Language and Culture Research Papers (original) (raw)

The relationship between landscape and culture seen through language is an exciting and increasingly explored area. This groundbreaking book contributes to the linguistic examination of both cross-cultural variation and unifying elements... more

The relationship between landscape and culture seen through language is an exciting and increasingly explored area. This groundbreaking book contributes to the linguistic examination of both cross-cultural variation and unifying elements in geographical categorization. The study focuses on the contrastive lexical semantics of certain landscape words in a number of languages. The aim is to show how geographical vocabulary sheds light on the culturally and historically shaped ways people see and think about the land around them. Notably, the study presents landscape concepts as anchored in a human-centred perspective , based on our cognition, vision, and experience in places. The Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) approach allows an analysis of meaning which is both fine-grained and transparent. The book is aimed, first of all, at scholars and students of linguistics. Yet it will also be of interest to researchers in geography, environmental studies, anthropology , cultural studies, Australian Studies, and Australian Aboriginal Studies because of the book's cultural take.

While the role of culture in second and/or foreign language (L2/FL) learning and teaching has often been unquestioned, empirical research on culture learning and teaching in L2/FL education has been less common than opinion-oriented... more

While the role of culture in second and/or foreign language (L2/FL) learning and teaching has often been unquestioned, empirical research on culture learning and teaching in L2/FL education has been less common than opinion-oriented writings in relevant journals. This article offers a summary and synthesis of 52 empirical studies on L2/FL culture learning and teaching published during the 20-year period 1996-2015. In doing so, it first provides some background, then discusses the methods used for choosing, summarizing, and briefly analyzing these studies, and finally outlines a range of quantitative and qualitative findings. Culture learning and teaching research in L2/FL education during this period involved five main languages (English, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish) in 19 different countries; adopted mainly qualitative research approaches; and addressed a diverse range of age and educational levels, although postsecondary research studies were most common. The survey here highlights a shift from a focus on ‘culture’ to the ‘intercultural,’ and reveals that culture learning and teaching research has moved beyond reporting teachers’ and students’ attitudes to a range of topics impacting L2/FL learning and teaching, including instructional approaches, teaching materials, assessment, and technology. It also points to connections between the studies outlined and offers possibilities and directions for future research in this important area.

The (SCOPUS/ISI) SOAS GLOCAL AFALA 2022 Mini Second Call for Papers

This article deals with Slovene and German idioms which reflect one of the following bodily reactions associated with anger: increased temperature, a feeling of steaming or exploding, disorders of inner organs, changes in facial color... more

This article deals with Slovene and German idioms which reflect one of the following bodily reactions associated with anger: increased temperature, a feeling of steaming or exploding, disorders of inner organs, changes in facial color (other than red), muscle contraction, respiratory disorders, and losing inner (psychological and physical) homeostasis leading to an illness. Bearing in mind that conventional figurative expressions reflect a folk theory of emotion, the authors discuss their psychophysiological basis and attempt to answer the question of whether a folk theory of anger and its bodily effects has scientific value. The authors conclude that many of the idioms analysed in this paper embody reactions caused by anger which are recognized in biological and neurobiological works. Consequently, these idioms have not only cultural value but they also depict the scientific understanding of anger.

The research project carried out in one primary school in Scotland was guided by an intention to discover and provide up-to-date data on what literacy teachers knew about critical literacy and whether this knowledge was promoted,... more

The research project carried out in one primary school in Scotland was guided by an intention to discover and provide up-to-date data on what literacy teachers knew about critical literacy and whether this knowledge was promoted, achieved, and enacted in praxis. By specifically focusing on reading and teachers' approaches to texts, this study explores to what extent critical literacy makes its explicit or implicit appearance in the early years' reading classes as a result of teachers' understanding of it-their content knowledge, personal and professional beliefs. The findings have fueled the discussion about the preconditions for greater and more direct utilization of critical literacy in language classrooms. The knowledge and practices the teachers in this study revealed, reflect a promising springboard for developing new, more unified ways of teaching reading. After being reminded of and exposed to some of the central concepts of critical literacy, the teachers became more interested and confirmed that they would teach for it if they only knew how. This is also one of the main implications of the study for teacher educators, curriculum developers and researchers.

Dit artikel is een antwoord op een opinieartikel van Stefan Grondelaers ("De kwaal van de standaardtaal", De Standaard, 22-02-2019). Grondelaers schreef onder andere dat het Vlaamse denken over standaardtaal 'genezen' en... more

Dit artikel is een antwoord op een opinieartikel van Stefan Grondelaers ("De kwaal van de standaardtaal", De Standaard, 22-02-2019). Grondelaers schreef onder andere dat het Vlaamse denken over standaardtaal 'genezen' en 'gedeïdeologiseerd' moet worden. Er moet een 'grote schoonmaak' gehouden worden. Vlamingen hebben ‘verlammende ideeën’ over taal. En het wordt tijd dat die ideeën ‘uit de voegen loskomen’. Daartegenover stel ik dat de Nederlandse standaardtaal in het Vlaamse onderwijs na jaren van verwaarlozing juist geherwaardeerd moet worden. En dat kan samengaan met waardering voor taalvariatie en registervariatie.

Abstract: This paper examines words and constructions that Koromu speakers in Papua New Guinea (PNG) use to talk about tare ‘hurt/pain’ and other painful sensations. It also reflects on links to cultural and environmental influences in... more

Abstract: This paper examines words and constructions that Koromu speakers in Papua New Guinea (PNG) use to talk about tare ‘hurt/pain’ and other painful sensations. It also reflects on links to cultural and environmental influences in daily life, key life events, environmental knowledge and traditional health care. Terms such as warike ‘be/feel bad’, tare ‘hurts/pains’, perere ‘hurts: stings, cuts, burns’, and kaho ‘aches: burns, pierces’ are used in different constructions with varying emphases. These constructions are among the most typologically interesting in Koromu grammar. They are related to, but also distinct from, constructions found in other Papuan language. They include experiencer object constructions, serial verb constructions with the grammaticized valency-increasing verb here/he ‘PUT’, and nominal constructions with, or without, prominent noun phrase marking.

. The problems of irreducibility, untranslatability, non-generalized existence of language are there as there persists always something irreducible in the interactions between the self and the other. Considering the Bengali society,... more

. The problems of irreducibility, untranslatability, non-generalized existence of language are there as there persists always something irreducible in the interactions between the self and the other. Considering the Bengali society, perspectivally deliberated through the intellectual lenses of the bourgeois, the self-culture predicates the normative paradigm that structures what should and what should not constitute the essential with regard to socio-political identity. The conflictual cultural implication opposes whatever is non-standard and heterogeneous. Even within the group, the notion of the ‘other-self’ segregates the cultural variants that are marginalized as non-standard and imperfect.

At last, a worthy antidote to the noxious trend that explains all human consciousness and behaviour in terms of the evolution and activities of the brain alone! Cognitive science, evolutionary psychology, and neurophilosophy, while adding... more

At last, a worthy antidote to the noxious trend that explains all human consciousness and behaviour in terms of the evolution and activities of the brain alone! Cognitive science, evolutionary psychology, and neurophilosophy, while adding complexity, have embraced the assumption that life unfolds primarily on the basis of evolving, interacting genes. But this view is unbalanced at best. Greenspan and Shanker remind us that opposition to it need not imply mysticism, idealism, or anything spooky. They state the predominance of cultural learning passed on from generation to generation, its content always changing and never complete.

In TESOL Journal 3.4 (2012): 747-749. doi: 10.1002/tesj.43

Buku ini adalah sebuah buku referensi kajian sosiolinguistik yang ditulis untuk kebutuhan perkuliahan mahasisw. Buku ini awalnya adalah karya terjemahan dari buku Janet Holmes namun kemudian diramu kembali dengan materi-materi... more

Buku ini adalah sebuah buku referensi kajian sosiolinguistik yang ditulis untuk kebutuhan perkuliahan mahasisw. Buku ini awalnya adalah karya terjemahan dari buku Janet Holmes namun kemudian diramu kembali dengan materi-materi sosiolinguistik yang uptodate. Buku ini disusun dengan bahasa yang santai, mudah dicerna dan tidak berbelit-belit sehingga pembaca dengan mudah memahami konsep sosiolinguistik meskipun baru mengenalnya.

Christians teaching English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL) address cultural issues to improve students' intercultural communication. In reflecting on my experience delivering a teacher training course, this article describes... more

Christians teaching English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL) address cultural issues to improve students' intercultural communication. In reflecting on my experience delivering a teacher training course, this article describes strategies for incorporating seven virtues in an Intercultural Communication for Teachers class. It first outlines foundational background and then offers examples of ways students in the course may go deeper with Christian virtues in their reflection and in their ESL/EFL teaching. It also introduces Scriptures and relevant resources that may be useful to professors involved in teacher training and to teachers who wish to incorporate virtues into ESL/EFL classes. day you set foot in someone else's country and your world turned upside down. These people were *weird*, really off the wall. The neighbours back home might be slack, but at least you could talk to them. In this new place, it was,... more day you set foot in someone else's country and your world turned upside down. These people were *weird*, really off the wall. The neighbours back home might be slack, but at least you could talk to them. In this new place, it was, well, eerie. A bit dangerous too. You were 100% outnumbered, and they called you a foreigner. You kept a low profile, and sort of adapted. Maybe you changed a bit too. After living on Mars for a few years, when you went home for a holiday the old family reckoned you'd gone native. Well, come to think of it, *they* looked sort of silly now...

Abstract: The argument I will develop in this essay is that the foreign students are a latent human resource who can assist with overcoming English monolingualism in the Australian population. Foreign students, properly rewarded, can be a... more

Abstract: The argument I will develop in this essay is that the foreign students are a latent human resource who can assist with overcoming English monolingualism in the Australian population. Foreign students, properly rewarded, can be a major source of skills transfer. Every one of those students is a walking compendium of language and cultural skills that Australians need to know.

"Here in the Holy Land one must speak Hebrew only:" The Revival of Hebrew as a Spoken Language as Reflected in Films on the First Aliya This paper presents the development of the cinematic representation of Hebrew speech during the first... more

"Here in the Holy Land one must speak Hebrew only:"
The Revival of Hebrew as a Spoken Language as Reflected in Films on the First Aliya
This paper presents the development of the cinematic representation of Hebrew speech during the first Aliya in three Israeli feature films, revealing two processes which this representation underwent from the beginning of Israeli cinema (1932) to the present (2011): (a) The weakening of the monolingual ideology which rejected foreign languages as an obstacle to the revival of Hebrew speech; (b) The weakening of the normative approach which strongly prefers the "correct" use of the language over the existing usage. The cinematic dialogues are very dissimilar in terms of their linguistic characteristics, indicating that they do not constitute first Aliya natural speech, but rather representations thereof. Representations naturally reflect choice. Choices made by filmmakers are influenced by the period in which they live, contemporaneous norms, their world views, personal tastes, and target audience.
The development of the cinematic representation of Hebrew speech reflects broader social and cultural processes. The norm of representing Hebrew-exclusive speech is subject to the monolingual ideology and to "Negation of the Diaspora" and the reinvention of the Jew in general. As Hebrew had come to be the everyday spoken language in Israel, the Monolingual ideology lost much of its power, along with the linguistic norm which it dictated. The new freedom from the norms of formal, literary, "correct" language is associated with Hebrew becoming the dominant spoken language among Jews and the transition from the generation of the pioneers to the generation of the Sabras (Israeli-born). For the Sabras, speaking Hebrew is natural, and they have no need or desire to represent Hebrew speech as it presumably ought to be. The weakening of the normative approach is also associated with the shift of focus in Israeli society from the collective to the individual and from nation building to personal life.

Busy professionals have a lot of demands on their time and allocating time for yoga just doesn " t factor. But what if they understood the potential benefits to their work and home lives? Stress in the workplace today is a major... more

Busy professionals have a lot of demands on their time and allocating time for yoga just doesn " t factor. But what if they understood the potential benefits to their work and home lives? Stress in the workplace today is a major consideration for employers and anything that can be introduced to alleviate this is a potential benefit to both employers and the employees. Less stressful employees will be more productive and are less likely to need time off through illness. Less stressful employees are likely to have happier home lives and this in turn leads to increased productivity.

Despite the need for more study on the theory, linguistic relativity may help towards understanding the inter-relatedness of society, culture, and language by looking at the phenomenon of linguistic relativity as it may have affected New... more

Despite the need for more study on the theory, linguistic relativity may help towards understanding the inter-relatedness of society, culture, and language by looking at the phenomenon of linguistic relativity as it may have affected New Testament writers. The ideas discussed should provide useful information for further research into the application of modern linguistics to New Testament hermeneutics, systematic theology, and biblical exegesis. The implications of linguistic relativity theory applied to this genre of literature are of extreme importance in light of resurgence in interest and work in biblical languages and modern linguistics in the last quarter of a century. This discussion circumscribes the salient elements of the Sapir/Whorf hypothesis and its application to New Testament autographs by focusing on: transcription of oral tradition, the influence of languages on the autographs, and the implications of linguistic relativity for exegesis.

Argentina 2018 Esta obra está licenciada bajo la Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial-Sin Obra Derivada 4.0 Internacional. Para ver una copia de esta licencia, visite more

Argentina 2018 Esta obra está licenciada bajo la Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial-Sin Obra Derivada 4.0 Internacional. Para ver una copia de esta licencia, visite Introducción Hanif Kureishi es un escritor británico de madre inglesa y padre pakistaní. Nació el 5 de diciembre de 1954 y se crió en Bromley, en el sudeste de Londres. Comenzó a escribir a los 12 años y después de estudiar filosofía en la Universidad de Londres, decidió dedicarse a escribir obras de teatro mientras trabajaba como mecanógrafo en los estudios Riverside de Londres. Escribió tanto novelas como guiones de obras de teatro. Los temas recurrentes que trata el autor en sus obras son la inmigración, la identidad, el racismo y la sexualidad. Mi hijo el fanático fue publicado por primera vez en The New Yorker en 1994 y luego reimpreso en Amor en tiempos tristes, una colección de cuentos que el autor publicó en 1997. El cuento comienza in medias res, técnica literaria que altera el orden cronológico y en la que la narración empieza a mitad de los hechos, es decir, en plena acción o a mitad de la historia. Esta técnica se utiliza para captar la atención del lector e involucrarlo en la narración. Personalmente trabajaré esta historia porque contiene temas que ameritan investigación ya que comprenden una realidad no muy conocida por los lectores: el crecimiento del Islam en Gran Bretaña y cómo este influencia a dicha nación. Desarrollo Punjab y el Reino Unido Los Punjabis, o el pueblo Punjabi, son un grupo étnico asociado con la región de Punjab, que habla Punjabi, un idioma de la familia de lengua indo-aria. Punjab es una región geográfica compartida por India y Pakistán. El nombre Punjab proviene del persa-panch ('cinco') y āb ('corriente de agua, río'), por lo que significa 'cinco ríos'. Estos son el Beas, el Chenab, el Jhelum, el Ravi y el Sutlesh los cuales se unen para formar el río Panch Nad ('cinco ríos'), afluente del Indo. Antes de la independencia de 1947, Panyab estaba al mando del gobierno británico (de allí que la región fuese reconocida como la India británica). No obstante, luego de la independencia, Punjab fue dividida en

David Grossman’s book "Someone to Run With" features a colorful, fascinating and dynamic plot while enabling a meaningful gaze into the inner world of the leading characters. The transition to the cinematic medium preserved the... more

David Grossman’s book "Someone to Run With" features a colorful, fascinating and dynamic plot while enabling a meaningful gaze into the inner world of the leading characters. The transition to the cinematic medium preserved the colorfulness as well as a strong sense of authenticity. This paper examines the representation of the spoken language in "Someone to Run With": Which phenomena of the spoken language are represented in the book as well as in the film that was produced following it, how different are they in respect to the two artistic media and how can the differences be explained.
In the book spoken language is presented by means of a written medium, whereas in the film by means of a spoken medium. In both genres different phenomena of spoken language are represented – in phonetics, morphology, syntax and discourse – and in both of them the language has a major role in shaping the characters and the situation. This difference significantly affects the representation of the spoken language in both works.
In the film there is a sense of urgency, expressed through non-verbal means unique to the cinematic medium, as well as through phonetic means of reduction of vowels and consonants. By contrast, in the book the representation of the phonetic component is significantly lower due to the difficulty to represent it in writing. Despite the scant representation of the phonetic phenomena in the book, it is clear that Grossman is aware of the phonetic component, using it to emphasize certain features of characters or situations. In literature in order to represent the phonetic element the author's awareness – and explicit effort – is required, because of the transition from the spoken medium to the written medium. In the cinema, which is an oral medium, the actors naturally produce phonetic aspects of the spoken language, and an actual awareness of the phonetic component is not required in order to represent it.
Another difference in the representation of the spoken language which contrasts the written and the spoken medium is reflected in the realm of discourse. In the book cut-off is usually marked by expressions such as "no matter" or "not important", while in the film in most cases these phenomena are not marked verbally. This difference exists because in the written medium it is necessary to mark the language as spoken language, while in the spoken medium there is much less need for it.
In the book a wider range of non-standard linguistic morphological and syntactical phenomena are represented, from both sides of the spectrum: super-standard on the one hand and sub-standard on the other. The wider representation may be attributed to several factors: first, the writer's ability to plan and edit is much greater in writing prose than in making a movie; second, a literary text is longer than a cinematic text; third, the traditional conservatism of films compared to literature; and finally, the linguistic dimension is the major tool in literature whereas in the cinema there are additional, non-verbal means of designing the characters and the situations.
This study shows that both in the book and in the film spoken language has a major role. However, both media use different aspects of the spoken language – phonetics, morphology, syntax and discourse – to fashion the images and features of characters and situations.

The aim of the article is to introduce the authors' perspective on how English loanwords are changing the structure and the content of the verbal code of Russian culture and the Russian linguistic pictures of the world, as well as on how... more

The aim of the article is to introduce the authors' perspective on how English loanwords are changing the structure and the content of the verbal code of Russian culture and the Russian linguistic pictures of the world, as well as on how the latter might change the former. Having used the continuous sampling method, observation method, and synchronic-diachronic approach (lexical semantic analysis, comparative semantic analysis, morphological and quantitative analysis), the authors have allocated and analyzed 487 loanwords, which led to the introduction of three distinguished types of interaction between the verbal code of the Russian language and foreign loanwords. The first interaction type is the process whereby the loanwords adapt semantically to the rules of the host language and culture, which leads to the complete change of a loanword meaning or its modification (15 words). The second interaction type is connected with the loanwords bringing new concepts to a host language and indicating borrowed ideas and objects (270 words). The differentiation of these two interaction types is based on the results of a synchronic and diachronic study of the loanwords in Russian. The analyzed interaction types are linked to the changes in the host language's verbal code. A concept of a "hybrid linguistic picture of the world" is being introduced as the one constituting the third interaction type (201 words). According to the authors, the hybrid linguistic picture of the world is developing at the current stage of the Russian language and is caused by the process of the morphological adaptation of English loanwords, which is manifested in the production of hybrid words and Russian words being actively substituted by English borrowings.

This short paper introduces seven works related to culture teaching.

In analyzing a gossip session between three Australians and this author in Brisbane, it is argued that discordance, defined as (partial) lack of agreement or harmony among interlocutors, may not develop into a conflict-ridden argument if... more

In analyzing a gossip session between three Australians and this author in Brisbane, it is argued that discordance, defined as (partial) lack of agreement or harmony among interlocutors, may not develop into a conflict-ridden argument if the meta-strategy of "tact" is used in "ritualized" communication (Senft 2009). Specifically, Australians' gossip that targeted a Japanese woman was "unsafe" for this Japanese author but their use of "crossing" strategies such as stereotypically ambiguous Japanese expressions, metapragamatic/metalinguistic glossing, and remedial interchanges, prevented the interaction from developing into conflict. Implications are discussed with reference to the relationship between macro-social notions such as "White multiculturalism" (Hage 2000) and Goffmanian-Gumperzian interactional notions such as "ritual", "discourse strategies", and "crossing" (cf. Rampton 1995).

Buku ini adalah buku pasambahan adat Minangkabau yang disalin dari beberapa naskah kuno Minangkabau yang ada di Pariangan. Buku ini ditulis dengan bahasa yang sederhana sehingga pembaca dengan mudah memahami maksud tulisan tersebut.... more

Buku ini adalah buku pasambahan adat Minangkabau yang disalin dari beberapa naskah kuno Minangkabau yang ada di Pariangan. Buku ini ditulis dengan bahasa yang sederhana sehingga pembaca dengan mudah memahami maksud tulisan tersebut. Begitu juga panduan-panduan yang ada dalam buku ini, pembaca dapat belajar sendiri bagaimana cara berpasambahan tanpa ada guru. Buku ini sudah mendapatkan HKI dari Kementerian Hukum dan HAM RI pada tahun 2016. Buku ini sudah terjual lebih dari 5000 copy.

Assia Djebar's 'Strasbourg Nights' formed on the problem of language in her work on this study, the search for identity, the preferred language of love, focuses on the theme of silence caused by the language. The aim of this study is to... more

Assia Djebar's 'Strasbourg Nights' formed on the problem of language in her work on this study, the search for identity, the preferred language of love, focuses on the theme of silence caused by the language. The aim of this study is to stimulate thinking on the question of language processing. Djebar who was freed through the life of the French language has a great importance. Handle the language issue is in the works she wrote. Her work go from Strasbourg between languages and cultures, languages, religions, races, cultures are subject to different pairs from each other. Literary criticism with an analytical method to perform and you will find answers to the following questions: Couples communicate in which language? Is it possible to love your enemies, even if they speak the other language? Does culture affect the culture or language affects the language study? Couples want to impersonate another person? Which is trying to find a common point of different nationalities and couples living in nomad is seeking peace through language. Examined study, languages other than one language, one nation from other nations, has set up a bridge in the transition from one culture to another culture.

Although there are a large number of books and articles on subtitling concentrating on different aspects of the endeavour, less attention seems to be devoted to the subtitling constraints and the possible strategies to be used in film and... more

Although there are a large number of books and articles on subtitling concentrating on different aspects of the endeavour, less attention seems to be devoted to the subtitling constraints and the possible strategies to be used in film and television series genres. For example, the subtitling of historical drama TV series, which have become very popular and reach a wide audience across the world, is a rarely studied endeavour. The following article is an effort to present a framework for the subtitlers of historical drama in consideration of the constraints of subtitling, as well as the features of the genre itself. Following an introduction about historical distance in translation, the linguistic, cultural and discoursal elements used in the production of the genre, the constraints of subtitling are exemplified with a comparative analysis of a historical drama and its subtitles into English. Particular attention is devoted to the translation strategies used in rendering registers and temporal and geographical varieties of language and, the strategies used to convey military, imperial, religious culture and social stratification. In conclusion, the study hopes to suggest points of practical use for subtitlers, concerning the subtitling of, what is explained in the study as, pseudo historical distance in historical drama and formulating a subtitling metatext

After the cultural turn in social sciences in the 80’s, the translation paradigm shifted from form to culture. The present study focuses on revealing translation students’ cultural text processing strategies. To achieve this task, a... more

After the cultural turn in social sciences in the 80’s, the translation paradigm shifted from form to culture. The present study focuses on revealing translation students’ cultural text processing strategies. To achieve this task, a think-aloud protocol was administered to the volunteer participants and the transcriptions of the voice recordings were classified according to The Coding Scheme of Students’ Statements in the Think Aloud Transcripts by Janssen, Braaksma and Rijlaarsdam (2006:40). The results revealed that translation, retelling and association making were the most commonly used strategies. Effect size calculations showed that German Translation-Interpretation students resorted to strategy use more often than English Translation Interpretation students. Lastly, possible causes of the acquired results and the importance of cultural knowledge are dealt with in relation to the relevant literature.

To those who wish to keep their "cultural operating systems", like the Korean or Russian or Thai or French, "pure", closed, proprietary, without outside influence, I say you are in great danger. Maybe your closed cultural system was... more

To those who wish to keep their "cultural operating systems", like the Korean or Russian or Thai or French, "pure", closed, proprietary, without outside influence, I say you are in great danger. Maybe your closed cultural system was elegant and refined. Maybe it has a glorious past history. But it ultimately comes from an earlier human civilization of small, savage tribal groups. Now we humans are many, crowded on a small planet, and communicating with everyone instantly. We need a different design, and that has to be an Open System.

Research concerning computer hackers generally focuses on how to stop them; far less attention is given to the texts they create. Phrack, an online hacker journal that has run almost continuously since 1985, is an important touchstone in... more

Research concerning computer hackers generally focuses on how to stop them; far less attention is given to the texts they create. Phrack, an online hacker journal that has run almost continuously since 1985, is an important touchstone in hacker literature, widely read by both hackers and telephone and network security professionals. But beyond its instantiation as a compendium of illicit technical knowledge, Phrack was, above all, a rhetorical publication. The files in each issue of Phrack created a shared rhetorical vision concerning the place of the hacker underground within society and in relation to law enforcement officials, as well as what it means to be a hacker. This essay examines two important events in the evolution of the hacker movement through the lens of Phrack—Operation Sundevil and the arrest of Kevin Mitnick. How these events were framed in Phrack both shaped and reflected emerging shifts in hacker collective identity.

Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on Translation No.4 May,... more

Based on the assumption that language and culture are inextricably linked, the paper looks at some characteristics of the domain that can be labelled 'house and home' in the British Isles and North America, and contrasts it in particular... more

Based on the assumption that language and culture are inextricably linked, the paper looks at some characteristics of the domain that can be labelled 'house and home' in the British Isles and North America, and contrasts it in particular with the Slovenian language-and-culture. Examining the materials used in construction; the size of people’s dwellings; the use of light, colour and style; hygiene; class distinctions; and the attitude to house vs. home, it shows that like almost any concept in any language, the notions of house and home are culturally determined experiences of time and space – they are not coincidental but have to do with structural traits of the three cultures. In the last part, a corpus analysis of collocations involving house and home (and their Slovenian counterparts) is carried out to demonstrate the intimate link between language and culture and to show that mastery of a language goes hand in hand with understanding the target society/societies.

Цель статьи – реконструировать аутентичный смысл изречения М. Хайдеггера «Язык есть дом бытия». Автор доказывает, что выраженная в этих словах идея заключает в себе квинтэссенцию концепции языка, созданной одним из крупнейших мыслителей... more

Цель статьи – реконструировать аутентичный смысл изречения М. Хайдеггера «Язык есть дом бытия». Автор доказывает, что выраженная в этих словах идея заключает в себе квинтэссенцию концепции языка, созданной одним из крупнейших мыслителей ХХ века. И потому адекватное истолкование данного афоризма требует обсуждения ключевых проблем этой концепции. К ним относится: соотношение языка, действительности и истины; значение языка для культуры; роль духовных усилий человека в развитии языка.

The purpose of this study was to analyze the common grammatical errors in the written paragraphs of the first year students of Wolaita Sodo University (WSU) by the academic year 2015/16. The subjects used for this study were 400 written... more

The purpose of this study was to analyze the common grammatical errors in the written paragraphs of the first year students of Wolaita Sodo University (WSU) by the academic year 2015/16. The subjects used for this study were 400 written paragraphs of students as written documents. These paragraphs were written by the sample of 400 students who were selected from 3,320 first year regular students of WSU by the academic year 2015/16 using systematic random sampling. The descriptive research design was used for collecting and interpreting the quantitative and qualitative data via document analysis. The analysis was made using the eclectic approach of data analysis. The result indicated that first year students of WSU make different grammatical errors in their written paragraphs: Tense errors, voice errors, preposition errors, article errors and errors in the usage of adjectives and adverbs. Based on these findings, therefore, the following recommendations are forwarded. First year students of WSU should give adequate attention to grammaticality when they develop their paragraphs and the teachers should provide pertinent emphasis to grammaticality when they teach their students paragraph writing and when they give feedback on their students' written paragraphs. Abstract-The purpose of this study was to analyze the common grammatical errors in the written paragraphs of the

This paper focuses on a specific community of individuals who have mixed Southern Chinese and Filipino cultural heritage in the Philippinesthe 'Lannangs'. I investigate the Lannang identity and, with ethnographic interviews and survey... more

This paper focuses on a specific community of individuals who have mixed Southern Chinese and Filipino cultural heritage in the Philippinesthe 'Lannangs'. I investigate the Lannang identity and, with ethnographic interviews and survey data, propose that the identity should be broadly defined as comprising of four dynamic parts: being Filipino, being Chinese, being neither, and being both. Focusing on the Manila community, I show how the Lannangs navigate between these orientations depending on the social context and the interlocutors. Moreover, drawing on the notions of indexicality and simultaneity, I investigate the role of language in the characterization of the Lannang identity. I also show that Hokkien, Lánnanguè, Tagalog, English, among other languages, are being used to embody the aspects of 'Lannang-ness'.

Being able to understand another person’s viewpoint is essential for effective communication. Intercultural communication studies serve to prepare instructors for the complexity of the modern L2 classroom by identifying how cultural... more

Being able to understand another person’s viewpoint is essential for effective communication. Intercultural communication studies serve to prepare instructors for the complexity of the modern L2 classroom by identifying how cultural differences influence the teaching and learning in the classroom and by suggesting possible methods and approaches to improve L2 instruction and acquisition. This paper presents a brief background on the influence of culture on language, the benefits of studying L2 for cultural acquisition, the importance of recognizing different cultural motivations for L2 acquisition, intercultural differences that lead to misunderstandings and poor learning/teaching, the prevalence of ethnocentrism, and lastly, methods and approaches that may be useful in second language teaching. Since learning about culture requires an intellectual effort, perhaps the L2 teachers’ most difficult task is balancing the need to learn about a language with the need to learn the language itself.