Lighting Design for Performance Research Papers (original) (raw)
Residential buildings are responsible for a large share of the total energy consumption. It is well-known that the correct use of natural and artificial lighting can improve energy efficiency. However, lighting in residential buildings... more
Residential buildings are responsible for a large share of the total energy consumption. It is well-known that the correct use of natural and artificial lighting can improve energy efficiency. However, lighting in residential buildings should meet other requirements: safety, security, health, comfort, well-being and functional performance. This paper presents an analysis of how these requirements have been incorporated in the Portuguese building regulatory system. The analysis focuses on the regulatory framework, certification systems, incentive programs and awareness initiatives. The main conclusion is that the regulatory system lays down provision mainly on functional performance and energy saving. Lighting requirements regarding safety, security, health, comfort and well-being are often neglected or minimized in regulatory documents. Specialized documents and initiatives present a comprehensive approach. Daylighting design is a challenge, due to its complexity, but has potential ...
The act of writing is firmly embedded within the praxis of the lighting designer. A script is annotated, documents to communicate creative concepts are created and records to facilitate the realised design are carefully crafted. Less... more
The act of writing is firmly embedded within the praxis of the lighting designer. A script is annotated, documents to communicate creative concepts are created and records to facilitate the realised design are carefully crafted. Less formalised writing includes doodles, sketches and drawings to amplify design ideas conveying simply what few words can not. This act of writing, planning, plotting and recording is contrasted by the nature of light, an ephemeral effect that illuminates an object in space at a moment in time and is then gone. This article will examine some of the roles that illumination plays as both storyteller and communicator within a performance, through an examination of the lighting design for Epicentre Theatre Company's 2014 production of Reginald Rose's seminal play Twelve Angry Men (1955). The article will examine the role of the lighting to interact with the stage and the actors, as well as in supporting and reinforcing the communication and storytelling within the performance environment.
The light pipes are innovative devices able to transport and distribute natural light without heat transfer in dark rooms. There are a lot of natural lighting applications able to predict the behaviour of light in a room through a... more
The light pipes are innovative devices able to transport and distribute natural light without heat transfer in dark rooms. There are a lot of natural lighting applications able to predict the behaviour of light in a room through a traditional opening. Only few of them are able to model complex systems such as daylight guidance systems. Added to this, they seem to provide disparate and inconsistent results with respect to the actual performance of light pipes. The purpose of this publication is to present the approach undertaken and the results obtained to highlight the problem. To do this, a survey of the different programs has been carried out internationally to model tubular devices. Then, an inter-software comparative analysis was implemented for some of the applications listed. In order to assess the accuracy of numerical results, the results of an experiment - 1:1 scale and in real weather conditions - were used as references to evaluate the chosen applications. We saw that the various selected programs tend to overestimate or underestimate the real phenomenon. The use of an experimental database permitted to put forward the most efficient applications. These results support the future goal to develop a new model. Future prospects of our study that can emerge are mainly based on the introduction of a new model for predicting the performance of light pipes and its integration in two software products developed within laboratory: CODYRUN (a multi-zone software integrating thermal building simulation, airflow transfers, lighting and pollutants) and HEMERA (a daylighting analysis software).
En 1937, Louis Jouvet publiait un article sur « L'apport de l'électricité dans la mise en scène au théâtre et au music-hall ». Il y livrait des vues pénétrantes sur la lumière au théâtre, sans dissocier technique, histoire et esthétique.... more
En 1937, Louis Jouvet publiait un article sur « L'apport de l'électricité dans la mise en scène au théâtre et au music-hall ». Il y livrait des vues pénétrantes sur la lumière au théâtre, sans dissocier technique, histoire et esthétique. C’est dans cette perspective « croisée » que veut s’inscrire le projet de dossier en en actualisant les données.
En effet, depuis, bien sûr, des chercheurs ont approfondi l’histoire matérielle du théâtre et les créateurs exploité les techniques nouvelles. Bien plus, le concepteur lumière est devenu un créateur à part entière.
La lumière au théâtre a été l’objet de nombreuses publications, mais qui forment une bibliographie dont les rubriques sont souvent disjointes. Par exemple, on trouve des études esthétiques faisant peu de place aux matériels et aux techniques et à l’inverse des traités précisément, mais purement techniques. Concernant la lumière dans l’ancien théâtre, l’esthétique moderne et contemporaine de l’éclairage, le lecteur se retrouve confronté à une multitude d’études monographiques pointues et dispersées. Beaucoup d’ouvrages intéressants existent, mais écrits en langue étrangère.
Bref, il manque à l’honnête homme amateur de théâtre et à l’étudiant des arts du spectacle une synthèse accessible des recherches. C’est ce que veut offrir ce projet de numéro.
While the significance and influence of Appia's writings and his storyboard scenarios of Wagnerian operas is uncontested, their origin has almost universally been explained as instigated by a combination of his musical inspiration... more
While the significance and influence of Appia's writings and his storyboard scenarios of Wagnerian operas is uncontested, their origin has almost universally been explained as instigated by a combination of his musical inspiration alongside the technological development of electric stage lighting.
Schools and universities are the main spaces for learning, in which he building design can easily affect the learning and interactive process where indoor environment should be considered carefully when designing these learning spaces.... more
Schools and universities are the main spaces for learning, in which he building design can easily affect the learning and interactive process where indoor environment should be considered carefully when designing these learning spaces. One of the most important factors considered is lighting. The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of different types of indoor lighting on the learning and interactive process. In this research, The indoors lighting efficacy in two different types of educational places were tested in a quantitative way in addition to users survey for these places to test their satisfaction with the current indoor lighting quality which results that the users prefers natural lighting although it got negative feedback due to inconsistency. Finally, this research gives some recommendations for the usage of the indoors lighting to further enhance the learning and interactive process.
Resumo O presente trabalho aborda a questão da influência da temperatura de cor da luz artificial LED juntamente com a luz natural e seus efeitos não visuais no padrão circadiano de seres humanos. Dessa forma, foi realizado um estudo... more
Resumo O presente trabalho aborda a questão da influência da temperatura de cor da luz artificial LED juntamente com a luz natural e seus efeitos não visuais no padrão circadiano de seres humanos. Dessa forma, foi realizado um estudo sobre a interferência da iluminacao artificial no ciclo circadiano dos indivíduos, a qual esta intimamente relacionada a regulação de estimulos, tais como, períodos vigília-sono, apetite, relaxamento, alerta, entre outros. Um ponto interessante, e que, ate pouco tempo, partindo do ponto de vista do projeto luminotecnico, a relação entre o sistema endócrino, responsável por regular os hormonios no corpo humano, e a iluminação era pouco considerada. Entretanto, recentemente, estudos indicam uma forte relacao entre o bom funcionamento deste relógio biológico e à variação de temperaturas de cores da luz natural durante o dia. Sendo assim, em meio a um contexto o qual tecnologias novas estão sendo criadas e difundidas a cada dia, as pessoas estão cada vez mais expostas a utilização de iluminação artificial por meio de aparelhos eletronicos. E, salvo algumas excessões lançadas recentemente no mercado, tais aparelhos não possuem a capacidade de configurar a variacao da temperatura de cor durante o dia, ocasionando alterações no ciclo circadiano e consequentemente na saúde dos usuários do ambiente. Portanto, além de estudar a interferência da iluminação artificial, o trabalho visa indicar soluções para minimizar os efeitos da iluminação noturna residencial afim de melhorar a saúde e a qualidade de vida dos usuários, por meio de soluções fáceis de serem adotadas. Dessa forma, é imperativo que além de projetar ambientes bem iluminados, realçando os elementos do espaço, exista a preocupaçao por parte dos arquitetos e profissionais do ramo em projetar ambientes que proporcionem qualidade de vida as pessoas, salientando a necessidade de se pensar na iluminação artificial voltada para com enfoque no ritmo biológico dos usuários, cada vez mais orientado para o ser humano, influenciando positivamente na saúde. Palavras-chave: Ciclo circadiano. Iluminação. LED Azul. Luz e saúde. Melatonina. 1. Introdução Para Feldman (2007:19) a arquitetura se enquadra dentro das ciências sociais onde os aspectos qualitativos constituem parte fundamental do estudo e deliberações visando a qualidade de vida das pessoas concomitantemente com a própria natureza. Sob a perspectiva da qualidade da iluminação do ambiente residencial, os controles poderiam ser aproveitados para aumentar a flexibilidade, funcionalidade e estética de um ambiente. A luz é fundamental ao homem e sem ela não há vida. A luz é radiação eletromagnética capaz de sensibilizar o olho humano. Os seres humanos que possuem 100% da visão ou algo próximo a isso, são pessoas menos dependentes dos outros sentidos: paladar, audição, tato e olfato, quando comparados a indivíduos que apresentam diferentes estágios de perdas
It is vitally important to make your hotel stand out, it should be distinctive and give guests a memorable experience, so they come back and recommend it to other people. When guests first set foot in a hotel they briefly have a look... more
It is vitally important to make your hotel stand out, it should be distinctive and give guests a memorable experience, so they come back and recommend it to other people. When guests first set foot in a hotel they briefly have a look around. Good lighting helps to make their first impression positive - focusing their attention on the reception desk and interesting objects around the hotel entrance to make them feel welcome. The lighting also operates as a virtual but silent hotel guide. Make your guests feel guided in the right directions and along corridors to their rooms, lifts, bars or restaurants.
In particular paper the authors put more stress towards the practical orientation of day lighting importance in architectural design. These are two ways to explain the day lighting a) Assess illumination level at different planes &... more
In particular paper the authors put more stress towards the practical orientation of day lighting importance in architectural design. These are two ways to explain the day lighting a) Assess illumination level at different planes & surfaces, b) calculate the size of the window to obtain maximum day lighting in the designed architectural spaces. It is very usefull for the students & professionals to study this paper. I.
The importance of lighting for performance in human adults is well established. However, evidence on the extent to which lighting affects school performance of young children is sparse. This paper evaluates the effect of lighting... more
The importance of lighting for performance in human adults is well established. However, evidence on the extent to which lighting affects school performance of young children is sparse. This paper evaluates the effect of lighting conditions (with vertical illuminances between 350-1000 lux and correlated colour temperatures between 3000-12000K) on the concentration of elementary school children in three experiments. In the first two experiments, a flexible and dynamic lighting system is used in quasi-experimental field studies using data from 89 pupils from two schools (Study 1) and 37 pupils from two classrooms (Study 2). The third experiment evaluated two lighting settings within a school-simulating, windowless laboratory setting (n = 55). The results indicate a positive influence of the lighting system on pupils’ concentration. The findings underline the importance of lighting for learning. Several suggestions are made for further research.
Building core sunlighting systems (BCSS) are developed to deliver daylight where it can not be delivered by the conventional methods. A brief history is given of researches and developments into the BCSS over the last fifty years, in... more
Building core sunlighting systems (BCSS) are developed to deliver daylight where it can not be delivered by the conventional methods. A brief history is given of researches and developments into the BCSS over the last fifty years, in addition to a short description of the technologies and components of eighteen fully developed or commercialized systems. The paper classifies and compares the BCSS according to their design approaches so as to conclude the common features of the successful systems.
Eight lessons learned have been addressed. The BCSS are technically powerful enough to provide lighting for remote and windowless spaces within buildings, but a couple of significant shortcomings hinders their popularization, cost prohibitive and application limitations. In addition, components costs/performance efficiency trade-off is one of the most fundamental decisions the BCSS designer must make. Finally, the paper presents the most recent design approaches that have been developed to overcome the identified failings.
This paper reviews developments in hybrid light guidance systems. In these daylight and electric light are simultaneously delivered into a building where they are combined and distributed via luminaires. The technology used in hybrid... more
This paper reviews developments in hybrid light guidance systems. In these daylight and electric light are simultaneously delivered into a building where they are combined and distributed via luminaires. The technology used in hybrid systems, both conceptual and realised, is discussed. The review speculates as to their likely performance in terms of daylight delivery; capital and running costs; user reaction to the systems; potential impact of the systems on the building which they light; and suitable design methods. It is noted that a substantial amount of work remains before the potential of hybrid systems may be realised, notably on their long tern economics and feasibility in different geographic locations.
This paper emphasizes on the importance of daylight in art galleries and how it can enhance the artwork, as well as the visual quality among the viewers. The paper is carried out into two sections; literature review followed by fieldwork.... more
This paper emphasizes on the importance of daylight in art galleries and how it can enhance the artwork, as well as the visual quality among the viewers. The paper is carried out into two sections; literature review followed by fieldwork. To understand the key parameters of lighting art and principles of daylight systems, literature was reviewed. 5 different galleries were considered as a case-study. The visited galleries were analyzed considering their geometry, color and materials. Comparison between the artificially and natural lit areas were made to get a better understanding of the quality of light.The conclusions are aimed to create a better understanding between art and daylight and how it is important in this specific building type.
Keywords: daylighting, art galleries, visual quality, color temperature, user behaviour
Menurut hasil penelitian penggunaan energi, dalam hal ini listrik pada bangunan gedung menunjukan bahwa jumlah energi listrik yang dipergunakan untuk keperluan pencahayaan ruangan menempati urutan terbesar kedua setelah sistem tata udara.... more
Menurut hasil penelitian penggunaan energi, dalam hal ini listrik pada bangunan gedung menunjukan bahwa jumlah energi listrik yang dipergunakan untuk keperluan pencahayaan ruangan menempati urutan terbesar kedua setelah sistem tata udara. Melihat begitu pentingnya cahaya bagi manusia untuk beraktifitas, maka tidaklah mengherankan jika perencanaan cahaya pada bangunan juga memegang peranan penting bagi keberhasilan fungsi dari suatu bangunan dan kenyamanan pengguna di dalamnya.
The innovative daylighting systems (IDS) seek to meet the illumination requirements in buildings, where inadequate amount of daylight is provided by the conventional daylighting systems. Many IDS have been commercially launched, but... more
The innovative daylighting systems (IDS) seek to meet the illumination requirements in buildings, where inadequate amount of daylight is provided by the conventional daylighting systems. Many IDS have been commercially launched, but challenges, such as high initial cost, utilization difficulties, and application limitations, prevent their widespread use. Most of these challenges can be overcome, but no IDS is likely to overcome all of them at once. Alternatively, a number of systems that efficiently suit different circumstances is a more practical approach. This study reviews the IDS whether commercially released or not, and discusses the challenges associated with their utilization within buildings. Solutions and recommendations have been suggested. The study makes the capabilities and limitations of the different IDS clearer for both architects and users, and discusses the challenges and promises facing developers and lighting designers.
This paper reviewed the state of the art in designing renewable energy systems specifically solar-based energy system, ground source-based system and day-lighting system, to gain optimum performances in sustainable buildings. Efficiency... more
This paper reviewed the state of the art in designing renewable energy systems specifically solar-based energy system, ground source-based system and day-lighting system, to gain optimum performances in sustainable buildings. Efficiency of each of these systems in reducing resource consumption was evaluated. Geometric conditions have a determining effect on the performances of solar-based energy system and day-lighting system. In solar-based energy system, designing factors, such as system selection, building's orientation, installation location, area of installation, tilt angle and surface temperature, are needed to be considered. Factors of day-lighting system, such as fenestration option, material, area or size, shape, orientation, position, ceiling and shading devices, are needed to be designed carefully to optimize the quality of the luminous environment for occupants. For ground source-based energy system, season condition, operating condition, mode of system, selection of compressor, ground heat exchanger, pump, are important to improve system's performance and reduce cost.
This article examines the dramaturgy of light, addressing ways in which its ephemeral, spatiotemporal materiality may be understood as a crucial infrastructure of performance. I propose that ideas of new and expanded dramaturgies provide... more
This article examines the dramaturgy of light, addressing ways in which its ephemeral, spatiotemporal materiality may be understood as a crucial infrastructure of performance. I propose that ideas of new and expanded dramaturgies provide a productive frame with which to explore the generative impact of light on performance. Correspondingly, examining ways in which light operates within performance provides a fruitful means of analysing the dramaturgical structure of a work. I demonstrate ways that light sculpts both the form and the content of a specific example, the recent contemporary dance work <<both, and>> by the Russell Maliphant Company, and use this analysis to offer insight into the dramaturgical potential of scenographic light more broadly.
The recognition of the humans, vehicles or any other objects in the outdoor environment, such as roads, streets, pedestrian ways, car parking and public parks, is only possible with illumination after dark. The outdoor lighting consumes... more
The recognition of the humans, vehicles or any other objects in the outdoor environment, such as roads, streets, pedestrian ways, car parking and public parks, is only possible with illumination after dark. The outdoor lighting consumes significant amounts of electricity. The best short-term payout period for reduction in energy consumption is implementation of energy efficiency solutions. A shift from traditional illumination technology to the advanced lighting solutions has the ability for significant energy savings. The main focus of this study is to find out the most suitable, environmentally friendly and " green " solution(s) to fulfill the outdoor lighting requirements. It includes ecological impact assessment of commonly available lighting technologies for outdoor illumination, such as high pressure sodium, compact fluorescent and light emitting diode, by using Sustainable Process Index methodology. The effects of different alternative energy resources and the impacts of geographical locations due to variations in energy provision system (i.e. energy mix) are also considered in this study. The obtained results show that Sustainable Process Index ranges from 258 km 2 to 7760 km 2 and carbon footprint from 930 t CO 2 eq. to 48,496 t CO 2 eq. to fulfill lighting requirement for 100,000 h of lighting. These results are compared with Sustainable Process Index and Carbon Footprint caused by high pressure sodium and light emitting diode luminaires providing electricity from Saudi Arabian electricity network.
Abstract Lighting is an integral aspect of any theatre and screen production. This is because it goes beyond illumination, lighting gives meaning and interpretation about any production to the audience. However, in recent times it is... more
Lighting is an integral aspect of any theatre and screen production. This is because it goes beyond illumination, lighting gives meaning and interpretation about any production to the audience. However, in recent times it is discovered that the techniques and equipment of creating lighting effect in stage production differ from that of screen production. It is on this ground that this study made a comparative analysis of lighting effect in the stage and screen productions of Duro Ladipo’s Eda and Di’Ja’s Awww for sustainable development of lighting deployment in the Nigerian theatre.
This study adopts the deductive and participant observation methods. For deductive method, we analyse and deduce data from watching the video tapes of the two productions. The researcher is also part of production process, which helps to complete the research process. Consequently, the data from the video tape form our primary source while our secondary source include articles from academic journals, monologue, textbooks, and internet sources. We also adopt Stanley McCandless Lighting Method for our theoretical framework.
We discover that, lighting does not only illuminate, it serve a lot of purposes such as creating mood, tone and atmosphere of the play. It is also revealed that lighting equipment used in most Nigerian stage productions are largely outdated, we equally found out that some technologically advanced lighting equipment and techniques used in screen production can also be applied to stage production for effective lighting effect creation.
We however recommend that, theatres across the country should procure and install more technologically advanced lighting equipment in their theatres because this era is characterized by technological advancement and this should influence lighting in the theatre for spectacular and functional performance. Also, light designers in the theatre and film production should explore and innovate new lighting techniques that will improve the deployment of lighting and the quality of performance in stage and screen productions.
The high cost of procuring the modern equipment in order to match the lighting indication of dramatic productions in contemporary Nigerian theatres has caused a rather unpleasant practice demonstrated in the over recurring use of the... more
The high cost of procuring the modern equipment in order to match the lighting indication of dramatic productions in contemporary Nigerian theatres has caused a rather unpleasant practice demonstrated in the over recurring use of the usual or the regular lanterns. The shortage of these modern equipment in the long run affects the quality of production, as most of the available ones are technically limiting in terms of visual effect.
Abstract This paper aims to design a prototype tangible user interface (TUI) for lighting control, and test its usability and end-user experience against a prototype conventional interface. Usability is concerned with easier understanding... more
Abstract This paper aims to design a prototype tangible user interface (TUI) for lighting control, and test its usability and end-user experience against a prototype conventional interface. Usability is concerned with easier understanding of control functions. End-user experience is concerned with explicating the quality of end-users' experience such as fun and pleasure of use. TUIs that offer end-users freedom of personal expression alongside functional information are proposed as a basis for making lighting control systems easier to understand and more pleasurable to use. Three dominant views on tangible interaction are explored to derive a set of synthesized principles for designing tangible lighting control interfaces. These principles—which determine what end-users should see and do while using lighting control interfaces and provide specific guidelines for enhancing their physical interaction possibilities—are used to design a prototype tangible interface. Several tests were performed to obtain end-user responses towards the usability and end-user experience of the tangible interface as well as a conventional interface. End-user responses obtained from these tests challenge manufacturers' claims about the effectiveness of conventional lighting control interfaces and reveal a different way of thinking about future interface designs. Such a change in thinking could lead to lighting control interface designs that are easier to understand and more pleasurable to use.
Innovative Daylighting Systems challenges A critical study التي التحديات نظم تواجه اإلضاءة الطبيعية املبت كرة دراسة ية نقد د . ميهــــوب صـالح محمـــــــد مــدرس جـامعــة األزهـر كليــــــة... more
Innovative Daylighting Systems challenges A critical study التي التحديات نظم تواجه اإلضاءة الطبيعية املبت كرة دراسة ية نقد د . ميهــــوب صـالح محمـــــــد مــدرس جـامعــة األزهـر كليــــــة الهندســــة قســـم العمــــــــــارة Mayhoub, M. S. (2014). Innovative daylighting systems' challenges: A critical study. Energy and Buildings. 80,[394][395][396][397][398][399][400][401][402][403][404][405]
Here we examine how exposure to blue (peaking at λ=470 nm), green (peaking at λ=505 nm) and red (peaking at λ=630 nm) light affects subsequent working memory performance measured with visual N-back tasks and associated functional brain... more
Here we examine how exposure to blue (peaking at λ=470 nm), green (peaking at λ=505 nm) and red (peaking at λ=630 nm) light affects subsequent working memory performance measured with visual N-back tasks and associated functional brain responses in participants with extreme morning and extreme evening chronotype. We used within-subjects experimental manipulation on carefully selected samples and state of the art equipment for light exposure. The results show no differences between extreme morning-type and evening-type individuals in N-back task performance. We also did not replicate the alerting effect of exposure to blue wavelength light, supposedly enhancing performance on cognitive tasks. However, we found higher brain activity in the morning hours for extreme morning in comparison to extreme evening chronotype in several frontal areas of the precentral gyrus, middle and superior frontal gyri and in the occipital gyrus. This may indicate increased strategic or attentional recruitment of prefrontal areas, implicated in compensating working memory load in the morning type.
- by Konrad S Jankowski and +1
- •
- Chronobiology, Neuroscience, Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Building energy performance analyses and increasing the performance level to an optimum level has become crucial correspondingly to the developments in legislations. To this aim, performing annual energy demand and consumption analyses of... more
Building energy performance analyses and increasing the performance level to an optimum level has become crucial correspondingly to the developments in legislations. To this aim, performing annual energy demand and consumption analyses of the buildings happened to be one of the most important part of the construction sector. In this paper, only electricity consumption for lighting and annual heating and cooling energy demands will be analyzed. Over the years, artificial lighting design has been done without considering the effect of natural lighting; the purpose of this study is to consider using both lighting methods together and show the effects of this on annual energy demand. To evaluate the effects of the lighting method selection, an office building is used in the assessments. The evaluations have been done by using detailed dynamic building energy simulation tools. Finally, the significant effect of selecting the right lighting method is defined in detail.
Architectural lighting design is generally believed to have visual and psychological consequences on humans, and has been investigated either as an artistic or a scientific endeavour. This paper explores the possibility that these two... more
Architectural lighting design is generally believed to have visual and psychological consequences on humans, and has been investigated either as an artistic or a scientific endeavour. This paper explores the possibility that these two viewpoints are not mutually exclusive with a poetic approach. It builds upon two arguments: the first is that poetry, being an inherently compositional system like language, impacts the perceived meaning of lit environments; the second is that humans seek qualities with experiential richness when interacting with lit environments, which is very much aligned with poetry. This reasoning is supplemented by reflections on the poetic possibilities within realised projects used as simple artistic and scientific case studies to demonstrate this complex visual and psychological interplay. Opinions from academics and professionals from the field of architectural lighting design are sought on these poetic possibilities, the appropriateness of these realised projects in expressing their respective qualities, and on the role of poetics in architectural lighting design in general.
The use of smart materials and wearable electronics has rapidly expanded in the field of fashion, introducing new interactive qualities of surfaces, materials and garments. In fashion garments, the performative environment functions as an... more
The use of smart materials and wearable electronics has rapidly expanded in the field of fashion, introducing new interactive qualities of surfaces, materials and garments. In fashion garments, the performative environment functions as an abstract site for experimentation, expression and communication of the wearer through the intelligent garment. However, there is still limited use of embodied technologies in the field of performance costume for text-based and music-based performance, with the exception of integrated lighting technologies, currently broadly used in musical performance.
This article provides a critical review of specific examples of technology-led garments in live performance, and uses a specific fragment from the Athens 2004 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony as a case study to highlight how technologies embedded in costume can create interactive interfaces between the body of the performer and the environment – the space, the other performers, the audience – becoming a transmitter and receiver of emotions, experiences and meanings in innovative ways. By analysing this case, as well as by posing questions, this article aims at generating a discourse on the expressive and narrative potential of the use of intelligent materials and embodied technologies within the creative practice of costume design.
Daylight was the main source of lighting in vernacular architecture, and building design accordingly responded to its strategic limitations. Needs for new types of buildings in conjunction with the great development of electric lamp led... more
Daylight was the main source of lighting in vernacular architecture, and building design accordingly responded to its strategic limitations. Needs for new types of buildings in conjunction with the great development of electric lamp led to the ascendancy of electric lighting. However, a return to the interest in natural lighting emerged with the energy crises in the 1970s. In order to meet the new requirements, new optical materials and technologies have been combined to produce innovative daylighting systems able to deliver daylight long distances into buildings. There is a need to maximize the utilization of daylight, to optimize the integration between daylighting and electric lighting systems so as to increase the potential application of daylighting system. The development of the hybrid lighting systems (HLS) aims to satisfy these desires.
HLS seek to maximize the utilization of daylight by tracking sunrays, and in most cases they are concentrated to minimize the light guidance size, which eases the installation and in turn increases the potential application of HLS. Prior to delivery of daylight, electric lighting source is added to instantly top up any possible shortage of daylight. A control system works to regulate this process to minimize the energy consumption. The one output device for both sources used in the HLS made it possible to no longer need for two distinct lighting systems to be installed in one space.
Investigations in this work have measured HLS performance in terms of light delivery, light quality, energy saving and economic performance. Potential applications of HLS in different buildings types and across a wide geographical region have been investigated. An overall evaluation of HLS has been carried out. Furthermore, methods to estimate illuminance data, where measured data is unavailable, have been developed to help investigating systems performance over different geographical locations. Illuminance data produced using the developed methods showed superiority over that produced using other available methods, with the additional advantages of simplicity and universal application.
HLS performance and potential application are influenced by many variables including system characteristics, building types, and location features. The research showed that the most important variable is the concentration ratio of the light collector. This determines HLS ability to collect daylight, and thus its applicability in different geographical locations. It also stipulates light collector and guidance size, and thus HLS applicability in different building type, influences the delivered light quality, and thus occupants’ perception of daylight, and influences HLS initial and running costs. Delivered light by HLS may not be perceived as daylight due to the absence of the outside view, the likely change in daylight colour because of the mixing with electric light, the fade awareness of the seasonal and diurnal changes in daylight colour and intensity because of the instant and continuous top up. The challenges of cost, light quality and integration in building design are the most serious barriers confronting HLS ability to penetrate the market and to be used widely. This work makes suggestions to overcome these problems.
This paper examines the neglect of some traditional methods of punishment that prevented crimes and sustained the ethics and moral codes of the Igbo people before the modern institutional legal process. The dying practices of ikwa ala,... more
This paper examines the neglect of some traditional methods of punishment that prevented crimes and sustained the ethics and moral codes of the Igbo people before the modern institutional legal process. The dying practices of ikwa ala, ipa mkpo, and iku ofo are three obvious methods that guarded against incest, crimes like stealing and other forms of wrongdoing. Also threatened are eshe and ituaka that honour the dead at burials in order to maintain or restore the dignity of a family as well as prevent envy and attack of ancestral spirits. However, Christianity is opposed to these practices. This paper interrogates the dilemma of the Igbo society caught between these practices and the constitutional legal practice in the 21 st century, which has greatly reduced the practice of these effective traditional methods of punishment in most communities. It thus questions the hope of a crime-free society in the foreseeable future given the allowances of modern justice system and the conflicts posed by questionable moral culture of modern Nigerian society. With illustrations, the paper examines some of these punishments in (ancient) Igbo land, how they kept crimes in check, some reasons for their decline, and the attractions of the modern justice system in the Nigerian society.
Examining manicure practices, the article looks at the emergence in the early twentieth century of a cosmetic culture, unconnected with the concept of the natural. Where nails are concerned, natural beauty meant choosing tinting and... more
Examining manicure practices, the article looks at the emergence in the early twentieth century of a cosmetic culture, unconnected with the concept of the natural. Where nails are concerned, natural beauty meant choosing tinting and polishing materials that accentuated the nails' pink hue and shine. Later, nail varnish was created in order more effectively to serve the same purpose: its ability to make nails shiny was particularly valued. Meanwhile, stage make-up for hands involved painting nails red, which could look “natural” considering the lighting and distance between
the stage and the audience.
In the early twentieth century, members of the bohemian arts scene took
this practice outside the theater, turning it into an important element in
decadent aesthetics. With the appearance of nail varnish, red became a
popular color choice for manicure. This signaled a departure from nature
not only in tone, but also in chemical composition: thus, red nails came
to be seen as a sign of modernity and scientific progress. The author also
looks at the emergence of nail whitening with its connotations of cleanli-
ness as a consequence of the popularization of ideas on hygiene. The paper was first published in Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture 22 (2011) [Russian version].
The lighting design is often the most compromised element of a theatrical production as it is traditionally the last of many designs to be realised before opening night. Lighting, however, is vital because without artistic lighting a... more
The lighting design is often the most compromised element of a theatrical production as it is traditionally the last of many designs to be realised before opening night. Lighting, however, is vital because without artistic lighting a production, regardless of how ingeniously and skilfully it is devised, will remain, if not in literal, then at least in figurative darkness. The lighting design is also the most temporal aspect of a production: the script lies waiting to be redeployed or re-imagined; the director's notes are archived or reused; sets and costumes are put on display or into storage; sound is remixed or replayed; and the actors are photographed for advertising and programmes. In sharp contrast light is cued, it illuminates, and then it is gone. The creative processes that underpin lighting designs are changing. This paper highlights some of the technological changes the discipline has witnessed over recent years to provide an overview of the praxis of lighting designer's craft and, in the context of these innovations to ask how this has impacted upon creative processes. Are lighting designers more, or less, creative as tools become increasingly advanced? Does conflict between traditional and modern approaches to lighting facilitate a new type of creativity?
The last decade or so has witnessed a considerable amount of information exchange on “human-centric” and “circadian-correct” lighting. While everyone discusses the need for such lighting, there is still quite a lot of ambiguity with... more
The last decade or so has witnessed a considerable amount of information exchange on “human-centric” and “circadian-correct” lighting. While everyone discusses the need for such lighting, there is still quite a lot of ambiguity with respect to its exact meaning. This article aims to clarify this ambiguity.
This study aims to investigate the natural lighting performance in indoor and semi-open spaces of urban vernacular architecture in the Mediterranean region. In vernacular architecture, natural lighting was the main source of light... more
This study aims to investigate the natural lighting performance in indoor and semi-open spaces of urban vernacular architecture in the Mediterranean region. In vernacular architecture, natural lighting was the main source of light available and was largely achieved through the central courtyard. In this framework, an in-depth lighting performance analysis was carried out in a typical and representative traditional urban complex in the walled city of Nicosia, Cyprus. In-situ lighting measurements, as well as software simulations, were employed in order to assess the lighting performance of the building complex. The study has shown that lighting levels of semi-open and indoor spaces on the first floor are sufficient; whereas, the dense urban fabric, and the introverted character of vernacular architecture, create certain limitations to the lighting levels in indoor spaces of the ground floor. On the other hand, the positive impact of the inner courtyard to the lighting levels of semi-open and indoor spaces has been verified.
This paper reviews ideologies of a sustainable design movement called 'Pragmatic Utopia' and presents a parallel lighting movement of the same name. Pragmatic utopia is a term that was first coined by architect and bioregional planner... more
This paper reviews ideologies of a sustainable design movement called 'Pragmatic Utopia' and presents a parallel lighting movement of the same name. Pragmatic utopia is a term that was first coined by architect and bioregional planner Davidya Kasperzyk, and further developed by architect Bjarke Ingels of the world-renowned architecture firm Bjarke Ingles Group (BIG) to describe an architectural style that seeks a perfect world through design tempered by reality. The paper aims to identify and learn from what has been observed about pragmatic utopia so as to inspire practicing lighting designers.
The installation of Building Automation Control Systems (BACs) in general is an effective action to achieve relevant energy savings. Commercial BACs, installed in residential or small offices, often include functions of lighting control,... more
The installation of Building Automation Control Systems (BACs) in general is an effective action to achieve relevant energy savings. Commercial BACs, installed in residential or small offices, often include functions of lighting control, acting as Daylight-Linked Control Systems (DLCSs). Nevertheless, because system performance is strictly dependent on different parameters, BAC's hardware and software configuration and as well as an inaccurate commissioning do not always allow a perfect execution of the desired tasks; therefore, the system could not work as expected. Moreover, it is well known that energy saving potential is specifically related to the variability of the light environment. Although many methods to assess it are available, these are mainly based on average data, tabular factors, and climate/lighting time series embedded in weather files used in detailed simulations and, in general, they adopt as a benchmark the performance of ideal control systems. In this paper, actual performances of a daylight-linked control system have been evaluated by a set of indices which, in general, can be calculated, after measurement, during the commissioning stage or in periodic monitoring of the system. In particular, these indices take into account the excess and the deficiency of illuminance over time with respect to a target set point that a lighting system should provide and the related energy consumption. The indices have been tested using data measured in a laboratory set up where a commercial daylight-linked control system, working not close to an ideal one, is installed and has been evaluated for different end uses, operating schedules, control strategy (dimming and ON/OFF) and daylight conditions. Finally, useful relations between system performance and environmental conditions have been found.
Foliensatz zu meiner DIALux-Einführungsvorlesung im Wintersemester 2015 / 2016 am Fachbereich Automatisierung und Informatik an der Hochschule Harz.
This paper aims to provide a lighting design approach with the potential for poetic richness. It builds upon two arguments: the first argument is that poetry being an inherently compositional system like language, impacts the perceived... more
This paper aims to provide a lighting design approach with the potential for poetic richness. It builds upon two arguments: the first argument is that poetry being an inherently compositional system like language, impacts the perceived meaning of lighted environments; the second argument is that people seek qualities with experiential richness when interacting with lighted environments, which is very much aligned with poetry. Principles of poetic lighting design are used to help people experience the richness of the underlying messages of built environments as well as interpret them in a unanimous fashion. Architectural lighting design is generally believed to have various visual and psychological consequences on people, and has therefore been investigated either as an artistic or a scientific endeavor. The paper attempts to explore the possibility that these two viewpoints are not mutually exclusive, but form a discourse between thought and feeling. This reasoning is supplemented by reflections on the poetic possibilities within realized lighting design projects, which are used as simple artistic and scientific case studies to demonstrate this complex visual and psychological interplay of lighting on people.
Lighting (Illumination in Architecture) aims to inspire and explain by drawing on the present, the past and, of course, the future of lighting design. Once again we are looking forward and taking an informed guess at who will lead the... more
Lighting (Illumination in Architecture) aims to inspire and explain by drawing
on the present, the past and, of course, the future of lighting design. Once
again we are looking forward and taking an informed guess at who will lead
the profession in years to come, by identifying 40 rising stars under 40
years old. Of course, it is a sample from the pool of talent that the industry
draws on, which is growing continually as appreciation of lighting design
deepens around the world. Every continent, bar Antarctica, is represented
on this year’s list, and although formal lighting education is very much in
evidence, the men and women on it have entered lighting design from many
directions and disciplines. Art, academia and automotive design are just
a few. What they have in common is a desire to share their knowledge, as
activists – in their regional chapter of the Illuminating Engineering Society
of North America or the International Association of Lighting Designers, for
example – presenting at conferences, taking part in light festivals and, above
all, mentoring and supporting colleagues. The most effective propaganda for
lighting design is their work, their creativity and the benefits that they deliver
by designing with light and for people. Once considered narrow and arcane,
lighting design has joined the mainstream and itself demands a broad mix
of skills, from conceptualising to collaboration, computer simulation to
commissioning. It is significant, though, that so many of the 40 Under 40
have begun by studying architecture before being led by curiosity,
opportunity or artistic intent into designing with and through light – that
fundamental source of energy and experience. Neils Bohr (among many)
is credited with saying, ‘it is difficult to make predictions, especially about
the future,’ but we are confident that this year’s 40 Under 40 will cast
a long shadow – albeit only where they intend to.
High contrast ratios between windows and surrounding surfaces could cause reduced visibility or discomfort for occupants. Consequently, building users may choose to intervene in lighting conditions through closing blinds and turning on... more
High contrast ratios between windows and surrounding surfaces could cause reduced visibility
or discomfort for occupants. Consequently, building users may choose to intervene in lighting conditions
through closing blinds and turning on the lamps in order to enhance indoor visual comfort. Such
interventions increase projected electric lighting use in buildings. One simple method to prevent these
problematic issues is increasing the luminance of the areas surrounding to the bright surface of windows
through the use of energy-efficient supplementary lighting, such Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). This paper
reports on the results of a pilot study in conventional office in Brisbane, Australia. The outcomes of this
study indicated that a supplementary LED system of approximately 18 W could reduce the luminance
contrast on the window wall from values in the order of 117:1 to 33:1. In addition, the results of this
experiment suggested that this supplementary strategy could increase the subjective scale appraisal of
window appearance by approximately 33%, as well as reducing the likelihood of users’ intention to turn
on the ceiling lights by about 27%. It could also diminish the likelihood of occupants’ intention to move
the blind down by more than 90%.