Standards Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The current P-12 educational landscape is riddled with inequities, especially for historically underserved students. As such, greater efforts are needed from educational stakeholders (i.e. counselors and principals) who center social... more

The current P-12 educational landscape is riddled with inequities, especially for historically underserved students. As such, greater efforts are needed from educational stakeholders (i.e. counselors and principals) who center social justice and advocacy practices that eliminate systemic barriers to rigorous educational experiences for all students. This paper proposes an alignment of advocacy and social justice professional standards and competencies for school counselors and principals. This alignment, which consists of three contextual dimensions including social justice identity, human resources, and advocacy actions, serves as the foundational framework for principal-counselor collaboration around social justice advocacy. Implications for practice and research are discussed.

ISO 15288 provides processes that support the definition, control and improvement of the system life cycle processes used within an organization or a project. Organizations and projects can use these processes when acquiring and supplying... more

ISO 15288 provides processes that support the definition, control and improvement of the system life cycle processes used within an organization or a project. Organizations and projects can use these processes when acquiring and supplying systems. Learn more in an ISO 15288 Training course by Tonex.

Shariah and Islamic Value are interrelated but not necessarily understood. The Malaysian Standard (MS) is a standard developed and published by the Department of Standards Malaysia. These standard set in motion the policy and values of... more

Shariah and Islamic Value are interrelated but not necessarily understood. The Malaysian Standard (MS) is a standard developed and published by the Department of Standards Malaysia. These standard set in motion the policy and values of quality. With regards to food industry, there are three MS that is certifiable: MS 1480: Food Safety According To Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Point (HACCP) System, MS 1500: Halal Food – Production, Preparation, Handling And Storage – General Guidelines, and MS 1514 - Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) For Food. Although practiced and recognized globally, the standards are practiced in the Halal Industry do not adequately overcome all problems related to adulterant and contaminants of Haram and Syubhah substances. Incorporating Shariah and Islamic Value would greatly benefit the community and set the Food Industry towards a higher integrity of Halal Food safety and quality production. This paper will briefly introduce the Shariah and the Islamic Integrity Value Framework as well as the three standards regarding the requirements needed for implementation.

The ISO/IEC 17020 and 17025 standards both include requirements for impartiality and the freedom from bias. Meeting these requirements for implicit cognitive bias is not a simple matter. In this article, we address these international... more

The ISO/IEC 17020 and 17025 standards both include requirements for impartiality and the freedom from bias. Meeting these requirements for implicit cognitive bias is not a simple matter. In this article, we address these international standards, specifically focusing on evaluating and mitigating the risk to impartiality, and quality assurance checks, so as to meet accreditation program requirements. We cover their meaning to management as well as to practitioners, addressing how these issues of impartiality and bias relate to forensic work, and how one can effectively evaluate and mitigate those risks. We then elaborate on specific quality assurance policies and checks, and identify when corrective action may be appropriate. These measures will not only serve to meet ISO/IEC 17020 and 17025 requirements, but also enhance forensic work and decision-making.

In the decade since scholarly work on standards began, the basic dynamics of standards in the marketplace have been reasonably well described (see [11],[15] and [30] for surveys of this literature). Some empirical studies have been... more

In the decade since scholarly work on standards began, the basic dynamics of standards in the marketplace have been reasonably well described (see [11],[15] and [30] for surveys of this literature). Some empirical studies have been performed to examine the actual behavior of the marketplace and of committees [12, 25, 33](even though this sampling is far short of what is necessary to fully understand standards), and preliminary attention has been paid to modeling the standards development process [8, 18]. Much anecdotal literature exists ...

استهدفت ورقة العمل تحديد معايير التربية على المواطنة الرقمية، وتطبيقاتها في المناهج الدراسية، وذلك من خلال مراجعة الأدبيات المرتبطة بهذه المعايير وتلك التطبيقات، وتحقيقًا لهذا الهدف تحاول ورقة العمل الإجابة عن الأسئلة الآتية: 1. ما مفهوم... more

استهدفت ورقة العمل تحديد معايير التربية على المواطنة الرقمية، وتطبيقاتها في المناهج الدراسية، وذلك من خلال مراجعة الأدبيات المرتبطة بهذه المعايير وتلك التطبيقات، وتحقيقًا لهذا الهدف تحاول ورقة العمل الإجابة عن الأسئلة الآتية:
1. ما مفهوم المواطنة الرقمية وما مكوناتها؟
2. ما المعايير التي يستند إليها التربويون في تنمية المواطنة الرقمية؟
3. ما مفهوم التربية علي المواطنة الرقمية وما مراحل تنميتها؟
4. كيف يمكن تضمين معايير التربية على المواطنة الرقمية في بعض المناهج الدراسية؟
وقد تناولت الورقة الإجابة عن الأسئلة السابقة فيما يأتي:
1. تحديد مفهوم المواطنة الرقمية، ومكوناتها التسع (الإتاحة الرقمية للجميع، التجارة الرقمية، الاتصال الرقمي، محو الأمية الرقمية، اللياقة الرقمية، القوانين الرقمية، الحقوق والمسئوليات الرقمية، الصحة والسلامة الرقمية، الأمن الرقمي.
2. مراجعة الأدبيات المتعلقة بمعايير المواطنة الرقمية، والتي أمكن عرضها في تصنيفين: أحدهما يعتمد على محك المحتوى والعمليات والآخر يتخذ أفراد المجتمع المدرسي من طلاب ومعلمين وإدارة تعليمية محكًا لتحديدها.
3. تحديد مفهوم التربية على المواطنة الرقمية ومراحل تنميتها، والتي تشمل: مرحلة الوعي، مرحلة الممارسة الموجهة، مرحلة النمذجة وإعطاء المثل والقدوة، مرحلة التغذية الراجعة وتحليل السلوك.
4. تقديم بعض النماذج التطبيقية في التربية على المواطنة الرقمية في المناهج الدراسية للدراسات الاجتماعية والعلوم.

In a 2016 study for Thomson Reuters we reached out to a select group of reporting managers from leading companies worldwide. Our interviewees had hands-on management of their respective organization’s sustainability and integrated... more

In a 2016 study for Thomson Reuters we reached out to a select group of reporting managers from leading companies worldwide. Our interviewees had hands-on management of their respective organization’s sustainability and integrated reporting activities. We wanted to get a better understanding of how they are going about meeting emerging and evolving demands for information. Our investigation differs from many published pieces on non-financial reporting, which emphasize the interests and demands of external stakeholders. We specifically aimed to investigate the internal dynamics, including the challenges and value that these managers are realizing from the reporting process. Our goal was to shed light and understanding on the practicalities of non-financial reporting and how the process can improve so that organizations can realize the value of these new information disclosures.

O projeto padrão pode ser considerado impessoal, caso seja puramente uma representação gráfica da intenção projetual para determinada função. No entanto, sem a caracterização de um público-alvo, ainda com ausências de informações... more

O projeto padrão pode ser considerado impessoal, caso seja puramente uma representação gráfica da intenção projetual para determinada função. No entanto, sem a caracterização de um público-alvo, ainda com ausências de informações socioculturais que dependerão de cada região, a padronização genérica e impessoal pode ultrapassar os limites da humanização e ser uma ferramenta para a criação de espaços que não dialogam com seus usuários e ainda reforçam questões relacionadas à hierarquia espacial, insegurança e ausência de privacidade. Através de estudo de caso explanatório, análise de peças gráficas projetuais e revisão bibliográfica, busca-se relações entre temáticas sobre a qualidade funcional do espaço e as definições adotadas em projeto padrão de Arquitetura. Para este artigo, foi adotado como objeto de estudo o projeto arquitetônico padrão da Casa da Mulher Brasileira (instituição pública para atendimento centralizado às mulheres em situação de violência). Algumas problemáticas causadas pela desorganização espacial e fluxos cruzados foram identificadas e, com base nos argumentos apresentados, pretende-se provocar a reflexão sobre a importância da valorização do sujeito no momento da definição de programas de necessidades e setorizações projetuais para evitar prejuízos à apropriação do espaço: fator primordial à confiança e transcendência.

The deficiency in the availability of petroleum products has given rise to the incorporation of electric vehicles (EVs) globally as a substitute for the conventional transportation system. Significant research has been pursued over last... more

The deficiency in the availability of petroleum products has given rise to the incorporation of electric vehicles (EVs) globally as a substitute for the conventional transportation system. Significant research has been pursued over last two decades in the development of efficient EV charging methods. A preliminary review of few methods developed for wireless charging revealed that ICPT is a promising and convenient method for the wireless charging of EVs. This paper includes the equivalent circuit analysis and characteristics of the ICPT system and focuses on the research progress in respect of the designs for the charging coil, leakage inductance compensation topologies, power level enhancement and misalignment toleration. The improvement in these factors has been essential for the implementation of EV charging. A brief discussion over design process and control of ICPT system has been added. Conclusions have been made on the basis of the information extracted from the literature a...

The purpose of this study is to challenge the differences between the statement of cash flows based on the Lebanese general accounting plan and the statement of cash flows as per IAS 7. The study is not limited to IAS 7 (IFRS) but... more

The purpose of this study is to challenge the differences between the statement of cash flows based on the Lebanese general accounting plan and the statement of cash flows as per IAS 7.
The study is not limited to IAS 7 (IFRS) but includes ASC 230 (US GAAP) and the French general accounting plan as well. When comparing the statement of cash flows in accordance with ASC 230 and French general accounting plan with the statement of cash flows in accordance with IAS 7 requirements, it is concluded that the differences in classifying cash flows, components of cash and cash equivalents and the format of the statement are insignificant and, eventually, does not affect comparability.
However, the comparability of Lebanese general accounting plan with IAS 7, ASC 230 and the French general accounting plan regarding the statement of cash flows is difficult due to the differences in classification of cash flows, components of cash and cash equivalents and the format of the statement. In addition, the theoretical part is supported by a questionnaire that was addressed to auditors in Lebanon. Hence, it is recommended to replace the current statement of cash flows with the recognized format as per IAS 7.
In addition, upcoming research should focus more on the statement of cash flows in Lebanon so that reporting is in line with international standards.

A documentação dos acervos nos museus é, facilmente o ouvimos nas comunidades museológicas nacional e internacional, uma prioridade no trabalho dos museus. No entanto, apesar do reconhecimento da sua importância, os museus, os seus... more

A documentação dos acervos nos museus é, facilmente o ouvimos nas comunidades museológicas nacional e internacional, uma prioridade no trabalho dos museus. No entanto, apesar do reconhecimento da sua importância, os museus, os seus responsáveis e as tutelas não têm dado a esta tarefa, primordial para a gestão das próprias instituições, a importância que ela merece. Apesar do elevado investimento que se assistiu desde há alguns anos até à presente data, os indicadores recolhidos nos últimos estudos europeus sobre os processos de digitalização do património cultural, são manifestamente baixos. Os factores que contribuem para os números conhecidos atualmente são diversos e têm diferentes justificações, no entanto, tentaremos advogar neste artigo e apresentação a necessidade de colocar a documentação das coleções como uma prioridade absoluta e sugerir alguns instrumentos que poderão auxiliar os museus a conhecer e utilizar melhor o seu maior ativo: as coleções.

U ovom radu predstavit ćemo način implementacije Uredbe Evropskog parlamenta i Vijeća o građevinskim proizvodima broj 305/2011 za opekarske proizvode od gline na nivou firme I-Crni d.o.o Cazin. Uredba definira uvjete za plasman... more

U ovom radu predstavit ćemo način implementacije Uredbe Evropskog parlamenta i Vijeća o građevinskim proizvodima broj 305/2011 za opekarske proizvode od gline na nivou firme I-Crni d.o.o Cazin. Uredba definira uvjete za plasman građevinskih proizvoda na unutrašnje tržište EU, kao i načine i sisteme ocjenjivanja za demonstriranje stalnosti karakteristika građevinskih proizvoda.

Lean Six Sigma Measure Phase Tollgate Templates are a guide to Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Projects. Lean Six Sigma Practitioners use the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,... more

Lean Six Sigma Measure Phase Tollgate Templates are a guide to Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Projects. Lean Six Sigma Practitioners use the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) Phases. The Lean Six Sigma Measure Phase Tollgate Templates include the most common tools used in the Measure Phase. There are Backup Slides that include the tools and templates of Optional or less often tools. There are guidelines in the notes section. These templates are used to document Lean Six Sigma Projects as they are executed. There are checklists and guides to ensure the Measure Phase is completed and approved before moving to the next process improvement phase. I wish you well on your projects. Steven Bonacorsi, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt.

The North Kensington Women’s Welfare Centre (NKWWC) is an oft mentioned and referenced Birth Control Clinic located in inner West London from 1924, which was integral to the development of the National Birth Control and later, the Family... more

The North Kensington Women’s Welfare Centre (NKWWC) is an oft mentioned and referenced Birth Control Clinic located in inner West London from 1924, which was integral to the development of the National Birth Control and later, the Family Planning Association’s momentum and popularity in the mid-twentieth century. The site was key to the push to legitimise contraception through medicine and science, from the 1920s through to the hormonal birth control revolution; using a combination of active, female centric, medical based contraceptive and gynecological services, and, the employment of a scientific researcher to assist in standardising, and legitimising the various methods of birth control recommended and provided by Clinic.
This talk will discuss the standardisation activities that were pioneered and commandeered by the NKWWC Medical Committee from its formation sometime in the early 1930s, to the 1950s. Focusing on Margery Spring Rice and Dr Helena Wright, the two women who organised and managed the facility, and jointly refined the procedures for providing personalised and medically appropriate treatment to all attendees regardless of class, education or finances. The strict medical focus of the clinic was founded early when it was agreed that all patients must be provided a gynecological assessment prior to offering contraceptives; in addition, each patient would be seen by three female staff members at every appointment – a lay worker to collect non-medical data and compile ‘case cards’, a physician, conducting a detailed medical history and prescribing appropriate birth control to accommodate individual needs and preferences, and finally, a nurse to ensure the patient was able to insert and remove devices proficiently.
Concurrently, Cecil B. Voge, contraceptive researcher into spermicidal efficiency and standards for the National Committee for Maternal Health and the Rockefeller Foundation in the United States of America will be discussed. Whilst searching for a British facility to trial his newly developed ‘perfect contraceptive’, Voge became well acquainted with the NKWWC, and was invited to join the medical committee and act as the Clinic’s scientific researcher, a role he undertook with gusto. In this capacity he would ensure effectiveness and safety of contraceptives used at the clinic, and establish product standards the Medical Committee could demand of affiliated manufacturers.

IEEE, IHE, and HL7 have collaborated to develop “medical informatics” standards for over two decades. These organizations are working to assure medical device and electronic medical record systems can reliably exchange data for safe and... more

IEEE, IHE, and HL7 have collaborated to develop
“medical informatics” standards for over two decades. These
organizations are working to assure medical device and
electronic medical record systems can reliably exchange data for
safe and secure acute-care and personal health applications. This
paper presents advancement in the field of Interoperable
Biomedical Technologies to save lives, reduce errors, and
improve the quality and cost of healthcare around the globe.

This article is a response to the questions, "What is the purpose/mission of this association? What are some of the publications put out by this association?" and describes the minimum acceptable standards for psychological services for... more

This article is a response to the questions, "What is the purpose/mission of this association? What are some of the publications put out by this association?" and describes the minimum acceptable standards for psychological services for offenders in the correctional system.

Synthetic biology is a diverse jungle of techno-epistemic approaches arising from a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. However, the field is also seeking to promote a unique identity along a disciplinary framework, and its... more

Synthetic biology is a diverse jungle of techno-epistemic approaches arising from a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. However, the field is also seeking to promote a unique identity along a disciplinary framework, and its supporters seem quite uncomfortable with the coexistence of multiple definitions, approaches, and aspirations of synthetic biology. They generate unfortunate divisions that may impede the advancement of synthetic biology and deteriorate its public image. This chapter addresses this paradox of a multidisciplinary field obsessed with the question of its unity. I lean on a close reading of a Special Issue of the journal Nature entitled “Beyond divisions: Building the future of synthetic biology” (May 2014) and contrast it with the results of a workshop with synthetic biologists entitled “Worldviews and Values in Synthetic Biology” held in Paris in June 2014. I also use the first issue of Nature Nanotechnology (2006) as an instructive counterpoint. I argue that far to be driven by traditional disciplinary norms and ethos, the calls to unify synthetic biology pertain to funding, industrialization and market imperatives. Above all, I show how they are based on and perpetuate the view of the public as a threat. I conclude with a plea to value and publicly expose the epistemic as well as cultural diversity of synthetic biology.

Pour tenter d'atteindre les 2e et 3e niveaux d'intégration du (ou des) MaaS, la standardisation d'interfaces (transactionnelles, comptes utilisateurs...) est la prochaine étape après la standardisation de données. Pour comprendre ce qui... more

Pour tenter d'atteindre les 2e et 3e niveaux d'intégration du (ou des) MaaS, la standardisation d'interfaces (transactionnelles, comptes utilisateurs...) est la prochaine étape après la standardisation de données. Pour comprendre ce qui fait qu'un processus de standardisation fonctionne et se rend utile à ses utilisateurs, la Fabrique des Mobilités a mené un benchmark des initiatives de standardisation d'interfaces existantes dans le monde. Nous avons sélectionné 7 démarches de standardisation de données, d'interfaces et connexes, parmi les abouties (adoption significative, reconnaissance par l'écosystème, démarche soignée) : TOMP-API, MDS, OTI, CDS-M, GTFS, NeTEx, et Calypso. Le focus est sur la dimension organisationnelle des projets (et non technico-fonctionnelle), comme la gouvernance, l'organisation, le modèle économique, la propriété intellectuelle, et l'animation de communauté, pour comprendre comment concrètement les démarches parviennent à survivre et se développer. Des critères de succès et des facteurs clés de succès sont dégagés. La standardisation ouverte émerge comme une méthode pertinente pour viser ce type de succès.

Globalization frequently attracts negative connotations in terms of legality and democracy. However, the current process of globalization also carries positive developments in terms of good governance and public participation,... more

Globalization frequently attracts negative connotations in terms of legality and democracy. However, the current process of globalization also carries positive developments in terms of good governance and public participation, particularly regarding public policies for heritage. Natural and cultural heritage law has been developed by different networks during the previous decades: the natural – environmental – law was significantly renewed by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio, 1992), which reinforced participation and provoked the affirmation of an environmental democracy. Some of the improvements associated with the environment and to the globalization process have also reached the sphere of heritage law despite the fact that the international legal framework has remained the same since the adoption of the 1972 convention on the world Heritage. This paper shows that the development of soft law and investment guidelines has improved the protection of cultural heritage.

In his preface to the 1867 German edition of Das Kapital, Karl Marx famously warned that things like value, capital, profit, rent, and tax cannot be discovered with the aid of a microscope and chemical analysis, hinting to the distinct... more

In his preface to the 1867 German edition of Das Kapital, Karl Marx famously warned that things like value, capital, profit, rent, and tax cannot be discovered with the aid of a microscope and chemical analysis, hinting to the distinct socionatural logics that underpin the production of different kinds of knowledges and conceptual abstractions. This chapter’s sociolegal ethnography of the collective ecopolitical imaginations born out of commoditized interrelations in the Atacama Desert in Chile aims to carve out the social forces behind the “cultural” abstractions and legal mechanisms that “make sense” of water justice within the narrow biopolitical limits set by the Atacama Desert’s extreme “natural” conditions. This desert is an ideal social laboratory of sorts. Here, the macro and micro effects of mega-extractive operations collide visibly with indigenous peoples’ lives in the messy legal claims to labor, land, and water required by the mining operations. Water is the ideal prism through which to observe the (re)productive forces behind the nature/culture fetish in terms of justice. Indeed, whether as God and the Devil; age, gender, race, and class; space, place, and landscape perspectives; knowledge and conservation; population, territory, and resource extraction, use, and exchange values; or as biopolitics, “water justice”—information, access, quality, sanitation, reuse, sustainability—refers to problems that lend relevance to recent political ecology debates on the place of law in society. These debates address the multiplicity of socio-natural worlds (relational vs. dualist ontologies, networked vs. structural forms of analysis, radical particularity vs. extended jurisprudence) and a posthuman renewal of the question of what constitutes “life”— whether as pure immanence in Deleuzian terms or as the—Foucauldian object/function of “law” as a transcendent kind of “governmentality”.

The study examines the problems faced by businesses when innovating and then commercializing their innovation. It is particularly focused on the role of standards, regulations and intellectual property rights in the commercialization of... more

The study examines the problems faced by businesses when innovating and then commercializing their innovation. It is particularly focused on the role of standards, regulations and intellectual property rights in the commercialization of innovative products and services. The analysis has been conducted based on data from the Flash Eurobarometer 394 survey. We analyse the factors affecting the likelihood of a company having problems with the cost or complexity of standards, lack of standards or problems related to intellectual property rights. The actual effects of each potential problem on the commercialization of innovative products are examined using logit and ordered logit regressions. On the one hand, costly or complex standards seem to be a deterrent to the commercialisation of innovation. This is especially evident in Portugal, Italy, Poland and France. On the other hand, a lack of standards may harm the commercial success of innovation measured by the share of turnover due to innovation. Financial or non-financial government or administrative support may be an effective way to promote the commercialisation of innovation in the case of intellectual property rights. This problem is particularly significant in the fields of information and communication, manufacturing, real estate, as well as in science and technology companies.

Omniprésente mais constituant un phénomène qui échappe souvent à notre perception, la standardisation a pour objet la production de normes de référence destinées aux biens, produits, services et processus. Portant en apparence sur des... more

Omniprésente mais constituant un phénomène qui échappe souvent à notre perception, la standardisation a pour objet la production de normes de référence destinées aux biens, produits, services et processus. Portant en apparence sur des matières techniques et s’enrobant d’une volonté de neutralité politique, la standardisation couvre toutefois des pans de plus en plus larges des activités humaines. Son influence est d’autant plus significative lorsqu’elle devient internationale, compte tenu de l’espace de production des standards ou de leur portée. Les problèmes juridiques qu’elle soulève sont d’autant plus complexes et nombreux lorsqu’elle est élaborée par des instances composées de personnes privées, que ce soit parce que l’État, impuissant face aux forces du marché, préfère se reposer sur des acteurs privés ou que ces derniers comblent le vide laissé par les autorités publiques. En ce sens, au-delà des problèmes de légitimité démocratique qu’elle soulève, la standardisation internationale privée constitue un processus d’influence économique qui nous invite à repenser les rapports entre l’État, le droit et le marché, tout autant qu’elle permet au juriste d’explorer de nouvelles formes de normativité.

Those are 4 volumes of the Hanada Taha Arabic Language Arts standards 2017 edition. The 4 books contain K-12 ALA standards, performance indicators, sight words, rubrics, glossary of new jargon used including terms like: academic... more

Those are 4 volumes of the Hanada Taha Arabic Language Arts standards 2017 edition. The 4 books contain K-12 ALA standards, performance indicators, sight words, rubrics, glossary of new jargon used including terms like: academic vocabulary, fertile questions, close reading, etc. Published by Educational Book House.

لقد أصبح المحتوى الرقمي أحد أهم عناصر العمل لدى المؤسسات في عصر الاقتصاد المعرفي، كما أصبح نجاح المؤسسات مرتبط بقدرتها على بناء ونشر محتواها الرقمي لخدمة ودعم عملياتها، لقياس مدى مساهمة محتواها الرقمي في الوصول إلى أهدافها الرئيسية، في... more

لقد أصبح المحتوى الرقمي أحد أهم عناصر العمل لدى المؤسسات في عصر الاقتصاد المعرفي، كما أصبح نجاح المؤسسات مرتبط بقدرتها على بناء ونشر محتواها الرقمي لخدمة ودعم عملياتها، لقياس مدى مساهمة محتواها الرقمي في الوصول إلى أهدافها الرئيسية، في الوقت الذي ازداد فيه انتشار الإنترنت في العالم العربي إلى حدّ كبير، وجد انه هناك فجوة كبيرة ملحوظة من حيث نوعية وكمية المحتوى العربي الرقمي الحاليّ ،وأدركت البلدان العربية أهمية أن تتجه إلى تطوير قدراتها وتجميع جهودها في مجال صناعة المحتوى الرقمي وذلك من خلال وضع مبادرات وتجارب خاصة بصناعة ونشر المحتوى الرقمي العربي، ومن هذا المنطلق تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى استعراض اهم التحديات التي تواجهه المحتوى الرقمي العربي على الانترنت وعرض المبادرات العربية لصناعة ونشر المحتوى الرقمي العربي ومقارنتها بالمبادرات الدولية ، بهدف تقديم تصور مقترح لمعايير تساهم حل المشكلات التي تكون عقبة أمام تطوير المبادرات العربية الخاصة بصناعة ونشر المحتوى الرقمي العربي .
Digital content has become one of the most important elements of the work of institutions in the era of knowledge economy and the success of institutions linked to the ability to build and deploy a digital content service and support processes, to gauge the contribution of digital content access to key objectives, while the increased proliferation of the Internet in the Arab world to a large extent, it was found that there is a big gap from where the quality and quantity of digital Arabic content, I realized the importance of Arabic countries to develop their capacities and pooling their efforts in the area of content industry Through digital initiatives and industry experiences and dissemination of digital Arabic content, from this standpoint, this study seeks to review the most important challenges facing Arab digital content online and display initiatives and industry published Arabic digital Arabic content and its comparison with international initiatives, with a view to submitting a proposal for visualization standards contribute to solving problems that are an obstacle to the development of initiatives and industry Arabic publishing digital content

In industries characterized by network externalities, the self-reinforcing effects of installed base and the availability of complementary goods can lead to a single (or few) firm(s) controlling nearly all of the market share in a product... more

In industries characterized by network externalities, the self-reinforcing effects of installed base and the availability of complementary goods can lead to a single (or few) firm(s) controlling nearly all of the market share in a product category. A new entrant may attempt to displace the incumbent standard by introducing a radically improved technology, "leapfrogging" the current generation, however it is argued here that a technological advantage alone is often not enough. To lure customers away from the existing standard, the new technology must somehow yield more value than the combination of value yielded by the incumbent technology’s functionality, installed base, and complementary goods. This paper develops a multidimensional framework of technology value components. This framework is then applied to data from case studies of three generations of competition in the U.S. video game industry to yield insight into what strategies a potential entrant can use to build actual, perceived, and expected sources of value to successfully leapfrog the incumbent, and what strategies an incumbent may use to defend its position.

In Brazil, structural masonry is widely used in the construction of tall buildings. As the country does not have its own standard for masonry in a fire situation, the Fire Department recommends that the design of masonry structures in a... more

In Brazil, structural masonry is widely used in the construction of tall buildings. As the country does not have its own standard for masonry in a fire situation, the Fire Department recommends that the design of masonry structures in a fire situation be carried out in accordance with the instructions of Eurocode or similar international standard. This article critically analyses the adoption of design procedures in use in the USA, Australia and Europe for a typical Brazilian masonry structure, verifying the applicability of these codes and taking into account the differences in aggregates used in blocks and finishes, aiming to support discussions on Brazilian standardisation, in addition to comparing the different ways of approaching each standard. The results showed that it is possible to use international codes, but their use will not always portray the real situation, requiring the sector and the technical-scientific community urgently unite to address this issue.

El comercio justo es un mercado alternativo internacional en rápido crecimiento que busca promover una mayor justicia social para los pequeños productores y ofrecer mejores precios para sus productos. Este estudio de los productores de... more

El comercio justo es un mercado alternativo internacional en rápido crecimiento que busca promover una mayor justicia social para los pequeños productores y ofrecer mejores precios para sus productos. Este estudio de los productores de café en México es el primero en analizar detalladamente los beneficios sociales, económicos y medioambientales del comercio justo. Basado en un extensa investigación etnográfica en comunidades indígenas Zapotecas de la Sierra Juárez de Oaxaca, Cosechando Justicia explora vívidamente la vida de los socios de la cooperativa Michiza, cuyo café orgánico es vendido en el mercado internacional de comercio justo, comparándola con la de los productores de café convencional en la misma región. El libro introduce a los lectores en la cotidianidad de los hogares productores de café en esta región, y ofrece un análisis detallado de los impactos y los límites del comercio justo en la vida diaria de los campesinos y sus comunidades. Cosechando Justicia presenta un retrato claro y conciso de las dinámicas del mercado de comercio justo y sus relaciones con la economía global. Este estudio también explora los intrincados aspectos políticos del movimiento, particularmente las contradicciones y los retos que han surgido como resultado del incremento en la participación de empresas transnacionales bajo el símbolo de comercio justo. El libro concluye con recomendaciones enfocadas en fortalecer y proteger la integridad del comercio justo.

I analyze the salient features of networks and point out the similarities between the economic structure of networks and the structure of vertically related industries. The analysis focuses on positive consumption and production... more

I analyze the salient features of networks and point out the similarities between the economic structure of networks and the structure of vertically related industries. The analysis focuses on positive consumption and production externalities, commonly called network externalities. I discuss their sources and their effects on pricing and market structure. I distinguish between results that do not depend on the underlying industry microstructure (the 'macro' approach) and those that do (the 'micro' approach). I analyze the issues of compatibility, coordination to technical standards, interconnection and interoperability, and their effects on pricing and quality of services and on the value of network links in various ownership structures. I also briefly discuss the issue of interconnection fees for bottleneck facilities.

As pesquisas sobre projetos arquitetônicos para Estabelecimentos Médico-Veterinários são escassas na literatura em português. A falta de informação acessível, padronizada e gráfica, que oriente os médicos veterinários e os profissionais... more

As pesquisas sobre projetos arquitetônicos para Estabelecimentos
Médico-Veterinários são escassas na literatura
em português. A falta de informação acessível, padronizada
e gráfica, que oriente os médicos veterinários e os
profissionais de arquitetura e engenharia que atuam na
área, dificulta a elaboração e execução de projetos mais
adequados para esses espaços. É possível perceber que,
além das resoluções elaboradas pelo Conselho Federal
de Medicina Veterinária, não há um documento nacional
padrão que aborde, de maneira detalhada, as diversas
variáveis relacionadas aos espaços de funcionamento
dos diferentes tipos de estabelecimentos veterinários.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar, de
maneira resumida, uma discussão atualizada sobre a legislação
e recomendações de boas práticas referentes
aos ambientes de atendimento clínico veterinário. Para
tanto, se utiliza dos princípios de programação arquitetônica
aplicada para projetos de estabelecimentos de
saúde. Essa metodologia possibilitou a geração de imagens
que consolidam propostas para alguns ambientes
veterinários descritos pela norma, que foram elaboradas
a partir do pré-dimensionamento e estudo das relações
funcionais entre as atividades desenvolvidas em cada
espaço. Como resultado, tem-se um texto introdutório
que pretende iniciar a discussão sobre os parâmetros
arquitetônicos ideais para esses espaços e consolidar as
recomendações mais adequadas ao projeto das estruturas
físicas voltadas para o atendimento da saúde animal.

Technical standards and Standard Essential Patents are increasingly relevant objects of competition between states in the broader context of China's rising economic and technological power and influence. Competition over economic rents... more

Technical standards and Standard Essential Patents are increasingly relevant objects of competition between states in the broader context of China's rising economic and technological power and influence. Competition over economic rents and in terms of political values may become mutually reinforcing, leading to a bifurcation between Western approaches that offer a balance between individual, corporate, and state interests, and a Chinese approach that prioritises state control.