. Gustavo Carlos Bitocchi, 1° Cuatr. TN, 2021).

The article tackles the question of platform capitalism within the framework of a general understanding of the specificity of modern and contemporary capitalism. Digital platforms, which are emerging among the winners from the current... more

The article tackles the question of platform capitalism within the framework of a general understanding of the specificity of modern and contemporary capitalism. Digital platforms, which are emerging among the winners from the current pandemic crisis, facilitate processes of capital accumulation, blur the boundaries between politics and economics, and embody a new type of firm. An emphasis is placed on the infrastructural roles performed by platforms, as well as on their ability to reshape existing spaces and produce new ones. In the last section, the authors describe emerging figures of "algorithmic subjectivities" and contend that an effective critique of platform capitalism, whose operations are predicated upon those figures, should take their movements and struggles as its point of departure.

Most port operators have increasingly integrated cybertechnology into port activities to increase their competitiveness; unfortunately, this digitalization becomes the major vulnerability for the emerging cyberthreat. To help port... more

Most port operators have increasingly integrated cybertechnology into port activities to increase their competitiveness; unfortunately, this digitalization becomes the major vulnerability for the emerging cyberthreat. To help port policymakers develop cybersecurity measures, this study conceptualized and developed three dimensions of port cybersecurity hygiene (i.e. human, infrastructure, and procedure factors) and investigated the relationships between port cybersecurity hygiene and cyberthreats (i.e. hacktivism, cyber criminality, cyber espionage, cyber terrorism, and cyber war). A questionnaire survey was used to collect data from all international container port operators and shipping lines with branches in Thailand, and the proposed relationships were tested by structural equation modeling. The results indicated that container ports tended to encounter hacktivism when their human, infrastructure, and procedure factors were vulnerable. The weakness of the human factor could also lead to cyber terrorism, while the deficiency of the infrastructure factor could lead to cyber criminality. Moreover, container ports were likely to be harmed by cyber espionage if their procedure factor was poorly implemented. Hence, the provision of training and education to all port workers, including top executives, managers, and supervisors, are necessary to ensure a cyberthreat-awareness culture at all organizational levels. Improving cybersecurity equipment could prevent unauthorized access to port business data and keep important information secure, while the ISPS Code-based procedures and other preventive measures should be strictly implemented by container ports to reduce the risk of cyberthreats.

This study develops a model for students and graduates of Soft Skills, Hard Skills, and Competitiveness (SHC) and seeks user validation after the development process. The development process uses the Analysis, Design, Development,... more

This study develops a model for students and graduates of Soft Skills, Hard Skills, and Competitiveness (SHC) and seeks user validation after the development process. The development process uses the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model. A quantitative survey using questionnaires and descriptive quantitative analysis was applied in obtaining user validation as the study objective. The development results validated the students' SHC Development model, which has 3 main phases, including Input, Process and Output. The Input phase comprises course content, SHC component, and strategy of students' center approach. The Process phase consists of blended course design, instruction and students' engagement, and evaluation. The Output phase comprises soft and hard skills achievement, as well as students' competitiveness level. Users perceived the model's phases and components as wholly acceptable, appropriate, and applicable for implementation through curriculum, teaching, and learning at the university. This study contributes to graduate preparation for employability skills in the challenging and complex working environment in revolution industry 4.0.

The focus of this research is to find solutions about millennial generation towards Big Data and other advanced technologies. The rise of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 produced large amounts of data so that they could provide various... more

The focus of this research is to find solutions about millennial generation towards Big Data and other advanced technologies. The rise of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 produced large amounts of data so that they could provide various opportunities for the more developed industries. There is several software that can be used in order to conduct analysis of big data, which is could increase efficiency in job. However, the risen of technology also become the threats to employee which can make them lose their jobs especially for millennial generation who live in digital era. Therefore, this research was conducted to help young accountants and auditors to develop better in thinking in a more innovative and focused way. Regarding to the research, researcher will know about how Millennial generation understand about the technology, the role of Big Data Analytics for millennial generation, and that needs to be expanded to replace rapidly changing changes.

Cloud computing became the most efficient resource for following the business processes of companies and providing the required ICT capability for the last 10 years. It is a well-known fact that different cloud computing services help... more

Cloud computing became the most efficient resource for following the business processes of companies and providing the required ICT capability for the last 10 years. It is a well-known fact that different cloud computing services help firms to orient themselves effectively to their functional goals. Because many additional issues such as budget, human power, time, personnel training required to use resources will automatically be handled by service providers. However, the reality of storing organizational data outside the company causes prejudiced and skeptical thoughts in top manager’s mind for cloud computing adoption from the point of security and privacy. But, the companies will be using this technology ultimately since its cost and competition efficiency will become more important as data production grows all over the world and every field. In this study, we will identify the different service options of cloud computing in the companies and analyze the factors that affect these choices in the light of their decisions. Orthogonal experimental design is applied to identify choices based on seven attributes: economic values, cloud advantage, security and privacy concern, reliability, control, compatibility and features. Afterwards, conjoint analysis is implemented to rank the criteria of the alternatives from the choices gained from orthogonal experimental design.

La industria 4.0 se está preparando para transformar el trabajo a un ritmo acelerado a través de tecnologías que crecen exponencialmente; como la inteligencia artificial, la robótica avanzada, la automatización cognitiva, el análisis... more

La industria 4.0 se está preparando para transformar el trabajo a un ritmo acelerado a través de tecnologías que crecen exponencialmente; como la inteligencia artificial, la robótica avanzada, la automatización cognitiva, el análisis avanzado y el Internet de las cosas. Es probable que la tecnología cree más empleos de los que destruye, como lo ha hecho históricamente, de tal forma que quienes van a perder sus trabajos en esta transición podrían ser los menos preparados para aprovechar las nuevas oportunidades que las nuevas tecnologías ofrecen. Por consiguiente, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo explorar e identificar las habilidades futuras de capacitación para la industria 4.0 y el impacto financiero que les ha generado. La exploración de literatura permite concluir que las competencias de hoy no se ajustarán a los trabajos del mañana y las nuevas competencias adquiridas pueden quedar desfasadas rápidamente. Las empresas, el trabajo y la economía se están viendo impactados por la automatización y la inteligencia artificial. La tecnología esta inmiscuida con todas las funciones de las organizaciones y cada día será más importante. Por esta razón, después del reciente acontecimiento del COVID -19, los gobiernos, las empresas y la sociedad deben prepararse mejor tecnológicamente a medida que se tomen acciones para evitar la disrupción de las operaciones y continuar laborando en tiempos en donde existe un distanciamiento social.

Il lavoro nasce con l’obiettivo di analizzare le potenziali ricadute che le innovazioni tecnologiche del processo produttivo, comunemente evocate con il termine Industria 4.0, stanno producendo e produrranno in futuro sulle competenze e... more

Il lavoro nasce con l’obiettivo di analizzare le potenziali ricadute che le innovazioni tecnologiche del processo produttivo, comunemente evocate con il termine Industria 4.0, stanno producendo e produrranno in futuro sulle competenze e le professionalità richieste da chi domanda lavoro.
L’analisi valuta quindi il grado di esposizione del capitale umano ai cambiamenti indotti dalla quarta rivoluzione industriale e quantifica, per quanto possibile, il potenziale di sostituzione della forza lavoro occupata. La rivoluzione digitale offre sicuramente numerose opportunità, creando nuovi lavori prima inesistenti, ma al tempo stesso si porta dietro la distruzione di un certo tipo e numero di mansioni che mettono a rischio una fetta non trascurabile di posti di lavoro.
Lo sviluppo tecnologico, potenziando i livelli di automazione del processo produttivo, induce infatti una sostituzione del fattore lavoro ma, contemporaneamente, libera tempo e genera ricchezza addizionale da destinare a nuove attività, di natura più immateriale, capaci di assorbire nuova occupazione. Il saldo fra queste due opposte tendenze è incerto, e anche la letteratura sul tema fornisce risultati controversi, ma certo è l’accadimento di una rilevante redistribuzione di competenze, professioni e posti lavoro che si realizzerà nei prossimi anni.
In questo contesto diviene essenziale, per governare il cambiamento in atto, disporre di dati e informazioni che consentano la formulazione di uno scenario realistico, su cui impostare un adeguato pacchetto di interventi – in modo specifico nel campo della formazione- volti a tutelare i livelli di occupazione e a soddisfare la domanda di professionalità delle imprese.

Current research acknowledges the unprecedented effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) on socioeconomic development, human interpersonal relations, and day-today life. It is worth scrutinising how this shift may cost... more

Current research acknowledges the unprecedented effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) on socioeconomic development, human interpersonal relations, and day-today life. It is worth scrutinising how this shift may cost infrastructural development, economic growth, and human development worldwide, shaping the planet's future. Within the scope of maintaining human's centrality in the era of 4IR, it is critical to draw serious attention to the relevance of spirituality in developing new and existing technologies. This study examines the Muslim framework of spirituality and its proposed pathways for 4IR. This study further concludes that for Muslims, spirituality adds meaning and value to the ethical design, production, and management of 4IR and enables it to better serve the composition of human societies and their emerging needs without harming the well-being of the planet, its resources, or the future of humankind.